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this is not how I expected the McLaren build to go or this video to go I've had to take it to mcaren because it's got a serious issue which we cannot fix let me explain what's happened so you all know I bought this McLaren crash damage from Amsterdam but due to the damage on the carbon I had to retub the full car which meant effectively building it from scratch this is how they do it at the factory the build was going so well but after I fitted the wheels and took it on its first drive oh my God disaster struck oh oh oh engine engine very bad but this wasn't the issue that we took it to McLaren for now at the minute the engine does run and drive we've only got one fault code on the dash which is an airbag fault but as soon as you take it over around 2,000 RPM there's a whole lot of smoke and we need to solve that issue before something bad really happens but I think we know what that problem is since we've done all the work to the McLaren I've not been able to check the oil level this engine doesn't have a dip stick you have to check the oil electronically which we've not been able to do because the suspension warning light stops you from scrolling through the dashboard since then we fixed the suspension light but to check the oil in this car it is so strange so I've never known it to be like this why they don't just do a dipstick I don't know the car has to be running then you have to scroll through the dashboard to oil after that you've got to reply the throttle my foot's flat on the throttle it's going to hold it at 2,000 RPM for 120 seconds with potentially too much oil in it but before that the engine's got to get to 90° Centigrade then it will start counting down from 120 seconds 18 seconds remaining 15 seconds are remaining come on there we go all all of that all of that to say it's overfilled is that a problem I don't know but it's G us something to to do at least if an engine is overfilled with oil the oil will naturally find its way out somewhere sometimes over pressurizing and finding its way into the combustion chamber causing a lot of smoke the intake which is not supposed to have oil in it is leaking oil now it could be the turbo oil seals but bearing in mind the dashboard says that the oil is overfilled I'm going to drain some out of the engine and then go measure it all again and hopefully it is just overfilled we've took out a random amount of oil so we assume now that when we start the car if it's too low it will tell us straight the way rather than sitting at the 2,000 RPM for 2 minutes on low oil but we'll find out and we still don't even know whe this is going to solve the smoking issue okay it looks like we're going to have to do the same procedure again to measure it it doesn't there's no warning like saying it's too low so we'll wait for it to [Music] warm oh is it over too low oh too low so you do all that all that and then it says too low Why didn't it just tell me when I started the car so now we've got to add more oil to the engine and if you look at the diagram on the screen it looks like we've got it out a fair bit and we didn't even take out that much let's get this in but then I think we figured something out this engine has a dry sump as opposed to a wet sump engine and on a wet sump engine all of the oil is stored at the bottom of it it's pulled out with an oil strainer through the oil pump through the oil filter and then around the engine whereas on the dry Sun engine all of the oil is stored in a separate tank which is pulled out for an oil strainer through a pump through the oil filter and then around the engine and only a small amount of oil is left at the bottom of the engine which is pulled out with a scavenge pump and sent to the separate oil tank now on the mercel Lago engine which is also a dry sump engine you can actually fill the oil in two places one in the actual engine here and two in the actual oil tank right back there whereas in the McLaren you can only fill it through the engine so is it a possibility that we filled the whole oil capacity into the engine not overfilling it but almost drowning the engine in oil H I think we were supposed to add oil let it run round the engine for a bit and then top it up again afterwards hey in the middle exactly in the middle whether that sols the smoking issue I don't know I guess we're going to have to find out and there's one place I can think of where we can find out whether it's still smoking now a lot of you have been asking how much has the total bill cost so far enter the school of finances the McLaren £60,000 tub £5,000 Parts there were a lot of parts and I think we did well on the ones that we bought total build cost so far of 9,15 and 35p and if my research is correct that makes it the cheapest McLaren 720s in the whole country but now it's time for the dyno let's hope it holds out so plan is because we can't take it out on the road just yet it's not registered in the UK we do a dyo run this time put it all through the gears on the dyno if we get the all clear we're going to tune it but this turned out to be a big ask for the McLaren because yet again we had problems well in true McLaren fashion the car has well and truly died to run on the dyno one we had to take the diffuser off so it could be strapped down and then two it needs to be plugged in so it can go in Dyno mode so the car knows it it's on the dyno and as we did that I think the car turned off Midway through and now when you try to start it well let me show you what happens it was completely dead we had battery charg we even had a charger on it but NOP nothing happened when we tried to start it it is fully dead and we've been on this for hours now so our only option is to take this to McLaren maybe this was self-inflicted maybe I should have just left it as it was not only did it not turn on the Windows didn't go up anymore the handbrake didn't work but the ignition would come on it's like all the electrics in the car had fully decided to give up we actually plann to take it to McLaren in this video but not for this reason well we made it to McLaren not the way we thought we were going to make it we're at McLaren bming and the Tech's already in the car because it's a bit of a do you know any any uh issues whil you're there you see yeah it may be immobilized cuz that is pulsing so we might be okay it might be a mobilizer issue oh okay okay a mobilizer for some unnown reason if it's a mobilizer what would that would would that just need like re it's resyncing the security body control the gearbox control unit and the engine control unit and is that an easy job uh it's um it takes about 15 minutes if it goes through smoothly but sometimes you just have to do it over and over again if they've got confused right yeah okay fingers crosses that we'll see not how I expected the day to go but we're definitely in the right place to solve it I'm just worried that this is going to get very expensive so today we've got Simon on the channel now mcaren Tech has been for how many years uh 13 years 13 years so we've got the right guy on the job first thing Simon's going to do is get a battery charger on the car seeing that most of the faults are all electrical we want to make sure the battery is fully charged to eliminate that the battery is theault then he's going to get the McLaren scanner tool on it to see if there's any issues so is a mobilizer code on ECM and it is reading which is good so it's away it's talking okay but it's just confused and the code we were getting was a fault with the immobilizer it's three ecus isn't there engine engine ECU body ECU and transmission ECU correct almost almost yeah engine ECU um security body controller and the gear box e they need to all talk to each other and I think what's happened is they've stopped talking to each other so we need them to speak the same language again and we get it going hopefully we can do that hopefully so what I've learned is has three control units engine control unit which is in charge of all the electrics on the engine transmission control unit which is in charge of all the electrics on the transmission and the security body controller which is in charge of all the body electrics and the immobilizer all of them talk to each other but the problem is mine aren't so the windows don't work either but apparently the door module is out of date why's the door got a module I know why is it out of date so Simon had to update the door module and then test it out does it work and it worked who would have known what software version is that uh platform 4.9 4.9 yeah can't wait for version five the seats weren't working so he had to update the module in the seats as well and then he moved over to reset in the whole immobilizer control unit system or whatever it is now the car's got as sleep before we go again how long does it take to sleep it's just 2 minutes sleep so just for the E to reset okay fingers crossed it will stop yeah here we go new issue the parking brake or the handbrake is decided that it doesn't want to work anymore and because it's not working the car won't lock because when you try to un lock it it beeps the horn to tell you you've not put the parking brake on and without us being able to lock it the car won't fall asleep and reset itself so we've got to get the parking brake working before anything else try it it just wouldn't work another electrical fault you've got the regular brake caliper and then the hand brake caliper the regular brake caliper is hydraulically controlled with your foot good the handbrake caliper is electronically controlled bad we can't you can't just do mechanical stuff to it which is the main problem with most of these things nowadays but with a bit of McLaren computer trickery yes that it's working Salon got it working yes now we could lock the car and leave it to full as sleep and once that had happened we can try and start it apparently it's ready I hope it starts should I just go for it straight the way or do I put it okay here we go come on please [Music] it wasn't looking promising he should should have up by Nowa we still got an immobilizer F yeah immobilizer failure go again do it again yeah oh my God they can be they can be a nightmare when they get like this so you just have to go again but we next what we have to do is next level is do all three in a specific sequence so rather than just do the ECM which had the fault yeah yeah go again is it like 300 an hour so it didn't work this time Simon was going to do the whole procedure again but in a different order resetting and updating all of the control units which took a lot of time we've just heard something now we can show every everyone look big moment First Time come on it smashed it it was a it was a long process but it works with no airbag no airbag light anymore though no airbag light I thought that airbag fult was going to be because of the little sensor in the door so I bought one ready when he told us it's a sensor it apparently not it's come off now now all it needed was some electronical stuff what a relief it actually runs and drives now so we can get on with some jobs that I was originally going to take it to McLaren for a four-wheel alignment the car's loaded up with weights to simulate a driver and a passenger and then on goes the laser alignment machine we're trying to get the alignment all in the green and we're not far off yeah you got you got a bit of a reer going on there so it's up in the air for some adjustments we need to get this perfect because later we'll be going on track more of that later because Simon's run into another issue how the uh camera adjustment works on the mataran is you have this eccentric top hat which you can move to different positions so preset to adjust your camera now there should be a grub screw that locks this in place there is but there's only the remains of a grub screw yeah so because we haven't got a head to be to wind that screw out we're going to have to press the whole Top Hat up to then try and remove what there is of the grub screw so we can then put the top hat in and adjust it and even more work on your hands good luck we don't know what the other sides like either so we're hoping it's not the same but we'll see so a straightforward job turned into another couple of hours worth of work but soon enough Simon got it fitted and the wheels were aligned fun job that was a was bit challenging at times are we all green we are all Green Oh Perfect all green amazing now to register the McLaren in the country it will need to go for an inspection so the car needs to be Immaculate so we thought whil was at McLaren why don't the guys here give it a pre-inspection we know we got the all clear on the no Faults which is the main thing but now how good is this to a McLaren tech let's have a around it the initial impression of the car is actually really good I me I've been following your videos anyway so start good start the alignment on the wings looks pretty looks really good actually to be fair you've got a little bit of the seal missing out of there ah yes me and Simon walked around the car and picked out a few little things like the panel gaps which actually weren't too bad and a lot of the stuff can be adjusted with shims and washers as they usually do at McLaren but all of this stuff wouldn't matter on the inspection so we moved on to the stuff that would matter that's a dust cover for your suspension lift right obviously it should be up over here oh okay it's it probably shows up more at the moment because we lifted the suspension before putting the WRA BL under just need to get it up it'll be easy to do when you got it out of lift pull it up and over um cable Tire around there just to keep it secure on the top oh it just have stop any dirt getting into that strap and at the front it was looking good it was just little things like dust covers and some electrical wiring which just needed to be clipped into into place and on the other side it was pretty much perfect bearing in mind we stripped apart this whole car then we moved on to the back which again looked all good Salon checked everything which he could check before we went underneath the car one thing I did notice when we were looking through the diffuser area just on this lip on here is the cross member so structurally it just helped stiffen up that rear subframe so it's a reasonbly important part of the car I mean obviously it's it hasn't lost any thickness but it has taken a bit of a a whack so at some point in the future you might want to replace that so so what your heat shields which is good hold you heat shields You' be amazed at the amount of times I've seen those missing there is one thing which is missing that really needs to be there um we might have to pop the arch line off to find it from your fuel bolt OB see if you spill any any fuel into your fuel Bol you've got a little drain for that to get out oh that the clear one yeah the clear pipe yeah what have I done with that it'll clip onto your support bracket for the rad and it should come out through this hole here oh okay right so it's going to be behind there somewhere isn't it again the issue there is if you spill fuel filling up the fuel's going to be going into here potentially near where your hot turbo and everything is oh so it needs to be coming out there that's that's a makes sense that's where it should come out okay another thing another thing you Salon actually ended up rooting this part for us because he couldn't bear to see it leave knowing that it was going to go on track tomorrow was something that potentially could cause a fire and that is a full check on a grade of 1 to 10 10 being a showroom conditioned car not a single thing wrong with it and one being it's com it's gone straight to copar and it is absolutely ruin where does this sit on that scale uh I would say an eight oh that's good I would have I'd have potentially gone up to cuz OB there little things but they they're all little things i' i' would have probably gone to nine if it hadn't been for the the fuel oh so good I think that's our best score that is our best score yeah that is good and I'm I'm buzzing with that no thank thank you so much for that and thanks for solving the problem as well youve been really good today and we couldn't have taken anywhere else so thanks so much for that good score as well I didn't pay him to say that but we are going to have a bill afterwards but that's good for the McLaren onto the track the RAC track the track what Good Sports McLaren were and Bar in mind they'd been on the car all day I don't think the prize was actually too bad and they did help us out as much as they can but for now we're on track and it's time to test the 720s out properly for the first time what Hannah's got in her hand right now really is the new M sh W food which is a perfect meal replacement especially when we're on track it's not a protein shake yeah it's not a diet drink it's not a diet drink it simply replaces just one meal throughout the day there's 26 vitamins and minerals in it it's high in fiber high in protein lactose free glutenfree and there's no added sugar you can drink it whilst we're going sideways here we go no no have you actually the mat arong bottle is limited edition it is banana flavor happy banana my favorite flavor hold on and you can grab the special Matt Armstrong bottle limited edition now with the link in the description box below and with this Banner underneath me right now you get a discount on it as well go grab it I think we need to clean Hannah [Music] up the McLaren is driving amazing but there's one reason why we've come here Redemption for the GT3 can the McLaren 720s now beat the Lamborghini Huracan perect Monte we need Redemption last time we were here we brought the GT3 which had less power but it was slightly lighter but we still managed to lose but this time we' brought something faster the McLaren 720s with 710 horsepower and the hurricane has 631 horsepower not only that we're also lighter the only thing the hur's four-wheel drive and we're rear wheel drive let's see how this one unfolds it's a bit Dr today mate it is a little bit derer today but then you think that would favor giving us a little bit more grip but I'm one up from last time so uh you know bit confident oh shut up Ben don't ruin my video okay it's just me and the mcaren come on Ma first off the sound test not great to be honest that's better so it's going to be one full lap of teaside standing St with me in the McLaren going first 3 2 1 go start great start from the McLaren I'm going to try and not lift off around here oh we got a bit sideways just looks so fast so squirly under Brak in this car but I absolutely love it you have to actually drive it oh my God hit the Apex and squirly on the brakes on those Ceramics we're so much faster than the P all I can say is I had a McLaren it felt a bit so I absolutely love this car steady on the with Lighting on the back on the bres coming into that on the technical section the McLaren was a proper rocket flying through the lap keep it neat keep it neat pulling the pulling the back in around here we go we've smoked to finish wow wow wow wow wow wow even if we lose I'm absolutely I'm buzzing with that I'm buzzing if we're not beating Ben's time we got to beat the Po's time at least there the Porsche felt like I was slow motion this felt like I was so busy Ben it's up to you it's time to see what the Lamborghini hurricane can do 3 2 1 go Ben was absolutely flying and the hurcan looks so stable it does get off the pure look of concentration on Ben's face shows he were really going for on this one he did not want to lose does look good oh and now onto the last couple of Corners before crossing the line it wasn't slow it wasn't slow now I'm nervous I couldn't have given it more on that laugh if I'd have Tri so the times are in Hannah I'll let Hannah say Max time first what was Max Time 1 minute 7 seconds. 56 way faster than the Huracan before do you think it's faster than the hurcan this time around though it's got to be it's got to be wait what was the GT3 what's your thoughts on that time 1 minute 7 I think my fastest lap last time was 11 a 111 ooh but I think I did go quick on that LA but not 4 seconds I think there a 2C difference I can confirm the faster car out the Tom is the Huracan 1 minute 4 seconds yeah you're rubbish I think go again you're joking you are joking way so you shave 6 seconds off your time oh my God so I guess that's it maybe we just can't beat the hurricane and perhaps it is the better super car around this track but I had one last thing on my sleeve some say drinks milk directly from the cow's order and some say he's that fast he got a speeding ticket leading leaving the womb maybe we've got the stick we have Ben Collins formerly known as The Stig on Top Gear if there's someone that can beat the Hurrican time it's Ben you'll be driving my mcaren not that thank God and I really hope that you can improve this time that I've done I don't know you're pretty fast I don't know it looks stunning I love the wheels oh it look it looks absolutely crazy it drives nuts yeah but I'm a little bit slower than I should be this is it now now it's showtime can the Stig beat the hurricane that's a fast start come on STI Ben was really going for it and he looked a lot smoother than I was but will it be enough he's fing onto the final hair pin back onto the street and across the line no no you can't see yet you can't see everyone else you got to see like everyone else weapon is in it every gear have you you tuned the Boost no it's suck it's completely stuck it cannot be it's time for the Times time is 1 minute 5 Seconds 6 so this Stig beat my time but still couldn't beat the hurricane time how is this happening maybe one more go please can you do another one yeah but this time be B I'll I'll use third gear this time all right the back skipped out this time the Stig wasn't messing around but maybe we pushed him a little too much yes what was that that was a lot of that was a lot of that was a big moment down there I think he's off rapid response team I can't hear an engine I can't hear an engine no I can hear it he's off I can't hear he's off no he's off oh he's there he's there that was very bad very very bad and if it wasn't for that cheeky little camera my arm would never have known that I spun his beloved McLaren into the gravel oh sticky no oh God yeah look there he went in the [Music] gravel what happened I spun what happened I spun that's a face that's a face what happened well I spawn on the brakes oh my God you're smiling but I'm really I'm really sorry guys I tried but Ben you are the faster person and the faster car you have one day we'll beat him thanks so much for watching this video If you enjoyed it hit the Subscribe button hit the thumbs up button and I'll see you in the next video peace out this is me after after it doesn't start hold on and there's [Music] me just can't deny
Channel: Mat Armstrong
Views: 3,698,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matt armstrong, mat armstrong, car rebuild, crashed mclaren, rebuilding a wrecked mclaren 720s, copart rebuild, mclaren 720s, rebuilding a wrecked mclaren, how to fix a wrecked car, rebuilding a wrecked 2018 mclaren 720s, salvage mclaren, supercar fails, stig, top gear, the stig, mclaren, modified, break down
Id: MtzWGnQdzQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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