Squarebody Durability Test #1

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welcome our Square bodies as durable as Chevy says they are stop today we find out it's not done filling up yet just okay we're going to be doing a variety of insane Towing tests to see the payload and hauling capacity for this thing can it pull the TX let's watch our 3/4 ton Chevy shyen is actually pulling 187 tons if you want toughness in a pickup choose the one that's tough enough to move a 747 so to start out really small we're going to be pulling this 100,000 lb fully loaded C130 Cargo Plane full of solid lead coming too high and we're not going to go in the low range this is Delta 91 D SP speaking please tempure BR cross Che all right I can feel the weight moving it's moving it I smell I smell clut it doesn't like it but it's doing it excent that's really really really cool wow that was really good that's crazy Cody you're supposed to end up in front of the barnw what the hell you hit the bar before we get started with this whole series I just want to show everybody the condition of this truck this is the absolute nicest square body that exists on planet Earth well it was before you may be wondering if the reason has anything to do with all the sensitive Square Body Owners threatening to kill me and my family last time I did a square body video and the answer is they did this to themselves for all you new kiddos some vehicles used to have keys and when you turn it the car would start maybe if you took off your octopus headset for 5 seconds you would actually have knowledge so how do you drive oh my God this truck is said by Chevy to be able to pull 500,000 lb from the factory just to start off safe we're only going to be pulling 200,000 lb this is what the truck is made for no so oh it's not even on guide me back I can't when you go 30 forward oh my no this look this part needs to go on that I know it does so guide me back then slowly that's not slow you're on is she good to go he says it's good no he said 1 second I know for a fact it's going to pull it okay oh it's already oh my God I told you what it's already moving it holy cow it's already moving it wow I told you we're pulling qu million PBS right now uphill it's going it's definitely doing it it's moving oh my gosh we're just going to go to town with it we're ring already okay that's actually crazy what the heck oh my gosh dude dude when did you learn how to drive like this we're going to jack knife oh yeah okay okay look she's so pissed I'm going to La bro what do you mean you're going to La oh no we're going to block the ramp how is it pulling up the gravel earlier I don't know would you give this a pass or a fail I don't know we got this I'm going to go probably to like West Virginia mountain m Cody is blind and autistic smells hot what's your engine temp dude like a trillion that's not good I Shi again it no oh my gosh that's good oh the sheriff he doesn't even care do you give it a pass through a fail now I give it a pass that's a pass easily I feel like that's a third of what we could do let's hook up uh three more trailers that was definitely too easy that's like the lightest load that we possibly want to haul now we're going to do exactly what the Chevy manual said the truck was rided for and that is Towing 400,000 no it's not so we're going to be pulling almost half a million pound today the guys here in ashfork Arizona at Murphy's diesel helped us put all this together these guys do heavy recovery all up and down I40 we're going to be pulling this grater this payloader too and then just to be safe we're also going to pull this 100,000 lb KATU bulldozer just in case that's not enough we're also going to pull this giant excavator and then four halves of semis plus four low boys all of that along with ass we're going to be merging onto the highway and then I'm going to pull this Through Time Square I have permits Co you just print off as soon as they let off the brakes it's going to start probably pulling me back or low all the way let me know when the brakes are off they're off good they're off the brakes are off here we go let's not toast the clutch I don't know how to there's no good way to do this without the clutch this completely all right there tension oh doing a burnout need more weight we need more weight yeah between this one and that one there's going to be 8,000 more lbs in the bed but we're also moving that weight too so it's we'll find out yeah all right yeah keep on going and that'll be about 1/10th of what we're going to be putting in there let's try this again we got a little more weight I'm just going to mash the throttle there goes our drive shaft Cody we got it we got it we got it it's moving we got it we got it we got it 400,000 lb oh we that's a oh you lost M gear put in first I lost a lot more than that no what did we break oh no the the drive shaft is on the ground is it I broke something up here too though look at the oil oh the battery fell yeah it's a steering I was just turning the wheel while we're doing all that you can see my exhaust pipe is dragging there this is not the exhaust what's that that's your drive shaft what's that for Powers the back axle oh so the exhaust fell down oh my what's that I think it's just the exhaust dragging did we hit somebody H it's just it makes noises that's not supposed to be there being a man is about being able to support yourself knowing how to do a job and doing it right the first time this is pretty simple I mean everybody knows how to throw that's your strap oh what being a man is about supporting your family wait why are you hooking it there well I don't want the the board to fall out wait something's wrong here oh I need to tuck this in I can let them know or sit back and watch the show unfolded and I think that's what I'm going to do hey wait for me oh no I just tied it down the whole bag collapsed my dad is going to kill me you had that long speech about what it takes to be a man and you just tied a ratchet strap to youring Wheels you dip oh my truck pull forward you pull forward you backed into me let me pull forward Sor Brady here is volunte here to do a tug of war with us yeah I mean that's my only truck I'm going to gently tug of war the square body versus the Toyota hux what yep nice nice and gentle I mean this is says my truck can't do it that'll prove him wrong right here taking it nice and easy though we're not going full speed here all right unfortunate little boy doesn't stand a chance hey we're taking it easy right yeah yeah all right Cody that's enough that was a great time to talk about the best place you can buy your wheels and tires can you stop customoffsets.com tax return season is coming up and you will find the best place to spend your tax repay What's your deal if you're wondering if a certain set of wheels and tires spits your truck you can go to their gallery that has tens of thousands of Wheel and Tire Ops to see what fits before you buy it I actually bought my first set of wheels tires for Monster Max from Custom offsets lighting suspension exterior performance packages anything else you need to soup up your truck don't wait for your tax refund go to custom offsets and get finan for a set of wheels right now what the Cody stop what the is your problem dude I mean look serious incapable incapable say d say da shut the hell up hello excuse me sir is this Cody yeah yeah what's up I don't know how to tell you this but I hit your dog fluffy uh yes is he okay is he okay no uh um I don't know how you want to go about this but there's a pretty big mess out here your dog's dead my bumper my grill is kind of smashed in your dog hit that sucks man all right not really having the best day today it's whatever well I'm just going to try to do the best I can to today is just really not your day man is it whatever what are you looking for making it worse hey man maybe it's just not your day it's fine I got it I'm just going to work on my truck okay got to fix the damn bed now that you strapped it down and messed the bed up I didn't do that maybe we just like take five go get some lunch oh gosh hey stop stop stop I don't think it's on there very good what do you mean you got like wooden blocks underneath like like these pinch welds here I don't think it's on there very good that's probably high enough can you tell me if you see this wiggling when I move it Cody stop what did I tell you help me flip it back over I'm not I can't do that why didn't you stop me I did I told you I put it on myself you don't think I don't know how good it was put on you're just making more damage yeah no it's good I was wrong it's actually this is fine I think we can take it off the lift now all right well I'm going to take off oh not even joking there is oil inside of the truck oh my god when our G wagon flipped it would not start again and it actually hydrolocked a motor and cost us $30,000 so just as a precaution I'm going to immediately start this truck before the oil's drained out of it here we go the clutch is just stuck down more fuel more fuel more fuel are you kidding me hey you want me to F that I'm not sure if we're going to get more than one durability test out of this actually now that I'm thinking about I think the truck is kind of like total we totally can you're right there is no reason to give up
Channel: WhistlinDiesel
Views: 768,767
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Id: tkmBV45IRxQ
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Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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