I Paid $295 for $1,546 of MYSTERY Electronics + Amazon Customer Returns Pallet + Fake Apple Product

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little tip for people if you ever deal in liquidations make sure you have knowledge to spot counterfeit items because sometimes you will get counterfeit items and liquidations [Music] it's time once again for another electronics pallet my favorite kind of pallet at least I try to get them once a week so what we got today is we got a banger we've got electronics full hemp MSRP of this palette is two huge boxes each box is probably about 20 pounds full Amazon MSRP if everything's brand new but it's not it's customer returns is one thousand five hundred and forty six dollars if it was new by Amazon prices but everything is never new completely new because its customer returns but what I actually paid my full price two hundred ninety five dollars and forty three cents is what I actually paid that's my full price everything included fees taxes everything no shipping cost because I picked them up myself because I buy locally and I pick them up at the warehouse so what we got here is electronics but they could have some random who knows what cuz if you've watched on this channel for a while now you know if you buy a toys pallet you might have something weird like a pet feeder in it if you buy a house wares pallet you might end up with a PlayStation 4 in a housewares palette electronics palette you might end up with I've had some weird stuff like before I start doing videos I remember one time doing electronics palette I ended up with a man's gold wedding-ring in an electronics palette yeah that was about a year ago it wasn't a very expensive ring it was just like a 14-karat gold it was like $300 ring or something like that but yeah you can get just because it's the liquidator says this is electronics doesn't mean you won't get some random who knows what in it that's the fun part that's liquidations it can be a tall mr. e sometimes of what you might get in these pallets but I love doing them this is my full-time job is palette flipping this is what I do and I've actually talked to a lot of people who watch me on youtube I communicated with through email or Twitter it's semi Mac's met in person um then I'm actually run into actually at some of my liquidation places that I buy from when I go pick up my pallets I've actually met a few people and they've told me that they just recently got to the to the pallet flipping business themselves and yeah they say the same thing like this is a cool either a side job a full-time job or just a hobby it either way it can be really really fun so let's get going I'll quit gabbing for at least three to five minutes how's that sound first item what we got we have a tea the corded phone first electronics item let's see it sounds like it's used because I can hear it is shaped rather to roll it up in that box so a used phone something like this I can already tell ya if it's used condition it's probably not much more than man this thing is taped all the way around first item and I'm already running to like a tape fiend who likes to make sure everything is very securely taped if they ship it back area it's pretty nicely packaged though it might just be customer return just loose oh no it is it appears to be actually it still has all the original coverings on top of all of the unit it's never actually has never been used so it appears that somebody bought it they returned it they took out some of the original packaging that held it tight you know but they returned it yeah actually this has never been used so in the condition that this thing sits first item of course you couldn't sell this thing is brand-new because it's missing some of the inner packaging but uh something like this this would be a pretty decent seller probably at about $25 or so the way it sits so it's not bad people buy corded phones like crazy there are actually fantastic sellers so let's just keep that going for a second I'm gonna grab my second phone now we got a cordless phone VTech let's go ahead and slice this one open whoo that one is a downs a mess I don't wanna pull this one out because this one will be this was gonna take a challenge to get back in the box but you can look at this one and that's used so this one's used in use condition I've sold this thing you've seen this this phone this channel public 15 times this actual model this is the to handset cordless phone system okay this use conditions about 20 bucks not bad not bad there's there's more phones in here I see the 2x me go ahead I see the same 18 it's like the bottom of the box okay here's the same one out as the white one but it's in black let me just knock out these phones real quick man looks kind of the same thing it looks factory package still so plug once again it's PI about a $25 phone you ever take obviously if I'm if I'm wrong on prices you'll see the new updated price below you know if I quote 25 and it's actually 20 I'll change it and it'll blow it'll say $20 is the estimated price you know so keep going we just saw this like it was last weekend did away on a electronics pallet last weekend maybe two weeks ago though might have been but this while this dual charger Samsung branded um price on this what is this thing I got hundreds it was like $100 in new condition used it was around 76 is $75 used if I remember correctly yeah this thing was like a fantastic seller they had a very very high rank this thing looks fantastic yeah this this this thing is good to go so actually I guess to reveal a secret the last one I actually put it into somebody's mystery box somebody actually got this item in their mystery box so from time to time I do mystery boxes for $40 shift and time from time to time I mean every box I always sell you always get more back than what you paid that's it's it's only fair but sometimes I'll put something in some random boxes like one item that's worth more than the entire like price you paid I think it was last Monday maybe Tuesday I remember this where I was dual charger I put and somebody's $40 mystery box and sent it out I never heard back from them though so they actually might not have realized how much thing was actually worth but it sells as high as 75 dollars in used condition and then they got the whole box for 40 bucks of course they got more on top of that too so yeah but if you're watching this who ever got that congratulations there's a lot there's been other people in the past who've got some like specially loaded mystery boxes and they always reach back out and they're like oh my cousin this much stuff my mom's like congratulations you got the like loaded mystery box just randomly you know you get like a super loaded one that you can resell yourself and make some pretty good money so keep going I'm done Gavin I got off track remember I say three to five minutes I think it's probably been about six or seven so I did pretty well without Gavin for a while here we go VTech phone this packaging is completely taped shut on the top I'm gonna try to cut this thing loose but somebody like they they mummified this thing but this is a very very cheap phone the way it sits it's like like ten bucks used condition let me go ahead let me pull out there's a black box I see a couple things in here that are probably some pretty high value items I'm go ahead let me pull up the first one that I can obviously tell it's a pretty high value item I won't keep it though now I don't need it here we go Sony extra bass wireless bluetooth speaker this is nice this box is in pristine condition waterproof and dustproof long it has a 24 hour battery are you serious that's a long battery my Bose I got I've got the Bose the Soundlink 3 I think that was a lot in like 12 hours maybe maybe longer this one's got 24 hour battery Wow that's crazy I don't need another hi-yah ooh this thing looks brand-new special to you that's what we got well I think looks new if I can hook this thing up real quick see how much this thing cost there's the inner packaging warranty card let me let the stamp real quick I'll be right back okay so this thing sells for around a hundred dollars a new condition honestly this thing looks like I would say this thing is it appears to be brand new I would sell this like as new other possibly open box maybe test it out a few times with somebody else I think I could easily probably get for this thing maybe like $70 a little bit less you know then the brand new price I'd say how about 70 bucks fantastic this thing nice score on that that's nice I like that I I'm tempted to keep it but I don't need it I've already got a really nice Bose Soundlink so I don't need a Sony what is this bracket bracket ring safe driver approved place your windshield mount here okay so I've never seen this somehow you place your windshield mount in the doughnut you put your doughnut on your dash I don't know easily view and access your smart phone or GPS while driving skid free weighted base holds firmly to your dash small footprint fence perfectly in your dashboard tray insert works with your existing windshield mount I don't know I'm just going to say maybe like 10 dollars if if I'm wrong I'll update below you know I'm I said but everything and then this video will be sold on platforms like eBay amaz on multiple online platform and just because it sells for like five dollars on one platform doesn't me won't sell for ten dollars other all these online platforms other Facebook marketplace Craigslist in person selling platforms all prices will fluctuate you know here's just a random cord I'm not sure what this cord would go to it has an auxilary end in the other end I'm not sure that goes to not sure don't know little bit of research my part next we have 36 double ended fiber tip markers the brand is called Statler these might be kind of pricey I think this is like an upper in kind of brand of markers I think I think if my memory serves me right so I don't want to price quote this item I I mean I know it's not super expensive but it might be like twenty dollars or something of course I went ahead and price quoted it but uh I'll update below our researches thing later find out but I do know if this is more of an upscale brand of markers but is this has to do more with like people who are like serious about I think painting or something or not painting but just art in general next we have a ella comma trackball okay the whole back side is in looks like probably Japanese or Chinese maybe I have no clue but this packaging at least the bottom part has been mummified shut they loose let's go ahead let's slice it try to break the mummification process a little bit okay so there's there's the track ball it looks really freaking nice one thing I have never owned or I should say owned I've never used a track ball I don't know I've never never had a reason to own a track ball I shouldn't say keep saying oh I've own track balls like right now I own a track ball because I own this thing I've never used a track ball uh-uh let me look this thing up real quick I had no clue this thing's expensive or not a bear back okay so this thing sounds new on Amazon for $59 and 29 cents Telecom in - HT 1u r BK wired trackball mouse larger so sales new for pretty much 60 bucks I'm gonna have to take this thing out of the package try it out make sure it works okay but in use condition it's probably at least 3040 bucks I bet so not bad I'll take it I will take that what we got next appears we have I can't tell it is it in this package oh this is a wireless charger amazonbasics brand it's probably for a PlayStation 4 controller I bet that's kind of what it looks like controller charging stage is what it says Amazon basics it looks like it's a charger for PlayStation 4 controller controller so that's what it that's what it looks like I'm guessing that's what it is so something like this I bet you in used condition maybe like 10 dollars or so in that range maybe maybe not ever since sure since it's like Amazon branded I could be totally off on that here we've got iPhone XS max leather fit label Navy interesting for the excess uh never heard this brand VRS a leather case maybe ten bucks or so in that range possibly maybe who has something here that is factory sealed it is completely wrapped factory sealed it is a USB am to be z IC seven deep blue black fast charge data transfer safe reliability so yeah I think it might just be cords in there maybe a bunch of cords possibly maybe I'm not a hundred percent sure let me look up yeah why not let me look up this thing real quick to see what's inside of this just just for knowledge because knowledge is power kind of I'll be right back okay so after some half-way intensive research what's at this big flat package that still factory sealed is three ten-foot nylon braided iphone cords so it's it's it's all about presentation to make it look like it's more than what it actually is so it sells no amazon for $12 and it's factory sealed so like i'll probably try to get like $12 for cuz it's 100% factory sealed so next item there's two it two things left in this box first box is almost done this is an Epson something handle with care Epson not sure what this is hmm I'd like to be a printer okay has no cords with it no instructions it's just an empty box with a whole bunch of packaging material yeah there's no cord no instructions no nothing so in order to test this thing out I'm gonna have to buy a power cord for it figure it out uh it says it was manufactured April 10th 2018 so is made six months ago so it's pretty new let me look this thing up see what this might be worth cuz it looks like it might be like receipt paper printer and some of those got some pretty decent value to them so I'll be right back again give me one second oh I found it on line on Amazon it is the Epson c3 one CA eight five eight six six four one TM - t88 V thermal printer thermal receipt printer USB and powered USB interfaces so it says it's USB powered I don't know there's the back of it says it's USB powered so actually oh maybe here then USB if that's what it is I've got those cords for it so anyway it retails brand-new no joke on Amazon for three hundred and five dollars for this thing new on Amazon say use prices checking the page use prices and Amazon only one person selling it use it got used for one hundred ninety six dollars used so it looks like used I could maybe get as high as 200 bucks for this thing used wow that's crazy but I'm gonna have to figure out what power cord it takes see if it works figure this thing out and try it out but its thermal so it doesn't take ink so that's nice which way this is expensive I like that so box number one I have 100% I am in profit now guarantee it with just that Sony Bluetooth speaker and this Epson printer yeah like I got my money back those two things last thing in the first box we have a black box tape oh oh we we had something like this couple weeks ago some sony wireless headphones these look like they might be similar try and think what the prices were on these things uh are these the same ones or similar ones kind of look like it on my service the same model but the ones I did have I've already sold them I've got like hundred twenty-five bucks form in a lightly used condition these things look fantastic condition uh I mean they're obviously wireless bluetooth headphones they've got noise cancelling on them and it's got oxy record charging cord oh here it is it is Sony noise cancelling stirrer headset so yeah this once again will be like 100 hours plus so I won't look this thing up because I know how much it's gonna sell for got it got it don't worry dropped it but I saved the day yeah this thing will sell for between like one 125 I'll update below the full price I have to verify the model make sure it's the right one I'm thinking up yeah awesome score so first box the Sony headphones the Sunday Bluetooth speaker the Epson printer those three things alone are like 200 300 that's like probably easily close to 400 bucks and I got this play to 91 so awesome so we're we're guaranteed and quite a bit of profit right now so let me clear off this desk I gotta make some room I'll be right back with box number two box number two gift go box one was honestly was freaking fantastic Bibby excellent items in box one wasn't really sure what to expect was hoping for some vinyl because I'm always exceed some vital wind some electronics pallets if you watch my channel you obviously know that's what I always hope for but this time that was an awesome box one wasn't it seriously so box 2 it looks a little bit different this one yeah this was probably actually about 30 what in the world was that sound that money sounds like money money no not that one what in his in here is shaking like money this let's just pull this thing out first we have what is this doing in electronics pallet remember I'm saying you'll get some randomness in pallets we have a tambourine really we have a tambourine in an electronics pallet actually looks like we have a I can actually fix it though they let the tambourine the top part like the plastic has been damaged but I can actually I can fix that but yes we have the tambourine man in an electronics palace makes no sense so I have I don't think I've ever gotten a tambourine in any pallet before but this can't be much more than maybe like twenty thirty bucks maybe but this one is damaged but I can fix it and I don't know which platform on my cell this thing on putters throw it in my shop maybe for like ten fifteen dollars and just see if anybody buys it so I had to find what that shaking sound was I kind of hoped it was like like a loose change jar or something that somebody returns but no it's a tambourine did not expect that right now so okay the top box is collapsing the bottom box stay this says it's adjustable height and angle ergonomic keyboard tray hmm car Oh car so that's what we're looking at it's kind of heavy adjustable height I really want to take this out of the packaging because it'll be a pain about to put it back in but pretty much it's just an adjustable height keyboard tray it kind of it's self-explanatory something like this $25.00 maybe packaging on it is beat up I got to make sure all the parts are there for it before I try sell that thing but here we go we have an Xbox one wired controller it is an off-brand the off-brand doesn't even say it just says the brand is four oh the brand is 4 x1 is the brand interesting wire controller for x1 okay so that's the brand something like this a generic off-brand Xbox one controller it's probably like what 15 dollars maybe that's the highest if it is Wireless obviously be a lot more but yeah keep going keep going keep going cassette adapter bluetooth these things actually have a lot more resale value than what I thought in the past I've actually go ahead and reopen this thing up in the past I pulled these things out of liquidation pounds before and they kind of shocked me when I looked at the value after I was done with the video I was doing the editing I saw the actual price of these things and I was kind of shocked how much they actually go for and actually set up selling one of these on eBay and Mike used condition time what this one is I can open package I ended up selling on eBay for close to 20 bucks so these do have a market for them still because there's still vehicles out there with tape players that still work to this day believe it or not so yeah and obviously I'll reattach the upper part to the lower part sound like this I mean I sold it before for 20 bucks in that kind of condition so I'll try to get the same amount again all we have just a micro USB cable that's it so next we have a really nifty looking case nice case oh we have a microphone if you saw it was a pal ooh that top of that thing is smashed look at that thing if you solved my pal video I think from last weekend we had a microphone just like this in it is like for a karaoke machine but it wasn't as beat up as this thing and I actually put that into a mystery box but I think it's so like 30 bucks or so but this thing is absolutely it's pretty beat-up so this one honestly I would have had this thing much more may about $15 if it even works this was pretty abused this is not the best of shape means still not bad though let's see what what do we got what do we got what do we got what do we got dig around a little bit see we got actually let me let me change my battery it's getting very very low and it keeps flashing at me so before I get in depth with whatever this thing is oh it said headlamp let me change my battery real quick I'll be right back here we go we got a black diamond just a LED like a headlamp kind of thingamajig these really aren't that expensive I've actually owned quite a few these in the past and you can always get these things pretty cheap the battery this thing is dead it needs charged so had to be test out before I sold this but something like this honestly real-life prices it's like twenty dollars in the condition that it sits right now next we've got opened up Avery let's see main badge insert refills something like this I know it's probably like reto spike 1015 dollars but realistic price that I get for it is like five bucks what does this soft-skinned macbook case it's always nice whenever the company just puts finally what it is on the front of the packaging it's still brand new factory seal still has the seal on it and everything so max book case looks like for 13-inch MacBook so some like this it's just like an off-brand bran is I Benzer so like ten dollars nothing nothing to really get too excited about here we have a replacement screen right looks like a phone yeah good krytus thing open see if we can make it out when it goes to if oh yeah is it broken I know yeah well it's cracked here's the replacement screen for whatever phone this is that an iPhone I think it is I think that's the iPhone XS or whatever it is like the newer bigger phone so it looks like but the it's already cracked so value-wise not much like honestly I'll probably just good chance I'll spice though into the trash or if somebody hits me up in the comment sections like no don't throw it away so is value to it even though it's cracked in I'm Hollywood stuff by YouTube but just in case somebody says it does what's this [Music] who are these air pots Apple earpods nice guy charged to it still oh oh these air pods they look like air pods but they feel a little bit different plastic though and the case feels cheaper than what it should be well I can tell you this these are counterfeit Apple earpods one good reason one way to tell is Apple earpods use Apple lightning cords and these have a micro USB cord so somebody took the Apple design I mean perfectly the Apple design the same charging case they took the same air pod design I mean these things look almost identical to the Apple earpods their charge in it these actually might need to be charged yeah these look identical to Apple earpods they look like they're new but I add these are counterfeit these are counterfeit Apple earpods so you ask how is it possible I got counterfeit Apple earpods in his liquidation because this liquidation originally came from Amazon well yes it did two ways one Amazon has a lot of third-party sellers that sell through Amazon FBA and what happens is sometimes third-party sellers like to try to sneak in counterfeit products and when they sneak it in the customer gets it and they return it because they get it and they're like this is counterfeit it happens and they turn to Amazon and Amazon just liquidates it then or option number two is the customer themselves bought authentic Apple earpods from Amazon and then they bought these cheap e counterfeits from like a website like DHgate or Alibaba you know for probably 10 15 dollars and then they return these counterfeit Apple earpods in place of the authentic Apple earpods Amazon and then amazon got him and then they just liquidated them and so they went to this liquidation and yeah but yeah these are 100% counterfeit so little tip for people if you ever deal in liquidations make sure you have knowledge to spot counterfeit items because sometimes you will get counterfeit items and liquidations something to do with Apple 1 the telltale signs I had my suspicions when I felt this thing just because the plastic didn't feel right because I've had air pods before the plastic fell off but you just flip it over and you saw the micro USB charger and automatically you knew so uh these are these actually my I'm sure they were that probably sound fantastic because like a lot of the fake stuff honestly sounds just as good as the real thing it's sad but it's true but these I don't know what I'll do with them I'll be try them out see if they sound good or not I can always use an extra pair of wireless Bluetooth earphones when I walk on the treadmill and stuff so if they sound ok I just keep them as a backup paired to mine to backup pair to my air pods so but yeah you saw live on camera of some counterfeit Apple products so be careful everybody when buying liquidations be careful because if you sell something like that on amazon or ebay and if a customer if they report you for sound a counterfeit product amazon or ebay can shut you down for selling this and you could say well I didn't know well that's not good enough those platforms you need to know you know so anyway done with that topic spec case for an air pad to a Napper a per Apple air pad to spec case that's fine about 25 bucks or so 20 25 bucks appears it is 100% brand new still 100% brand new so customer returned this and they just didn't want it and Amazon just liquidated it so that's nice awesome keep going we have the bag of pencils coloring herb like pastel pencils this says it's scholar Prisma colors whole bag I'm sure it's got some value to it I'll have to research later an update because I don't really know next we got an iPhone X OtterBox Defender Series that's that is kind of nice and well well well the outer piece of it those broken so that hurts the value a little bit the outer belt clip is good the outer shell is fantastic so most of it it looks to be in fantastic shape but a little piece of it though this part of it is broken so that will affect value I to figure out how much that affects value of it I don't know hey I'll quote a price later down below do a little research on that next we got smart sound Sight & Sound Projector nursery projector bluetooth that's kind of nifty so like this is electronics palette technically this is electronics but this is also a baby item it appears to be 100% brand-new also so project nursery honestly some like this about 30 bucks I wouldn't be surprised in that range that's nice I'll take it I will take it let's see we've got a retina guard eyesight protector for iPhone 6s looks like just a screen protector guard that's good dollar box item tempered glass for an s7 edge let's see cracked or broken I guess the same thing broken or not broken oh come on people you don't need to tape at 47 times or maybe you do and it is shattered that is trash completely shattered next we got anti glare for kids 7 you see the title right there about a beating bada-boom a good dollar box item this kind of junk bodyguards iPhone X impact it's protection oh just just a phone case okay yeah about five bucks or so nothing special VTech phone packaging on this thing is highly abused packaging the inside though it looks like it's factory package is just the person when they returned it to Amazon they slapped the return label on the actual telephone package that's why it's beyond beat-up but uh in this condition this is pretty bad box condition I'll try to get ten dollars for that attempt to get ten dollars probably won't that's this jsd de I don't know what that is ooh what do you guess some kind of a fancy watch brand is called rebirth I don't know I've never sold this brand Miller this up real quick be right back well I've gotta find this exact watch but it looks like this brand isn't really that expensive looks like we're talking like maybe 15 20 at the most so kind of a cheap brand it'd look nice though I'm kind of surprised but it seemed like it's kind of cheap oh well that happens looks like we got a little tiny case for look like an Amazon like Fire tablet or something just a tiny little case good dollar box item we're almost out only a few things left what's your what are you own other-- watch yeah this is cheap I can just tell my feel of it this watch is very very cheap butts again it's probably like maybe 15 xx the most feels cheap yeah oh I phone cord I guess I think it's a first iPhone court no no no we had that sealed box in the first PACS Bentley oh we got back-to-back iPhone cords this is one of the short ones too I could actually I needed a new little short cord so that one will come in handy actually I needed one of those because my start fraying and here we've got an iPhone cord for your vehicle back to back to back iPhone chorus keep on my phone cords and next we have it looks like a bass charger for a telephone whoa that's gonna take a little bit of research figure out which phone this goes for look at that so maybe like five ten bucks depending on which one it goes for we got more iPhone ports back to back let's see few things to go back three things we have a Akron I'm gonna keep it in the package because looks like lots of small parts accurate mounting solution first tablet smartphone was like just a little it is a mount for a like a stone or a small camera little mound thing lots of small pieces all that day below price on that but maybe like ten fifteen dollars or so two things we have a 18 t to line speakerphone this is actually a little bit more expensive not a whole lot though just a little bit let me slice this thing take a little gander inside Suda looks like do it kind of damage oh man well we we've got some kind of a special packaging here yeah it's everything's used oh yeah that's it's used something like this man this is gonna be a tough sell used and the packaging is beyond beat up yeah I'm I'll probably try to move this thing honestly like $15 if I get 15 for it I'll be happy last ooh last thing in the Box we have a record player awesome a record player with a cracked top so that is why the people return it to Amazon and it's missing this power cord but I just got to find just a power cord that fits it but that will be that big of a deal last thing that's it but the brand of this is walk coder it looks nice though but the top of it right here you see it's cracked but that mean that won't affect the performance of the record player whatsoever it's still gonna work more likely of course I'll try it out want to find a power adapter that fits it once I find a power adapter that fits it then you know good to go but something like this uh top is crack though I'll probably try to get maybe about 25 30 bucks for this maybe in that range I'll have to double check doesn't look like a very expensive one looks like you know it's just a lower end record player of course you have to attach actually has building speakers to it though so it has some cheap --boom speakers but you can attach some nicer speakers to this they make sound little bit better that's what I do to my record player let's back there on my shelf back there but yeah so make this that's not bad decent so anyway that's what we got that is two boxes that's everything honestly what that bad I paid two hundred and ninety one dollars MSRP was like 15 ish I for sure probably got at least double my money back if not a little bit more we'll know for sure at the end of this video pump around right now I'll make sure a flashing screen my potential profit course y'all that will still fluctuate you know that's all just depends on if everything's kind of sells for what I hope it sells for but you know prices fluctuate between all selling platforms and prices fluctuate all the time prices go up and prices go down that's just the market so hopefully video if you would please give a big thumbs up if you enjoy this video make sure if you haven't already go down below and subscribe to this YouTube channel I really appreciate it if you would make sure you click the little Bell next to the subscribe button that little Bell will notify you of any new videos that I upload to this YouTube channel so they'll look out for more pal videos this coming week we got toys we got electronics maybe a housewares maybe some more goodies you want to buy anything everything's for sale hit me up email or social media prefer emails use me keep track of everything do or do not there is no try thanks for watching and I'm out [Music]
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 111,906
Rating: 4.7732205 out of 5
Keywords: eBay, thrifting, thrift, garage sale, flipping, side hustle, resale, reseller, amazon, poshmark, shipping, liquidation, liquidations, amazon returns, amazon pallets, mystery box, mystery unboxing, unboxing, ebay unboxing, ebay mystery box, pallet, manifest, unmanifested, money, make money, insane profits, work for yourself, self employed, resale rabbit, FUNKO, flipper, customer returns, amazon return box, amazon return pallets, safiya, sony, ps4, xbox, tech, randomfrankp, apple, a&e, extreme unboxing
Id: qgirAY7O-Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 16sec (2956 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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