I bought a $6,000 Amazon Customer Returns Pallet + THE FUNNIEST MOST SHOCKING SILICONE SURPRISE!

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[Music] all right so we are back with you with box number four of this six part series of customer returns this uh palette these huge boxes six six of these huge boxes so we paid a shade under twelve hundred dollars for the six boxes with an msrp of around six thousand dollars if you've been watching the videos the last three boxes you will know that we are already in profit and we still have this box and two more to go so it's been good we have received a lot of really good clean items it's what i want expensive stuff too yeah in the hundreds of dollars and you know some of the stuff has randomly shown up in just brown boxes um other things have been you know in their factory boxes and you know it's been good stuff so a lot of testing out that will have to have happen because a lot of this stuff that we're getting is what i would call electrical you know electronic issues plugs into the wall types it's got volts it has volts volts you have bulbs [Laughter] you're a spark you know that though family channel baby so anyway we're gonna get into this box show you what we have and hopefully we make tons and tons of profit money money the whole point of this is to make the money that is our job we don't make money you don't make the money this is our job like this is our job so we are not doing well selecting good liquidations to resell then we are not doing our job very well we had no job and we will have to go back to a regular nine to five no thank you no pass i'll pass on that too i'm thirsty you're thirsty glass cleaner oh well i don't think you want to drink that 20 20 challenge what's it taste like no you go first if you don't puke it then i'll try it no if you don't puke if you puke i'm not trying it how rude is he we have lavender wipes ooh butt wipes are they butt whites no they're makeup wipes it's not keeping their butt wipes they're makeup wipes we do have a three pack of chlorops clorox disinfecting wipes so does this set which means somebody hoarded too many and now they're returning them and we can use those these are the good ones too the clorox ones that's the good ones and we'll keep that we have a brand new thing of cascade dishwashing detergent wow is that what we use uh we use whatever is on sale it's still too yeah the tear here thing is still on it i think actually we got some of these in another liquidation and i've been using those since so replenish our our stack yep okay look what'd you find more wipes catching gold right here that is kitchen freaking gold or platinum wow could be kitchen platinum they're used but it kills viruses so they they can be used all they want the other they smell good they do smell good got clorox wipes and lysol wipes that's gold right there what's that we got a factory sealed soft chews let's play okay smacks fight it's fight canine joint supplements it's quite expensive i'll look it up and then we have cleaned in wash scent booster man clean sensations this is the cleaning box apparently at least the middle part but then the goods on the outside we're actually just grabbing just like the middle part first i think it's all like the cleaning supplies oh hold on heavy duty aluminum foil is that exciting i'm so excited it's free aluminum foil baby uh so we're looking at about 35 on this oh factory sealed shipped you like that factory stuff flash yours right there is that mine oh yeah that's a garment steamer handheld garment steamer what are you searching for i'm just trying to find that that one thing that catches my eye where i'm like i have a mystery box right here well we have two glass spray bottles oh they're amber too i think you just sprayed something out of it maybe maybe not i don't think so glass spray bottles i have a thingamabobber what is it i don't know fix smith is what it says on the side of it a fix smith i don't know it looks like it may not all be here is it pump or something well i think it's hydraulic so don't unhydraulic it there baby i i twisted a few times so be careful we have a fix smith akl 460. i will look it up and see if i can discover what this is this thing here says wrong item somebody wrote on here so this is going to be brand new that's not true what you say it's gonna be brand new it doesn't mean that's gonna be brand new brand new careful mabel let's see what we got oh nice we have myers mrs meyers clean day aroma therapeutic household product multi-surface everyday cleaner removes dirt freshens surfaces there's a three pack in here mrs meyer stuff can be a little they're all branded oh let's look it up they're all brand new factory sealed this is a grease gun it's a grease gun y'all that's what this is and it is missing two hoses hmm but i bet the i bet this part is worth something probably at least some some but it is a grease gun here's a three pack for 12 bucks it's like four or four dollars a bottle i mean for cleaning stuff we'll place keep it then probably for four bucks a bottle just keep it that's the good stuff right there seriously the cleaning box what is this that's pretty nice though what is this it's a mystery that goes with this one my hands are getting cold and so i'm having a hard time like getting things to open we have a thing in a bag what is it i don't know it's odd metal very odd shape hair dryer stand for a dyson hair dryer also whenever the hair dryer is hot yeah so you can put your hair dryer and it's for dyson oh wow okay awesome we have four dining chair covers gray in color the brand is tianshu looks pretty spiffy these maxima have a little bit of value to them we're going to look these things up just to find out expose the barcode a little bit we have an ice cream cone light there's an ice cream cone light you eat it i think it's an actual light that's in the shape of an ice cream cone wow four chair covers for 20 bucks it's not very expensive that's a letdown i'm sorry we we have to make the money so we can pay the bills we need the high price stuff like the playstation 4s well you got to buy the the liquidation that has some places you gotta buy the expensive liquidations you're paying way more than a thousand dollars for that dash is actually a decent brand yeah i have sold dash many of times those were ice cream makers though i think well it is exactly as it says it's all still what do you do with it it's a lamp i guess like do you put it's for our ice cream shop that we're gonna open up oh that sounds nice yeah next to our subway ice cream and subway we're not opening this so far yeah we are oh yeah oh yeah subway cube of flower pet fountain this was for elias so eliza did not like his gift it looks like for elias sorry he did not like his pet fountain happens we have wheels to a bed that's exciting by crops what is this what is that this thing's glass what is that it has a towel a little glass bowl a bowl and a towel i don't know what you'd use this for it's odd i don't know okay i know what's even called i realize i have my knife sitting right there just like that i don't know what to use that for i don't know no clue we have another dash mini mini griddle that's exciting oh that's heavy where's the big money stuff right there oh [Applause] should we risk monetization for this video should i put them on is it gonna be worth it i did not expect to open them [Laughter] i'm crying now does this feel real to i did not you it okay no i did not expect that um actually what i don't know what to do i really want to show the camera though so we just feel like we have to show the camera you got some stuff okay so you would wear this you need to put a bra around it like i think it's prosthetics right i think it's prosthetics did not ex i've never got a sport in a palette [Laughter] [Music] i think it's it's like prosthetics yeah for like people who have had breast surgery you know a full mastectomy but uh i didn't expect to open that up i i i've never seen this before just do like a quick here just kind of like just do it quickly just like okay and on three one two three then you pay attention real fast i have never said it before in a liquidation palette that's the i bet that is expensive it probably is i'm gonna look it up it's like prosthetics oh my god that was kind of funny i i did not like i'm not making fun i just didn't expect and expect i open it up and it's just looking at me i'm like wow i mean i've got other private stuff but i've never got anything like that that was very surprising it was funny though because we because it was unexpected and that it kind of feels real too not like spot on but it kind of they they did a good job per se none on ebay let me check amazon since that's actually where it came from oh wait i spelled it wrong v-o-l-o valence i've never seen this before so this brand they make silicone baby dolls they make silicone items so that's uh it looks like about 40 or so like those are just like you just put them into like your bra but these have like all the straps and everything this one has the straps it's like that one yeah so you're looking at like 40 to 50 60 bucks like here's something like with with like you wear it it's like 60 bucks like it's called like yeah that's it right there you can do like flesh tones too like that's that's right we have the nude one yeah the nude you have a flesh tone of nude and flesh tone of suntan and then the nude and then you've got different sizes and sizes actually it goes from size e all the way up to size gg we have e e which actually is the smallest size i get i guess right i don't know e is 45 interesting okay actually says it is for a mastectomy yeah i figured that's what it was for but i just did not expect to open that up i've never seen it before that's that's that was the first interesting all right and the fact that you opened it up is funny i did not expect that i had no idea it was kind of funny look at this bad boy um not as funny not as good as my box we have a chi electronic iron wash looks that up let me pull up the next mystery item that's gonna throw us for a loop oh cat litter pads unscented cat litter pads baby we don't use the litter we don't don't use those keep cruising while she does her thing we have black side step rolling big power side step for your vehicle i'm just going to assume that this is used it could be new but i'm going to assume used and we're looking at about 50 shipped not bad not bad but i kind of won the video though baby yeah you did i laughed so hard i cried i have never sent foreign it was just so unexpected that's why it was funny because i just didn't yeah that is not it's not yeah so sidestep for your vehicle i think that might just won every video ever they got just one the internet for for the entire day one the internet one the internet now we can have nice arms too oh i guarantee that thing works i know it does that's seen on tv uh-huh what is she doing with it i don't know how's that work in her arms i don't know it looks painful it looks painful that's all i can say oh i'm keeping these i'm almost out trash bags trash bags nice these be for the business i have sold this before for my office these are usually pretty expensive right here light therapy yeah that can be kind of pricey i have not sold this brand before but i have sold these in the past yeah it's used it's used but she disinfects everything sanitizes it it has the glasses and it has the cord i'll look it up we have oh venti a pretty nice mirror tabletop mirror still doesn't beat the one item though oh that's cool classic style cassette recorder and player oh fun that's kind of cool throwback to our childhood yeah runs on batteries i used to sit in front of the radio with that and try to record songs off the radio that's probably copyright but you know whatever whatever you broke the law baby heating pad is that it no there's still this stuff underneath here and that oh the non-exciting stuff yeah nothing's going to beat my uh silicone so looking at about a hundred dollars used condition for this so that's a good item a tall cat it's like a tan oh that's broken it's a cat statue but you can hear it there's broken glass in there it's broken oh i've just probably used i'm sure it is it's probably missing the filter yeah oh yeah oh yeah it's used yeah no filter no filter garbage no good take that too baby that's all broken in there and i think here's the last thing we have kingston brass the tradition of fine brass and we're looking at kingston fine brass while the wife plays in the trash can well she plays he's literally over there playing a trash can well i don't want to throw this away because i think it's a wind chime this actually might not be broken yeah oh no it's not oh i thought it was broken we'll love this what is it holy batman we almost he was just going to throw phoenix's toys away throw it away you're just going don't because you heard this oh you heard that see and you say i'm playing in the trash you're playing in the trash over there so they're digging into trash cans like man i'm hungry you're over there trying to do it what treasure you could find what don't knock digging in the trash can i know there are youtube channels that's what they do that's all they do but that's just that yeah we dumpster dive one time we didn't find anything no we didn't actually we found that that car the power wheel yeah it had like stuff growing in it yeah yeah we might do some more stuff for diving in in the future because we actually got one of those little dumpster diving hand grabby tool thingies so we can actually like grab into the dumpster so we might do some more dumpster dive video if if you want to see that if you want to see her try food out of the dumpster give me 2 000 thumbs up that video must hit 15 million views that one video and then she will eat food out of a trash dumpster bites one bite of something that is still in a can or something like that nope it's on the bottom of the trash it is it is a happy trash can yeah yeah we'll see okay so that is it for box number four interesting box interesting box anything high dollar-ness uh yeah we had uh my side's not high dollar we had this yeah and we had the chi and then we had the boobies [Music] the silicone mastectomy things i think that's about it everything else was like cleaning supplies that we'll probably keep and randomness okay so after you watch this video i'll probably post pictures on instagram of this item more in depth maybe even me trying it on i don't know that actually might get the entire account taken down on instagram they might take it down and i wouldn't try it on it somebody's gonna need that like i i might be honey you have your own boobies i know so we might just post a picture of it more in depth cause i think people are going to ask like we've got to see what you're laughing about you know this little glance won't be enough well they can always go on amazon.com and see what it is too yeah i guess so but anyway that's all we got for this video we got two boxes left who knows what might be the last two who who knows we'll see you next time bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Franchise Kicks
Views: 37,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: safiya, randomfrankp, tech, storage unit, taco stacks, marvel, ps4, nes, nintendo, lego, XBOX ONE, shocking, playstation, ebay, amazon, fba, reselling, garage sale, flea market, thrift store, thrifting, unboxing, amazon tech, amazon customer returns, pallet, returns pallet unboxing, tech haul, mystery, amazon returns, tech returns, mystery tech, massive unboxing, franchise kicks, apple, microsoft, sony, liquidation, storage wars, StevenSteph, APPLE, dumpster diving, scam, scammer, a&e, extreme unboxing
Id: b_GaqetyCO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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