Building a Massive Castle to Defend from an Endless Invasion - Thronefall

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well hello there you filthy peasants to desire your puny King Dre and today we are going to be ruling a kingdom in a little game called Throne fall now this is another steam next Fest demo that I stumbled upon and it looks fantastic truly is a genre blending game if you're a fan of things like bad North Kingdom or even vampire survivors it kind of takes inspiration from all those games in certain premises for this game uh yeah super excited for this one right now I don't have a kingdom though so am I even a King Without a kingdom I don't think I am but I do have a crown so I do feel very king-like so yes right now we have to get over to where we're going to build our kingdom and we obviously have some very dangerous guards in front of us that don't even move I mean obviously we're very much in that tutorial right now but uh there we go we got our first little money again very similar to Kingdom we have a coffer at the bottom right and we can use that money to purchase different types of buildings obviously right now we need a Kingdom uh to begin with so we're going to purchase that and there we go we got got a main base now we can upgrade this thing later with seven more gold but I'm broke right now so we have to go kill people because that's how you earn currency in this game so let's head over we're going to skip till night time uh that's when the enemies attack just like pretty much every other game uh we do have two attacks by the way I'm just gonna keep with the archery attack actually let's go in for a swipe and oh actually I don't think I can swipe yet I'm too early oh no I did swipe I just totally missed let's try that again there we go so yeah we have a nice melee swipe on our horse if we do want to does a lot more damage but obviously a little riskier because we're going right into the enemies here but yes obviously very easy for the start of the game we uh have survived the first wave and now it wants me to build some homes now homes will give us taxes every day as a thanks for defending them so definitely you want to get as many homes as possible I'm assuming and right now we can afford three so we shall put down three and that should be an extra three gold tomorrow night time once again six enemies are gonna be coming in not too worried about that we can probably just chill even over here and watch these little idiots try and get up to me good luck Buddies that's right stay out of my kingdom as I said even a kingdom right now I don't even think I have any residents that being said I do have homes and they do pay me so somebody's got to be living in those I assume all right now it's time for some defenses now uh this is predetermined that's the one thing I don't really like about this game I think that would have been a lot more cool if we could put these randomly wherever we want but hey Beggars can't be choosers we put the towers where the game dictates they should be and these are really good spots anyways obviously so now we have two towers and 15 people coming in tonight so this could be our first little bit of a difficult wave I'm not too worried though let's actually get out and uh try and use my sword to my advantage and kill these guys as quickly as possible uh because 15 guys is quite a bit so I can kind of lure them away I'm very much learning strategies as I go but yeah they tend to chase me over trying to get into the kingdom all right next night 25 coming in this gets pretty crazy pretty quickly and with that night we have enough to upgrade our main Kingdom so we may as well do that and we get our first upgrade all right so we can either pretty much upgrade ourselves with with 75 hp and attack damage output which is fantastic or we can focus on the long-term plan I would say and every morning a level one house is automatically upgraded to a level two have so I essentially get free level 2 homes and plus 58 HP with my character honestly both are very very good I think I'm gonna go for the currency strategy though and upgrade those homes as quickly as possible so yeah I'm saving essentially two gold at every home I guess and what else do we have here I don't have enough gold to build this at this moment I don't know what this is oh this is obviously the barracks uh because it looks like we do have a few enemies or team not enemies teammates coming out all right so tomorrow we should have some bigger homes and I don't know what I want to spend my money on now I think we're kind of out of the tutorial so it's all up to us to have a flourishing Kingdom and hopefully I can do that so I'm gonna try and keep luring these guys away because yeah my archers are going to be a little bit busy okay getting a little nervous now I don't know how much HP my homes have but I want to keep these guys moving away from my base that's a little scary they actually almost got into my uh territory all right but yeah now it's very much open-ended so we can add more homes if we want to build Mill unlocks the option to build fields which also increases income interesting I think I'm gonna go with 25 enemies again we survived 25 just fine so let's play this strategically and being that we upgraded our homes let's invest heavily into homes right now so we're earning more money every single day oh and it looks like it only upgrades one level one house every day because both of my other two homes are not upgraded but this one very much is I I guess I read that wrong that's fine all right so we have five gold left there we go we have a few fields and I wonder if that's an extra two gold per day I don't know we'll find out all right hopefully I don't regret this decision they have like super powerful enemies today or something like that because yeah yesterday we got a bit close but we did just fine and it looks like these guys are exactly the same so yeah we should be fine again not too worried at all okay okay I'm doing way worse this time come on come on back guys oh these archers hardly do any damage why do I have to do all the damage okay they got a little bit closer but again I don't think they were anywhere near trying to kill us and look at all that money now we're at 15 gold that's what I'm talking about so now we are going to get some defenses and we can get Knights or spearmen all right so spearmen are good against essentially melee units not good against uh range units they do extra damage against fast enemies and knights are versatile Warriors who are well armored against ranged attacks I think for right now we haven't well we do I did just see we have archers coming in I think I still want to go for the Spearman that sounds pretty cool all right so I can command my nearby units they'll essentially just follow me uh I don't know if I want them following me or not I think I'll actually put them just kind of at this choke point here so we'll tell them to stop moving and there we go we'll be uh defending that a little bit better actually I'm gonna tell them to pull up even higher so both my Towers will be defending them as well because I'm assuming they can very much die so we'll put them here as a last line of defense all right we still have 11 Gold so obviously again we're going to invest our money into earning more currency I will upgrade my windmill and I'm just going hard into the fields I guess I think all right I have four gold left and it looks like that's as Max I can do for this oh what are these over here another defense tower now and another house again going hard into the homes man and I have oh crap I have two gold left so I don't have enough for the defense tower unfortunately might be smart to build the wall now too but again I don't have enough for that so let's just get into night time I'm gonna try and get these archers quickly as possible and I don't want to have to deal with these guys so there we go kill the archers and oh I didn't realize these guys would go out I wonder if I can tell them to hold okay well they're taking a lot of damage I really didn't want them to come out damn it because I might lose them now yeah we're down to three so I have to just re-recruit no it looks like they reset wow I'm earning 26 gold a day once again invest heavily in the homes it's almost tempting to upgrade my tier one homes but I don't want to waste that perk that I got um so I guess we'll throw the extra tower out now oh I can upgrade these towers I didn't know that uh more units faster replenishment how much yeah we have more than enough right now we may as well do that as well and we'll upgrade our towers do I have enough to upgrade both indeed I do I wonder can I not get the knights now because I chose Spearman I was hoping I could change back and forth I'm not sure if it works that way or not oh crap I forgot never mind I have enough money I forgot about the um wall but we don't really need that there we go our all right we'll just uh start the day my my experiment should be coming out anyways indeed they do so I can't really tell them to hold I don't think could be doing it wrong though oh these guys are taking way more damage they must upgraded their armor or something my melee attack is not one hitting them anymore so it's a good thing I got a few more units oh yeah we are still slaughtering them I think investing into currency early was a very smart idea because now I'm just gonna kind of steamroll the opposition as long as I continuously earn more money actually this is awkward I can't really upgrade much of anything so I might have went too heavy into currency because I can't really do anything right now besides upgrade this tower for whatever reason I can upgrade that one oh I've already upgraded the other ones that's why so do I spend the money on my homes I mean I guess so there's nothing else I could really buy right now so maybe I should have went into the other perk regardless we upgraded the majority of our homes uh with that perk sir maybe some more things to get over here I highly doubt it but just figured I'd check oh this is literally the final night by the way so uh yeah it's not like we can upgrade more anyways because this is going to be our final night here so I guess I pretty much maxed out the place and have more than enough currency for the rest of this so I think we'll be okay let's uh let them come in and see if they get anywhere near me oh the okay uh that's a lot more damage what is that armor it's like a giant tin can all right come in for the swipe it's only four of them I don't know if there's gonna be more spawning or what I'm just gonna keep this guy busy ow never mind that guy took out half my freaking Health man oh God oh God help me all right I just need to keep swiping keep swiping the uh my units do re respawn as you can see the wall is broken but we got rid of all of them and there we go Knight has survived 37 in the back and leveled up I now have Arcane Tower so there is a level system in this game as well and these towers have much greater range so tempting to do that uh I'm getting all these levels actually holy crap I think I did pretty good for my first Kingdom and I guess we can move on to the next Kingdom all right so you actually choose your weapons your perks and your mutators at the start of every level being that we already use the bow let's try the light spear now which actually has an active heel so I think I only have one attack but I can heal myself obviously we gotta get down and dirty though and melee them uh so might be a little more dangerous now we may as well get the Arcane Towers because we just unlocked those uh that gives me a greater range this is kind of tempting my castle produces more gold and I did like gold in my last run but uh yeah let's not do that because I feel like the Arcane Towers will be really nice now we can also have mutators this will make it harder but will obviously give me benefits for example with this Turtle God we get 20 more points in XP if I win so yes each one of these is you get 20 more points and XP ah but each one is a specific debuff so you get less gold uh enemies deal more damage or enemies have a lot more Health screw it I'll try it let's do this one with enemies with a lot more Health all right here we are world two this one is a lot bigger I'm just gonna explore see if there's any random things we can grab um no invisible walls this is a lot more open too oh there's not many choke points they literally just come in here there's just this as a choke point and then they're into my kingdom hopefully I can build a giant wall or something like that let's find out here we're gonna build that first I have five left alright so Tower randomly there another Mill so I can get two Mills so yeah I think we should probably go heavy into currency once again if I want to do a mill right now yeah I'm gonna do one mil and one home I think actually maybe I don't think a mill without any Fields earns anything so I'm just gonna do the field instead for right now and tomorrow we'll go heavy into homes all right but there's all my money night is upon us let's see if I can figure this thing out and yeah I just gotta get close and stabby stab and three gold from the farm so I did get one gold for just having the mail out as well good to know and what do we actually have coming in today is it the same amount oh wait I can go further oh they come in randomly at different spots that's cool so we have eight coming in this way so I'm just going to go deeper into investing into currency right now I think I should be fine with eight all right so there we go four new homes hopefully I don't regret this tomorrow we'll probably invest into some defenses because uh yeah that's two days of currency and currency only probably a little risky I love that super fast attack I don't know really how to heal hopefully I don't need to figure that out oh God I might actually lose a home here and goodbye there we go I'm back to full health this is a lot more challenging but there's a reward if you're good with it all right so we got two coming in that way Eight coming in this way so we want to defend both sides fortunately all I have is like Farms I have this defense tower I think we'll definitely buy that one so let's do that um should I even upgrade that maybe oh I can't crap uh I guess actually it would be smart probably to upgrade my actual Tower so we get our upgrade and this time I'm going to do the other one because I'm gonna need to do some serious damage and we can upgrade this this time we can also do the wall that I wanted okay so we'll be building a legit Kingdom this time this is really cool uh I guess for the final one I'll just put a house way back here just to get rid of all my gold so we have the hell are those bees is that mace men I'm not sure what that emblem is it looks like those are going to be the hard units though so I think what I'm actually going to do is maybe try and kill these guys quickly or just slow them down a bit and then go over and kill the other guys check out my damage buff I killed one guy really quickly here I'm gonna try and lure these guys this way what the frick is that okay so I'm assuming this might explode I seriously didn't expect it to be a creature that's actually kind of cool no no no no no no no no oh not my fail oh they broke my field so quickly okay my Tower's going down that's fine no no no guys guys you have to stop you have this is not funny anymore oh God just don't just don't die just okay does that thing heal oh thank God it does oh and that even resets so my field is fine oh this one's broken it says there's a big X so I guess I'm not earning money on that one oh I really want to save for this but I'd probably be a goner if I did that so we're going to get the barracks and let's do knights being that we have eight or sorry three teams of eight Rangers coming in so I think the Knight would be smart and you know what I'm actually gonna build this twice so we actually have a decent team to defend I am not worried about tonight ah I just need 20 gold to upgrade my my HQ though um I'm just gonna keep them there being that we're being attacked from all sides I probably should have started by one of these so I could have took them down a little quicker but that's okay okay how much did we get that day uh all right so we're getting 16 a day I think now we can invest heavily into currency because if I can get 20 in one day then I can upgrade my my HQ I don't really want to upgrade anything else right now actually the one thing I maybe should do is this Tower just to make it slightly better and then aside from that archery range okay we can get artists as well let's wait for the wall for that we're just gonna upgrade some of these buildings here oh you know what there's an extra Tower here let's get two towers up uh four gold left so we're gonna upgrade some of these tier one homes to tier two and I think that was a good mix we have a little bit of defense and a little bit of currency earning and we're only getting guys from over here so you know what let's bring all my friends come on all right and I'm not really sure how these guys work do they explode or is it just I thought they exploded but no I think I I think they don't oh God they're just ignoring my Knights though I didn't realize they would do that I don't like these I don't like this at all I should have got archers man should have got archers nice hurry up oh frick oh God oh God nice nice I'm actually gonna die I think damn it wait okay so if I lose my HQ it's okay never mind it's not okay it is not okay at all damn it all right a new run and it's going a little bit better focusing more on offense than anything else uh but I do have a lot of currency Buffs as well so I'm back at the um currency perks so yeah I have um the house is being upgraded every day and I'm also the ranger so it's actually way easier I do like the ranger over the Spearman so yeah we'll see how we can do now I've been doing very much way better I'm gonna keep these guys here and keep them busy if they die they will respawn by the time everybody gets to the kingdom so we want them dying as quickly as possible and yeah look at I'm holding out just fine right here even without even using my crossbow men this is such an addictive game man this is a really cool premise all right we're doing good now there's just archers left and we're gonna make quick work of those with my crossbow man which are really strong against archers so yeah I have close range range units that are really good for The Archers that do come uh is it okay it's not the final day yet where the hell are these things coming from was it oh can they go across the water I don't like that I don't even know where they come from I'm gonna put a tower over here just a basic one just to defend my my flourishing farm that has no fields and we'll put a tower over here and I guess for the final two gold we'll upgrade one of the tier ones because I don't think there's really anything else I can afford uh so yeah let's go upgrade this home and actually maybe oh yeah we still have three homes over here that can be upgraded every day okay uh I don't know what's gonna happen here so I'm just gonna oh I can put a freaking Tower there ah I wish I knew that I would have put that one there instead of the one over at the uh far right anyways let's start the day and or night rather I don't know okay so they can they are flying oh this isn't even the same unit this is a flying base unit what do I do about that my speed run ain't gonna do crap that's okay they don't have very low HP and we have archers everywhere so I think we'll be okay oh yeah this is great good thing I invested into archers don't hit my windmill man that's rude all right how much is that per day yes 20 perfect okay just what I wanted now I can upgrade this bad boy and get the other upgrades so oh these are totally different interesting okay so we can either upgrade and be a commander and essentially buff my troops or we've already seen this one where we get 70 HP and attack damage for myself um hmm let's try this one this one sounds more exciting I actually think the other one might be slightly better but I I like the idea of having everybody kind of around me all right so yeah I got four guys over there two spearmen two uh crossbowmen and I got seven with me I think this should be my best plan of action and let's try and kill these guys quickly guys come on get them down get him down I am holding the lines just fine even without me here and I don't have much troops left but we did it and with that that's 25 gold now so I have decisions to make do I upgrade my tower do I upgrade wow I can really upgrade these towers if I want to I think we should focus on the troops so I did see we have a troop thing here let's do that we have cross women so let's get some Longbow archers I really like the cross women though so we're gonna invest eight gold into that and get some more of those guys all right so let's do the wall being that this is gonna cost 12. this is pretty much all my money and that'll be a nice last line of defense okay well one gold left you know what we can actually spend one gold let's throw it in the field baby we'll get here with some spearmen and The Archers should be able to defend the rest of the city oh it's these guys okay right we're wearing attack from everywhere this is so cool uh yeah I think I think we're doing okay my archers are killing me Flyers just fine all around me and these guys are slowly going down all right that was really easy that was a good spread to defend the kingdom uh is this the last day I have a feeling the last day is coming soon I have to figure out what the rest of these things are so yeah we have more Farms if we want to there is a tower here you know what that would actually be great being that we're being attacked from over here I think up investing into that is the smartest idea and we have 14 left of course this cost 15 to upgrade once more so I'm not gonna be able to do that uh I think we should maybe invest into just homes I guess yeah because this field should be safe over here so I'm just going to invest into a little more currency and I think we'll call it a day after that how much does it cost to upgrade this again six so put down two more fields and then have a beautiful Farm over here there we go that should give us a bunch more money per day um I think I'm actually happy with this layout right now I want to hopefully defend mostly at the wall so I'm just gonna keep my guys there and let's let the fight commence there we go look at this Slaughter man these these these longbowmen do so much damage I think they'll be totally fine over there so I'm gonna try and help these guys over here oh wow yeah we are destroying these guys alright so yeah we did lose a little bit that run but we survived it and yeah everything does get reset there's x's on the windmills though 82 protected that's not that great is it wow I actually got 41 gold that run holy crap all right uh let's do some big Investments then I don't know if I want to go into Towers or units we have 50 archers coming in so I think maybe I should what is this oh this is another okay you know what we're gonna do that for sure um and being that it's gonna be mostly archers we'll get some nights out we'll upgrade this again to get some more Knights do I want to upgrade it again sure why not let's have a massive team of knights out here oh it's only an extra four that was not a good investment considering I still have a bunch of these as low tiers and I could invest into them and earn more units all right the wheelie boys are going in avoiding everything look at this is actually like a legit War right now this is really really cool seeing how big these fights can indeed get I don't know for doing good or bad we have so many archers over here I need to destroy but I don't want to go into there because as you can see once they all target me I can die in like one second so I'm just gonna kind of let my team do every now and then I'll go in and swipe and then head back out and yeah we are dwindling their numbers quite rapidly well it pays to get troops I guess that went really really well let's grab that gold and 47 now do I want to invest into this random wall I think before the wall let's get some good Towers on my walls oh wow I can upgrade the towers interesting so I can either get an iron Fortress or a Ballista uh shoots a very powerful at low rate of fire focuses on Siege engines and other large enemies I think we should do one of each that would be smart and I should have more than enough money for that I guess I'll invest into currency so we earn more currency this round because I think there's going to be a huge round next run only because why would this be such a basic wave all right there we go all the rest is in the currency and well I'm not too worried about this wave unless there's like enemies hiding somewhere what is this I'm nervous about tomorrow that's for sure they also gave me a crapload of gold so thank you and there we go Knight survive Shocker on that one give me all my gold all right 51 gold and yes as I assumed this is where we die oh my God okay I have 51 gold I gotta be really strategic with this gold because that is we got freaking catapults coming in we haven't seen those yet in so many Infantry so many different upgrades here this is so cool uh we'll get another we'll just do a bunch of basic Towers why not right and being that this is pretty much my last line of defense I think upgrading this Tower is smart to the ballista that should have a really long range as well so I have five gold left what do I want to do with my final five I need six for that upgraded wall I was hoping to actually upgrade those walls that's too bad now since really going into currency I don't know if there's really anything else I can do though I guess yeah I can upgrade to perfect I can upgrade one of these basic Towers once so we'll do this one because this one's gonna have more action and there we go all my money perfectly spent on offenses now I have no Edge should I just keep my guys where they are I think that's probably the smartest idea here we go are we gonna win or lose I have no idea I'm gonna go down here and try and get a head start never mind they're not spawning in yet so that was a waste damn it oh God we got big guys coming in like crazy freaking catapults all right I'm not worried about the flyers I'm seeing a catapult coming in let's go get those guys wow the ballistas are just so worth it catapult stand no freaking chance all right I don't know why I was worried man we are doing okay right now I shouldn't jinx myself though so yeah I've lost a wall what else did I lose my bro my Barracks over here my big tower I have taken a lot of damage but the main wall has not fallen so I think we're gonna be okay hopefully and being that there was uh some time before this wave came in my troops have respawned and yeah we're just holding them at this choke point perfect good job boys we did it is that it or are we still very much going about this okay that is it there we go upgraded to level five we got heavy armor a large amount of Health but my horse is slightly slower at night we also got level six I love how I'm getting multiple levels every run so a new upgrade path for melee units uh units with flails can attack enemies close to them in a single powerful blow and that would be exciting to try wow we got three levels Castle Center has a lot more Health points fires arrows uh much faster and that is it alright guys and that's a quick look into the demo for throne fall super excited for this game to come out uh a fun little indie game definitely very strategic and uh yeah the battles are just so exciting on this one I think this one will be a really popular one when it does come out it's very addictive and yes simple to learn but hard to master like any decent game so yeah as always guys thanks for watching and liking I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Drae
Views: 354,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thronefall gameplay, thronefall game, thronefall demo, thronefall steam, throne fall, thronefall walkthrough, thronefall guide, thronefall download, kingdom game, steam next fest, thronefall ep 1, thronefall review, thronefall trailer, thronefall gameplay pc, thronefall steam demo, thronefall final level, thronefall full game, thronefall part 1, kingdom games, kingdom defense, castle siege
Id: ZH3pmZjPpDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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