I Drove into a Supermassive EF-5 Tornado...

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well hello there everybody Dre here and it's another dark and gloomy day in somewhere USA and today we're back out tornado hunting in my beautiful yellow truck welcome back to tornado research and rescue now since our last played the game's been updated almost daily which is weird but really really cool and the game is basically totally changed I mean obviously it's still a tornado chasing game but the way you earn money has changed uh so now there's actually a market for data so you can actually buy oh I don't think you can buy but you can sell at the right time you can essentially Merchant uh your data before you had to get random quests and accept them it was really confusing now it's simple earn data sell it when the change is in the green and uh you'll earn a little bit more money doing that not only that though there's multiple ways to earn money now in this game first of all you can get all Pokemon Snap like and take pictures and if you take the right picture of a tornado obviously not a yellow truck uh you get paid money for doing that uh also actually warning the citizens is important now for every citizen that you say save if you warn them in time you get a hundred dollars so uh before I didn't give a damn about the citizens in this game but now that sounds like a great way to earn some serious money uh so we might be doing some warning of said citizens there's also more information now for example uh you can even see your wrist now I don't know if you could see this before we got winds uh coming from 284 degrees so that would be uh does it start with North so I'm assuming it would be West ish uh percentage chance of a cell producing a tornado so it's basically a cell is a storm from what I understand so 60 chance and cell cycle means uh for every tornado there's a 25 chance of another tornado producing in that storm so you get a lot of data when it comes to the actual storms tornado visibility is 500 meters away rain wrapping essentially means how hard is it going to see near the tornado um in terms of weather conditions so weak so there's not gonna be much rain essentially so yeah a lot of really nice information information the biggest one being the wind direction because that's generally the way a tornado will go I believe the big red square is uh a warning zone or an estimated uh zone of arrival and you can actually see on my radar there's a cloud cover just loading in now so Day Spring is probably screwed right now uh let's actually try something so there's also one more new thing I don't know if I'm gonna waste money doing this but you can manually warn a town by simply pressing the number of the town so I'm going to call being that there's a thousand people there if we can save a few people that would be great and I just realized every time I remote Warren um it is a lot more expensive so hopefully I didn't waste my first warning there because it was only a thousand dollars uh but yeah as you can see the citizens are Sheltering and assuming Dayspring gets hit by said tornado uh we'll get paid a hundred dollars for every person that's saved I'm assuming that means sheltered which might be a crap load of money I hope I did this right so just looking at the map though we have oh and we might honestly um I was gonna try and make my way to Day Spring but going down this Western Road to this other Road might be uh the best idea because I think the storm is coming directly to me uh why is it Vanishing what I just spent a thousand dollars on that storm and I don't even think that was what the hell just happened their storms are supposed to last upwards of 15 minutes in this game that one just van what the hell game so I guess we'll just have to drive around and look around till we see another strong I'm just so mad I spent a thousand dollars to warn those citizens and now they're just sitting in their basements like idiots uh with a storm not actually coming oh foreign you can really whip this thing around um okay looking at that that is what direction is that Westward so again it probably is Day Spring God I hope it's Day Spring I don't like that these roads don't connect but I am gonna head up to that Western Road and go down there I should also mention I have permadeath on so I don't want to do anything too crazy right now because if I do either Drive poorly or you know go into a tornado um yeah it's game over if I die okay we'll get out um deploy the probe and I'm just gonna take pictures I hope there's a big tornado here I have no idea I haven't really looked at the radar oh my God it's in the white it's in the freaking White Dragon Ball Z is at 75 I don't know what DBC but I do know that 75 is the biggest of numbers oh God we might want to get out of here early I do not want to die day Springs dying I'm sorry Day Spring I didn't have time to get over there and I spent all my money and warning the other place oh oh I got money I just thought I'd do a random screenshot just to see oh also the the developer mentioned you really want to use your parking brake now or your your truck will fly away at like 70 miles or something like that oh look it it's right there oh my God zero dollars I might have abused the screenshot feature so I'm not getting paid anymore I should have waited I should have been patient okay okay okay I was I was I was in my camera I didn't realize how bad this got really quickly I'm out I'll see you later suckers I'm getting samples holy crap oh my God what the frick I didn't realize it was that close okay well I got out of there at the right time that's a rather small one I thought it was big and really far away okay and it's gone well it's still here but yeah that's just the little guy I mean you gotta start somewhere though still getting paid zero dollars we have a double over here and I got paid zero dollars for those all right so yeah as I said though very small we got F1 and F2 data um hopefully these two that are coming in are the big boys we get to be excited about oh yes please uh change in price for F2 is third plus 36 dollars right now so I'm gonna sell that there we go did I sell it all I guess I did so we have one thousand five hundred you know what I'll sell my F1 as well just because it's actually an okay price right now and we're basically back to what we started with because I had to manually warn that town that was a a total waste one more thing I forgot to mention is not only do we have the probe uh that's external now there's actually small probes I'm not sure where on the car um but the car can actually obtain data now as well so I do want to kind of stay close to this tornado to get extra data with my vehicle uh it's supposed to be a hell of a lot slower though so they don't really suggest you use it as well a data processing tool because you're risking dying but if I can get more data to sell that would be great because uh yeah I gotta pay back that thousand dollars I screwed up with uh I can still see the wind oh my God where it's we're perfect we are perfect baby okay let's just get out of the way a little bit okay let's let's Full Throttle I don't want to die right now my God that came up quickly you don't really notice how close tornadoes are until it's too late am I getting data please yes F1 again that's a little F1 maybe because we're on the outskirts of it it might be a bit bigger I got almost no data out of that okay yeah F1 again well if that's a small tornado I'm scared all right getting here really early there's a storm forming right in front of me as you can see this is what I kind of need to do because my that's my one complaint with this game is the storms don't last long enough mind you I don't know how long a tornado tends to last but I feel like it should be longer than 10 minutes so yeah I'm making my way over to where we need to be oh this is good there's two going on right now um I'm trying to head down to the Red Square because that's where they're going to intercept all right I see it yeah you can see the size of this thing 170 right there I'm getting samples I'm actually getting samples from my truck right now this is insane I'm not even close to it nowhere near I'm getting paid now though I'm scared to spam my thing in case I uh start losing the money again yes we're back at zero that's fine that oh I'm so mad we missed that storm that is an insane one there's no way I'm gonna catch up to it it's just gonna despawn by the time I get there this is interesting me though oh my God I'm so nervous I'm actually shaking this game there's something about this that just brings out the young boy in me I watch Twister so much as a kid and this is just like the movie so this is fantastic drop it we're directly on top please drop it please drop it I'm kind of scared hashtag memories get a picture 376 bucks this is another monster okay and now we run away well early because I do not want to die before I earn this money I want to see how much this is worth so I'm just gonna go over here or did I miss it is it coming this way it's so hard to tell I need to get more pictures holy Jesus all right 210 so yeah I think you lose money every picture we are definitely collecting some major data here though I hope it's better than F2 hard to gauge in size in this game F1 all right that's fine we're not even near the uh Center yet come on man give me some more money I'm gonna take pictures just because I get paid okay and then we're out so it looks like we get like three pictures per tornado or something like that all right we're hitting F2 territory uh tornado's not even on my probe yet so this definitely could be an F3 if not higher I should probably sell that F2 while we're here because it pays 4X for the last next 30 seconds so we'll sell our 19 just because I'm trying to earn some money here and give me some more F2 baby or F3 called it okay 92 miles per hour we're gonna frick out of here I do not want to float away F3 samples F4 baby all right and there it goes past uh we're back to F1 samples so yeah I pretty sure we didn't get any F5 unfortunately but that's fine that's much better than our first hit here I don't know when I should go back back I don't want to risk it here I can float away at 100 miles per hour so we'll just let it do its thing oh that felt so good though hitting an F4 perfectly if we can get an F5 in this that would feel so good but I'm super happy with how we've been doing oh my God look at that that is a beautiful tornado look at that thing it's so pretty okay it's only twenty dollars here so I don't want to waste anymore compared to mine that's the one I just got look at this one this one's definitely bigger I think all right f3s are paying 4X right now so we're gonna sell f3s uh yeah for 47 yes please there we go we got six thousand dollars now we can finally get some upgrades so I want to first of all get my range upgraded uh which is the most expensive thing but that's gonna be huge quality that would be nice to see so we're gonna upgrade that we'll definitely upgrade our engine and speed I'm gonna upgrade my Max win I'm assuming that means Max when I can drive in safely I don't know how what happens do I weigh down my truck I have no idea all right and I think I'm Gonna Save the rest for now so that should be a much better yes look at that oh so much easier to see that's got to be an F5 man that is I don't even know okay well that's north of me right now where am I okay so I'm here that is definitely F5 I'm trying to figure out which way it's going please refresh quicker oh no no no it's going down this road here it's going down this road here I might actually be able to intercept this crap I was too busy upgrading my freaking stuff when I could be hitting an F5 right now everybody get the freaking sign what are you doing outside driving right now you big idiots don't you know there's a tornado out here I'm the only idiot that should be driving oh it's gone never mind proceed to doing whatever the hell you want oh I am actually in Stratford so I did warn them it says I'm confused because at the top right oh my God two two more just popped up but Stratford's gonna be hit in three minutes so I wonder if I should try and make it over to silverfield I don't think I'm gonna have time but hi but pilot Hill I can definitely make so yeah I'm gonna try and warn these two towns see if we can save all three towns right now I'm not sure what's gonna hit Stratford in three minutes oh silver fuel fatalities great they have they've all died I can see why they died yep where we have another 121 fatalities is is that a cat five the tornadoes are all random like some of them are really smooth some of them are wonky I kind of love that this thing looks massive but it also just looks like a giant cylinder well everybody has died I have not warned anybody I am sorry uh I'm gonna go for pilot Hill though I think I'm still on the way of that aren't I God this map is so unbelievably big I hate that I have to stop my car to do this yeah we're well on our way to Pilot Hill so we should be able to warn these guys I just saw something was was that a house in the sky there was some big debris in the sky what the frick that is I'm not insane what is that oh God it looks like a UFO I don't like this that is obviously some sort of big structure all right wind speed is starting to pucker my butt so I don't know how close I want to be oh God it's okay okay okay breaks breaks breaks okay screw it I don't need to be any closer I do not need to be any closer drop it freaking drop it faster oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God please please drop please drop I'm out I'm out goodbye goodbye thank you hashtag memories there 229 for this picture I'm sorry that is not worth that I should be getting paid a hell of a lot more okay and we are collecting F1 data so we are getting a little bit at least F2 already nice I don't think my probe was in the best of spots so it looks like it's kind of missing the roadway but that's fine it's better than nothing F1 Pace 3F 3x uh 3x is pretty tempting there's usually four or five x but I think I'll take 3x so we'll sell all that and we got nine thousand dollars in the bank now I'm actually doing good at this game whoa what was that and there must have been uh a power line surge I'm not sure why but uh pilot Hill didn't shelter at all Stratford did I didn't warn them too by the way but um I'm not gonna gain any money because that was I just realized something that was very Grim the deaths of silverfield were 666 Number of the Beast one has lived all right good job my little probe unfortunately no F5 but we have quite a bit of money in the bank now I believe yeah we're at almost ten thousand dollars again and I still have a bunch of data I can sell if I want to all right so we're gonna upgrade some of our cheap things anything that's 250 or so I mean we mostly just upgrade because it's so cheap at this point uh what do I want now refresh rate would always be nice to have more of for raid what is refresh and what's rate regardless we'll do both one of them's refresh rate I'm gonna upgrade my truck speed I guess we'll upgrade the quality and what do we want I'm gonna upgrade the range once again just because that's the most useful upgrade and look at that I can almost see the whole map now and it's detailed as well that's nice okay there's also different game modes one is called doomsday which is said to be uh essentially just survive as long as you possibly can so we're gonna go insane here we'll do the number of cells dude you can you can have 50 cells you can have 100 cells that's that's a sell is a storm for the record and storm have a probability of dropping tornadoes change how long cells need to produce fast this is stupid this is stupid you can also mod in your own vehicles I should mention I didn't do that but uh you can mod them if you want ah so yeah let's see what this is all about why does it sound like it's growling at me I'm already getting why am I getting so many samples wait where did I get all those samples from oh God this is bad okay well there's supposed to be a hundred storms here let's go check the radar shall we oh great it's not it's I I broke my freaking radar I don't even get radar in this game great so it literally is just try and survive as I gain samples by doing nothing here has this one behind me I look safe this way let's head this way for the time being so for the record this is probably going to get insane pretty quickly here I made it way over the top it's suggested with three cells on the map I have a hundred cells so I don't plan on Surviving this I only see one storm right now so this is literally just the Calm before the storm they're probably gonna spawn in like crazy soon here I really wish I could at least see the forecast so I can know where they're coming from but nope round three I've survived two rounds oh this is easy yeah I'm definitely seeing tornadoes now we got little ones big ones massive ones fantastic love how I'm running towards the storm now that was a dead end back there for the record so I just turned around because I'd like I'd like to stay out on the roadways I believe these things are magneted towards me too though so this the storms are literally chasing me oh God just realize well we have fatalities but I'm already at 80 mile per hour winds oh you know what maybe I should oh this one is definitely chasing me I don't have time to turn around I have to risk being sucked in from this mammoth because this guy really wants to kill me here oh freak off fan seriously I don't want to die to that puny thing I want to die to that big one over there oh God I'm lagging I'm freaking lagging so fast oh God which way do I go that this goes to the edge of the map so I have no choice but to go towards the massive tornado that I'm lagging at to get away from this guy that's chasing me right here is that a plane I think I think that's literally a house yeah there's freaking homes being pulled up over here we're at 100 I just realized we're at 145. look at the homes did you see that the grass doesn't even know what to do anymore the homes are being picked up this massive tornado is gonna get me man oh God I'm I'm I'm losing all control of my car I need to keep it straight or I am going to Swerve that poor house just got out of my car for a bit because well I'm beating the tornadoes I wanted to see how many there was I thought this was one no this is just a stack of them there's more smaller ones in the back I need to get back in my car pretty quickly here um I am beating them are you freaking serious you can't do this to me this is why I didn't want to go down these these weird roads at the end of the map what do I do now I I'm gonna have to go back there's no way I'm gonna freaking go off bro because I'm just gonna die to my own stupidity I'd rather die by being sucked into a massive tornado I might be able to get off this road they still haven't made it to the roadway so it's gonna be risky there's a quite a few tornadoes there Yep this is where I die I can definitely feel it this is coming in really quickly oh yep there's the wind right away you see how fast they come on you I don't know how I outran them for so long if I'm honest oh there it goes okay okay yep that was still I still got it I still got it I still got it everything's fine everything's fine nothing can go badly here slow that's not slow but okay oh beautiful yeah okay oh my God it's so hard to drive in this give me those samples damn it and pull me off again oh this might be it yep come on let me survive for a bit longer I wanted to be sucked up all right guys and on that I think it's a good time to wrap up this episode of Twister research and rescue I hope you guys enjoyed storm chasing with me once again I love that this game is being updated so much already uh super super fun and yeah if you guys want to see more of the campaign as the game gets updated let me know in the comments below and we'll be checking it out as new interesting updates pop out as always guys thanks for watching and liking and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Drae
Views: 111,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Q42ArpSlKHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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