Mining Entire Planets for Rare Resources - To The Core

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well hello there everybody Dre here and today we're gonna select our favorite Rock which is clearly the middle one obviously because we're playing a game called to the core and in this one we are mining everything I am ready I hope your one Soul objective get to the core hence the name of the game all right and yes in this one we are going to be mining as an asteroid I believe at the start and uh we have to go from planet to planet uh well pretty much extracting everything that we possibly can for the start we only have our home planet which is strange home planet has iron silicone and aluminum and uh yeah essentially how this game works is it's kind of like something like vampire survivors except well you're mining instead of you know fighting things so the more we get resources the more we upgraded our little adorable Rock the stronger we can get so we can get more and more resources you get the idea continuous upgrades the upgrades in this game seem absolutely insane and uh well there's our first life we didn't do much but we're simple Rock so you can't really do much as the simple Rock and here we are at the upgrades now what do we want right now we want increased drop rate of blocks that's going to unlock more things and yes as we get more and more upgrades we unlock more and more things like question marks that we don't don't know what they are because it's annoying alright and in typical asteroid fashion we just keep crashing into Earth hoping we get more at more resources uh so we can upgrade our Rock a little bit more I won't bore you with the start because it's pretty basic so uh gonna do a little bit of grinding here and see where we can get oh well this is nice okay I don't have much health now but I just unlocked this thing gravity lock holds shift and not get knocked back when you break a block making my mining go way faster we're gonna need way more fuel though so I'm gonna have to start uh doing some more feel I'm just selling all my other resources that I don't need uh because some of these things take money like for example the drill damage some take resources so you want a little bit of both anyways check this out now I don't have to worry whoa okay chill out Jesus I don't want to go down to the other zones because those are harder uh minerals to obtain so I'm very much grinding iron right now but it looks like we can take those out now but yeah the moment I get to them as you can see my HP goes down to nothing so a lot of dying at the start of this we did get a few of those resources looks like it was silicon and maybe it's actually a good idea to kind of dive bomb into those because then we can finally get to these upgrades as well uh armor plating that is and or refinement I definitely want to focus on coins and resources so we're gonna get those upgrades and I guess we'll get a little bit of armor as well so we can survive a little bit longer actually we can get three upgrades armor not bad oh wow that armor is huge though look at this oh I'm mining the whole planet oh this is great okay so yeah I can actually survive for a while now at least in the iron but yeah the moment I get to the Silicon uh it gets bad oh I think I just got some red okay so that's the first time I obtained whatever the third resource is aluminum that doesn't even get any unlocks yet because I've been focused so much on the starting ones um but yeah I'm assuming once we start upgrading some of these oh it looks like we didn't get enough aluminum to get them that explains it I'm still working on all the Silicon upgrades anyways so this is fine I definitely want to focus on getting the vision upgrade though that will allow us to go to different planets but uh we may as well take our time because I'm assuming those planets are gonna be much harder oh thrusters okay so first time I was able to get this and that is unlocked gun powder which we can craft we need sulfur for that so I gotta figure out where we get sulfur and it looks like once we craft gunpowder we can use that resource to get more upgrades that's actually really cool all right so now I'm not just a simple rock that can actually fly around I can fly away from the planet if I wanted to I think you get the just of this game now very satisfying in terms of upgrades I'm hoping we can go pretty crazy into this one all right I am seeing the core of the planet for the first time as well there's no way I'm gonna survive the red it looks like my HP bar is good but the moment I get into the red as you can see I just get destroyed at least we're able to obtain some now so we can get some of these better upgrades oh wow I'm actually getting through the um aluminum now can I get to the middle I don't know what happens when we hit the core here oh did I get it oh let me in oh God I'm just did so much damage to myself oh it wasn't the point to get to the core I just died what the hell's the point then okay I can finally get the vision upgrades I think we'll buy that now now that we can uh see further into the uh Cosmos let's actually see how that works so I did see we have a moon around us I need to oh I need to buy it for a million okay so that unlocked that we also have a question mark by the sun which I can't buy yet so I mean we need better vision for that uh we can buy the Sun for 150 q q is probably a lot of money I can't actually unlock anything else it looks like so I at least unlocked my moon with that but I'm still gonna need a million dollars to get to that so we may as well get some more upgrades until then all right earned about a million for the moon this planet really isn't isn't even damaging me now until I get to the bottom I mean look at the planet I pretty much mind the majority of it I and yeah I'm pretty much full of health so I think it's definitely time to move on let's go down and actually take some damage now uh just to die more or less because now we have unlocked the moon and that means a whole new resource for us to enjoy I'm sure all right so yeah we'll waste no time get over to the Moon buy that that has Rock Coal and sulfur sulfur's what we needed for the gunpowder so we got to get into the middle of the Moon to obtain that just looking at the damage right now on the rock layer wow it's so small because it's a moon this is great uh the rock layer obviously we're surviving just fine so we can mine Rock like crazy let's see how the coal is Cole's definitely taking I say I would say comparable damage to aluminum on the original Planet so sulfur were definitely yeah the moment I touched it we died so I'm gonna have to do some grinding to survive the sulfur all right Rock has un increased the speed of the drill actually was able to Max that out with just that one uh everything else I believe we need sulfur four or gunpowder which is essentially sulfur as well all right I'm already kind of getting overwhelmed with the tech tree and it's only going to get worse you can zoom out as you can see quite far so there is so much upgrading in this game I'm just kind of buying whatever I can afford and seeing what happens with that I don't really have much of a strategy as all but now we're doing over a hundred per hit and yeah we are just slaughtering compared to what we started with all right so I got enough coal to gain electricity tank be able to gain electricity from broken blocks that sounds fun and more field boosting great oh we got enough gun powder sorry enough sulfur to craft gunpowder so how does this work grenades be able to shoot grenades by pressing space yes please I need some Gunpowder for that I don't oh we have a crafting bar now okay so I can now craft gunpowder with sulfur craft upgrade 10 gems with it I don't even know what this is sure I'll spend gems I don't know where I'm getting them from but sure I'll I'll buy this stuff okay and I finally got enough to buy one grenade which is of course unlock more things grenade damage sure we'll upgrade that right away let us unlock more things I'll unlock this again I'm just kind of clicking green circles at this point because uh there's too much in this all right let's try this uh grenade though so we just drop it whoa okay that's not too bad whoa oh I went back to the uh Earth planet did you see that when I hit the core it made it made it smaller so I'm wondering if I can destroy the whole planet by killing the core now oh I got it I got it I just Prestige the planet times three block Health times three resources yes I would love to prestige oh oh so we can Prestige planets now I'm assuming the cores may be harder now but it's gonna be worth so much more money so yes now I have this check mark I am on Prestige too uh ores gems and blocks Health times eight though oh that might have been a bad thing because I'm not gonna be able to mine as quick oh yeah this is bad this I don't maybe I should have waited to prestige I mean I I'm taking so much more damage at the silicone again damn it so I can go back I saw though if we go back we can check mark the first one if we want to um I don't know what's better honestly probably staying at Prestige one for right now is better until I don't really get affected by the silicone there's really no sense because I'm just taking way too much damage on the prestige too oh a new thing called uh I don't know what it's called but it's uh get an explosion when you're going fast so I can kind of like Zoom around planets now and as you can see that when I hit them fast enough it does do a crapload of damage I don't know if it's that great though because obviously the the outside of planets are the basic resources so you kind of have to open up it like this and then go in for the smash to uh really utilize this but cool upgrade oh okay chill out when you break a block it will explode now we're getting interesting uh I knew gunpowder would be the answer and I uh I actually have to wait for it to be crafted now because I'm gaining so much so I hope there's a way to upgrade that interesting I'm getting more into my electricity too um I can do electric grills at uh sorry drills I need glass for that so I unlock Milestones as well my next reward for ten thousand blocks broken I get a bulldozer that's kind of my goal right now that sounds great because my one issue is I'm not doing a lot of damage in terms of like AOE so I'm trying to figure out a way to do more damage spread the bombs are nice but they're very situational obviously um speaking of that we'll buy one more grenade and I'm not gonna wait for the rest of this crap to be crafted again I have a 196 gunpowder if I want to wait but I have to get out and get more freaking resources man so being that it doesn't matter what block we break I think we're gonna go back to the ordinary home planet like this and just try and get 10 000 blocks broken definitely with that explosion upgrade we're doing a lot more damage really quickly I'm getting a nice spread of damage now as you can see like it's way thicker before it was the size of my rock so this is probably going to be a major upgrade in terms of profit because I am just destroying way more rocks way more quickly well we unlocked circuit board uh needs silicone for that now we can get into orbital lasers drones that's what I'm talking about and circuit board Mark II um I'm assuming that's in crafting then what do I need for that diamond in silicone where the hell do I get diamonds from I unlock steel as well just now which gives me freaking missiles I need steel for that obviously so again another crafting thing I don't know all in one run here this is getting overwhelming all right so I think we should probably focus on Vision upgrade two then which we need a crapload of coal gun powder and uh 30 million dollars to get to and that should unlock some of these big question marks around us because right now we don't have much besides the moon and a planet so I guess that's our next goal being that that's our goal we're gonna go back to the moon so we get some of those resources okay now we're getting really interesting we can add a laser onto my drill yes please we're going to do that may as well increase our drill a little bit as well blast radius of our bombs I'm pretty far into the game well I don't know how far I mean I'm into the game but I'm much further than what I was so uh going back to the Moon is super easy now let's actually check out this this uh laser how does this work well I Dropped a Bomb that's I don't know how the laser works I wonder if I have to like automatically drill for it to happen it's hard to tell what's exactly going on but yeah as you can see doing much easier this time my grenades are actually um amazing now that they have a decent blast radius so especially for mining like really quickly yeah things are going way better and I'm getting close to being able to prestige my moon um let me actually see as you can see I'm kind of struggling with this final ore but I can actually damage it now but it does still kill me very much though um okay so we're also earning gems the good thing about gems is it upgrades our crafting speed so I'm continuously upgrading my con my gunpowder trying to upgrade that as much as possible I can actually make some steel now so we may as well do that steel is very hard to come by so it's just a very expensive resource so I got to be very selective with what I do with it it's actually not much to buy with steel right now anyways I believe it's for yeah oh if we can get 10 steel I can actually get the missile so maybe we should try and focus on that because I don't know if we'll get the drones anytime soon I still have to figure out how we get glass oh I gotta equip the lens enhancer okay so equip that why do I have to equip it I guess there's a certain amount we can hold on our ships uh so now that's why the laser wasn't working I didn't see that tab before anyways continuously crafting steel looks like we got how many do we got now six not bad we need a lot more iron though to unlock the rocket launches which is my goal now all right so let's try this Laser Now what the frick oh oh what that what do you what do you do is it is it shooting I can't even tell I don't think it's doing anything I mean it's got to be doing something it's here that's the important part I can't seem to figure out oh oh this is big this is big this is nice I can actually aim for once I'm not as a glorified Rock anymore I have destruction baby all right this is getting a little chaotic to say the least and I love how I know we're nowhere near the end of the game because I've seen some screenshots in this game can get crazy oh wow this is great I'm I think I'm burning feel by using this I am that's a cool way to utilize my feel because as you can see I gained some a lot as well uh with my Buffs why are those things blue now I'm so confused but yeah I do like that the lasers actually use feel and I'm assuming it's the electric feel so that makes a lot more sense oh I can actually mine through this now I'm on a Prestige two World by the way so I'm getting so many resources oh I wonder if I can kill it oh I can't I can't laser it that's lame all right well can't laser the core but that's kind of understandable or I'd be able to cheese it and just not take any damage at all oh I actually Prestige the moon accidentally all right times three block hell times three or three resources I don't want to prestige right now because I'm still having a hard time with the bottom layer but good to know okay and we have enough at least steel plates for the missiles there we go we can get the gunpowder and everything else that we need so we have missiles now increase missile explosion size now is this an equipment No this must automatically shoot shoot missiles out of the drill every second okay that's exciting all right let's go test it out on the moon so I should just automatic oh okay so they're a little weak right now I haven't upgraded the rocket launchers yet I mean compared to the grenade just show you I kind of like how Beauty they are for right now I'm assuming they're gonna get disastrous once we start upgrading them though all right after this mine it should be the big day we can actually upgrade our vision so I just need a bit more coal so I figured I'd mine this once again this is crazy how quickly this games became absolutely insane and uh yeah we've only unlocked two planets is that enough I hope it's enough and indeed it is upgrade that Vision all right so now we can actually see the second planet I can buy that for 80 million uh there's also a moon I want to know what these things are I thought I'd be able to see the closer ones but yes that just unlocked the second planet I guess all right guys well we definitely destroyed that planet in this episode as well as its Moon let me know what you guys think of this because as I said uh we are very much scratching the surface of this one I do like how long term this game is going to be it looks like uh the upgrade sequence is only going to get a little more insane and yeah we've only unlocked the lens enhancer so far and that thing kind of changed totally the way the games played so I'm very curious to see what other ones we can get I would love to get into the drones and whatnot because that sounds fun I've got to figure out where glass is I'm assuming it's on that new planet though uh regardless I hope you guys enjoyed this once again this is to the Core and let me know if you guys want to see any more as always thanks for watching and liking and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Drae
Views: 731,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asteroid mining, solar system, space exploration, asteroid mining game, planet mining, to the core, to the core game, to the core gameplay, roguelike, roguelite, mining game, drae, draegast, indie game, indie games, mining planets, planetary mining, mining games, mining sim, space mining, mining in space
Id: wp8UaSwGCi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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