One False Move and I'm Destroyed - BeamNG Drive

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well hello there everybody Dre here and welcome back to the totally normal experience that is BeamNG Drive have you ever seen a wick up before that is a Widgeon and a pickup put into one that's what you're staring at right now it is Art I don't even know how somebody thinks about this goes about it uh I have spawned it backwards well it's four I don't know what's going on I don't even know how this thing drives I'm assuming it's gonna have rear wheel steering also we're at the laser playground welcome we're gonna be dying by lots of lasers today if I can figure out how the hell okay so obviously that's not the front this is the front how do I get in can I please get in my Widgeon all right I have gotten and I appreciate that it even shows left and right oh God it is rear wheel oh this is this is not gonna go well this is already hard to begin with this is looking like a really cool map by the way I thought we'd start off with a really cool looking vehicle oh my God this thing doesn't even freaking turn what the hell's going on with it I thought rear wheel steering would be better it doesn't seem like it anyways we have a jump right now and at the end of that jump is a super safe laser screen if we can get through the middle of one of those holes we might actually survive I cannot believe I'm actually holding this thing straight oh we're going right into the lasers though and there is death what oh I just broke the game okay well that's that's a normal experience in BeamNG drive all right so yeah the goal is obviously oh God I forgot it's reversed oh God the goals obviously to survive I think this thing might actually be too big to even survive this ah maybe it actually might just fit through trying to keep it straight when everything is is backwards though is very very confusing I wonder if this thing is faster in Reverse or forward you know what this would be way easier if I could just do it this way oh yeah this is this is the way to go screw going forward I'm still kind of going forward oh my oh I almost I thought I had it there oh we okay we got it now that I figured out the reverse strategy I think we're okay to do very well with this very serious vehicle and there it is thread the no me every time survivable okay this is looking nice and straight let's get a nice slow motion just to see what's going on right through I am threading the knee I think this this can survive this so I do like the fact that it just destroys everything when you go through but I do want to survive it so let's maybe get something a bit smaller oh yes I did it enjoy your extra three seconds of life you little jerk oh the Gabriel D never disappoints in this game man if I ever struggle I just go back to the gavel D and it always works out all right so we have defeated the first jump this is an amazing map though what did I just do oh God I'm breaking games okay there we go so yeah we have a lot more laser things to do laser sword jumps small laser jumps water rapids I think yeah that went to the medium laser jump let's try um large laser jumps let's keep with the jumps okay we got another totally normal car this looks fantastic this is a Roamer chassis with a blue Buck vehicle Swap this is truly fantastic oh my God this is one of the coolest looking things it looks like it's straight out of Mad Max man uh don't know if this is gonna be too big or not these look a little bit easier they're definitely a little bit wider I gotta need some wide openings for this though going first person here and first try we're dead okay maybe this different uh truck car might be a little too slow I mean I'm going actually I'm not going fast at all wow that loses so much momentum on the jump It's kind of insane I was at 190 and I think I went to 112. all right I want to keep with this car so we'll come back to this thing I'm gonna try a different part of the map then maybe we can actually use this thing with I never went down Rapids before in a vehicle so let's try that I feel like with the big wheels buoyancy might be a thing oh my okay what the frick well I guess we're going this way now is it possible to survive this yeah no there's no there's I mean maybe you can jump that there is a road over here I don't know how you would jump it though that's kind of insane all right I'll consider this a success if I can just stay on my wheels oh my god oh geez this thing just likes to be on the roof yes I have capped on the wheels okay I don't have much control I just blew my engine I don't know how that happens I guess it got waterlogged but oh yeah ride the wall there we go this is good as I'm gonna get it yeah we're not gonna be able to jump that there's no way that's just a place to destroy a vehicle if you want to and it is fun all right let's try the downhill track I this thing doesn't have the best of control but it's got the the wheelbase to like jump these things so am I actually supposed to jump them that's kind of fun okay yeah this is what this thing is made for it's a little bouncy oh God this is gonna be scary oh that wasn't bad what do I have next there's still a jump here okay we just gotta keep the momentum up I think we're totally fine with this thing those Wheels oh God oh that was beautiful you know what I'm glad we crashed there we got too much air and uh hit that last jump a little bit wonky I think that was the final one though so I definitely found this vehicle's calling all right here we go again I'm gonna have to maybe slow off on the gas here yeah we'll go nice and slow that's still so much air uh dude that final jump is so hard I want to actually get it by Landing I mean technically I guess we made it but that wasn't too fun I also want to see if I can jump this purple Zone this one I gotta thread the needle and it is a really long jump it doesn't look like it but oh yeah there we go oh God my front axle is gone all right we really gotta slow down so I'm gonna go nice and slow there we go get that bounce off and break Springs fool hard Landing but I'll take it this thing's made for hard Landings there we go that felt much better well I don't know what in Mad Max is going on in BeamNG but I'm totally cool with it this is a bowl line let me actually it's for you for people who don't know what a bull light looks like this is what that car started as I I love these things why does it have two oh that's the back brakes I thought that was two back wings oh this is gonna be good so we're on the curved track now which oh God I feel like this is kind of made for but oh wow it's actually a lot more slippy than I expected I need to actually get a street version to do this well I mean I don't want to just go really slow that would be kind of boring I am I'm gonna die I'm dead yep okay well I made it past three whole Gates this time all right we have a different model it has more stuff on it so I feel like this thing just needs weight it's not getting any grip do I have an eight oh my God why is there a seat there I thought I I thought it was an eight ball it's a seat oh this is much better wow this okay still made it to three what the the bowl Light Sucks in this game I will say that and when it comes to handling it really is the worst so this might have been a bad choice but I'm having fun with it all right there we go third person views the way to go I don't know how the hell I'm gonna do this I haven't even gotten past the easy things there we go this is why I wanted something off-road though oh God oh are you serious am I supposed to go slow here definitely that's insane all right so I got something that actually might be able to do this without going you know two kilometers an hour and oh my God it's just so much easier it's crazy what a vehicle change can do in this game I can actually you know control this thing still here this seems a bit much come on and it's so bright oh dude you like you can't touch an inch of it or you freaking blow up okay okay okay this is this is this one is a bit much okay I feel like I could fly through here if I learn damn it is going to be the slowest pass of this map ever I do love the railings or freaking lasers you know the things that are meant to protect you just kill you how wonderful is this map oh my okay um oh God okay I didn't expect that it's annoying like I have to go slow on this map I just want to fly but uh yeah you truly just have to go slow what the hell come on man this is just an obstacle course I'd be curious to see how fast somebody can do this though okay so we have Lane choices let's go on the inside nice and slow got a whole track like this would be some Tron crap and I would love that all right now we can open it up a bit I don't want to open up too much though because I don't want to bounce there we go yeah this is this is what this car is made for there we oh that's deep really glad I hit that how how's my wheel doing ah it's seen better days still have decent control actually though so I will keep going I think we're pretty much at the end anyways oh no what the hell are these oh God I gotta jump those okay I thought that was water that's a lot more dangerous than water all right I didn't have much of a Runway so it went back a bit eh so I still die at the final obstacle all right that was the first track I didn't really like only because I had to go really slow I'm sure if you're skilled enough you could do that fast though all right I feel like we should go back to the large jump so this might be the vehicle for this we just got it whoa that is a much deeper drop than I thought wow that suspension impressed me if I go through this I'd be so happy unfortunately we need a little more speed though all right thread the needle quite literally oh my God I can't even get grip here get that down Force man now I gotta get back to the middle I just want to see if this is fast enough we might need something okay I need to go faster than that I don't know if this thing's gonna be fast enough to do it all right there is a rally scintilla I didn't want to go to the Supercar territory only because I don't think I have the suspension then but this one might and this should give us the speed that we need I do like this jump though it's nice to have a challenging jump that you actually need a lot of speed for and still what the frick do I need to get through this all right that was a perfect run I just want to see if I can even get close with this thing still like I'm still like five feet short okay I got a small turbo charger on this thing this might be able to do it oh okay come on turbocharger kick in supercharger I don't know what this thing is oh god um I expected this to go really fast I I have I've broken it start the engine come on come engine please start engine I I need you on well let's see what happens with no engine that was a shocker wasn't it okay I think I figured it out you just got a giver you know just gotta give her get that engine revving and then it's totally stable right oh God look at it freaking I am struggling to keep this thing straight I'm dead I'm dead come on keep it on what's my camera doing camera can I stop being in Australia please thank you [Music] smooth apps I I don't know if I can deal with the control of this thing the problem is I need to keep it so fast I can't have it fast though because it does that jump okay I think I got it I think I got it come on don't crash on me you beautiful weird thing yes damn it man so fun it's so challenging why is the turbo so big all right sometimes you just gotta send it with a drag racer and hope for the best obviously we're not gonna survive the landing but I just want to survive the lasers I don't care about the rest so keep that grip oh my God this is insane I still don't think we got enough speed it's gonna be close that is so close what the frick is this designed for there's no car that could even do it all right next up we're just moving my house freaking cars in this game get weirder and weirder I love it what does the inside look like oh my God there's just a wood panel there there's no dash it's just wood anyways as you can see in front of us I think uh a bad thing's gonna happen in a second I don't think you can beat this one it's just a giant lightsaber and I'm okay with that goodbye house this actually is screaming I love it um I still have engine power I I would consider that a complete success I mean my house is destroyed but at least I still have a vehicle kind of what the hell how okay so there's another lightsaber look look at what I need to I know it's essentially high jump for cars well I'm definitely not doing it with this with this thing but let's just try with this I don't think this is not possible either right I don't like ones that are not possible I want to challenge damn it I didn't even make it to the laser bit damn it is this cheating technically I just I just want to say I I can beat it damn it I mean that wouldn't even work that would not even this might be the first time that I'm excited to use a pigeon and I feel like it actually might stand a chance welcome to the pits uh I think you get the idea lasers and well hoping for the best essentially and being that the pigeon's so small Oh I thought we were gonna do a first try but yeah being that the pigeon's so small this might be its literal only calling which is not dying seconds before it actually dies Oh Oh I thought I was gonna hit that I did it one time I'm silent and thinking I failed is the time I win are you proud of yourself little pigeon I know I am you big idiot all right guys and after that complete success I think it's a good time to wrap up this episode of BeamNG drive here now I do want to thank Spencer Johnson for making this fantastic map he makes a lot of these fantastic Maps he actually has a patreon where you have to uh purchase these so they are behind a paywall but I am in full support of that if you are a passionate modder uh I think you should be able to uh earn some money by making things for certain games and I will gladly support him uh he has a bunch more maps so if you did like this one let me know in the comments below we might check out some more of them I'll have a link to his patreon as well if you do want to uh pick this up for yourself and support a Creator doing things like this but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed the chaos as per usual and yeah as always thanks for watching and liking I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Drae
Views: 127,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamng drive, beamng drive mods, beamng drive crashes, beamng funny moments, beamng drive gameplay, beamng biggest crashes, car crash, beamng drive car crashes, beamng crashes, beam ng drive mods, beam ng drive damage, beam ng drive physics, beam ng drive wrecks, funny fails, crash compilation, vehicle destruction, drae, draegast
Id: z31etVW7g-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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