I MAID A MISTAKE (Full Documentary)

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👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

I instantly recognized Anthony lol

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Argentenuem 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Wow it's a full movie! Could you tell us a bit what is it about?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BlerptheDamnCookie 📅︎︎ Feb 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
-I feel like I've almost dissociated from my body. I can't even really fathom that this is actually happening now because there's been so many months of this build-up. There's so much pressure that I feel now to live up to all the expectation from all the fans that have been clamoring for this to happen. The 200 people that are going to be here and the 17 maids that are coming here to perform, I don't want to let them down. My manager, who helped me produce all this stuff, and everyone else behind camera-- There's 20 or 30 crewmembers here. I feel like it didn't really set in until this week. This week, I've just been nothing but a nervous wreck. [chanting "Anthony"] I don't want to let anyone down. -I Maid a Mistake. -It also seems weird to not have me jump in at the beginning. My name's Anthony Padilla. [chuckles] This doesn't make any sense for this video. An anime maid cafe is an event or a show that a bunch of people, usually women, put on. They dress up as maids, get into anime characters to entertain a crowd who is into anime culture. These maids serve their masters, who are the guests. These are specifically catered to an 18+ audience and they're a little lewd. [cheering] This whole thing culminates in a date auction, where people bid sometimes multiple hundreds of dollars to have a faux date with one of these maids. When I first did that interview in May, it was kind of a joke when I was like, "If this video gets over 100,000 likes, it will happen." -I'm going to like it. [phone rings] -Hello. -Hey, so I couldn't help but notice that the maid video got over 100,000 likes. Did you see that? -Yes. [chuckles] Are we actually going to do this? Is this for real? -Well, you promised the world, so I think it has to happen. -[chuckles] Oh, my god. -Are you ready to see yourself all cleaned up? -What? What does that mean? [music] I think excited and nervous both have a happy marriage right now, in regards to me stepping into that room for the photoshoot. With these photos, I'm going to basically show them that anyone can come into the maid experience and have a good time. Really, this whole thing is about having a good time. God, it's hot in here. I don't know if it's because I'm nervous or if it's actually hot in here. -It's actually-- -It's actually hot in here. -There's no AC. -I'm a little bit nervous that they're going to be like, "You're not as good as us because you're not as experienced as us." but I'm going to do as much as I can to charm them and show them that I can be as good of a maid as they can be. Hello, ladies. Oh my god. Are you the head maid, as I hear? -Yes, I'm the Mama San. [cheering] Hello, I'm Mama San. I do all the behind the scenes stuff and includes all the behind the scene marketing and set up, and literally, everything else that you don't see on stage. -Let's do this. -We are a non-profit organization, unofficially. Everything and everyone that you see in these videos is completely volunteered. That includes our maids, that includes our photographers, everyone backstage. We're just a group of people who were especially inspired to expand the community and provide opportunities for people that might not have that opportunity to come to an event and experience something that maybe they've only seen in anime or only seen in the movies. It took a very inspired individual, Mama San, to come up with the idea of having an Americanized maid cafe. It is a little bit different than the one in Japan, but I think that's what makes it unique and makes it its own. We have this for you. -The custom Kiss Pink Maid Cafe outfit. -It has been specifically made to your measurements. I hope it fits. -What did you do to alter it? -I just had to make it a lot longer. -Oh. Okay. -Here are some modesty shorts for you. -Modesty shorts? Okay. -In case some things are flying around. Of course, the apron that goes with it. -Oh my God. The apron. Let's do this. [whip cracking] [squealing] [chuckles] Okay. [whip cracking] All right? Look good? -It looks great. -Maid Padildo, everyone. [cheering] Oh my God. I look fantastic. Oops. I look great. [cheering] [laughs] Okay. Where do you have a spot for me? -Yes. Right there. -Right in the middle? Is it always this hot when you guys take photos? -No. -No? Why today? Why today? -Three, two, one. Three, two, one, Meow. -Meow. -Three, two, one. [camera clicking] -We need Sayuri to step on me for sure. -Oh yes. I actually have a sign on my tray that says, "I'll step on you for $5." -[grunts] [chuckling] -Three, two, one. [camera clicking] [music] -Speeding? -Yes. -After doing these photos, especially some photos in particular, like the one where I'm walking the dog, the one where I'm getting submissively spanked, I'm a little concerned about what this is going to do for my career. You can't erase things from the internet. This is going to be on the internet forever, and I'm okay with that, I think. It's been two months since the photoshoot. We thought we had a venue locked in three separate times, but for some reason, they would come in, and they would have some different reason why it wouldn't work out. Did they feel uncomfortable with the type of stuff that we were going to be shooting there, or maybe it was just coincidence? I don't know, but we finally locked in a place. It's actually a place I've used before, so I'm confident that it's going to be good. It's going to be what we need. I'm on my way there right now to meet up with my manager and go over everything. I barely have any time, I feel, to prepare for this stuff, because it took so long for us to lock in so many elements of it that I've been waiting on. It's funny how this all started off as just an offhanded joke about doing this. Now I've set it up, so I just have immense pressure to do well. -He wants us to rent his equipment that he already owns? -Yes. That's a thing. -I get that. I do. It's still over the amount that you were hoping for, so I'm still trying to vet this other girl. She, I'm hoping, will come under this, around that $600 mark. -Do you have any idea of what she's quoting yet? -No. I haven't talked to her yet. She hasn't gotten back to me. Then the one extra expense that I did not expect, that [?] was trying to push through today-- I'm going to push back, but I have a feeling we're just going to have to do this is [?] wants us to pay [?] for his time while he's here. -Got it. Do you have any idea what that is? -Yes. $350. -It is Wednesday, October 9th. The event is on Saturday. The maids are coming over, and they're going to run me through all the basics that I need to know before the event-- How I should interact with the guests, what the date auction is going to be like, how much anime knowledge do I need to know to make sure the guests are happy. Hopefully, I learn everything I need to know because I certainly do not know the dance that I'm supposed to know. I don't know how you're supposed to learn that dance by watching that kind of a video. I don't know if I'm just not capable of learning a dance. I don't know. Hopefully, after tonight, things are a little better. Damn, they're just trying to burst in here. Hello. -Hi. -Oh my God. Hey guys. -Hi. -Marina, how are you? Everyone, remind me your names as you come in because there's so many-- My brain can't handle it. -Mama San. -Mama San. Giri? -Yuri. -Giri? -Yuri. -Yuri? -Y-U-R-I. [laughter] -These ears aren't what they're used to be. We spent the whole night putting together an itinerary for me and figuring out which segments I would be a part of and figuring out how exactly I would entertain these guests. All right. In terms of the show programming, we have 6:30 to 7:30 blocked out for the doors opening. If I had a tray and I was selling stuff, that's probably when most of that would happen? -Definitely, yes. Do you guys want to talk about what you're selling on your trays at the night? -Yes, I'm thinking about making some vegan gluten-free sugar cookies. How many things are each of you guys selling? -Just one. -Just one thing? I might do two. -Picking what you want on your tray is usually really tricky because some days I'll be like, "I'll hold your hand for $3. I'll pat your head for $4." Other days will be like, "I'll ignore you for $5. I don't want you to touch me. Get away from me, $0. Just so you know." All right. Naughty. $1 head pat. Step on you. Slap on the face, or spank on the butt? -Which one do you want to do? -Baka. Felt good for me. How did it feel for you? -Amazing. [?] -I feel like you should have a helper that's holding a sign saying, "This was consensual." [laughter] -Yes. Yes. -I give consent. Just so that we know that none of this will be taken out of context. -I'm ready. [laughter] -The dance is the part that I'm most nervous about because I do not know it at all, despite watching it 100 times. -I can go ahead and break it down for you and just get the chorus. [hums a tune] Five, six, seven, eight. [music] Out. Out. Skip. Turn, Up. Down. Happy, happy morning [?]. Up. [laughs] Reverse. [?] Shit. -I think people are just going to have to accept the fact that I'm going to be a little off. -It's okay because they'll love you, nonetheless. -Thank you. This is great. I'm excited. -Get in, you two. -I'm excited. Get in here. Are you giving me anime head pats? I like it. Here we are. We had to get five porta-potties, and we got six handwashing stations because people need to poo poo pee pee all day, for some reason. You'll come in here, you'll see this sign. Oh, God. This is already falling. It's already falling apart. This is where it begins. It's the merch table that we're setting up here, with prints and t-shirts. You could take polaroid snap with one of the maids. This is the main lobby area where people are going to be just hanging out. This is the "mingle" area. Then the VIP and the VVIP, I think there's 30, total, will be able to sit up here. Nice and padded for your hemorrhoids, so it doesn't hurt too bad. Here we got all the monitors set up behind the scenes to make sure we capture everything. We got me and then we got me. Do I look better on camera or in person? -On camera. -On camera? Never meet me in person. You'll be highly disappointed. Hello, ladies. -Hi. -Wow. -We have a gift for you to wear for your outfit. Will you accept my gift to you? -I will accept the gift. We have a cat collar here. Nice. -You're going to have to wear it for your outfit. -You just upgraded my whole look. Thank you. Let's get ready then, I guess. This has just been in the box for two months now. It's been two months since we did our photoshoot. There's no way to de-wrinkle leather, is there? -I just bought a new one. -You bought a new one for this? -In the green room, right now, it's a little bit frantic. Everyone's rushing to get ready, and everyone's just getting their feels out, all their jitters out, and just trying to focus on getting their makeup done or whatever they have to get prepared. It's just the beginning of the night. Those little tingly feelings. [chuckles] -In the green room, you're going to feel intimidated because all the girls there are so pretty and they're so good at makeup, but halfway through, you just do anything. You start putting on lip liner, they're like, "Yes, girl. Great color. I love you. You're so pretty. You're my friend. Thanks for being my friend." and I'm like, "Wow, this is great." [chuckles] I'm not even doing anything. -People are chilling, and then the other half are freaking out. The other half is me. -Can someone tie me up? Do you mind tying me up? -I'll tie you up. -Thank you. Do I look complete? -Spin around [?] real quick. -Oh my Gosh. -Damn it. -I think you're going to beat us all. -It was [?] initial shock factor. You see someone on YouTube for most of your life, and then they're in front of you, and you're just like, "You're a real person." Definitely outshowed me. [laughs] It made me wish I did a little bit more leg workouts beforehand, but he looked hot. Hot. -Do you want a butt tramp-stamp? -You're going to pat my butt with that? -I just think-- -For good luck? -Got to leave a heart mark on his butt. -Do it. Leave a heart mark on my butt. [?]. Ow. -I feel bad for hitting [?]-- -I was not expecting that. [?] leave it? -There you go. -[?] hard work. -One minute. [background conversation] -We're doing this. I guess we're actually doing this. Oh, boy. -When guests start arriving, I'm just like, "Holy shit. Here we go. Everybody out of the green room. Everybody on the floor. Let's go. Let's go." [background noise] Thank you so much for being here. I'm so excited. Welcome to Kiss Pink Maid Cafe. [cheering] All right. I'm going to introduce our cast right here. I want you guys to put your hands together for every single person that comes out here today, okay? -As it's happening around me, when the guests are filling up the place, I just hope everybody can make it on time because the show's about to start. It's going to be amazing. I don't want them to miss anything at all. -That is so good. All right, you ready? First off, Maid Rose. [cheering] Maid Miyuki. -I feel like I'm about to be pushed over a cliff. [background noise] -Maid Yuri. Maid Sayuri. And the moment you've all been waiting for. Drumroll, please. Please welcome to the stage, Maid Padildochan. [cheering] Now, I have to do this every show, just because I think it's relevant. I just need to talk about consent for one quick moment. You guys all seem like decent people, but we need to understand that consent is a two-way street. I'm sure you all understand consent is asked for and consent is given. I do ask that if you want to engage in any kind of physical activity with our performers here, whether that's high fives or hugs, just please ask, and make sure you get consent. Before we start, if everybody can raise their right hands and repeat after me, "I am a decent human being." -I am a decent human being. -"I understand that consent is a two-way street." -I understand that consent is a two-way street. "Deez nuts." -Deez nuts. -Got 'em. [background noise] -You are absolutely out of control. -In a good way, right? -In a great way. In a very good way. I was so stressed this whole time thinking what are we spending this money on. -People look like they're having a really, really good time. I've been stressing out over this whole thing, just being like, "I need to perform. I need to give people what they expect. I need to not let anyone down by being--" -I agree. They're having a blast and we haven't even started the show. -I know. -Just mingling, they're having a great time. -You want a cookie? It's a free cookie, but you got to earn it. -How are we going to earn it? -You have to paddle my butt. -Sorry. I'm sorry. [?]. -That was like a razor. That was like a dagger, to do that. -Did you like it? -I loved it. I loved it. Does anyone else want-- I got some cookies here. Wait, what do you want, sir? What would you like? -Can you step on both of us? -You want to step on-- Both of you? -I need to know everything there is to know about getting stepped on and stepping on people because I feel like there's very different interpretations of what that might mean and what people might want. -For me, personally, I would just rest my foot like this and then slowly put pressure on it. -Then see what they can handle? -Yes. Then, maybe talk to them a little bit. -What do you say? -Like, "Hey, how's that going? Do you like that?" -[laughs] Is it sexual? You're like, "You like that?" -Yes. It's a sexy maid cafe. -Do you put your full body weight on them? -Well, for me, yes because I'm only 85 pounds. -Right. I'm 5 to 10 times your body weight. -I feel a good way to gauge it just so that you know beforehand and you're not just testing it out on the first person who pays for it, you can step on yourself. -Step on yourself? Like on your own foot? -Yes, or your hand, just so you know, you have an idea and then, you'll have the muscle memory of it. -I [?] my full body weight on my hand. That feels good. I'm kind of into that. -Just be really observant when they're on the floor and you're about to step on them because that's how you gauge how comfortable they are. -That floor is dirty as shit. All right, you guys got some tips for me? -Yes. -All right. You got to put the other tip in there too, man. This ain't free. All right. Are you ready? You're going to have a lot of bodyweight on you for a second, okay? [cheering] -You guys okay? -Yes, we're good. -We have someone who wants a slap. -You want a slap? -Yes. -She wants to get slapped. That is my most expensive offer. What level do you want from 1 to 10? -A five. -A five? This is a five. -Oh, maybe a seven. -You want a seven? Okay, this is seven. -Maybe eight. -If I'm giving you an eight, you better hold this up. -Okay. [giggles] -Ready? -As loud as you can. -Are you ready? -I am ready. -Okay. -One, two, three. -Baka. [laughter] Was it too weak? -Yes. -Was that too weak? That was too weak for you? You want more than that? Okay. Three, two, one. Baka. [cheering] -Anthony. -I feel so bad. I feel so bad. -No, it's okay. I give consent. [laughter] It's okay. -I feel so bad. -No, it's fine. -Putting on the maid persona was actually way easier than I thought it was going to be. I put this thing on, I was like, "Get on the ground. Beg for me to step on you." and people loved it. People are masochists, apparently. They love being forced to do things with consent. -Put your hands up if you heard of the Pocky game before. What? You guys seeing this? We're going to play the Pocky game Kiss Pink maid style. -Wait. What is the Pocky game thing? -Two maids are selected and they then have to do-- You know in Lady and the Tramp when they do the spaghetti? -Oh, so you take the Pocky and you're eating the Pocky and then the mouths get closer to Pocky. The Pocky is in the mouth, but then kiss the lips or what? -It's at your own will. You don't even have to participate in Pocky game if that's not your thing. -Our first contestants here are Sayuri and Yuri. The rest of you, please head to the back of the stage. First. Round one. [cheering] Are you ready? Ding, ding, ding. [cheering] Round two. Ding. [music] Round three. Go, go. [cheering] It's round four. [cheering] Round five. [cheering] It's round seven, ladies and gentlemen, the final round. [cheering] Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. That was the Pocky game with Kiss Pink Maid Cafe. We're going to play the balloon game. Now that might be vague. We're playing a game where you have a small balloon and you need to pop it using any body part other than your hands and you have a partner. You get how that works? Anyway, we're going to bring up our balloon game contestants. Then, Anthony, you're going to play, right? -I'm going to play. -Of course. -The problem is that you don't have a partner. -No, my body weight would throw your body into the crowd and you would involuntarily crowd-surf. -Facts. What's your solution? -I'm going to pick someone from the audience to be my teammate. [cheering] I need someone close to my body size and body weight just visually. There's someone over here with their hand up. Yes, you. Yes. Yes. Yes. You could be my teammate. You could be my teammate. What is your name? -I'm Brandon. -This is Brandon. What's your last name? -Rogers. -Brandon Rogers. How you doing, man? -I'm good. How are you doing? -Good. Apparently, great. -This is the most I've ever seen of you. -Really? How do you like it? -It's very fitting. I thought I went really far for my videos and now I'm looking at you, I'm like, "Well, you know what?" -You might need to push it. Are you ready? -So ready. I love you, Anthony. -I love you too. -You have to pop the balloon with your partner, but you cannot use your hands. Three, two, one, go. [cheering] [background noise] You guys, I can't-- [background noise] I'm sorry, but you are eliminated. Three, two, one, go. [background noise] Without further ado, let us determine the winners of the balloon game. -Hell, yes. -When I say go. Three, two, one, go. [background noise] That's a win for Kiss Pink Maid Cafe. [background noise] -I felt kind of shy joining the balloon popping contest, but then halfway through, I got really competitive, so I ended up telling the girl next to me, "Can I lay down, and then you straddle me and pop the balloon with your crotch?" and she did. That was fun because I feel like if I wasn't at this event, it would be hard to tell somebody to pop a balloon with their crotch on top of [chuckles] me. -I was glad Brandon was there. He was so excited about it. I felt at ease because he was just super supportive. Did you not know what you're signing up for? -I'm pleasantly surprised. [laughter] -Very talented maids, they're going to perform for you, and then we're going to do the very first auction. Without further ado, our first maid today, Maid Aiko. -I'm pretty sure you all know the song Mooo! [?]. If you do, sing along and rap along with me, please. I'm feeling really nervous, but at the same time, I feel like I got it because I worked really hard to get the whole thing down. I'm just nervous that it's going to be a dead crowd. [music] I'm doing the song Mooo! by Doja Cat. This time, I wanted to do something everyone knew to sing along with, so I did Mooo! I had the whole costume. I had the [?] and everything. It was so fun. As everyone's singing along, it feels so great. I love it so much. I love entertaining people. It's my thing. -All right, let's do some more talents. I'm really excited for this next one. You guys are going to like it. Coming up next is Maid Akane. I'm told you want me to turn out the lights. -Yes, I like it dark. [music] [cheering] -This talent is short but sweet. I'm welcoming to the stage, Maid Yoko. [cheering] -My name is Maid Yoko, and I'm probably known for deadlifting a few of the maids or some audience members. I never prepare anything. I'm always like, "I'll just think about it when I get to it." Same with this, and that's probably bad because it's a physical thing, but I believe in myself. -[?] [cheering] Oh, my God. [cheering] -I just feel triumphant like, "I did that shit." I didn't even try to worry about anybody else while I was up there. Afterwards, it just felt really rewarding to see that because I workout normally on my own. It's just me seeing my triumphs, and to do it for a whole audience, it was pretty cool. [chuckles] I hope, women, after watching this can feel a sense of strength and are willing to display that to everybody on their own. -Ladies and gentlemen, this is Maid Lily. [music] I'm super excited about this one because I've never seen this before. I would like to welcome to the stage, Maid Bombshell. [cheering] What have you got for us today? -I'm going to do stand-up. [cheering] I'm definitely nervous because I've never performed this routine before. I've been practicing for the past five minutes behind the curtain to myself. I'm really hoping that it's well-received. I look in the audience, and everyone's fine. I don't have to picture them as pumpkins or in their underwear or anything else like that because I'm in my underwear, so there's nothing left to be nervous about. There are three things that you absolutely should know about me. Number one is I'm here. Number two is I like anime. Obviously, that makes number three, I love disappointing my parents. [cheering] I've perfected it to a science. The last thing I want to talk about is something for an 18 plus event. I'm trying to think of something, a talent that I had for an 18 plus event. What I'm really good at, is faking it. Sorry, guys. If it's okay with you guys, I'm going to show you. Do you want to see that? [garbled audio] I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, guys. [cheering] [applause] I was so happy the audience liked me. No lie. That thing when you're in high school and you're trying to pick your favorite cafeteria table to sit at, that feeling never goes away. I was so happy to see everyone laughing at my jokes and responding well. I wrote the routine when I thought it was just dudes, but then when it was women, they found it really relatable. That made me feel happy in a different way, so I was really excited for that. -I'm super excited because I thought she wasn't going to perform, but now she is going to perform. It's going to be fucking great. Please welcome to the stage, Maid Himitsu. -My performance is going to be basically a creepy, cute striptease. I definitely err on the side of being a little bit more promiscuous and a little bit more lewd. It's my MO. It's been a long road to self-love. Doing this sort of stuff is an ode to myself and my journey. I'm always excited to share that with people and just be me, unapologetically. [music] I love doing stuff like this. I love doing stuff that's a little bit edgy and weird and might make people feel some kind of way. [music] [cheering] I was looking out there and actually a lot of girls and women just whooping. I was like, "Yes." It was so cool just seeing girls supporting me. I don't know what they were expecting honestly. When I came out there, I pulled a fake knife out and stabbed my stuffed animal. Then at the end, I whipped off my bra and everyone's just like, "What's happening?" and I was just like, "Whoo." It was great. Like I said, I hope it comes through that I really love what I do. I'm really thankful that I have this cafe and I've had this opportunity to just come out and be myself and do something a little bit weird and a little bit quirky and have people respond so positively. -I think, since you wanted to participate in our show, we're going to ask that you have some talent prepared. -A talent, okay. People commented on the last video and told me what they want me to do. I know what that's going to be. It's not going to be great, but you want it, so you're going to get it. -Let's switch it up a bit. If you remember why you're all here-- Because you're fans of a certain somebody, I don't know. [chanting "Anthony"] -Is it me? Really? Okay. [chanting "Anthony"] [cheering] I told you all that I would do whatever talent made the highest-rated comment, but unfortunately, every single highest-rated comment was for me to lip-sync some certain song, the Pokémon Theme song. [cheering] See, I knew that was going to get that kind of reaction. I knew it, and I wanted to do it so badly, but we also know what happens when you do that. Those Pokémon lawyers don't fuck around, okay? I got a comment that said, "Anthony, do a sexy dance to any song.. ANY song." -Please put your hands together for Maid Padildochan. [cheering] I did have the privilege of listening to Anthony's track before the day, and I was confused but also excited, so I load it on my USB, and I give it to the DJ. There we go. I say, "Up next, your favorite Anthony Padilla." and then he drops that ass. [background noise] -Hit it, DJ. [music] -I didn't expect the music to be that way, at first, but after him beginning and seeing what's going on, I'm getting a grasp of his artistic self. -I'm down on my knees, watching Anthony onstage dancing, and he was doing all these weird things and his body-- It was amazing. It was just great. I just wish he'd turn around more and twerk or something. [music] [cheering] -Padildo. [chanting "Padildo"] [cheering] We're about to start the auction, and I'm just gauging the crowd because that's the most important part about the auction, is knowing how the audience is going to react to me, as an auctioneer, and the maids on stage. -As the date auctions were happening, I am feeling like if I'm a first-time person coming into Kiss Pink, I would be a little hesitant to raise my hand. This time, it's a little different as well too, because there's a lot of females in the audience. Usually, for our maid cafe, obviously, it'll be more male-oriented. Actually, a couple of maids and myself maybe like a little worried-- We're like, "Will the girls bid on other girls?" -I'm actually looking into the audience and I'm thinking, "This might be a little bit difficult than normal because the people here, are here for Anthony." When we do our normal shows, the people are there for us, and they're there for the maids, so it doesn't take us long to warm people up, per se. The way this works is, like I said, a date is one hour of a maid's undivided attention, here within the venue, and it's just going to be like a real auction. -All right, motherfuckers, let's bid. [cheering] -I wasn't going to do the auction because I knew a lot of people were going to bid on Anthony and Sayuri, but one of the maids came up to me and she said someone wants to auction me, after seeing my whole talent and I was like, "Okay, fine, I guess I’ll do it." -$5? I got $5 right up the back there. $5. $10. $10, okay. $15-- 15, 25, 30, 30, 40, 50? -69. -69? -Yes. -All right. $69, I'm okay with that. -100. -100, just like that? Just like 69 to 100? -Yes. -We got $100. Can I get 110? I got $100 on deck right now. 110, 110. I got $100 on deck right now. 110, 110. $100 going once, $100 going twice, $100 going three times. Sold. Are you next? -If you want me to be. -All right. Maid Himitsu is next. -Oh, hell, yes. -[laughs] Oh hell, yes. $5. $5 [?]. $10. I got $15. Can I get $15? I got $10 on deck right now. $15 at the back right there. I got 15. Can I get 20? -20. -$20 right there. Can I get 25? Up there in the VIP section, 25. 30? 30, 30, 35? 35. Can I get 40? I got 35 on deck right now. 40? I got $35 right now. -80. -80 in the back there. $80. -85. -85 over there, ladies and gentlemen. 85. Going once, going twice. $85 going three times. Sold. -$85 seems like a solid amount. The fact that people want to spend money to spend any amount of time with me, I'm just like, "Oh that's really nice." I know my time is worth a lot of money, but again it's an honor to have anyone want to bid money on you and support the cafe. I also knew that most people were probably saving up their dollars to bid on Anthony, so I didn't take it personally. -I'm going to start the bidding again at $5 for Maid Bombshell. Can I get $5? $5 for-- -$5. -$5. Can I get 10? 10 right there. Can I get 15? 15 right there. I got 15. Can I get it 20? $20 right there. Can I get 25? I got $20 right there. -45. -45 right there. Woo-hoo -50. -50. All right. 55 over there. $55 going once. -60. -$60 down there. $60 going once, $60 going twice, $60 going three times. Sold. -I've really only ever had duds for auctions and no one's really bid more than $25, so I always get nervous. I always want to do better. When the first bid goes off and someone takes it, I just feel so much better that it's not like, "Okay, it's just 25. It's just 25." Then someone else does it and I'm like, "I promise I have more [?] back home. I can do this." Then the more people bid and more people bid-- I felt really lucky because there was an actual bidding war for me. I actually became friends with the person who won me in the date auction, so that makes me really happy. -You guys don't know what's next, but I do and it's Maid Sayuri. 125 is the starting bid. I got 125. 225. I don't even have to do my job. 225 is the current fix. $225. Can I get 230? -$500. -No. You're bidding $500? You're bidding 500? Raise your hand for 500. $500 right there, ladies and gentlemen. $500 going once, $500 going twice, $500 going three times. -Wait. 530. -$530. Can you beat that? We're at 530. 550? -Yes. -He said "Yes. Why not $550?" $550 is current bid. Going once. 550 going twice. 550 going three times. Sold. If that wasn't hot enough, I've got Maid Lily here. I'm so excited. Here we go $5. $5 right there. I got 5. -50. -$50 right there. Can I get 55? I got 55 on deck right now. $60 right there. Is that okay, $60? $65. I got 65. 100 right there. I got $100 already. Can I get 125? 125 right there. -150. -150 in the back there. I got 150. 175, right there. Can I get a 180? 180 is a go. I got 180 on deck right now. Can I get 190? I got 180. I got 180. $190. $190, that's not much more. $190. No, say it again. He's bidding 600 fucking dollars. [cheering] You guys, I can't, right now. I got $600 on deck right now. $625, got $600. $600 going once, $600 going twice, $600 going three times. Sold. Thank you so much, everybody. All right, for Maid Maiko-- We're going to start the bid at $5 for Maid Maiko. -I'm Kim. My Maid name is Maiko. If you hurt someone, I'm going to come at you. Not really, but I'll be like, "Hey, stop." -How much, sir? -220. -$220. 270, she says. 270. $270, ladies and gentlemen. $270. 290, she's just right on it. 290. -As the bids were getting higher, I guess, I was getting more nervous because I didn't think that it would get that high. -310 is what I need. $300 going once. -310. -310 right there. This is easy. 310, going once. 310, going twice. 310, going three times. Sold. [cheering] -The winning bid is 310, which is way higher than I thought I would ever actually go for, but I was super excited. This is crazy that this actually happened to me because I didn't even perform in the talent show. It's pretty cool. [chuckles] -[?] a bit. I know you want it to be integrated into our team as best you can. I remember very distinctly, you told me. -Yes, there is something I want to say. For my auction, I wanted to thank every single maid here. There's 17 maids here and they're all incredible. They do this all the time. I'm over here stressing out about this event. I'm like, "What am I going to do? What's my talent? How am I going to make people entertained that paid money to be here with me?" but these women do this every month like it's nothing. They don't even talk about it because it's just so chill for them, but they endure the stress all the time. I want to give back to them. Any money that goes to me in this auction will instead be split evenly between all the maids. [cheering] Thank you all for coming out. You know what? Thank you for agreeing to do this, appearing on my show, having trusted me that I wouldn't paint you out to look like a weirdo. -You definitely didn't do that. -Not at all. I gave everyone a fair chance to make that decision on their own. Thank you for doing this and offering to make this event happen. Thank you all for coming out. [cheering] All right, motherfuckers, let's bid. [cheering] -Let's start the bidding at $50. -200. -What? -200. -200? -500. -I got $500 right here. $500. -What? You? $500? -$500. Can I get 550? 550 up the back. How much? -600. -600 right there. Can I get 650? $650. I got 600 right there. $650. I got-- What? -700. -He's on the balcony. He's like "$700." $700 is the current bid right now. Can I get 750? I got $700. -800. -What? -$800. $900. Oh my god. $900. -What the fuck? -This is why I really have the cane. All right, $900. -$1,000. -$1,000. I got $1,000. -What? -1,100, like it's fucking nothing. $1,100 up there. Can I get 1,200? $1,200. I got $1,100 up there. -1,200. -1,200? $1,200. What? -1,250. -1,250? All right. I got 1,250 on deck right now. Can I get 1,300? $1,300. We got 1,250 up there right now. $1,300. -$1,300. -What? No. 1,300 Padildo dollars. All right, ladies and gentlemen, I got $1,300 on deck right now. Can I get a 1,400? He's thinking, "I got 1,300. $1400, is it worth it?" -Yes. -Number 32, $1,400 on deck right now. $1,400. [cheering] All right. I got $1,400. Guys, this never happened before. -What do you guys do for a living? [laughter] -All right. I got $1,400 but can I get 1,500? That's a very even number. 1500. Can I get 1500? Guys, $1,500. -What? What? 1,500? -We're currently at $1,500. He is going to do it. Number 32, $1,550. $1,600, ladies and gentlemen. $1,600. -I'd rather buy a car. [laughter] -This guy is funny. $1,600. $1,650 is what I need. I got $1,600, going once. I got $1,600 going twice. -Are they the one? -Going three times. Say it with me, guys. Sold. [cheering] -The auction, I thought I was going to have a heart attack because the bids were getting so high. Once it started getting up into the 1000s, I was like, "I hope it hits a number that would allow each maid to go home with $100 each." and it pretty much did. Shout out to Kai. I don't know where you get that kind of money to do that. Actually, I do. He said Twitch. I don't get how that happens. What's your name? Tell the camera your name. -Hi, I'm Kai. I'm 19 years old. -19 years old and ballin out, spending price of a car on me? -[hyperventilates] -Are you nervous? -No. [?] -Not nervous? -I mean "Oh my God." -What a date. -Oh my God, I'm so nervous. -There has to be a power dynamic where it-- That's not vegan. I'm not eating that. I got my Ring Pop. -You should ride him like a horse. -What-- [?] you? -That's about time for my date. I appreciate it. I appreciate you. All money is going back to-- That's $100 to every single maid that you just gave. -That's [?] -Of course. Thank you. This was so much fun. Thank you. -Thank you. -Thank you, Kai. -Now, we have a really special treat. I didn't know that Anthony was going to participate in this, but he 100% decided that he wanted to. [cheering] I present today the Kiss Pink Maid Cafe dance squad. -We're going to do a choreographed dance for all of you. We spent a long time learning this, so we are professionals, right? -We are, I guess. -Yes? -We're enough professional. [music] Fuck. [music] [cheering] -One more. -Okay, everyone. Final decisions. How do you think Anthony did? [cheering] The ass. The ass. Do you all think he has what it takes to be a real Kiss Pink maid at this point? -Yes. [cheering] -Good. Good. -I can't believe that just happened. [laughs] I feel like I was just so on. I was just like, "Go, go, go. I didn't have any time to really compute what was actually happening. I was just doing it. I feel I'm going to look back at the footage and see so many things that I did that I don't remember doing. I don't remember doing half of the stuff that I probably did. I was not expecting to feel comfortable being in front of people. In school, I was too afraid to go up in front of my 30 classmates to talk about a project that I had worked on, a research project, but here I am in front of 200 people, shaking my ass. -[laughs] -I was not expecting that. -I would 100% do this event again. The maid cafe is one of my favorite things. It's become like a little family. Doing the event with Anthony was such a cool experience. Again, just to reach this new crowd and just to see him embrace it, it was really cool, was such a supportive, positive experience all around. -This show was an absolute success. I don't think I can put it any other way. I know the guests had a ball, I had a ball, the performers had a ball, even our staff had a ball. It was really great for the maids. They got to feel like they were in a movie. I felt like I was in a movie. I don't think I could've asked for anything else than that. -It didn't feel like it was a feminine only thing. It didn't feel like it was an exclusive thing at all. It just felt like it was all accepting. They immediately took me in and they were like, "If you're down to give it your all, then do it." They all were excited afterwards. They're like, "Thank you for giving it your all and not half-assing it." I was like, "I'm not going to come out here-- I'm not going to get myself on video half-assing. I got to go all in. -What was the most special moment of the night? -One of the maids was crying after my auction, and I had no idea why. I thought something really bad must have happened. Later, she came up to me and told me that she was feeling really emotional because she's living paycheck to paycheck, and hearing that I was donating the money to the maids, really made a big difference to her. I am doing this really because I hope to show that if you spend some time to get to know someone, you really have no reason to judge them. I hope that you guys can accept more people. I hope the world accepts more people. I hope guys can have their butt out and it's not like, "Ew, what the hell is going on?" These women could do whatever they want, and we're all having a good time. Why not just support having a good time? What does it matter? -Unfortunately, this is wrapping up the show. I am Maid Marina, and this is Kiss Pink Maid Cafe. [applause] -I feel like now I fully understand the wondrous world of anime cafe maids.
Channel: AnthonyPadilla
Views: 1,047,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anthony padilla, padilla, anthony, i spent a day with, interview, maid cafe, anime maid cafe, anime, documentary
Id: 0kgHm70p0k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 38sec (3578 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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