I Beat NIGHTMARE Difficulty in HARDCORE Minecraft!! (impossible difficulty)

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so about two weeks ago i made a giant mistake but if this video gets a hundred thousand likes i'll beat it in hardcore mode in a future video i know i can do it why would i promise that why we literally smashed that light goal in about two hours that is ridiculous but i'm a man of my word so i'm bringing it back for one final challenge nightmare difficulty but in hardcore what's that you don't know what nightmare difficulty is well silly it's the difficulty made by fundy where lava instantly kills you all mobs are ridiculously op your tools randomly break fall damage breaks your legs fire will never go out without water pigmen are always angry at you eating meat will kill you sleeping causes you to have nightmares and just so so much more today i managed to beat all of this in hardcore without dying once and honestly it was very painful this took many attempts and many hours of efforts so please don't let me suffer for nothing if you go on to enjoy this video make sure to drop a like and subscribe to join the wawa army please we are so close to 1.5 million subscribers and this video shout out is coming from twitter thank you to this person you're an absolute legend g'day guys my name is woodsy and welcome back to the final nightmare difficulty challenge from fundy that's right in the last video i promised you guys that i would beat this in hardcore if you got enough likes and you guys smashed that light goal honestly i think it was like a couple of hours and we had already reached 100 000 likes it'd be kind of bad of me if i didn't follow through and keep my promise so i've got to be honest with you guys i've had a couple of attempts so far i've had to reset a lot of times because the seed is just not giving me what i need to to win so our current missions right now i mean if you're seeing this i guess this is the seed that does work but we're after a village and we're after an ocean preferably but most importantly we need a village because we are vegan and we cannot eat meat but you did this for what why not why why not why though oh would you look at that we already got an ocean oh and that looks good as well all right where are we so there's probably like a chest buried in here underground we gotta find it [Music] yes okay all right oh dude gold that's actually so good i mean i'll take i'll take the four iron oh okay speaking of iron hello more down there as well let's get down here slowly wow this is actually a really good start this is really promising i've already got 10 iron off the bat all right please i hope we just need to find a village now all right let's head off on the ocean let's see if we can't find a village oh okay what's this one got for me don't have to dig this one that's helpful oh let's go 21 iron that's probably all we need like entirely at this stage this was the best start i had had with this challenge so far the only issue is we needed to find a food source or else we likely wouldn't succeed and that probably meant finding a village for the remainder of this first day i traveled around looking for a village i briefly went back on land looking for sheep so i could try and make a bed but i had no success so with night quickly approaching i knew i had to stay on the water and just cross my fingers and hope to find a village okay i'm kind of scared oh no yeah it was about at this moment i realized this was the run okay we need to we can't get too close we don't want run run just run just run just run please don't uh now we just gotta wait out the night oh it's actually this is actually like super perfect because then like we can steal a bed from the village that won't be a problem for the next night all right well we just gotta survive we just gotta avoid the drown and we have got a great chance i'm super happy with this seed so far oh no no what why is this map sending so many tridents around at me stop dude i'm really being tested right now please son son come up soon please wow hey look you guys the sun's rising all right should be safe for us to head in now to that to that village we can finally get food and start progressing this is all we need thank you village thank you just give me the bread just give me all of this bread nice oh my god why what should we do with our one diamond should we make a shovel just for the memes i'm gonna do it no no don't do it let's see how long this diamond shovel lasts us okay um let's make ourselves a shield let's maybe take on this cave nick oh god he's got friends oh why is it so you know what you know what screw it i'm never going in a cave again no thank you i spent the remainder of this first day in the village digging up some stone chopping down some trees and trying to get as well equipped as possible to keep progressing further wait a minute ew wait what is this it is it's a lava pit oh my god that's actually so good i'm going to keep my distance because i don't want to trip and have all my items fall in there but we know there's a lava pit here now which means when i'm ready i know where to make my my nether portal is it turning night i can't tell where's the sun now so if you didn't see the first nightmare difficulty video you may not know my strategy to counter the nightmares which force you to be awake at night and that was to sleep in the middle of the ocean which is a good plan but ended up causing me to die twice to try and drowned oh i'm totally dead i'm dead no yes good shield me shield me i'm gonna die i am guaranteed yep so this time i was going to do it [Music] differently [Music] now this is home i've made this little box here to make me safe from the drowns while i'm out in the middle of the ocean trying to you know stay alive and we can actually go to sleep right now i'm pretty sure so now when i have my nightmares i can just sit in my box i've covered it all in wooden slabs there's no room for any mobs to spawn just me and my box in the middle of the ocean now that's big brain i spent the next day trading with villagers so i could start getting some emeralds but most importantly because i wanted a bow and some arrows before i would head off into the nether but since we do this every video i'm just going to skip ahead to where it's more interesting yeah should we just make the nether portal now what if my stuff like what if i trip and my stuff falls in the lava i swear i better not trip oh gosh be careful with that lava that lava touches me i'm instantly dead easy we haven't tripped once yet that's crazy all right portal complete just to be sure there we go that way if i trip there'll be no lava for my items to fall in i'm gonna light this but i'm not gonna go in yet still want a bit more wood a bit more cobble but we'll go in shortly all right i'm going in going in please wish me luck please this is not all too too bad oh gosh did we lose stuff already oh i can't believe you've done this there's already so many pig guys around too we've got some pigs after us right now oh gosh just gonna have to put up with it and kill these guys i wanna see if i can get down there and get that gold okay what are these psychos doing all right we got all our stuff back oh gosh please leave me alone that's not good yeah we just gotta kill him they're gonna be chasing me otherwise we just gotta get rid of them okay this one's a bit better wherever i can i'm gonna try and avoid pigmen fortress like right here oh my god it keeps going is this all one fortress or is this two when i come to this bit this looks safest all right we made it to the fortress i hear blaze already which is kind of good i guess that was not fair can't do that to me you cannot do that to me it scared me so much wait is this a spawner right here wait that's a spawner room isn't it just here is our spawner correct nice all right dude i can't believe my luck we've dug directly into a spawner just a reminder that you can't put fire out without water in this difficulty so if a blaze sets me on fire even once we have no way of surviving so that's why it's super fortunate we managed to dig directly into a blaze spawner because i can use this super safe strategy which is literally zero risk of dying it's just not very exciting to watch okay no rod yet boom two blaze rods all right so at this point this is going to be super repetitive i'm just gonna wait here for these blaze to appear so yeah i'm just gonna cut right now until i have enough blaze roads water checkpoint that's right the water checkpoint is back this is the part of the video where we all pause take a break go to your kitchen get yourself some water and stay hydrated i can see you don't have any water are you gonna go get water no seriously go get water all right now let's drink up cheers all right so usually in these water checkpoints i do some self-promotion or something and this time i'm just going to say look out for some big announcements coming next week seriously i think you guys are going to be excited all right come on we've got plenty this will be it if this drops a blaze rod hey all right we're done so there's one more thing we need from the nether we need netherwart and that requires us to go oh gosh on the surface right now the surface is is not the friendliest spot to be i'm going to dig this way until i don't hear blaze anymore all right silence silence all right we're chilling um okay no no no no no no no no no no no no no really there's nothing can i dig to another part i can't be out in the open there's too many this could work no no all right we're out of here we're out of here we're out of here this is a perfectly executed mission we have tunneled our way perfectly around this fortress and successfully we've got everything we need netherwart blaze rods now all that's left for us to do is to run back to our portal all right there's a lot of these pigs this this is not legal we should be in the clear to just to go we just gotta go we're just gonna go it's gonna go i don't really remember where i came from i think up there i don't recognize where i am so maybe up here oh no i don't recognize any of this but it seems safer back here at least there's no ghasts do i just try and dig for it i know it's like this direction hey it's worth a shot [Music] i hear something do i recognize this but that's our portal getting the walls getting the wall okay we need to dig in the wall and then we just dig down okay [Music] no that was so close okay that's it dig down big three here we're through we're through get me through get me through get me through please hold up wait a minute why is there pigment oh i don't think so i don't think so bud we did it we had successfully conquered the nether and brought back everything we needed which is arguably the hardest part of these challenges and if you're familiar with how these videos typically go you'd know there was only two more steps we needed to do before we could fight the dragon making potions of invisibility and trading with villagers to get our ender pearls here's how all that went oh my god maybe we got a little b frame so i've waited for the sun to go down tonight so i can try hunting for some spiders oh that's a spider what are you doing there bud okay spider eye i don't think we got it oh you're screwed now you can't swim can you give me that give me that give me that give me these stupid carrots that's our first lot of potions ouch perfect go be go come on please give me in the bells first try please i don't deserve this are you freaking kidding me [Music] give me these and the pearls yes i hope this is the last bit of end pearl trading we need to do a lot of grinding later and we finally had everything we were going to need to fight this dragon so after throwing one eye of ender we waited for the next day to come so we could set off and finally beat this challenge alright the sun is coming up it is time time to go find this stronghold and beat this dragon okay i'm sorry b it's time for me to go alright so pretty much straight in this direction okay that's okay come on all right we're hitting another biome let's head into these planes and let's throw another eye okay not bad oh okay so we're running into a snow biome because this will be the first time we're at risk of this ice feature you know where ice like throws you in the air or whatever throw another eye still straight ahead pretty much all right let's avoid the ice still straight ahead oh we've still got a fair bit of day left which is good i'd hope it's close though i'd hopes yes it's got to be somewhere close it's got to be somewhere close maybe we throw one from the top of the hill and we'll see what side of the hill it's on all right moment of truth okay this way this way i'm guessing it's right here no not screw it man i'm going straight down probably big enough we'll run into it anyway okay i hate mobs we've got to be close come on okay oh i don't really like this annoying all right please just be around here please come on ah yes we did it wait hey whoa no way no way no way no way no way this is the portal room right it actually is it actually is the portal room no way we just did that dude what is the what are the odds what are the odds we just break into that cave and that's the portal gonna craft a few more eyes boom all that's left now is for us to fight this dragon alright let's drink our envis and let's do this all right we're doing it [Music] come on hit this hit this come on dude there we go why do i feel like all my arrows are slower at the moment yes come on hit that okay hit this and just like that the only thing in my way of beating this challenge in hardcore was slaying this dragon let me drink another invis just to be you know sure let's start using our power bow and let's shoot this dragon [Music] oh i gotta move [Music] come on shoot straight please there's no way we lose half health dragon we have so many bows and arrows left so much invis as long as we don't die to anything stupid we've won that's some good damage oh my bow broke no my boat broke again dude all right let's finish this dragon come on come on don't do that no my bow broke again we still got two bows left we got two bows left we only need to do that much damage come on this could be it no i missed so much i'm whiffing no way it's one shot the dragon is one shot no i actually couldn't believe it i got so unlucky that all my bows broke and the dragon was literally just one hit from death and this meant in order for me to win i'd have to punch the dragon to death and the last thing you want when you're in hardcore and have no armor at all is to get within punching distance of a dragon but if we were going to win it had to be done okay he's coming down quick let's get in here i'm so slow i can't jump i can't jump alright oh no okay we're fine we got slow fall [Music] alright this is it this is it come on we just need to punch it please yes yes yes we did it get me out of here i hate this so much that was nightmare mode in hardcore i'm so glad this is over i am never doing this again that's it i retire i win thank you and there it is that's the conclusion to the saga of impossible difficulties although these were very frustrating huge thank you goes out to fundy for making these and again i went through so much suffering and different attempts trying to beat this challenge so if you enjoyed this video please show it a bunch of support drop a like and also subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and now it's finally time to move on from the impossible difficulty challenges cheers what was that you've just finished watching the video and you don't know what to watch anymore well why not head over to my second channel wadtui where i post wacky vlogs and stuff and awesome videos uh yeah i'm i'm just self-promoting that's all hope you enjoyed the video
Channel: WadZee
Views: 1,918,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i beat nightmare difficulty in minecraft, new hardest difficulty, nightmare difficulty, fundy nightmare difficulty, impossible difficulty minecraft, minecraft impossible difficulty, minecraft nightmare difficulty, fundy impossible difficulty, wadzee, wadzee nightmare difficulty, nightmare mode minecraft, so i made nightmare difficulty in minecraft, fundy, wadzee impossible minecraft, I beat Nightmare Difficulty in hardcore minecraft, impossible difficulty
Id: uLrjDIQo8i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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