Revisiting Minecraft Skyblock - 3 Years Later

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i posted my first minecraft video on this channel almost three years ago and it changed my life forever but something has changed over the last year i've posted almost nothing but hardcore minecraft and i hate to say it i'm getting bored of minecraft i'm sure the feeling's not completely unrelatable for most people playing in a single minecraft world gets boring after a while but it wasn't always like this in the past i'd post a variety of different minecraft content and it was so much fun it's just the pressure of gaining such a large audience and trying to meet their expectations that caused me to get stuck doing the same thing over and over so let's change it up it's a brand new year so let's start things off looking back at some of the things i've done over the last three years revisiting them and let's just have fun playing minecraft again the year is 2019 and minecraft is about to have its resurgence on youtube thanks mostly to the largest creator pewdiepie at this stage my channel had around 100 to 200 subscribers and i had only just began shifting from making fortnite videos to minecraft but nothing was making me stand out and then one day in the middle of july pewdiepie uploaded a new video minecraft skyblock number one minecraft skyblock is one of the most iconic minecraft survival maps so like most i was excited to see him play it however i found myself disappointed after watching a 24 minute long video and not seeing him make any progress come on finish i have to eat dinner ken this episode needs to finish come on but i saw this as an opportunity and i was about to come up with my best clickbait yet on july 21st 2019 i uploaded a new video titled dear pewdiepie here's how you play skyblock dear pewdiepie here's how you play skyblock it shouldn't take you 20 minutes just to make a cobblestone generator enjoy the video didn't go instantly viral but it was gaining traction faster than any video i'd done before might have had something to do with pewdiepie's face plastered on the thumbnails and i made sure to capitalize on this continuing to use pewdiepie's likeness for the next four videos in the series and it worked in many ways skyblock was the beginning of my youtube channel's growth because just a little over a month after the first episode i had more than doubled my subscribers reaching 500 and quickly rising and to this day if you search for pewdiepie skyblock on youtube my video is one of the top results so now let's visit the portal of time so we can reminisce on the past and take a look at where it all began for the first time in over two years let's play minecraft skyblock hey you know what for old times sake g'day guys my name is woodsy and welcome back to minecraft skyblock we're back yeah we're back to where it all began on these floating grass blocks in the sky and today we're just gonna try and do something cool so uh let's see if i've still got it let's see if i've still got the skills to make a cobblestone generator ah you didn't think i was actually gonna do that did you i'm not that dumb i know what i'm doing boom cobblestone generator take that pewdiepie i can still do it i love skyblock give me this wood none of it fall into the void i want all of this and uh humble beginnings let's let's put down our crafting bench and it's our very first pickaxe now we get to work ah content skyblock it never gets old oh this is so boring why did i want to do this all right let's go a little sicko mode let's let's make some slabs oh we are gaming give me this last bit of wood now we wait for the saplings to come rolling in and what better thing to do to pass the time than dig more cobblestone any saplings yet i see an apple i was thinking should i like challenge myself to try and not die at all it'd be hard because you don't get too much food in this no was that a sapling or a stick it was a stick i know it was a sapling i'm just gonna tell myself it was a stick have you checked if you're subscribed lately you may watch my videos all the time and not realize you're actually not subscribed and if that's you please consider subscribing it's free and you can always unsubscribe later please give me a sapling oh we did it we did it gamers two saplings let's go humble beginnings and now we can go back to our lives as a humble cobblestone miner now what are my aspirations for this video i don't really know i want to play for a while and do some cool stuff hopefully but i don't intend on this being a series it's just a one-off little visit but let's just get a little crazy and let's just let's just speed run this alright and if i'm taking this super serious one of my favorite strategies in the whole world you break this block here you put down a chest and now you just hold down mouse button one and you just wait for the cobblestone to fly in another thing what if i what if i stood here okay it pushes me out oh now we're talking i don't really get how this works but it works and we should lose no more cobblestone to the lava all right but i'm actually going to go insane like can we i want to do something i don't know what to do i'm getting bored my little pee brain can't handle doing just this let me uh let me try and pick up this lava i've got a fun little side mission we can do let's put away some of our blocks break this block yes we didn't lose it we can come underneath our island here and let's try collecting all of our dirt glow squid oh my god that's so cool we are playing in 1.18 by the way not that it changes anything for sky block but hey we do get the best mob glow squid so all right now let's turn our lovely grass block island into uh well all cobblestone if i lose a single bit of this dirt i will actually cry oh my god okay that was a close call real gamers know you got to collect all the dirt but also you got to leave a couple blocks because you also got to keep some grass as well if you get rid of all your grass well you'll never grow grass again and that that's going to be kind of depressing so now we've collected all our 52 blocks of dirt now we can start replacing some of these blocks with cobble all right there we go now we can resume things as usual put our lava back there and now back to the most important thing we got a mine for the cobble now we put in the time and effort we really want to start expanding things we want to get room hopefully farm up some more trees and get some saplings to start things off we do need to do a bit of grinding there's really just not much for us to do obviously we want to head over to the sand island over there but in order to free up ourselves we're just gonna need a grind and collect some stuff so let's get to it all right another picture oh we have tr we have wood we have trees growing this is great news i was getting so bored of mining cobblestone uh the panic panic panic we want all these saplings we should get all these saplings it's within our boundaries so i kind of have a ridiculous amount of cobble now i've gone through two whole stone pickaxes but i think right now let's head for the island let's go get some sand pack this and i forget what else is on that island but for now we wait for saplings uh hello anybody home yes great amazing all right saplings i'm gonna i'm gonna leave now so don't drop while i'm gone okay i'm going away so don't drop any saplings [Music] okay i think we're good how many blocks do you need to get out here i really don't remember oh wow it's really not many at all we're already here okay i'm not gonna touch you yet i don't wanna stuff up and make all the sand fall into the abyss i'm gonna make sure to get all this sand we have limited blocks as it is so oh we're sapling hello don't mind if i do all right this is a dangerous mission but we're bringing the water bucket along let's let's make sure to not make any mistakes here because well we kind of need water to to do anything in this in this world all right great we're going under all right so now that we're underneath the sand we can quite simply build a large platform underneath it all all right okay that's our safety barrier i think we're fine to engage cactus my only friend finally i can feel something all right what loot melon oh we have the best loot of all and some obsidian but that's kind of boring who cares about that i got the melon all right everything's secured from the sand island all right now massive huge game of brain play look at that easiest sand collection of my life all right but let's take our water and let's get back home we have so many trees oh it's it's looking good what a wonderful day to be playing sky block all right so in the beginning we didn't have enough things to do but now we finally have a lot of things to do we've got new things to farm we've got pumpkin seeds melon seeds and let's also start farming our trees a lot more as well oh sky block is just so fun man so fun oh i also wanted to start planning my melons but i'm realizing now i only have one source of water at this moment so we're gonna have to start a bootleg melon farm up right here all right well the melons there we may as well farm some pumpkins here as well oh and our cactus of course how could i forget our cactus there you go it's all happening it's all happening and i am starting to get hungry i think it's time we ate our very first apple we got [Music] oh my gosh the trees the trees oh and there is one thing i'm starting to realize now we're we're expanding out our island quite a bit it means there's a fair bit of room here and that means there's actually room for mobs to spawn so big big pro game strategy let's get some uh let's get some logs into the furnace and let's make our first torches perfect there we go we have torches which means we have safety oh and we're playing on 1.18 so we're kind of cheating because we need way less torches to light this up our skyblock journey so far was going great but i got stuck for a while just mining for cobble and farming trees so i had to figure out a way to change it up and make some more progress we really should be probably making a nether portal and trying to go to the nether right now so we can start doing things like making a mob farm and stuff because i'm kind of suffering over here but i also don't just want to make a nether portal anywhere because i mean you can't move it after it's made and then it's like ugly but one thing i am sure of is i want to move my cobblestone generator to a platform underneath the rest of the island so right now let's work on building out something underneath here oh am i on a lower block i kind of want to be on a higher block you know things have started getting bad because i'm starting to walk everywhere instead of sprint all right you know what we're committing we're putting our portal downstairs apple apple [Music] uh so let's be careful here not to stuff this up we only get one shot to build this portal i almost thought i'd made a mistake then with the roof but it's actually perfect all right so you may be wondering how on earth am i gonna light this portal if you're not familiar with the skyblock strategy there's a certain way to do it without a flint and steel fortunately we still have our lava here and if we put our lava down right here eventually it will burn this wood and when that happens it will light the portal so now it's a waiting game this bit's always fun we wait oh okay okay that was actually like what two seconds okay i didn't have to wait at all never mind that was going to be fully dramatic then no that that was easy now we can put our lava back everything's all good we have our nether portal [Music] oh that is entirely scuffed um what all right this is what we came here for birch sapling sugarcane but most importantly another bit of ice later on we'll come back here we'll collect some of this glowstone and these i can take these mushrooms now that's no worries i shouldn't lose okay um yeah cool my nether portal just nearly broke i'll go through this side of the portal then i guess all right let's get right to it this is where the sky block truly begins let's grab our ice let's grab our water and now we have an infinite water source and this is exciting because it means we can start farms all over the place we don't have to farm our melons directly on top of where our cobblestone generator is and also this means we can finally move this this cobblestone gen like i wanted to [Music] all right i was gonna try and come up with something kind of complicated and try and get cobblestone to spawn faster but i only have stone pickaxes so i can't mine faster than just one block at a time anyway so let's just keep it simple let's build a regular cobblestone generator actually you know what no i changed my mind again [Music] all right what's this going to achieve i'm i'm not really too sure right now let's see this bad boy work oh yeah technically this is a quad quad cobblestone generator i don't have a way to mine all four at a time but hey if i had a friend here we could have two two blocks each at a time it's pretty cool and i'm just gonna be honest we could definitely cram these trees a lot closer together all right i'm doing it i'm going absolutely insane this is gonna turn into a mess when these trees actually grow but and you know what i see a zombie over here most of you might think danger i think potential carrots and potatoes let's drag him over here to the middle of our platform come on little buddy give us the carrots okay i guess i'll take some rotten flesh come on give me that no not even rotten flesh this time oh that's not good oh that's definitely not good go under i hide from the why you here too wait you could be food oh god that was a jump scare okay no rotten flesh but we did get a golden sword with no durability love my luck what do you think you're doing here i have no way of getting emeralds right you are completely useless to me but what could be useful is the leads that these guys have i just i don't know if i'm prepared for this battle oh please don't go off the edge oh god he nearly spat me off the edge that's cool we got two leads and two leather i guess you can just stay here now that i've murdered your companions uh yeah feel free to roam around so update on the island i've just made these cool staircases to go between the first and second level and the objective for a little while is just going to be to make the island look good alright this is awesome but i definitely want to move this as soon as possible i would love before i have to move it though to just get one more melon [Music] no that's so depressing right now it's still kind of a waiting game i should probably just go back to mining cobble i've got some things i wanna do some things i wanna some ways i wanna build things uh but i first before i move these i just wanna get one more melon so it wasn't a waste of time to have that planted okay and this is why we have a lower level i should put a roof on this right am i safe here i don't feel safe here okay i'm not safe here this sucks this sucks oh god oh god [Music] yes fly into the cactus oh my god the cactus it's genius i'm too smart for these creatures i'm too good we should make it our priority to put an entire roof over this thing though maybe just with some some cobble for now so that time anytime it's night time while we're still in the pre-bed era we can still mine for cobble and be productive oh this is huge this is huge news we got our very first melon boy am i happy to see you right in fact i'm not even gonna eat any of these melon slices i'm probably going to invest them all into seeds and speaking of seeds it's time we moved all of this all right so here's the thing i don't want to have any more dirt down here and i'm slowly working on growing my grass up there to have a little grass patch above us here now we can tidy all this up [Music] all right just a little quality of life improvement here to the cobblestone generator makes it look a little more fancy instead of having blocks all over the place i added some pressure plates instead that way we can like freely walk around it a bit more since i made it so big blocks like end up flying all over the place but every now and then after i've been here for a while i'll have to like run around and like collect all the cobblestone that's flown everywhere okay now it's time we actually get a move on and start making our other farms we still gotta farm melons pumpkins sugarcane all right now the question is how much dirt do i invest into this melon farm i think the answer is a fair bit like this is 12 dirt that's so much for skyblock but i mean i like melons it's going to be our easiest food source probably i hate you i hate you with all my everything please leave me alone wait i just had a kind of big brain play for a second yes i can use my leftover saplings in a composter to get bone meal right oh bone meal all right wait hang on you know what i'm about to make a mob farm so i'm just gonna spend this on the melon farm right now boom now we can hopefully start yielding some melons from this it wouldn't be the real skyblock experience if i didn't just spend like half an hour mining for cobblestone and also grinding wood uh but now it's time finally we've put it off long enough we need to go and make this mob grinder all right now we've got to build this thing up into the sky [Music] sorry i managed to build this whole thing no problem didn't even take me that long but i found one problem and uh it's gonna be getting down from here okay oh god all right no i got this minecraft is an easy game let's just go [Music] miss me miss me oh simple all right i do have the one problem where i will have to clear out those mobs at some point okay wait water's doing the work for me all right well there's only really two other tasks we gotta do i wanna expand a bit of a killing platform and then i just need to go back up top and get the farm started so the reason i designed this the way i have and i've made everything so wide is because i've designed it specifically with spiders in mind see spiders are a pretty important thing to get in skyblock because of the string and gives you well a lot of options mostly it gives you wool so you can make beds and with your typical mob spawners spiders kind of clog them up so you kind of actually want to prevent them from spawning in your typical mob spawner but instead with this one i kind of want to encourage spiders to spawn and give them as little to cling on to on the way down all right now we can start closing all of our trap doors opening all of our fence gates now we can break all these torches and now we want to rush our way and break this pillar all the way down before mobs start falling on our head i'm getting anxious all right and now unless i've completely stuffed something up which i might have this okay it should start dropping mobs i just saw a zombie die but what we really want to see is spiders because i would love some string it would be the most useful thing to me right now [Music] i didn't mean to look at you okay i'm a gamer um i don't know what my i don't know what my idea is here i don't want to die god damn it so the mob spawn is working we're getting bones we're getting i mean zombie flesh the only other thing is i would just i would love to see some spiders spider yes okay please drop string please that's one string down 11 to go before we can make ourselves a bet but what we can do now now that we've got some bone meal we can come up here to our grass patch and then we can break this grass in hopes of getting wheat seeds okay yes wheat seeds the thing is that's only mob farm number one this one is specifically designed so i can easily get some string now on the other side of my island here i'm gonna build a second mob farm and that one's gonna be designed so we can get ourselves carrots and potatoes all right another ridiculous long grind complete we have a ton of cobble again and i've also gone and collected from our mob farm a little bit so we have tons of bones heaps of string now we could go and make our bed now but i'll save that for a little bit i think actually no you know what i'll do it now there is no time like the present we now have a bed whenever it turns night we can get rid of the phantoms finally they are so annoying [Music] [Applause] all right there we go now we just build this uh like a completely regular mob bomb [Music] all right here we are again on the inside of a mob farm okay so what we're trying to do right now is prevent any spiders from being able to spawn and there's a very specific way you can go about doing that using a pattern something like this it doesn't matter how many times i build this farm i always manage to do it somehow wrong okay yeah but that is i think the best way to do it all right now the final thing i got to do for this farm once again flip up all the trap doors we got to get some water in here the last thing we got to do break all the torches and quickly run out of here that's all the torches let's get rid of this water go down to the bottom all right that's another farm done now we've built two completely different mob farms this one specially designed for getting iron carrots potatoes and the other one for string now i think we just wait around for it to build up a bit and very soon we should have ourselves some carrots and potatoes in case you're unsure of why these farms are any different it's because zombies can only drop carrots and iron if killed by the player where my other farm just lets all mobs die to full damage so spiders can't clog anything up [Music] oh we just got a nine ingot that's huge i see a carrot in this mix as well do we get a potato as well by any chance doesn't look like it we've got bows now as well if we combine enough of these things we could probably get a fully repaired bow all right let's give this another crack can we get a potato this time maybe oh we got an enchanted bow another carrot though wait potatoes are possible to get right [Music] chicken wait chicken oh i wish i could get you out somehow can i try i'm gonna try i break this just gonna kill the zombie on top chicken this is so awesome come with me this is my first animal in this whole skyblock world i guess we could put him on that fence for now i'm terrified of you despawning because you came as a baby zombie jockey but i i hope you stay with us chicken friend i hope you do no my chicken friendly spawned oh that's such a shame but our mission's not over we're still yet to get a potato [Music] oh there it is i see my potato in there that's all the loot i ever needed and that leaves us with just a few final farms to make we can now make our carrot wheat and potato farm all right in all honesty we probably only need three dirt per sapling type i have like infinite bone meal now so technically i could even do less than that but one-third wheat one-third carrots one-third potatoes i guess the fact that we have infinite bone meal highlights the fact that we don't even need to invest this much dirt into these crops either and maybe we could keep a lot more for the trees but in all honesty i don't know how much longer i'm gonna be playing this skyblock in today's skyblock journey we managed to make farms for almost every material we could and there was still plenty we didn't do but that's just the joy of minecraft skyblock on the surface it seems extremely limited in what you can achieve but as you keep playing you realize there is always so much more to be done i really enjoyed my time revisiting what may just be the beginning of my youtube career and if you did too make sure to subscribe and join me as i continue looking back at some of my most iconic youtube series that helped me get to where i am today and most importantly let's have fun playing minecraft again you
Channel: WadZee
Views: 4,134,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WadZee, Skyblock, Minecraft, Revisiting Minecraft Skyblock, WadZee Skyblock, Minecraft Skyblock Lets Play, WadZee Skyblock Lets Play, WadZee Revisiting Skyblock, Classic Minecraft Skyblock, The Complete Skyblock Experience, skyblock minecraft, new minecraft skyblock, skyblock 100 days, Minecraft survival, one block skyblock, minecraft one block, wadzee one block skyblock, minecraft skyblock experience, Sky Block, Minecraft Sky Block
Id: B_Mm-YZ93w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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