I Beat a Black 2 Challenge Mode Nuzlocke With Only Shinies

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hi i'm bp and this is my attempt at a pokemon black 2 challenge mode hardcore nuts lock using only shiny pokemon in generation 5 the shiny odds are 1 8 192 making these beautiful critters quite rare and i'll be putting their lives on the line for glory and for your entertainment for the full list of nuzlocke rules check the description below and let's start hunting unlike modern pokemon games we can actually shiny hunt the starters and i decide to hunt tepig for three reasons one it has the best boss battle matchups amongst the starters two it's probably the best looking shiny in my opinion and three i don't have to select it meaning all i have to do is press a which saves a lot more time than you would think and eventually it all pays off shiny topic chinese epic yes all right oh my god finally after 8 558 soft resets we finally find king the shiny tepee and he quickly proves to be the ruler of the crick kingdom as we win not only the first rival battle with the crit tackle but the second one as well finally a useful monarch and even though king is an absolute gamer charon is a really tough gym for just one pokemon so i decided to hunt for one more pokemon in the felicity ranch and i was hoping for a shiny mareep but well let's just say i get one better holy oh my god [Music] that's a shiny riley oh my god i'm shook the reason i'm so stunned is because rylu only has a 5 spawn rate making this an extremely lucky find and with oreo on the team charon will be no problem at all sharon starts with pat rat as i start with oreo he lands a chunky tackle but we send it right back with a counter doing over 50 percent he lands another tackle procking out orenberry and his death as another candler takes him out with that xp we level up to level 15 learning force palm which one shots sharon's ace lily pup next is his challenge mode member for dove but it doesn't have any flying moves so we safely take it out with two more force palms earning us our first badge before we head off to roxy i decide to hunt for another pokemon and we get pretty lucky as it only takes us around 4 000 encounters to find our next shiny let's go dude all righty shiny magnemite hey this should make a roxy pretty easy we name our magnemite cube because well he isn't a cube and while in the base games magnemite is just a free wind burst roxy in challenge mode she has a grimer with mud slap which excuse the pun slaps around magnemite due to it being four times super effective and lowering our accuracy but it is still a great pokemon i just wanted to mention that it's not as free as in the base games alright king also evolves and with that it's time to take on roxy roxy starts with coughing as we lead with cube we land a soft magnet bomb but coughing lands an even softer tackle and with the magnet bomb chip two sonic booms finish off the coughing roxy brings in grammar as i switch into oreo to tank the mudslap and i mistakenly try to set up some workups we only get to plus two though before taking too much damage and we're forced to attack oreo lands a plus two quick attack which does very underwhelming damage grandma then lands another venoshock and i'm really stupid because i risk getting cripped by this venom shock for a quick attack that doesn't even land thanks to the mud slap accuracy drop the veno shocker then brings oreo down to just 4 hp so we will definitely dead to a crit there so looking back i really don't know what i was thinking i bring in king who tanks a soft thinner shock and then i land a decently hard flame charge boosting our speed but then grimer disables my flame charge forcing me to use the much worse tackle and after a potion it takes us a while but we eventually do take it out and just in time for flame charge to no longer be disabled which is perfect for her next pokemon whirlped we land a flame charge which brings her down to 50 hp but thanks to the citrus berry we won't be able to take it down in the next turn as she lands a pretty rough phenoshock i then risk the crit again by going for another flame charge which brings her into the red but activates her poison point which poisons king and in turn boost venoshock's power which will definitely taking out or it would if i didn't give king a petroberry curing the poison and allowing us to live a venoshock with 10 hp as we finish off well appeared with one last flame charge honestly looking back i'm not proud of how i played this battle since it was much safer to bring in cube versus welipede since it can't really touch us and then we can just slowly take it out but i guess this is better for content after becoming a pokestar we evolve oreo into the beautiful lucario and then head straight to berg he starts with dwell as i start with cube and cube lands a thunder wave because well i just felt like being a bit cheeky it does end up being useful as dwell tries to set up a rock polish but thunder wave makes it pretty useless we then miss a mirror shot as dwell sets up a rock polish we land the second mirror shot which brings dwell down to its sturdy and proxied citrus berry but it just sets up another rock polish and even at plus six we still add speed thanks to the thunder wave and one last thundershock finishes off the little crab berg brings in his carrot blast so i bring in king who eats a soft headbutt on the switch king then lands a flame charge which is enough to one shot kara blast and thanks to the speed boost we out speed his ace levanny and also one shot it with a flame charge leaving his shelmet but it just falls to a flame charge making this an easy battle [Music] i'm feeling a lot less confident about elisa so i was gonna hunt for two shiny pokemon but well after sixteen hundred encounters we finally find a shiny oh yes let's go finally man holy like over two times the odds man oh my god but finally we got ourselves a said dial all right dude i was gonna do two hunts for her i don't know if i can now that was insane at this point i was pretty tired of hunting so after evolving steve i head straight to elisa i lead with cube as elisa starts with the mulga who lands a weak pursuit as cube hits a sonic boom amolga hits another pursuit as islander thundershock which procs amolga citrusberry i then get completely outplayed as she switches into zeb striker who gains a speed boost from our thundershock with his motor drive ability she then predicts me again as she lands a boosted pursuit as i switch cube out but i'm glad she did this as it's a safe switch to steve seb striker then hits a stomp which of course gets the flinch it should be fine as long as the next stomp doesn't also flinch thankfully it doesn't and steve is able to get a dig off which one shots her up striker man that could have been really bad if she got a second flinch elisa then brings in her joltik so i switched the king on an exister king then outspeeds and one shots the jolt check with the heat crash she brings in her mulga and i switch back out into cube to eat the aerial ace i decide to paralyze the rat with a t-wave as it lands a soft pursuit i then bring in king who now outspeeds and finishes off the imoga with a heat crash last is a fluffy who just barely survives a heat crash as it paralyzes king thankfully though we get a higher roll on the second heat crash and dodge the paralysis which one shots flaffy after a high proportion earning us our fourth badge honestly our team is looking extremely weak to clay with steve being the only one not weak to ground type moves so i think it's time to start hunting again and i was looking for a dealing but we end up finding a pretty cool pokemon dude shiny barrel hey that's that is insanely lucky not only is it a short hunt i think the said that one but i think barrels are really like really low chance i'm mainly been running into dealings um [Music] the only thing i'm worried about is did i buy pokeballs okay good nipples watertight okay let's just throw a netball and try our best here holy that okay well uh helping kid but it failed uh i don't think assurance would kill that would be kind of insane oh no what do you have why do you have double edge oh no uh uh uh uh ultra ball no that's double edge though shot okay aqua rings that's good it's gonna be healing itself up great ball all right there we go sweet that was scary we name our maril terry and thankfully it has huge power which doubles its physical attack making it a pretty strong pokemon and then while grinding to the level cap cube terry and king all evolve into their final forms giving us a huge boost in power before probably the scariest fight yet and with our newer adults it's time to jump right into clay clay leads with krokorok who intimidates our lead oreo but thanks to a fighting gem boost our force palm takes him out this brings in his onyx and we land a force palm but it doesn't even bring it down to yellow due to the intimidate as it sets up a rock polish onyx then lands a rock slide as our force palm leaves onyx in the red i know clay will heal here so i go for a workup as clay does use a hyper potion onyx lands another rock slide as our force palm is now a clean two hit ko but then onyx explodes which does little damage due to our steel typing and onix's piss poor attack stat clay brings in sand slash so i send in cube on the bulldoze which might seem like the biggest throw of the century but cube is holding an air balloon which allows us to avoid ground type moves giving us a free switch cube then hits a hard mirror shot as sans sets up the home clause this is huge as cube gets to keep his air balloon and as long as he doesn't miss mirror shot awesome this brings in his last pokemon extra drill and i'm pretty safe to switch into steve since excajol won't go for bulldoze in front of the balloon steve does take more damage than i thought from a rock slide considering he resists it and he's holding the eevee alight but we outspeed the next turn and go for a dig which barely misses the ko as excadrill eats a citrus berry and then lands a nasty bulldoze i know he go for bulldoze again so i bring in cube and then pivots straight to terry who tanks a rock slide extra drill then hits a slash but we luckily don't get crit and we don't miss an awkward tale allowing terry to finish off extra drill and earn our fifth badge honestly if sans slash didn't go for that home clause we probably would have lost a couple pokemon in this battle so thanks sensas well on the way to the next gym steve evolves into crooked and then we head straight to skyler in a flying type pokemon skyler starts with swoobat who outspeeds and lands a psychic on cube who retaliates with an electro ball but it barely misses the ko i know skyler is going to heal here so i go for a thunder wave paralyzing the swoo bat which lowers its speed and in turn boosts electro ball's power allowing us to one shot at next turn next is a water turkey swarner who lands a pretty hard surf before getting knocked out by a four time super effective electro ball siegelif is up next but it misses a hypnosis as vault switch one shots it i bring in king as she sends out skarmory and i thought it might out speed so i go for a flame charge which does just over 50 percent but then she goes for an agility allowing her to outpace me skarmory now outspeeds and lands in aerial ace which doesn't even look like a two-year ko as king hits a heavy heat crash winning us the sixth badge after beating skylar we head to reversal mountain where we have to escort bianca and this is great for shiny hunting because she makes every battle a double battle which tends to speed up the process well tends to it doesn't always as it still takes us over 9000 encounters but we do eventually find our next shiny oh yeah let's go shoddy wu bad oh my god i was kind of hoping for a shouty like spoit but that's awesome oh my god all right um so we're gonna kill bashar first okay hopefully that one shots yep awesome oh my god that's sick all right oh she has like a full team bird uh uh does crunch take it out i feel like foul play is gonna do damage right come on no out no stop okay just gonna switch out i'm gonna have to kill her oh deeper i mean that's spike she killed that right okay um all right yes is this a good idea i'm doing it i boston bowling it because i guess i don't want her to kill it oh my god since we used a master ball i named woo bat master and he joins the team and after some running around it evolves into a swoo bat and looking at our team and thinking back on how long it took me to find them all i can't help but smile they're all so cool and i can't imagine any other team taking this challenge on with me and i really hope they all make it to the elite four yeah we lose terry to this random triple battle in the seventh gym the sad thing is fractured lived on like 1 hp from the previous turn but even worse is i didn't even need to battle this guy since i already did the rotation battle on the other side so this was an absolutely pointless death nonetheless though terry did die so we head over to the pc and release terry back into the cruel wild lands from once he came losing terry was super sad but oreo with his raging ice fists is ready to avenge terry by beating down drayden in his dragon type pokemon he leads with drought again as we start with oreo who sets up a sword stance as drudging hits a very soft rock slide and with plus two attack oreos ice punch one shot to dragon altaria flygon and haxorus avenging terry and earning us the seventh badge and as much as i hate to do it we have to replace terry so using golduck we start hunting again and after 11 000 encounters we find our next shiny hell yeah dude shoddy frillash oh my god oh 11 000 encounters man terry just lived we wouldn't have to do this stuff but that's pretty sick all righty um i'm really high level does i suppose just kill surely not oh okay uh all right easy we name our frilish pringles and then evolve it into jealousy and once we get all the plasma jars out of the way it's a straight shot to marlon and his water types marlon leads with whale lord who falls to a single expert belt boosted discharge from cube and this brings in his kara costa who can be an insanely scary pokemon thanks to its shell smash sturdy combo but this charge does proc it sturdy and it's berry as it just goes for a scold which does decent chip to cube but we're able to finish it off the next turn with one more discharge this brings out his mantine who just falls to a 4 times super effective discharge now it's his ace jealousy who actually tanks a discharge and fires back with a steaming scold but one more discharge finishes off the battle earning us a easy last badge with the gym challenge out of the way it's time to put an end to getsis percy tries to take us out with kieran black but oreo just one shots it with a fighting gem booster close combat braying the tortured pokemon gets us then being the charming fellow he is attacks us right after but his lead copper gigas can't really touch oreo as we freely set up a sword stance as it tries to use protect it's pretty safe here to just set up a second sword stance getting oreo up to plus 4 while only taking a fairly soft psychic and with these attack boosts oreo's shadow claw gets a clean ko under coffee gigas nexus is seismitoad but it also can't take a hit from oreo as close combat knocks it out he then brings in drapeon but thanks to its dark typing close combat does neutral damage allowing us to take it out as well getzes then brings in his electros but with its 50 base speed we easily outpace it and finish it off with yet another close combat he then brings in toxic croak and i was a little bit spooked that it had sucker punch since we're now at -4 defense thanks to the close combat drops but after a quick google search i know it's safe to just take it out with the shadow claw and last up is his hydragon who oreo out speeds and one shots with a super effective close combat and man oreo has been cleaning up this end game for us speaking of the late game we are one step away from the elite four but in the way is probably one of the hardest victory roads i've experienced i'm not going to show all of the battles i had issue with but i'll show you this battle vs veteran bortia who leads with zeb striker and since i can't bold switch i have to hard switch into king who gets hit by a soft flame charge zeb striker then out speeds and hits a discharge which gets the paralysis on king who then gets fully paralysed seb striker then lands a crit discharge bringing king into the red as he crash doesn't ko king will most definitely die this next turn so i bring in steve who i was trying not to use in fear of over leveling him but he easily shakes off a discharge and then finishes off the zeb striker with a crunch portilla then brings in starmie so i bring q back in who gets hit by an extremely hard surf we are able to tank a second one though with 40 hp as we one shot starmie with the discharge this then brings in a sork and this is where i do the very big stupid as instead of hard switching i try to break sork sturdy with a bolt switch but it out speeds cube and kills it with a brick brake this was a really dumb way to lose one of our best pokemon and it just goes to show how easy it is to lose a pokemon when you're trying to rush through the battles i then bring in master who brings salk to its sturdy with the psychic but zork retaliates with a hard rock tomb which would have killed of a crit but due to the speed drop i have to switch into pringles who finishes the battle with the surf i don't know why i just didn't bring in pringles from the start as it would have saved us a lot of stress but it happened so we just got to move on the miss plays keep coming though as they accidentally triggered the last rival battle while leading with master and honestly this battle is really tough without cube as he leads with unbezen and i thought it couldn't really touch master as i set up a cold mine but it lands a swagger confusing us i decide to stay in though and try to set up a second coal mine luckily we don't hit ourselves in confusion so we set up the plus 2 special attack and special defense but um thesen lands a pretty powerful facade bringing master into the yellow i risk another confusion hit as i try to hit a psychic thankfully master breaks through and ends up taking out the unpeasant next is his style of samurai and master once again breaks through the confusion landing a psychic and one shotting though no way no way yeah samurai lived on a sliver of hp and then crit surf to take out master this is really rough but i bring in oreo who sets up a sword stance as our rival uses a full restore and at plus two close combat is enough to take out the water rat next is his buffalo but oreo easily takes it out with a super effective close combat last is his simusage and to make sure we don't get outsped in one shot i bring in king but king is in full hp because again i wasn't ready for this battle as brick break brings us into the yellow i risk getting cripped by brick break here as i go for heat crash and thankfully he doesn't get the crit allowing king to one-shot it with the heat crash winning us the last rival battle honestly we could have played this battle better firstly not leading with swoobat and not risking that many crits we do eventually make it to the pokemon league but for a place called victory road we sure did sustain some losses and i don't really want to go into the elite four with only four pokemon so i decided to go hunting again and now i know i want a psychic type so i hunt in the giant chasm as it has three psychic type encounters available giving us a good shot at finding at least one psychic shiny and after about 6 000 encounters we find our next shiny yo let's go shiny the tag oh wait okay i this is great and all but this might be the hardest poke what it existed to catch let's try all right um it did raise its defense so it could probably oh my god it takes us a while but after about eight minutes we catch mustang the shiny metang oh okay oh my god dude that was terrifying i thought it was gonna god they've hit itself a struggle all right i then thought a shiny skill linked chinchino would be really fun to use but after 10 000 soft resets i looked up whether you can even get this manchino shiny and it turns out you can't so i wasted an ungodly amount of time trying to hunt for a shiny that couldn't be shiny this hurt like a lot but i was so close to finishing the run so i just headed back to victory road and started hunting and after another ten thousand encounters we find gerdia yes finally did charlie cutter all right we can't evolve murphy but that's okay since with the evil light it's actually a pretty bulky pokemon though it does have sheer force as opposed to the much better guts and a minus attack nature which kinda stinks i then ev train my new friends which causes mustang to evolve into metagross who has one of the best shinies i mean look at him he's just gorgeous and now with everyone at the level cap we head in to take on the elite four this is our final team at the level cap and it's time to head into the elite four i decided to start with caitlyn as she is by far the easiest elite four member since moxie crooked kinda just runs through her whole team caitlyn starts with mushana and i wasn't too sure if crunch would one shot and i don't have a chesto berry so it could be a bit awkward if we get hit by hypnosis but i risk it and go for a crunch as she actually switches out mushana for renewalists which comes into a crunch one shotting it this gives steve a plus one thanks to his moxie ability next is our live form metagross who can really hit hard but steve outspeeds and one shots it with a plus one earthquake and from here it's a clean sweep as crunch one-shot sigoleth gothitel and mushana who kicked off this massacre well that was an easy first battle and now it's time for take on chautel sean's health starts with copper gigas and steve with a dark gem booster crunch one shots it but we don't get a moxie boost due to copper gigas ability mummy which when you make contact replaces your ability with the mummy chantelle brings in chandelor which in challenge mode has a choice scarf and it should either go for a fire blast or an energy ball here so i switch into king who resists both so king comes in on a fire blast which actually does a good chunk of damage and now i do the big dumb instead of getting a free switch into pringle i stay in with king and go for a head smash so chandelor hits a fire blast which we live but then we hit the head smash ah this was a super dumb death and it's sad to lose our very first shiny of the run to my small brain but on the plus side this gives us a free switch into steve as shawntel brings out driftblim steve then outspeeds and hits a quick crunch one shotting the drift blim and giving us a moxie boost golek comes in next but all it does is give steve another plus one as crunch one shots it and bayonet also can't take the draw pressure of our crocodile as a four-star crunch winning us our second elite four match but not without a heavy loss king you were the best of us all and you will be missed next is grimsley who starts to lie apart as we start with oreo liopard lands a normal gem boosted fake out but thanks to oreo's inner focus ability we don't get blinched and freely set up a sword stance liopard then outspeeds and attracts oreo which can cause some problems as oreo is far too starstruck to hit liar pub with a close combat this then allows liopard to land an aerial lace which brings oreo down to just above fifty percent hp but we break through the track this turn landing at close combat and taking out the light pod crooked crocodile comes in next and thanks to its intimidate oreo is down to just plus one attack but plus one is all we need to take it out with a close combat i mean we did but let's just believe in oreo's power and say he didn't need it next is grafty who also falls to a close combat then she brings in absol who looks cooler than he actually is as we outspeed and one shot it with another close combat last up is bishop but after checking to see if it has sucker punch we collect close combat and with it being four times super effective there was no way we didn't one shot bishop there and that's grimsly defeated which brings us to our worst nightmare marshall worries me greatly since his team is by far the most threatening out of all the elite ball members and in challenge mode this threat is only elevated since his conqualter is now holding a flame orb as opposed to his normal citrus berry this guarantees conkledor gaining burnt and thanks to its guts ability this gives it an attack boost it also has earthquake which rips through my team so i'm pretty worried but hopefully we can pull it together and beat our last challenge before the champion marshall starts off with the muppet king throw as we start with mustang i set up a home clause as thoro hits a weak rock tomb but thanks to our clear body ability it doesn't get a speed drop i set up another home clause as thori hits a soft payback and now at plus two mustang hence a zen headbutt taking out throw marshall then brings in his scariest pokemon concealed and i once again do the big stupid and instead of just pressing a plus 2 zen headbutt i switch into pringle i think i was just really scared of conclude living and landing an earthquake but i'm immediately punished for this passive play as congoldo uses bulka boosting its attack and defense by one while getting burnt by flame orb boosting its attack even further with guards so now i'm in trouble i stay in with pringles and land a shadow ball for chip as congoldo gets greedy and sets up another bulk up we land another shadow ball but it barely misses the ko as congoldo misses a stone edge and thanks to the shadow balls the burn takes him out so never mind we're never punished but that could have been really bad if marshall wasn't as bad at the game as i am next is his lucario so i switch into murphy for his first battle as lucario sets up a coal mine on the switch so i'm once again in danger and i forgot to give murphy drain punch so we have to rely on the infamously inaccurate dynamic punch lucario sets up another coal mine and murphy the absolute legend against all odds lands a dynamic punch wrecking the lucario next is menshau who goes for a bounce as we miss scaryface i switch into pringle to tank the bounce on the switch and it does a huge amount of damage thanks to a critical hit but we're still above half hp i go for a willow whisk but menshau springs into the air avoiding the attack so we just go for another wisp as menshau comes down now menshau is burned and has halved attack making it pretty useless i then freely bring in mustang as menshau springs up into the air again with bounce mustang does get hit by the bounce and it sadly gets paralyzed but mustang breaks through this turn as then headbutt finishes off the menshow next is sork who out speeds and lands a decent brick break as mustang gets fully paralyzed i don't want to risk a crit so i bring in pringle who phases through the brick break sorg then lands a crit payback bringing pringles to 42 hp but cursed body activates disabling sork's payback as we land a willowist halving its attack and breaking it sturdy after neutering salk we bring in murphy back as salk lands a pathetic rock slide salk then hits a harder brick break but murphy once again hits a dynamic punch which barely misses the ko but brings sauk into the range of burn damage which takes it out winning us our last elite 4 battle honestly we could have just swept with mustang but i think this makes for a more dramatic and entertaining martial fight so i hope you enjoyed it but now it's time for our final challenge iris starts with high dragon as we start with the wonder boy murthy who eats a dragon pulse like a protein bar but then he misses his dynamic punch meaning we have to risk a crit next turn thankfully though dragon pulse doesn't crit and murphy lands a dynamic punch one shotting irises high dragon next is her drodogan so i switch murphy out into pringle who gets absolutely thrashed by a life orb outrage thankfully though cursed body activates disabling outrage but since it's still locked in we get a free turn as i land a willow wisp halving dragon's attack as it gets confused from outrage being disabled i then bring in steve as drudging hits itself in confusion i then set up a home clause with steve boosting his attack by one as drudging hits a super hard focus blast i legit had a team open on my second monitor so i don't know why i didn't see focus blast this brings steve down to just 59 hp meaning if it either crit or we got hit by that first move we could have lost steve here which is super scary but steve hangs on and finishes dredging off with a crunch iris then brings out her lapras but a plus 2 ground gem boosted earthquake takes it out now it's her haxarus who lives in earthquake thanks to its focus stash and retaliates with exesa ending steve's reign of terror i then bring in oreo the dragon slayer who hits a hard ice punch as iris heals we don't take it out but on the next turn another ice punch finishes hacksters off next is our agron and i don't want to risk oreo so i switch into murphy to tank the earthquake this is so he can freely switch into pringle but murphy lives as i try to hit a dynamic punch but sadly agron outspeeds and hits a double edge finishing murphy off you weren't with us for long murphy but you put in a lot of work so thanks buddy i can now bring in pringle for free who one shots agron with scold last is her archaeops who outspeeds pringle and lands a hard stone edge bringing pringle into the red we then retaliate with a scold one one-shotting her archaeops and earning our spot as universe champion that was my attempt at a pokemon black 2 challenge mode hardcore nuzlocke using only shiny pokemon this run took me just about 4 months to complete so i hope you enjoyed as i definitely had fun but i think i'll be going back to boosted odds for my future shiny videos next video will be a pokemon heart gold nuzlocke using only water types so if that sounds exciting make sure you're subscribed and have notifications on but while you wait for that might i suggest one of these videos on screen and with that i hope you're all staying safe and have a lovely day
Channel: BP Nuzlockes
Views: 585,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beating pokemon black 2 with only shinies, pokemon black 2 shiny nuzlocke, challenge, hardcore, hardcore nuzlocke, monotype, nuzlocke, platinum, pokemon, pokemon challenges, pokemon nuzlocke, pokemon platinum shiny nuzlocke, shiny, shiny only nuzlocke platinum, shiny only playthrough, shiny pokemon nuzlocke, shiny pokemon only, shiny only, pokemon shiny only, shiny pokemon, pokemon challenge, pokemon sword shiny nuzlocke, nuzlocke challenge, pokemon legends arceus
Id: vjXCiyw3j3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 52sec (1972 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 01 2022
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