Can I Beat Pokémon Scarlet With ONLY Kanto Pokémon?

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I wanted to find out if Kanto could beat the newest generation of Pokémon and to answer my question I decided to take on a hardcore nuzlock of scarlet using Pokémon only from Kanto and here's how it went I'm offered the newest batch of starters but as an honorary gen Warner I'm repulsed by these new Jed Pokémon so I replace this disgusting weed cat with a much cooler and much more responsible Vice the pot planted dinosaur frog thing and my favorite Pokémon ever Bulbasaur instead of producing the devil's lettuce he produces Good Vibes I mean just look at how adorable and big he is don't let that smile for you though Bulbasaur is ready to tear through Pala and show these gen n dweebs the power of the ogs he can't do it alone however so I add my first encounter to the team Psyduck then once the map opens up to us I also add Jigglypuff Pikachu and then this awesome teror flying me out this cat has unmatched F line power and we're better to test that power than against Katie and and her bug types not only is this Monster's aerial Ace boosted by its unique terot type its ability technician also boosted by another 50% making it the perfect move to take down Katie's two bug types however her Ace Teddy Ursa is next and thanks to its Superior bulk it's able to live the heavily boosted aays this just got scary if teddi OA hits a fury cutter or a 5it fury swipes then we could potentially lose half the team right here well that could have been a catastrophe with one more Arial a meow finishes off the battle earning us the first badge with zero deaths unlike Cano Pala has a bunch of side missions we have to complete in between gyms and some of these can be even harder than the gym Challenge and first of these side missions is defeating the Stony Cliff Titan claw thankfully Bulbasaur does have the typee advantage but that doesn't mean it's a guaranteed win as claw spice grip does insane damage to our little star as we hit a not very effective acid spray while it wasn't very effective it does lower claw special defense by two stages and this allows Bulbasaur to finish off phase one with a single magical Lea Arvin then joins us for phase two and we get lucky turn one as CL just uses block and we're able to lower its defense with acid spray but this time magical Leaf wasn't enough to one shot leaving the Titan at half HP and triggering its ability giving it a boost in its attack stat but we get lucky as it targets Aran shelder so with one more magical Leaf we win our first Titan fight as a reward for all his hard work Bulbasaur evolves into iysa it sadly loses a lot of its adorable stats but it's definitely a much needed boost in power I then run into a growlie and with its fire typing and intimidate ability he was going to be a valuable member of the team iysa was ready to go on a rampage leaving his victims with nothing but broken bones and shattered Spirits I'm looking at you brassus thanks to his grass poison typing Ivysaur can't be put to sleep by pet L sleep powder and mega drain is quad resisted allowing him to freely set up a couple of growths boosting his special attack And So It Begins acid spray one shots pedal and small his pseudo wo however is able to survive but thanks to its sturdy ability a one shot was impossible and then hits a pathetically weak trailblaze but this does boost his speed even with it speed boosted Ivysaur without Mercy outruns the fake grass type and finishes its pathetic existence with one last acid spray iysa might be producing oxygen with all the plants on his back but he definitely isn't letting anyone breathe it in this is when Pala begins to fight back as the next three fights are all potential run Enders but if Kanto has an overabundance of anything it's Stone Evolutions so I evolve Jigglypuff into Wigglytuff with a moonstone grow into Arcanine with a a fir Stone and Pikachu into Raichu with a Thunderstone this essentially tripled the team's power which is good news because now we have to fight the sky Titan unlike cloth I can't heal between phases which means it's super easy to lose a Pokémon in this fight thankfully a new powered up Mouse can twoot phase one with Thunderbolt while taking minimal damage a thunderbolt then half shots phase two but a rock throw from the oversized turkey almost KO Raichu leaving him on 6 hp so so I switch out one stone Evo for another as Wiggly Tu finishes this terrifying fight with a play rough it's always really nice to beat this Titan with zero deaths but the hard fights have only just begun before taking on gako I add Scyther to the canonian squad and now it was time for one of the hardest early game fights kakim leads with paard but Arcanine Cooks it with a flamethrower this brings in the real threat R room despite being a car it hits more like a truck and is extremely bulky for this early in the game I decided to bring in the newest member of the team and after tanking a wicked talk she can hit a technician boosted Fury cutter it isn't looking like a two hit Koo but Fury Cutter's damage is increased with each consecutive hit so after being taken down into the red scy can hit another Fury cutter but the boosted damage isn't enough for the KO I'm forced to switch so I bring in Wigglytuff who can end the fight with a play rough beating the first and one of the hardest team start battles again with zero deaths but our streak wasn't going to last forever before taking on the last member of the early games big three I decided to take a break from Pala and head to the peaceful lands of kitakami here I catch an ekings Bellsprout who honestly took forever might I add Munchlax who I can't use until it's a Snorlax and then the ones I actually came to catch sand slash and everyone's favorite gentle dude having two ground types on the team for iono is pretty amazing but before we can take her on we're interrupted by neona this was pretty easy as iur sets up a couple of groves and then sweeps her whole team with magical leaves trust me when I say that pneumono would prove to be this Run's biggest villain later on but now though it was time for our third badge and iono was a huge step up from the previous gyms but I believe in my team old and new members alike I start the battle with the newest member sand slash how prly Hedgehog needed some setup before he could go in the offensive so I start with a rapid spin to boost his speed and then I set up a defense curl this does boost his defense but also boost the power of roll out which one- shots rot trol on the following turn next for iono is belly bolt but it taks the incoming roll out like it's nothing and then it hits sand slash with a disgustingly hard water gun I'm starting to get worried but maybe a boosted roll out will be enough to finish it off guess guess we'll never find out thanks to the m a water gun from belly bolt results in the first death of the Run sand slash is one of myv favorite Kanto designs so to lose it so early in the Run was devastating as the mom of the team Wiggly Tu was ready to avenge her Fallen comrad but the world is a cruel cruel place and belly bolt spark not only does insane damage but paralyzes Wiggly tff thankfully she doesn't get fully paralyzed and can lower the monster's attack with a charm I then bring in Arcanine to further lower belly Bolt's attack stat with intimidate bringing it down to minus three this allows me to safely bring in iysa who WS belly bolt pretty hard resisting all of its attacks I put it to sleep with sleep powder and I always forget that those eyes shaped blobs on the side of its head aren't eyes I then start to set up boost with growth putting it back to sleep whenever it woke up then once that plus six a trailblaze can one oh God it lives a plus six trailblaze but honestly this just means we can fire off a second one to get the plus two speed which should guarantee that we aren't outspeed by the rest of io's Team Luxio is next but magical Leaf easily one- shot it leaving iono with her a Miss Magus who also lives a plus six magical Leaf Ivysaur please I've gashed you up so much in this video I need you to perform a bit better than this thankfully hex isn't doing too much damage so we can end the battle with one last magical Leaf earning me my third badge sadly this was where our death streak ends but trust me there is so much more death to gum in Bri new though Geodude evolves after the battle into gravar and using my girlfriend's switch I'm able to trade with myself to evolve it again into Golem he was ready to prove to the world that he was just as powerful as his trade Evolution counterparts Golem's time for the spotlight would have to wait however because next was Mela and it was time to bring out our strongest team member this Pokémon is so op that I just felt like it'd be cheating to use him he's known to cause extreme weather events mass extinctions and can even reshape the world he his name Psyduck using his Godly Powers he controls the weather causing it to rain he then begins to harness his water powers causing him to tralize from here he begins to slaughter Mela in her fire types because what is an untamed Ember to a god of water if you guys are enjoying the video consider hitting that like button and subscribing because I plan to do all the other regions and if you leave a comment below I'll name a Pokémon after you in the jto run just let me know who your favorite Kanto Pokémon is okay back to the video oh and and and then Arcanine cooks or worm with some easy side bights taken care of it was time to get back to the gym challenge we were facing the water gym leader kofu and uh our water gym leader is a lot different back at home I live with Raichu and I thought it was safe to set up a nasty plot in B's face but it's aquata does a lot more damage than I predicted honestly a crit might have just killed us here we can onot it in the next turn with a thunderbolt but the damage did put us in range of a crit from wag tree who outspeeds and hits a headbutt this leaves Raichu on just 10 HP a Flinch or crit and Raichu could have been in big trouble but he pulls through and one shots it with a thunderbolt Kabul is a bulky beast but it couldn't survive the power of raichu's plus two Thunderbolt that's another easy win for the Kanto boys with a new level cap iysa can evolve into his final form and I've got to say the Bulbasaur lion has Godlike models in this game I mean look at him he's both wholesome and threatening which is a Vibe Venusaur hasn't given off since Gen 5 don't worry we'll be seeing a lot of Venusaur throughout the run but right now it's Golem's time to shine and finally prove his worth against attakus this is my least favorite battle in Scarlet as attakus leads with a skunk tank who immediately poisons Golem with toxic but I came prepared I gave him a held Petra Berry which instantly cures the poison I then set up a rock polish boosting Golem speed by two stages unfortunately the incoming Sucker Punch is per so our speed boost didn't matter but an earthquake is then able to One-Shot skun tank which means we don't have to worry about being poisoned again this brings in that Riv room who we outspeed thanks to the Rock polish and can one shot with a four time super effective earthquake Muk comes in next but you guessed it be one shot up with earthquake and this leaves attakus with their stor mobile who hits a nasty spin out bringing Golem into the yellow and earthquake is just barely not a two shot Golem Mount speeds on the next turn thanks to the spin out speed drop but it gets some speed back with a weak Flame Charge this allows it to outspeed again and the spin leaves Golem on just 10 HP from here Golem can fire off one more earthquake to finish off the battle that was extremely close but any Pokémon that can solo attakus with zero attack boost is a must have in my book and now I can confidently say Golem is better than ma champ and Alakazam at least in Scarlet because the other two aren't in Scarlet but H you know don't don't don't tell Golem that he worked hard okay guys just to tell him before taking on Larry I finally evolve Munchlax into Snorlax which means we can finally use him on the team I then decide to have some fun and send over a Indigo dism Hitmonchan and uh oh they did my voicey so dirty he looks so lanky and awkward maybe he'll look better in the battle against Larry I start by setting up a sword dance as Kamala lands a slam I then set up a second sword stance as kamola makes us drowsy with yawn I decide just to take it out now with a drain punch and then heal the sleep with a held Lumber this brings into to dunpar who also gets one- shot by a plus4 drain punch this leaves Larry with his AAR Raptor I was pretty confident that hitmon Chang could live in aerial a and this confidence would be fatal as stupor outspeeds and lands a crit one-shotting the boxing champ this death will have major consequences but for now all I can do is bring in Golem and finish the battle off with a few earthquakes we beat Larry but lost our only fighting type and I was so confident that hit ma Chen could sweep that I didn't level up the rest of the team and this would be another fatal mistake as we're forced to fight neona straight after Larry my plan for neona was to sweeper with Hitmonchan but since he's now dead I have to give her a free turn while I switch into Snorlax I use yawn on a lyan rock and then switch into Venusaur as it falls asleep at the end of the turn I then begin to set up some gross and then onot lyan Rock but my plan was over as soon as g hit the field yes this cute little slug has single-handedly put an end to our sweep it has the ability Sapar which means it's immune to grass type moves and my Venusaur Only Knows grass type moves this means I have to awkwardly switch to Raichu who doesn't tank the incoming Dragon pulse lightly I get some chip with an electro ball before being brought down to Red HP from Dragon puls I can't stay in so I switch and bring in Snorlax who finishes it off with a body slam poor MO is next but I don't want to risk eating a five hit arm thrust so I bring in Golem who can oneshot it with an earthquake this leaves Theona with her Ace caval I need a safe switch into Venusaur as I couldn't risk taking any chip damage so with a heavy heart I send in Raichu and let it die to the incoming Aqua step praying that at least it could get a static off it doesn't and this death hits pretty hard as Raichu was one of our OG encounters and we couldn't have gotten this far without him thanks to his sacrif Venusaur is able to come in for free and he takes a big chunk of damage from Air slash as gigin barely misses the ko. haven't you caused enough pain Theona thankfully she goes for an aqua step which Venusaur tanks and then retaliates with a gigar drain ending the deadly set of battles in the run so far I know Hitmonchan and Raichu would want us to continue on so I rebuild the team and put together the perfect strategy to beat Ry and I refuse to lose any more friends I lead with the intimidate Brothers Arbok and Arcanine my plan Begins by terizing Arbok which gives him an on Boost at the end of the turn step two was using h on Arcanine boosting both his and arbox attack stats arbox crunch then barely fails to KO bayet but this is actually perfect because it lets me set up another H before any real threats enter the field I even Target the second crunch into mimikyu to keep the field State the same and then I use another H but mimikyu still lives the next crunch but with red HP there's no way it was living another turn this brings in houndstone but with the intimidate Brothers all buffed up it wasn't going to stay on the field for long as flame wheel one- shots houndstone and then crunch finishes off bayet this works out perfectly as Ryme is left in a brutal 2V1 that toxitricity had no chance of living with that we've claimed our six gym badge and I'm back to having no deaths this wasn't going to last pyck makes a return for his next boss fight but now he's a fully evolved gold dark and well he must have lost that killer Edge because he misses two hydr pumps in a row and has to switch straight away I bring in Scyther who can twoot phase one with a wing attack okay let's give goldar another chance this time I talize and he misses I decided to stay in mainly out of frustration and our second hydro pump does hit but it isn't enough to KO and unfortunately the great task targets Golduck with brick break killing him God damn it I'm then able to bring in Scyther and finish the battle off with a wing attack honest ly losing Golduck suckss and all but he wasn't performing and we have a bunch of water types to replace him with but Golduck uh he wouldn't be the only one to die on us in this late game I started to get the team prep to take on tulip and I definitely think scy is going to carry us through this fight but before I could take her on I have to fight my arch nemesis neona she took Raichu from us and that's a loss the team still hasn't recovered from I decided to take revenge for Raichu and all the friends he left behind Venusaur is able to put lyan Rock to sleep sleep and then can set up a couple of growths but just as I was about to take it out with gigar drain it wakes up and hits a huge rock slide which of course flinches it then lands a sand attack lowering venusaur's accuracy but this isn't enough to save it from the incoming gigar drain that sand attack comes back to haunt us as Venusaur misses sludge bomb twice against ligo as it chips us down with dragon poles I do finally landed attack but it fails to oo and Venusaur is brought down to just 42 HP I should have switched here but I stay in and risk the Miss but we aren't punished as sludge bomb connects finishing Sligo off neoo then sends in Port and my luck only gets better as it lands a spark which paralyzes venu and then he gets fully pared I'm forced to switch here so I do bring in Arcanine he also gets paralyzed by spark on the switch flamethrower then brings pmart low and I was ready to KO with a second flamethrower but Arcanine gets fully powered seriously this is getting stupid at this point but we do eventually take the rat out this leaves Thea with a qu qual I need to figure out a way to shut this thing down so I send an Arbok who lowers its attack with intimidate a minus one Aqua step still gets pretty close to one-shotting Arbok so I have to switch in and bring in Snorlax I want this thing statused so I yawn it but Snorlax is too low so I have to switch and sadly I have to say goodbye to another team member as I send Arbok to his death but with his death he was able to bring the murdering duck to minus 2 attack with caval asleep and at minus two I thought I was safe to bring in Scyther I teriz him to his special normal type and double hit is looking like a three hit ko. and with it staying asleep for the second round of double hits victory was assured losing arbox sucks but at least we didn't there's no there's absolutely no way seriously oh a crit Aqua step bypasses the attack drops and one shot cyer I bring in Persian and finish the battle off with a fake out but we lost twice the amount of Pokémon than last time worst of all Scyther was going to be essential for beating tulip with Scyther dead I needed another carry and after looking at the kantons I had access to I knew the perfect Pokémon to destroy tulip tulip leads with fig and I lead with the newest member of the team slow bro he can't go on the offensive just yet as I begin to intimidate cycle between Arcanine to take Crunch and slow bro to tangs and headbut I do this into figth is minus 6 attack I then begin setting up coal mines until we're at plus six special attack and special defense the only thing I need to fear is some ROM crits oh well that's one but that's okay we have slack off to heal the damage we just need to dodge a double crit it crit us twice in a row luckily slow bro lived with 12 hp and we can heal with a combination of slack off and leftovers once nice and health and all set up we can take out barerra with surf next is gaval which does have energy ball but with plus six special defense it easily TS the hit and one shots with Shadow Ball and then of course as spur gets one shot as well but somehow tulip's FIS lives with red HP it doesn't really matter to be fair I can't tear through our boosted defenses but I was still baffled that it survived with a second Shadow Ball though it falls and the seventh badge is ours next up is grusa and this should have been an easy no death battle but I'm unfortunately an idiot Arcanine easily One-Shots Frost moth and bartick with terab boosted flamethrowers her Titan has the ability thick bat so flamethrower isn't able to one shot and it hits a hard liquidation proing our Citrus Berry another flamethrower is able to KO but this is where I mess up gcia sends in Altaria and I was thinking I was too low so I switched into Golem and after seeing how much damage hurricane did I should have just switched that again but for some some reason I thought Rock resisted ice but uh no so Gia hits a super effective Ice Beam thanks to our par ground typing destroying Golem this run made me appreciate Golem more than I ever have so to lose him in such a stupid way really really hurts I even end up bringing Arcanine back in anyway and flamethrower leaves it on like 20 hp before it hits a horain that confuses us because of the confusion I do have to switch so I bring in Snorlax who is able to avenge his round brother with a body slam beating the last gym leader of Pala before I can challenge gen 9's Elite 4 I need to finish up some other big battles starting with Ortega and I decided to give Victory Bell some love for this fight and he starts the battle off Strong by hitting sleep powder putting aeril to sleep I then begin to set up sword stands bringing Victory Bell to Max attack but on the third sword Dan aumo wakes up and bounces into the air don't worry though I came prepared by using protect we Dodge the potentially fatal attack and retaliate with poison jab for the one shot Wiggly tough is out next but we outspeed and one shot again Dash bun does outp spe but Victory Bell shakes off the Crunch and then retaliates with another one- shot poison jab all that's left is orga's starm mobile it outs speeds and hits a steel roller for decent damage leaving Victory Bell below half HP and poison jab barely misses out on the oo it then confuses Victory Bell with confuse Ray okay buddy all you have to do is not hit your oh God come on man Victory Bell the idiot hits itself and thanks to its plus six attack stat this does insane damage killing him I really wanted to sweep with that underappreciated Pokémon but maybe it's appreciated the correct amount I bring him Venusaur but he gets confused as well but surely he doesn't hit himself venusa finally snaps out of confusion and finishes this battle off with a sludge bombb I can't believe I hit myself in confusion three turns in a row and With Victory Bell's death I now have way more dead Pokémon than alive ones this run has been brutal thankfully the dondoo Tatsu fight was super easy as venu koos dondoo and Snorlax finishes off to toiri next was arir but slowo just sets up to Max special attack and then one shot a whole team with psychics it feels weird having such easy battles I don't trust this to last though so I one of kant's strongest Pokémon to the team Dragonite I love this Pokémon so much so I'm always pumped when I get to use it for a run with that I put together the team that will take on the elite ball joining us will be Arcanine the goodest boy Dragonite the strongest boy slow bro the slowest boy Wiggly tough the kindest boy Snorlax the biggest boy and finally venusa the best boy well let's see if Kanto can beat gen 9's Elite 4 ver is r and she leads with wish cash I try to put it asleep but Vu misses allowing it to set up a future side I hit the second sleep powder but I'm only able to get off one growth before wish cast wakes up and lands a blizzard plus the future sight at the same time since Venusaur is now super low we have to take it out with gigar drain thankfully this heals up most of our HP and then ra sends in her camerupt since I'm not nearly set up enough I'm forced to switch so I bring in slow bro who gets drowsy from a YN decided to stay in anyway and on-shot the fire ground type with a four time super effective serve Doug Trio enters the field so I switch venu back in as it sets up a sandstorm Dr Trio then hits an earthquake but decent chip on the Venusaur and then we miss gigar drain this is thanks to its sand avilability which boosts his evasion in the sand beu is then brought down to Red HP from a second earthquake and I miss again I I can't catch a break I'm forced to switch so I bring in Dragonite but I guess she's a mastermind and predicts the switch and hits a super effective rock slide I then somehow land an aquata tail for the oo and this brings in dongan so I bring in Snorlax he's brought down pretty low by Stone Edge and earthquake but then I'm able to land yawn making the do fan drowsy I then bring in Dragonite on an earthquake as Doan takes a nap this allows me to bring in Venusaur on the guaranteed sleep turn gigar drain then procs dog fed sturdy and heals up beu sadly it does wake up but we Dodge an earthquake thanks to Friendship normally I'd complain about the Friendship luck because it can feel kind of cheap but with my luck this run I feel like I've owed it RI is down to her final Pokémon but Claire isn't a threat to Venusaur so I can take it out with a few gigar drains this wasn't meant to be so difficult but now we can move on to Poppy the steel Master poppy was pretty easy as aradine ones shots a whole team with flamethrowers this was until Magnus own who lives thanks to its sturdy ability it then annoyingly sets up a light screen arine finishes the 1 HP off with an extreme speed and this leaves poppy with a tingan who we have no chance of one-shotting thanks to the light screen so I have to switch into Snorlax who eats the St Edge like it's nothing a gigaton hammer however does insane damage but LAX is able to eat up a citrus Berry to heal back some HP and then retaliate with a hammer of our own leaving Tinker ton just as low it can't use gigaton Hammer twice in a row so after dodging a Stone Edge crit we can finish it off with one more Hammer arm that was super easy but now it's Larry time this was Dragon night's first battle and it was it was pretty easy we just set up a couple of dragon dancers on tropus and then swept with ice spinner good good to have a chill one this brings my Kanto team to the final Elite Four member before the champion I sadly can't just mindlessly set up with Dragonite so I have to do some McKing around first I leave with Snorlax who gets half shot by no bur super Fang as we make it drowsy with with yawn I then rest up to full HP after taking an air slash as Noivern falls asleep I can now bring in Dragonite and I begin to set up some Dragon dances and on the third one Noivern wakes up and hits a nasty Dragon pulse well it's time to stop dancing around and start attacking I teror Dragonite and one shot Noivern with dragonclaw from here it's one shot City but then back caliber enters the field this thing has lived so many attacks that I thought would be easy one shot so was actually pretty nervous Dragon claw connects oh here a one shot now no one is standing in the way of us challenging GA for Champion rank G leads with aspra and I lead with Snorlax I wanted to try a strat I hadn't even thought about using until now so after taking a Lumina crash Snorlax sets up a belly drum cutting half of its HP but maxing his attack espr then sets up a reflect which is super annoying but this does let Snorlax rest up to full HP waking up with a chesto berry a teror Snorlax and one shot es Spa through the reflect with body slam this brings in avalo who just barely lives a hammer arm and Avalanche does some decent chip I get super greedy by staying in as avalo hits a body press which leaves Snorlax on just one HP but I heal back to full with rest I stay in again I don't know why but all this does is get Snorlax half shot by Body press I bring in Arcanine who can finish the table off with a flamethrower and King Gambit is next but I don't trust that Arcanine can one shot so I bring in Wiggly T who doesn't tank the Stone Edge well at all I attempt to lower King Gambit's attack with a charm but we aren't faster so Wigglytuff is merked by an iron head I bring Arcanine back out and King Gambit lives a flamethrower with one HP the incoming Stone Edge then comes close to killing our goodest boy but I can finish off the threat with an extreme speed putting an end to its murder the loser is next so I have to switch into Venusaur I Tred to put the fish to sleep but I miss and psych CAU a half shot I don't want to risk another Miss so I decide just to take it out with gigar drain go go is next but a sludge bomb plus a tick of poison gets the KO leaving G with a a skill Mora I switch Venusaur out and send in slow bro and sludge wave does a lot more damage than I anticipated keer then fires off a teror blast leaving slowo with just 19 HP as he's able to land a surve he does bring it pretty low but he fail to KO I need a free switch here so I can bring in Dragonite to finish off the fight so with a heavy heart the biggest boy has to die I can now freely bring in Dragonite and we don't outspeed glamora lands a terror blast and we barely live on red HP this allows us to retaliate with a dragonclaw winning the fight and becoming Champion but it's not quite over yet we still have four fights left before we can say Kanto beat Scarlet but I just lost two Pokémon in that fight which means I'm going to need a new team member so I go out and catch myself vomor who with quiv Dan boost sweeps clavel Penny and Arvin which brings us back to this runs villain neona and well we actually just sweep a whole team of Dragonite this was the first neona battle since lincia that didn't end in a death on the team this brings me and my Kanto team to the final challenge a she leads this artificial fight with slyther wi and I hit it with the classic intimidate cycle it does take a while but by switching between Arcanine and slow bro we can bring slyther Wing to minus 6 attack I did this because I wanted to win this final battle with a first Pokémon and partner Venusaur but a crit Zen headbutt puts an end to that blend pretty quickly so it's time to bring out the backup sweeper venomoth with its minus 6 attack Slither Wing can't really damage venomoth allowing her to set up to Max special attack and Max special defense we did only have plus one in speed though because slitherwing was spamming low sweep lowering our speed every turn but now we can onot it with bug Buzz scream tail is next but its part ber typing makes it vulnerable to a sludge bomb claiming the one shot flut actually outspeeds but its power gem does pitiful damage so sludge bomb can onot it as well I decided to set up another quiver dance on Sandy shock so I could get to plus two speed this was pretty safe to do as Sandy shocks just like flat Man tickles venomoth and then is one shot on the next turn brute Bonnet is next and it does hit a scary Sucker Punch but we're able to tank it and a four time super effective bug buzz obliterates it leaving sard with roaring Moon who is the reason I wanted that extra speed boost because now we outspeed and one shot it with a bug buuz with that I've proven that even with bad luck poor planning but lots of love Kanto Pokemon can beat a Scarlet hardcore Nuzlocke if you enjoyed this video make sure to check out some more on screen here and maybe even subscribe that'd be pretty pretty damn cool
Channel: BP Nuzlockes
Views: 99,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon violet, pokemon scarlet, pokemon challenge, pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon, pokemon nuzlocke, pokemon scarlet challenge, Can you beat pokemon violet with only kanto pokemon, kanto pokemon, scarlet and violet challenge video, scarlet and violet challenge run, can you beat pokemon with, kanto only scarlet violet
Id: 9Wul3U00H7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 58sec (1918 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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