Can SHINY FIGHTING TYPES Beat Pokémon Scarlet?

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gentlemen it's time to get big because today we're beating Pokemon Scarlet using the buffi bulkiest lads in the Pokedex that's right gang I'm talking about fighting types but not just any fighting types because I'm putting not only my physical body on the line but my mental well-being as well because I'll be shiny hunting every single team member for this run so grab your protein shakes your gym cards and your chicken and rice because it's time to bulk up and punch out the journey to become the biggest Impala begins like most of our adventures as we're given a choice to pick non shiny starters and I do pick the duck because it evolves into a fighting type later in the game so we'll need him to do that hunt but for now I decided to hunt for another fighting type starter one that would become a fighting type a lot faster than clle and this Pokémon is one of my alltime favorites oh my God yes yes sh CH oh look at him my sunburnt little monkey oh he sh k i Nam our new buddy Goku and if yall can't guess the naming theme for this video then I'll be very disappointed and thanks to him evolving at such a low level we can now have a mon Inferno before Katie which is an insane upgrade and now with these training Arc finish Goku is ready to fight King Piccolo well in this case Piccolo is a Caked Up Cake Maker which I'll admit isn't as intimidating and well it shows is Goku one- shots her first two Little Critters her Ace Teddy Ursa is a bit tougher though and is able to live in Ember but it can't do anything to our well defined muscles so I know that ember is able to take it out kind of weird that our Muscle Man used his spit but I don't know if you've had some of those protein cookies they're pretty disgusting so maybe he was just trying to get the taste out of his mouth our next encounter is that bro who is always spatting about how he's on his villain Arc because he's just one angry little de oh hello hey you are you are green hello all right let me just let me just save where the hell did you go ah there you are shy minky the team is looking a bit skinny and if we want that fit lean physique then we'll need to go in the bulk which brings us to this protein field CR station but it doesn't want to be turned into a cloth stick so we have to take it down thankfully it's got a thin shell so Piccolo can knock it out with a couple of low kicks okay so if Katie was King Piccolo then brus is radit he shouldn't be a problem at all but here we are you see Goku here lacks any strong fire type moves at this point in the game but I believed in him and that was clearly a mistake because he failed miserably but if I've learned anything from my countless hours of consuming Jim bro content it's that when you fail all you need is steroids I mean TMS yeah yeah TMS this time I talk Goku acrobatics an insanely op flying type move and with this move Goku is able to on-shot aras's whole team with no issues at all so remember guys never give up and if you're not seeing the results you want just use enhancement products if Mankey is a man on his villain Arc then our next encounter is that I have no enemies kind of homie that sits in the corner doing meditation listening to binland Saga and beab bond remixes while benching 300 kg effortlessly oh oh shy shy shy shoty yes Oh I thought that was another mahita for a second hey bud oh dude this shotty will never not be impressive I I yes I rather use the camera stop let me oh let me take a bit look oh look at him did he's [ __ ] he's causing the world to collapse around him what a beast I do kind of ruin the that Vibe by naming him Vegeta so uh my bad my bad while rolu is amazing it isn't enough to beat the next Titan so I go hunting again until I find the cutest little grinder around hey hey buddy you big little guy God I actually I actually love this shiny light so much this this is like my fourth shiny pmo in videos like look at him what can I say dude look he's so freaking cute chii evolves straight away into the adorable port and this thing gets a lot of shade thrown at it but I really like this Pokémon so be nice to Chi-Chi guys she's trying just like the rest of us Chi-Chi carries us against an otherwise terrifying battle thanks to her being a part electric type as she Two Shots both phases and now we have an endless supply of chicken to add to our beautiful beautiful rice thanks to our stable food supply Vegeta finally trusts us enough to evolve into Lucario who actually has a higher special attack than physical essentially making him a buffed up AK-47 with Lucario on the team gak goes from one of the hardest fights in the game to the easiest as we melt his whole team with multiple orospheres don't be sad you lost brother be happy that you still have something to gain join us in the gym get those gains Iona was definitely one of the hardest early game challenges with their team being almost as beefed up as mine but I had a brilliant plan iono always leads with their weakest member watch roll who Vegeta can set up on with coal mine boosting both his special attack and special defense while taking barely any damage in return once at plus three oros spere is able to onot watchall despite it resisting the attack next is belly bolt but even this absolute tank gets one shot by Vegeta and well if Belly Ball got one shot then Luxio didn't stand a chance this leaves Iona with her Ace Miss Magus who does actually live an AOS spere with red HP but thanks to the special defense Boost from coind it can't do any damage to Lucario which means we can safely finish the battle with one last oros spere the team is looking pretty fit so I was ready to recruit a new member to join the grind but unlike the rest of the members this next Pokemon has zero muscle definition and calling it a fighting type is a little bit embarrassing but maybe we could trade it up to become an absolute monster oh shiny hello okay look I'm not going to lie to you guys I kind of want a krunk but I mean it's fine it's fine come here sh's a shy I guess g be a [Music] little very cool our next challenge was extremely intimidating even for my team of massive Lads because Mell here doesn't Skip Leg Day well she might only do leg day and well I was right to fear her as she uses her massive leg muscles to stomp me and my team into the ground but I did come into this fight extremely underleveled which is like trying to beat a PB without approaching Jake it's just silly and sloppy and could lead to serious damage in this case my ego so we headed back to our weights and started grinding until most of the team was at the level cap but this didn't mean the battle was going to be easy so I had to make one more adjustment by giving ChiChi The Damp Rock and teaching her rain dance a move that really helps loosen those overworked muscles Owen also weakens fire type moves and with the damp Rock it'll last eight turns instead of five which will give us a huge Advantage this allows Chi to B the 180 lb tortoise into dust but it did do a lot of damage of return so she can only land a soft Thunderbolt on the Star mobile before being taken out since the rain is still up I can break a Vegeta but Mela ends up countering the rain by hitting a screech harshly low Lucario's defense aaar then does some decent chip damage but then he's half shot by a blazing torque I was ready to let Vegeta fall in a parallel to when he sacrificed himself in the boaga but he actually lives on 1 HP okay now now surely Vegeta Falls she went for overheat and then she missed at this point I thought Vegeta was just Immortal but sadly his luck does run out and he's finished off by a blazing torque but Vegeta's efforts left the starm mobile with red HP so Goku can come in and finish the battle off with an acrobatics once again proving that leg day should just be skipped you then have a pretty nice and easy fight against the still Titan as Vegeta kind of just one shots it with oros spere I decided now was a pretty good time to add another the Bro to the team and this next Pokémon is one I've never used before so I was pretty excited but that excitement died very quickly as not only does paldan Tauros have an almost impossible to spot shiny it's also extremely annoying but after many hours and a slight concussion I finally found our Target wait wait wait wait wait flamigo do want to kill it Figo do want to kill it yes let's go oh my God finally oh yes dude I was terrified that I was going to miss this it's kofu time and this guy looks surprisingly muscular and look I wasn't going to say it guys but dude's bulky as hell and it's actually kind of nice to look at the bul master Begins the fight with his scrawny little fish and chii is able to take it out with two Thunderbolts next is W Trio but a thunderbolt is able to onot it leaving kofu with his Ace who is also on that bulk allowing him to deliv a thunderbolt with yellow HP as crabhammer finishes Chi-Chi off with the crab nice and low though I wanted to give the final hit to our newest member of the team but Broly needs to get on that grind before claiming any koos so I have to bring in Goku who can finish the battle off with a Muk punch kind of hurts to beat down a homie while he's on the bulk but I won't feel anything when we destroy our next opponent adus is normally a menace but luckily we have an OP counter Vegeta thanks to his still typing atticus's Lee can't touch him as skunk Tes only non-poison move is Sucker Punch which lets Vegeta set up to Max defense their back special attack and special defense and well from here Vegeta just sweeps the whole fight nothing better than destroying the most annoying fight in the game with pure unadulterated muscles with a new level cap Goku could evolve into his final form Super Saiyan 4 I be F and I think the shot is actually pretty underrated like yeah he's sunburn but I think the dude kind of rocks it and now it was time for the easiest fight in the run as we challenge the normal type leader Larry and after setting up a single sword stance Goku kind of just well we just did the same thing to Theona turns out Infernape is kind of strong guys who would have known Goku and Vegeta have been cleaning up the run so far so for the next gym I wanted to highlight the palan fting types that haven't had as much time to show off but I couldn't put together a palan only Team without the Region's Premier fighting type yes let's go shy qule little duck man look at him quagle is cute and all but it's not a fighting typ so we evolve it into its final form kaval and while we're at it we might as well evolve Piccolo into the op annihilate with the valan team put together and fully evolved it was time to take on Ryme mimikyu and bayet double Target Piccolo with Shadow sneakes but an assurance plus rage fist combo is enough to take out Baya in return this brings in houndstone so I break the disguise on mimikyu with Broly and then Piccolo oneshots the houndstone with another rage fist this brings in ry's final Pokemon and silly me I thought Piccolo could just one-hot it but mimikyu Shadow snake is able to finish off Piccolo before he can land the attack broy can land a scary face to lower toxcity speed as it lands a crit hex which is pretty bad but also kind of good because it triggers our anger Point ability maxing Broly's attack I then bring in Bulma and get ready to go in the offensive and our Max attack Assurance doesn't even get the KO on toxicity and I targeted mimikyu with bulma's payback which leads to tox getting a double KO with discharge I'm left with just Gohan and Chi-Chi but the Mother Sun combo is enough to clutch the win as aquet KO tox and Chi-Chi finishes off mimikyu our six badge with only paldan fighting types with the late game quickly approaching I was about to face my biggest challenge yet but it wasn't any battle it was finding the next team member for you see dear viewer the next big battle was tulip a psychic type user and one of the only fighting types available that doesn't take super effective damage from Psychic moves was galade but only male cers can actually evolve into galade but with a 50/50 chance surely this wouldn't take too long oh I okay okay okay shiny shiny shiny shiny all we pray that it's male if it's male it's hype if it's female we're dreading please please please please okay they care about its ability ni oh shiny shiny shiny okay okay please please please please please please for the love of God oh please please please come on come on come on no oh okay please okay let's go this one's Bale I can feel it this one's Bale I I can sense it I can sense the balls no oh look okay please please please please I'm begging I'm on my knees God I'm on my knees yes yes smil oh my God finally yes thank the Lord dude finally our beautiful boy joins the team but that took forever and was extremely painful so before we take on tulip let's take on a much easier fight the Earth Titan and well I said easier but I forgot to give Goten any psychic type moves so all he can do is land a slash before having to switch into Piccolo who beats phase one with two close combats but phase two I finally Tau Goten psychic which does a good chunk of damage but then Goten gets one shot by a stomping tantrum thankfully his big bro is here to clean up the fight as Gohan finishes the fight off with a combo of Aqua step and Aqua Jet as much as as I'd like to jump right into the Tulip fight I'm once again interrupted by neona but this is where we get to see goten's true power as he sets up a sword St and then one shots neona lyen Rock slgo and P Mal with sacred swords for a Skelly judge though I do have to bring in Gohan who takes out the Croc with a couple of Aqua steps that battle was so easy that it might as well have been a warm up but tulip is going to be our toughest workout yet so we better play it safe by stretching out those muscles and now that we're fully pre it's time to take on tulip tulip Begins the fight with a cosplaying giraffe and I leave with Goten I set up a sword stance to get the plus two in attack and despite its appearance fth hits pretty hard with a Zen headbut but not nearly hard enough as we oneshot it on the next turn with a night slash our feminist counterpart is next but she also gets one shot by a night slash and as spyrow does actually outspeed but even a super effective Shadow Ball does barely any damage and Goten claims his third one shot leaving tulip with a FL but it gets rid of its fairy typing allowing night slash to hit for super effective damage and get yet another one shot well that was surprisingly easy but a surprise to no one is how easy gruer is since he uses ice types Goku starts the battle with a brutal Overkill as he hits froth moth with a four time super effective flare blit which of course obliterates it btic then gets one shot by a more tame close combat and even so Titan gets the one shot treatment from close combat this leaves Gia with his Altaria but surely Goku could onot it if he oneshot the rest of her team well it was close to being a clean sweep it isn't a real problem though as Goten can come in and finish it off with a sacred sword claiming the eighth and final badge now just because we got in the final badge doesn't mean we're ready to take on the Elite 4 as we have a few big battles to get out of the way first like Orga don't let his lack of muscles fool you this man is an absolute Menace for our team so I set off back to the swamp to find the only Pokémon that could defeat the skinny Beast shiny kgun hey look at him oh wait dude what the hell look at his walk homie's just like swag with it I don't know what to say look at him he just doesn't care oh dud he must be listening to some good bloody Tunes oh my Lord he just he just doesn't care come here you silly goober yeah let's go I quickly evolve cell into toxic croak and pray that it's enough to beat one of our biggest counters cell starts the battle by setting up a nasty plot giving him a plus two in special attack and as far as I knew aumer's best move against us was play Ro which would hurt but it wouldn't be super effective I was very wrong thankfully I got to plus four which is enough to one-hot a zumu with sludge bomb thankfully cell then outspeeds Wiggly tff as well and can easily on-shot it sadly though this absolute dog outspeeds cell and hits a hard play rough leaving him on just 12 hp but shell puts it down with a single sludge bomb in retaliation no matter how hard you train though you can never outrun a car as the riv room outspeeds and finishes sell off for their magical Tor but cell paid the way for Vegeta to come out and finish the battle off with a few flash cannons maybe if he spent less time whining and more time lifting you would have had a chance we then quickly take down the last Titan but this was pretty easy as Chi takes down the dondoo phase and Piccolo takes out tagiri with the final Titan taken care of it was time to face the final team star boss but one look at AR and you can tell that Ary here is a gym rat and she might even hold the current title of Pal's bigest I need the official title for myself it's what we've been working towards and there was one Pokémon that could help us achieve this dream oh shny shry shry yeah yes oh this is this took me forever hey go back wait get away oh it's back come back hang I freaking know me do get the hell out of the way where is he oh he's over there come here yeah let's go looks so good with roshi buffed up and ready to go it was time to fight Arie for the title of biggest so I leave with Gohan who brings AR's toxic cro down to minus 6 attack with feather dance this allows roshi to safely switch in but the first poison jab ends up poisoning us normally this would be extremely goddamn annoying but this is actually pretty good because I came prepared as roshi eats his Petra Berry not only does this cure his poison this also activates his unburdened ability doubling his speed I then set up a sword dance as the second poison jab poisons roshi again now that is actually extremely goddamn annoying thankfully I was ready for my abysmal luck so once at Max attack roshi can heal back to basically full HP with Roost and now that he's healthy with double speed and Max attack it was time for the slaughter to begin as roshi flying presses through AR's whole team and even the Star mobile wasn't able to hand Roshi's full power as we outspeed and on- shot it something you definitely don't see every day stand proud AR you were strong with everything now out of the way we could head off to take on the Elite 4 starting things off with RAR but I had a solid strategy duck the start of the fight was looking pretty dicey as wish cash set up a future site before being taken out by an aqua step which hits Gohan pretty hard which means he's in range of an earthquake when Donan enters the field and thanks to its sturdy ability we can't oneshot it but the power of friendship is op so thanks to a hero masima moment the duck St goes off without any more problems they really expect me to battle this undeveloped pathetic creature so well it's time for another op Strat monke I with Goku who sets up a sword stands expected C rer to use stealth rocks but it goes for high horsepower instead but thankfully it misses we then kind of just pray and hope that high horsepower can't oneshot us as Goku lives with half HP and sets up a second sword dance from here Goku can oneshot most of Poppy's team with flame Wheels but magnone is another Pokémon with sturdy so it lives with one HP thankfully it throws by setting up a light screen so one more Muk punch can finish it off and poy a ticker tongue gets out sped and one shot by a close combat well the easy fights are over because Larry has evolved from being a montage moment to one of the hardest elite four members as he now uses flying types which is going to be quite the problem for my muscular men Larry leaves with tropus who just barely survives a flamethrower but is nice enough to set up the Sun for us this will boost Goku's fire type moves and we can finish off the red HP with mock punch next for Larry is staraptor who also lives with just one HP but thankfully we get the burn which har star Raptor's attack allowing Goku to Live While staraptor finishes itself off with the recoil from Brave Bird Goku then finally gets a one shot against orario but then Larry sends out Altaria I was ready to let Goku fall here but Dragon pulse leaves him on the red and then thanks to Friendship being broken again he lives another attack with 1 HP which allows him to land two more flamethrowers to C alaria unfortunately he does have to fall as Flamingo lives with half HP and hits Goku with a close combat which does seem like a little bit of Overkill to me I can down though bring in chii and finish the battle off with a thunderbolt beating Larry again if there's one thing I always dread in a Scarlet run it's looking hassle in his beautiful eyes just to destroy him but it's what must be done I start with Gohan as hassle leads with no bur and it hits a super Fang which leaves Gohan with half HP and as we set up a sword dance Noivern then hits a dragon pulse but it isn't enough to take down Gohan as he knocks out Noivern with two Aqua steps leaving him at plus two speed from here it should have been a duck sweep but after landing an ice spinner on ji we're poisoned by poison point so Gohan can only take down flat before succumbing to his illness like father lexide I guess this makes this fight very sketchy from here on out so I decided to bring in roshi as hassle sends in haxus I set up a sword dance as dragonclaw does massive damage but it isn't enough to take down Chad roshi who can get the oo with flying press on the next turn hassel's Ace however tanks the attack like it's nothing as he finishes roshi off with a gla rush I bring in Vegeta who almost gets one shot by brick break and then bails to Ko's caliber as it lives on like one HP since he outspeeds I switch into Piccolo who is immune to the incoming brick break Piccolo then barely lives a gla rush and finishes the battle off for a rage fist sorry beautiful I had to do it sadly OBS only recorded this part of the GA fight thank you OBS you useless useless recording software well it was GA so as you can imagine it was actually pretty easy this leads us to who I consider to be the real Champion neona she leads with Lan Rock who sets up a stealth rocks as Gohan sets up a sword stance with this attack boost we could onot lyan rock with aqua step giving Gohan a speed boost which should guarantee we oute the rest of her team pmon is out next but Gohan one shots it with close combat and then it's the dun Spar and yes it is a three segment but one extra segment means nothing as it also just gets one shot next is her silly little worm and as much as I like silly little guys we onot it with zero hesitation good is out next but a plus two ice spinner is enough for you would you wouldn't have guessed it guys another one shot leaving the Mona wither Ace and stter Skelly durge but an aqua step takes it out winning the battle with that we won the run and if you enjoyed the video maybe check out some other shiny videos of mine have a good one guys stay safe see you all next time
Channel: BP Nuzlockes
Views: 34,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, pokemon scarlet shiny, pokemon, scarlet shiny, shiny only, shiny pokemon, shiny pokemon only, fighting shiny, dragon type nuzlocke, shiny fighting types, shiny fighting types pokemon scarlet, fighting types, indigo disk, dlc, pokemon scarlet dlc
Id: 6Euk9shmwI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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