Can I beat Omega Ruby using ONLY SHINY Pokemon!?

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i attempted an omega ruby hardcore nuzlocke using shiny pokemon only not only has this challenge been insanely hard but also the scariest challenge i've ever done this is by far the hardest challenge i've ever done so make sure to support the video by hitting the like and subscribing i'm playing this challenge with full odds so 1 in 8 192 i'm not allowing the use of dex navi either this means that i'm gonna have to spend hours planning every single battle because if any of my pokemon get knocked out i'll have to spend ages recovering the loss make sure to watch the video to the end because we went through some seriously tough fights later on you guys know the rules by now but here goes all fainted pokemon must be perma boxed there's no leveling past the gym leader's ace and for the elite four the couple b55 in-game items are also not allowed mega evolutions are banned and i must catch the first shiny encounter on each route and finally dupes claws i'll have more on these rules in the description down below thank you so much let's get into the video i start off by shiny hunting our starter and i chose to go with mudkip this is my least favorite part of shiny hunting as i can't explore or take a break to look for items but it sure will be satisfying when i finally catch it after around 8 hours of soft resetting i finally end up finding this beautiful purple mudkip who i call lavender i tried to create a double meaning name theme here so can you guess the name theme i chose and why i chose it his nature is timid which i'm indifferent about the speed boost is nice but i don't like that i have to sacrifice attack for it i wouldn't normally show the first rival battle but we have to take a look at levin during battle as you can see i didn't make sure to do a lots of leveling against trico to take no risks lavender does absolutely sweep though and there goes mei i make sure to fully stack up on pokeballs here because when i hunt for the next shiny i want to be fully prepared i don't want to get into any risky situations at the start so i make sure to look for my next team member right off the bat after around 6 hours of searching i finally find the shiny puccina after a couple of pokeballs we finally catch her and name her saffron her nature is impish which is amazing due to saffron being a physical attacker i make sure to fully train up my team and then take on the first gym leader roxanne lavender's typing is perfect for this so i'm not too worried i send out lavender while she goes with the geodude one hit doesn't kill due to sturdy but the next water gun is more than enough to take her down next up is her nose pass so i keep on going with water gun it should be able to tank a crit here too so i go with a water gun she hits me hard first but an orenberry brings lavender back up to full health this allows for me to finish the battle off on the next turn even this battle was really scary because i'm so attached to my team i can't just up here though so let's keep on going after taking on this team magma grunt at the granite cave i make my way to dewford town on this beautiful nighttime cruise where i face the second gym challenge while there lavender goes into this distorted pink panther who i used to catch my next encounter makuhira i was looking for a zubat here to help me easily take down the second gem but i'm definitely not complaining i forgot to record the battle here but after another around 6 hours i catch him and name him vermilion whose nature is calm this is absolutely horrible as it lowers his attack which is one of his selling points i level him up and make sure my entire team is ready i make sure to closely monitor my pulse and not have a heart attack here and then i take on brawley his team of fighting types should be pretty manageable but that doesn't calm me down one bit i lead with vermilion against match up i start off with a fake out to secure some good chip damage and i then load up these red boxing gloves and hit him with a force pump the next one takes him down but not before lowering vermilion's defense next up is vermilion's more bland cousin i start off with a force palm here which ends up being a crit and also paralyzes him vermilion's orenberry does get knocked off though which is not ideal after broly heals him up the next force palm still has over half his health and leaves us in a great spot one more force climb is enough to take the win here and every single wind feels like such a relief let's keep it up on the way to mobile city i train up saffron who ends up evolving into a golden matiana right before making it into marvel city i run into may and take on my first proper rival battle lavender's typing is perfect so i start with him i go for a water gun against her slugma which does big damage the second one is easily enough to score the win mason's out grovel next so due to my 4 times weakness to grass i switched to saffron grove's attacks really don't hurt saffron here so i feel relatively safe even just a bite does over half of her health and the second one is easy enough for the finisher it's not over yet though as next up is whale mer she is a bit tankier so two bites aren't enough to score the ko saffron finally gets the finisher and there goes mei i now finally make my way to mobile city where i take on my other rival wally although his all-powerful routes is extremely dangerous we somehow managed to take him out with vermilion there's not much left to do here apart from to take on watson lavender's typing is perfect here as his ground tipping provides immunity against electricity it also allows for super effective stab ground moves which should be all i need for this gym let's give it a shot magnemite only survives the first mud shot due to its sturdy i then lower his health with a water gun to get rid of sturdy and then ko magnamide magneton doesn't stand any more of a chance here either as a crit mucho takes it out i mean it would have gone down to one shot anyways but i am not complaining voltorb does manage to hit a rollout but goes down to one hit too good work team we're doing great here after this we acquire an absolute tank in the form of hariyama he sports these massive purple gloves like a champ i run into mei and team magma in the meteor falls where we take on these team magma members in a double battle i go for a fake out against my tiene after which coughing self-destructs i'm not looking to take any risks here so i switch out to lavender the second i can maize like my goes down too but luckily we're still safe grovel does then take out mariana with a single hit and with some teamwork we managed to take out numel too i get on the cable car and make my way to the top of mount chimney such a beautiful cutscene i have to admit these pooches don't want to let me go through so i keep scaling the mountain i wonder what's with these guys obsessions with puccianas how weird i then initiate battle against tabitha i didn't realize vermilion was poisoned and damaged here so i really get freaked out i go for a fake out and switch out into lavender right away this ends up being perfect as coughing self-destructs which could have been deadly against vermilion last up is namel but he stands no chance against a four times effective water gun i then have a huge battle against maxi i do remember to heal up vermillion this time so i decide to lead with him his typing is perfect against my tiene so after hitting him with a fake out forcepam nearly takes him out it does paralyze him though which is amazing aurora then pulls in saffron and we have a battle of the mighty nus saffron sparkles easily outshine my diana and she takes him out with a single bite maxi sends that camera up next so i decide to switch out into lavender water guns four times effectiveness isn't enough here but lavender barely manages to survive living on just 4 health the next shot does finish him off but that was way too close for comfort last up is golbats and as you can guess i switch out to saffron right away he manages to hit a confused ray but saffron still pulls off a bite goal but doesn't do too much damage here but i do hit myself in confusion after an oranberry saves me here i switch out to vermilion even super effective air cutters barely scratch him so i go for a fake out and finish the battle off here if you thought this was intense make sure to watch till the end of the video because this was nothing compared to what's better come later i finally end up making my way to flannery's gym and her bright red hair most certainly matches her anger issues we have quite an advantage here with typing so this gym challenge should be doable i lead with lavender here due to his typing i started for the mud shot but missed right away the second one does hit though and takes her out with a single shot namal is sent out next and somehow she manages to tank a water gun she's not able to do too much though as the next hit finishes her off you're doing great lavender torquel's typing should let him down here but somehow he manages to easily tank a water gun much of the hover does a lot more damage and leaves him with low health i go for a water gun here due to its 100 accuracy i managed to finish her off bye bye tork all and there we go we just got our fourth gym badge let's keep on going i do some running around in the desert in route 111 due to its insane encounters there's some super cool pokemon such as sandshrew trappings baltoy and kakina that i could find so i decide to shiny hands here next after only around four hours i end up finding a shiny trap bench who i call cerulean which is insanely cool and i can't wait to have a shiny fly gun in my team the only issue here is that trapping travels at a very high level so she won't be much of a use for me now after some intense research i realized i did not want to take a risk against my dad's two slackings so i head out and find yet another encounter and electric i wasn't as lucky with this one as it took me over nine hours just to find him i end up naming him pewter and after training him for just a bit he evolves into a shiny manic trick i gotta say this team looks absolutely amazing i finally feel comfortable enough to take on my dad norman the battle is going to be deadly as these slackings can easily wipe an entire team out in just a couple of hits i really need to pay attention to this right here he leads with slacking and i go with pewter i start off by going for a discharge while he goes for you on i don't end up switching out here as i'm holding a chest strawberry so i take him out with another discharge and then wake up instantly i keep on going with discharge against bigaroth even though one hit isn't enough for the ko his own core isn't very effective as i was planning on continuing with discharge anyways here comes norman's final slacking let's see what i can do i go with a discharge once more and then get hit by swagger as he has to recharge on the next turn i take this chance to switch into vermilion i go with a fake out here which triggers his trunk ability again and then i go for a force pump which leaves him with just a sliver of health the next one takes him down and we somehow beat yet another gym challenge with no casualties after me and steven go for a weekly nature adventure we run into ellarias who takes us into this mystical island after destroying team magma radios ends up joining our team but as he isn't the shiny into the box he goes i take on tabitha at the weather institute but now that i have served i shouldn't have much trouble with him in the future shortly after leaving the weather institute i run into may and take on her new and improved team i lead with lavender and take out slugma in a single serve i switch out to vermilion against grovile and start off with a fake out grovel's hits really don't do much here and i take her out with the next four spawn even wilmers has no chance here as two hits easily finish him up nice try mae shortly after this cerulean evolves into a vibrava he is getting closer and closer to that flag on every single level and i'm super hyped to use him next up i take on the sixth gem winona is a flying type user so i naturally start off by using pewter his typing is perfect here as even just one discharge takes out winona swella altaria is pretty good at tanking this charges here and actually survives the first hit i gave pewter a shotgun bear to help with altoria's earthquake and he barely takes any damage due to it the next discharge lands the ko well done pewter winona's pelipper is out next so i once again go for discharge it's an easy one hit here as she stands no chance to a quite effective hit and last but not least is her skarmory even this middle beast goes down to a single hit and we just got our sixth gym badge not bad lavender then finally evolves into his final form swamperts and what a massive evolution that is i ran into mei in lily cope city and decided to take her on for the very last time i lead with pewter and just like the last fellow this one goes down to a single hit too waylord is insanely bulky but even she can't resist one discharge mei's slugma has finally evolved into a mag cargo but i guess that really doesn't make a difference here as she yet again goes down to a single hit as usual now that mason touched sceptile i decided to switch that into pewter here i go for a discharge against sceptile and it's once again not looking good for her as she gets paralyzed too septa really hasn't been able to do much throughout this playthrough but i'm definitely not complaining and there goes mei i'm gonna miss battling her but that just means there's one less chance for one of our teammates to get knocked out i stumble upon this luxurious magma hideout but before we're able to take it on i make my way to the majestic mount pyre where i once again destroy a magma later i take out yet another camera in one hit and it's not even fun at this point i do obtain a blue orb though so let's see what i can do with it team magma then steals a submarine from slave port city i think i'm addicted to whipping out carrots at this point so i make my way back to the magma hideout where i managed to satisfy my cravings shortly after this cerulean finally evolves into a fly gun who i'm really excited to start using i then head to the 7th gym where i take on tate and lisa this is actually the gym i'm least worried about as they only have one pokemon each but that doesn't mean i came any less prepared they have a lunatone and a soul rock so i go for vermilion and lavender i go for a fake god against solrock and then use a surf on lavender this works out amazingly as surf is super effective against both opponents but does barely any damage against vermilion i go for another surf with lavender and this is nearly enough to end the battle but it does end as vermilion secures the k with wake up stop we've made it super far guys let's keep on going only one gym left to go i now decide to look for my final encounter who after around seven hours ends up being a shiny number i eventually catch him and name him cinebar he has the ability simple which is amazing as it doubles all stat boosts i can't wait to try and sweep with him he evolves nearly right after this and look at how sick this camera looks not bad at all am i right after some exploring i make my way to the seafloor cavern where i take on maxie for the very last time this should be doable but his mega camera is extremely scary he leads with my tiana while i go for pewter one discharge is almost enough for the ko which is insane as it isn't even super effective i take him out with a strength right after next up maxi sends a wheezing so i decide to go with discharge this is almost a one hit and he doesn't manage to do any damage back either and down he goes too i'm especially not worried about crowbar here as he's the easiest ko yet now for what i'm worried about mega camera this guy's special attacks that is insane at 1 45 so i really don't want to mess around here i decide to switch up to cerulean here he also starts setting up by going for a yawn which is not amazing for cerulean earthquake luckily still does insane damage and somehow manages to be a one hit you did amazing cirillion not bad for one of your first battles after this battle groudon bounces up to the surface and starts surfing on some kind of magma infused skateboard now that's what i call impressive i meet up with steven in pseudopolis city and he takes me to a meeting with both archie and maxie and they decide to send me swimming into literal magma there should be some sort of child protective services available here right there's no way this is legal anyways i make my way to the bottom floor where i jump onto this beast's back and take a right through this massive magma ocean i then decided to take on primal groudon in a pokemon battle i set up with amnesia here to boost my special defense insanely due to cinnabar simple i then go for an earth power which somehow nearly finishes groudon off in one shot after a couple more earth powers we somehow take out even groudon with no losses not bad at all team not bad at all i then do some last minute training and then finally decided to take on the eighth and last gym leader wallace he leads with love disc so i send out pewter i go with a discharge to start off and ends up being an easy ko wiscons could be deadly here due to his typing so i have to switch out to lavender the first earthquake doesn't ko but i go for a surf after and it's easily enough to score the win next up is his b floored melodic i decided to go for a mudshot here to deal some serious damage but also to slow her down she recovers for some reason which i'm completely fine with i start off with a crunch and due to my rmberry i feel strong enough to get another shot it's literally just enough as i'm left with just 10 hp i then switch up to pewter as melodic fully recovers i decide to go for a discharge and after tanking a hydro pump melodic goes down right after now that celio's next i keep up on the same rhythm and score the one hit here too seeking obviously can't handle it either and just like that we get our very last gym batch nothing left but steven left to go let's see how this goes i scale this massive waterfall and make my way to the victory road where decided to hunt for one last shiny pokemon there's some pretty cool ones here too such as a layer on but i'm definitely not complaining about this shiny larger either i paralyze him and then get a crit which literally leaves him at like one health my heart nearly jumped out of my chest here as i saw how close that was i could have lost another eight hours of hunting here but luckily it didn't come to that i catch her and i name her fuchsia i then make my way through the victory road where i just had to take on wally's final team for the very first and last time i go with sinabar here while he leaves with altaria i decide to utilize simple here and i start off with amnesia i repeat this which already maxes out cinebar special defense i then start setting up with curse i do this three times until my attack and defense are fully maxed out too and then i start taking down altaria one level plume isn't enough to get the ko but as cinebar is so bulked up right now altaria really can't hurt him he eventually goes down to a level him rosalia sets up with late shade but gets taken out in one hit magneton stands absolutely no chance against a fully attacked max to earthquake but it's sturdy does let it live it does go down eventually though del curry goes for a faint attack but it doesn't affect us too much as she goes down to a single head now with glade up next i'm too scared to risk it so switch out to my diana i resist his psychic move and then switch out to lavender while he sets up with swords dance he goes for it again and this is not good for me surf does end up dealing good damage but the second one manages to get the ko not without being left at just 12 hp though that was way too close for comfort guys but there's no more fooling around anymore the time has come to challenge the pokemon league with my precious team of shinies i take this long walk to the pokemon league but before taking the final leap i decided to train up fuchsia and evolve her into an explode she's an absolute beast and i feel like she'll definitely be a key player in the elite four there's not really anything left to do but to go for it here we go guys please wish me luck i make my way to sydney's dojo in the pokemon league and i decided to go with vermillion due to his typing advantage i gave him a wide herb to counter my tiana's intimidate let's see how this goes i started figuring with a wake up slap which ends up being an easy one he k on my tiana next up cindy sends out shift tree he starts off with a fake out but that's about all the damage he'll do as shift 3 also falls to just a single hit next up is absolutely gets a crit with a super effective psycho cut which really hits hard it doesn't end up being too much of an issue though as wake up slap ends him in a single shot even sharped off was a single hit but his rough skin leaves vermilion at just 30 hp a shout out speed kak turn here so one hit easily finishes him off two and there goes the battle not bad for a first battle let's keep on moving i'm making my way to the second dojo which is run by the ghost type leader phoebe her team is pretty decent and curse is deadly but i did come prepared with a lot of dark type moves so let's see what i can do vermilion hits a knockoff against dusk clubs which does major damage even though he does get confused and hits himself in confusion right after it's not enough to stop him as the next knockoff easily finishes him off bennett isn't out next so i keep on going with knockoff and this time it's a one hit ko the next minute is sent out in vain to right after as one hit easily takes it out noy is a very bulky boy as he takes a knockoff pretty well the second knockoff doesn't ko either but dusknoir's damage output is so low that i feel comfortable just hammering it down till it eventually falls phoebe now sends out her last pokemon stabilize fake out doesn't make vermilion flinch and i switch out to lavender just in case i go for an earthquake but he manages to live on just a sliver of health even though he does get fully healed up he can't keep it up forever and he goes down to just a few more hits gg phoebe only 24 members left to go i now go for the second to last pokemon league leader at the ice dojo glacia she leads with glaily while i send out fuchsia glealing goes for a light screen which is pretty good here as he resists fuji's flamethrower really well i send out senebai here to get in some more powerful hits and set up with curse i keep on setting up until i've nearly maxed out my defense and attack and then finish him off with an earthquake now that wall runs up next though i have to switch out right away i send out vermilion who does a great job at tanking surf i go for a fakeout just to get some chip damage in and then send out big guns as i go for wake up slap i managed to easily tank another surf and then finish off wall rain with a couple more wake up slaps and a knock off frostless isn't way too dangerous here so i go for a knockoff vermilion does it himself in confusion though so i switch out to lavender to not take any risks i go for a rock slide against frostlast which does some pretty major damage i then go for a surf to finish the battle off and even though lavender is confused he still manages to knock out frost last then comes yet another frostless but this ends up freezing lavender solid forcing me to switch him out right away i send out pewter next and he manages to easily tank a blizzard pretty well allowing him to go for a discharge and finish her off right after last but not least is glacia's glaily i send off fuchsia and go for a flamethrower against galey it does some big damage and after he protects it's time for him to go as another flamethrower takes him out well played glacia we only have one more elite four member left to go but i do run into a major issue here i realized i forgot to get the tm for ice beam and i don't have any berries to unfreeze lavender or so i thought i went into this battle thinking i don't have any aspier berries but i completely forgot i had lumbers just sitting around too bad i only realized that halfway through the battle though anyways let's see if i can actually do this or not with just five pokemon here we come drake he leads with altaria while i go for fuchsia i start off by chipping at her health using hypervoice and i then go for a super effective rock team to slow her down i then go for the takedown with another hypervise next up is fly gun so i go for a rock team to slow her down i think something's wrong with drake's ai here though as flygon literally only goes for boom burst which doesn't work i don't understand why but hey if it leaves my shinies alive i sure am not complaining after waking up from rest at full hp i finally finished her off with a hypervise now the next fly gun here wasn't as easy as the previous one he actually knows how to do some damage but his special defense is not very good and just too hyper which just takes him out too next up drake's inside his ace salamance i really don't want to lose fuchsia here so i send out cinebar he definitely couldn't handle a dragon rush at all so switch out to pewter pewter can't do much here either but his static ability does paralyze salamance which is at least something i then switch to my real tank vermilion to do some heavy lifting dragon rush doesn't hurt him way too much and as usual i lead with a fake out i then go for a knockoff which really hurts him and then i switch into cerulean and luckily salamance goes for a zen headbutt here which allows for cerulean to score the ko with dragon claw this battle is way too close last up is kingdra whose ice beam is extremely dangerous although i do get the ko with the crit dragon claw cerulean is holding a yacht berry so a nice beam wouldn't have been an issue anyways now the time we've all been waiting for champion steven and the very last battle of this shiny only nuzlocke guys if you appreciate this kind of content make sure to like and subscribe it helps me make videos like these to entertain you guys without further ado here we go the battle we've all been waiting for here we go steven this time i actually do unfreeze lavender with a lamborghini so it'll be a fair fight let's see what you can do steven he starts off with skarmory so decide to lead with pewter it would be a one hit but skarmory does not toxic due to sturdy steven fully restores after this but that just slows down skarmy's demise as a couple more hits does finish the game off for him now that steven sends out his ag run i decide to switch that into lavender he tanks an earthquake insanely well and then would have taken out aggro in one hit if it wasn't for sturdy you really are a beast lavender cradley is up next so i switch out to vermilion due to his typing he easily takes a giga drain and then fakes out credibility the first brick brick doesn't end up being a one shot and as i don't want to risk confusion damage i switch to fusia credile heals up and for some reason i go for a flame throw which is no damage even as a crit i then switch back into vermilion and nearly finish credelia for the brick break one more brick break sensor off the face of this earth good job vermilion next up is clay doll so i decided to switch into flusha due to cladel's psychic typing cradle sets up reflect on light screen so decide to go with crunch it really doesn't damage it at all here even hypervoice barely hurts it i eventually have nothing left to do but get rid of one of my precious shinies it hurts so much to let her go but at least she served us well i then send out lavender who takes revenge on claydol by taking that out in a single serve armaldo can try all he wants too but he just can't handle a single surf either now it's time for his all-powerful ace mega metagross i go for earthquake with lavender and i'm not able to do anything here as he gets taken out instantly it hurts to let go of my very first encounter but it was for the good of the team you did amazing lavender thank you so much i then switch out to cinebar metagross has to recharge here so i go for an earthquake it does good damage but not quite enough to secure the tear shot for this reason i set up with curse and after tanking metagross's get guy impact i finish this battle up with an earthquake we actually managed to get the win with these shinies that's actually insane guys this playthrough was a lot of work but it was so much fun and so satisfying to see how far these pokemon came as i spent so much time obtaining them once again if you do enjoy these kind of videos make sure to leave a like and subscribe because they take ages to make and the support helps me out a lot thank you so much guys peace out
Channel: DarkraiTV
Views: 775,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon omega ruby shiny nuzlocke, Pokemon Sword shiny nuzlocke, pokemon ultra sun shiny nuzlocke, pokemon shiny nuzlocke, pokemon omega ruby nuzlocke, pokemon, pokemon challenges, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke challenge, pokemon videos, pokemon journeys, pokemon legends arceus, pokemon legends Arceus trailer, pokemon brilliant diamond, pokemon shining pearl, shiny nuzlocke, pokemon shiny only, hardcore shiny nuzlocke, pokemon monotype nuzlocke, shiny pokemon omega ruby, shinygen3
Id: 9oK7fkOIPJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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