Skipping EXPENSIVE Cars Across Water Challenge in BeamNG Drive Mods!

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instead of a coming soon have maybe a coming late coming late yeah it's like at the end of the video it shows highlights it's just a highlight real everybody tuned out they're like wait why is there like 2 minutes left on the [Music] video all right OB there you are in your puny tiny little bitty baby car yeah I see someone's back there over what do you mean over compens what do you got to say what do you got to say what not not what not during the intro buddy I'm leaving well we're supposed to test out how dude that thing's not even going to make it down the ramp yes it will watch if I oh you know what it is the gravel if I drive on the side here a little more sturdy here okay there we go who that's agressive okay I want to see how far I get and this my just sideways is that bad that is probably bad all right I'm launching wait I might just straight up land here okay I might land it as well and still win this whole thing hold on I got to watch this just so you know did I you over negative I'm just falling apart of my own bitions why is it just falling Obie you're not even going to make it like off the ramp what are you doing Obby this is not how this works I get a respawn here so I'm going to go ahead and keep going like I will give you a respawn I want to see you launch off this I was going to say whoever makes it first gets to choose the first event oh it's going to be me dude I've already made it like all the way down I just want to see you fell at this yeah it's not a race though it's a distance competition not a race so it doesn't matter who go first even if it is a distance competition you're not going to make it far here we go and all right so uh I'm going to choose the first competition we are going to do stone skipping uh you might want to delete your vehicle it's gone already though wait a minute and just still rest let's go baby this doesn't even count it's over if I gave it long enough I would eventually get down there and surpass you no you I'm in the freaking pool it's over we're going to the next event shut up all right buddy we are ready for the first real competition here so we got Stone skipping you know what that means skipping yeah it's basically like SC uh car skipping well no I don't think people typically do the car thing it's the stone so we've got pretty bad beater cars here and we want see how far we can make it you're going to be honest about your Landing right I'll be 100% honest you can verify through the watch room of my video okay and hitting the thumbs up on the video right hitting the thumbs up and the notification Bell and subscribing and leaving a nice comment that does not say bro fell off but bro fell off though bro fell off okay I'm going to count us in three two 1 go now be honest you got to be honest too I mean we're going to be right beside each other these are trust exercise come it's a trust exercise we got both be honest here this Grandma this looks like a grandma car but gram grams died and you took it over and you made it into like a work vehicle Grandma's actually in the back seat right now she dead no she alive but she she call for help she has the police on the phone wait she's wait why did it break did your break oh no uh I think so yeah all the TIR exploded it's going to work though Granda did it Grandma did it oh oh oh oh wait how come how come you got a little bit further I don't know Talent skill personality the ladder landed perfectly on the hood it did didn't you could totally climb wait wait wait wait wait did you see the poles though did the poles go off okay hold on let's let's check pole distance pole distance are we measuring poles you won you got pole distance there you're telling me my pole is bigger than yours or no no my Po's made it further than yours no you not scratch that here let's go back up to the top all right Obie since all the wheels fell off on mine I'm going to let you pick the next car for stone skipping are you are you that mad about that dude my will as soon as you touch me my will fell off yeah let's get better cars I know just the car I want to get to okay let's see what you define as a better car go ahead is it going to be necessarily good for stone skipping though that that's the question I actually don't know it's just fast and it looks cool that is a bright okay I want one of these but why is yours so bright and mine isn't mine's called the glow one but my didn't might not glow like that I'm kind of you ready up bled okay here we we go pigeons foxes cats meow you know it's got Doss right I oh it does huh turn that on real quick oh why did you hit the brakes in front of me you ding dong I hit I did it I hit the NOS on oh no wait a minute the exped my car yeah my engine just permanently damaged is that bad that's probably bad it's probably not good for St oh my goodness these cars suck for this what the I won I won I won I won okay I won I'll give you that round I won one point all right one point OB all right buddy I get to choose this thing was a flop like it didn't work it blew up and it instantly sank so we call it a sink okay it's a sink I don't care whatever you want to call it we need something super fast and floaty so I'm thinking cintilla you can just copy mine uh let's do this one this one's going to have a nice color you're going to like it look at that all right now we're finally going to get some distance here in the stone skipping oh yeah oh we're going all the way buddy we're going all the way you ready for it oh yeah C why you wait why are you backing up on me bro I'm not I'm just getting I'm getting like right here I was just lining up what do you mean you were already lined up you don't you're not getting no head starts all right ready yeah 3 2 1 go oh no I see what you're doing you're cheating why you copying bro because you're cheating if you're going to get more speed I'm going to go get more speed bet you don't know what the secret weapon is right the secret weapon Yeah the secret weapon I know secret weapon turn off the traction control How It Go I suck hard oh my goodness wait what wait you just like teleported Well my screen I launched it hit the front and then it instantly exploded what okay okay what I give you a point for that let's do it again one more time save cars I got an idea okay no cheating this time I will that I that's a point for me you put that point up there point for K you put that point up there and do not drop it go go 3 2 1 activations what are you doing different this time I got to plan what's the plan I got a plan let me live my dreams well at least tell me the plan shut up don't tell me shut up oh oh got sideways you cheeky cheeky butthole and let me get in the water here okay you just drove up the oh wait wait don't make I mean way over here man look how far I teleported on your screen again I'm sorry buddy oh jeez oh oh physics physics oh no I I'm totally wining this video okay no oh jeez look at that that's a big skip right there that's too much Kam you've crossed the line today okay editor give him the point yes you big baby oh nice fireal car yeah I picked the car I see that oh my God I'll be it runs but I can't see anything that's okay we don't need to sa I don't think it's got brakes either we're this going to be we go fast we I'll run the fire this I I say this hit the brakes real quick I need I need you to be synced in all I see is a orange ball right now sorry okay hit the brakes just reset yourself back up to the front because the brakes immediately uh explode how are we supposed to do this one Obie I can't see you just got to figure it out bud okay just go to free camera we going to show you the event so we're going down this is a little bit smaller ramp yes but it's still a distance competition yes and if you land and hit the blue uh the wall back there that's instantly a point that's actually three points is it three points three points three points my editor's going to hate you okay you ready ready I can't see I can't either call me in 3 2 1 go go oh my goodness you can't oh if you look down you can kind of I can't we're going to have to do this the normal cars I can't see a thing sprit already hold on I think I got in oh hold the fire actually dissipates a little bit when you get moving fast enough yeah yeah you just got to get you got to get moving oh my goodness hold on hold I might make it down oh uh oh you're sideways FR me you did I just launch you yeah all right that's going to be half a point for OB here let's go and reset to the top and do this one more time here uh can we pick another vehicle I'm I'm on fire in the fence over here how about we pick the card this time okay I will let you pick the card just to get this bright thing off my screen yes yes absolutely what is this this is our we're going to Home Depot and we need a lot of space in the back to get all our tools why is it so long because tools okay all right ready I'm going to count us in all right ready hammers screwdrivers power drills go why don't you just go on three why why do you go on go like what's the un universally go means you go why don't you go one two go that way it's on three you know what they need to do is stop signs and go signs you're supposed to stop at the stops and just assume that you go at the oh my goodness here we go whoa whoa actually that was honestly kind of impressive H is it still going to carry up up up I passed the blue that's 20 points now you're making stuff up we said if you hit the blue it's three points because it's never been done no one's ever passed the what you mean all you had to doo go back to the top and do it again and get double the points are you going back to oh on my screen you don't have front tires well it does turn it just takes a while where you f you want some oh yeah yeah yeah go over there there should be some merch and stuff over there I want a t-shirt that says I died here you're going to get the kettle corn and you're going to love it okay well I'll take the kettle corn actually it's hooting got what is the hoot you're going to have the hoot and Gottis and you're going to love it uh Ed can you Google what hoot and Gotti is please I have no clue what this is is it good have you tried it Obie I feel like it's ice cream okay so I'm going to pick the car I'm going to pick something normal okay you go ahead and pick the car i' I've been keeping track of all the points so far right now you're at two and it appears that I'm at 37 where did you get these numbers from just from watching my own video doing the math oh my goodness how do you mean what do you mean watching your own video you're recording it as we watch it right yeah but I'm watching myself record it like I'm here doing that oh okay okay yeah I believe you look at my what why is look at my license play what's your say it says beautiful oh it does what's it say on your screen TFG wait does it really uh let's change them uh you suck okay I'm changing mine okay mine's good all right canis in all right uh w h a go oh that was supposed to work differently yeah you missed oh oh my goodness okay they're so slow my truck was way better my truck was way better okay just get it back under control these things have no traction is this a man's car right here we got this a man's car this is a baby's car cuz it's full of baby oil fly oh my goodness I'm doing hold on F save distance safe distance doesn't matter you're bounced back I think I won that event the B that because it ran out of course so it has to bounce back to see who can go fur that's not how that works hold on edine still refs mine does too what you guys to say about that oh gosh darn it yeah you touch also you bounced back into the same exact spot you shut your mouth all right two points for both of us two points for both of us you want to go do the ocean jump yep it's essentially same thing except for ramp is about 20 times as big and you end up with uh Nemo from Finding Nemo at the bottom I love Nemo wait was Nemo the clown fish or was that Larry wait who's Larry I don't remember haven't watched the movie in like 20 something years what was the name of the clownish the main character that's finding no that's not Nemo he's Finding Nemo I'm going to call him Bob Nemo's the main character what are you talking about no they're Finding Nemo you're they're finding the son no I'm talking about the Dad what's the dad's name don't forget Dory all right it's called yeah we're going to call him Bob and that nobody likes elen degenerous either all right Obie this is the most extreme jump yet you're going to go down you're going to go underground you're going to pop up and you're going to fly with the fishies my Liza place is a yucky well good all you ready come me in bro come me in uh different flavor of hot dogs wait there's multiple flavors of hot dogs okay uh pork beef vegetarian go okay did that work yeah I'm going a a little squirly she she she really wants to oh she okay she she going grip up though it's going to grip up oh my goodness it's so fast what are you a nitrous right now yes you know nitrous is an option right oh yeah no I'm aware oh my goodness how's it going back there oh not good I should have n just way earlier okay you know I feel like won be fair oh I had I I landed on the 90 m one I landed on the 10 so it's a 690 oh this is technically 100 okay I'm on the 100 all right back to the top we got to restart that one it was your cting it was way off you you really going blame my account for your lack of being a to jump go pigeons seagull flying fish go remember you don't want to go all Full Throttle all willly OT at beginning cuz it gets sideways don't tell me what to do well if you'd follow my advice you wouldn't be uh upside down I'm not upside down what was that but I'm not I'm not doing good though I'm going I'm going to call in a respawn to this one try this again okay you respawn I'm W take my jump here I think it's going to be absolutely fantastic there we go or if it's anything like your channel then we know it's going to be AOK okay yeah keep it straight op keep it straight I have dropped in the water I think I'm almost at the same spot okay here we go I'm cruising I have maximum speeds almost this going to be my best one yet oh my goodness this is definitely my best one yet oh where you going to land are you going to land further than me can I can I can I like fly it like a helicopter a little bit oh you saw that would hit the one like Zapped to the left what was that you want to do it one more time with your choice of vehicle yes please all right we'll have a grand finale here I don't even know what the points uh we're just this is going to be for all the points this is for 4 million points I'll let you oh okay OB what are these These are zebra tour buses they're very bouncy what's wrong with them look okay what wait what what is this you got to turn thejo on there you go this is we're not even going to make it down the ramp why did you pick this as the final I just bounced my tire just shredded itself I'm going I'm against the speed what look at me oh my goodness I'm okay look at me I'm going I'm getting angry with this thing is for 4 million points come Ono don't mess it up all right I'm coming I'm coming uhoh what's going on there buddy you're not going to get far if you're headed down the same tunnel as me well there's only one tunnel here well you're not going to make it far but you sure about that uh-huh I may be taking up the what are you [Laughter] doing did you see that oh we didn't hit the ramp so it doesn't count yeah but I'm over here this this is the vehicle you picked but it doesn't count cuz we didn't have to WP yeah but you picked this vehicle no you got a plan shut up I got a plan don't tell me to shut up what your plan shut up I got a plan we're going to hit the ramp oh you you going you grabbing another vehicle yeah go ahead go ahead buddy why are you taking this one down oh you probably spawned a little further out didn't you no I'm doing I'm doing it normal I'm doing it normal from the very start this looks awful well I'm doing my best K leave me alone the Z pluss is not made for jums I I don't think it's made for anything it's me for something I know I'm in front of you right now not for long buddy what do you mean not for long I still got J get you you had used your Jos yet well I'm tip tapping them okay now are they out now the plan did not work so what did you learn not to take zebras off a giant ra I don't think this is an actual zebra but you know sure that's what they look like oh uhoh oh you're sideway front me you stupid Just Launch you y actually it's hoot and Gotti what is the hoot you're going to have the hoot and Gottis and you're going to love it uh Ed can you Google what hooting Gotti is please I have no clue what this is is it good have you tried it Obie I feel like it's ice cream I may be piing up the are you doing [Laughter]
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 118,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfying, destruction, spike pit, beamng spike strip, beamng, beamng drive, beamng drive gameplay, beamng drive crashes, beamng drive stunts, beamng spike fall, beamng crash compilation,, beamng crashes, beamng drive spike pit, beamng drive update, beamng drive crash test, beamng drive mods, beamng drive stunt crashes, beamng drive chase, beamng drive crash montage, car crashes, car crash, pc game, video game, gta testing, gta, beamng car skipping
Id: Lh8-kM4GcCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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