Catching a FULL BOX of SHINIES in Pokémon Legends Arceus

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the video ends when I catch an entire box full of shiny Pokemon for those who don't want to count that's 30 Pokemon 30 shinies in one video how long will this take days weeks months who knows ready checking out our first MMO of the day hey shiny drifloon you know I feel like I never realized just how good a shiny this guy is until this game I feel like this game has made me appreciate a lot more shiny than I used to Let's glob this handsome little fella and hit it with a ball nice we are now one thirtieth of the way there oh look how creepy they look over there I have been searching for one of these things for so long can't believe it finally showed up felt like it didn't even exist and look he even turned his back to me he's just asking to get caught let's go whoever's idea it was to put fog into this game or at least whoever's idea it was to make it this dense is an absolute animal like it is so hard to see anything oop see I could have avoided that if there wasn't any fog oh who is that it's Mr Boulder but he's not just a boulder I don't think Graveler shiny looks bad but it really just reminds me of poop but that doesn't mean I don't want to catch you all right first outbreak of the afternoon it's always nice when they run away but a little scary if a shiny shows up oh my okay let's hide I did not save my game so let's not mess this up throw Ultra Ball from a distance nice hey cascoon this is another one of those shinies I feel like I didn't ever appreciate or didn't even know what it looked like until this game and I'd say it's got a pretty good shiny and matches my boy shiny Espeon who in my opinion does not get enough love green gang Alpha Glalie has to be one of the creepiest looking Alphas let's not mess around with this guy and just go check out a different horde oh hello there I don't know how many of these things I found but it feels like a million like it has to be one of the most common shinies in the game don't look at me nice next I've been trying to come up with routes to hunt Alpha shinies for each area of the map I feel like since shiny show up so frequently hunting Alpha shinies kinda satisfies that itch for a more meaningful find and obviously I'm currently working on the field lands route oh and what's nice about doing these routes too is you end up finding a bunch of full-on shinies ouch all right glob and into the Ultra Ball to the meyerlands for a wonderful Hippowdon outbreak which is a Pokemon I've yet to find shiny who was that okay save quick just in case it runs away or something let's see it wasn't these guys down here wasn't these Tangela oh was it you Haunter let me see that tongue nope okay I couldn't find the little sucker so I'm retracing my steps to hopefully find it and the noise didn't happen oh that's who it was a shiny Deli Elli Cricket Tunes have great mustaches very nice again with this fog I literally can't see where I'm going it's especially bad in the meyerlands oh and it makes that rosary look mad ominous now we got a baby hippo outbreak which I also do not have a shiny of I feel like everyone has at least one Pokemon that just refuses to shine for them while this line is definitely one of them for me he'd do be floating though turns out the fog does show up in other areas but it doesn't feel nearly as bad as it is in the meyerlands I don't know man just something about that place makes it the worst ooh oh it's another Graveler you know I never said it had to be 30 unique shinies I just said 30 shinies so we'll still take it quickly though because the big boulder wants my blood ah nice not run away hello another beautiful green shiny to add to my green gang if no one else loves you know that I do shiny Ursa ring what ran right through me nice let's go also on a side note why'd they go and make shiny ursuluna red I do not approve oh oh my God who was that I wasn't paying attention there's a lot going on here okay not the alpha Toki tick was it you yes very nice a Pokemon you can't tell when it's shiny but one I don't have yet so let's go testing out some routes for the alphas in the meyerlands 2 hey who was that hey that's who we've been graced by the presence of shiny God I wish you could just pick up a Pokemon like in this situation but alas we will throw a ball at it nice let's get a closer look no I didn't mean to battle I am stuck oh my God no way shiny Alpha Alakazam that is incredible let's get into battle with it so we can see those beautiful sparkles wow so great okay throw a ball let's freaking go there he is best catch so far so like are the spoons technically part of alakazam's body I've never seen spoons that big shouldn't it have like normal sized spoons even though it's huge I don't know just food for thought yo who did that was it one of you fellas down here nope it was not so who oh that's who shiny Combi ah but it's a male that's unfortunate but I will still catch you and add you to the collection run stantlers run away wait how how did this happen how did you get stuck in there oh wow ow sometimes you take fall damage in this game when it feels like you shouldn't oh shiny Celio I love Celio and there's something I gotta say I don't know if this is a controversial opinion but Celio tops seal any day seal has to be one of the dumbest Pokemon out there it's literally just a seal like okay I'm sorry I'm not here to rant about seal we got another shiny and with that we are officially halfway done huh I don't know why but the initial shock of hearing that shiny noise always just gets me even if it's just a shiny Paris probably one of the worst shinies ever but now you're my worst shiny ever hi this is me while editing this video I was looking up shiny Paris and it turns out Paris is shiny got changed in this game this is shiny Paris compared to normal Paris in other games and this is them in Legends Arceus so maybe not the worst shiny in other games but it's pretty bad in this one okay back to the video oh actually while I have you here I guess I should tell you to like And subscribe you know if you want okay back to the video for real now what oh my God another one how many of these things are we gonna end up finding how many times do I need to teach you this lesson Graveler all right so that's our third now no more some more hippos I think they have one of the most satisfying cries I don't know why but I love that but a shiny still eludes me oh my God oh my God hey I didn't hear the noise but I saw all those Sparkles another shiny for the Box bronzer and bronzong are another one of those lines where I feel like I found so many shinies and it's another one for the green gang now let's catch ouch jerks let's try this again nice hello shiny karate monkey let's go looks like someone forgot to put their sunscreen on because it's got some nasty sunburn double glob and Ultra Ball nice now let's go before the rest of them beat me up okay where to next no no I hate the three Bandits so much I wasn't looking at my screen and they are always in the worst spots I don't want to battle you oh my God not again she was hiding behind the tree oh my God I hate your stupid face ah oh my God it's Spiel one of the greatest Pokemon ever created I've wanted one of these bad boys shiny for so long yes just look at him he's spherical yes let's go let's take a closer look at this handsome fella you know it's something I've realized that makes no sense to me when it's raining in the field lands Alpha Rapidash doesn't spawn which like sure maybe it's got like that OG Charmander thing going on if its Flames go out it'll die or something but tell me why is it that Alpha and fernape isn't affected we need answers we found the mass outbreak of rocks oh my goodness look at this little guy looks like he's covered in dirt and welcome to the Box what okay I've said multiple times that I hate catching stuff in the water well this is why oh my God hey another Combi oh it's coming right to me and another male shame oh he feisty nice one day we will find a female shiny Combi burbs his suing Braviary is top tier definitely one of the best new Pokemon added in this game oh my god let's go it also definitely has like the best shiny let's catch this bad boy nice and let's take a look because it's so beautiful you know let's do a quick ranking of all the new shinies in this game okay so Braviary is obviously asked here with the black and the nice psychic blue Zorua and zorark are also asked here and Sneasel I'll put an S tier because I love the dark color with the gold together for a tier I'll put Voltorb and Electrode they look really nice but not on the same level as the ones above quillfish and overquill same thing they look awesome Arcanine is a tier with its gold coat I'm a big fan of shiny little again I'm a sucker for teals and I'll put Dialga there too because I'm a sucker for teals then B tier I'll put Growlithe it's good but not as good as its older brother Mel Basque Legion because it's purple and that's the best color ever and decidueye is the best of the shiny starters the other two starters are gonna go and see I like the concept of the shiny starters how they're supposed to look like their original forms but they just don't look that good also I'm pretty sure these images are just regular Typhlosion and Samurai we'll put female baskets region here too just doesn't look as good as the male version in my opinion sneezler is gross and it's kind of the opposite of Sneasel and I don't like it as much sligu and gujra are all right weird deer is kind of ugly but I Vibe with it a little and anamorous is a lighter shade of pink so it's okay and finally D tier we got origin Palkia it's a monstrosity in its own right but its shiny is just slightly different than the original colors avalog just has a rusty mouth ursuluna sucks especially compared to its pre-evolutions and basculine probably has the worst shiny in the game being just slightly brighter than the regular version oh I heard that it was definitely one of these guys oh yeah I could tell the difference the one on the left is definitely a shiny very nice another full odd shiny I feel like there's been a decent amount so far hopefully that luck will continue and with that we are down to the final Row the last six shinies nose pass outbreak I love how they get mad but still just stand there oh my God oh holy crap wow went from having zero shiny nose pass to two in a matter of seconds one of you will make a wonderful probopass like that smack smack let's freaking go mag mortar has got to be one of the ugliest looking Pokemon out there and they're going to kill me hey Weasel oh no it looks ill we better catch it to make sure it doesn't die out here especially after floatzel just beamed it down with water what a jerk was that a it was hey let's go it's crazy because I almost didn't bother coming this way to check good thing I did though nice and with that we only need two more to go swine up is another one of those Pokemon I just can't seem to find shiny and pillow swine too I only have mammo swine hey we were just talking about you okay save quick because I don't want it to run away glob it from a distance and smack oh my God there's no way wow my mind is absolutely blown right now I don't even know what to say okay well that definitely wasn't the way I was expecting this challenge to end but there you have it an entire box full of shiny Pokemon thank you all so much for watching make sure to like And subscribe for more Pokemon content lots of great stuff is on the way bye
Channel: Thumbus
Views: 801,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon legeneds, pokemon legends arceus, shiny pokemon, shiny hunting, pokemon legends shinies, pokemon legends shiny hunting, 24 hour pokemon challenge, 24 hour challenge, pokemon legeneds arceus shinies, shiny hunting in pokemon legends, shiny, shinies, 100 outbreaks, outbreak, outbreaks, pokemon outbreaks, pokemon rainbow shinies, rainbow shinies, rainbow shinies pokemon, shiny rainbow pokemon, fainting shinies, shiny fail, one pokeball, box of shinies, pokemon box
Id: N5-gc_EYc2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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