fUNNIEST gAME oN sTEAM / Party Animals

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/JoshMS 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

What is this game?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Zane_59 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

whats the game name?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lee_t11 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Also would like to know of the game. Reminds me of Gang Beasts.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

This looks hilarious

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Sad-Landscape9053 📅︎︎ Oct 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

The name of the game is party animals

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HAZIM_SHANID 📅︎︎ Oct 24 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/homo-grape 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome we're not playing along this what the [ __ ] dude submarine okay so yeah this is just a brawl i think yeah no no no team in the water but if anyone wants to team with me but no teams all right oh free for all yeah yeah otter gang karate rhino where's the gray cat joe scratching my ass hold on oh you can pick different colors what yeah oh guys i'm a golden cat that's beautiful i'm a white pink dog how do we not know about this sooner well it's convenient when you're playing in teams because everyone can look different oh yeah oh you're like the the japanese kitty with the hand that goes down yeah money cat okay i think that's the japanese word yeah [ __ ] out of each other [ __ ] yeah come here come here come here come here come here no no no no no no no no what the [ __ ] there's a rocket a [ __ ] otter that can't swim are you serious leave me alone oh peter's got the attacker oh joel's got the best weapon oh jesus everyone dave submersible boys how do you climb hold is click and hold space oh yeah yeah and it just climbs automatically yeah what is happening get up there joel i try to control hello [Laughter] joel is still alive somewhere oh there you go there he goes good job the captain yeah maybe you can get on the table oh no never mind yeah but i don't know how to do it captain yeah captain all right wait don't hit me i need to figure out how to [ __ ] yeah don't hit you like you didn't hit me at the start sure oh man oh look at it oh i see it so that's give me this give me this oh nice oh give him payback dave don't do it what is that rocket what the [ __ ] was that [ __ ] [ __ ] say jack goddammit that's not me oh there's a rocket again that's what got me last time he's got it he's got oh my god he just got it he's got it he knows what he's doing i can climb yeah all right okay okay all right it's the card swiping over again there you go oh i see you guys are going i think dave's just gonna win by default do you hold down with both both mouse buttons uh just the mouse the main mouse button and oh there's a bomb i'm using controller i don't know how to play oh dave what happened joel oh my god what an amazing punch so it's first to three i think suicide pact can everyone stop putting me no it doesn't work corpse the golden rule remember kill pewdiepie please that was messed up you killed me get up yeah the golden rule hey remember the golden rule corbs remember the golden rule oh no dave no no remember the golden claim dave remember the goal why does that happen stop no that's not what i want you to do who climbs oh my god it doesn't climb dave yeah mine doesn't claim either i don't know how to do it [Laughter] i'm so strong i love you holding the submarine together sean you're just standing there yeah i'm holding the submarine together i'm not going anywhere i'll go down with this ship in half dave get him i i've got a plan that's kind of the plot oh wait yeah let's hold on and see who wins all right this titanic isn't going anywhere we keep it together this time boys i feel like i should be closer to you dave yeah hold hands yes hey this is not right sean is the captain now i didn't know if it would go under i didn't want people to wait too long nice sorry dave there could be only one jack on the titanic nice come get up oh not the bomb no stop him i'm running no i'm guessing oh god where the [ __ ] is that all right get me get i want the cat food i want the cat food oh the spinach oh is that oh no you're going just going inside how does the rocket keep hitting me i don't understand hey let me let me just get i just want hey let me talk to you real quick all right all right what do you want to talk about what's up oh dave's back godzilla what'd you say about my dad i'm coming up there oh [ __ ] somersault [ __ ] what's up what's up oh corpse why why is david get easy watch where you're swinging those mittens corps i think i'm getting ping that nobody else has how does that kill you i have dropped kicking vengeance now no no no no god no leave me alone oh thank god like go away from me everybody's there call me i'm crazy oh he must be finished oh i actually died you just beat the kid out of me this mode's way better all right round five it keeps going be careful of corpse you never just don't want to be the first one to die every [ __ ] time [Laughter] why does he suck at climbing so much what am i doing wrong absolutely others can't climb there but they can swim holy [ __ ] what is he doing with nunchucks hold grab and climb nothing else you can knock yourself out with the nunchucks i just left maybe you can't climb right away in real life yeah you can okay i got it i got it i got it kill him [ __ ] him up [Laughter] yeah hold me no corpse stop that stop that right now you guys are so cute this is we're all just passed out no no no no no no no no no no i'm not dying oh now what a great day help me come here you're so late oh my god i'm alive i'm just chilling i'll never die i will never let go wow it's gonna be underwater now oh damn cats hate water never let go ah come on fellas what do you mean come on come on fellas let's wrap it up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm stuck with my head my head is stuck what happened shut up thank why did you do that it kills you why did you do that i didn't do anything i'm an honor you put me up i can rock it he just heated it it did nothing he did just need one more win oh damn that's a good puppy come on pick him up no don't do that that's a bad idea oh damn he's very strong look at you go for weapons real men fight with their fists come back or their paws or mittens or whatever you have oh pull them out throw them out through that throw up don't do it wwe check off my submarine no give me oh it's holding wrong oh my god give me something it's not grabbing anything you grabbed the tennis racket how's it going come on oh come on nice clean i am the victor the golden kitty oh i could almost grab the other thing damn damn gg i like that mode that was fun ichiban i don't know i don't know this might be there but tips don't die i've never played this one okay who's going to help me i want to be an absolute unit this time you [ __ ] one shot at me every time that was the rocket not me uh yeah yeah we were just next to it every time yeah the honor sucks don't pick the otter trust me guys look at this okay whoa i'm gonna be a [ __ ] steel rhino uh all right kill each other i guess oh god oh god oh cool yeah let's go oh okay you sneaky well i can't jump down here apparently oh oh what are you doing with that huh what you doing with that stay away from that no i find the weapons quite difficult to use yeah but they're super overpowered once you hit it's crazy yeah you get a hit you basically win you win oh [ __ ] i'm dead i got gay you're right next to me hello hello hey hey what's going on dave did you even did i hit you yeah apparently i didn't hear anything my fat rolled out the way nice are you climbing i don't think can we kill him somehow when he's up there shoot him good luck good luck i want to see that come true jump okay oh yeah all the way up god damn does the gas rise in this or something i don't think so uh maybe i mean we died right away though here comes the gas wait the gas the other gas the green knot you actually have to climb oh we're dead oh it smells bad that's very anticlimactic compared to falling into the ocean yeah but it's kind of dark and weird today i didn't want to make any jokes about it it's just like okay okay are we going again oh [ __ ] that didn't work das boy my shovel stop getting out of here you're going in the gas boy you're going in the gas very stinky gas don't don't do it don't do it you're all you all have weapons fight each other yeah okay get it get his weapon no don't hurt me i'm so pathetic freaking sounds i'm just gonna hold this racket incorrectly i just wanna live with the racket please joel is still alive get joel please but i'm dead he's dead he's not dead he's not dead he's cheating we gotta climb you gotta come yeah you wanna get climbing boys it is something funny we're like no no my ankles well we see about that that's what you get you're shooting there dave thanks see anyone yet shut up no i jumped into the gas you're going down boy oh god damn [Laughter] he just got some [ __ ] moves play tennis oh no yeah he played the tennis skill come into play wait have you actually played titus felix dude i district champion 1989. [Laughter] why do you guys never [ __ ] die don't fear the poison no fear no fear fear i got a good fear i fear there you go don't breathe just don't breathe just don't breathe i think you're in trouble just jump right yeah let's go i'm gonna get at least one of those epic flying kicks from the top in this game that would be really cool actually oh wait you pick up these stop stop hurting me get up [Laughter] join me [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] oh [ __ ] he elbowed you in the face you're holding it wrong oh my [ __ ] god it's so frustrating it's like when you're fighting game and someone just just a draw low kick or something you're just swinging a shovel around all the time what are you talking about ah shut up oh no how did i die so i had the determination that nobody didn't have the oxygen i guess no weapon oh hell yeah oh no why am i dead all the time come on no no oh [ __ ] i almost got you you've angered the kick i knocked myself out but walking into you oh no you've known jokes are so stupid oh mid-air whoa oh yeah you guys want to go i'm going to pull this wall or pull the ball off the wall [ __ ] that's me now all right that backfired oh this is so stupid yeah i heard it moving target isn't it yeah oh no oh oh oh oh get the nunchuck thing he hasn't he has nothing to do with her fists he's coming back i'm holding an arrow can you even do that doesn't make any sense oh my god oh my god corporal he's not the lion king died already the matter are you killed you [ __ ] virgins and your weapons oh you boys better be climbing soon [Laughter] oh joel got it no he died wow wow i think you were i think you were low health and the gas guy oh that makes sense that makes sense i think that's what happened to me at least oh all right no like that how do you know just pick him up no i do not die like that calculated oh my god are you dead didn't work oh that wasn't pathetic i don't want that are you [ __ ] throwing bricks at me oh [ __ ] there's bricks i didn't even see that yeah i could die i could die everybody could die die you think you got the deepest voice sexiest voice around i'll get you yeah think just cause your voice is much hotter than mine [Laughter] accent smash your [ __ ] are you dead dave what's happening oh i'm very dead okay immediately oh no climb troll climb get him chasing him oh no oh my god how do you even oh no you may have the nunchucks but i've trained in the lollipop blade oh jesus jesus oh my gosh lagging so bad oh no oh he's gonna win it the gas is coming the gas is coming baby he's gonna win come here come here i think you're gonna die sooner there because the gas is stronger corpse i'm not sure oh yeah that's kind of cool you can't just cheese it early ah no okay nice all right it's close to life between course and toss boy okay yes that's what i wanted to do yeah my guy just starts running in one direction too many nunchucks recently oh wait no of course no there's no way you're still alive [Music] are you dead i hate myself get him pj get him pj yeah get him pj you're not holding get him pj get a pg that lollipop is the most terrifying thing in the game no corpses every time i kill him he just gets back up stop no i'm just trying to grab a weapon you know ah the back of my head no how do i get up am i dead no how do you know all right it turns black and white okay dj's got sure as well now this is really close damn hey i hate it corpse we gotta we got to combine how do you want to combine we got to kill pj what no no no no you run around i just got lucky a couple of times i'm completely down for that okay double the power uh pda yeah let's go all right let's go botanical boys oh that didn't work at all don't do anything you regret it yeah come on joel so it's up to you now oh sorry i tried to hit jack mission accomplished oh oh you ducked it that was sweet why did you hit me i don't i don't know oh no corpse there's hello enough space for but there's no there's no space chords there's no space [ __ ] you up no i died are you serious what yeah that's what i thought they could think gas like moves over here but it didn't look like it was let's get him what the [ __ ] it's like fortnite guys what the [ __ ] it looked like i was okay oh oh oh oh oh oh no i'm lagging oh no i'm lagging [Applause] all right that was fun yeah yeah yeah that was a lot of fun so good thanks for having us yeah happy to be a gamer hell yeah dude [Music] all right well thanks for watching if you want to become a member it all goes to charity check out the game it's in the free demo right now it's called party animals the devs are nine 19 year olds which is epic so that's it breakfast here [Music]
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 5,848,845
Rating: 4.9634871 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: efMD0Kjx8RE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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