I 100%'d Princess Peach Showtime, Here's What Happened

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I'm going to 100% Princess Peach Showtime by collecting all the gems and ribbons in every level then beat the post game which includes taking no damage against bosses and other criteria it's just a normal day of peach sifting through her mail where she opens up an invitation to a play a theater drama yeah no wonder Mario didn't want to be in this game anywh Who right after entering the building of course something goes wrong as shown with the lights going dim and a purple portal appearing out of nowhere making their grand appear is the horrifying villain named grape okay that's like the least menacing of fruit to exist she didn't like that insult so she blew away my crown along with the toads and thets oh and there's the annoying sidekick this game has to offer Hey listen yeah I wish it was na'vi because this one's acting like a crybaby her name is Stella a sparkle Sprite whatever that is together we enter the first Corridor in the hall into the castle of thorns oh my gosh there's a dead guy I'm not de oh never mind he's just hurt Stella has the great idea to use the power of the sparkle which gives me a bow and this is supposed to help me how oh it's a magical bow well why didn't you say so Stella but I'm going to need more than just healing power to stop these guys taste ribbon you Scoundrels embarrassed of their new glowing face painted they run off I get a sparkle Jem for beating them and then discover the Kingdom's Castle needs to be saved Thorns spurt from beneath blocking our way little do they know I have the ability to transform formed thetes into Swordsmen that cut down the branches past that room was a sparkle that when touched turns Princess Peach into sword fighter Peach hey violence can't solve everything though so I strike a pose granting me access to a secret room after that I came across what must be the hammer bro's armored cousin they must be using a hen Shield because I can't break it no matter how hard I thrust oh that's cute taste my oversized hammer it was no use I can't get past that barrier how will I get past that thing oh I guess jumping at the right time executes a sick slowmo finisher that knocks them out in one attack soon after I make it to the castle of thorns and see the king is being held prisoner not if I have anything to say about it oh you're turning the castle around what's that a big purple Thorn plant don't you all know by now these Briars are no match for my Blade the wrecking ball plant responds by slamming into the ground also sending out shock waves I contined to watch the floor clean of the Thorns then time my jump just right similar to my encounter with the armored Hammer bro which opens up my foe to a flurry of attacks to my surprise I only needed to prune the giant roses Thorns twice in order to achieve Victory back in the lobby I get a little distracted before moving on to the Festival of sweets where you guessed it there are sweets and evil minions stealing said sweets taste ribbon you Bandits once I saved the local Bakers we proceeded to the farm and did I mention the this ribbon can do everything it slices it dices it instag grows fruit what can this accessory not do but oh no there's no Baker no need to worry leave it to Nintendo to put a woman in the kitchen like it's still the 1950s transforming Peach into a chef she's a partier misogynist uh princess what about the evil grape taking over the theater nah we're making cookies what is that what what what what what is that like Barbie's vomit you're cooking like a donkey look at that overcooked on the bottom and it looks like gandy's flip-flop okay Gordon I'll listen and stir the flow even higher up yielding better results that is delicious that's made with passion next up the Great British baking show at first I thought I just had to Simply match the pattern shown in the picture turns out lining up the frosting in the actual correct way converts it into something more appealing thus I continued matching the pastries with the correct toppings until all the cakes had been made we topped things off in classic Thief fashion with a festival then remembered that the theater is in Peril fine I'll get back to it I returned to is it cake to find the remaining Sparkle Gems by improving my decorating technique yet I still missed one oh I needed to strike a pose strike a pose for peach to feed the hungry thetes don't know how that helped them but it finally Nets a 100% next I'll get to practice Min ninjitsu in the art of the rapids The Village is set up like like a maze with grapes minions scattered around and then I stumbled into a stealth Mission I dropped down a trapo then put my back up against the secret wall literally flipping the scenery all right Peach Let's Go full Chic I want to be [Music] Ninja Mario this is Peach's game go home any who I sneak through the tall grass and learn how to turn invisible wherever could she be like a true Greninja Peach runs across the rooftops and uses substitute when cut just like from Smash Bros I go snorkling only to realize Peach forgot her swimming suit back in her luggage the Rogue Ronin steals ninjitsu Scrolls and takes off hold on Sensei my gamer senses are tingling ah breakable pots reveal the thet that hold the ribbon collectible which I need for 100% I remember to St and begin the on rail's Chase I continue to draw from my Jitsu to wall jump to the back half of the stage I'm careful to collect crystals and spin to earn more shopping money I swiftly slice through enemies in my path and I jump the logs which intimidates the thief enough to drop the scroll of water bending our tsunami sweeps through the thieves and their flying companions okay nice completed on my first try tired of jumping from rooftop to Rooftop I try my hand at being a cowgirl in the wheel Wilderness ma there's already bandits in my Wild West even worse they've rounded up the town folk with Dirty Dan at the canteen The Outlaws are packing heat forcing me to sneak through The Condemned building next door with her Spurs and chaps secured Peach becomes a cowgirl of the Wild West afterwards we enter a roping competition versus Dirty Dan where I Wrangle Bandits with ease and wrestle barrels to save members of my posi freeing Five Towns folk is enough to send Dirty Dan On The Run Shadow facts from temu arrives by the power of puppetry Ride Like the Wind Bullseye forcing us into another Auto Runner oh dang it I missed a gem Shard so I'll need to start over and they're off and you better believe I don't miss on the second try Peach what's so great about dumb old Texas what did you [Music] say you better run Dirty Dan cuz you're next I'm the best roper in the mushroom Kingdom Dirty Dan finally decides to have a showdown on the outskirts of town wielding his gun and shoots regular shots and barrels which I Chuck right back at him to stun The Outlaw I keep roping and throwing the bad boss against the wall Dirty Dan throws an angry tantrum and tries to solve the problem by barging at me with his head he still insists on shooting barrels which leads to his demise you've wrangled your last cow Dirty Dan I wasn't thorough enough on my second go missing one Sparkle gem if only I had remembered to since I completed each play on this floor a mysterious store appears Stella believe she can open the door with 10 of our Sparkle Gems the lights come on revealing we've somehow been transported to Cafe disco it's a cafe disco exactly so like a disco Cafe what no no not even close but little did the office know that the globe contained a groovy bird swooping in proving to be this floor's boss disco Wings swoop across the Dance Floor pooping disco balls before turning the world upside down revealing she's attacking us with her eggs the eggs thankfully provide an effective attack against the Mirrorball ruy bird comes out of her shell and we begin to cleanse her Darkness the Disco bird refuses to face the music throwing bricks and attempting to crush us I repressed my roll out PTSD from Days of facing Whitney back in Gen 2 Pokémon dodging until I could get a second crack at cleansing her soul the Disco bird flies across with a twirling Spin Attack while attempting to finish me with Tetris blocks she acts like a bouncy ball and hatches live young to throw off my rhythm I spin it to win it and finally put the dancing queen to rest I returned from Cafe disco to find the upstairs open and a th who wants us to join a sword fighting challenge well I got to go for the gold medal oh wait a second this is Hardcore Princess Peach Showtime just one hit and I'm a goner with a goal of 140 kills and a time limit I can't afford to skip enemies I had to farm enemies from Windows to ensure I got the required Kos I went down to the wire and clinched the wind on the last second winning golden that was harder than the boss battle so far excited to catch the next ACT I guide Peach up the stairs grap has blocked the next flight of stairs again so I curiously approached the case of the missing mural we see some familiar faces cosplaying as street thugs who my cut to Ribbons I meet the great thet Junior detective who leads us to the most bamboozling puzzle divide following directions on a tablet I unlock a secret detective layer which allows Peach to unlock her inner Sherlock Holmes our first mystery where is the junior detective while his pillow fort skills are uncontested it's no wonder the theat is still a junior detective my clever disguise allows me into the museum inside the curator received a ransom note promising his slate would be robbed hey what happened to the lights good G it was taken from right under our noses I explored the museum and this lab looks familiar Oh wrong answers make me lose Health acting more cautiously I find a vent hidden behind a framed Stone I swear I just saw Peach vent [Music] guys the shopkeep is missing a camera this cop is acting a bit sus that's not your camera is it ahuh I guess I'm not the only Master of Disguise take him away theats no closer to finding the slab I wander back through the crime scene and find a strangely locked window we borrow a stepping stool and a low in a gentle breeze hey wait a second that's a curtain the slab wasn't taken out of the museum at all did none of you think to look behind it also I missed a couple items strike oh man I can't believe I missed this room right at the start of the level I need to give my Noggin a rest after those puzzling Mysteries and glide up like a snowflower on Ice wait a minute did I stumble into feets on Ice the bad guys give the show a chilly reception ah Peach you big softy you just have to save the show don't you the thetes invite me to their dressing room quick you come too um I'm over here I rush into the dressing room and rescue the Snowden thetes and they reward Me by unlocking a magical changing pad figure skater Peach pulls on her skates for the show Peach the theater is in danger can't you seem I'm about to be a star I first do jumps on the yellow ice improve my balance by spinning on [Music] snowflakes after filling the icy scoreboard the crowd expects me to skate with the thetes spinning around the skaters unlocks the ultimate finishing I mean skating move a new Challenger approaches not only does he steal my thets he stole the entire show I need to save them but first stap POS even though I'm rushing I was able to get the Crystal Shards on my first try the poser show Ste dealer stands there menacingly I'm forced into chasing his Congo line of thet until I twirl the skater into a handy cupcake I race to free the entranced theats and start the competition over again I trow the boss twice more and kill him off with beauty I then saw Shay into the perfect infiltration and witnessed the First Bank of thet being robbed by robotic sour thieves A well-dressed one invites me into his home during these dangerous times it's a hacker it's a Persona fan it's unad peach or dashing Thief Peach whatever I snag the grappling hook and take to the rooftops the narod duells left their roof door wide open and I get to witness them lock up their ill-gotten gains I dodg lasers and infiltrate the facility further using electric whips Peach vents again which doesn't keep me safe from the lasers but brings me deeper into their operation I pose by their inconspicuous spot to earn another Gem and their big vault is no match for my my epic hacking skills Peach now might be a good time for our great escape the villains are no match for our superhero routine I escaped to the roof and deploy my secret Gadget a glider the flight was going smoothly until a robot tried to smack me down from the sky I take this chance to learn the currents and successfully steal the sparkle gem my second attempt with a tip of her cow fat Peach returns to her mild mannered Alter Ego bored with changing her accessories Peach runs into the ghostly castle and and immediately into a trap no worries I can slice open the cells what kind of metal do they make these bars out of anyway I return to sword fighting Glory slashing through ghostly Knights and bats Peach uses the same finishers and mostly the new level is just a change of scenery though I wish the ghost Knight would stop dropping the floor out from under me the Cowardly ghost Lancer Knight finally faces me he comes out of the walls and attempts to charge I Dodge with these and after one hit he resorts to his classic moves dropping the floor like it's C two more finishers clinch the area although I returned to the castle to learn a new uppercut move saving the ribbon Merchant in the process thinking we left the ghosts behind I'm shocked to hear wailing coming from the basement the sword fighter sparkler calls for Aid through the door we run into more sword soldiers who are desperately trying to stop our rescue attempt we finally come across the legendary sword fighter sparkler entrapped by the equally legendary ghost King the fight goes as you'd imagine the king of attacks with shock waves and surprising dark soulslike Dodges but it's not enough to protect him from our finishing Fury we get in our own Dodges and splattered the king like a bug on a windshield I helped the great sparkler to her feet and enjoy their sword flourishes when hey ghost king that's a cheap shot thankfully sparkler protects me allowing both of us to have the killing blow well I guess we all know what these doors are guarding now another floor boss door appears too and this this time that snake in the grass final boss Madam grape is already here oh no we just get to play with a literal serpent light Fang the snake's gaze descends tearing at the Realms of reality and forces us back in time the fight consists of avoiding old spotlight eyes gaze and hiding behind walls we take an opening to attack the snake's Tesla coil which allows us to purify his Darkness light thing Soul heads upward and we give Chase Siris set up an obstacle course with with water wheels tail smashes and baby snakes I make a final Sprint to the last Tesla coil I cleanse light Fang Soul into a Spirit Bomb and finish the fight Madam grape lost control of another floor opening up the third story for exploration but wait I smell another gold medal this time a hang gliding Challenge and it's about time I brought this up what is up with 30 frames per second Nintendo thankfully the next couple attempts are made easier with the gems being magnetized what are they made of anyway I improved my methods listening to the wind and reacting to the copter Bots but found myself up against the time crunch wall why couldn't I have just gotten five more finally it all clicked in place my inner Batman took control of the Glide allowing me to squeeze through tight spaces and end on a flourish these challenges seem to cap off each area with a test of skill anyways Peach it's time to go upstairs and ride into a mighty Mission Alien Invasion what the there are real aliens here eh nothing a little ribbon can't handle oh shoot the ribbon just made them angry now we have a full scale War of the Worlds on our hands Nintendo I thought this was rated E for everyone Dr thet thankful for our Aid takes us to his lab it's Samus no it's Mega Man wait where are the arm canons I guess we'll just call her Mighty Peach what a great superhero in entrance go Mighty Peach why do I do that thing do what this this thing that you do when you whip your hair when you're fighting with the in the hair dang Peach is op you're telling me Bowser manages to kidnap her no worries citizen I will protect your lost gem from certain harm Hurry Up theats This is much heavier than it looks it will also make a lovely flammable Bridge the aliens in desperation launch a giant squid to stop me it's nothing my tech can't handle I rescued all the feat citizens and put them in a safe house certainly the aliens can't harm them here hold up is that the mother ship all my hard work is being kidnapped right in front of me the scientist Dr Thief again comes to our Aid providing a Mandalorian jetpack I get to play Hero punching UFOs rescuing parachuting thets and dodging laser fire powering up with Sparkle Gems Mighty Peach prepares for her mightiest challenge the mother shiper actually the punch bot 9000 the bot winds up for a mighty jab but I Parry it right back I grab the now disarmed bot and use it for some spaceship battling practice round and round the punch bot goes there's the Mother Ship so away the robot goes by now Peach is feeling worn out and can't resist a vacation due to The Melody of the sea great you've really crossed the line this time how dare you Hammer the innocent Turtle using my ribbons I boost the mermaid's Acoustics cheering up the sad turtle and healing his head wound it is so happy the turtle agrees to carry us around my ribbon lights the path as we go along by tickling some seashells the turtle guides my way to become part of your world Peach pulls a reverse aial to become mermaid Peach I test our Peach's new and improved vocal cords and learn I can now control fish so much better than Aquaman Andrew we really should can't you seem him about to jam with snazzy bow tie fish really grape right when the fun was about to begin the lights come up and of course the mean Maids are stealing the band exercising the might of my voice I entice a school of fish to free the first bandmate then the fish allow me to rescue a Dapper the I learned I can control more than Guppies and send forth the eels what did I tell you meanies about the turtles puffer fish finish them in return the turtle hermit is kind enough to give us a lift to the concert I make King Triton proud hitting the correct note fish finally getting to groove with abandoned bow tie fish saving my beach holiday Peach dries off and puts on her best dress to welcome others to the spooky party I guess wearing a pumpkin on your head is the height of the fashion did you guys really accept food from your enemies and expect not to get turned into zombies quick to the bakery we have to cure them before they eat each other alive we find that sweets cooked with love are the KE to this Sweet Tooth a however the donuts are not enough I act like it's Halloween and cure the sickness as I go how many thets ate those tainted sweets the only thing I can do is Cook and Cook and Cook and Cook and Cook and Cook and Cook posing breaks the monotony and gives us a short break before attempting to save patier spark oh no she appears to have been zombified as well which of course means more pastries and more and more and more and more and more and more unable to resist the Sweet Tooth disease any longer Sparkle devours enough of my sweets to cure herself grape Chef decided we didn't cook enough and sends another baking challenge so I bake bake bake bake bake bake here Chef have a cookie and she died from too many cavities having worked so late in the day peach is forced to act as a cowgirl at dusk how the fates is that an earthquake or Stampede I'm feeling well this situation just went off the rails a crazy train flattens this small Midwestern town to me my Bullseye we have a train to catch let's weave through the local Saloon and attempt to pull up beside the train pull over you railroad Hazard this town has sure turned upside down ever since the grape gang moed by boai fortunately is a prized jumping horse she overtakes the back of the Train giving Peach the perfect opportunity to stick a cowgirl Landing I get a sign running on top of the train won't be all fun in games beneath me the bandits shoot blindly in attempts to stop me from advancing I sniped them cowgirl style while dodging the grap gangs poorly aimed attacks by the way whoever engineered this locomotive did you realize this train is falling apart I guess they did back to the Cowboy train chase try to outrun me now trains aren't made for ramming you know I roped the spout not only stopping the train but proving once again Peach is strong enough to never be kidnapped by Bowser again well shut Peach I love you but never say that again time to save our Cowboy sparkler who is cosplaying as a 1900's damsel and distress hold up wasn't this just where I came from catching a crazy train passing said trip train and rescuing the town's folk thanks I'll treat you to a glass of milk a glass of milk I just saved your life and all you offer in return is milk whatever we have a mandatory Co-op section up next I rope up the bandits while sparkler drives you call that driving we lost our back two wagons that's all it is Miles a leap of faith what's uper these basement levels feel like a bad dream oh hi sparkler glad you could join us after spending so long long at the General Store to purchase a full set of wagons again Peach does her best Donkey Kong impression buying us enough time to escape four more areas down two sparkl is saved and a grape flavored door appears who is grape sent this time to defeat us it's the Cheshire Cat no wait it's a projector cat the cat isn't away but the squeaky mice still come out to play hitting them with ribbons turn the rodents into bombs which The Illusionist cat bats into his own face while slamming the ground the feline smartens up and attempts to tail whip us to death or to surround us and play with his food for a moment I think his real hands will bath the bomb into his smug face but he only bumps it around and squashes it flat the cat takes another glancing hit his third phase only adding in double paw smashes one more bomb to the face leaves the cat vulnerable pressing my advantage I filled his Dark Soul with light before climbing another story I seek out the cowgirl challenge compared to the previous two challenges this was a piece of cake I just beat two janky train levels that involved Barrel throwing so this Rodeo was just another Friday night easily earning gold for roping and hollering I quickly changed to unlock my last outfit in a Kung Fu tail the old kung Fu Master is easily bested by grapes imitation their students have even blocked the way to the dojo it's time to earn my black belt for a curator AMA wooden dolls and lanterns will not stop me ringing the gong Thrice I unlock the way to my next power up I know Kung Fu show me that's all it takes to be a master in kung fu if this wooden doll is any indication y'all are screwed I also become a geologist's worst nightmare 7 Minutes 7 minutes is all I can spare to play with [Music] you you just lost to someone that became a black belt 5 seconds ago anyhow I give Chase to save the town um Peach we're supposed to save it not destroy it the princess has also learned the same neutral Air Attack technique many have in Smash Bros I briefly meditate to increase my key preparing to face enemies with sweet bow staff skills oh not much use if I come around the side now are they I use a much more overpowered Pole to propel me to save the master let's finish this you evil being it appears your techniques haven't improved I was hoping our second round would be legendary I bet you never seen this move before I call it the Kakarot well that was easy overheated from the over-the-top action Peach cools off with a case of the rainy day plot oh no it's the junior detective again of course he's going to give us the second most annoying mission in any video game tailing a suspect who me following you I was only on my way to work I lose the suspect in the crowd and I'm faced with another puzzle not going to lie I didn't pay attention to the details of the riddle I just accused each painting until I got the right one I restart my detective brain and follow some suspicious Footprints this th and his brother live in the apartment on the right so I just went for the one in the center and what do you know I was right they're plotting to detonate a bomb they've quickly gone from being a nuisance to downright terrorists Junior you just gave us away come on dude a torn book gives us an obvious clue to the Target location they're headed for the clock tower I sprinted The Establishment as fast as I could just in time to watch the police not do their job we need to find key six for the elevator well a nine upside down is a six upstairs we play an elementary game of hide and seek and witness the police Le brutality and we seek again Peach goes out on a limb to rescue a key and what do you know the bomb is in the bell in Looney Tune fashion we dispose of it it's time to save the great spark detective H everyone is acting strange in here ha just as I suspected everyone in this museum is acting sus the architecture Peels and a third feat is revealed as a fake fortunately detective sparkler leaves us breadcrumbs to rescue him we move ancient Thief faces across the Museum play the detective's game of pushing the buttons in order revealing the path forward Junior detective what are you doing here good job trapping three disguised thugs along with the real detective but how did you beat me here I take my time talking with the sparklers the first talking about Madam grape the second obviously thinks we're in college the third is making a lot of sense talking about intuition and the last wanting to make us his side kick I make the logical conclusion that sparkler 3 is indeed the real deal the museum begins to come apart heart at the seams and we investigate a picture something is certainly missing that certain something being this magnifying glass after those mysterious trials were reunited with the junior detective but sparkler decides now is a good time to grill the youngster he's a double agent I knew I shouldn't have trusted you this case is closed I didn't like you anyways tired of fighting with her mind Peach moves on to learn the ninjitsu art of the flame lead the way thetes ah a castle to infiltrate Madam grape must have worn the guards of my Approach they've scattered noise traps to catch me I trick the guards with a little noise pollution then rapidly silence them I take a step into the shadows and sneakily trap guards behind the shoi like any responsible ninja I rescue the Riven collector the guards start ripping apart the castle to defeat me I got to go fast friendly thobi give me the firebending scroll so I get to ride a sweet gear dragon to the top we still need to save the ninja sparkler and it turned out to be super easy I'm sure we'll escape from this Peril in no time we only need to climb a tower to reach Freedom wait first let me turn this guy into wood the spirits unhappy with our wooden sacrifice forc us into another Auto Runner hey I think I've seen this scene before in Sonic Adventure 2 days are coming to an end except this guy was easier than a big biolizard even with that easy ending I still had to return to save Mr ribbons he trades in her ninja cosplay for bat Peach in the stolen statue holding true to the title we allow a statue to be stolen luck is on our side as Madam grape equipped her Air Force with grapple points we pull up on to the evil Zeppelin and hack our way inside dim the lights Peach oh and disable the security Bots while you're at it I zoom across the top of the Bots and make my way topside now the robin this is how you make an epic entrance it was too epic I think I broke the game it's completely stuck like the game play has come to a complete stop would this be a bad time for a step brother joke let's give that another go that's better we finally get to the heart of the blimp and puzzle out how to release the statue ah the old self-destruct sequence the blimp was obviously full of hydrogen but bat Peach is a smooth criminal and makes a slick escape to the basement theet Robin I think we might be out of our element bat Peach bat the sparla finally greets us and sends us on a four-door quest to save him the first involves basic platforming the second tests our grappling hook skills the third tests us against the rings of peril and the last tests our laser dodging also rescued a civilian during that whole process these acts of heroism are enough to free bat Thief yep we're definitely out of our element now Voodoo is a foot however Voodoo isn't enough to stop our snazzy exit it's purple door time again kids gy again tries to trick us into thinking she'll fight but she metaphorically throws us to the Lions well the spot lion like any Call of Duty camper spot lion sticks to The High Ground and man his aim stinks every once in a while spot lion makes the level groovy and attempts a trick shot with the mirrors reflecting three of his shots gives me the opportunity to cleanse his soul on his second phase the lion brings back the groove just to say I'm a fire in my Las in the third phase things get out of hand with two no four of them I get in the final hit with little issue freeing this creature back to the Animal Kingdom no floor is complete without a challenge and it's Kung Fu's turn just like the other challenges if I get hit once I'll have to start over hey who's throwing pots the bow staffers leave me just short of my go due to their blocking skills so next time I used the op poles to rush to 100 Kos before getting taken out by another staff member sweet sweet Gold Peach excitedly runs upstairs to celebrate her Victory with a parade on ice beats can't we just share the parade for once fine I'll play the part of the bouncer at my own parade our float moves forward and I awkwardly missed the jump I mean I timed the jump perfectly we went over the crowd and hey it's that guy he's supposed to be dead I know just how to take care of you give him the old razzled Dazzle At Last I complete our celebration skater sparkler calls for Aid and look who it is dying twice was not enough for you not only does peachu learn how to skape back backwards she skates the same routine against the undead skater this time with falling icicles we take out the trash in customary fashion gracefully a figure skating sparkler joins the party and we bring down the house just in time to make a daring Escape Peach has had enough of the ice but there appears to be a blight of the Seas yikes it's a ghost ship at least I make a new friend a fish who never skips fin day and can open any clam on its own chasing the ship I run into a rock situation attempting to hold the fish on every clam but learned later on all I had to do was have the fish swim past the clam to open it the ghost ship's crew fly in to attempt a broadside my fishy friend Returns the favor turning mean Maids into cannonballs I resync the ship to gain entry inside is about what you imagine from Davey Jones's Locker I break the kidnapped passengers free including many of our previous bandmates we decide enough is enough and use the power of music yes sing My Angel of Music wow the current sure is strong trying to rescue the mer sparkler my poor Guppies are getting scattered to the undertoe yet mer sparkler is easily rescued why are you thinking yourself after giving a compliment you're one of those people whatever a couple of turtles agree to carry us through the current H righteous righteous then we calm the storm through a Harmony izing duet though the seas are calm scientists need a mighty Mission the rescue red leader standing by Red leader this is gold watch it you've got one on your tail I can't shake it luck ass foils an attack position even wielding lightsabers the thetes are helpless that is why I'm the master my young padawans oh no the weakness of every superhero a Skybeam quickly get to the scientists and you eat bus we made it in the nick of time to save the scientists oh not again those are some mighty big arms you have there Dr thet always one step ahead engages the Kaiju initiative make my monster BR I reverse punches and take the mother of All Ships for a spin and throw her away like yesterday's paper hoping to get a mighty sparkler action figure Peach heads to the basement a sweet it even comes with its own special effects so what are your superpowers my mighty friend ah you make quite the super Boomerang and that's how he saved the universe tired of the spectacle Peach goes to the last regular level a Kung Fu Legend the Master's children are taken giving us further incentive to fight when will you punks ever learn Peach has surpassed even a Saiyan warrior Elite unhand that child stop running have you no honor look who else is a slow learner away with you ah the second son is safe as well as the third daughter and the youngest son I square off against the shadow Master One More more time he starts firing off which I reflect fighting game spam won't work on me I tie my button presses with the circles on the screen swiftly finishing the fight wait a second where in the world is the fourth purple door all right there's one sparkler left to the dungeon to save Action Hero sparkler I treat this area like a classic beat him up racking up kills with my skills that definitely doesn't look like a boss Arena beneath us thank goodness it's just minions Oh look The Shadow Master thinks he stands a chance hey no fair you can't use clone Jiu-Jitsu here the Clone on the right rushes in to attack I'm hitting the right buttons but he's getting through even repeating the sequence doesn't help the Clone on the left is just as hard with his aerial attack being unblockable I calm my rage and realize I need to hit the buttons as the right-hand clone is right next to me and I need to meet the aerial attack with one of my own in the air okay Center what do you got ah more hukin we rinse and repeat with Lefty and righty leaving the real one in the center he spams his move as usual definitely doesn't steal Instant Transmission from Goku and most certainly doesn't attempt a kameha to finish us off together with a clown yes a clown we finish off the shadow Master for good freeing that clown makes the very last purple door appear in the basement just one more challenge before I peek inside though the premise is simple Mighty Peach destroys aliens and between rounds citizens are saved in the bunker I found the winning Strat with was to constantly throw UFOs into groups of enemies overall an easy gold now let's put an end to this theatrical play together with our new spark friends and a clown the princess reaches her final form as shown by her new dress and a new Crown radiant Peach we're coming for you madam grape show yourself it's time to end this once and for all it's showtime the thespian Begins the battle by summoning dancers to be her guards that's nothing a flying radiant Peach can't handle release your star Powers Peach knowing I was dead set on attacking her grape fires up Sparks from beneath me she then drops gift likee objects from above I keep the onslaught going until I knock her out for a brief moment she regains Consciousness summons the dancers once again and continues her usual tactics this time covering more of the stage what I didn't see coming was the train but honestly I never worried about my lives because every time I ended a cycle two hearts would appear right next to me we continue our dance while more and more obstacles appear than ever before but it was just a matter of time until grape met her end kameha Kamehameha [Music] [Applause] kameha don't forget we've been participating in plays this whole time which means plot twist gra proceeds to explode destroying the entire theater followed by growing herself into a massive being called grape the great if grape continues unchecked the entire Island will be destroyed huh we're on an island now it's not the time for dumb questions Andrew thets give me your key raise your hands towards me do you dare face the wrath of super radiant Peach she sure does let's relive the S Saga with a special Bean Cannon again Peach careful now she does shoot back now that we're aware of her powers we're able ble to evade them with ease and continue firing our beams at her mask desperate the great Madam grape blast gigantic lasers at us to no avail our blasts then shatter her mask super radiant Peach finish her it's over she's nothing now but the dust of the earth and that's not all with her new found magic Peach restores the theater and brings all the theats to safety where are the Toads are they dead uh quick cut to credits for real though what happened to them eh there's enough of them back in the Mushroom Kingdom besides I need to revisit every single level to find all of ninja Spark's apprentices this so-called challenge is nothing but tedious every stage has three thetes hiding and calling this hiding may be a stretch the worst part is 95% of the time all three of them are found towards the beginning of each level which means I just mindlessly blaze through the rest of the stages with nothing new added to them and it's required to go all the way to the end for them to be counted for completion talk about a waste of time I spent hours replaying the game to do this so why not do me a favor and like the video to help out the video also subscribe for more content I will highlight the ones that were the most difficult to catch in my opinion like this one that was hiding up in the front I missed my first time because they usually try to blend in on the backside then you could miss this little guy because he hangs out on the bat Sparkle's body section same with this one since you'll totally miss it if you take the wrong path and don't slow down from the highspeed action and this Apprentice I have no idea why I missed on first attempt probably because of boredom as a reward for finding them all the ninja sparkler gifts Peach the exclusive hide and seek outfit was it worth it absolutely not the boss rematches on the other hand at least offered added difficulty in three ways for each of them some were easier than others like making sure no baby chicks escaped alive while some were harder such as beating every boss without taking damage however one of the conditions was to never miss disco bird which I failed on my first rematch luckily all of the challenges didn't have to be done in one go got you this time disco Wing next was to beat light thing without causing time to rewind obtaining Sparkle pieces and no damage honestly figuring out which route was optimal was the most strenuous part of facing this reptile to avoid the confusion of trying to satisfy all three conditions in one go I focused purely on just Gathering the shards on my first rematch which did cause me to be rewound but on second playthrough I was able to avoid that and not get damaged once in the process projector cat was by far the most annoying youd think avoiding the Paw and tail swings wouldn't be that bad but for some unexplainable reason I couldn't help [Music] myself later I made The Fantastic discovery that you can thwart projector cat's paws with the power of the ribbon once I figured this out it was smooth sailing from there also only using three mice bombs and taking no damage went to L2 the penultimate boss rematch was versus spot lion which required some wacky condition concerning how to best him with orbs thus I just focused my first win on Purely beating him without taking damage there were some close calls especially toward the beginning of our brawl but in no time I deciphered the patterns and won the other two requirements I fulfilled at the same time only striking back striped orbs and only using nine of them to win which basically meant never missing the key was not to go for diagonal shots and to use Reflections it was trickier than the no damage run nonetheless I got the W believe it or not I thought grape was the easiest of the rematches besides not taking damage both phases I had to avoid killing the dancers now if you try to do both in the same run that would be frustrating since those little buggers get in the way however if you just focus on doing one objective and take your time both are simple to accomplish so I didn't care about my lives when avoiding the tiny dancers since grape gives you plenty of them then I committed a full-on genocide of grapes minions in order to never get hit at all costs the great Madam grape face was even easier than the first round since I could see every attack coming from a mile away which resulted in every Sparkle gem now collected with that task completed I bought the final special dress for peach and for Stella then purchased every upgrade for the theater and that's how I 100% in Princess Peach Showtime remember to like the video to help us out and subscribe if you didn't earlier it's been a while since I've played a game with so many gen you all have a good one thanks
Channel: The Andrew Collette Show
Views: 323,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: princess peach showtime, nintendo switch, princess peach, princess peach showtime gameplay, peach showtime, peach, mario, super mario, princess peach showtime nintendo switch, princess peach showtime 100 percent, peach showtime 100 percent, peach 100 percent, peach showtime gameplay, peach gameplay, grape, madame grape, princess peach showtime bosses, princess peach showtime final boss
Id: Dvp1fk7lG4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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