I 100%'d Mario RPG, Here's What Happened

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I'm going to 100% Super Mario RPG by defeating the Smithy gang beating every secret boss completing the monster entries and winning medals for all the mini games ah what a beautiful day for Princess Peach to smell the flowers with no guards gee I wonder if anything bad is going to happen I bet you didn't see that coming sounds like a job for Mario why are you so tiny well there's no one else to call so let's Infiltrate The Castle ha Bowser you think a simple terrain can stop me me where is she your highness Don't Panic I'll get you down Mario the chain attack the chain as you wish I win again Bowser and once more you are the loser that's right get no scoped as the King Koopa and I continued our brawl outside something much worse was happening a gigantic sword descends upon the castle stabbing it straight to its core Mario is launched out from the keep but fortunately lands perfectly down the chimney of his home hey Mario lots of people use something called a door to go in and out of their houses no time for SAS talk Toad the princess is still back at Bowser's which has been taken over by a sword and it talks saying the castle now belongs to the Smithy gang who irritated the blade crumbles the bridge forcing me to retreat to and I agreed we should head to the Mushroom Kingdom along the way I learned how to time my attacks by pressing the a button right before the action in order to inflict more damage and how to defend myself there were Koopas Goombas spinning flower thingies lacatus spikes and a hammer bro at the end of the road holding toad hostage scratch that two Hammer Bros nothing a Bop on the head can't solve and a onew punch I'll take your hammer for the trouble you cause now on to the Mushroom Kingdom the tots have blonde hair since when ah whatever I'm here for the chancellor also I don't think we give enough credit to Mario's acting skills the man can spin up quite a spitting image of Bowser and Peach unfortunately the toad leader didn't know what to do all hope seemed lost when all of a sudden I witness a crocodile stealing from a well whatever that guy is the reptile managed to escape because this white puffy man had no hops there there I'll help you retrieve your stolen goods and it was actually just a single item his grandfather's coin then he realized I'm the Mario he introduces himself as mow from tadpole Pond a frog yeah I'm not so sure about that pudgy fellow toad citizen have you seen this crocodile well yes exactly why didn't you stop him because I forgot my bazooka at home meanwhile in a parallel universe oh there he is after him he's gone through Bandit's way of course this wouldn't be a Mario game without some platforming enough mow surround him have a taste of my new fireball special attack super effective now double punch mow defend Mario Croco tried to counter with bombs and by healing himself and I had run out of flower points which is this game's equivalent of magic but I just filled up my power gauge triggering an assist from toad who replenished our flower points Croco was toasted and finished mow gut punched es him taking back the Frog coin in the process prompting Croco to retreat now mow could buy what his grandpa needed back in the Mushroom Kingdom but something seemed off had the shy guys taken over shy guys on pogo sticks their leader clay doesn't like that we're disturbing their party so into battle we go my gaug is full toad I hope you have something good up your sleeve wowe zoi that was awesome with only clay Morton left I had mow you thought Peak a special move that reveals the remaining HP and weaknesses of the target which just so happened to be lightning strike him down malow a few turns later more shy guys appeared Mario pounded claym into a pulp with his hammer then mow shocked the rest of them to dust winning us not only the fight but also a star we're not sure what it does or why it's here but we'll hang on to it for now a couple surviving shy guys Pogo bounce away for their lives to inform their boss of what happened and the chance of brings back order to the kingdom mow suggests we go visit his grandpa who may help us find Peach in return for helping get back his coin Mario you are our only hope help me Obi-Wan Kenobi you're my only hope yeah easy for you to say when you're not the one that has to travel through sewers even the treasure chests are not safe down here these deaths are littered with cheap cheps and mice Miles Morales must have really messed up the Multiverse at the Hobgoblin is is here too anyways I got lost and had no idea where I was going I ran in circles and took the same pipes that is until I finally found the switch that drained the water this helped me access a pipe that was unreachable leading me to a strange creature called bom however this looks like a dead end with the gate closed oh crap he's awake quick mow what's his weakness lightning again oh we got this keep it together mow just shock him ah gross he's spitting something on Mow careful Mario he's opening his mouth to each turn you into a scarecrow I did not see that coming and I'm now only limited to using special attacks fine with me oh shoot he swallowed Malo hole you monster give him back right now you think you've won huh I'm all that stopping a flood of water bow must have been lying when he said the water would come gushing out of here it's okay though because we all know what happens when you get flushed out of a sewer down a dangerous waterfall why becomes a mini game of course grab the coins on the way down enter the holes look at the scenery inside which reminds me of the interior of Splash Mountain reach the bottom of the waterfall fall onto a barrel regain your balance and jump to NAB more coins and avoid fish see nothing to worry about tadpole Pond is right around the corner where mow is reunited with his family turns out they already know about our encounter with balom how do they know that well these amphibians have access to to the waterways of the world which is how malow's Grandpa supposedly knows everything we ask him how he can save Peach from the castle that the sword is guarding Peach is no longer there wait what just like Mario Bowser and Peach were both knocked out of the castle as well there was also one piece of Revelation the Gramps shared with us mow my boy I've kept this from you until now but you're not a tad ball say what what just say Malo was found in a basket floating down the Falls when he was a baby similar to Moses of [Music] Egypt mow now is not the time to cry it's settled we'll go together to find malo's real family save the princess in the process and stop by Rose toown first as instructed by the Frog Sage where they need our help oh Lord again arrows are falling from the sky here this lady says it's been happening since the day a shooting star fell into the forest goty I better get inside ah nice toys kid especially the one in red and blue could it be you have Gino it's 2023 and Gino is back baby Gino for freaking Super Smash Brothers if you add him zachari I'll never ask you for anything ever again I'll oh oh I'm hit as I stay stayed the night to recover from that head shot a spiritual light entered the home of the boy that shot me and decides to enter the wooden doll body of Gino the toy wizard was now alive but definitely wasn't used to having legs eventually he found his way out and I had awakened as well to the forest maze these Woods are populated with all sorts of creeping things such as wigglers mushrooms mice hornets and Donkey Kong look how they mess with my boy I haven't seen you look this bad since you're TV appearance n dude that Kong just one hit KO Mario it's a good thing I'm carrying these pickme up sodas as I delved deeper into the forest I tracked Gino down and followed him from a distance since he probably knew where to go and I didn't we lost track of him but did run into the base of operations of the schemers that were shooting arrows into the village what a punk let me have him mow held me back because someone was coming and we'd best tied for now oh that must be a star similar to ours Gino proclaims he is a warrior that serves a higher authority and that the star piece belongs to everyone the boss of the arrows named Boer doesn't care and continues to fire shots the arrows are being aimed at us run mow run I'm not afraid anymore I said I'm not afraid anymore I'm Joe Biden We join Gino in the fight versus Boer who locks my toad assist from my power gaug and shoots an arrow at one of three buttons that shuts off its corresponding use in this case Y is great out meaning no special moves thus for now we resort to the basics and the consumption of items thankfully Boer is only shooting at one of us per shot allowing me to attack with Mario and Gino while having malow provide mushrooms Boer shifts to disabling the a button which means Gino can show off his signature beam and mow can heal with HP rain depleting the rest of my flower power it's it's interesting because in RPGs I typically seldom use items in the early game because I want to save them for more crucial moments but in Super Mario RPG my magic is constantly drained so I guzzle that honey syrup keep up the great work team Bo your panics he's at the end of his rope and must resort to his only option [Music] cheating he's locked us out of all three buttons we can't do anything our new friend Gino has an idea though let's use our power gauge to join forces instead of a toad assist together now with the power of our star we become rainbow Surfers with varying degrees of skill then let him have it Boer you have failed this city after the battle Gino shares who he really is how he came from above and that the sword that destroyed Bowser's keep also destroyed Star Road without Star Road wishes cannot come true anymore Star Road was shattered into seven pieces which means there are five left to find with the second star found and Boer stopped Rose toown had been saved and is back to normal next destination was a pipe Vault it technically is not a required part of the map to Traverse but I'm 100% in this game so I'm going to check out every nook and cranny it's quite a linear path if I do say so myself the pipe does treat me with quite the location that being yoser Isle land of the Yoshis none of which I can understand except the classic green one he offers me to hop on his back so he can translate the others for me this red gives me a cookie to then give to bosi a blue Yoshi with Shades that you can challenge to erase and let me tell you I hate this mini game you're supposed to alter between the A and B buttons with the music and even in this remake I still don't feel like it works all that great thankfully I won and got this over with and get a Yoshi cookie as a reward now on to mville gee I wonder what animals live here you guessed it moles and a star is here there is bad news though two kid are trapped inside the mine and the parents are freaking out rightfully so if only that fellow uh Mario were here well I'll be a Goomba's Uncle aa's what just get over there and I'll go save the kids most of the creatures in here are definitely ones you'd imagine would reside in caves as I spelunk I come across a trampoline which usually always takes me somewhere I'm supposed to go this time I suffer a minor head injury and black out while unconscious I get robbed by Croco of all people and his Three Goons it's a good thing I spent all my money purchasing upgrades earlier now scram get out of here I may only have been robbed a couple bucks but I'm still going to chase them for the sake of my dignity that's your hiding spot pathetic clap them with your new symbols malow I stumbled upon the other two back at the trampoline and behind some boxes then for Croco I had to wait to intercept him initiating the boss fight it's kind of lame he's the big Badd of this land when I already know his weakness is fire yet my newly enhanced physical attacks dealt more damage then you got this reptile who attacks by tossing monsters from his bag with my power gauge maxed out I give Croco the proper sendoff he deserves get my little amount of money back and watch him flee he also left a microb bomb which I used to uncover another path in search of the kids W hold on a minute there's a star here and this guy named punchinello is the real boss of this place this guy went through different phases of using different Siz B bombs starting with small medium then large during about the Midway point of the fight punchinello inflicted us all with fear dropping our attack power and defense malow was still able to effectively sweep the B bombs with his lightning but punchinello would keep on summoning more I needed mow in Prime condition for those bombs so I cured his fear with cleansing juice the explosives kept appearing again and again wave after wave when will it end and hope sprang after mow clapped one with his symbols as a message appeared saying punchin L's FP was gone yes I mean what more bombs just finish him triple attack now you're in for [Music] it oh snap we're done for well I hope you all liked the video don't forget to like And subscribe hey we're not dead yet and the third star falls Within Reach talk about lucky and look the two kids are alive Hallelujah let's get you home to your parents this mine cart was our fastest way out with lots of sudden turns and mushrooms that speed us up just like Mario Kart maybe a little too fast we're going to die we're we're alive again how do we keep surviving who cares the kids named Dina and M are now safely home with their parents then just as I was about to leave I saw a few few shaded shy guys chasing after a beetle and heard one of them mention a princess thus I followed them to booster pass I only came across one interesting hidden fellow who will be of use later for completion right now it was about saving Peach from booster Tower Bowser what are you doing [Music] here okay okay calm down don't let him see you like this don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry hey how have you been no not like that dummy wrong tone if Peach were at my castle waiting to be rescued she'd be crying like a baby little did he know Peach was crying however she did hear some voices looked over the balcony confirming it was Mario then started yelling for him Bowser rejoices that she didn't get away and is still caught then begins his Trek back to his castle out of my way shorty um you do remember your keep has been taken over right as for Our Heroes the door was locked and Bowser is charging back at us oh he wasn't trying to hurt us he was trying to help us wait what all this power and looks too I know I know you're thinking a big strong guy like him would be great to have along right I'm going to do something I may regret later I'll let you join my minions hooray we've joined Bowser's team are we the baddies hello I'm here to play with booster you won't let us well I guess I'll have to resort to violence you sniffer in fact let's show off a new triple move with these three called the clown car barrage we reain a multitude of Elemental attacks and finalize it with a cannonball all straight down to our [Applause] foes I begin my Ascension up booster Tower first by studying their genealogy booster the first booster the second booster the third booster the fourth booster the fifth and booster the sixth trust me we'll need that info later I slightly sneak past more sniffers watch booster ride past me on a train then leap from a great height landing on this catapult in order for the bomb to bounce me back up to the floating chest obtaining the Masher ah not again thankfully nothing bad happened this time by the way I pressed this which changed up the landscape at booster pass I'll have to check it out later a yeah a 2d Mario Easter egg but Peach needs to be saved so back to being serious Mario a couple more floors up was a test to flip the picture frames lineage in the order of boosters lineage see I told you that knowledge would come in handy this grants me the Elder key opening the locked door that contained a chain chomp Bowser would take for himself for some odd reason Bowser made us look away as he dismantled the Beast what were you two you [Music] doing okay okay this is what he really uses it [Music] for he ah good to know booster is Canadian anyways he needs help figuring out why Peach is chanting Mario help me Mario help me he then Chucks up a bomb at me because he thinks I'm trying to take away his bride wait bride he's going to marry Peach what is with these villains skipping the courting stage of dating anywh who I Retreat to the toy room then take a peek out the door to check on Peach I would have just opened it but a booster spell is needed to unlock it speaking of booster he's on his way to the toy room right now there was nowhere to run therefore my best option was behind the curtains here they come so what is a party well you drink punch and eat cake I think hm drink punch eat cake it sounds sounds complicated what what what are you talking about booster now you're doing a wedding rehearsal and what do you mean Mario always shows up to ruin the fun we just met well they still need the toy that is hidden above the curtains but they're checking behind the curtains instead all three sniffers end up searching for the Mario toy but fail to find either it or I that is until booster says he'll get involved with the search wait a second it's right up there I found the Mario doll oh yeah totally don't mind me nothing to see here oh jeez calm down I'll knock your little doll down for you the man is actually grateful for the kind deed and even gives me the booster charm accessory to better my stats unfortunately they're getting Peach now drat they're already gone and it looks like he left a couple goons behind to get rid of us I take back what I said about booster being grateful however Bowser's Been Waiting For a Moment Like This to put his Angry Eyes On and terrorized the two inflicting fear upon them I then switched out Malo for Gino mid battle so he could further increase Bowser's attack stat with Gino boost with them nerfed and Bowser buffed it didn't take long to defeat both of them we're coming for you booster and Peach I nearly catch up to them at the nearby Hill where I was so close to saving the princess I jump on barrels and sniffers to get closer but nothing I did seemed to matter in the long run then things just got chaotic when barrels started rolling down the hill eventually we made it to the top and took a sharp left into marrymore turns out this place is a resort for people to get married so that's not good and it looks like booster is cutting to the front of the line because he just kicked this poor couple out of their own wedding it was my dream to stay in the suite after we got married jeez tell your hormones to calm down I spoke to your wedding photographer and he said there's a way to sneak inside through the back what I am perplexed about is why are Bowser's Minions working for booster and since when did they become chefs and since when do they speak with the German accent whatever they're just baking so they're not causing any harm however I did get caught by one of booster sniffers at first I thought we were going to brawl it out but he needs help getting into the next room as well so together we unite for a common cause by tackling the door together my new temporary Ally Then betrays Me by sprinting into the next room to which he then immediately locks the door you think that's going to stop me booster I have an army we have a Bowser a one a two I uped here's a kiss for my hero you're going to kiss him when I'm the one who saved your skin booster wanted a kiss too get real booster we all know who toad stool [Music] loves feels like sandpaper what the I think it moved you're a little homophobic aren't you is it that obvious yes yes very funny let's just take you home princess but maybe we can stay for dessert or get accused that we're stealing booster's bride if you're really going to be smacking me in the face like that I'm going to destroy that cake which just so happens to be weak to jumping a couple minutes later the cake started moving on its own it's alive the chefs freak out and book it out of the wedding call am I really going to fight a cake right now I don't know what other choice I have what does booster think about this this thing's a cake I say we boil it the sniffers step in for their Master since he's not all there in the head Chuck it right into his mouth to which booster swallows the cake hole a sniffer proclaims the wedding is officially over so they head back to booster Tower well I guess that means we won I hope someone marries me someday she may not marry Mario today but she does join the party of Bowser's Minions before leaving marrymore I officiate the wedding ceremony for the lovely couple that was kicked out earlier and take a picture with the extended family I then return Peach to her home in the Mushroom Kingdom where Bowser decides to have a little fun by scaring everyone with his presence I assure them I have Bowser under control even though we are technically the party of Bowser's Minions Peach is then commanded by the chancellor to lock herself in her room until the Smithy Fiasco was over but did you really think think Peach was going to listen to an old man and stay in the tower Peach is coming with us baby oh that reminds me we never bought the Frog Sage his Cricut pie with his coin from the beginning of the game in return the Frog Sage informs us another star can be found at Star Hill go figure to progress further into Star Hill I had to tap these flowers to open up Gates Gino States this is where wishes fall to but some have not been granted because Smithy destroyed Star Road well I got my wish granted because I'm now using Peach and in battle and that means more triple moves too star shell Spike here has Peach lug a star into the air followed by Mario kicking Bowser shell into it absolutely decimating this little gopher it didn't take long after that to find the fourth star with three left to go Peach suggests we visit Seaside town next hello anybody here um why are you standing on the table and why are you blue this is the end you may stay for free for free a yeah sign me up hey was he just spying on me in my sleep I'm getting a little creeped out here why is everyone acting so strange ah the village Elder thank goodness I found you he says a star has fallen into the ocean finally someone who could guide me to where I needed to go next I immediately noticed the large sunken ship at the bottom of the sea so I went into a Whirlpool to sink me down deeper then entered via the warp pipe something obviously happened to this vessel and I'm going to find out by reading these travel logs scattered throughout the ship a giant squid got hold of this ship and there's a door to the cellar locked with a six-letter password since then this ship has been haunted by the undead regarding the hints for the password each of the six hints are hidden in Peculiar puzzle rooms of their own let's go through them hint number one there's an s in the word in room number two I had to place trampolines in the right spots for the Cannonball to know the word is found on the bed of the ocean room number three had a 3D maze they definitely did not streamline this and kept it just as frustrating as the Super Nintendo version it's an isometric thing anyways there are two vowels in the word room number four I had to chase down coins password is very valuable room number five I popped Canyons up to blocks the word is plural and the last hint I had to roll a barrel onto a switch to earn the knowledge that R came before L I think it was quite clear a few hints ago that the password was obviously pearls a tentacle then appears welcoming me into the next room where we Face the SE creature Gino Mario Bowser triple move shooting star [Music] shot this not only attacked every tentacle but it also increased our stats making this fight a Bowser did you just throw Mario at the [Applause] tentacle all right no time to celebrate yet Bowser this squid has more tentacles in fact let's just switch you out since you seem to enjoy throwing Mario too much once the second set of tentacles were disposed of the monster was revealed to be a giant blooper I brought back in Bowser to well get the job done no matter what it takes Peach proved to be insanely busted with her group hug spell that not only healed her allies but also cured them of status ailments as well needless to say the blooper became our Sushi the mysteries of the sunken ship didn't end there though things got trippy when I ran into myself how dare you point at me you you were pointing first rude to point you're being very rude you're pointing at me right now as you say that oh no standing sharks mow fry them so hard that they'll wish they were killed by the shark slayer instead now if only I could find their leader more sharks again mow rid them off the face of the Earth ah you must be the leader of these fish Johnny you think since the star fell into the sea that it is now his so we'll have to fight for it we start off strong with our Triple Star shooting shot followed by Bowser poisoning them with gas Gino also casts a new spell of his called the Gino World Landing a critical hit Furious Johnny gets tough turning his skin red in the process I could tell he had tougher skin at this point since Gino's magic was dealing just as much damage with his standard attack I subbed Gino out for Alo to decipher what Johnny's weakness could be and there was none except for status moves all I could do is Chip at him one after another with my squad give Mario a few concussions and defend defend myself against Johnny which really didn't hurt much sick of this slow drawn out method Johnny halts the battle for a moment to challenge Mario oneon-one Mario accepts and the duel begins since Mario was no longer sharing flower points I had him slam Johnny with consecutive Super jumps Mario tanked the hits from Johnny very well drank honey syrup got stabbed a lot worse from Johnny's lunge ate Min mushrooms to heal then jumped on the shark's head one last time to be declared the Victor I got to give it to Johnny though he's a sea creature of his word and grants the fifth star to us without being a sore loser back at Seaside town the Elder and other blue toads confront me saying I'm so Gable and that he is speich a member of smithy's gain shocked um no I think everyone knew there was something suspicious going on here and I will not hand over the star to you what are you doing no don't do that no please stop you really think torturing the Elder is going to make me give in get serious no you wouldn't the two of you are going to no please not there I he wouldn't want me to give you the star you can't treat me this [Music] way I I shouldn't give in right it's what the old man would want but now I'm not even sure if he's alive anymore fine we'll give you the star you won't be so lucky in the future but we never said we wouldn't chase after you this was your grand plan the beach what are you going to try to swim away now well guess what I have a new friend and his name is Johnny and he doesn't like that you stole the gift he gave me with nowhere to run the blue people take off their disguise transforming into the metal being spe ofic oh that's cute you're going to spray us with a widow water blast crimey that was brutal Peach get in here we need your healing I kept mow in rather than Bowser because of spe ofit's weakness to lightning which mow just happened to learn a new move for called The Shocker since our machine foe was targeting Peach I benched her and had mow keep striking down the Thunder Mirage attack now there are two of them I don't know if one of them is fake so I'll just pound on one until only one remains which to my surprise worked in just a couple turns now my OG Trio star Riders attack hang in there mow Peach will save you so you can keep shocking to win this thing for us thanks for your help Johnny Johnny eh we got the fifth star back that's what matters I sure hope the real Elder survived that torture though towns people you've been saved I'm sorry it took so long they all expressed their gratitude as they left even the Elder who gave me a reward for saving them one coin thanks for nothing I needed to buy a beetle box that had an Initiation fee and inflation these days just sucks more to come with this when we get to the post game since I'm heading north to Land's End over here the platforming requires more launching than the usual area there's also a skybridge with three levels of difficulty naturally I chose the hardest version which consisted of bullet guys I messed up at the very end which accidentally made me enter a secret cave and the crazy part is I maneuvered my way through it flawlessly but unfortunately in a poetic fashion I screwed up at the very end of it now I'm back in the early game sewers so back into the land's end cave I went sprinted past the baddies and this time jumped across the tops correctly in the sewer all for some Cricket jam now where was I oh yes I made it to the sand dunes where a friendly Mouser gave me directions to monstro town this led to slide into the whirls that ants would pop out of I followed what he said looking back on it why did I listen to a species that's usually so set on killing me well it does look like they sent me in the right direction for 50 coins this guy tells me my fortune which spawned a couple blocks that I could climb up the structure started to remind me of my battle with balom from a while ago speaking of bomme I tap his tongue on a golden statue then read the following message sorry I'm not accepting visitors past my bedtime okay I don't know what that means and there's a golden balone that's blocking my way so I backtracked then re-entered the room to smash that bugger's tongue again and this time get a message that reads M I'm hungry wish I had something to eat does that mean the upcoming part has changed it sure has thus my rematch with balone begins now I won't go through every detail since I've already faced this guy before however he does have one added trick up his sleeve he chews up Mario spits him out then clones him he did that to Bowser too eventually balone begins to starve and says it's time to go home for dinner works for me big fella past that gate was the entrance to monstro town a town full of monster residence there is one normal looking lady who happens to know the secret passage to the sky she recruits one of her parat trupa friends to assist me but first let's check out what monstro town has to offer here's where the true final boss resides that we'll have to wait however there is another challenge here no I'm not talking about Jagger who used to be one of Bowser's Minions although he does pack a punch and I must defeat him I'm talking about his Sensei Jinx no not that Jinx that little jinx there's actually three separate battles you can challenge Jinx to I'm only going to cover the third one since it's the most difficult of the three and not to be repetitive right away I could tell this was going to be a tough one since not only did I miss the a button during Gino's attack but Jinx just totally decimates Gino with 400 damage holy crap it's a good thing I stocked up on items before this as soon as I could I got the og3 together to use their triple move I specifically wanted this Trio since the attack is meant for one target meaning the damage would be significant 24 damage ah I'm so screwed Peach is such a lifesaver at this point in the game because she's now learned how to revive allies she could save others but could not save herself the inventory only let you carry six revive items and I've already used two of them and Peach just died again I have three pickme UPS left this is a freaking war zone cuz we're dropping like flies okay here's what I have to do after Reviving Mario I switch in Bowser and only attack with him because he's the only one that can both deal a chunk of damage without flower power and can take a hit I also have Gino power up his attack and defense for the reasons I just mentioned that's the strategy support Bowser at all costs and save Peach for the more dire moment if the other two aren't dealing with either an ability or item they must defend instead of attack wait a minute what does this Yoshi cookie do from Yer [Music] Island nothing absolutely nothing well it's back to the Bowser centered strategy I kept that Loop up for what seemed like forever I couldn't believe how many people I was Reviving and quickly came to realize I was fighting someone way out of my league when the action gauge reached 100% again I used Mario Peach and Gino for the spare us all triple move I went the defensive route this time rather than the terrible aggressive play I did at the beginning now even though Bowser isn't protected by this Peach and Mario are meaning they can help support Bowser more effectively I even tried jumping with Mario in hopes he would chip some damage it didn't turn out like I hope but at least he was safe actually timing my button presses right when defending was a huge help too and don't ask me how many Maple syrups I drank to recover magic I don't know how many it was this was by far my longest battle yet in my journey but I am proud to say I was able to pull off the win on my first attempt against his third fight my reward for winning is twofold first I am now the Sensei of this Dojo always address me as Sensei is that that understood yes Sensei and I take his belt now I want to see 1,000 jumps you hear me man that Jinx guy was no joke and I need some rest after that totally forgot though that I'm sleeping in a Place full of monsters these ghosts thankfully just want me to find their Flags behind a wooden flower under a green bed and between an O and an a behind a wooden flower under a green bed and between an O and an a got it they gave me a ghost medal for doing so which I equipped on Bowser to double his defense now let's get out of here Mr swamp please shake the ground to knock down a key that will let me unlock gold balom frog coins Galore and remember that cricet jam I found I traded to the Frog Sage for 10 frog coins that's enough of being sidetracked let's get the paratroop is lined up and scadaddle on out of Land's End to go to Bean Valley for better or worse I get distracted here a lot too so I'll summarize my Adventures from here quickly to be more specific it wasn't exactly Bean Valley itself that sucked to my my time it was a place connected to Bean Valley called great guys Casino it was for members only and to get access I had to meet up with nin guy back at booster Tower my former enemy is now a clown that offers the following miname keep your eye on the yellow ball then pick the hand it's in it's a pretty lame game in my opinion and I had to win it a handful of times before he'd finally give me the bright card which allowed me entry into the casino calling it a casino is a bit of a stretch it's run by great guy who fought against us a long side Knife Guy the desk on the right runs a memory card game so that was easy then the guy on the left hosts one of those get three of the same thing game it took me only a couple tries but the worst of them all was great guys miname called look the other way it's a 50/50 chance of choosing the opposite direction he points there's no skill whatsoever and you have to win 100 times to get an exclusive item I spent 24 minutes spamming this game and it sure felt a heck of a lot longer than that the exclusive item I won was the star egg which has unlimited uses in battle that summon stars to inflict 100 damage it's nice to have when there are no better options anyways Bean Valley there was a piranha plant mini boss and a beant stock at the end that I climbed up I went up to the clouds and I hated this section climbing these beant stocks was one thing but hopping from one to the other was a horrendous thing especially this section right here I just could not make it to the green Vines sometimes Mario would barely grab onto the bottom of it then let go I wanted to blame it on the isometric platforming so bad when all of a sudden I hate my life I hate it I hate it I hate it all that for a defense scarf at least I had finally made it to Nimbus Land where we could continue the story This Cloud land is filled with puff balls yet this lady that looks nothing like them is supposedly their soon to be Queen She informs the public that King nimus may die soon but that there is no need to worry because she has found the missing Prince malow introducing Prince mow that a FAL can you believe it what a coincidence there's a prince with the same name as me you're not very bright are you mow we've got to save your dad but the castle is guarded if only there were somebody who could help us oh hey a golden mow the sculptor corrects us saying that's actually King Nimbus when he was a young lad he then realizes he's talking to the King's son and tells him he's a prince mow couldn't believe it he really is a prince and his father really is in danger thus we scheme up a plan to infiltrate the castle by painting Mario gold like the statues without moving a muscle I was delivered to the palace and Valentina fell for it I was then taken to one of the statue rooms and placed on a pedestal I thought I was free to sneak off but the dodo bird was on his way back to polish I don't know what kind of polishing technique that is so I'm ready to [Music] [Applause] jump oh no I made have blew it thankfully the dodo bird is not very intelligent now let's find malow's parents this place has all sorts of strange creatures like this pin wheel blowing me back a big parat trupa and many more I did find the chamber where the Royal servants were being held captive one of them gives me a key to open up more doors which leads me to a ginormous egg Bowser what are you doing are you insane what if it hatches well I guess we're going to find out a bero I'm sorry pink Barney I'm going to have to kill you you've seen too much and Valentina can't know I'm here Berto tries to retaliate with her eggs malow smashes her with his Hulk Hands Berto attacks again but misses the kill since I switched back in Bowser who lands the finishing attack to which Berto responds I'm never going to let go Berto had been defeated the key to the hall was released and malow's parents were just inside this room Bowser was going to break them free until mow stopped him because his bedri and Dad could get hurt in the process Valentina let mallow's parents go she's making a run for it follow that dodo bird I'm on their tail they should be right out here luckily the clouds made for a soft Landing Pad they couldn't have gone far in fact Valentina is just outside the castle catch me outside how about that her trusty dodo bird comes to her Aid and immediately Sprints towards Bowser I couldn't believe it that fat so took my muscle for a one-on-one duel itat makes you fat this guy really picked the wrong party member to mess with because Bowser is a tank and Relentless with his weapon the dodo realizes he's no match and Retreats back to his master meanwhile Mario is getting be slapped by the scandalous woman we still have her outnumbered two to one so I have Gino firing shots Mario throwing hands and Toad stool waking up her plumber boyfriend valentina's dodo returns as does our fearless leader Bowser with both of the Nimbus antagonists on the field it's Gino's time to shine with his brand new special Gino flash our puppet friend charges up his star power then transforms into a cannon to fire a powerful blast of energy the power of the Sun in the palm of my hand with this new spread attack I needed to protect Gino from the pecs and the magic Peach of course did an awesome job with supporting him allowing me to spam Gino's flash over and over again Valentina knew she couldn't win so she had her dodo bird pull her by the par to top her Noggin and flew away we didn't need to chase her since she dropped the key as well which led us free malow's parents King Nimbus is quite the fan of Mario asking for his autograph and a jumping performance oay o anywh who Queen Nimbus informs us a large star fell into the nearby volcano then the king says we ought to try out the hot springs first that sounds amazing your highness uh I was expecting something bigger no matter the volcano's right below this Cloud oh thank Nimbus there was a trampoline to break the fall this volcano may be hot but I've done lava levels in Mario games [Music] before are you sure about that as far as enemies go this stump it spawns little Rockies that Patrick Star raised himself then there's this guy he calls himself Cinder toad he owns a shop inside the volcano which I don't know how is staying in business although I am interested in his f-z and r-wing collection have you been playing in the f99 my man after browsing I platform my way to the end of the volcano where a fire dragon emerges from the lava this timing couldn't have been more perfect because mow just learned how to build a snowman Do You Want to Build a Snowman it's super effective too this infuriates the dragon as seen with the biting it then pops up four baby lava bubbles mow drop another Snowman on them Furious that I killed its babies the Draco oddly enough retaliates with the water blast knocking out mow but the prince has done his part and Bowser finished the job for him slaying the Beast or so I thought great now I got to kill something that's already dead what's a zombie weak to mow H jumping in lightning interesting yet when I attack with Mario's jumps and mow shocker their punches still do more damage damage what's up with that wasted all that flower power for nothing fortunately the zombie couldn't knock out anyone so I continued to punch my way out of this mess dropping the Beast back to where it came from and collected the six star what happened is that the Red Power Ranger Tyrannosaurus Dragon Sword Le two tiger power on they once were my childhood Heroes and and now are my enemy I raced to the top of the volcano as fast as I could and got lucky since their ride was late their blade ship shortly arrived after my arrival but I wasn't going to let them get away we are the axom Rangers oh my gosh I just realize something they have axes that's why they're called the axim Rangers how did I never realize that in 27 years well there's five of them so that means AOE attacks from mow a cannon Blast from Gino Mario using the star egg and Bowser's new Mecha Koopa Stomp The axom Rangers try to fight back with their axes and spells and do sometimes get the best of me but red eventually gets angry by my barrage of spread attacks and takes control of the Blade's main central unit he charges up The Brak beam blasting all three of us with only Bowser surviving Peach also got knocked out from earlier which meant Bowser had to temporarily play the Mal apropo role of supporter after using that beam attack the blade needed a turn to recharge I timed my button press to revive Mario back to full health which helped all of us survive the next blast I brought back in Gino to Shield Mario and Peach with their special then swapped mow since the machine was weak to lightning the battle is now in our control they may have that Blaster Cannon but Peach can recover the team during its recharging turn while the rest of the squad plummeted the [Music] machine with no power the ship was going down we were able to escape with ease and watch their Megazord crash into of the volcano the six star was found among its remains leaving only one star left to find since Mal's parents knew where the last one was we thought we should try asking them again his mom said the only place left to look was Bowser's keep uh lady I can't get there the bridge is gone foolish Mario malow is royalty therefore he has access to the kingdom bus like the hotring it's smaller than what I expected a bus to be eh I can't complain take us to Bowser's keep word apparently spread throughout the land land as Citizens watched us Infiltrate The Castle Bowser you're back home but why have your minions joined [Music] Smithy jeez right to the face let that be a lesson do not betray Bowser cowards what the heck why are the Goomba's green and we have to fight Croco again oh never mind he's an entrepreneur now in the Next Room were six doors four of which I had to complete in order to progress behind each door was a course to beat the first one I entered centered on action those aren't my words the game said that the second part of door number one was tricky because when on The Cannonball the joystick inputs were reversed I turned my controller upside down for this then for the third phase every course has three phases by the way I progressed over The Lava using the slow moving floating tiles next I chose door number two and it consisted of three puzzles the first being a quiz with a series of questions I'll be honest I failed this segment a lot I'm just freezing through my successful attempt next part I counted how many barrels there were no really that's how menacing this Castle is then they had to question four Triathlon competitors to deduce who came in first second third and fourth all right time for door number six oh are you kidding me another puzzle room how about door number five instead where I have to fight weak sauce minions that's more like it especially when the Goombas are scared of Bowser oh thank goodness the drill claw I'll explain why Mario is relieved to see that after door four which was another action course I traversed over lava once again then was treated to a very cool reference to the Donkey Kong arcade game when scaling the end of it after beating four of the six courses I'm confronted by one of Bowser's most loyal minions wiiz a Koopa who isn't taking orders from his master and isn't afraid to fight him either also he's got a pet dragon and did you see that Bowser is attacking with his bare hands now now you may be thinking that Bowser's already resorted back to the chain chomp but Mario could have been next still I worry about head trauma anyhow we slapped Wiz a Koopa so hard that his cloak turned back to its typical blue color turns out he was being brainwashed by Smithy where is that Smithy guy anyways is he up on the chandelier where Bowser and I first fought no it's just a robot Samurai named boomer probably because of the use of old Samurai techniques but I'm still going to mock his name crush him will you Bowser the old man couldn't touch us he tried turning blue but we all knew looking like Sonic the Hedgehog isn't always a good thing Gino standard attacks are doing just fine and so are Mario's jumps Mario Gino and mow finish him off with a triple move I am a soldier I am prepared to go okay Boomer Boomer oh poor Boomer meanwhile we rode the chandelier to the top to confront the sword that started this whole mess believe it or not he's not Smithy this is exor its essence of life is stored in the pommel of the sword and is protected by the eyes thus I have Mario shoots his Ultra Fireball spell which incinerates every Target in sight Bowser then proceeds to disable both eyes but exor still has a mouth in use so I had mow continue to strike multiple targets with his new star rain that's essentially how this whole encounter goes down exor can attack back and put us to sleep at the same time but there was nothing to fear with Peach on our side exor can't even put her to sleep since I equipped her with a safety badge protecting her from all ailments when all three IAL features were neutralized we pummeled exor's core until he finally couldn't take it anymore and sucked us into his mouth which was the connecting portal from our world to smithies this is basically the hell of Mario's Universe which gives Bowser second thoughts because he only teamed up to get to his castle back Gino then explains that even though exor was defeated other weapon beasts will still come through to Bowser's keep more weapons coming to take over my castle what about my privacy calm down Bowser we'll get through this metal filed world together whatever these multiplying goo are now just a heads up to those watching I'm going to Breeze through covering this hellscape in a rapid fashion because there are so many bosses down here starting with this clock and they mostly have the same moves just with different attack names we've all seen the same strategy I've been using ever since I got Peach I mean come on she's like the best White Mage to ever exist the others attack and use items when needed and be real did you click on this video to watch watch me battle a clock a clock I'm nearing the end discovering how all the bosses were manufactured and that more will keep coming if I don't stop Smithy I do have to challenge this copy of spe ofic since he was blocking the way to continue downwards I Dro down the hole to find these loonies defending their post nothing too crazy happens while I shatter them except after one of them dies the other summons a cobra to ride I've seen all five seasons of Cobra Kai though so I knew how to counter the strike First Strike hard no mercy method as I get deeper into the factory I take on a clerk in the form of an axe wielding supervisor along with its hammers after that bout toad appears how in the world did you get past all the bad guys down here are you a god oh he's just here to set up shop I restock my inventory then face another one of those ax wielding supervisors this one being called the manager after winning Bowser randomly pulls out a Hau like the Moon Over The Day My genius and Bron are lost on these fools okay when is this nonsense going to stop this is the third axe wielding supervisor we have to battle your title of director better mean you're the last one of them well he technically was but there still was the factory Chief and his trusty machine guno there is good news though Smithy is right after them I press the button at the end of the road get lifted by a claw and dropped down a shaft and finally meet the man who's been behind the invasion of our planet Smithy the last star piece is attached to his belt so the whole team prepares themselves as we confront the mechanical Menace that he is I cleverly saved my 100% action gauge from the previous battles to have a strong start for this one which also increased our stats Smithy then announces he'll be using Sledge Bowser responds with his Mecha Koopa showing Smithy he's not the only one with a factory it's important we used either AOE spells or at least single Target the smelter otherwise Smithy will have access to the molten metal which he uses to create minions these souped up shy guys are no joke with their sword rain knocking out Mario and putting the others in critical condition Peach revives Mario and will be Reviving many others throughout this fight unfortunately Mario's Ultra Fireballs are resisted by the smelter so he'll be on maple syrup Duty and whacking with his hammer instead of using up flower points I consider myself lucky when Smithy slashes with the weak fire saber the gray shy guys keep coming along with with the Unlucky moments where Smithy actually tries to kill us all in one swoop Peach heals Bowser revives Mario makes up for Dying by Smashing that smelter eyes closed making it US versus Smithy and the two shy guys here's the roles of the team going forward Peach heals every turn no matter how healthy our HP is Bowser spam Mecha Koopas and Never Dies because he's a tank Gino or Malo can swap in for peach if everyone's perfectly healthy and Mario either uses his standard attack or replenishes magic when the gaug max is out again our OG Trio rides their rainbows blasting Smithy with an allout powerful blast causing Smithy to panic he slams the ground with his Sledgehammer again and again never stopping his minions fly to the scene warning him that he'll break the floor if he can't control his temper Smithy yells out how annoying they are and Shakes the floor with another slam fracturing the chains that held the floor dropping us into the basement of the factory infuriated Smithy professes he'll show us his real form to see his true [Music] power all right fellas you've been with me since the beginning but I'd really like Bowser and Peach back by my side Smithy adapts as well pounding his head until it shape shifts into a tank that's cool with me because Mario's Fireballs are effective now Smithy aims then Fires at Peach followed by spritzing a few bullets at Mario since our plumber can deal damage again Bowser is free to support when needed his Mecha Koopa still deals more damage than his rival but that changes when Smithy transforms into a wizard because now Bowser's Mecha Koopa does next to nothing good thing he still has his drill claw it looks like Mario's affected by the change as well since only smithy's body feels pain from the fire the metal psycho showers us with swords and continues firing bullets then he changes again into a coffin a couple back and forth s later he's a tank again Bowser get up there OHA Mo Shinu he's a coffin again no I mean a tank he's a treasure chest now this is the last of the maple syrup guys we better make the most of it smithy's chest form stirs up some kind of roulette and the result strikes fear in every one of us but are we really ever scared with peach Byer side Bowser Mario make sure you land those timed hits every combo matters to build up the action gauge Smithy casts another sickness on the squad however it only disables us from using special moves mow get in here and combo your heart out just a little more yes Mario Bowser Peach starting show Spike triple attack I think we did it Smith is overheating and the place is exploding we did it gang the last star it's right here with all Seven Stars gathered Gino says goodbye as his Spirit ascends back up to Star Road it's spitter sweep because he really is the coolest character in this game and does deserve a spot in Super Smash Brothers but Star Road is his home the rest of us sit back and watch in relief as exor is eviscerated from Bowser's Castle giving us a happy ending anyone want to help fix my roof [Music] Bowser I still have a lot of random stuff to do like who's going to use this stay voucher if I don't it lets me stay in the finest suite at marry Moore Hotel I can even go take a [Music] shower I mean I do deserve the rest after what I just went through while sleeping Gino returns in the morning he advises we head to Star Hill to check on a light he hadn't seen there before we then go to the Frog Sage who think thinks boms up to his old tricks again yep apparently he made a wish which is what caused the bright light his throat was scratchy and he wished it wasn't not to mention he was much much much harder the third time it took over 15 minutes but at least his throat wasn't itchy no more and he left behind the Frog sages stick that mow could use we return and Report now he wants us to revisit punchinello oh I get it he wants me to rematch the bosses while I was looking to restock on syrup I ran into Croco in Nimbus Land he graciously leaves behind an echo signal ring to find hidden treasures wearing this ring lets me know whenever there is a hidden treasure around by making a noise to indicate I'm close to one I didn't realize I needed to do this until I pulled up the play report in the menu which stated I still had 38 to find I didn't even know where I found the first one and it doesn't end with that there are incomplete battle records miname records and Casino records that you can earn medals for like when I won 100 games of look the other way I haven't even played all the mini games yet so after uncovering all the hidden chests I took a detour to Branch off this invisible path up in Nimbus Land for some free fertilizer this along with the seed I stumbled upon in beanland hours ago would grow a beanock at a stranger's house in Rose town all this was for the lazy armor and the lazy shell which will save time in future battles I was really just putting off the minii gamess because some of them are going to be agonizing I decided to start off with one of the easier ones that being Goomba thumping the goal is to hop on 30 Goombas within 40 seconds not too bad right well it's tedious because the mole makes you do it five times before that with Target goals of thumping 20 22 24 26 28 and then 30 the key is to hop from one Goomba straight to another when given the chance and to bop the gold glomas too next was the paratroopa climb it took a few minutes but once I figured out where and when I could jump to save time I got a record of 10.78 seconds earning me the Troopa medal I tried to earn the medals from other mini gamess as well but it was getting discouraged so I decided to listen to the Frog Sage's suggestion by rematching punchinello he claims to now have an amazing shield and refers to Bowser as our leader listen I'm sure he's just flattered about that but I have a game to complete so please die now what how it's only dealing one damage per hit my attacks are nerfed as well oh it must be the shield he was talking about hold on how much did that bomb do to wait Bowser's dead and Peach what the heck oh I see I get this game now we got to reverse the bombs back at him kudos to punchinello for my first battle lost all right rematch Peach break out the parasol um Shields up your toast now punching nello they're [Music] gone okay I need a new plan one that will enable my team to turn around B bombs with a single attack I needed better weapons weapons that can only be found in very specific places like behind one of these Dreadful doors in particular Gino's star gun then at mville I bought a metal plate which turned out to be Peach's frying pan after that I analyzed adjustments with the accessories to make sure everyone had the highest attack possible and guess what it worked but sometimes you can't get them all which makes well-timed guards of the utmost importance still everyone can die at once that's what the Reviving healing rainbow is for for the most part though things were going pretty good I was timing my blocks correctly and eventually overcame punchinello he offers to enhance Bowser's chain chomp with gold plating and commits to stop making bombs in exchange for his life frog say says booster is next so to booster we go we technically haven't fought him yet so this should be interesting he doesn't like to be interrupted while working on something mid battle if you leave him alone for too long this [Music] happens yep can't let that triple K happen the solution is simple always use spread attacks plus the sniffers are weak to ice easy W this makes booster very upset so he gives Gino a weapon that boots us out frog Sage says to go to marrymore why marrymore the cake what happens when said cake has all of its candles lit okay where does a baked dessert get power like that thankfully the workaround is a piece of cake pun intended you just put the chefs to sleep and then they can't light the cake anymore easy peasy they give us an enduring BR which prevents a member from going down once per battle and I can't remember if I used it the fr frog Sage then said to go rechallenge Johnny with the terms this time being a one-on-one duel between Mario and him oh and no items Final Destination Fox only I got the lazy shell which does massive damage but how in the world am I supposed to win this without healing two hits and I'm dead I obviously needed more defense back at Bowser's keep I was able to purchase the best armor for Mario from Croco and I should probably level up a bit I didn't want to spend time grinding though if I could just improve my blocks more consistently that would make up the difference however these Diamond Cutters were the bane of my existence I needed more power to end the fight more quickly unless I wanted to grind which I didn't instead I resorted to attempting super jumps until I got over 30 in a row this is way more annoying than it looks and it's tough because the hitbox shrinks after about 10 jumps or so I was surprised to pass 30 in less than 5 minutes now what in the world does this have to do with Johnny you may ask ask well if you can manage to consecutively jump at least 30 times this wolf will give you an attack scarf which increases every stat look at that power and look how little damage I'm taking now at my blocks being on point with Johnny now being red and I eventually beat him without leveling up I awaited his gift with excitement but was surprised when he handed over an extra Shiny Stone wait what about the regular shiny stone for this secret boss the Frog Sage says I should Challen Jinx next I'm not sure now I was going to save the secret boss for last but now I'm just finding out I was supposed to Face him before all of this thus I buy fireworks at mulville to trade them for a regular Shiny Stone which opens the sealed door in monstro town inside was a being from another dimension KX Dark Knight to V funny enough he's confused by my 3D presence since he's stuck in a flat 2D form to us it doesn't matter because we've got a new threat to deal with with now I started Mario Gino and Bowser with a boost while he intimidates us stating he is matter he is antimatter can see our past can see our future consumes time and will consume us then summons four Elemental crystals well that made deciding what to do easy everyone attack all of them some of the crystals do resist certain spells like the red Crystal not feeling one burn from the Fireballs this battle is also a great way to show off the lazy armor I gave to Peach a while ago she just got pounded by two attacks and they each only inflicted one damage the rest was history because I was in fact overleveled for this fight and should have done it earlier I honestly expected a one toone faithful remake of this game and must admit I'm pleasantly surprised with the added postgame content kx's 2D body eviscerates and then I'm treated to Final Fantasy Victory [Music] music KX swears one day he'll gain the power of this third dimension then forfeits the quartz charm It Cuts in half the damage received and gives a 50% attack boost so it's going to Bowser baby now to take on jinx as instructed by the Frog Sage you only have to do one thing to win this Skirmish and that's to fill the action gauge starting at 0% since Jinx was the only opponent I had goino boost the defense of Mario Bowser and himself then all I had to do was survive while stacking combos to reach 100% easiest rematch by far because all he wanted was to see a triple move from zero the Frog Sage finally mentions the existence of KX meaning the door seal can be broken again this time with the extra Shiny Stone let's do this the real final boss something's different about colex though he's mastered the art of 3D and apparently a freaking meteor shower that drains my whole side to 1 HP what do I have to say to that I've been saving my Max mushrooms for the finale I didn't use any of them throughout my entire playthrough until now you know what else I haven't been using Elemental bombs that hit all enemies I still have some Secrets up my sleeve but Kix would like some attention now The Dark Knight has some kind of timer that triggers the Uber powerful meteor that I now learned kills you if you're not at full HP shortly after Peach is left alone yet is totally safe thanks to that lazy shell armor she works on Reviving both of her comrades to utilize the healing rainbow triple move which ALS so cures those off screen oh no I'm out of flower power whatever will I do ladies and gentlemen I present to you Royal syrup it recovers all depleted flower points another item I've been stalking for this moment sick of being smacked by spread attacks 3D colx locks our special moves how am I going to survive without Peach's healing would you be surprised at this point to say I have an item in my inventory called finless Coke that recovers the party's HP by 150 now that everyone's all healthy Gino give us a boost light them up Mario that blue crystal is a goner and the battle just gets easier from here with only three left every meteor from KX looks like it could be the end for us but instead of watching team members die while waiting for Peach's turn why don't I use yet another soda called croca colola fully healing our side action gauge is full and we're in a good spot so I use a more aggressive triple move this time the green Crystal proceeds to shatter since only two of the remain with red being immune to fire I command Mario to Chuck The Lazy Shell at it to preserve power later Gino's Flash obliterates the yellow Crystal then I have everyone Focus their attention on red before you know it KX is the only one left floating the next time is countdown reached zero instead of summoning his usual meteor he goes in Striking Mario to the ground dealing 99,999 damage I examined Kix with malow's thought Peak and I'm blown away that he still has over 7,000 hit points point you shall bear witness to the power of postgame content true but without your crystals this battle is basically over it's just turn after turn of what I've been doing to you all match and I still have items to spare it does take a while but I eventually finish him with Bowser's Wonder Chomp and watch him dissipate into [Music] nothingness pulock shrinks back to his 2D Sprite then hands over a crystal Shard a symbol of ultimate strength that feed stamped the final photo in my scrapbook and filled every enemy in my monster list however there were many check marks missing 210 to be exact you see in order to truly complete this list one must thought Peak every one of them timed correctly with malow as you can see with this filled out blue part now I could either revisit every bad guy to thought Peak them with mow or I could grind a Land End Bridge for every three successful attempts on expert mode the shaman would reward me with four frog coins I marathoned this at least 132 times for 2 hours and 45 minutes because I needed 528 more frog coins for a total of 630 of them why did I do that instead of thought peaking well for every three frog coins you give to this monster Enthusiast at booster pass he'll fill out an entry for you I figured this would be more effective rather than seeking out every foe again once it was 100% filled I got a monster Trophy and a medal to commemorate this achievement the mini gamess were still waiting for me though I dreaded doing them but I just need to suck it up the only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time so I headed back to booster Tower to play more of that ball game with knife guy until I had 50 wins completing the casino page next was Midas River I put this off for so long because the most I ever got was 60 something and for some reason I thought I had to get 100 I missed a few on the waterfall but grabbed every coin during the optimal route on the barrel section without touching a fish I ended with 89 which apparently was enough what a relief seriously I thought I was going to be there for hours and now I'm at the minecart course again I had no idea how fast I needed to beat this thing if I had to put my money on it this shortcut where I had to boost with a mushroom to jump across to a different track and this Gap right here with a quick turn should shave off enough seconds to get the metal and I'm glad it was a long time ago back in Seaside town I bought a beetle box from a sniffer and said I would need it at a later time well that time is now because you need one to reattempt the booster Hill Chase sequence except this time I'm chasing after beetles instead of peach I got nine on one attempt and it wasn't enough so I know for sure that 10 was the required amount for this record the last miname would require a classic game boy that I could buy off from this kid in Mushroom Kingdom the only game on it was Beetle Mania where you play as a beetle shooting red shells to score the most points possible I cheesed this video game so hard whenever the beetle is struck by a shell you need to mash the shoot button to bring it back to life and it gets harder to do so the more you get hit well the thing is the a b and Y buttons all shoot so every time you die just simply Mash all of them with the palm of your hand with infinite life I got so bored that I willingly quit under 4 million that's a medal for every single mini game but the worst challenge still haunted me Landing 100 super jumps in a row was the bane of my existence I spent hours failing this but we've been watching this video forever so let me just wrap it up by saying two things that I believe helped me first I made sure to plug in my controller to avoid any input delay and second I would tie my presses right when I'd see Mario's heels go down still took me hours but it was finally done that's how I 100% it Super Mario RPG be sure to follow my Instagram where I'll be giving away a copy of Super Mario RPG to those that follow the rules in the post also like the video to support It And subscribe for more Nintendo content you all have a good one thanks
Channel: The Andrew Collette Show
Views: 1,282,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario rpg, mario rpg, nintendo switch, super mario rpg switch, super mario rpg remake, super mario rpg trailer, super mario, nintendo switch oled, new nintendo switch, nintendo switch 2, super mario rpg speedrun, super mario rpg 100 percent, mario rpg 100 percent, mario rpg 100%, super mario rpg 100%, mario rpg gameplay, super mario rpg gameplay, mario rpg culex, super mario rpg culex, can i beat super mario rpg, mario rpg remake, mario rpg switch
Id: JTexSF6HaJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 11sec (4391 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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