I 300%'d Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Here's What Happened

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I'm going to 300% Pokémon scarlet and violet by 100 pering each of the three pokedexes from Pala kakami and blueberry Academy plus I'll cover the stories as well including the Mochi Mayhem epilogue Mom I'm all dressed up for school ready to be bullied for looking like this I am the director of nanha Academy you may call me Mr clavel are you the bad guy well it's time for the most important decision I'll make in 2022 and I actually like all three of them I got to go with spatio though reminds me of my own cat and I'll name it after him too you're going to stay on four legs right right I can't believe you actually chose spatio that's our rival neona who picks the starter weak to ours thank you so [Laughter] much thank you for being so dumb and with that it's time to catch my first Pokémon oh shut up and get in the ball what the heck the rodm phone saved us let's see an instant replay H scary big legendary Pokemon walks into a cave yeah my 10-year-old self should be able to handle this on his own but a regular Hound Doom what am I supposed to do now Sushi can only take on legendaries not fire dog don't worry your highness I got you you're safe now yeah I'm the best I already have a legendary Pokémon neona woo that's what we're talking about boys already got her number a short time later this guy named Arvin comes up to us angry that I have coridon by my side so we engage in a Pokémon battle to see if I'm worthy to be its Master little angry man only has a sovet so of course Sushi wins back to our adventure where I can finally start catching some new Pokémon like pomy this mysterious thing that I can't battle but rather acts as some form of currency and there's a brown Whooper that's pan Whooper you racist whatever my Pokémon need to be healed so we roll up to a Pokémon Center gas station cuz Pia can't afford the hospitals then I found an animal in the Pokémon World a flamingo wait that's a Pokémon game freak just because you take out the letter N doesn't make it a Pokémon neona and I battle again but this time she terrestrialization kind of forgot about that anyways right as I arrive we find these punks who are a part of the group called team star trying to recruit this girl to join them this is the evil team School bullies where have all the villains gone who wanted to destroy the world wait how'd you do that can't do it well of course I beat the team star grunt you're a child just like me I can't believe you Andrew you don't have to go find randos to battle you'll have all the battles you ever need with me jeez you're clingy I take down the next grunt this time using my own terrestrialization this time biology and math classes I don't want to go to this school while trying to ditch I run into someone who neona calls La prera the champion of the Paia region this Begins the first of three main story arcs in this game Victory Road in another room Arvin invites us to seek out the herba mysas which are each guarded by a Titan this mission is called the path of Legends then all of a sudden my phone gets hacked ah this is such a missed opportunity for a VPN sponsorship the Hacker's name is copia who wants me to bring down team star no you just hacked my phone I'm not doing anything for you okay we're still not done with character introductions yet Mr clavell wants me to meet Pia's Professor Sada uh hi I got to get out of here I can't control my feelings neona take me somewhere else please she takes me to my dorm room alone with her let's check out your new bed neona leave at what what we are only children a few days later cavel sends us out to explore Pia I would love to Mr director but my phone keeps getting hacked by copia who wants me to take down each star boss leaving me no choice but to accept Mission Starfall Street at last after that ridiculously long intro now we can finally play the game I go catch some Pokémon and then come across a tera den and let me tell you this is such a step up from sword and shield you don't watch every animation of your allies attacks which make these dens so much more streamline than the Dynamax ones and there's no Martin and his soul Rock I hate you Martin you can no longer screw me over sorry tapped into my anger nerves there another cool thing about this world is you can run into Terra Pokémon in the wild not just dens the first town I visit is cortando where my first gym battle awaits however before you can challenge a gym leader you have to take a gym test to prove yourself so what do they have me do they have me roll an olive is this supposed to be fun what a dream come true just what I wanted in a Pokémon game now let's freaking get to the gym battle against the leader Katie she specializes in bug type Pokémon so I bring in the Hound to where I caught for my first Den to Scorch her bugs with Embers when facing her last Pokemon teddy Ursa she terized it into a bug type since Hound hour is part dark type I terized her into a fairy type in order to resist the bug typing a couple more Embers and the first gym badge is mine on my way to the next location I continue running into all different types of Pokémon and then I find a super mushroom from the Mario games this is the best crossover since Link's Awakening I find this little Edge Lord accidentally One-Shot it which prompts Sushi to evolve oh I hope it's got a cool design like Tor cat and not like [Music] incinerar I don't actually hate it huh we'll just wait and see how the next Evolution looks for now let's encounter the first Titan being cloth and have Sushi's new floraa form take it on I talized it right away little did I know powering up my grass move would be my detriment activating cloth's ability anger shell giving it a power and speed boost when it drops below 50% thankfully Sushi was able to hang in there with a few hit points left and scared the rock crab away I catch up to it again to find the Titan eating some kind of power herb Arvin arrives at the scene to help out initiating a second duel with the creature I attack with an uniz leafage first to not damage the enemy too much then I set up a hone Claus in hopes of knocking it out the following turn it was at this moment that he knew no I don't even get to strike revenge for myself cuz Arvin Sher lands the last hit so what are you going to do with that super mythical fancy shiny herb Arvin sandwiches I sacrificed my cat to the rock monster just for a sandwich here you go coridon you can have it the mystical herb gives coridon the ability to dash now arbit and insists we leave so we can clean up the mess once we do you can come out now I'm okay nearby is the Artisan town where the second Gym awaits well after playing hide-and-seek with susum Flora neona are you stalking me you're always waiting for me at the gyms anyways I don't have time to chitchat I have a gym battle with bracus I must attend to my star Pokemon for the grass gym will be Flamingo not Flamingo wing attack slaps through his first two mons and then he terzes his pseudo wudo blinding it in the process I cannot see I'm legally blind Flamingo Wing attacks that excuse of a grass type and second gym badge is ours afterwards we meet a member of the Elite Four named Hassel why are you walking like that there's one Mission we haven't started yet and another phone call from the hacker informs us of operation Starfall then some dude named Clive tries to join in on the cause looks familiar copia figures they can use all the help that they can get then instructs us to challenge each team star boss cuz if they lose then they'll have to step down from their role sorry I'm distracted copia what is this guy doing before going in there's a few Pokémon around here I'd like to catch like colone what a great name then there are black Tauros that's py and Tauros you racist and is that a pre-evolution for the legendary Pokémon no it's not don't get your hopes up it's just a single stage cycl lasar with those new additions I invade the star base where my Pokémon have to Auto Battle and defeat 30 of their Pokémon within 10 minutes I only needed 90 seconds team Stars fire crew leader Mila pulls up in the ride thus beginning our battle along with my whole team being underleveled de didn't stand much of a chance here being the naturally squishy mold that he is I tried to play the long game by having cyar use breaking swipe to weaken their attack power which give oink colone the opening to beat tol with a few moves then Mila pulls out her Ace her car is a freaking Pokemon and it has speed boost well of course I lost to a card that was a much higher level than my team and had that insane ability so I'll come back later beat the lencia gym and level up during the process I'm close hang on I'll come say hi dang I don't know what I did to make this girl so obsessed with me oh my what have you done to qua time to meet iono the third gym leader who kind of looks like a Meena with those sleeves before battling she makes us play where's Waldo iono is supposedly a huge streamer which is why you see the chats popping up on the screen some idiot even donated 5,000 what loser would ever do [Music] that Malachi are you in my office you're watching iono oh we're going to lose the house all right now I really need to win this to get that bag Diglett crushed watch with rockt himb then switched out for sushi when belly bolt appeared my cat got paralyzed during the Rumble but managed to KO the Frog blob with a sneaky quick attack with low HP I got Sushi out of there so oone could clear through Luxio with dig iona's last Pokemon is Miss magius which has excellent Synergy with the electric terization effectively having no weakness to any type of move wink alone shifts into support mode yawning the ghost making them drowsy I then bring in my fighting type Tauros who I also tralize and with four separate double kicks the matches one and the gym badge is mine next destination was the desert where I found a baby version of the car team Star had so naturally I had to add it to the party that and a dreadn which meant it was time to re challenge Mila with the water talization dreadnut disposed of the toal much quicker than last time but met her end shortly after when confronted by the starm mobile and apparently you can't put it to sleep with yon either so after barely any chip damage I had to resort to my old strategy having cyar weaken their attack power with breaking swipes making the Blazing torque attacks less harmful when I brought in my newly evolved duck Trio to finally finish off the automobile we're then given a flashback to about a year and a half ago and look how ridiculous she is walking in those boots These boots are made for walking we get to see her talk with the other star bosses about her creation of the starm mobile reality just quit already Mila and give me your boss badge also the girl we saved from the grunts at the beginning of the game introduces her name as Penny and back to the desert we go to find Alaskan forward with arms this is the second of four Titans Arvin asked us to take out the name clearly conveys it's a Steel type so I went for the obvious bulldo which turned out not to be obvious since it has the new Earth eater ability nullifying my ground type attack good thing Tauros is still with us scaring off the monster Andrew what is that Alaskan [Applause] Bor OU with the Titan defeated we now have another another herba mystical for Arvin and Bob's your uncle no he's not you idiot just give us the sandwich that's all we want from you man coridon can now jump higher the dragon tries to sneak another bite but Arvin catches him then yells at the ride Pokemon he apologizes then shows us his partner Pokemon mabo stiff his dog got hurt a while back and Potions nor Pokemon centers have been able to cure him this is why Arvin is looking for the mystical herbas okay I guess that's honorable you're not so bad Arvin the next closest objective was yet another teamstar base director clavell I mean come on we all think that right says he's trying to figure out why the members of Team star are skipping out on school I don't care about that old man I'm just here to stop the baddies ah crud the gate guard's first Pokemon is level 30 this could get ugly for us I did catch this level 35 basculin from nearby though and recently evolved a Cura into gav war and Hound hour into Houndoom so hopefully that will smooth out the bumpy road ahead beating up everyone in the campsite took only 90 seconds again is this even supposed to be hard oh this boss also has one of those cars attakus is his name and he sends out scun tank first now that little sneeker must have been holding a King's Rock because her venos shock made houndo Flinch that meant it was time to drive in my own vehicle vroom the excellent thing about this little guy is he is both steel and poison typing and I figured out early on that scun Tank's only attacking moves are venos shock and Sucker Punch the former doesn't affect steel types and the lad will only succeed if we attack the same turn when they use it so I PP stalled all five of those punches while screeches lowered their defenses in the process a couple gyro balls later and the skunk was knocked out do my eyes deceive me is that a car on a car it has bulldo too so that's lights out for my Vero basculin tried to avenge her automobile and got close but in the end failed to do so I sented Doug Trio next to wreck the mini car he also made quick work of atticus's muck with bulldozes yet one final opponent remained the starm mobile just like M's car it's it's a tank however rather than the speed boost ability this one is toxic debris which scatters toxic spikes on my side of the field once duct Trio went bye-by gavor was poisoned upon entrance thankfully tralization transformed him into a fire type taking away his poison weakness gavor Whitted away at their HP then eventually fell like his teammates to the noxious torqux dreau was all that remained her defense served him well against the spin out attacks which also dropped their speed giving dreadn even more of an advantage this toxic base of Team star has now conquered we get another cut scene with the bosses talking about their outfits Penny shows up right as I'm leaving and hints she knows a lot more about these bosses than we may have first thought for now it's back to wandering and seeing where it would take us I couldn't seem to find a way to progress to the upper right area over there so I traversed back near the first gym I actually ran into a level 50 jolon I had no idea I was so close to Wild Pokémon with such high levels I even somehow managed to catch it but it definitely won't obey me anytime soon I jumped off a cliff found a a steak ran into a cave found a steak then outside the other exit of the cave was a small cavity of a rock that had another op Pokémon being level 41 and I found the real version of gimy goul that was actually catchable the real reason I traveled in this direction was to visit alfada this has got to be my favorite sound so far since it pays respects to the OG generation one Sprites then I found out the hard way that I accidentally skipped a few gems I think it's needless to say that I lost pretty badly so I'm going to take a step back and challenge the Titan over here I imagine this will be a similar difficulty to the gym leader we just faced or not game freak just add level scaling for crying out loud I'm all over the place at this point by the way coridon can now swim the next gym town is being blocked off by a team star base which I'm apparently overlevel for this star base was clearly supposed to be dealt with first and the boss looks cool however he looks like a ripped off version of my boy guzma and Penny continues to be sus showing up right when he's dethroned onto cascara where the gym test is returning the wallet kafa Left Behind before doing so I find another steak to pull then this happens I attempt to return the wallet I do believe you've dropped your wallet doesn't look familiar to me what I am trying to be a good person and return it to you return what to nah I only kid he was happy to take it back but what is with that double unit brow to my surprise we seem to be around the same level range for this gym Sushi seed bombs the new Pokemon vua dreadn rockts the oddly phallic work Trio and Tauros double kicks cfa's a crabominable out of there that totals four gym badges for us also this is by far the best selfie taking with the gym leader it's just one after another with these objectives as we chase a dawn vanan looking Titan in a nearby desert I evolve sushi before taking on the Beast and watch with suspense to see the final form be revealed so what are my thoughts I think a lot of people are going to hate this but for me I'm leaning towards liking it at least it's not as hideous as other bipedal mons Meara Sushi's final form has the signature move flower trick a move that always lands Critical Hits Sushi is very fast and has decent attack power but is more frail than a McDonald's ice cream machine the rest of the team takes care of the giant Dawn Fan's first phase then it disappears like a ninja in the Smoke of sand if you haven't figured it out yet every Titan has two faces with the second one being stronger than the first this time Sushi pulls off two flower tricks all thanks to arvin's Pokémon taking the hit for us and like last time the rest of my team takes down the Titan called great Tusk the sandwiches keep getting better and better enabling coridon to now Glide this will definitely be useful for exploring later on but at this time we only need the ground to run towards our next destination madali in order to face the gym leader here you have to correctly order the secret menu item item you can find hints to the ingredients by challenging other trainers taking the same test these hints say things like go to a dark spot where you'll find the phrase fire blast this kid tells me to look for an odd one out at the ice cream stands so you find this guy selling grilled rice balls then this guy tells me to listen to a blue bird who squawks medium medium and you talk to the regulars to find out they like lemon squeezed over their food then you find out that same person just so happens to be the gym leader normal looking Larry specializing in the topical normal types his second Pokémon is dunpar which is just an elongated dunpar whatever Tauros wipes the floor with both of them for his a staraptor though I switch to dread who can resist the flying attacks then with rockt to lower their speed dreadn and the bird strike at each other back and forth with my turtle eventually taking the wind thanks to her changing their speed GA congratulates me for earning my fifth gym badge hey I found Andrew first you can't go stealing him from me I suppose all have to get in line why are all the women all over me do you not see what I'm I'm wearing let's just get our battle over with [Music] pona what in the world is that morning darling the worst part is it's actually kind of owning me I try switching around the team but no one gets a chance to attack since their signature move Aqua step increases their speed I'm surprised we even won when all I have left was an axu TM 171 jeez how many TMS are in this game come to think of it I haven't used a single one yet since they're now breakable in this game I head to the mountains in Hope of reaching the next gym find a bronzong along the way cuz I figure the leader will specialize in ice types and take a quick ski to pass the gym test brua sends out Frost moth confirming my prediction and to probably nobody surprise I'm way underleveled in case you forgot though ice types suck and I got all the way to his Ace before losing now that I've seen all this Pokémon I think I could beat this on a second try this is not only the first time I'll be using a TM but but it's also one of two times I'll ever use one in this playthrough I swear I have a bad case of too awesome to use syndrome anyways I re challenge grusa starting with dreadn to one hit KO the frost moth after they set up a Tailwind doubling their team speed for a few turns with it the faux bear tick can clap dreadn to death with an earthquake right away that's totally okay though cuz my Ace in the Hole has arrived bronzong the real reason I didn't send my steal friend in first is because it doesn't have a way to increase its special defense from the special attacks that Frost MO has on the other hand bartic is a physical attacker bronzong can resist its ice attacks more and more each turn thanks to the move iron defense essentially doubling its physical defense then on in between turns it uses what the Technical Machine taught it protect this allows bronzong to heal more often with its held item leftovers after three iron defenses bronzong can begin Landing super effective hits with steel attacks against bartic C Titan and alaria even with the massive level disadvantage bronzong got us the win in that six gym back you know I probably should have took on the south gym before this one of course right when I tried to guess who's there waiting for me no no no you'll never be as good as Sando was he saved the world anywh who tulip the gym leader looks to be some sort of model I personally think she's from talocan cuz she's got those little wings on her feet like Neymar We Begin our battle and while most of our team is underleveled that level 50 jolon I caught earlier definitely is not and he now listens I terize him right away to strike fear into each of her psychic types ooh a new Pokémon called ESP bathra down with one bolt of Thunder yeah you suck the fairy giraffe and gavar were able to put a dent in jol on though causing him to fall to tulip's florist no need to worry though Sushi is part dark type and can take it from here seven gems down one to go back in the building I got to meet two more of the Elite 4 members one of them being a literal child you may be wondering how's a child a member of the Elite 4 I present to you this l iic there is only one thing worse than a rapist boom a child no now according to the map there should be another Titan on the other side of this Lake while swimming I caught two new water types vua and dondoo then a not so new one Vaporeon but the craziest Pokémon I found was a tree it's actually a ground grass type called toad School wait toad school like toad stool from the Mario Universe first a super mushroom now a toad stool is Mario going to be in the DLC sorry I'm getting sidetracked the whole reason I came here in the first place was to find the Titan that resided on this island however I don't see it anywhere and for some reason I can't pick up this item let me pick up the item I knocked out a few of those Tatsu giris but it seemed like a waste of time I swear it has something to do with this unattainable beam of light so I'll just come back later at the end of the game once I've unlocked everything by the way what is with these level 50 eveve lutions in the wild who's not going to swipe these up when they find them then after a few more encounters toad School evolves into toad scre just a around the corner was the fourth team star base and it looks like they specialize in fairy types so bronzong's coming back baby level 50 what is the order you're supposed to do these things only my Evolutions are that high Ortega the boss of this star base sends azumo out first this physical attacker prompts bronzong to carry out its long but worthwhile process of building defenses while healing with protects in between turns 14 turns later AZ umero is squashed next up is Doc spun a species I've never battled before so I protected to scout out it attack that being a crunch yep it's physical bronzong do your thing third was Wigglytuff who I'm usually used to seeing as a special attacker however play Ruff proves that's not the case leading to another small victory for bronzong I don't mean to sound like a broken record but the rut Boss starm mobile is a physical attacker as well with its torque move being very typing so bronzong ain't dying no time soon the problem is my Steely friend ran out of moves so let's give our new toad scrw friend a shot well that didn't work you know what let's try something else jolon has a great nerfing move called charm lowering their attack stat by two stages the starm mobile has something up its sleeve too confus Ray and even more important than that it's incredibly lucky jolon couldn't pull off another single charm because he kept hitting himself in confusion and guess who else suffers the same fate what Incarnation RNG go ODS no no syon stop it just Land one more attack please yes gosh that was so annoying we're then treated to Ortega's flashback of Team star Ortega's family is wealthy and he took on the duty of making the starm mobiles while Mila's fire type Pokemon would juice them up reality Ortega tells me I am the worst like the most annoying person ever the disguise director then approaches Ortega asking why he became a member of teamstar Ortega simply said that the bosses of Team star were being bullied then Harrington the other guy you see there who happened to be the preceding director to clell told us that the bullies are now gone because team Star had a massive fight with him however he removed all the disciplinary action held against them when one student said they would take the blame for all of them copia confirms this along with Team star scaring off the bullies was so bad that in the end they were the villains the bullied become the bullies Penny your timing is always suspiciously impeccable the final gym was just south of here so back to the snowy mountains we go you really let yourself go huh Whooper a level 50 primeape shees anything to avoid the grind am I right now say hello to monten hello the choice with gym leader rhyme is that she raps first things first I eat your brain then I'm rocking gold tee and F the actual twist is she challenges you to a double battle rather than singles double battles are my favorite way to play Pokémon problem is I'm way overl leveled what the heck I can never get this right Pokémon company why did you put Ryme in the back of the map if she's not the final gym leader well I had no choice but to slaughter them like animals just like my good friend Anakin taught me toxcity I'm sorry we didn't have a fair fight talk to your master as for me all eight gym badges are mine my two love stalkers congratulate me on my success and inform me that I can now take on the Pokemon League the other two stories will still need to be done but hey let's take a crack at the Pokémon League it all starts with an in interv asking me dumb questions like how I got here what's the name of my school and why I want to do this then the tricky one comes which gym leader was the most difficult at first glance I figured you can answer any way you wanted then they would let you in anyways then the interviewer asks what was the name of that gym leader God I don't remember where each gym leader resides I see that concludes this interview one of the staff will let you know the results um yeah you failed what they straight up don't let you enter the Pokémon League until you pass all right think Andrew think I remember glaco jym was led by grusa possibly the only combination I remember I'm then asked which type she used and how could I forget how hard I stalled out those ice types A couple more stupid questions such as do you like Pokemon and I'm finally in ra the interviewer also happens to be the first Elite 4 member ho that level difference this time for once it's my own fault for skipping ahead I still think I can do this though Sushi being the lucky cat he is is up against a ground specialist whis cash was harmless but Ra's next Pokémon camerupt could pose a problem I use U-turn to Pivot into my big boy dondoo he gets yawned before taking out the camel then falls asleep looks like game freak forgot to make his eyes closed when dozed off I bring back in sushi to flower trick Dawn fan however it was bulky enough to live and poison jab back knocking out my pet toad scroll will have to be the grass type star for the rest of the match seed bombing dafan Giga draining dug Trio and Seed buming Ra's Ace Claire the little baby is the second Elite Four member wasting no time initiating the Second Battle since I don't know the elite specialty types I always lead with sushi to scout it out then you turn on out of there go primeape well that didn't work the only reason I put primeape on the team was cuz she was level 50 I still have toad scroll to crack those steel types though a couple earth powers do the trick and ah shoot a corvite jolon resists the Brave Bird and Thunderbolt this thing will you it's survived Jan no you'll pay for this Corvin knite I have my physical tank dondoo who loves eating leftovers while taking a dive then popping out at you the next turn the third Steel type is Magneton which is perfect because they're obviously going for an electric move which toad scroll invalidates earth power is quad super effective so you know how that ends bronzong is the baby's second last mon and it could have one of two different abilities so I give earth power a go and unfortunately it has levitate I try to sport later to no avail getting knocked out before having the chance to do so Sushi makes a comeback appearance with his night slashes is slicing through that chunk of metal the baby had one more Pokémon a man I had never seen tinon I wasn't sure what would be effective against it but that hammer gave me a sneaking suspicion it was a physical attacker which means it's Dondo time seriously this guy is impressive I thought he was doomed after using one dive but he hung in there with 2 Hp giving him another opportunity to attack with dive he got close to taking home the W himself but didn't quite make it leaving Sushi to land the kill shot the third Elite member open the doors his professional presence struck an unknown fear it's Larry at least I know what to expect with this guy ah crap I sent in primate first because I thought he was going to use normal types again sorry girl oh you lived get back in the Pokeball you could use the XP jolon it's time to fry these birds talize Thunderbolt man I thought that would take out the tropus but that level Gap really makes the difference another one makes the dyno extinct things go a lot better from here staraptor gets one shot by Thunderbolt alaria has to be struck twice and oricorio heals us with her Revelation Dance thanks to our volt absorb Larry's last Pokémon is the flamingo what kind of Ace is that Larry that's an early game on as a result jolon lands the KO with one Thunderbolt Hey look it's the guy that popped up at the gyms a few times throughout my journey Hassle and he's going to live up to his name cuz this guy uses dragon types Sushi you are not suited for this matchup jolon I need you to put Noivern to sleep so Sylveon can set up after you faint there's the yawn and Jon is a goner Sylveon comes in Comal mining twice boosting his special attack and special defense Sylveon proceeds to moonblast Noivern but then comes in a dilemma when confronted by the poison type dragi with hope I terize Sylveon to put some extra punch into his moonblast yet it still wasn't enough thankfully the Comm mines from earlier helped us survive the incoming sludge bomb then they passed away the next turn although that victory was shortlived when haxus came in to clean house with Iron Head dondoo let's get revenge for our fairy friend since haurus resists water I command him to body slam the dragon hoping we would paralyze them in the process back and forth with dragonclaw and body slam we go and they somehow never got paralyzed resulting in dond Doo's demise Sushi gets into play rough avenging our fish pal and even wipes out the next Pokemon with one play rough as well hass's last Pokemon was back's caliber AKA it's unlike flapple this thing has some bulk taking the play rough pretty well then the icle crashes Came Upon Us crushing sushi Cod scroll and primip is useless so they show off a move as seen from the Godzilla movies well now that I know what to expect I lead with Sylveon on my second rematch Sylveon has great special defense and Noivern is a special attacker so it's my time for eveve Lucian to meditate with multiple combines while healing with leftovers each turn six to be exact now Sylveon is in the red zone of HP so I have to make sure I finish Noivern off right with a draining kiss healing a massive amount of HP in the process with this new found power I BL blow away dragi with a single moonblast the question was would Sylveon die to an iron head that a boy Sylveon kiss that son of a gun goodbye and heal up some more fapo goes down easily like last time then we are fac to face with back's caliber once again they drop the icles and the luck goes in their favor flinching Sylveon this marks the end of our hero for this battle will our team avenge him jolon steps up to the plate Charming excalibur's attack power in half that has to be enough to stop the Carnage of glaive Rush dondoo can you put a stop to this well at least you lived one attack and pulled off one Dragon move before losing to it Sushi come on man I need you to stop this monster yes I freaking love how fast you are that puts an end to the temporary wall hassle was for us giving us the opportunity to challenge GA asath that's your first Pokemon get him out of here sushi g go huh simple enough you turn into uh primape this poison jab was the most useful thing primape ever did during the Pokémon League and she still lost talk about not impressive Sushi let's get you back in here to finish off the goat avalo man she just won't give Sushi a break dondoo wait why did I bring in dondoo avalo can most likely tank physical moves better than we can how about Sylveon can you do [Music] this yep can do whoa King Gambit that's a sick design too bad I'll have to destroy you with toad [Applause] scroll or maybe not Jon you got anything for this guy Old Reliable Sushi knows how to sneak out of there then come back to steal the credit belua is your second last mon that's weak SAS I'll talize Sushi to ensure the flower trick Kos now for her final Pokémon glamora I've never seen this thing nor know it's typing lucky for me though it terzes into pure rock typing giving Sushi the free win with a massive super effective hit one hit koing G's Ace now that I have the status of champion neona acts like we're meant to be you and me are best rivals for Life oops couldn't hear you I'll say it again let's you and me be Rivals for Life sorry not going to stop until I hear yes let you and me be best rivals for life oh wait you you'll be my rival won't you you me Rivals yes ah she won't leave me alone fine are your parents home no the Victory Road story isn't quite over yet one final battle remains between neona and I she has the champion rank as well so let's see who's better level 65 okay neona you win I kept restarting after each loss to see if there was a way I could win with the team I had on hand a sane person would switch up their Pokémon or grind up to a higher level but but I was determined to show nimona that I was the better trainer even with a significant difference in levels after more practice than I'd care to admit I think I figured it out I led with toad scrw who dodged the Stone Edge then put ly androck to sleep with Spore he then power whipped the wolf to zero HP huh maybe I should have done that first nimona flexes her pseudo legendary next Goodra this chubster ice beams which toad scrw was four times weak to however he's been holding a yachi berry all this time that's never been used until now helping him survive the blast Spore puts Goodra to sleep that dragon is a special defensive tank so I brought in sushi to play rough physically a couple turns while they died in their sleep pona sends in the fighting type Pont to counter my dark type I have no need for toad scrw anymore so I switched him back in to be clocked back into our corner I then realized oh wait Pama is a fighting type sorry there are so many new Pokémon to learn and I guess p and tentac cruel's counterpart died for nothing neona throws us back to the past with a titan-like Ortho worm that is normal in size Sushi pivots with U-turn into dondoo kicking into gear the most boring part of this battle I have no other way to play against this Nightcrawler except with dond Doo's tankiness and dive with leftovers even after all of that Shenanigans he still falls short but at least chipped enough of Ortho worm's hit points for primape to come on in and finish it with a close combat another one for dun dun sparse then she instantly dies the end of the battle is in sight as I teriz Sushi pounding both dunun sparse and qua quav Val into pavement completing the Victory Road storyline once and for all Andrew come in there's still one team star base left yes I know copia I'm here now the leader of this squad's location is the long missing member of the band KISS what's impressive about the grunts here is that it's my first time my Pokemon were actually damaged during the defeat 30 time trial we came to Dethrone AR though and I thought I was going to be ready for her fighting types with Sylveon but her first mon countered us with its poison typing I lobed primeape in there as death F then tried to beat toxic cro with sushi who barely lost the standoff Jon shocks away the little remaining HP they had had then pasame and tags in for their teammate the monkey shakes off her Thunderbolt retaliating with a body crushing close combat the rain seems to have appeared out of nowhere so dond dozo seems to be the best next choice nope still not enough he gets The Knockout next time but has less HP than planned annihilate how do I get one of those anyways dondoo chips at their health with Dives then toad scroll lands the final blow on it and gets rid of Lucario in the same fashion every starm mobile is the last to break down things end rough for toad scrw being decimated by combat torqus because I forgot Spore doesn't affect these cars lucky for me I had a terized Sylveon who easily overpowers the automobile in a fighting stance I report to copia who reveals they are the big boss over all the other bosses holy cow this has got to be the biggest reveal since the cameos and Spider-Man first things first I go replace primape with slacking so I can actually have a full party of six Adam in nature too I head back to the school grounds which is where copia told me to meet him Mr clel reveals himself to have been the disguised school boy all along that's not the Shocker though he's actually copia too that's impossible so was I right from the beginning when I joked he was the bad guy I had my bets on it being someone else so Bravo Pokémon for catching me off guard I start off strong with sushi disposing of a raro with a couple cheap shots but the moment we've all been waiting for Prime ap's replacement you have got to be kidding me ah Sushi you're going to fail me too Sylveon impeaches President Obama Snow then swaps out for jolon at the side of the Gyarados after taking the hit for their eveve Lucian cousin Thunderbolt massacres the water Onyx I suspect cell's py guys to survive a blast of Thunderbolt so I lower their special defense instead with fake tears then watch my jolon faint and do I go for the kill with Sylveon nope I get super greedy with Calm Mind now Sylveon blows away the teacup then dies to a mushroom so I bring in my own fungi guy obviously ours being the better one and at long last I finally get to see the final evolution of f Coco skurge I like the fact that it's on four legs but why did they geometrically mess up his face I look forward to using you someday buddy but for now Mr clel must be taken down I am not actually copia what was the point of that battle then looking back on it this is on me because copia did say to meet them during the night time and I'm not going to sit around waiting so I went back to the island where I never found the Titan and started beating up the Tatsu giris only just now do I realize this one is saying Titan so I could have done this earlier it's an even bigger dondoo than mine nowhere near our level though and the tatui even wants to fight that little guy right there like a cat Sushi feasts on its prey besting the last Titan by the way Sushi has never missed a play rough this entire playthrough anyways coridon Chows down another herb sandwich granting it the ability to climb Arvin hears a sudden movement from his dog MOS stiff is finally healed and will continue to live on by Harvin's side can we just skip to the next seat already Professor Sada what are you calling for she asks Arvin to take us back to the lighthouse where her lab is stored after the call he reveals to us that she is his mom he hasn't talked to her in years because she's always put her work first and now he's frustrated cuz she's treating him like an Aaron boy he doesn't have a single memory of being with her which is why mosti means so much to him inside we speak to the professor who wants us to bring this book to the large crater called area zero before going she suggests We Gather a team of four Arvin suggests two people in particular we already know pneumonia will do anything for us and Arvin has spoiled who the real final boss of Team star is path of Legend story is complete and ah Shucks it's daytime again so I went around Paia catching new Pokemon at nightfall I made my way back to the school Battlegrounds where I found copia revealing herself to be Penny she had his fight on her behalf because of part of her still wanted team star to live on which won't go away unless she's defeated in a battle the Eevee backpack she wears now makes sense cuz she uses an eve Lucian team now I like eeve Lucian as much as the next guy heck I even got two of them on my team right now but they're really not the biggest threat and don't make the best team composition when put together Penny went for style over substance which I can respect I just found the starm mobiles to be a lot more threatening the last flashback of Team star begins playing this was after The Big Brawl they had with the bullies where penny tried to convince the other bosses to go back to school and that she would take the blame for all of them the others refused to do so and Penny couldn't bring herself to come face to face with them back reality flash forward to the president where Mr clavel surprises penny with the other bosses and of course they all get along and have their happy ending committing to go back to school Starfall Street complete with a total of four teammates gathered we make our way to area zero which is the crater located dead center in Pia thus beginning the fourth story arc of this game the way home this profession Professor sod lady is trusting school children to dive off this balcony into the depths of area zero just look at how irresponsible this group is they hop on coridon almost leave me behind and I'm a dead man if Arvin loses his grip even the tiniest bit down below Professor s instructs us to disable a lock within each of the four research centers sounds kind of video gamey but you are in a video game the worst part about this place is that coridon won't come out of his pokeball making the Trek to the bottom a sluggish Venture guarding one of the facilities is an ancient looking Jigglypuff named scream tail what kind of name is that simply a noun s calls us informing us that a time machine has brought Pokémon from the past to area zero however humans cannot travel back to the present coridon was the first Pokémon that was successfully retrieved from the past by The Time Machine further down the hole we run into a great Tusk confirming to Arvin and I that the Titan we faced early on in the story was indeed an ancient Pokémon at the base of area zero lied a cave which Del even further into the ground bringing us to a crystal filled chamber this place here is where the same species resides of champion G's Ace Pokémon so I got to put it on my team right more ancient Pokémon are spotted and each of the four locks are now disabled S starts malfunctioning so we waste no time making our way to the lab dunpar what are you doing another coridon and it's eyeing the dunpar uh-oh it's coming it's running towards dunpar is this part of the story are we just going to sit here and sacrifice the dunpar I guess the ritual worked cuz multiple Pokemon come out of the gate attacking us ancient amongus is called Brute Bonet but I think impostor is more fitting dunpar you're alive and inside is the professor finally I get to meet this hot babe in person oh it's not her it's just a robot powered by AI created by the professor she asks us to put a stop to The Time Machine she explains that the device catches Pokémon from the past and is continuing to bring them to our time time at this rate they'll break out of area zero and run rampant across the palan region the professor's Hope was that they would live alongside us but the ai's calculations prove they won't we can stop it by placing the book from the lab on the time machine's pedestal access denied AIS did warn us beforehand that her programming would force them to attack us after doing so with the memories of multiple Champions her battling skills will be sharp and boy was I not ready for her first Pokémon Slither Wing I had no idea what its typing was and didn't expect Ed to be a physical attacker since Volcarona leans on the special side even when I figured out how to beat it ai's other ancient Pokemon posed a threat as well with that loss brought me experience ready to take on the AI once again Slither Wing is now part fighting type without the fire typing its counterpart has thus making Sylveon a great lead for this fight Sandy shocks the Magneton variant is up next I have toad scr Sports asleep then suck out their energy with gigar drains scream tail is the third to appear and is where I complicate the strategy a bit I swap in glamora to bait a psychic attack back from the puffball which I respond to by switching in sushi who is immune to it this should now prompt the enemy to use a fairy move which glamoro resists and every time my new Pokemon enters The Fray I use spiky Shield not only protecting us but also removing an eighth of scream tailes HP each time I bring back in sushi for the psychic move you turn out of there rinse and repeat until flower trick can land the kill you know what else glamora did during that bout his ability toxic debris scattered toxic spikes on the fo side of the field every time he was attacked so with flutter m i prepared glamora before this battle by giving him the left door s helping him to stall with spiky shield and sludge wave as the alternate mevious suffered the effects of the poison unfortunately this is the part where some sacrifices must be made BR Bonnet more like brutal Bonnet proved Superior to my pal Sushi and glamora their downfalls were not invading though since they were able to watch the sussy Baka take poison damage while they were alive this allowed Sylveon to finish the job it was time to face AI sada's Ace roaring Moon the ancient salamance how do I triumph over this epic moment of of Pokémon history the lame way of course I'd switch back and forth between dondoo and Sylveon the forers defenses would withstand the earthquakes relatively well and the ladder would nullify the dragon claw that was meant for the big fish all while the toxic spikes did their thing the AI looked to be defeated but it's programming was persistent and wouldn't give up it initiated a new protocol locking pokeballs register to us then sent out its true final Pokémon to devour us ha you're four times weak to fair you idiot go Sylveon ah my old ball won't open up if only there was a Pokémon that wasn't technically mine that was given to me at the beginning of the game that the game wouldn't ever let me use until a major super dramatic event was taking place all right you lazy bucket of Bones it's time for you to battle for once transition into fighting form AR coridon is clearly inferior but you know what who cares bull crap friendship mechanic baby coridon Terror blast impossible the world is saved and my friends and I dwell on what just happened by the way our is looking a little down because we found out back there that his real mom is dead little do we care though wanting to explore the rest of Pia wow I can't think of better friends to have Arvin with all four story lines finished neona suggests we celebrate with a Pokémon battle contest she invites GA to join in on the fun but she needs help lightening her schedule she needs to inspect each of the gym leaders teams to make sure they're not slacking off and asks us if I can do it in herstead then she asks Penny to patch some technical issues but there's a bunch of anime I've missed that I was just going to binge Demon Slayer season 3 ain't out yet girl you got time the gym leaders all now have five Pokémon being in the high level 60s and glamora is the star against most of them his power gems Crush Katie's bugs and sludge wave drowns braus his plants but it's against the other Gym Leaders where I learned why this is G's Ace Pokemon the problem is how GA uses it you're supposed to send it in first this thing learns acid armor boosting its defense by two stages three of those and your bulk is maxed out combining that with spiky shield and leftover makes you virtually indestructible and don't forget about the SP spikes from toxic debris nowadays people only seem to want a shock Factor something weird something bizarre at the end of the day though nothing beats the relief of coming home even after a fun vacation wa Larry I can totally relate to those words some jyms glamora can't solo of their special attackers thus Sushi knocks out the lights of the psychic gym and Jon electrocutes the Water Gym together the ghostb Rhymes team just like the old days but as for the rest of them gamora's got it in the bag all right GA I'm ready to report this location is perhaps a little too public um why are you following me into my room you better watch who you're calling a child Lois because if I'm a child then you know what that makes you a pedophile so is this the dorm where you live I slept for a week the contest now named The Academy Ace tournament can begin the tourney is up against any student or faculty member at random but the first time you reach the finals GA shows up as a special guest I won the exact same way when we last battled GG GA the prize a hat seriously neona where's the money ah whatever I haven't attended any of my classes this whole game so I'll see if that gets me anything I aced every course biology math history languages Battle Studies art and homech what do I get for my hard work medium rare candies what a joke something good did come of it though rfor the history instructor now hangs out near the books on the main floor she teaches you that the stakes which you've seen me pull some throughout this playthrough can unlock the Pokémon of Ruin she marks the locations of all four of them on my map I race over to one but then decide to shift my focus to filling my Pokedex with the hopes of running into the stakes during my journey I dive back into area zero to add the ancient Pokémon to my decks and discover some peculiar glitches along the way at this time I couldn't find Roaring Moon I did run into that other coridon though and even saved my master ball by catching it with an Ultra Ball nice after nine Generations we finally have a dolphin Pokemon jeez how did that take so long and this Pokemon rolls poop yeah I'm okay we waited for that one back to the cute ones though like tandem Mouse they stick together like duct Trio and Magneton two I didn't get a chance to capture footage for were ditto and Zorua since I was grinding Dex completion in handheld mode for p gen Pokémon they caught me off guard went away from my computer I take a pit stop at zapapico where I meet this old guy who's in possession of the item that would evolve our little Edge Lord sharak Cadet his request for a trade kill bronzor and bring back their fragments I've seen some bronzong in the mountains what else will we encounter Mini godzill oh thank goodness you don't have to speak with 128 players online to uncover spear tomb oh bronzong there you are Master a Skywalker there are too many of them what are we going to [Music] do worth it hey squa cabilly looks like Elvis you ain't nothing but then there's some moves and mechanics I haven't used yet like Prim Apes rage fist after using it a few times she evolves into annihilate that would have been useful earlier another mechanic was let's go aside from the team star bases I forgot all about this and Pokemon like brambling need a thousand steps in the Overworld pamu needs this too then level them up to watch them evolve reer needs a walk too except he has to be in the dirt or mud just how he likes it you're sick you know that I tried evolving tandem Mouse next but apparently they have to level up via their own battle I don't have friends I got family somewhat related to family are the poniard soldiers of a Bisharp when you capture their leader you'll see that they're holding a Leader's Crest with it you must find three other Bisharp leaders defeating them each in a night/ standoff but jeez where are these guys after rebooting my switch many times I hardly saw any Bisharp let alone any leading sard so I switched gears to hunting down gimme G chests that were usually chilling at the top of watchtowers once I gather 999 gimme ghoul coins I would be able to evolve my own gimy ghoul we're almost there Bisharp just a few more coins wait Bisharp where are you doing don't hurt me Bisharp I was only a few pennies short from evolving my ghoul I figured I would find the last coins I needed as I continued my quest of catching them all save for King Gambit I even found roaring Moon before his majesty then memor struck me again I keep forgetting to use the let's go mechanic this swiftly diminishes the encounters already here in the bamboo forest which then allows more chances for Bish Sharps with poniards to appear I couldn't believe it what seemed like a luck Fest grind turned into a simple Endeavor now that Bisharp has proved himself to be Above the Rest he can now Zoom around in his office chair remember these stakes in the ground I've been going over in detail me neither it's cuz they're long tedious and boring if you want to see them for yourself just Google it there are a million guides out there what is important to know is they unlock the legendary Pokémon of ruin the first one I meet is called woen it's a tanky Porky fellow which Drew out the battle long enough to last at least 10 turns that with it being burned led to my success in capturing it with a timer ball for chimp pow I came more prepared I brought Raichu to paralyze it lowered its HP with the rest of my gang then caught it in an Ultra Ball tinglu the third Legend of Ruin was the easiest to catch Sushi played rough and huzzah only one remained and while I sought out the stakes I found the last coin I needed to evolve my chest modon into whatever a Goldie go is what is this he's literally on grass I Che you last legendary of Ruin almost there teacher RoR what do I get for doing your work for you man the rewards suck in this game I risked my life for you you know who I can rely on myself all the Pokémon that remain incomplete in my Pokedex are tasks that I can't do with a lone copy of Pokémon Scarlet I bust out my second switch containing Pokémon Violet having each of my a Avatar summon Finn is in level them up and can't tell the difference well watch what happens after I use flip turn Mermaid Man and what you're looking at here is the ending of the story for Pokemon Violet that's right I played through the entire game once again just so I could get Violet exclusives like me Ryon it' mean the world to me if you would like the video since I put so much time into this with the alternate version comes a lot of Trades here are the new Pokémon from The Violet exclusives iron bundle iron hands iron moth iron Valiant iron jugas jugul Mecca Godzilla iron Treads and I traded over the malicious armor to evolve a Char Cadet into cage I also started two new save files in order to transfer over the water and fire starters then evolve them on up finally resulting in a completed Pokedex unlike other assignments this one actually paid off with your home room teacher gifting you the shiny charm from here on out I'll be continuing my my progress in Pokémon Violet with that said 10 months later welcome to the land of kakami the rice fields are just dazzling up ahead is moui town and one of us is already sick start I don't feel so good Miss Brier our chaperon from the blueberry Academy asks me to run ahead to the community center for help but first I'm going to use only Pokémon found in kakami since mine are overpowered thus spinak will be my starter for this journey which is fitting since they're the first entry in the local Pokedex I proceeded to catch other returning Pokémon and evolved them all shortly after a simple level up now I was off to the community center that is until two strangers block the entrance first of all how in the world do you keep your hair in place like that and second who made you in charge of gatekeeping moui town from Outsiders we are in the Pokémon world so only a battle could resolve our conflict our opponent's name is Carmen alongside her younger brother Kieran hold up a level 60 poiana why don't you just evolve it already oh you know about type matchups huh HP is that you seriously though you should really evolve your Pokémon at least she had the new poist species to show off but that's an unevolved Pokémon too so bye-bye for now you who are you I am the danger anywh who the local caretaker scares off the duo and oh shoot I forgot all about the sick kid look I'm going to be totally honest with you I forgot you're here they tend to his needs and we retired to bed for the night in the morning We Gather in front of the building and learn that the two punks from yesterday are actually students from Briar's blueberry Academy the caretaker instructs us to find three signboards to prove we've completed the task we're required to take a snapshot of ourselves in front of each sign using the Roto stick but first let me take a selfie I get partnered with Kieran who requests a battle before our departure a come on what's with you guys not evolving your Pokémon suit yourself after that quick fight we made our way to the Loyalty Plaza to read the first signpost long long ago there was a Fier some ogre in the land of kitakami one day the ogre came down from the mountain and a terrible rage causing great fear in the village for her true love and true love's first [Music] kiss on the other side of the plaza was a monument of the loyal three that saved the Village from the ogre selfie taken and on to the next one over at kakami Hall the sign board here reads that the ogre possessed four masks three of which were rested Away by the loyal three before they fell to their demise we take another snapshot and instead of seeking out the third signpost Kieran takes me up Oni Mountain to show me where the dreaded den of where the ogre supposedly lives what are you doing in my my swamp Kieran has a strange fascination with the ogre and has visited the den on multiple occasions in hopes of running into it then he gets the bright idea that a battle between us may lure out the ogre you're going to get us all killed at least he evolved his CIT and added a py world to his party it doesn't change the outcome in the slightest though and look Kieran no ogre came what a waste of time that was in fact the sun has already gone down and now we have to postpone the sign mission to tomorrow thanks for nothing thing kid Kieran attempts to make up for it by bringing me to his home in preparation for the Festival of The Masks I met his grandparents Who provided me with a change of gin byy clothes to better fit in for tonight however their shed only had two spare masks and Carmen's not going to share without a battle first I feel you Kieran why is she like this one cool thing did happen during our bout morco now eats a little snack to get out of its hangry mode I also got to see POA gist's evolved form Sina and credit where credit is due Carman actually had some resemblance of strategy giving the te ghost an aaer to hold helping it with Stan nin tales's flamethrower but if you thought this quick tempered teenager would give her mask after losing then you were wrong Kieran does reveal that she was tearing the shed aart trying to find a Third Mask before I got there young love anyways here we are at the festival of The Masks one of the booths hosted a miname called ogre atin a time trial where you pop balloons to collect berries which you then deposit at their corresponding tables and watch out for those freeloader greedant looking to mooch off the tables maridon use Roar and that's the miname nonetheless it's got nothing on the Pokémon Stadium mini games in my opinion is is that the ogre apparently my character thinks it's a child and then Carmen shows up unintentionally scaring the Little Critter away which I can totally understand from a personal level but they dropped their teal mask yeah definitely not some random kid Carmen no no you're going to scare it away I'm trying to I ran away she further complicates things by forcing me to keep our encounter a secret from kierin so I went back to the community center woke up the next day to find Carmen waiting for me outside and boy is she cranky in the morning I'm going to make you swallow a cuffing hole time for the pill oh barnacles I hate the pill she continues her Rampage by yelling at her brother to buzz off just so we can ask her Grandpa alone about the ogre to which he then reveals the True Story a tale passed down from generation to generation yes it was true The Village did indeed fear the ogre and its companion just because they looked different there was one villager who pied the two Travelers The Village mask maker several masks were made for the duo and they quickly became the talk of the village thanks to their brilliant masks a group of greedy Pokémon heard about the masks and decided to steal them for themselves all except for one the man tried to fend the moth but was not strong enough the ogre sprinted to the village and searched for its friend found the greedy Pokémon and defeated them however from the villager's eyes all they saw was a raging ogre they thought the three Pokémon had fallen trying to protect them from the Beast which is why they honor them to this day Carmen's Grandpa makes us promise not to tell anyone since the village would likely react negatively to the truth oh and Kieran can't know about this either on the other side of kakami was the third and final sign board where I had to once again battle Kieran for no apparent reason seeing dipin for the first time was pretty sweet though afterwards Kieran looked pretty pissed in the photo overall it was a short day another morning another unhinged attitude one thing I didn't mention about yesterday was that the ogre's teal mask needed to be fixed so up the mountain I climbed until I found a shiny believe it or not this is actually my first shiny in all of scarlet and violet I wish they'd add in the shiny sound from Legends archus back to what I was saying at the top of the mountain was a myotic guarding a clump of crystals that could repair the ogre's teal mask on the way down I encountered a couple high-leveled wild Terra Pokémon which was nice because my team was falling behind levelwise but maybe I shouldn't have gotten sidetracked because Kieran stole the mask from his grandpa he only got to the Loyalty plaza where he revealed to us that he heard the whole true story about the ogre and the loyal 3 then he starts blurting out nonsense that we're treating him just like how the village treated the ogre talking to himself and calling us Liars the kid's gone crazy and are these two brats the only people I'm going to battle this entire Journey at least kieran's team is getting more legit but that doesn't stop my new glamora and Chandelure from sweeping his party ow I sure never let Teenage inks get to my head like that oh that's not so much h [Music] so what's going on [Music] now could it be the loyal no the mischievous Three Dog monkey bird they've been resurrected how I don't have to explain myself the first grows a griffi the second Bel a Yip and the third says okay why in the world does the little monkey speak in South Park memes okay they're running off to kakami Hall we race after them and to what should not be a surprise The Village folk gleefully gave them back their masks and fed them specialty plates and now the loyal three are heading up the mountain to finish off the ogre Carmen we got to split up take the teal mask to go get it fixed and I'll go save the ogre in the name of Shrek's law I command you to stop and stop saying m okay glamora use sludge wave ah it's not very effective and it's using psychic monkey Dory must be poison psychic typing get in here Chandelure and give them a nice Shadow Ball there we go what the flip monkey Dory has a heart on its butt yeah you better run cuz I'm really going to bully you next time Carmen brought Kieran this time who of course loved seeing the ogre in real life we then return the teal mask to its rightful owner ogre pawn and don't worry little guy we're going to get the other mask back too the three troublemakers retreated to the following locations throughout kakami I Fly Southwest to Monkey Dory first to spank its heart butt again but uh is it just me or is he a whole lot bigger this time we better team up for this one Carmen it starts off with a special defense boost no worries I still got Chandelure in my back pocket to resist those poison attacks Carmen has her morpo paralyzed the chimp with Thunder Wave which allowed my lamp to blow multiple Shadow balls at them before going going down herself shiny grumpig and sinis jaw Whittle down the rest of the Titanic's HP causing monkey Dory to shrink back to its normal size and run away second mask obtained next we traversed Northeast to fundip who reminds me a lot of Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda they too have grown in size and start things off with a speed boost every move I threw at it gave off neutral damage while they kept play roughing me which hinted a fairy poison typing eventually like its partner in crime they ran out of hit points shrunk back to Pheasant size and we retrieved The Third Mask only one more remained from the ginormous oky DOI up Northwest the mean green fighting machine raises its defenses but I got to say kmen has been doing a fantastic job Landing those Thunder waves it really made tracking down the masks a seamless process so long fighting poison type that's all four masks now that ogre Pon is Happy Kieran wants to bring them to the Village so that's it what we some kind of Suicide Squad despite not wanting to be there Kieran insists it'll be fine guess we'll just have to see what happens kill him no that didn't happen Kieran told them all the truth and everyone is very sorry wait this is all your fault this small fry has literally suffered for Generations all because you and your ancestors were worried about offending people sheesh ogre pon is overjoyed and even wants to join my side in future Adventures but Kieran oh Kieran he liked the ogre since the beginning Envy consumes his mind he wants the ogre for himself I know I'm being real selfish if you know that then stop it we're not slave owners right Peta well it looks like we're battling to be a slave holder how honorific also Kieran has a full team and has trained his Pokémon into the' 70s so I made sure to level up my mons in preparation anyways I'm off to a great start start with a type advantage however shift tree survived due to its held Focus stash 10 out of 10 for prep Kieran but thanks for setting up gamora's toxic spikes and your Pal's not going to survive a second hit GL score is next to which I counter with a viavolt switch in to levitate over the incoming earthquake my Beetle's only priority is to place a sticky web and Chip some damage before being crushed by Rock tombs I follow with grass terizing my Chandelure to no longer be weak to ground attacks and can still burn bugs to a crisp with Heatwave now I have no concerns when it comes to speed because thanks to vicol Sticky web every grounded Pokemon Kieran sends in suffers a drop in their speed Chandelure gets out the broom and sweeps with energy ball Shadow balls the dipin but misses The Knockout against propop pass resulting in Chandelure fainting still no skin off my back Lan's got Leaf blade [Music] oh propop pass is even stronger now sorry Levan you're dead Ninetales the honor goes to you I knew I couldn't win then why did you even you know what forget it ogre Pon you ready to test my worthiness let's do this immediately ogre Pon testales one of its masks transforming into a fire type and boosts attack ogre Pon signature move is Ivy cudle which changes typing depending on the mask in this case fire I played pretty re ly thinking I was going to catch ogre Pon after defeating them like this but no that's not how things go down at all you see it looks like he's about to give up the ghost now however they then pull out the blue mask and terize again this time changing into water and receiving a special defense boost thankfully my Terra grass was the perfect counter but this was essentially like facing a trainer with four different Pokémon Rock typing was what came with the Third Mask along with the defense increase honestly this is is a fun new way to catch legendaries as opposed to it feeling like a six versus one one grass type remained and that was with its original teal mask with a raise in speed my Chandelure finally went down even Ninetails was outsped and was in big trouble only being able to pull off one flamethrower before losing fortunately this was Levan's time to shine compared to her last flop the ex scissors cut right through the legendary leaving them wide open to be caught [Music] [Applause] you should probably go Comfort your brother Carmen it's been a rough week oh come on I battled both of you a jillion times you want to have a battle with ogre Pon fine I'll give you a battle with ogre Pon it's kind of strange that they saved this battle for after Kieran because she didn't have a full team of six and felt a whole lot easier than him although props for not getting angry after losing I actually uh sheesh this is awkward to tell you but I hello moto seriously Miss Brier I'm pretty sure Carmen was about to confess her love to me unfortunately Carmen Kieran and Brier need to return to the blueberry Academy early as we say our goodbyes Carmen Twirls her hair in a flirtatious manner says her last words then we part our separate Place get over yourself Andrew it's just a middle school Crush long-distance relationships never work out I need to become a lot stronger stronger stronger stronger and stronger and stronger just you wait Andrew my villain Arc has just begun to be continued in the mean time I still got a pokedex to complete I evolved my new mons with an unremarkable teacup and a syrupy Apple wo I don't remember seeing your whole face like that anywh who I went back to the disloyal 3 to catch them this time then came across a descendant of adaman who is uh looking pretty fine if you ask me let's just say Carmen has competition now her name is parin occupation traveling photographer pet hisu and Growlithe she asks if it's all right to take a picture of me why yes please do she makes the first move and asks me out on a date to find the blood moon Beast with her I of course say yes beginning our travels together to snap a photo of the rare beast in the woods while searching for the URS saluna I play a poor man's version of new Pokémon Snap when all of a sudden pin wants to take things fast into the relationship and chill in the tent together she claims we had to wait safely for foggy weather to draw out the target sure whatever you say paren holy crud maybe she wasn't kidding do my eyes deceive me an actual blood moon URS saluna In the Flesh steady parin don't make any sudden mov movements you've got to be kidding me you left the flash on parin stand back I'll protect you sinista you strength sap to weaken its physical attack what in the world a Blood Moon attack jeez I'm pretty sure my sin Jud did more than just faint after that calm mind the grizzly bear is a freaking special attacker ogre Pon you better talize right away to get your special defense up ah freaking God a critical hit and why in the world are all of the loyal 3 legendaries poison typing all right this time I'm leading with my blue Shrek since I now know this thing stats are more on the special side get your Club out buddy it's banana Slammer time ooh critical hit she may have lost the battle but she won the war taking that much damage off the Beast giving oky DOI the opening he needed to finish off the blood moon URS saluna you better take that picture now parin because I'm catching this bear for myself upon further inspection I noticed blood moon ursal Luna's ability allows it to hit ghost types with normal and fighting moves yeah I'm definitely going to use this guy I didn't seriously think you'd go toe-to-toe with the blood moon Beast why in the heck did you bring me then unfortunately the photos she took are all blurry cut off and out of focus so that trip was a waste and she's just now asking for my name can I just tap that growliath and we'll call it even that was a fun fling but it was now time to part ways hopefully I'll see you in the Indigo disc expansion okay are you all ready for the tedious stuff now cuz I'm not first we go back to ogre atin why are we back doing this stupid mini game again you may ask well supposedly if you beat this on the hardest difficulty you'll be rewarded with a marked shiny Munchlax the problem is I'm pretty sure this is impossible to do alone which is why I said we when starting this back up I teamed up with multiple random strangers and I kid you not worked on this stupid time trial for over 4 hours on top of that it's glitchy the game runs terrible and worst of all my teammate and I on separate occasions had our switches bug out eliminating our progress meaning we had to beat it on easy and normal modes again eventually I found some solid players that were willing to speak via voice chat and with 2 seconds to spare won that gosh dang Munchlax not to mention only three out of four of us got it this game is trash could I get a like And subscribe for what I had to go through anyways the rest is downhill from here in a good way I successfully bested each of the kokami ogre clan members who are the strongest trainers in the area then the local caretaker wanted to rebuild the loyal 3 shrines for $1 million $1 million sorry $100 billion too late no take Backes I've already sold all my valuables and jeez was that really worth the million dollars from a child nonetheless at least I got this flashy gimm buy for donating it's like a reward jock what are you doing standing behind a tree in the middle of the night that's kind of creepy Hey kid you want an egg a nice it's a tur wig but seriously you you should stop standing there later I met pneumonia parents who are filthy rich by the way they gave me an expensive phone case which was very glittery and last but not least I initiated tradebacks for the virsion exclusives to complete the Pokedex 3 months later I reunited with Carman and Kieran at the blueberry Academy our journey begins with meeting this crosseyed fellow I'm I'm Bobby mom anywh who this is director sirano of blueberry Academy and one of his students that being Carmen recommended me to be an exchange student at their school it looks nice and all but I can't help but think it used to be the prison complex from Andor with it being mostly underwater this know it all then appear stating that it's because it's attached to an undersea plant that develops natural resources meet Lacy a seconde student a member of the blueberry Academy's Elite 4 and plays hard to get she explains they specialize in double battles at the Academy then challenges me to an introductory fight little did she know I had a team of level 100's in my pocket and a ginormous blood moon URS saluna that filled most of the screen it was an easy Battle of course and I earned a blueberry Academy uniform for winning Lacy compliments my good looks then takes me to their terrarium this park under the C has four biomes the subtropical Savannah Biome the tropical coastal biome the rugged Canyon biome and the snowy polar biome but best of all self checkout healing machines it's about time I start to gather a team of terrarium native Pokémon since my party when I got here was way overleveled during my exploration I sat in on a class talking about Regional forms and I'm then tasked with catching an alolan Pokémon I go for this alolan muuk because of its amazing poison dark typing I ended up with these six Pokémon Lacy gives an overview of blueberry Academy's BBQ's no not the delicious barbecues or the giant Barbed CU Squidward likes to hold they stand for blueberry quests that get you blueberry points in return afterwards Carmen calls me up she tells me to meet her at the central Dome and to not keep her waiting if I know what's good for me oh classic Carmen I head straight there to not keep the lady waiting where I find her talking to the most stiff person I've seen in my entire life like what's with her arms being stuck to her sides you have a freaking pocket watch in the year 2023 whatever Carmen let's have a reuniting battle and to my surprise they actually weren't kidding about the whole story being filled with double battles however ever her Pokémon are level 74 and mine aren't even close to that so of course I lose then grind them all up to level 70 they still have a ways to go and get intimidated right off the bat from midana but I think they can pull this off venoth isn't affected by the attack drop so he One-Shots maana with bug Buzz then Falls to a single beak Blast from Toc Canon Carmen continues to be annoying by weakening my muck with he had another intimidate Monon that being Scrafty at this point I had to pull muuk out temporarily in exchange for crocodile Chancey was essentially death fod since Carmen only had one special attacker but this gave Muk a safe way to rejoin the fight the brawl continues to get ugly with my crocodile getting crushed by Brick Break and muuk dumping a Gunk shot on the toucan I tralize my flyg on next as does Carmen with her sinis Jaa The attacks then go as follows flyon using dragonclaw Sina stunt boring us back scray jabbing with ice punch and Muk throwing Gunk the turn after that Flygon faints as does scray with it now now being two versus one Tauros finishes the reunion with a Raging Bull triggering Carmen's anger once again are you kidding me what was this assignment too hard for you too who the heck was that you don't hear people yelling often in Pokémon wait a minute is that Kieran how come he look so different and why is he being such a jerk Carmen says he hasn't been the same since their trip to kakami but her Exposition is interrupted by a fellow student named Drayton Carmen claims he's a bozo and that he's the worst which which probably means he's actually a good guy in fact he used to be the strongest trainer at the blueberry Academy until Kieran took the champion title from him Drayton invites me into their league club describes how it operates and that he's an Elite 4 member himself Carmen however did not make the cut and I'm sorry but I'm not wearing this club uniform Drayton then invites me to have a cafeteria date with him a what hop in Daddy's new whip excuse me who's talking to me oh Carmen of course is jealous and tries to oneup Drayton by forcing me into my room alone with her there's something I need to tell you maybe I don't hate you as much as I thought okay I guess maybe I I even kind of like you a little I guess you might even kind of say that I like you a lot bros before ho Carmen while Drayton and I were chilling the rest of the Elite Four entered the cafeteria Kieran was asked by Drayton to join him here to force him into a conversation with me huh Andrew how did you do not see me sitting right here Kieran anyways I guess I'm actually not technically a real member of The League yet until the Elite 4 and Champion vote on it Lacy and the other girl are being sticklers voting against me joining the club thankfully the boys including Kieran outnumber them and Kieran has more Authority than them all since he's the president for example the front desk wouldn't register me until Kieran stepped in to tell her to do otherwise although Kieran is creeping me out with his smile he must really want me to defeat the elite Elite Four so we can have our first rematch since kakami i' go challenge Crispen first since he seemed to be the lowest rank of the four unlike typical Pokémon leagues I need to complete their Elite trial first in order to earn the chance to battle them yet they're as childish as ever as I'm tasked with Gathering ingredients for a Spicy sandwich in order to get set ingredients I have to beat the crap out of little children to force them to hand over the goods sick of my team being underleveled I decided after beating crisen I was going to recreate my team with mons that actually have Synergy with each other for now I continued the grind of trading ingredients with the resident trainers until I had everything I needed to make The Spicy sandwich and to be honest I can't remember the last time I made a meal in this game I think I did it once and that was when the game came out over a year ago the controls are whack and the animation is even worse I know you didn't take a bite Crispen by some miracle I actually somehow passed then begin the battle with Crispen hold up he's cooking two fire types immune to ground attacks he has a full team of six Pokémon and they have held items that's sick this league is a lot more legit than I ever thought it would be I'm going to need a new team right now unfortunately most of my mods I've been using lately are level 100 that would take away the fun deep in my box though I found my team I used back in the first competitive season of Pokémon scarlet and violet and they were all well below the average trainer level here the only substitute I made was replacing vivalon with an event distributed Grim snarl I then trained the them all up to level 70 which was still seven below chisen starting Duo but I was confident in my competitively trained team I commanded harama to fake out Talon flame flinching them and burning Us in the process rhm tried to stop whatever araro was up to but it was too late the orangutan sets up trick room now for the next four turns my slower underleveled Pokémon would move first on top of that hariyama's burn status doubles his attack power thanks to their guts ability thus one rock slide knocks out Talon flame and then he gets to rock slide again because of aaro's instruct which prompts my fighting type to attack again the same turn Crispen continues to show that the blueberry Elite 4 are no pushovers when he summons his exeggutor which proves even more how well balanced their teams are compared to the average Pokémon League that Desert Palm tree retaliates with s shock obliterating my harama with a single attack well it's a good thing I brought my own fire type tal to burn krispin's exeggutor to a Chris sure my tortoise gets knocked out right after from camer s earth power but they fulfilled their Duty mudsdale put out the rest of my fire opponents with high horsepowers one for each one of them slamming them back into crispin's pokeballs winning us the first battle of the Elite 4 yo Champ in the making ah I see Drayton has been playing Pokémon red or blue lately he then congratulated me then I was off to the next Elite 4 member Ameris not going to lie I'm afraid she's going to smack me with a toos when I least expect it her Elite trial was a lot simpler and went a lot faster all I had to do is fly through some rings with maridon thank the heavens it's not like Ogre atin from the teal mask although I do wish the controls were inverted anyhow amaris checks her archaic pocket watch then begins our battle knowing she specialized in steel types I led with lilligant and tol this time the ladder sets up the sun when brought into battle which doubles lilligant speed thanks to her chlorophyll ability with her Newfound quickness she uses the move after you on her buddy TL to well go right after her this normally is a busted strategy but unfortunately Skarmory has the ability sturdy and dug Trio is holding a focus sash leaving them both at 1 HP TL then almost died to the earthquake we can use eruption one more time to get rid of them but we'll have to switch to Heatwave later since eruptions Powers based off of current HP Scizor is quad weak so they faint of course but so does my lilligant from the Empoleon Ice Beam with her gone my twal is back to being a Slowpoke so I have him protect this turn while raro twisted did our Dimension with trick room giving too his speed Advantage again I thought this men too was going to pull off two heat waves in the single turn however amaris's Reuniclus was slower than a raro which meant they attacked with psychic before my monkey could instruct tal Mudd with then KO andolon but then suffered a psychic Blast from Reuniclus my trusty steed's held item is life orb which makes attacks 30% more powerful in exchange for 10% of HP after each use so when she High horsepower the green blob to zero she went down as well no worries though hariyama's close combat is super effective against Metagross winning us the battle drton congratulates me again and Kieran appears as well to make sure I hadn't gotten weaker will you stop smiling like that Lacy was up next along with her Elite trial being a quiz nerd actually she's adorable look at her wiggling her fingers at the Pikachu wiggle wiggle wiggle her questions are relatively simple ranging from pointing out ven's radar eyes finding the difference with an antique siny keeping track of minor and what part of grund bull she uses as a pillow now to see if I can impress her with my battling skills instead of leading tol with lilligant like last time I went with the raro to set up the trick room right away except for some reason I was being dumb and didn't protect toal the first turn leaving him wide open to be struck by a stomping tantrum from grandbull weakening eruption not to mention the light screen whimsic cot placed earlier well trick room's up now so Lacy's mons are screwed now toal talize now double Heatwave attack miss you Miss how you miss he was 3 ft in front of you that was terribly unlucky Grand bull survives because of it and knocks out my Terra after only one use I work with the remaining trick room turns I have getting revenge with harama and flinching free Marina in the process Garian slow brro is Lacy's fourth Mon and she don't give an f about trick room their quick drawability if Lucky can proc slow bro to attack first no matter what after taking out primarina slobb bro also one-shotted harama with psychic who then gets a power increase from Al's decorate support move so rather than prioritizing trick room since it expired I shift in lilligant to die in hariyama's place then have a raro expel slow bro with a super effective foul play with Lacy's biggest threat gone I have harama sacrific himself with fake out to enable orang raro to set up a second trick room then I bring in mudsdale to wipe out the rest of them with high horse Powers three down one to go did you see our Pokémon battling it out um yes I was there remember they were so cute even for me you're the cutest Lacy nope wrong we're not talking about me we're talking about my Pokémon dang she shut me down quick at least I got Carmen as a backup girlfriend hey Drayton bye Drayton hello again Drayton you're the last Elite Four member so what's the trial I can only use Pokémon that were caught in the terrarian I have to defeat three trainers with the B team this is going to take forever oh only two Pokemon I take that back this is a cakewalk especially the second and third trainers who both got demolished by a single earthquake in just one turn before I knew it the fight with Drayton was on and I had the 18 team back in the party now if I wasn't lazy I would have put an ice type on the squad but we got this lilate and tol both have poor matchups to dragon types so they're just here to kick things off freaking Dragonite though has extreme speed hitting tal before could help with after you flag on fire punches and she is out of there araro comes in to do the whole song and dance of trick room while toal protects but once again Dragonite don't care about no trick room with extreme speed at least Flygon died from the next eruption drton sends in KRA after that to which I pull back tol cuz that seahorse quad resists fire now harama has something even faster than extreme speed fake out so long chump now take out kingra with close combat and septile to a nuts they survived almost had it harama but you fought well for us we'll let their own Hackus be dumb and kill off the grass starter for us with earthquake now who's your Ace Drayton Arch audon the bridge Pokemon looks like he's in pain sure go boost your special attack toal will demolish you with earth powers completing our challenge of the blueberry Elite 4 took you a while to beat the Elite 4 kind of slow for you isn't it that's it I will not be mocked by some kid who couldn't even hold his own back in kakami let's do this right now winner gets the title of blueberry champion before we start Kieran Rambles on about how all of his training and path to becoming the champion was to get revenge on me right here right now Dragonite and poly Toto huh that's a pretty good lead however my toal is the slowest meaning his harsh son cancels out poly Toad's rain and just in case you get any tricky ideas for rain later on I'll pull out my toal for now lilligant dissect the frog with leaf storm no you missed and now you're dead because of poly Toad's sunny weather ball well that harsh son really came back to bite me how do you like that see how hard I've trained not like the kid you battled in kakami huh all right Plan B harama fake out to protect the raro so she can set up the trick room now double rock slide with the power of a raro instruct watch out for that Ice Beam hang in there you've got to be freaking kidding me Kieran uses the most broken doubles Pokemon of all time incinerar this kid really does mean business har Yama I need you at full power let's bring in mudsdale ooh that's not good oh no that's really not good harama come back come back I don't want to find out what that cat is capable of and poly toad is even assisting with a helping hand use close combat right now yes let's freaking go orang raro use instruct harama close combat again that's what I'm freaking talking about okay who's next ah Grim snarl and Porygon Z Kieran commands the former to put up a reflect but that won't be enough to save Porygon from a close combat now let's see what you've saved for last Kieran Hy drapple how fitting okay we're out of trick room and he has two mons weak to fery so let's bring my own shiny Grim snarl well mine is also weak to fairy so that Spirit Break hurt pretty bad after hydrael talized into a fighting type Grim snarl is also fairy type making them immune to their fickle beam hello again trick room the following turn I mean to double attack with Spirit break but I messed up my instruct because the raro is slower meaning she moved first causing it to fail at least the monkey lived and Grim snarl pulled off a punch this turn we continue going back and forth with the foul plays teror blasts and spirit breaks until my Grim snarl faints this looks like an excellent time for my Terra boosted toal eruptions again it's it's over Kieran I am the new champion of the blueberry Academy Kieran you okay dude you look like you just got obliterated from a Yu-Gi-Oh match way to go both of you that was awesome chrisen read the room would you why but I do wrong drton gives me a master ball as a reward Kieran is still mumbling to himself and Lacy states that if I stay as Champion chrispin will be knocked out of the Elite Four however we're Saved by the Bell from Lacy's Logistics talk with the announcement that a few of us needed to see Miss Brier she's inviting us four to go with her on an expedition to area zero to investigate the teral phenomenon and hopes to find the legendary Pokémon Terra pegos straon chicken out Kieran failed to obtain ogre Pon for himself last time so he's definitely in and of course Carmen is going if I am GA and Rea also made a brief appearance to hand me the Indigo disc which was provided by a researcher and investor sometime time ago anywh who together we travel back to paa and enter area zero Miss Brier's Violet book mentions depths that go even deeper than the encounters I had with professors Sada and Toro since I'm the only one with experience traversing this area I lead the way down to as far as I've been before the door into the lab however has been locked ever since I saved paa over a year ago it's a good thing I'm the main character with plot armor and the Indigo disc I literally just got 5 seconds ago voila the door is opening I'll be it with some bad frame rate nevertheless we're in it's way too dark in here I just smacked my head on something meanwhile Miss Brier is obsessed with going down down you say this elevator just keeps going further and further down that's what elevators do wow I didn't know that I just you're telling me now for the first time make fun of her all you want but that Indigo disc did bring us far deeper than any destination I've been to in area zero furthermore these big crystals are blocking our progress of delving deeper into the caves Miss Brier says we need to neutralize nearby teral energy like from that glamora in order to progress further what makes it different is it possesses the Stellar Tera typing a talization that gives an attack boost for every type once per type per battle however it has no defensive benefits as you can see here taking care of that glamora eliminated the huge crystals blocking our path thus continuing our journey downward more crystals appear in our way which means more Stellar Terror to Pokémon to eliminate we go through this process a few times face a few different opponents and even miss Brier apologizes that I'm doing all the work no you're not I'm being exploited for child labor Carmen tries to defend herself claiming to fend off wild Pokémon but I'm not buying it a few minutes later we made it to the end and what lied at the bottom of the depths was a Zelda rupe Kieran darts at it and begins pulling seeing it as his only way to beat me Andrew has everything I've ever wanted he's got strong Pokémon can go anywhere is friendly has a girlfriend I'm trying to find a girlriend back issues depression wait Kieran don't do it you don't want everything I have he even has you sis don't forget your [Applause] mom Briar's book confirms this Crystal is Terra pegos it begins reacting floats into the air then transforms into its Turtle form aw what a cute little guy you're mine well that wasn't fair but whatever you caught it and he's yours now Kieran then immediately challenges me to a Pokemon battle with terap pegos as his only party member you sure you want to do this kid okay Kieran wonders how he could have lost with a legendary Pokémon and Brier actually has an answer it's terrestrial energy out but is far too low what Kieran should have done was talize it so he gives it a go bright colorful crystals emerge from its body indicating terpos is now in its fully awakened form he also Broke Free from kieran's control and attacks the boy then For Better or Worse maridon saves him Kieran tries to retrieve terab heos but the attempt is in vain and breaks his master ball we're in serious danger now so it's up to Carmen and I to save us Kieran is being absolutely useless oh hold on Carmen sin J is now dead I'm on my own the rest of the encounter is very routine mudsdale puts terap pegos in place with a Terra powerered High horsepower terpos then absorbs muds Dale's Tera energy mid battle and a few turns later my horse regains her talization breaking Terra pagos once again halfway through Kieran overcomes his doubts then with a power of teamwork and a few revives to just get this over with kieran's Dragonite performs the finishing move shrinking terap pegos back to its basic form while he was doing that I prepped a Premier Ball so that way Kieran doesn't steal the legendary from me again successfully catching the treasured Pokemon we were now safe and sound but Carmen's anger needed to blame someone I mean Miss Brier would have been held responsible if we died so I guess she has a point on our way back to Blueberry Academy Kieran and I finally made up and ran back to school as the sun set what a transition to the post game director sirano and what a load of work you're shoving on to me he wants me to start inviting special coaches to the blueberry Academy at the vast price of 200 BP for each visit first of all why do I have to pay for them to come over here second this is going to take one heck of a grind having to rematch all of these trainers and third it's not over when you beat them all you get for winning is some lame prize and the realization you have to do something else that's something else being reinviting them three separate times to have three different conversations with them I'm going need more bp not to mention there's an entire support board that's hungry for BP as well along with four biome upgrades that are necessary to add starters to the terrarium and the true secret boss on my way out I ran into amaris who gave maride on the permanent ability to fly in order for us to attempt more flying time trials there were four courses of varying difficulties ranging from easy to super hard I'll just skip straight to the ladder because you all didn't click this video to watch me complete a stupid mini game for 15 minutes also the flying feels a little slow so let's speed things up the controls were a little whack at first because they were set to normal rather than inverted while the camera itself felt inverted I changed the setting after a failed attempt but even with that fix I would get stuck if my character was ever at the wrong angle left would become right right would become left then they'd reverse again it's frustrating as heck and even cost me a fail once somehow on this attempt though I recovered and still beat the the super hard course now where was I ah yes the grind for BP I teamed up with three strangers from Discord because doing quests together online would rack up points much faster completing enough blue quests would unlock red quests some of which forced me to do things I've never done in a Pokemon game before like washing your Pokémon I didn't even know this was a feature until now during my grind I came across this NPC who gave me the power to synchronize with my Pokémon this looks cool at first but all you do is f in place of Auto battles I mean don't get me wrong I love the idea of controlling my favorite Pokémon as much as the next guy just wish there was more to it anyways back to earning some BP hey look a shiny what I was going to say next is completing enough red quests would unlock gold quests such as finding five ditto blocks scouting these little purple buggers out felt torturous at times because they could be anywhere anything for 600 points though am I all right I preferred the easier ones that would give each player a hint of a certain Pokémon to catch but also hated the really annoying ones like making sandwiches as a group over 4 hours of grinding later I had attained enough to upgrade the biomes then got back to inviting special coaches three visits from each one would instigate a trade for a Pokémon that wore a partner ribbon showing it had once belonged to a great trainer these traits filled out the rest of their profiles which also gave them a gold outline around their picture this Pro this would also spark interesting conversations in the league clubroom Crispen once tried asking out my girl Lacy but his nerves got the best of him grusia then confronted iono stating her older content was better hold on did they put my hardcore nuzlock viewers in this DLC for real though sometimes it's just healthy not to read the comments I continue visiting and trading then unlock more coaches over time I earn a gold border for each of them but some coaches are still missing however it happened to be enough enough to unlock the secret final boss named saffron who turns out to be director Sano now after all those special coach battles my whole party had almost reached level 100 so for this finale I wanted to use the team I had first entered the blueberry Academy with I really wanted to face Kieran with ogre paon but this will have to do you may be wondering why the heck did I bring a Clefairy to this final battle don't let that fairy shrimp fool you Clefairy is one of the best support Pokémon to exist in this game with the move follow me she can redirect attacks towards her while ogre Pon lays down the hammer Ivy cudgel unfortunately this turn Zebstrika and mandibuzz attacked with bulldo and snarl respectively spread attacks that ignore redirection however with clef's friend guard ability ogre Pon receives 25% less damage then on the next turn my ogre smashes the zebra to dust followed by Clefairy aiming a heal pulse at her restoring them back to full health ogron then proceeded to smash mandibuzz again this time knocking them out later U joined the fry to watch samuro to get their life sucked out of them by a horn Leach then made him move himself surging striking embor to zero HP Gothel suffered the same fate from ogrean for not leaving her swamp and U finished off the director by koing his Tera Rock Superior with a couple Critical Hits Sano names me the blueberry King which I like the sound of then offers a trade of his own another freaking shiny Blitzle you're kidding me I just caught one of those 5 seconds ago and that's the free shiny the game gives me whatever I'll chat anyone with a yellow speech bubble for now to find out what to do next I searched throughout the academy until I found this old man just chilling outside once again I was rewarded for completing all those quests I had spent hours on this man rewards me with 25 different treats to seek out 25 legendary Pokémon in the terrarium that actually reminds me I never covered When Miss Brier wanted a word with me after our Expedition so let's focus on this legendary related task right now she wrote a book about our discoveries but omitted our names from it you're giving me no credit for risking my life and I gave myself extra credit she gives me a copy of her book yada yada yada go to the crystal pool in kakami fine I'll do it for terap pegos looks like he wanted to flex his Stellar talization here or something totally different is this another robot created by the AI from from area zero no this professor turo is the real deal except terap pegos brought him from the past which makes sense because he's dead now I don't tell him that of course but we do talk about his son Arvin and I show him the book Miss Brier wrote turns out she's a descendant of the author of the original Violet book shows how much I pay attention anyways we exchange books then bid each other farewell as he's taken back to the past well that brought about more questions than answers so I'm just going to focus on what I do best by filling out the rest of the Pok PEX beginning with the starters I continued this along with trading version exclusives which eventually got me the Pokedex entry reward metal alloy when given to duraludon the dragon evolves into its new evolution form Arch audon speaking of dragons I taught a dipin of Mine Dragon cheer that I got for beating Drayton a while back evolving my harmless candy apple into Hydra Apple the starters were the only ones left that needed to be leveled up and what the heck happened to venusaur's face You're a Mean One Mr Grinch that nearly completes my entire blueberry Pokedex with the exception of four missing entries near the end of it I got a feeling we're going to need some help from perin who recently got a job here as a photographer after catching 200 Pokémon for the terrarium decks paren says I've earned myself a hot tip from her ooh yes baby photos why did I get my hopes up looks like their new Paradox Pokémon back in area zero well back to this old stink again to find Pokémon from the future the first of the two being iron Crown I show this robotic Cobalion who's boss and catch it shortly after I dive deep into paa's crater and search for the second one and before you know it I run into iron Boulder nothing new here caught it in a matter of minutes I show paren in hopes of impressing her but she comments how built they are hey I can give you a man like that if you want she ignores me and hands over a sport ball instead can't blame a guy for trying at least I was finally able to complete the blueberry Pokedex by trading over the ancient paradoxes it's funny because Sano congratulates me on catching all 240 species in the terrarium when four of them were in fact in Pala nonetheless I earned the mark charm and a diploma certifying my great feat now if only I can figure out the missing coaches turns out I never finished all my classes in Violet in Scarlet I got them all done but I didn't want to go through it all again for the lousy reward of five medium rare candies well I ended up doing it again and unlocked everyone save for three that are locked behind events Just One Last side quest remained before catching legendaries helping these two nerds out back at Pal's Academy huh that's giak and this is Arie I'm sure that was obvious where your clothes at Ortega and attakus also look a lot different trying to behave at school since they missed a lot of school during their rebellious days I'm here to help tutor them in preparation for makeup tests Mela comes around as well but even without her ginormous boots she's walking like she still has them on boots are made for walking Penny drops by as well to help me teach them to show their thanks they gave me some teamstar swag including this helmet to cover up my dumb haircut however the outfit I wanted the most was drayton's so I rematched him with my ogre Pond and Clefairy lead swept his entire team then put on the luxurious black and gold tracksuit now finally on to the legendaries I'm only going to cover one of the 26 because this method was so whack I saw so many people trying to figure it out online and I got to give credit to the community for figuring this out you have to spin 10 to 20 seconds in this exact area in the midst of a whirlwind of leaves finish the spin while facing this direction pull out the camera switch to the sepia filter then listen [Applause] [Music] turn around 180° and there's Meloetta jeez how did anyone figure that out my other question is why is Lugia just big chilling in the middle of the sea I'll show the rest of the legendaries at the end because 1 month later the news to claim a mythical Petra Berry was announced triggering the concluding epilog of the DLC Arvin hey man it's been a while oh what the what happened to that Petra thing Arvin I'mma call you back man actually no let's meet up Penny and neona too I got a letter from Kieran inviting me back to kakami and I can bring whoever I want who's this Kieran guy some new friend or something yeah just a friend bro chill nimona of course wants to battle Kieran with him being ex-champion and all then Penny loses it when she finds out Kieran doesn't own a smartphone Penny you need to touch grass I introduce everyone or at least I tried to cuz neona couldn't wait any longer to challenge kieren and I'm Arvin Andrew's absolute best friend yeah I mean I'm definitely your best friend anywh who nimona got to have her battle and Kieran lost I thought you were officially the strongest trainer ever cuz girls is players to speaking of girls look who showed up it's Carmen mochi moochi what the flip are you doing uh never mind guys I don't know who this is Kieran informs us that the town believes she is cursed maybe it's for the best dude she's not cranky and rude anymore I say we sit back and party with some soda nimona also grabbed some Mochi for herself wait where is nimona wasn't she just here Kieran and I headed outside to ask the villagers if they've seen her but they're acting a bit strange mochi moochi what they're battling us you guys know we're two Champions right and I own the legendary Terra pegos with its signature Tera star storm attack seriously what's going on with these people and where is neona neona neona where are you going come back this instant kieran's grandparents did you guys see where nimona ran off to uh kieran's grandma what do you got there h sooi oh brother not them two terap pegos you know what to do St we regroup with the others to figure out what's going on when all of a sudden a pink purpley thing floating in the sky attacks us here we go again our and Penny do the dance and Proclaim mochi mochi yeah with those moves Arvin you're definitely not my best friend it's your turn ogre Pon get him out of here don't let that thing get away Kieran ah man you let it get away and now the whole town is possessed including neona maybe if I beat her I'll get an opening to strike at that Mythic Pokémon time to take on the true strongest trainer ever starting with her liyen Rock terpos Dodges at Stone Edge then knocks out the rock dog with a single earth power we don't get as lucky versus pomat as they land the super effective close combat before I exterminate the rodent with earth power neona sent in Koo next which is also a fighting type prompting me to switch in fairy giraffe in terap Pago's place one dazzling glean does the trick against dkor I take a turn to set up with nasty plot doubling my special attack in order to bust the ghost the following turn with psychic pneuma then throws out Goodra which seems like an odd Choice since she knows my fairy giraffe has a fairy attack but that must mean she's out of options all that's left is her skele durge I bring in Ury food to resist the incoming torch song then we exchange blows with the crocodile using Shadow Ball and my bear Landing multiple surging strikes resulting in our win against another Mochi obsessed citizen now finally I'm going to stop this menacing Pokemon's Antics petrun you're going down you may have gotten away with a free nasty plot since I didn't know you were a poison ghost's typing but now you're getting greedy going for a second one Tera ogrean show them we mean business booya hang in there ogron one more hit and you're goner thankfully we're faster and put an end to this madness as I seal the mythical creature into a Premier Ball at last everyone is back to normal yet neona still wants to battle honestly that's proof enough that everyone's returned to their original state including Carmen her anger's back hooray I think with that I can now invite neona Arvin and Penny over to Blueberry Academy truly complete in my time with the indigo disc and that's how I 300% in Pokémon scarlet and violet if you made it this far why not support the video by liking it and subscribing to the channel you all have a good one thanks these special clothing prices are ridiculous attakus
Channel: The Andrew Collette Show
Views: 857,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon scarlet, pokemon violet, pokemon scarlet and violet trailer, pokemon scarlet and violet gameplay, pokemon scarlet and violet review, pokemon scarlet and violet playthrough, pokemon, can i beat pokemon scarlet and violet, andrew collette, the andrew collette show, andrew collette show, 100%, pokemon scarlet and violet 100%, pokemon scarlet and violet dlc, the teal mask, the indigo disk, pokemon the teal mask, pokemon the indigo disk
Id: dTSSKKfT7yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 36sec (6756 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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