Full-Time Kirby player cheats a Kirby Speedrun

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I want to get the world record in a Kirby  speedrun. The issue though... I suck. Luckily, cheating's never stopped anyone before. In this video, every single second Kirby's base speed will exponentially increase more and more. But, can I beat the speedrun world record just by going 10x Kirby's normal speed? Yes, probably. I mean, that actually might be too easy. So to make it harder on me, every time Kirby loses or gets an ability, his speed is entirely reset. The world record is 1 hour 36 minutes and 46 seconds. I have that long to beat the final boss. Oh God, the poor game. No, oh. It's chugging. Oh! Oh! We're going so fast it's lagging! Kirby, go! Yeah! Does this also work for Mouthful Modes? 3...2...1.... Okay, world record here we come! Okay, so now we're  in a new area, so it's a speed reset. Ah, come on Kirby! World 1-1. So, um, thanks to the amazing--oh my God, I broke it. We already broke it! We moved so fast we clipped through the trigger to start the fight. There we go! Oh, you're trying to get me, rabbit! Try again! Oh, he's over there now, and I'm  not gonna let him get away from me again! Oh no, I'm a nerd cone. Oh God, hold on one second. Nope, send me, please. If I build up enough speed, can I just--? Yeah! There we go. Come here, buddy. Come back, buddy. This is already starting to get a little unwieldy. Okay, there we go. First level done and done. Yeah! What do you think about that one? [Chat saying a bunch of things at once] Oh, God, this is a terrible idea. We gotta focus our direction a little bit. God I can't hear anything. [Chat still going off] Okay, okay, okay! Also, the intro was so long I didn't get a chance to say it, but this nerd Kirby was made by sails and firubiii was the one who put this whole speed-up stuff together. So huge thanks to them! Rubiii actually put together what is probably an even crazier change to Kirby that I'll be uploading a video  on soon. Subscribe, and hey, I'll try not to blow expectations. I'll still suck but, you know. Wait, can I get over there by just jumping? There we go. Okay, level 2 done. How long has it even been? Alright, we have an hour and 28 minutes left to beat the world record. Where is  poka, the world record holder, in his speedrun right now? They've already started the next stage, I gotta go. We will have to save the Waddle Dees, won't we? Because to fight each boss, we'll actually  need to save a certain amount of Waddle Dees to lower like the boss gate thing. And I always forget how much I need for each boss. Look, I'm an experienced Kirby player, there's no way I wouldn't save enough Waddle Dees to advance to the next boss. No! My ability! It's actually super punishing to get hit, because then it just resets everything I've built up. Oh, but this works out pretty well. That's insane! What? [Chat: Roses are red, life has no meaning. 3,000 voices are constantly screaming] Shut up, no! I got hit! Kirby might be able to run fast, but apparently he can't outrun the demons here. Okay, and time. Gonna continue on! [Chat makes a weird noise] I'm sorry? [The fog is coming] What is the fog? That's okay, ball, one frame at a time. God, you just build speed so fast. There you go. Ooop--never mind! And then just clear this. Were there any doubters in chat? I--chat--oh! What is this? Oh God, the fog! The fog is here. What is that? Okay, it seems we're free from the fog for a little bit. Okay. Excuse me, I just realized we have to free all the Waddle Dees, don't we? Is that enough? No! Where are the other Waddle Dees? Well now I have to replay the entire level to find four more of them. [Chat: L] No, no, stop. No L. We have to get every tulip? Where are the--this is not optimal. This is definitely not the optimal route. As far as I see it, we're still well ahead of time. Waddle Dees.   Ah, no! [Chat: Why is there only L's?] First time here? I didn't save any of the ones from this place? When I'm going super fast I don't actually register the level too much. Oh, this will be easy. What I have going for me is I am incredibly fast. What I don't have going for me is I'm also incredibly inept. I was hoping those two would balance out. Is  there a Waddle Dee up there? There's a--I can hear the wawas! I can hear the beating of the wawa through the floor! Oh, here we go. Here's another one. [Chat: Failboat is bad even with the cheats] No, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not! I'm not! I'm not! I missed the jump! How long has it been? 15 minutes? No problem. It's a massive problem. [Chat: you missed a Waddle Dee] I'm sure I did. This will still work out perfectly fine. Now it's 17 right? First boss incoming. Where is the runner at this point?  Halfway through World 2? We'll make up that time. What's happening here? Hey guys, I think I found how we're gonna make up the time! Just have the boss fight start before I get there. Wait is the glass open? Gorimondo, get out of here! Let me in. Let me go around. How do I get it? Wait, wait, wait, can I go around to him? There's no way this works. Oh my God! I'm a genius. Oh man, we're going a little fast. I gotta control my speed. Hello, Gorimondo, don't grab me, please. Come back here, buddy. Yeah, nice try, buddy. Uh-oh. Okay, so that might have been [high pitched noises] Now, we carefully go over here and upgrade Fire. This  one. No, no, not that one! Oh, I almost upgraded the wrong one entirely. Okay, success. We can continue  onwards into the next world. The speed increase works super well in the water. Wait--the hammer ability with this. I can use the hammer glitch to break the game! Here we go. Dude, this is how we make it back. How do I make my cheating run come back from the brink? Simply cheat more! This is perfect.  Wait. Oh, wait. No, okay. Swim to the next level, oh God it's the fog! I may have soft locked myself, and not been able to get back into the level unless I restarted the level, haha. See, here we go. Yeah, yeah. Go, go, go, yeah! And just like that. Oh, this one's perfect for the hammer, though. There we go. Okay, so where in this level are the Waddle Dees? I don't want to get all the gems right now. That's a fair big waste of time. There's a Waddle Dee over here I can save. Now I'm starting to look for them. Scale the summit. Don't mind if I do! Faster, Kirby. That's a good one. That's a very good one. That's all the  way up, isn't it? Oh my God, he's just--[laughs] It's very tricky to navigate. Oh, Kirby just ran over the spikes. Oh, the button. Thank you. Now this little guy can save. Oh no! The timer is running down? How will I get to him? How will I get to him? Oh God. There we go. Oh, Mouthful Mode, go. Do I build speed with the glider? Probably not, who is to say? I think we're fine. It doesn't look like it's building speed. Okay, I think we're good. We have our one solace. Oh, wait, actually this is terrible. Wait, no, oh. We actually cannot afford this solace. We are dramatically behind the world record right now. We need to go much faster. This is a good opportunity to get our bearings again. We gotta go free a Waddle Dee or two. We're just saving a bunch that are over in here. Oh, the final poster. We saved so many! I actually think this is gonna go well. Alright, step up. Oh my God! We get so much speed with this. Come here, fish! Kirby is the DVD logo. I can't hit him accurately. I move too fast! Thank you. Jesus, we really do take off, don't we? But this section, I don't want to bother with it. Simply goodbye. I don't want to deal with this section. Yeah! Two walls?! Three walls?! Wait, I do want that guy. I do want that Waddle Dee. Or.. never mind. Imagine if I can't break open the gate because I'm just under the Waddle Dee count. No, no, no, no. This gate absolutely falls. No! No! No! No! No! No! No! Just don't be 18. Just don't be 18. No! I was one Waddle Dee short! I should have gone back! I knew I should have gone back! Literally, don't look at me. Literally, don't look at me. Literally, don't look at me. [Groaning] Okay, there we go! Cool, we had enough Waddle Dees to break down the gate. [Chat: Nice] Thank you. Thank you. If no one got me, chat sure don't. Bazinga! [Scream] Just under 48 minutes, we're going into World 3. What's the speedrunner at? How is he already halfway through World 4?! Wondaria, this is where we make time back! This is where we make time back! Everything in this area is cluttered, but I can fly over it. I would like to do this Mouthful section. This might take extra time, but I want to make sure I'm getting all these stupid Waddle Dees. Excuse me. Oh my God, please. Please. Oh my God. It's like a wrecking ball running directly at you. If Kirby ran into you with that full fledged water balloon ability, there's enough G-Force behind him to just devastate like a large shed. Oh--oh my God! Oh, go, Kirby, go! This is where we get our lead back! [Sirens] Woo, time! [Chatter saying he is being pulled over for going over the speed limit] What is this chat message? Why are there cops in the live chat? Kirby's supposed to be wholesome. Get the police out of here. Reach the goal within 20 seconds. Yeah, I don't think I'll be on a shortage of Waddle Dees for this level. Oh, boy, I wonder if we can do the shortcut with this. Wait, can I just like--Actually I wonder if we can do the shortcut-- Okay we can. Dude, why does--oh my God! Why does me bonking launch me in the opposite direction? Oh, gracious! Okay, Invasion at the House of Horrors. If we run fast enough, we might be able to out speed them when they come out... is what I was going to say before that didn't happen! Oh, no, no, wait. Wait, I have to do the stupid maze? Speed upgrade, look at Nerd Light-bulb, that's very funny. [Chat: average Discord mod] Look at him. Kirby's fed up with what you're saying about him, by the way. You see Kirby's face? [Screams] Oh, don't die. Please don't die. Come on. We're good! We're good! And we got the macaroon!  Ghost's snack. Where's the last ghost snack? Where's the food? Where's the food? Kirby's gonna sniff it out, you can't hide it from him. [Sniffing] He'll be there before you can even eat it. How much longer? 33 minutes?! Look how many Waddle Dees we've saved! We absolutely got quota this time. Where do you think I will be by the time the timer ends? Real ones say the credits. Gain more speed fastly. No! If I get run over, I lose the power. I feel so sluggish! Get the molasses out of your butt, Kirby, please. That's a terrible--why did I say that? Alright, Waddle Dee gotten. That is certainly enough.[Chat: Surely :)] Stop it, no. That is surely enough. That is surely enough Waddle Dees. Don't gaslight me, chat. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank actual God! 30 minutes to go. I have an idea. If I'm supposed to be doing this, well, cheating, then why stop with just one or two additions to the game? [Chat: Oh God, what did he do?] Does it work? Why is he fat? He's Korby! You put the orb in Kirb! So, I may have turned on an old friend to help give us the extra speed we need. No animations mod is back on, baby! Here I come, Clawroline! I don't know why the no animation is made. I genuinely don't know why. Hello there, friend. Goodbye. Mrow! [Laughs] Third level, done! The speedrunner has made it to World 6! Oh no! Poor Kirby, he's eaten too many rocks in his lifetime. Poor little guy weighs too much. Oh, I probably shouldn't-- I was gonna say I probably should have gotten the Cone Mouth to free the additional Waddle Dees. Kirby had other plans, and now I'm very worried for if I'll actually be able to do this. I need 14 more Waddle Dees. I'm gonna get a free 6 from just beating the two levels, which means I will also need... 6, 14, 8 more. Does the boat go faster? Oh God, the boat goes a lot faster! Yep, yes it does. I have to disembark for a second--are you kidding me? I just have to activate the fan. Can I go back over here? Oh God, this is terrible. No dude! Excuse  me. You were not worth it. I can't say that to a Waddle Dee. Waddle Dees are always worth it. Oh my goodness, I need this guy. Where's the Waddle, where's the Waddle? Here, there he is. I'm workin' on it. Here we go. How much time do we have left? [Screams] Excuse me, please die, please die. Thank you. Hello. Really? Oh my God. Can I defeat a single duck in 13 minutes and 26 seconds? Tune in now to find out! [Eagle screech] Okay, we move. Immediately up to the next one. It's a bonus area. I think I just have to do the bonus area. Oh, cool, I just have to go fast, huh? Yeah, I can do this one. Are you kidding me? I can't do the glitch! I have to waste more time. Something tells me this isn't looking amazing. Drive, just drive. Just drive. We're good! We have enough! We now have enough! [Chat: Enjoy the next 10 minutes, Father] That's--you guys are getting  very good at issuing threats. Dead one, dead two. I think I clutched. I think it was enough, I think it was enough 'cause it's probably 24. It was 23... I literally didn't have to waste that time. I'm gonna scream, and shout, and let it all out. I'm gonna scream, and shout, and let it out. Say oh, yo, yo, yo, yo. You say ohhhh An Unexpected Beast King Oh, chat, what do you think the Beast King is going to be? He's like "Sic 'em, boys!" Oh, where did he go? Oh, my spine! He's like "Stop it!" You see the side-eye look he gave me? Well, guys, we did it. The game is done. When Failboat starts cooking, no one's eating. The rules are: I have to beat the final boss in six minutes from now, right?  That's all the time I need. I'm already cheating, no   one said I had to play in the same save file. Drill with the no animation mod is gonna go crazy. It still does so much! Come on! There's an actual world  we do this! There's an actual chance we do this! There we go, okay, first one done. They're at Fecto Elfilis right now? Yeah, but they don't have the mods I got on. I don't care if I take a little bit of damage from this, as long as I don't drop the ability, we win. Come on, come on, come on! I don't care, give me a face full of goo! Oh, second phase done! Three minutes to go, we're so close. Oh my God, don't get any other abilities. That was harder than any boss fight so far. Can I be beat Kirby and the Forgotten Land before the world record holder, by cheating the entire time? Okay, mash! Don't  move you strange little rat. [Chat: Speed cheat, no animation cheat, 100% save file cheat, stop the time cheat when?] No, no, not stop the time cheat. That too far cheating. Come on, chat, I may be cheating, but I at least have honor. Second phase, done! 1 minute and 20 seconds. Come on down right now. You're not gonna hit me. Come on down, come on. It's gonna be so close. It's gonna be so close. Alright, get right in the eye! Don't get away, don't get away! Don't move! Don't move! Come on! Oh my God, we have 30 seconds. Come on, Kirby, we're almost there! The truck! Um... 2 seconds left in the timer! Chat, here we go. Only 2 seconds! It's gonna be close. Only 2 seconds left! Two! Only two more seconds! Best commentary I've ever given in my life. [Chat: L plus no honor plus you fell off] Disagree. There's no honor amongst winners. Oh, only 2 more seconds! I think we got this. Come on, Kirby! 2 more seconds, 2 more seconds! [Chat: 2 more seconds!!] Oh--wait. The timer's done. Wait, no, we lost the run. Damn it!  Subscribe if you enjoy more terrible video ideas.
Channel: Failboat
Views: 1,412,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WpVXFxLzf_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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