Fighting Minecraft's Most Difficult Bosses

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we will be facing Minecraft's most difficult boxes each one getting more difficult than the next to face these boxes we have been placed in a custom map where each boss is located in a different biome getting strong enough to fight each boss is one problem but another problem is the whole map is filled with Hostile Mobs what is his dog what is this dog it's not just the bosses that are difficult it's the whole map all resources have been cut in half increased mob spawning even during the day I have one piece of wood and I am half a heart we did a crafting bed I got it oh my God why is this dog so angry man behind you crap I need to make bread oh that's right why is it so difficult why did you decide to make this 10 times harder than anything I ever played this is a good time to mention so this is the easiest Zone fantastic fantastic thank you even simply trying to craft something like bread is difficult as you're constantly being swarmed around with Hostile Mobs this makes my friends wreck up death very quickly what they don't know is that whoever has the most deaths at the end of the video will be crowned the worst Minecraft player as well as being submerged in a whole tub of ice have you guys played uh Alden ring anyone no I get shot too hard so uh this game is kind of based off that oh okay okay now it's starting to make sense it's all coming together [Applause] I think he did for each mob or boss we kill we get a small amount of XP that will help increase our level that we can then use to increase our power level for example if we're at level 10 then we have 10 points to spend on upgrades each Health upgrade increases your hearts by half a heart each damage upgrade is point fifteen percent more damage and the same two rules apply for Speed and defense the final upgrade is Mana which allows the player to pull off crazy spells but we'll get into that later I have seven level oh I'm dying wait wait oh you have seven levels that's seven upgrades okay okay so all of it's going to damage I upgraded everything to speed I have eight speed I'm gonna upgrade my health one two three four we need a stone sword I saw a kid there's a cave right over there I don't need a weapon oh my God I'm being surrounded I'm being surrounded what if I just stack up I'm stacking up I'm stacking up yeah this spiders almost a whole hour went by and we have been struggling to even get out of Spawn how will we even stand against the first boss somehow I am the only player who hasn't gotten to death our best course was still to try to kill as many mobs as possible so we could continue in leveling up our stats I think we need to get like just some armor or something I want a shield that's what we oh my God [Music] I'm not quite a bit and our stats increasing we felt confident enough to head into the caves and get some iron for some basic gear staying together seemed to be like the best strategy anyway as we could fend off mobs easier however due to the limited resources of the caves getting full iron armor almost seemed impossible there's seven dogs what what did you look at an Enderman alley highly making direct eye contact with these men I can't blame him bro oh my God you have this much iron right made of iron test plate nice look at me I'm that dude now now that her team wasn't dying every second and we had basic gear we could now head towards the first boss using our Compass the truth is that we were kind of forced to go towards the first boss because mobs in the spawning area gives such a little XP that it isn't even worth to keep farming them in this area the stronger mobs and different biomes give Morris P which is needed when trying to level up especially when your level is higher because you need more XP and we for sure need as many levels as we can before fighting the first boss and the first boss is Millennia how do you pronounce it no you're crazy that's the first boss I feel like me and Blas are out of the loop in this one we don't know what that means I don't know we'll find out it's not like she's like the hardest boss in Elden ring but yeah oh awesome the first boss we need to defeat is called Millennia these bosses are based off a game called Elden ring which is considered to be one of the most difficult games ever made to put in perspective the first boss has 4 000 Health which is about 20 times more than the Ender Dragon while the last boss has about I don't know 27 000 Health which is not even his final form and to make matters worse her basic attacks will take over a role of your heart and that is not even as deadliest or special abilities to make this fight more skillful and actually possible we added a simple Dash ability that you can use every 10 seconds this will allow the player to Traverse the map easier but also Dodge attacks if they read the enemy correctly you'll see how vital this is for even trying to beat these bosses with that being said we started heading towards the first boss because I know our chances of beating her are very high you think I can make it through the water if I Dash I think you can that's what I was trying try it I found the arena this is the first boss that we're taking on and she's called Millennia she's a master Source man with a prosthetic arm she's very mobile and her attacks are very hard Dodge the rule is that if you die you cannot re-enter the fight until you either win or are defeated so it's very important to use the Dodge before she attacks or most or even all your house will be taken away from you oh okay okay that's a big sword man oh she did a lot of damage wait did you jump back you're doing a good job Ali I'm one heart right now you're doing great what if she breaks through the shield I didn't do something and it's all you oh my god oh no I'm trying to heal this is a little unexpected no it's all me bro I'm still healing bruh no I'm gonna land it I'm gonna end it right here oh my God what do you do against that I don't know what am I gonna get uh-oh Melania has not only normal attacks but also special ability she has in her disposal the first being called the Millennia dance this is where she does non-stop detachable moving forward however she has even a more powerful ability called them waterfall dance where she hovers over the air and sends multiple power attacks at the player we ended up not dying once but 17 more times after realizing that our current stats were not good enough to fight the first boss because of this we decided we needed to fight off more basic mobs to keep leveling up to you know increase our power level overall instead of all out brawling these mobs and getting hit all over we decided to build a small Hut allowing us to kill mobs at a distance but still gain their XP this allowed us to level up a bit but also keep our durability of our armor look at this automatic medic XP farm oh my God can we make a door I have no door I'll be here forever after spending hours leveling up we've now felt somewhat prepared for the fight the reason why leveling up is so important is that the bosses are immune to basic range weapons forcing the players to fight it head-on on top of that any of the special abilities the bosses use go through a shield making it basically useless this is why the dash is so important as it rewards the player for reading the opponent's moves oh my God my God what do you do against that you have to dodge it you have to do like a dash back oh my God it did so much damage did you get harder being a woman our chances just skyrocketed down what's that supposed to mean I think my armor broke okay come on just like literally two more hits hello [Music] no no she's doing combo you could just breathe on her and she would die okay we're good we're good that did not kill her and I'm at one heart she has no health bar no yeah we did it yeah oh my goodness all that for some apples and bread I love apples and bread and you got some iron oh wait I got the iron seriously and all my armor is broken it was worth it did you get like a drop oh wait we got a special weapon wait Tia here Plaza look at this hand of Millennia I Love Stinks after several attempts we finally defeated the first boss of many to think that this boss is the weakest out of the rest of the bosses we face I was kind of scared the reward given was just a couple of apples and iron but most importantly we got the hand of a millennia this is an unbreakable special sword with 10 attack damage the most interesting part of it is the special ability when you right click it sends the player flying doing three aerial attacks in a quick succession this is a powerful ability but it cannot be done infinitely as it drains your Mana that being said each boss in the future drops a unique and special weapon that we need to obtain well it's time to put a compass for the next boss so we started heading towards the next boss called radon oh wait do we want to hit the higher ship on her way yes yes there are many special locations all around the map but what we didn't know is that there were many bosses placed in the way these mini bosses can be considered at times even harder than the bosses themselves as they are not in Arena making the environment around them the biggest challenge the only difference is that we are allowed to respawn as many times as we need but it still adds up to our overall death counter wait why don't we just use a boat oh my wait you move so fast in the water because of the speed oh I'm in the I find a skeleton spawner it's not Spanish goodbye skeleton spawner oh what is that Kraken what does that mean yo look at the water look at the water look over there what is that the Kraken is considered to be one of the most terrifying creatures of the sea and we decided to add it to Minecraft the kraken's main territory is the water making it able to move at very quick speeds well it does lack in Total Health it makes it up in unique abilities one being able to Blind the player using its ink and another is its poison touch which will draw players Health low no matter how strong their stats are the main matter is worse Ally is absolutely terrified of the deep sea making us one person down for this fight I can't see anything he is on top of the boat he's spinning oh my God wait half of my help is gone he also has a special ability where he violently spins in a circle knocking everyone in contact as well as doing a lot of damage ah don't poison it again I can't even get near him well I got him I see him he's underwater I'm going in come on brother we go oh my God he's so quick a lot of damage he does a lot of damage I'm doing something oh yeah but so do I oh not enough okay I'm going I'm going oh I hit him I hit him good oh what is this we got him but Blossom died did he drop anything though we received nothing from that mini boss fight only a tiny bit of XP and einer to help us progress towards the next level with that being said we now had one boss and mini boss under our belts we kept moving forwards to the next boss called radon these are our current power levels and you can tell that each of us is focusing more on a specific stat we are quite strong now but it shows how much more we still have to climb in order to even compare against the final boss as we were moving towards radon who is on the opposite side of the map we will have to enter a new biome Zone where the level mom's power level increased drastically are those dinosaurs [Music] perfect three best slain by a T-Rex bruh a little more I can hear more oh there's one right there they keep on spawning they're just normal mobs normal they just but this is an adorable mop here bruh this is like a mini boss we came across the second Boss Arena quite quickly because the T-Rexes were so strong that they pushed Us in that direction in fact they were so strong we were basically forced into the arena because they don't spawn near the boss oh that's a pretty big boss Arena kind of pretty though oh oh I killed the dinosaurs Kill the Dinosaurs just get in the arena they won't come in the arena pause it's just standing there magnetically oh my dude he looks sick the second boss we'll be fighting is radon who is a general who has mastered in gravitational magic a wielding two giant swords this house is just a little bit more than Melania at astounding 20 000. he has so much health and fact that we made it that he doesn't even pay attention to the players till he reaches 90 of his house because we were so inferior to him as you could probably tell this isn't completely based off Elden ring which means we have messed with the strength and moves of many of these bosses making impossible to predict what will actually happen all right are you ready we're just standing there he's still it yo take a flick take a flip on Instagram be sure to follow our Instagram at soccer1 to get sneak peeks of videos before they go live especially our in real life ones I'm hitting with the butt cheek hitting with the butt cheek I'm looking up a skirt he just doesn't care your your damage just doesn't do enough you're not doing enough I bet he feels so cool and specialists has a lot of special abilities one being collapsing Stars where he swings his swords downwards to the ground to bring Stars smashing down to the ground getting hit by this would be in an instant death on top of that if you get too far away from him you will begin to chase you at high speeds and if you don't Dodge that at the last second you will take significant damage wait this is not that bad let's see for all hitting him at the same time I'll take him off your hands oh oh my God bro are you building all right I'm good everyone got into the base he's right in front of the door we're close don't get any of our clothes he broke my house I just want to heal okay I got it I got it attack attack Dodge there we go we got him I believe in you yeah this fight went almost an hour with all my friends dead and enough bread stored up I had to constantly Dash in and out just to take out a smack of his health oh no he's charging he's charging ability it won 16 damage oh what how did that hit me don't charge at me sir he hit it so far no please man please oh no oh no oh no oh my God he's literally one shot yes let's go I had no idea how we were able to defeat this boss in one attempt but it for sure was not easy especially with the amount of time it took oh we got diamonds Red Diamond what hey hey I'm just gonna did you get anything else on oh wait we got the sword you know what I'm gonna toss it in there whoever gets against it no that's huge yeah it is are you compensating of course with the rewards we got some diamonds as well as a new weapon called the Stars Gorge great source with an attack damage of 13. it has its own special ability unique from the boss that will allow you to summon your own collapsing star doing an incredible mass of damage but also stunning the enemy for a short time let's just say this will be necessary to even fight the next boss mock because he will give you zero time to heal alright oh wait who's the next boss our next boss is located in another corner of the map in the snowy region which is the first region that we could possibly find and mine diamonds we were unable to get past iron gear in our starting biomes but now we can get even stronger all right I'm running past these T-Rexes man they're way too they're hard man like I look at these trees it was time for another stat check and we were for sure stronger than when we first started but there's still a bunch of room for us to grow as we plan to get at least 10 times stronger before the final boss as I stated there are many bosses placed in the way to make things a little more difficult the four spirit is one of those many bosses and he was no joke is that is that a mini box it's a mini box oh my God he sent me all the way flying why is he so big as king of the forest he comes with many abilities one being able to change the force around him putting trees everywhere this made it extremely hard to maneuver in the forest as well as even being able to reach him if you were at a distance he was able to literally pick up a rock and throw it at you doing massive amounts of damage and if you were too close he repeatedly smashed the ground doing a whole lot of AOE to top it off he occasionally throws multiple Spirits at you that don't stop moving through the force making it extremely hard to dodge it would be silly not to say that this mini boss had no weaknesses he's like harder than the actual boss oh God oh God I see him over there going in I'm going in oh my god dude he's going all out on me too oh wait this is good he's distracted I'm hitting him from behind hey yo since I'm mini bosses we can keep respawning as many times as we want my friends and I end up dying multiple times in order to try to beat this horror Spirit let's just say if we weren't able to respawn I don't know if we would have even gotten past this boss [Music] I see him he's throwing rocks at someone oh he's getting low he's getting low he's so close is he dead is he dead yeah nice we defeated another mini boss but at what cost we got a whole bunch of XP which is great but the only reward we got was some wood I don't even know if this mini boss was even worth it all that new fresh armor we just crafted from the previous box was destroyed this scares me as we're not even at the toughest bosses yet oh I've got a stack of wood so I guess that's what he drops exactly I was peeing in the woods oh okay all right all right we're good we can start moving towards the next boss since we have to cross back to the original spawn area to reach the next boss we were able to fight the low-level mobs that spawn here that gave us a slight boost of confidence as it showed how much stronger we were than before we spent hours just trying to survive in this Farm area but now we feel overpowered or at least until we get into the next biome I just one shot everything at this point I'm saying bro yeah dude like they don't they don't know like they don't know gosh he did but how far ahead are you dude I'm still buy it in the snow Bible you're we're still in the grassland then hurry up I have no armor I'm not fighting this guy with that broken helmet probably get some armor bro in the new snow biome the moms here were on a whole nother level of strength but they also dropped a lot of XP we took advantage of this by farming as many as we could but they were extremely hard to kill with their high amounts of health and damage luckily there were no T-Rex's here but they were still giving me flashbacks our power has gone up even more with everyone having one stat they have been focusing on however even with all these stats I don't think we were quite prepared for this next boss MOG MOG was the third boss on the list who is a flame magic user he didn't seem too overwhelming at first as his health is significantly less than rodan's only at 8 000. but we found out quickly on what he lacks in health is a significant amount of damage and ranged attacks I don't like this guy this one's a little a wee bit difficult I'm not wearing pads how am I supposed to dodge this yes crazy [Music] [Applause] across the map I don't want him to chase me he's after me he's after me I'm coming wait I got full health I got full of Dodge oh my God half my HP how do you even get close turns out mom's damage and attacks makes him a whole nother level than radon is AOE and his attacks make him extremely hard to dodge even with the dash on top of that one of his special abilities flame Talon is when he slashes the air which explodes with flame everywhere and if that doesn't hit you he has this other special where he thrusts his spear into the air and showers the area with flames and the worst part is we don't even know about his second form yet Ali's already out so at least all of our diamonds that guy's impossible to kill we all end up dying without barely putting a scratch on monk not only were we severely underprepared we ended up trying several more times dying 14 more times trying to beat him the funny part is that we never even reached this second phase so we knew that it was time to get stronger we took that time to get stronger but something we now remember is that this biome has diamonds so we can find that unlike the first two biomes we have to take advantage of this and get full diamond armor so we can actually stand a chance against mons so we decided to go mining until we got a sun and surprise [Applause] [Music] no I'm leaving oh my God I don't like spiders though oh no why is he blinking at me like that the mutant spider like all other bosses has special abilities like the spider web then trapped any player in a bunch of cobwebs making it impossible to move on top of that its movement is insane jumping anywhere that it wants to making it really hard to hit in the cave it also doesn't help that the cave is filled with tier 3 mobs in general making the whole environment a death zone that's a big dog oh my God I'm dying we're coming we're coming oh my it's running he's going down the slipping slides but how big is his cave oh he's coming down he's coming down I'm drowning oh he's come flipping everywhere he's jumping he's making love with me he's making love with me no why are you getting hurt I don't know but he's having massive loving dummy time with me no Ali's Dad I'm from the skeleton not even the spider but he's almost dead he's dying I'm coming I'm coming the mutant spider Was Defeated and luckily wasn't as brutal as the four spirit in return we got a bunch of XP but that was about it this allowed us to explore the rest of the cave and find diamonds so we could eventually get everyone to full diamond armor we spent all our XP levels and we got already significantly stronger than our first attempt against MOG would this be enough to even get to a second phase oh boy there he is we're already doing more damage oh that's a lot better that's way better Dodge the flame oh my God I forgot to get a shoe oh wait I gotta make one real quick wait I don't think you have to die I'm crafting oh no he's going into a second phase watch out just when we thought we were doing well on this attempt he activated his second phase this was not good for us at all instead of walking he runs at full speed this is horrible for us because on the last two boss fights we were able to retreat giving us a bit of time to heal but now there's little if not no time to even eat some bread on top of that his attacks and AOE have been greatly increased meaning it's basically impossible to dodge attacks oh oh my god oh my god dude there's so much fun what is going on [Music] [Music] [Applause] you don't think I'm trying do you see him running at Mach six oh no that's not to you [Applause] he's literally one yeah I honestly couldn't even comprehend that we won that fight at such low Health it was a miracle we got a little bit of diamonds and even a couple of netherrite that could help us upgrade our armor for the next fight but most importantly we got a new weapon called The Sacred spear it was our first Magic based weapon which means each attack will cost Mana that's crazy now give it to me the secret spear is our first range weapon that can do damage to bosses which will hopefully be a help this first attack is a powerful AOE attack which will be bashed against dealing against common mobs it's special however is a huge tornado fire dealing damage all around the player almost every player now has the special weapon that will be for sure needed to stand a chance for the next boss so we started moving into the final corner of the map when we got a surprise right out of the gate on to the next area oh oh oh yo yo yo is that a mermaid the mermaid is the next mini boss in our encounters and let's just say looks can be she might have enough she's menacing as the Kraken but her health is nearly double she has powerful ranged attacks with her Trident keeping the player at Bay on top of that she constantly freezes things around her making it hard to move towards her though she becomes her strongest when she's underwater that Ally won't like at all it shot me with an arrow oh I don't even know if I hit her yet oh yeah I'm hitting her all right oh yeah we're hitting what was that did he die oh my God we kill her oh my God nowhere is she underwater is she underwater she's underwater beat her up eat her up the ice under water can't do that he's lost he would have tried it she's in the water she's next to the switch I think she's dead after a brutal encounter we somehow got away without a single death which also shows that our overall combat skills just improved with another mini boss checked off the list and a whole bunch of XP we got we started heading towards the next boss called malakis wow that's crazy I'm halfway through my fourth row of Hearts basically the same year now we can make our way to the next boss we were nearing the fourth boss fight and once again crossed over the starting area our abilities were so strong against the starting mobs that it was almost a joke oh my God like it's like yeah it was just like that yeah yeah it was just like that oh I think I found the arena I see it the fourth boss is called malakith and he's a beast who uses death magic which enchants his weapons he has an astounding 11 000 Health with a combination of short and ranged attacks the developers also made a slight change to him where his attacks and movement get faster as his health go down this was something we were completely unaware of when we decided to face him this is like a tiger a tiger what am I looking at bro that dog got a sword oh I'm hitting him oh okay he does take a whole row oh no [Music] the fact that we survived this long is surprising but he only gets stronger over time his specials will get more devastating especially when they become faster starting with the roar which knocks players back when they get too close in dealing damage his other ability is to steam death he slams his sword to the ground sending a shock wave to death magic you need to avoid this at all costs or most of your house will just disappear his last ability is the one that will give us the most trouble it's called Black Blade it's when he backslips into the air flashing his sword three times sending 10 magic waves at the player at high speed this becomes devastating later on as it gets much faster and he can't even take damage when doing this ability what the crap are you doing do not come here he really wants Ali dead we can't even catch up [Music] wait wait we can do this TBH we can do this no oh no hold on it's so strong and fast we're so close at defeating him on the first try but this was all an illusion the truth is is that he is strongest when he's at his lowest Health he has the combination of high speed giving you no time to heal high amounts of Health as well as dishing out an insane amount of damage at close and longer range we basically took the strength from every previous boss and combined it into this one wow you guys are bad not me either we had to get stronger we Farm moms until we gained at least 10 levels each but even now we seem underwhelming towards him we're doing damage now here we go here we go oh no oh no oh no oh no no it's all you guys we lost our first player that doesn't matter Dive Right In Front of Me doesn't best player is still alive yeah we got this let's do it you have a shield give that to me whoa he's blocking it I got it I got it I got it so he's over there he's so close you're so close oh my goodness somehow my teammates prevailed in this fight and we won after multiple attempts we got enough diamonds and netherrates from this battle to max out our armor to full netherrite now didn't this guy drop a sword or something oh yeah where Ali Ali look at your inventory I don't got nothing no you pulled it out you pulled out the this one no this one [Applause] okay on top of that we got a new weapon called The malekits Black Blade doing a whole 12 damage it also has one of the strongest ability called destine death sending a whole wave of magic destroying whatever Target encounters it all right I think we're good we were now on the final boss but I must warn you now this fight will be like no other he is located underground which is at the dead center of the map he has an astounding 27 000 Health an attack that will break your spirit as a player time for the final boss I must have four and a half rows of Hearts four and a half damn I have two to have before we can fight the most powerful boss we have to fight the strongest and final mini boss a Magikarp yeah I'll be honest all our budget in this video went to the final boss so if you want to support us to make more crazier boss battles just simply hit that subscribe button and it will help us out tremendously foreign that was crazy that was the final one all right that cool at least we got some XP needed for this final mini boss from The Magikarp but sadly I don't think it'll be anywhere near on what we need these were our current power levels comparing to the boss and I'll be honest it's not looking good but we felt confident enough at least to start moving towards him so we could get a lot of food and at least find where the cave would be located I'm just getting ready for the boss fight because I have so many health bars that I have to just keep on eating like that's just my thing now I just eat you're bulking I'm my mom's bulking season yeah my compass is going down here this has to be the cave was this the entrance oh okay we're going to the cave oh I found obsidian oh my God how deep are we we found the cave entrance for the final boss but the fact that there's an enchantment table before is not a good sign we were able to enchant our armor with protection four but would that even be enough are we all good we're all good the final fight the final boss is radagon uses explosive holy magic and a hammer to strike through his opponent's defenses and send them flying and the scariest part about about this this is not even his final form oh what is that oh my God I guess he's probably like the other guy oh no he's a he's bad oh my God [Music] I died [Applause] 36 damage in one end it's fine it's our worst player we were not even a couple minutes in in the first attempt and we were getting absolutely destroyed whenever his hammer hits the ground it spreads light throughout which is all deadly on top of that is special attack Elden shattering is when he repeatedly slams The Ground damaging around everything around him making it impossible to get near him oh God three rows apart one Retreat Retreat hello sir oh that was touching my toes I do a little crafting wait for me you're doing a whole crafting with it wow once TBH fell so did the rest of us one by one we didn't even do much to him on his first phase we racked up multiple more deaths and attempts but it wasn't looking good we knew we had to get stronger so that's what we did we grinded Moss for a while gaining nearly a whole 15 levels making each of us extremely powerful on top of that we had to do everything the game would allow us because we couldn't make any potions golden apples totem of the undying or anything else because they were not even on the map but we prepared as much as we could for another attempt all right don't die at the start please okay I have my HP oh my God he took out four and a half hearts I gotta just heal I just gotta watch and heal yeah you you do uh you do you vlasa you're doing a great job thank you I'm the tank I'm the Healer there's like multiple roles right now what can't this beautiful human do oh he one-shotted me bro Ali do your magic spells and stuff yeah yeah do that do that yep we gotta finish him yes okay we got three this time that's right Alden B whoa there is a dragon this was the first time we got to the second phase but we were already a man down the second phase is even scarier than the first we were now facing the Eldon Beast the rest of the 15 000 house was in this great monster with some of the most game breaking attacks I've ever seen the elvenbeast wields multiple special attacks like a flame sword leaving a whole a trail of fire with each swing alley you're up Ally do your little thing this is just sprinkle some magic dust on him [Music] ranged abilities such as nebula this shoots a long row of clouds into a spear form that later explodes and then the remaining pieces explode again and if that wasn't crazy enough he also has a ringed explosion where he slams his hand into the ground that shoots three rays of expanding orbitals and after the third wave guess what the circle explodes basically don't touch anything glowing or you will also explode oh back up back up are you serious oh my God I'm going in with my ability oh my God okay I got Mana I got you I'm on the other side I did something I did something nice oh he's almost out we were so close to winning and it was important to finish him off the proper way turns out after defeating radagon we have another special weapon that looks like a hammer that leaves the player into the air and smashes into the ground doing a crazy amount of light magic but wait wait do you have that item the special weapon oh I have it I have it right here wait you can use that I don't have a Nevada go use it then the final shot how does this work I didn't read the magic I didn't read the manual nice we successfully beat all the bosses after several attempts but we still had to ice the loser huge shout out to the sport on our latest video it was great but if you guys want to test out these mods uh make sure to go join our Discord down below it's free and you could mess around with them anyway this is happening [Applause]
Channel: Socksfor1
Views: 8,848,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Socksfor1, minecraft, minecraft bosses, minecraft mods, minecraft boss fight, minecraft mod, minecraft boss, minecraft mobs, minecraft animation, minecraft but, minecraft survival, minecraft boss mod, best minecraft mods, minecraft house, 3d minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft art, minecraft build, minecraft bosses guide, minecraft gameplay, minecraft modded bosses, socksfor1 minecraft, socksfor1 mods, socksfor1 mod, socksfor1 largest modpack, minecraft update
Id: YQfoTn3Kgfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 34sec (2374 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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