I’ve never seen a Boomerang Monkey like this…

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there once was a monkey who loved boomerangs he loved throwing boomerangs all over so when he became of age he was sent to become a boomerang monkey when he arrived at the boomerang monkey school he was only given three options first he could go the route of the glaive Lord learning how to master the art of the glaives to Ricochet onto balloons but the monkey didn't want this so he went to the next option to become a biotic Boomerang monkey he would have to lose his arm to gain a strong bionic arm that can throw boomerangs extremely fast and become a cyborg but the monkey also didn't want this and that left him with the last option the route of the Moab domination where he would become so powerful his boomerangs could push the very foundations of the Moab class balloons but this too did not interest the monkey so he was kicked out of the boomerang school and left to wonder the world from there he learned to experiment he mastered the ability to throw two boomerangs at once and then he began experimenting and then eventually plasma rings and then one day this monkey kneeled before the sun got an ass for the sun god to infuse his boomerangs with the power of the Sun God yeah boomerang my games let's let's get some Boomerang monkey action up in here super excited huge shout out to graham cracker for making the fourth pad Boomerang monkey and of course engineer monkey for making the artwork for this so we got the first upgrade is Speedy ranks boomerangs traveled faster and have more Pierce very nice so let's see oh they are they are considerably faster and I like the ability that they have more Pierce I think that's cool so the next upgrade is double Rings boomerangs now fire in an arc of two so now he just throws two boomerangs at the same time that's so good so as we always talk about when we're kind of going through a fourth path upgrades to Towers it leaves us with the these two upgrades are always really important right Speedy rings and double Rings because that means these gonna be applied to over here which is crazy we'll definitely be trying out all of these things because double rings with Perma charge or Moab domination would be crazy specifically Perma charge because that's just double damage Perma charge and that's definitely what you're gonna want right like that's definitely the way to go with it what we're also going to be doing my friends is once we experiment and we see how powerful this T5 is when we get The Godly rings and see how powerful a sun god guy is we're gonna cross path them and get a five five five five Boomerang monkey and see just how crazy this guy is right like what's how powerful is the potential of having this guy we we could see if we could compare it to the the Paragon the glaive Dominus do you think a paragon is going to be stronger than a five five five Boomerang monkey I don't think so I think that there's just the boomerang monkey's gonna be way stronger we might need to get a little bit a little bit more so what's the better one to get so we could get glaives faster rank so boomerangs fire faster and travel faster maybe we do faster throwing and faster ranks exploding ring so boomerangs explode on impact that's so cool I think think faster throwing is probably better because you just get more Rings right I think you just want faster throwing so we'll just get faster yeah look at how much faster he throws and then we can get faster rings as well so now look oh my gosh look at how fast he throws Rings no way balloons are getting fast this guy no chance so far so good I definitely want to get these exploding rings I didn't see a path for camo detection though so normally when you get fourth pass you just naturally get camo detection which is really cool but it doesn't oh he's kind of struggling he's not letting balloons buy just yet but it definitely looks like he needs a little bit of help so let's go ahead and get the third upgrade exploding rings so now they ex oh my gosh look at that they've little like dynamite he just throws Dynamite sticks so we can't see camo balloons yet so we definitely need to give him grow blocker and radar scanner we're gonna lose some lives I mean he's one shotting purple balloon that is kind of insane all right round 27 let's see how he deals with a rush of balloons they're not even coming out on the screen basically so Boomerang monkey really strong really strong and he can let the lead balloons so you don't actually need to get the red hot ranks now which is super nice his next one is plasma rings so plasma boomerangs are super deadly they're not just normal deadly they're super deadly all right I definitely am very interested to see how these sun god rings are gonna do I'm pretty sure we can cross path get a paragon and the crossbat 555 and then have them battle who do you think is gonna win right now do you think a paragon is gonna win or a five five five five Boomerang monkey all cross paths with every single upgrade on one Tower I'm gonna have to go with the five five five five I'm gonna try to get a little because the paragon's not gonna be upgraded that much and also Godly ranks and the double ranks because now you're gonna just this upgrade alone double ranks with Moab domination Perma charge Glade Lord all exploding and godly ranks I don't even know what Godly range do but I bet they're gonna be crazy okay so let's go ahead and buy plasma rings so now he's got plasma oh they just look like he's throwing bananas they tell you it's plasma rings but it's not actually plasma ranks he's just throwing bananas bananas are that powerful okay he's just a banana ring he's a banana ring man Godly ranks is 38 000 that's actually not that bad that's actually a really reasonable fifth tier I think is that the cheapest one no that's the second most expensive one Moab domination is a little bit more expensive not too shabby at all oh is he gonna deal with it okay he was able to deal with a MOAB which is kind of crazy like this guy's solo also the art is so cool can we just shout out the art for the in I think his name is engineer monkey so double rings so exploding Rings looks so good he's like that plasma rang's so good Godly rigs like these these Arts are so cool we're gonna need a lot of money though do we boost it as well with other stuff I guess I can get primary training on this right and then primary mentoring that just gives him some more attack speed and it gives all of the tier one upgrades for free oh wait what he can't hit purples whoa oh my goodness wait he can't hit purples he can't hit purple so with that because of the plasma rings so we need to get another Boomerang monkey so let's get double ranks and then with double Rings let's do a cross path and get the bionic Boomerang and then like Turbo Charge I want to see yeah so he has the turbocharged double boomerang now and Central Market all right we've got all four Central Markets now friends now that we've got the four Central Markets it's time to start saving for the big man Godly Rings boomerangs are now infused with the power of the Sun God I can't wait to see what that does I love that he's got a boomerang like on his head like a right there it's like a little Boomerang that's so cool the sun god Boomerang all right let's do it friends if you guys enjoyed fourth path videos by the way please hit that like button when you do the button turns blue and it shows that you want to see more epic for fat videos my friends so let's do this Godly ranks three a two a one bada bang he shoots lightning thunder and lightning thunder and lightning yeah uh this is the fourth path Boomerang monkey is anyone there's no way he can lose now right like does he all right let's just see all right round 60 bfp eats it for breakfast I'll put the Paragon down but there's no way he'll get more Pops than a five five there's no way let's just go to round 100. can this guy beat round 100 oh it's gonna be close it's gonna be close he I do not think he'll be able oh he might I mean with these guys he'll he'll definitely be able to okay so let's go ahead I'm gonna get turn this guy into a glaive Dominus so a level 32 glaive Dominus so now that we've got this guy down let's just see how powerful he is for a little bit all right let's just give him a little bit of time and just see right like let's go up to round 120. that seems reasonable right can this guy defeat round 120. yeah I mean he just he shreds this guy shreds all right all right friends first things first [Music] plasma rank oh he's already got a hundred thousand pops okay let's all right let's skip like 10 Rounds all right 144. oh my goodness okay so now let's start upgrading them and start getting the crossbat tower ready okay he's already at two million pops holy cow all right so red hot Rings all right do we upgrade let's just add one path at a time so Kylie Boomerang Moab press Moab domination all right already absolutely Bonkers look at this look at how much damage he does to the bad okay faster throwing faster ranks bionic Boomerang oh no oh no I think the bionic Boomer Turbo Charge I think the Perma charge is what pushes him over the edge oh my goodness because now he's shooting Godly ranks at a Perma charge speed as well as mob domination improve ranks glaives glaive Ricochet more glaves glaive Lord friends and he is now a five five five five all right let's just do something absurd let's just jump to round 200. did you see that there is no way the boomerang Paragon can be able to keep up with this there's no way this guy's insane around 400 then there is there's no way that the Glade like this look he's at he's at three million pops okay this is at three million these guys at 500 million oh 600 million pops he beat round 400. he beat round 400 the fourth path Boomerang monkey is crazy oh wait we lost no no well friends that's a good end of this video I hope you enjoyed if you did hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications and I'll see you tomorrow for some more epic content peace
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 298,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BTD 6, Bloons TD 6, Mod, BTD 6 mod, Bloons TD 6 Mod, Boomerang Monkey, BTD 6 Boomerang Monkey, Boomerang Monkey Mod, Boomerang Monkey Hack, Hack, Modded, Btd 6 modded, Tewtiy, Tewtiy mod, Funny, Rang monkey, 4th path, Fourth path, Btd 4th path, Secret path, 4th path in BTD 6, 4th path mod, 4th path mod btd 6, 4th path hack, 4th tier, Tier 4, Path, Boomerang monkey mod
Id: Qb5Igu05-TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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