The MOAB Paragon in BTD 6!

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friends I have big news in the world of the monkeys last night a secret ninja snuck into the balloons military base and they stole the blueprints to the moabs we now have our own Moab Blueprints and our monkey scientists have been working tirelessly throughout the night and now finally we have moabs on our side that's right everyone we have the new Moab Tower it is a fully customized monkey Airship with three different paths you can go up this way to get like an orange look at this so it changes it's up all the way with different textures this thing you get Gatling lasers where it turns into a red DDT and then over here a ravager what is this it looks like it's different planes and it also upgrades that's no balloon into the balloon radicator which cost a million dollars that's crazy a slow-moving Airship that pops Balloons with this powerful machine gun this actually from a new modder by the name of just huge shout out to that person that's actually so hype if you guys want to see more mods from this Creator make sure to hit that like button so it starts at 985 dollars not too shabby I like the little like the placement that you get with it right that's not bad I'm gonna put this uh I don't know it doesn't even matter all right yo that's so cool does it have oh wait so you can only so you only swap if it's going left or right that's the only thing that you can swap with it and it's so slow actually look at that it's actually not it actually shoots that's crazy that's not bad at all all right I'm gonna sell this because I want this to be more in the middle area I want it to look cooler all right so let's see what we got for upgrade so blutonium darts balloon tonium tip darts increases damage against all balloon types not bad faster firing machine guns faster fire wait so it does need to be within radius of the dart ship so it doesn't have infinite range that's interesting but it has crazy attack speed it's not as fast as a darling Gunner but it's pretty good so powerful darts darts game more popping hmm and then improved engines improved engines allow monkey Airship to be more maneuverable what is that supposed to mean twin guns adds a second machine gun and then mobile reconnaissance let's see Pop and reveal I think what's the I think Annihilator is gonna be the best one this one's like a bomber and this one's a ravager light carrier launches an escort of fighter planes okay that seems the coolest so I'm gonna get the faster firing and then the twin gun so it adds oh look at this so it shoots two guns and it even gets like cool textures that are added onto it yo the Paragon does cost a million dollars adds a lot of money it's so cool how slow it is it actually is like a blimp where it's just like [Music] I love the texture of it how it's green when it has like the red and black stripes on it that's actually a really cool way to distinguish the way that it looks for the most part so we're gonna be able to see what all of them do and I'm very excited for this I want to see how strong this Tower is actually going to be I mean so far we only have two upgrades on it and it's really strong problem that I see with it is it goes really really slowly right and Only Hits things in radius so look all these green balloons are gonna get to go all the way up here and then I mean by this time he's gonna like come back and swoosh around but I could see that being kind of a problem problem but we are going to be getting the improved engines which is going to make them a lot faster or I I don't know if it's gonna make them faster but we are going to see what it does so dart's getting more popping power and then improved engines let's find out what this does wait what centered path look at this okay so we have different options so we have a circle figure infinity figure oh okay so now you get to actually shoes which you what like different path that you want that's actually so cool we are gonna need to give this guy some camo detection so I'm gonna put that bad boy right there so Gatlin laser adds another machine gun that fires lasers or a light carrier launches an escort of fighter planes okay obviously I want to get an escort of fire planes because that seems really epic and let me buy another one because I think we need to get the bomber drops bombs on nearby balloons that stuns them temporarily I do I want to get that with the improved engines that might be a better option I don't know we are going to get another one right here and then we're gonna go with the bomber plane so mobile reconnaissance and then we're gonna need to get bomber so drops bombs at nearby balloons that stuns them temporarily all right boom Oh it turns into a whoa I was expecting it to be kind of similar to the the upgrade on the plane where like the bomber race where it drops the rows of it but it's actually become kind of like a mortar Tower and even has the image of like the uh stunned balloons on he's like yeah what are you gonna do about it does faster firing or twin guns heavy bomber upgrade bombs deal more damage and Devastator improve bomb stunner weaken all balloons of radius including Moab class balloons that's epic all right I'm actually gonna get this because I want this guy to just like chill in the middle here the reason I want him in the middle is just so all these explosions are gonna constantly go off all right we can go ahead and get our banana plantation now we're gonna upgrade this one for the light carrier or the or the Gatlin laser I I think we want this one to be the Gatlin laser oh and it turns into the DDT and it gets more range too all right all right okay all right now it's time to get the third one and this one we're gonna have be on the outside area so this one I think needs to be the carrier Flagship right and then I think we definitely just want twin guns and that so let's have I don't care about centered path I want this to be the actual Circle oh you hit you have centered path but I don't really care wait can you set the center over here oh my gosh so you can actually tell it where you want it to fly around in a circle that's busted what okay okay so Center PATH there oh my gosh okay I think that's so cool you can actually tell it where you want it to fly no shot but also that Moab just got absolutely annihilated so we get the heavy bomber I want let's get the light carrier so what happens with this now that we have the light carrier there it is there's the planes you get four planes that's not bad all right carrier Airship now with new and improved Fighters so we can get that and it upgrades into a really cool what is is that his retextured zomg that that's so cool looking like what this this upgrade's kind of crazy all right let's get this upgraded here wait I want I feel like having the centered path right here for the bomber is gonna be really nice heavy bomber upgraded bombs deal more damage and weaken nearby balloons he even got he's got a nuclear symbol over it that's so hype okay and the next one is the laser array well we're gonna start needing a lot of money like a lot of money so far let's see this has 8 000 pops the monkey this Airship with the laser is doing a lot of work this one's probably gonna be the strongest eventually I love I just love this Tower I think this is such a cool Tower these are all just the t4s this is a T3 Tower and it's already just kind of devastating so we need 54 or 45 000 for that and 41 000 for that which isn't too bad for t5s so powerful Fighters deal massive damage you can stun Moab class balloons this one in a weakens MOAB class balloons I this one's just adds a powerful new beam attack that targets the strongest balloon on screen these three towers work together very well like like scarily well honestly if I just get one more banana Central I should be fine right like once you get that you're just you're cruising and I wouldn't want to upgrade them yet I want to upgrade them as it gets more and more difficult so right now it does seem to be a little bit overwhelming like just a little bit okay this guy let's see all right I'm gonna upgrade this to the laser array as a new powerful beam oh my gosh show it just a constant purple beam fires out of it all right so we're doing all right we already have Amelia's we already have the million dollars we need all right wait we even have a ray of Doom ability what does it do it just gives them increased attack speed which allows them to just like destroy that so he's targeting the strongest balloons constantly all right let's change this one and we can make this I'd rather make the Center PATH over there and then we're gonna also swap them around so it goes the other direction okay so the first one is the ravager which honestly the wrap I don't really let's have the ravager over here and then let's put the bomber let's put the bomber here I think that's gonna be a better option all right so we can wait I just clicked that ability and he annihilated everything all right so the first the first ability let's get the ravager so we get the ravager oh my God that looks so cool it's like a black and reds OMG and they look as they got laser ships that flying all over the place okay all right let's see let's go up to around 95. can these guys be this one T5 let's see how good he is 165 000 pops already we don't even need these banana Farms anymore we don't even need them he's destroying them I don't the DVD all right let's upgrade which one is which wait that is this so let's upgrade it to the Devastator a zoom that's oh my God I'm like geeking out right now I'm geeking out right now the purple DDT is also pretty cool all right round 100 let's see what he's got can they beat it they were able to beat it no problem all right let's upgrade this guy to the annihilator oh my gosh that's an annihilator holy cow so the next one the last one is the balloon radicator and it just says that's no balloon that's that's such a raw line okay let's get let's try to get this thing as powerful as possible right so we can just get a bunch of these or we can get a bunch of annihilators I just realized that so I'm gonna be I'm gonna actually get another a couple banana research facilities because I want this thing to be as powerful as we can make it right I mean we're nothing's gonna get past this all right we just have an army of like the biggest plane okay this is epic all right so let's just skip a bunch of rounds as well I mean I think we've probably put enough money into the upgrades that's 167 like thousand dollars for each one so let's just skip a bunch of rounds we might not get it to eat like a paragon level 100 but it's pretty strong all right we're just wanting all of these to get just a crazy amount of Pops all right my friends it is time if you've enjoyed up until now please hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications and you guys know how can you guys know how it works let's do this I'm so hyped for this Paragon everything up until now has been so hyped like so cool let's do this in three two one oh my God and lying around oh my gosh I'm geeking out right now so it's just in the circle figure infinite Circle so you actually lose that ability which is kind of interesting you have little mini DVDs they're just flying around they don't give a hoot they don't give a heck they're just going in so lapping the balloons around what even I don't even need this anymore let's just skip a bunch of rounds do I I don't even see anything showing up on the screen right now oh that DDD got a little bit hard but that's fine around 190. seven million pops look at it go holy cow it literally has miniature ddts that fly around and pop it it's shooting out a literal Ray of Doom whoever made this like you know what I'm just gonna make this the coolest thing that's ever existed and they're just they just put this on and they're like yeah why because it's awesome like I I for a second I thought that look at it looks like he's going along the track right now look that's actually kind of scary could you imagine if this is a balloon that showed up right good look is following the track right now and he just skips this part Neil I think the Fortified beat the Fortified bad is gonna give him trouble oh he might have trouble now uh oh let's go all right I want to see this guy beat round 200 so badly all right round 200 let's go oh man oh man let's yes oh I forgot that this balloon it actually is dropping the explosions so anything on top of it let's go and that's we're gonna end off today's video If you enjoyed make sure to hit that like button subscribe turn on notifications for more awesome modded content
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 1,014,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BTD 6, Bloons TD 6, Mod, hack, MOAB, MOAB Tower, Bloon Tower, Custom Tower, Modded Tower, BTD 6 Mod, Bloons TD 6 Mod, BTD 6 Custom Tower, MOAB Blueprints, Custom MOAB, Custom Bloon, Modded, Tewtiy
Id: ufPbP0JDMlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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