I've never seen spikes like these......

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friends today we're going to be covering not one but two brand new Paragons the modded Spike Factory the spewer of chaos Reigns of Spike and Terror which has cost over 1.1 million dollars and we also have the Monkey Village Paragon the house of monkey Comics the true Hub of monkeynomics Grants massive Buffs to Towers all across the map summage Village Defenders that shoot lightning at the balloons dealing massive damage ability weakens all balloons on screen causing them to take massive damage these two Paragons teamed up together is gonna be absolutely devastating all right let's get this party started can this guy can he put any spikes down there I don't think he can put here if I get longer each can he put spikes right there now does he he never put spot there he goes he put one one thing of spikes over there right now so I want to try to get this guy upgraded because I want to start trying to get that Spike Factory paragon on up and running I'm gonna kind of cross path this because it doesn't really matter when you're getting the Paragon upgrades if one of the towers is cross path so right at the start I'm gonna get a little some a little cross path here let's also get faster production we're just this thing's gonna be a beast this thing is gonna just annihilate all balloons I'm really excited because we're slowly getting all of the paragons back and like all the modded Paragons we're getting new ones created old ones are being brought back and soon I would love to have a time where there is literally every single Paragon in the game all accessible right now we're just missing a magic monkey so we're missing one two three four Paragons four that's it so that's 18 Paragons that's a lot of Paragons we have I definitely want to go over I probably film a video sometime soon so you keep your eye out for it where I put down all primary military and support paragons and one one video so we're doing all right right now so let's start getting some banana Farms because 1.1 million dollars is really expensive guys how many times could you buy balloons tower defense with one million dollars let's let's do the math all right Balloon Tower Defense cost 13.99 on Steam right now this Paragon cost 1.18854-1188540 divided by 13.99 you could buy balloons tower fence 80 go back wait 84 000 basically 85 000 times you could buy 85 000 copies of Balloons Tower Defense 6 with a million dollars if I I need long life spikes now because I think I might get long life spikes I'm pretty sure that they yeah they won't go but they're still just as powerful as the spike balls upgrade so like yeah nothing's gonna get past these guys literally nothing I'd really like to see a paragon added to every Tower officially by Ninja Kiwi at some point in the you know in balloons td6 right like I think that would be wonderful to be able to see that and they're they're slowly coming out with them right but this is a thought that I had is that the Monkey Village this Paragon is not possible to get in shims the reason you can't get a monkey Village Paragon in chimps is because the bottom one absorbs all nearby banana farms and you need a banana Farm placed down in order to get it and you can't put banana Farms down in chimps so therefore you would not be able to get a monkey Village Paragon in chimps so now we can start working on really get some money yeah look at this ah yeah Moab didn't stand a chance so I'm gonna put this bike Factory down over here this will be our premise bike we can just have this guy all the way down uh wait what am I doing why am I upgrading this because I want to skip a bunch of rounds and I'm afraid I'll lose let's see oh my gosh okay well there's our one banana Central uh okay I need to get a purpose bike I think Justin just in case you know just in case something something crazy happens here all right there we go we have enough money now to start really saving up trying to get that so there's that first one we can put this guy over here we can go ahead and get super mines I'm not gonna upgrade this all the way yet I'll upgrade that to the spike storm and that will be our Paragon that we upgrade but like Spike storm is just really annoying it just it just constantly sprays out spikes there we go we're already at eight hundred thousand nine hundred thousand one hundred million bill Jillian dollars and now we can upgrade it to the spewer of chaos everybody wait let's actually I'm gonna skip some more rounds the reason being is I'd like to get a little bit more money because I want to get a couple super Minds because I would really like to get this to be a high degree Paragon like in the 50s or 60s you know let's get the first Paragon the spewer of chaos I'm actually so ready for this in three two one upgrade let's see what we get here oh my gosh 46 degree not bad it puts out holy cow that's so many it also has an ability does it just do what I think it's gonna do yeah it just spews out those Spikes all over the place let's go that's what we like to see and he's just kind of destroyed oh my gosh this guy's spews out spikes we're on round 84 and nothing's even getting over to this side and then you can just do this and these are look like they're small they look like normal they're normal spikes but they are most certainly not normal spikes by any means they may appear to be that but don't let don't be fooled now what I'm excited about is let's start trying to get this Village upgraded right where should we put the village I guess it doesn't matter because it did say it was Global right I want to see what it I'm gonna put it over here though because I think it says it puts out The Village Defenders whatever that means so we're gonna get some Village Defenders I need to get a banana Farm down so I can upgrade this into monkey Papa lips and now we can upgrade this into the house of monkey Comics the true Hub of monkeynomics so let's let's see what this does so boom and wait what oh my gosh you put that little bananas he's like you know what oh my gosh he's literally this guy's insane look how powerful he is that is nasty and this does literally have Global range so he kind of puts it all over the place all right that's reasonable and not broken in any way shape or form so this guy oh my gosh he literally has two of them out they're just destroying everything so we can use this ability for attack speed what does this ability do so that's the ability that just weakens all balloons and man does that have a long cooldown that must be like that has to be a three minute cooldown three it the village Defender already has 300 000 pops the banana guys turned into the own attack Tower literally nothing can even get past the village right now this is definitely worth it this is like an offense slash support Tower but mainly wait to the bananas never disappear does he just keep adding them down no way right they have to have a lifespan just like compute I think they just there's there is no way there is no way that it just keeps adding Village Defenders non-stop like infinitely I refuse to believe it's that broken I refuse okay I'm starting to believe it's not broken it has two million files it's literally overshadowing this guy completely that's kind of crazy I'm gonna sell this guy I want to put it I'm gonna put this guy over here because I would I want these oh they're still exploding over there because they keep adding bananas and they apparently it boosts all the other Towers like a lot right so what if we put look wait what this is a normal tax shooter getting ton wait what how strong does it make this Tower this top I it uh yeah that's what I have to say about this and every Tower is boosted this much how is that balanced look at all this I can't even let's see I don't look at how many pops the darling Gunner is giving he's up to 10 000 pops already okay let's get a couple of towers down here now let's jump up to like a crazy number let's try round 180. and let's see how these towers can deal with it I mean this this bike Factory is still kind of dealing with it five million pops Jude's doing very well sniper monkey's doing great darling Gunner's doing great this might be it I exploded everything use my abilities attack oh no I ain't losing yet and they still have to get past all of these in the end which has 20 million pops so this tower has 20 million pops as well but this is already caught up as 30 million Pops I think we're starting to really see that the spike Factory here is starting to seriously come in clutch now and it's scaling into the the late game is absolutely amazing look at another fortified bad all right let's go on with the Bang everybody let's jump to round 300 if you've enjoyed hit that like button subscribe and turn on notifications oh no it's over I don't see any way that we get out of this one I just used the village buff 800 million pops on this Paragon can we hit 100 million before the game's over can we hit 100 million pops come on ability get the ability I got the ability off in time are we still no way it got 113 million Bots but that was it everyone that's what it ended but still 114 million pops is not a bad way to go out I hope you enjoyed
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 458,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BTD 6, Bloons TD 6, Spike Factory, Mod, Hack, BTD 6 Spike Factory, Bloons TD 6 Spike Factory, Paragon, Spike Factory Paragon, Paragon Mod, Custom paragon, custom paragon mod, BTD 6 spike factory mod, modded, hacked, Tewtiy, Bloons, spike factory drops everything, paragon mod, Spike Factory Mod, BTD 6 Spike Factory Paragon, DatJaneDoe, paragon, Village Paragon, Village Modded Paragon, village, monkey village, monkey village paragon, monkey village paragon mod
Id: gGOCeh5Xo3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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