The 6 Path CYBER MONKEY in BTD 6!

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we're gonna be using the brand new Cyber monkey Tower the Cyber monkey Tower is incredibly unique because it has six unique paths that you're supposed to upgrade all of them this is actually one of the first towers ever made that's supposed to be cross path it's actually a non-linear upgrade Tower meaning you can upgrade its stats based on the things that you need or want so for example you could keep upgrading its range or you could upgrade its attack speed but also maybe give it a flamethrower or a stronger flamethrower and once we get every single one of these t5s is going to be crazy all right let's jump into it I love that it's free I love me if oh my gosh is that his range wait his rate at least he's got no range what is this can you even hit anything can't hit any balloons okay so the first thing we have to buy is site so plus 15 Tower range he doesn't attack any balloons wait so we have to buy something okay so flamethrower cyber monkey starts to literally throw fire okay let's get that so now he's at least Throwing Fire so he actually doesn't do anything at the start until you buy some upgrades so flamethrower one that's not bad but it's definitely kind of weak right now balloons are still kinda getting by so the next upgrade we can buy is techno Rings cyber monkey throws techno rings that linger after being thrown so I just realized you're not actually able to get all six past you can get all five paths but there's three different weapon choices you can choose from so you're only allowed to pick two of the weapon choices so with this one we have flamethrower and then techno Rings which is pretty cool so we if we wanted to there's the plasma blutonium which is a high damage low Pierce attack so we'll have to try that as well to see what the best combination is so we're gonna have to get another one down at some point so we have site two which is plus 15 Tower range let's just get some more sight because my goodness we have like no that's and it's really not that expensive like getting more like Vision it's not too bad all right so power surge five percent attack speed to all weapons that's not bad five percent isn't crazy but like I think we can manage with that right like I'm not gonna be out here just like yeah but an extra five percent isn't too shabby oh my gosh that goes up in price quickly and then camo detection cyber monkey can detect camo balloons yeah might as well just go ahead and buy that because you'd always want to be able to detect those pesky camo balloons special properties one thousand cyber monkey weapons can attack any balloon balloon that is thousand dollars that is incredibly cheap actually that is so affordable I'm definitely going to want to buy that just because like now it's literally we just have MIB built in sign me up all right but he is starting to struggle just a teeny bitsy bit we're on round 15 and he's like some balloons are starting to sneak by so do we let's see so there's a flamethrower and techno rank so techno Reigns gained one damage and three Pierce probably want to get the Pierce because I think we're we're losing on based on that because more balloons are getting by that's actually helping out a ton very nice okay two times ceramic damage cyber monkey weapons deal two times damage terminal we're not dealing with any Ceramics so I don't think I want to waste two thousand dollars on that yet that's gonna be great later on but for right now look at this it has the eyeball and it looks like there's two eyes staring at you it's just like staring into your soul so what's this one so it's just another 15 range I mean I think you just I mean it's like thousand dollars so let's just get on crazy range look at his range it's almost Global now what five 25 Tower range I don't think we really need that right now though right like I think that's not that that's not that crazy or demanding that's getting a little bit further than I'd like I guess we can go ahead and upgrade the flamethrower again but it's just Plus One Flame attack damage so does it just do more damage so it does okay so it does more damage now so it does two layers which is not bad but it's not like that like we're losing lives I don't like this okay flamethrower three flame attack is tripled in a wide R to melt the balloons that's what I'm talking about all right let's see how much stronger this is when we get this whoa it has like a split shot to it wait what wait so is it let's see okay so it's actually better if the balloons are further away because if it's up close it still just kind of explodes in that normal area so if it's further away it's actually going to do a little bit better oh look at this this is hitting Max upgrades now right here on your techno rings so you can only get a T2 of one and a T5 so you can't Max them so we've gotten the flame thrower path so this is going to be the flamethrower cyber monkey whoa and then you have to upgrade these paths along with it very interesting I wonder if you can max out these t5s as well as having the other cyber monkeys so you need to get all site all of the Techno Rings V5 and then so each of the t3s changes it right whoa what okay that's so hype that is so hype I was not expecting that all right so let's get power surge and just get more oh my God ten thousand dollars okay okay I need to get my I need to get my act together I think I need to get another cyber monkey because I'm kind of I'm kind of getting my butt handed to me right now I kind of want to see what the plasma bluntonium one does because this seems this seems really cool do we put one maybe we put this guy I don't want to cram them all in one spot so let's put this guy right here it's gonna be a while before you can actually hit all of them but let's Okay site site and then I one more site okay so we can see all of them let's get the plasma balloon tonium so a high damage low Pierce plasma attack oh okay that's really good so let's get camo detection special properties so we can deal with all types of balloons and then what's the next upgrade plasma blutonium plasma has a chance to blow back balloons plus one damage okay yeah I'm gonna get that one what is the better option is it better to have the flamethrower or the Techno ranks I don't know what's a better secondary weapon I don't know the Rings are just no I'm gonna go with the flamethrower I think the flamethrower just having that constant like boom boom boom is definitely the way to go and then we can get power surge for more attack speed and we're about to have to go up against some moabs now but I'm not actually too worried about it I mean this guy with his pull the blue balloon tonium upgrade is way better I love the way this Tower Works what do you guys think do you think this is a cool Tower concept where you have your three different like sight attack speed and special properties that you can deal with it and then you also have different weapon Styles so you kind of customize it it's almost like a like a RPG character I'm actually a big fan of this I think it adds so much more value to the Tower and like the different uh attacks that you go with it here wait let's get two times ceramic damage nice and barely was able to do with the Moab so now a two times camo damage so cyber monkey weapons deal two times damage to camo blue I like that that's not like crazy because I feel I guess uncertain like camo ceramic brushes whoa wait okay okay so if if you get two times ceramic damage and also two times camo damage does that mean you're getting four times damage to camo Ceramics I think that's how it works and if that if it stacks and multiplies like that that's gonna be insane all right let's get flamethrower two and then plasma bloontonium three plasma weakens balloons making them take plus two damage for half a second we have one left and it's the Techno race I kind of wish the Techno the Techno Rings was actually in the middle and the flamethrower was elsewhere because the Rings sit right there in the middle and then the balloons run by it so I think this is actually not I think this guy should be the Techno Rings dude so let's get techno Rings techno Rings three oh wait he needs Vision I needed my vision quickly and power surge oh my gosh camera detection ceramic damage camo damage quick buy all of them okay so I bought Max site now here's the main question can we get maxite on this guy now too we can let's go that's huge oh no no no all right I need the fire guy should we put the fire I think I want the fire guy here we have like a triangle that's not a triangle that's definitely like that's just a line wait oh I keep forgetting you have to buy the site upgrade that's so weird I it's so different it's so different than what I'm normally used to it's actually so cool so let's look at this techno Rings Attack twice as fast and getting double the Pierce do I want I think I want the plasma blutonium as the secondary attack it's just so good look at how fast he attacks it does solid damage I think that's gonna be the play oh are we okay here I let's get plasma with plutonium oh my gosh all right they're we're doing okay well we definitely could use a little bit more Gusto here so let's get two of the plasma bluntonium oh my gosh okay we've gotten a lot stronger in 10 Rounds though because on round 40 the Moab almost got by and then it got completely white so that actually works out perfectly so the T4 is 7000 and it just spews it out at a greater rate what's this one techno range deal 25 Moab damage okay definitely get that and we're gonna have them Target strong now if he deals 25 extra damage to moabs that's going to be gnarly okay that's gonna be so good he just annihilates he just eats Moana for breakfast now so what I has a chance to blow back balloons which is really good all right so two times camo damage two times blimp damage cyber monkey weapons deal two times damage from Moab class balloons that's gonna be really nice to get late game right now it's not that important all right let's get the I kind of want to move them in closer because look at the range they have is crazy right but uh it's fine yeah because if you put them over here they actually can just see the whole map they can see pretty much the whole map but I want to be able to see them in their own their own little spot whatever they're up to right oh let's get this one so plasma blutonium is spewed out at a greater rate holy cow is that a greater rate what do you mean a greater rate he just gets like a triple shot wait no that's he just spews out this blue Antonio what the heck that's crazy what all right that guy just got so powerful and let's see 20 attack speed ceramic I haven't gotten ceramic damage on this guy yet I feel like we should get all the way up to camo damage at least for all of them let's get Max site and then power surge flamethrower four is nineteen thousand dollars flame attack speed is increased and burn with even more might 28 000 all right we're starting to get to the part where we actually need to think about putting in money in system Farms so with these upgrades if I take a look here okay two times camo damage and two times blimp damage and ceramic does this mean you get also four times damage to ddts oh balloon uh oh no we lost on round 63. let's see if this nineteen thousand dollar flamethrower is gonna be able to deal with round 63. oh my gosh it destroyed it this guy just became such a powerful tower flamethrower five is forty eight thousand dollars okay I need to go back and get another banana Farm up and running ASAP that was wild I wasn't expecting it to be able to deal with the balloons as quickly as it did they didn't even get around the first Bend when we were initially losing that's how much more powerful it became which is so good techno ranks of five so let's read this the tech new Rings five are the Pinnacle of boomerang technology representing the fusion of Precision Engineering and advanced Weaponry designed to decimate balloon waves with unparalleled efficiency nice I kind of want to get the two times blimp damage on all of these and then wait what's the plasma plutonium the radioactive properties of the plutonium causes the balloons to become frail and take plus five damage for two seconds okay not bad not bad at all actually I think that's turning out to be exactly what we need let's see so we can get the power surge 20 attack speed I think that's that's how expensive is that in the very end 45 000 are you kidding me that is crazy all right I need to I need to step up I need to step it up I need to I need to get some more money the radioactive properties of plutonium caused the balloons to become frail and take plus five damage so let's just get that and whoa that is actually very nice oh look what it looks like cool he gets this green radioactive glow to his character that's I like that I think that's super neat so do we just try to Max this guy out now or do we save it and get all the other nah let's Max them out power surge two times blimp damage so no whoa look at his eyes oh round 76 we're fine we're fine okay power surge V4 so 20 attack speed and now the very last one where we're gonna get the first maxed out cyber monkeys for 48 000 just to get is okay see it says 20 attack speed and now it says 25 attack speed is it an additional 25 attacks okay is it an additional five percent or an additional 25 attack speed I don't know I don't know what the answer to that is and it drives me crazy because it says this gives you twenty percent so it doesn't give you five percent every time and if it's only five percent why is it cost forty eight thousand dollars but that's fine because we're gonna buy it in three two one go okay I think that's an extra 25 if I had to guess all right the next one I guess is techno ranks it's getting getting ready to see this guy but I mean right now we're so powerful I don't even know if we need it we can just start working getting two times blimp damage power surge it's lags the game there's so many upgrades to the tower I love that wait that was around 80. we destroyed it all right let's just keep going let's just keep battling here so we can get power surge and then we can go ahead and get the next power surge as well round 95 is always pretty oh are we okay here I think we're fine I don't think there's anything to worry about we're fine I I don't want to get any of the upgrades yet because I want to see how powerful the upgrades are gonna be so let's see versus round 100 okay we definitely don't need banana Farms anymore oh we might need okay I actually think we need to get the upgrade here I'm upgrading the flamethrower so power surge power surge and let's get the flamethrower three two one boom whoa whoa oh my gosh look how many walls of fire he puts down and he just spams them down okay that's pretty cool I love how it looks the fire in his eye techno ranks let's get the final upgrade for techno rings and boom he just shoots out these giant techno Rings now I don't see him oh my gosh he's actually getting it looks so cool I love the blue these the Cyber monkey is actually so hype this Tower is so cool 500 000 out of the three what are your favorites all right round 140 the ultimate test my friends let's see if the Cyber monkey has what it takes I I think they do I think they got what it takes let's see he's doing some decent damage but we haven't scratched it yet we it hasn't taken but now he's attacking from this side oh he's got a bit he's got a boo-boo he's got a Band-Aid on him come on oh he's got the second instance of damage come on oh come on he's got it I think he's got it let's go round 140 has been beaten thank you so much for watching we'll see you later bye
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 160,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BTD 6, Bloons TD 6, Cyber Monkey, Mod, Hack, 6 path, BTD 6 6 path, 6 paths, 555555, Tewtiy, Modded, Hacked, Cyber, Cyber Tower
Id: zoF8okMavzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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