The CASH HACK Strategy With Cards?!

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today we're going to be playing balloons tower defense except we now have this card pack if you haven't seen my previous video on the card draw mod I highly recommend it a quick recap is that when I buy this pack three cards are gonna pop up on my screen now I can pick from one of the three cards and it'll give me a hopefully permanent bonus such as a permanent money multiplication you know all the balloons spawn on fire it's some pretty crazy awesome stuff of course it does cost five thousand dollars though so we're gonna see just how far I can get we're using these card packs and I'm just so excited one because card bags are just cool all right do I put a Zealand like right smack dab or do I put it like up that's what we're gonna have a zealy for now because she'll be able to hit so many like different spots and it'll be very nice and then we get long range increased range and then you can have look at that range look at that range let's go it does cost five thousand dollars for a card pack though which is quite expensive tip like that is really expensive do I just save up and just like straight up straight off the bat try to buy a card pack or do I try to like invest and try to get some money first so that way I can buy a whole bunch of cards this is what we're gonna do I'm just gonna straight up right off the bat go go for a card pack and see if I can get lucky because I can get something that just gives me like money every round or if I get something that's going to you know give me money multiplication or some kind of like big bonus that I want to get early on the game it'll be great or I could just get something that turns out to be really awful and then I'm really sad that I literally wasted half of ten thousand dollars hopefully trying to get something I'm just gonna hope I get something good okay this is the problem okay this is the this is the gambler's fallacy okay that you get into you're like oh you know I'm sure I'll get something good okay you know why wouldn't I because because it's bad okay gambling is bad all right this card pack better be worth it all right I'm like trying to buy some Pokemon cards and then they're gonna come out and turn out to be just like really bad look at George George has more Pops than Galaxy because Galaxy is weak early game but she turns into a ferocious monster later in the game all right here we go it's time for us to get our first card pack I'm excited I hope it's not bad or booty cheeks so let's see all right our first card pack what the heck okay and okay so tiny town oh my gosh these are all so bad these are all so bad I guess I can get slow balloon so the balloons are 25 faster wait I still have four thousand dollars what happened to my money does it not cost five thousand four hundred dollars because I still have a lot of money left I thought I'd be broke it looked like it only cost a thousand dollars or maybe like two thousand dollars or something I don't know but I'm just gonna buy another one I'm kind of sad that we only got the balloons are like slower like that's not really that great do I dare just wait and buy another one or do I get some upgrades I'm uh I'm gonna be reasonable and I'm just gonna get some upgrades real fast I'll just get quick shots okay it's not that expensive but that'll allow me to deal with more balloons and please oh we need 300 more dollars I'm around 17 I'm dying out here all right let's go the balloon cd6 card pack all right and all right let's see gain 200.10 lives per round that's what I'm talking about that's money right there that's exactly what I wanted so 200 every round I'm gonna be able to and I can still buy I don't think it actually costs five thousand dollars there's no way it actually costs five thousand dollars I think it only cost like twelve hundred dollars or something I'm not complaining but you need five thousand dollars in order to buy it though which is kind of a problem so we can buy another one now okay so slow balloons ghost engineer balloon this one's so good where balloons have a chance to freeze that's actually so good you want stuff that can deal with like balloons getting Frozen though so right now the freezing's not that great because well we can't you know it doesn't actually do anything because the balloons get Frozen you can't pop them so they are because they become like temporarily Invincible all right I'm just gonna get trouble shot I'm finally doing it I'm buying triple shot I'm tired of losing lives here I'd like to get heat tip darts probably because I want to be able to pop Frozen balloons because everything now has a chance to to literally create Frozen balloons which is pretty cool we want stuff that attacks fast and hits Frozen balloons oh purple balloons I can just go ahead and I can just get a sniper and let him get Full Metal Jacket because that pops Frozen balloons and that's gonna be just absolutely Dandy look at him go pew pew pew Target strong I probably want this guy to attack faster because he has a higher chance of freezing balloons I do want this guy to attack a little bit faster but I'm greedy I'm big greedy so I'm gonna save up to buy another card pack because they're almost there and I want more all right let's see come on give me a good card pack come on something good okay a tiny towers tiny towers are picking me nothing bad is going to happen if you pick this card it's really good you lose do you actually lose do you actually do you actually lose if you pick this card I have to know I have to know right there's no way you lose you lost [Music] I should have expected that all right uh let's try that again but hopefully we don't get okay nothing yet patience is a virtue nothing yet patience is a virtue burn them all all balloon spawn on fire okay I'll definitely I don't have patience why do you need patience when you can literally burn all the balloons let's buy another card pack okay so new Boost I definitely want another new Boost right I just want more money deal damage to make money that's definitely not worth it the golden boss you need so much money in order for it to be worth it look at this balloons are literally spawning on fire now that's so good let's get another card pack baby all right place towers are worth five percent more every round yes definitely definitely worth it that is so valuable that like that's actually crazy there were five percent more every round you want we just want investment Towers now like Banks actually don't matter at all wait I want to see something we'll just I want to I want to test something out so never miss targeting rapid fire lots more darts okay this is where 4583 all the way at 583 just remember that 583 don't forget that number 583. at the end of the round we'll come back to it okay 500 and it is it's worth 582 as far as 583 now it's 812 so that means every tower now increased by five percent every round meaning that we don't actually need Banks or banana Farms anymore like if we want to make money like long term like a bunch of money all we actually have to do wait what's happening that that dragonfly he was he was looking cursed there literally just investing in more expensive Towers will just come it was just better I guess we could also just put it into Banks though because the banks just become more valuable over time right so that's fine there we go and now let's just go ahead and buy another card pack so let's see new Boost we could just literally get another new Booth where it's just even more lives or an invisible engineer monkey will overclock your Towers warming ghosts I love how it's like it's ghost like it's spooky it's scary guys you want to be you want to be looking out for those those ghosts they'll get you all right I want more card packs though all right big towers Pierce boost 200 Pierce on all Towers is crazy like that's crazy to get that much Pierce on Towers let's get another card boost uh another Pierce yeah what's a tower that normally like it lacks Pierce wait does this mean that the submarine's just like crazy get twin guns triple guns and I think that'll be very nice okay let's get another card pack we can just buy them all right a little bit of them all I guess short and ability cooldowns forever because they already spawn on fire so who cares about that a ghost Alchemist oh 150 damage on all Towers yeah I'll definitely take 150 damage on all towers that seems Bonkers all right let's get large caliber deadly Precision even faster firing we're only on like round 40 right now so we're just gonna keep getting stronger and stronger I genuinely want to see how powerful we can get remember I don't have cross path on so we just have base like vanilla Towers so it'll be very interesting to actually see how powerful we become so skip rounds uh I don't really care about any of these I guess I'll just get tiny towers and it just makes them smaller but it doesn't like it doesn't change their footprint right like it's still hard to put things next to them so I it doesn't really matter that much 200 Pierce on all Towers yeah I definitely want 200 piers on all Towers double double your current lives in cash no place Towers over five percent more every round definitely like for example look at how much he's worth eight thousand dollars now right like it scales like this bank's worth 11 000 and that one's only nine thousand it scales quite well uh I guess we'll spawn the ghost engineer let's see oh Paragon one once three of these cards are collected place a paragon able Tower okay definitely we want that if we get a free Paragon that's gonna be amazing if we can get a paragon all right let's see more peers wait we can just get big towers and now all the towers are back to what they used to look like all right let's collect our banks we have Thirty one thousand dollars let's get I definitely want to get an inferno ring I think we'll have an inferno ring here maybe we make this a primary a primary Tower spot so if we put up a guy here let's put a tower here too let's see a primary come on where can I fit a primary Village I guess I guess I'll put a primary Village there kind of a not a great spot but I think that'll be okay so bigger radius jungle drums primary mentoring I could get primary expertise but I don't really care too much about that and for this I want to turn this into a ring of fire and we'll just get more attacks because eventually it will be an inferno ring damage boost I feel like you always just want to get damage boost right like that's so good another Paragon card let's go how much is this thing worth now 13 000 I'm gonna upgrade it to Specter I'm gonna sell the specter I think that's what I wait I just want to in I think the plan is is we just buy a Flying Fortress and then we just make the money from it right so another I think we just get another engineer so we're always having like the ultra boost on them and then Towers equal stocks I think that's like you can't go wrong with that one double double doubles your current lives in cash ten thousand dollars or balloons move twenty five percent slower definitely slow balloons 25 is quite a lot so having very slow balloons feels like a big W for us let's save up okay I know this sounds boring but if we save up like look at our sniper these were fourteen thousand dollars our George is worth three thousand dollars now right like that is crazy that just that just scales so fast and we can upgrade Actually I don't even think we need to buy the flying porch it's already 53 000 like look at this let's see how much it goes up in price so it's fifty three thousand dollars 61. it jumped up seven thousand dollars every round and look at our banks our banks are also making us tons of money so that's gonna just be ridiculous let's just keep getting the towers equals stocks right uh I think we want the ghost Alchemist because just more out like Alchemist Buffs are gonna be nice I'm gonna upgrade to Inferno ring forty six thousand dollars that seems pretty reasonable to me what Paragon would I want to buy now that's that's a good question oh yeah look at this there's nothing that's gonna get past that bad boy nothing I tell you yeah that's worth fifty seven thousand dollars that's ridiculous that's a hundred and two thousand for the monkey a so we can sell that and just buy a bunch of towers short cooldowns definitely shorter cooldowns so what Paragon do I want that's actually such a good question the boomerang monkey right here seems I I'm just kind of like that's what I'm looking at is that Boomerang monkey you know uh more of a ghost Alchemists can't go wrong with that skip rounds I don't want to skip rounds though but I don't want my Towers to be small I I guess I'll buy that and just try to get the big towers right shortened shorten ability cooldown seemed way better double double no I'd rather have balloons be 25 slower right big towers yay they're back they're back in size baby 100 no it's worth 200 that factors were 250 000 now that is ridiculous that by George's word 10th that is actually the most broken ability I think Towers equal stocks like why would I not buy that I think you always want that right Towers equal stocks no way or we keep getting that upgrade 25 income forever holy cow that's a good cash hack 55 I will take that I will take that look at my Banks I can literally sell five 170 000. like if we need money we're good look at this 398 000 like money is no issue anymore I guess Frozen balloons let's see damaged booze I think we always want damage boost I think just more damage is just better cash hack yep another cash hack okay uh another ghost Alchemist sure Paragon that's all three of them now once three so place a paragon able Tower okay so now so okay so we could do Boomerang but that's only three hundred thousand engineer is seven hundred thousand doomship Goliath 972 000. maybe we just get a doomship Goliath like let's sell this because that's that's 673 000 and it's gonna absorb it anyways but do I want the doomship Goliath you can't go wrong with the doomship to life I think we'll do so I'm gonna sell that so that gives us a million dollars and now we're gonna put this down wait where do I want it I guess I'll put it over here oh my gosh it's literally a free Paragon oh my goodness nice all right now we can uh uh yeah we'll have it go that way let's mark it we can have it go from here literally like have the bombs drop from here to here that's going to be gnarly and we have a million dollars now oh my goodness okay well we gotta buy something nice right well I could just put this guy right here right and so let's just get a ray of Doom lock that in place let's just get an mad all right lock that in place too all right so we got that uh we have 1.2 million dollars what is something that we could buy that's just ridiculous the super mines wait I have an idea I have an idea okay this is actually so ridiculous but I'm gonna get a sun Temple and then a true sun god Temple and let's we'll come back and check on that so it's worth five wait there we go it's we're 518 000 we'll come back and check to see how much oh my gosh look at how much my bank is worth wait what sell for two million dollars what the heck wait how much is George worth George worth four hundred thousand dollars okay this is getting it okay this is so this is so dumb look at how much money these are all worth you can literally just buy whatever we want now let's just keep buying cards who cares so all right slow balloons we can just buy that the golden boss let's see how much money the golden boss makes us oh okay that's making us a little bit of money now not yeah that's actually making us like thousands of dollars nice all right shorter cooldowns another Paragon yeah let's get another paragon damage boost let's just keep getting all the good stuff uh like ghost Alchemist we don't need money anymore like money is we do not need money I say we just get the ones that just make us stronger overall uh Pierce boost yeah wait can you hex it you can't hex it all right uh ghost Alchemist sure let's see it's more slow balloons don't wait double your current lives in cash that's literally for oh my gosh we have 18 million dollars now what okay Towers equals dogs we're gonna max out our money another Paragon card another Paragon card you're kidding me all right let's just get the ninja Paragon we'll just throw our ninja paragon or do we just get the engineer like we could just get the engineer guy and we can throw him down right here nice all right just a casual engineer Paragon not bad right how much is our sun Temple worth two million dollars what about this Bank oh wait it's that's Max money so it hits Max money and we're just worth only like 10 million so once it once it reaches its max amount of money who cares right that is so funny all right ghost engineer wait I could just skip rounds right slow balloons I don't care about the tower stunks right like I don't care new Boost Towers vehicle songs hey everyone let's go we're at Round 80. we're only on round 80. that is ridic wait how are we only on around 80 right now skip rounds so now we can just do this and just keep skipping rounds right another golden boss let's just keep spawning golden bosses double double I have 135 million now oh my goodness what is my cooldowns my cooldown rate is quite low there we go oh my gosh it's lagging us we're lagging up a store now I have mags I have so much money cash hack let's go all right what is all right what is our sun Temple worth three million not bad oh my gosh all right I'm selling that thing that thing I don't know what's happening the game is lagging horribly I should not have spawned multiple cash balloons that was a big mistake I just made oh my gosh wait I'm gonna do this I'm gonna pick the because I think that'll make it so okay there we go look at that we lost so we don't have to deal with all the lag anymore big brain big brain indeed I love that we're getting Towers another damage boost 150 damage ghost engineer slow balloons wait do we want to just keep all right cash hack okay I don't I don't need any more money okay I don't look guys I don't think I need which one should I pick guys which one let me get the left the left ghost Alchemist okay short cooldowns another Paragon we keep getting the Paragon cards which are really nice what's this worth 10 million okay we can sell that we're at 156 million dollars now so that's not too shabby I mean I feel like what happens if we could just like skip a bunch of raps right like we can just we can buy everything like what am I doing let's just we can just buy the why like what am I saving up for we can just buy all the paragons right now all right let's just get the ascended shadow they're only they're only tier ones but like um doesn't matter I don't think it really matters wait that's just a normal Dart monkey but all right Apex plasma master all right let's just skip to like round 100 180. I want to see like what these guys wait those are bads are getting annihilated because I think we keep getting like damage boost ooh another free paragon what just happened guys what happened to my screen wait that was so weird double double doubles your current lives in cash again let's go I have 700 million dollars let's go tiny towers okay uh tiny towers oh my gosh all my towers are gone now I can't see anything let's keep getting cards just keep buying cars no matter what don't ever stop skip 10 Rounds more cash hack skip 10 Rounds all right we're around 200. Frozen balloons wait we're on around 199 another Paragon wait I think we get a free Paragon which Paragon should do we not have yet we can get nayark of the Seas right all right there we go Nave Arc of the Seas why does it have negative 10 12 million Pounds what's happening double double again I have there we go we hit it negative two billion dollars we've hit Max money now let's go we're literally an infinite money uh big towers oh wait our towers are back look yay another parrot oh this is so ridiculous this is absolutely ridiculous Pierce I don't know why it like lags out sometimes you just gotta you just gotta click on something random uh I guess we'll just get cash back so we make more money all right big towers all right wait that's the normal size of towers I think I think I'm not sure double double again I have 3 000 lives okay new Boost skip more rounds wait how low is the cooldown not bad wait how many pops does this thing have it just says 126 million okay this is all right this has been too much everyone I gotta go this is ridiculous
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 625,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BTD 6, Bloons TD 6, Mod, hack, BTD 6 Mod, Bloons TD 6 Mod, Tewtiy, Card, BTD 6 Card, Bloons TD 6 Card, Card Mod, Card Hack, Fire, Ice, BTD 6 Card Mod, Bloons TD 6 Card Mod, Cash Hack, Cash Mod, BTD 6 Cash Hack, Card Cash Hack
Id: k4Id4FjpsJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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