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hello everybody welcome back to more snake rx we're going to be doing another class showcase type thing we're going to be trying to get a full set of another class the one you guys seem to recommend the most was the nuker we are going to try and go for that get the full set of six for the nuker but there's not a lot of them that we're going to be able to find in the first shop or even for like the very beginning like early game stages they're not going to be a super frequent thing there will be something we'll see just a little bit more of uh a little bit soon but not not now like we could re-roll we could maybe find a level two nuker of some kind but it's just not gonna be something that we will want to focus on to the extreme yet the good classes to run with the nuker seem to be kind of like the mage we can you know get this benefit to reduce enemies defenses because there are a lot of nukers that are mages so that might be something to look into so let's get the cryomancer to start out here get a little bit of a a little bit of an aoe which that you know that also works decently well enough as uh you know we get maybe some aoe upgrades possibly gotta watch out the guy was gonna shoot at us we might get some of the uh the items i guess you wanna would wanna call them the upgrades whatever the heck they are the passives uh we'll get any that have to do with aoe so getting things that have aoe just feels like an already it's a not bad idea uh we're gonna get a couple things for now we i don't know that we're necessarily gonna keep the arcanist here uh we may go for the sorcerer upgrade we certainly might we certainly certainly might because one nice thing about it is there is an upgrade for the sorcerers at level two as opposed to many many many of them that require three especially the ones that have a six bonus oh god this is not a good start there oh many of them that have a six bonus only have two upgrades one at three and then one at six curse duration healing effectiveness these are not good for us curse duration there is a curse nuker that does exist uh that does exist i'm gonna sell that extra extra sorcerer to keep myself at five because yeah i mean while we may run sorcerer i have a sneaking suspicion it should not be this one like we're not gonna be running two solo class units late game that provide us no benefit to to nuker i mean they can provide supplemental benefits but you know what i'm saying we can if we're gonna be running mage if we're gonna be running sorcerer we can find a better unit basically like i think you can even get the uh the level three benefit for the mages exclusively running nukers i think there might be three three whole nukers that also have mage which is pretty wild i could be wrong on that okay we gotta be careful we're gonna get shot at okay doing the dodge there you piece of trash you want to die someday mister that was not good we're gonna make sure i have to make sure we get another uh another unit or so one more mage would probably tie us over until we get uh decently later here yep that's gonna say watch out because we are gonna kill that green guy even though we really would rather not that's always the funny thing about you know auto battlers or this especially there's some units where you're like oh please don't kill that please don't kill that please don't kill that but then you just like there's nothing you can do and it's just dead all right i think this should be our last wave here we should be able to do it with a solo a solo here shouldn't really be that big of a deal but it is obviously the sign that we um we are falling behind on strength for sure so we might need to ah god but i really don't want to take any of this stuff we may just end up taking um let's see we'll take an archer literally just to just have an extra unit here we'll end up selling them the other ones would put us under a an econ threshold that i did not really feel like going for right there this is not great baby they put us under an econ threshold i really don't want to go under at the moment okay so with the ranger we're especially going to activate these green guys when we don't want to just makes a lot of sense you know with piercing shots comes piercing responsibility my god come on take him out take him out okay all right we're fine we are fine we can even just i was thinking of brushing down him see if we could kill the way kill it before the waves spawn if that would maybe get us out of here but it's fine we're good we got it no big deal no big deal call of the void 25 extra damage over time aoe damage up yes we're gonna want to get that while we don't have a lot of it right now we are going to have more in the future so uh smile and wave here smile and wave and we will be at our econ limit we are pushing the envelope as much as we can now so that we can have the best value we can have later that guy's gonna chase me down and just kill me what is the deal with them can somebody tell me how are they not just overpowered like they can't be over they can't be right like they can't be as overpowered as they seem right there's got to be a a way to deal with them the orange ones that charge at you and instant kill any unit they touch it's got to be i refuse to believe they are as busted as they seem i absolutely refuse to oh that's not good okay there's another one down there exploding boys can explode yeah like what do i do what do i do gotta be an answer we might die here i'm not worried about dodging him when we only have one guy it's actually that's the funny thing about snake and snake rx in particular it's easier to it's really easy to dodge well i mean easy it's much easier to dodge when you only have one unit so like it's kind of lends itself to come back kids story moments like you know potential potentially like this where it's like you're down to one and it looks like it's hopeless but as long as it's a unit that actually shoots out projectiles like you're all good okay uh oh green guy don't die sneaky green guy don't die yep okay we're good we're good we're good we've done it now all right sketchy sketchy sketchy but boom we made it we made it to the 25 gold econ 5 interest gain a moment uh i will take a magician in a spell blade for now so we can actually start to rock something took us took us long enough there's a blade that is a nuker right there throws multiple blades that's our actually our first one it took us a long time to get our first one there we might have even passed over one for all i'm aware because uh i'm used to having one like kind of lit up there elementor that is going to be very solid we will sell our archer to get back up to our econ level there i feel like that's going to be good for us uh archanis we could get that benefit if we cared uh but i think for now i think we're just gonna smile and wave with the fact we have the mage now good start we shall we shall pivot away very soon here but boy we've been getting again i i may have just rolled past some but i was trying not to buy too much trying not to buy too much i'll watch it back and i passed two or three i'm sure but or maybe we just got really unlucky okay so there's the the orange guy we we hate him oh boy back up back it up back it up okay nice all right we're starting to pop off the defense downgrade is quite good wizard that's huge for us uh apparently we're making a mage showcase today apparently that was not the point [Music] vulcanist okay sorry we're gonna ditch a mage now uh i don't want to ditch the um don't want to ditch the magician right now because they are a level two i will i will be ditching them but i don't think i'm gonna be doing it right now we're not gonna ditch the arcanist because then we'll get the uh the sorcerer bonus for the vulcanist uh so it's kind of down to the spellblade yeah there's two that are literally just straight up mage nukers uh spellblade or the cryomancer are we gonna get another voider there is a there is a nuker voider and we do have a damage over time boost right cursed curse duration well i don't think that this is i don't know if this is a curse that's not a curse huh i'm kind of leaning towards getting rid of the spell blade then all right bring in the vulcanus we should have yeah we have the uh the sorcerer bonus for them to play around with now arcanist is it i'm not gonna i'm not gonna keep him all right all right we're starting to get towards actually having a a nuker build again as mentioned i i knew that it was not going to be something we were going to get super early on though this is not a surprise there's some of the others like of course the mages the rogues the warriors there's just a lot more that you can find early on look at that huge aoe get you down okay oh i was willingly putting myself in a little bit of uh close range danger to make sure we took out that shooter i'll do the same here god this side let's go area size damage per second let me explain this is this is a good perk it is phrased very poorly as we learned in our sorcerer episode how it reads plus one percent area size and damage per second uh meaning area size up and damage per second up that's how it reads but you but upon reading it for the first time you're always like that can't be right because that sounds so bad so what it should read is every second you gain one percent area size and damage uh or it even should say area size and aoe damage it should say those because it is phrased so bad it sounds terrible like on paper it it sounds really bad it's not working gang volcanist elementor okay we're getting somewhere this was not this was not a good shop yet for strength upgrading it was uh it's nice and strong but not good for strength upgrading we did not actually get any power we only got potential future power that being said the area size and damage up situation is going to be pretty good like oh getting that is kind of more more important than anything so if we can just stall if we stall for 20 seconds we have a 20 size and damage up to our area of effect which is a big deal oh my god you know what else it's a big deal losing those units my god the blue boys the blue boys they stink we're fine we're live the witch is not a bad idea because i know there is a there's one nuker that is a sorcerer uh or maybe even two and there is definitely one that's also a voider that i guess we just have not seen we have the cryomancer still who really does not we don't need them we don't need the crime answer definitely take the elementor that's good it's really good she did a back tail in there honestly i lose the people in the middle most often saboteur we want him all right that is goodbye to you we're gonna lose that aoe for whatever it's worth saboteur calls two little aoes that shoot out from behind us we are one away from the max upgrade of the nuker all right we're gonna we're gonna end up ditching the arcanist we really don't need them uh the magician we will not keep for much longer either but it's a level two so it is providing some of its own value uh it is providing its own weight you know arcanist can go at the ends all right we're good we're good all right just survived for a while god i can't i can't with that move we might need to get like a it might be good to get like a healer to be honest this is not gonna be good oh boy that sucked i think we lost the yeah we lost the vulcanus that's what i was saying we keep losing whoever's in the middle is our frequent loss so we should probably build accordingly all right what is the final wave so the aoe damage we're putting out is frankly kind of kind of bonkers we can sell it plague doctor okay uh i think we ditch our mage now our wizard wait we don't wait how did we we got all the way down to three here what the heck how did we get all the way down to three plague doctor shoot maybe we do have to get rid of the sorcerer it's only helping out the uh the vulcanist her arcanist or magician that one does aoe damage so sorry to the vulcanus you have no more friends i'm sorry to say all right there we go we got ourself our six bopper bonus which gives us the 25 area damage and size to allied nukers in addition to it growing over time there's another plague doctor to boot all right good stuff good stuff we're getting our team here we're becoming nuker destroyer of world watch out for the aoes that are going to come out there go nice dodge happy about that this is not going to be very good but you know what we're just about done here good stuff yeah charge them down get them with your face all right crits from rogues bonus movement speed bonus movement speed can work it's safety wizard is that going to be a level up for the wizard not quite volcanoes that is the level up for the volcanoes doing the giant volcano exposed four times dealing aoe damage away damage aoe damage away damage hey we damage aoe damage area that does damage area of damage that is a plague doctor up that is an elementor just getting a little bit of value there's poor baby arcanist who is no longer a part of our team r.i.p pour one out he's gonna say i'm gonna take a moment here in this video to say a couple things one if you have any class that you want to see me do next let me know who you would like to see maxed out getting a max set with next who do you think is going to be the most powerful or what do you think is the coolest or just what what do you want to see do that comment down below a couple reasons one because i am genuinely curious i want to make the ones that you guys are most excited about just in case we don't get through all of them i want to make sure we do the coolest ones first second of all obviously commenting is a great thing to help out with the algorithm and boy howdy we are destroying this game right now uh blade oh my god how we only got in our second blade well we got our second or a third at the literal same time there wow um it's worth locking then just buying all those next time it's just it's worth that and then just uh maybe we'll reroll maybe we won't stay away stay away stay away stay away here comes the aoe big time oh my god you poor thing critters not doing great with the critters right now because we have pretty slow attacks the aoe that we had circling around us would have been a very nice thing to have and keep for you know the purple enemies it hard counters them pretty darn well all right do we re-roll i think we re-roll saboteur okay another focus we might hit level uh we don't have a canon ear i i mean like we could really the thing is we could ditch anybody it's like do i care more about the saboteur or the canon ear shoots a projectile does aoe damage uh like we could ditch you you're the only one who's not level two so you're really the only one who makes sense we're not getting any kind of conjure or rogue bonus from you uh so it's kind of just like i'm probably not gonna get you to level three so i'd probably rather have the canon ear uh because i ha ha ha very funny game because we're probably not gonna get the saboteur to level three so we might as well get the canon here because i think the canon here at level two is going to be better than the saboteur at level two uh but apparently maybe we would have gotten it to level three so you know it's always hindsight auto chess games they uh they live to troll no big deal there i that being said i think i uh i think i'm still satisfied with the canon ear i think we will be able to get it level two and i stand by the fact that i'm not super confident we would get it to level three so those would obviously help a lot that was crazy it would obviously help a lot but what can i say good stuff there's so many things that upgrade the rangers all right enemies take an extra 20 damage nothing wrong with that pyromancer is a an interesting choice they provide the aoe around us uh having more mages is not particularly that big of a deal um it opens us up to picking items that would help out mages in specific but i i'm not i just i'm not too worried about it so it's like do i want the cannon here or do i want the pyromancer it would also give us the voider boost damage per second damage per second damage over time like so what does this mean then what they what does this mean then damage per second probably anything that says damage per second i i'm cool with skipping it for now all right it's it's unlikely we'll hit level three on that but i really i think the blade is actually super good when you see them proc oh my god it feels not there's no better feeling in the world than seeing the blade proc exactly when you want the blade to proc oh my god there we go so if we could get them at level three it would be beautiful stuff good pivot good pivot not good oh but the blade the blade has my back these aoes are getting huge they're literally covering the entire screen we do it is reroll pyromancer again we don't got him pyromancer again we don't got him but it is looking like a vulcanist at level three is uh something we could maybe expect oh my god what have i done sometimes you do get unlucky with the placements there because the uh the time to turn around is it's pretty high it's it's you know it's very much the point oh god yeah the waves with the blue guys are pretty tough for us too we have to be concerned uh about we probably have to be further away from the spawns than we've been because we might yeah like that we might literally kill them as they spawn and gives us no time to react so we have to we have to be a little bit more preventative with how we tackle our waves here we need to stand further away elementor there's a chance okay vulcanist is is looking looking nice all right i think we're good think we're good to go we got our elite here i think it might be the purple maybe yep it's okay just take your time take your time we quite literally get stronger over time so take your time he's gonna just die on accident we do not have to try oh god i can't in here again though that pyromancer would help us out in this situation but guess what as soon as we pass this situation the situation is no longer relevant to our strategy there we go we've done it who am i worried about with this build i'm worried about the ones that are going to uh rotating around to the left grant's defense i'm worried about the uh the guys that are going to charge at us that's basically it right now hmm i'll take it instead of spending the whole 15. flag doctor get in there wizard get in there flag doctor getting there okay blake getting there i mean i just had to keep on saying it so there's no visual that explains that we are doing just fine there oh these guys are a little bit problem okay here we go good oh i thought we would have gotten him by then okay we have the urboro's technique but still i don't want them to launch any guys at me all right we're good okay all right good that was nice that was nice yeah it's like do i do i want to sit there and in a circle and kind of resign to the fact that they might charge at me so that i get the extra 25 damage i want to just try and not get hit it's a tough choice level two canon ear that is actually a pretty nice spike i think all right 20 out of 25. we've got we've got a shot we're doing some great damage it's okay like we want to be kind of far away from enemies for a couple reasons one we have no benefit for being close you know uh like that's the first and foremost obviously there's there's no strength to it we have a benefit if the the waves run long and we play more defensive if we play more defensive it means seconds are passing if seconds are passing it means that our damage is going up i didn't have much time to react to that that sucked it's on me all right incoming danger okay oh what am i gonna do what do i do spin in a circle oh how do we have how is everybody alive that 25 boost must be no joke how the hell did everybody live flag doctor all right 21 we're on level 21. at we're gonna want to cash out with our uh our money at some point soon here oh please don't just play it aggressively say aggressively say oh god i love that that aoe yeah we want to avoid avoid this guy if we avoid him we do more damage to the next wave avoid him ah not much you can sometimes your damage is just too good there's nothing you can do okay this guy's got to go nice all right all right all right as much as we can we need to make it so the orange guys do not survive because they are going to charge at us and we are going to cry oh my god will i cry oh that could have been that could have been a disaster he was gearing up to charge i could see him there but the blade i gotta say the blade is putting in so much work when those come out [Music] there's few things that we have that are just more quickly dispatching the entire thing i'll hit cruise here i'll hit crucio reflect some damage we don't even have that we don't have the sage nuker enforcer who is purple for some reason shoots a slow projectile that draws enemies and that sounds nice i don't think it does damage though which is obviously something i like i like big number let's go it's worth the it's going it's worth going for the uh the one extra there just to have it right now my boy my beautiful boy i mean the aoe is pretty big i do like having it near the back but i feel like the uh whoever's in the front is usually whoever lives the longest so since he's a level three i do want to go back and uh see what kind of bonus he gets at level three i it's been so long and we just haven't gotten any level threes except for the basic boy but i just didn't even look at any uh potential upgrades more spawn in the middle there yeah that that blue aoe is taking up the entire street not bad cool circle circle okay this oh that could have been bad it could have been bad let's circle around in the aoe of the volcano 9 out of 12 waves this one is uh it's a frightening uh it's a frightening level here just due to it lasting so long so many so many waves but also the longer it goes the stronger we are so it's kind of uh it's a double-edged sword for them all right again lost nobody this uh this defensive circle it's putting in good work canon here good stuff oh my god yeah okay uh so we got deal an additional damage for enemy hit okay i'm not too worried about the actual damage numbers right now on anything other than boss fights so that's gonna be nice for the boss i guess but we're kind of one-shotting with him anyway so it's not really that big of a deal i would have provide like preferred like a utility uh creates a an area that deals 52 damage per second nearby enemies take an additional 52 damage per second now that's a little exciting uh we'll do this one and then we'll probably cash out here so we got ourselves a little bit of an aoe now that now that is an exciting one we effectively just got the um the whole pyromancer ability for free we basically have a level we it just gave us a free level three pyromancer that's funny that's pretty good also why are we getting we're getting more circles around us that is amazing at a certain point we could probably if we had like the pyromancer as well we could maybe set up a build where we literally just move in a circle like this oh my god that was a huge power spike that level three wow yeah they just like they just gave us a free character basically that aoe is getting huge it's getting huge look at it look at it look at it again i do i do not care to to clear out waves fast i care to clear them out safely and in fact i prefer to clear them out slowly so i'm not going to hunt them down with my circle if they enter it they die and that is on them as long as we're spinning to the left here i feel like anything oop i walked right into him anything of value or or a fright would die oh before they kill me yep this is good look at how big that aoe got [Laughter] all right oh my god if only oh my god why getting every nuker that we don't need every single nuker that we don't need are you serious what is happening we're not gonna get the wizard elementor all right let's stick at five i guess because i'm not gonna have enough to buy anything that we would really want anyways oh my god oh that sucks we're gonna die he's gonna launch him at us okay good thank you oh no no okay thank you blade oh blade oh my god what excuse me oh excuse me okay oh not even close my baby my baby blade thank you very much maybe [Music] i don't know how many knockbacks we truly even do all right come on let's go slows enemies by 60 for three seconds on hit that's fun saboteur ha ha sage haha wizard hey there's a chance oh wait the element is the one we hit flag doctor oh my god all right uh obviously we're not gonna get them and of course they give us that all right well we might as well try and uh go for the hit of someone here what do we think vulcanist or wizard vulcanus gives us more chances we wouldn't have been able to get to this if you know it's fine we wouldn't have been able to get to it anyways by rolling the wizard uh so i mean it it's good it's our final thing here no problemo move you back just a hair i don't know or do i i feel like you might even be better off all right no worries okay got them all oh no not good oh did we kill him we did it the blade is amazing the blade is amazing you beating the game i mean yes we we got the achievement there that we needed we did it it was a little bit tighter than it should have been uh but hey boy howdy we freaking did it that is that and that is going to do it for today that is the the showcase of the maximum right what do i say max rank full set of the nukers there that is that and that is gonna do for today if you like the video please like the video because you liked the video so like the video comment down below if you got something to say especially if you want to tell me what class you want to see what you want to see out of snake rx moving forward and hey whatever you do make sure you subscribe to not miss a single video i put out videos on roguelikes and more every single day so many games it'll make your wallet scream in agony thank you thank you and i will see you next time bye
Channel: Retromation
Views: 23,211
Rating: 4.9534883 out of 5
Keywords: snkrx, let's play snkrx, let's try snkrx, snkrx game, roguelike auto-battler, roguelike autobattler, roguelike snake, snake roguelike, retromation roguelike, let's try roguelike, snkrx sorcerer, snkrx full set, snkrx max set, snkrx new class
Id: GYDDriBMc88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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