Husband Believed His Wife Has NO Family Until Wife's Secret Brother Told Him The Truth

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couples of Reddit what is the secret you are hiding from your girlfriend or boyfriend or husband or wife that would make things awkward between you or potentially and your relationship I was shopping for a ring and had been dropping hints that made her smile and we would plan this little suburban life a deck with a grill a goofy puppy a piano we talked about baby names and vetoed ones we have the joke names Trevor and travina we'd pick up paint colors and flooring at Lowe's and giggle like idiots I was a hundred percent confident I just hadn't chosen a ring you know she didn't want a diamond but didn't know what she does want then I got a Facebook message today from some guy he said that he was her brother-in-law and that she had blocked him on Facebook but could I please pass along a wedding invite and it would mean a lot if she was there I pressed for details and it all came out she was married before to a guy named Brendan and they had a little boy Sam she told me before she didn't like that name the son died in a car accident and afterwards they had an ugly divorce and she cut ties five years of her life I never knew about and I don't know if I ever would have I think she was never going to tell me I felt sick about this all day made up imaginary sickness to sit and think by myself and I feel paralyzed by it this morning I knew her and now I don't I don't even know how to bring this up or what I definitely can't go by the ring and pretend at the same time I want to be with her I am hurt but no that was horrible that she went through something unimaginable but I don't know what this means for us am I just a distraction is this something she does I spoke to her the day after she told me she had wanted to tell me for a while but didn't know where to start that she thought about Sam every day but at the same time didn't know how to begin she pulled out a shoebox from her closet and she showed me the pictures pictures of her wedding this propped up little thing at the courthouse her in a short white dress with a slight stomach her husband this kaki smiled kid with this shaggy blonde hair then the baby say pictures from a red-faced baby - this little four-year-old person birthdays and Christmases and pictures of the three of them a family she talked about Brendan how they came from these radically different backgrounds and she barely knew him as a person before he was a father and husband they'd only been dating three months when she got pregnant they were 20 then she talked about Sam her baby she kept saying he was the best thing that ever happened to me hearing that broke my heart she talked about how his hair cow licked in three different spots and how he was always singing or humming that he loved to climb she told me his favorite movie and book she made him a person to me then she told me how they lost him some kid ran a red light and then he was gone she barely remembers the funeral because she was so heavily medicated but the worst part was after going home and him not being there how she'd walk past his room and expect to hear him playing waking up and forgetting for a minute he was gone their marriage had never been good and they turned on each other he blamed her because she had fastened the booster seat on that side of the car she blamed him because he had been driving they were divorced within a year after the accident Brendan had a new child within - we talked for hours she cried and I cried for her I still love her maybe more now because I feel like she opened up to me so much it's hard to imagine her married with a son toys on the floor and pictures on the fridge it's hard because in a lot of ways it's the life I've been imagining with her I still plan on marrying this woman she's the love of my life I very recently found out that my neighbour Caroline husband Mark is cheating on her with her cousin Layla so I have security cameras installed all around my house and last night I decided to check the cameras as I hadn't checked it in nearly a fortnight now what I saw on the security camera has completely shocked me my back garden cameras had captured mark leaning on the side of my shed with Layla I decided to then check out the rest of my recordings and notice that there were many recordings of them performing romantic acts on each other throughout the two weeks they even had the audacity to go in my shed a couple of times and do whatever nastiness they could dream up my neighbor Caroline is a lovely woman and a dedicated mother and wife and over the last couple of months me and her have started to build something of a friendship her husband Mark has always been polite and friendly towards me and I've never had any issue with him in fact I actually liked him to Layla and the cousin of Caroline moved in with Caroline and Mark almost a year ago after a terribly nasty divorce and we've had the occasional hi and how are youse I've decided to tell Caroline because I care about her and would want her to tell if it was me I will be inviting Caroline over for tea and I'll simply give it to her straight I will be showing her the footage if she wants to see it but I won't allow her to have a copy of it or allow her to film slash take pictures of it I just don't want this to be used by her in anger as revenge or something to shame them with as suggested I won't be deleting the recordings as they may be useful if she were to get divorced caroline has agreed to come over to mine later today caroline is a midwife and I used my pregnancy as an excuse to get her to come over to mine my husband has provided me with the business cards of a couple good divorce lawyers he knows in case Caroline needs it oh my husband hates all of this but agrees that if I am truly her friend I should tell her and he also said we should be preparing for a battle in case mark and Leyla want to act crazy Caroline came to my home as expected and we had tea and a pleasant conversation before I dropped the bomb on her I then reminded her of how I had cameras installed around my place and that I checked the camera as much as I can and that it captured her husband cheating on her with her cousin Caroline didn't say a word throughout the whole time I talked and she had no questions she didn't even not honestly thought she was having a stroke or something her face was just blank there were no tears or weeping it was just silence after I told her everything she continued being silent for a further two three minutes she then asked if she could see the recording and so I showed it to her she didn't cry or make any faces as she watched it and I mean she watched it so many times just watched it over and over again this occupied her for at least two hours when she had finally watched everything she thanked me and asked if she could have a copy of it I said no and explained why she nodded okay and I explained that if she were to need this for a divorce I'd be happy to share it with her lawyer she then thanked me for the tea and made her way home last night Leila came banging on my door I opened and she started shouting at me and was angrily asking me why I was lying about her and Mark I told her that I had cameras around my home and that Caroline has watched it all I told her that she is lucky I didn't call the police on them for trespassing I also cussed her out and told her that she was the lowest of the low and that Mark cheating was one thing but that it was worse that she would do that to her blood this annoyed her off completely she then started threatening to beat me I told her pregnant or not that I would definitely beat her to death and I reminded her of my cameras and that I would be more than happy to press charges and then post the recordings of her and Mark online she then started bawling her eyes out and begging me to not post it for her children's sake I told her I would only do it if she bothered me or my family she agreed and then she walked off crying Caroline did kick both Leila and Mark out but she's letting Leila's two boys stay until Leila can find a place for them all mark and Leila didn't even leave together they immediately went their separate ways I guess the relationship wasn't so exciting without the betrayal aspect I haven't seen Caroline since yesterday but we have been texting and as you can imagine she is completely distraught but Caroline is a warrior and I know she will be okay maybe not today or tomorrow or next week or even in a month's time but she will I know it in my heart so here's the situation I have two best friends will say their names are Greg and Sarah they've been together for two weeks shy of two years and engaged we also all work together driving home from work one day Sara and I are talking relationships she tells me that she's feeling bored with Greg and isn't sure if he's truly the one pretty standard long-term relationship worries didn't think anything of it then about a month later she gets really shady it starts on a night that I'm at the local bar with friends Greg originally said he wasn't going to come out because he and Sarah were hanging out but then Sarah ends up leaving to go to a new friend's house we'll call him Aaron but Aaron was the bartender that night so I knew that was a lie he joined us at the bar and saw for himself that Aaron was there Greg texted her and asked her where she was and she was with Tony Aaron's roommate Greg was concerned because a previous night Sara told Greg that she was going to take care of Aaron's dog while Aaron was at work but she showered and did her makeup beforehand so back to this night at the bar she told Greg she'd be home in a few minutes but didn't get home until an hour and a half later he asked me if she said anything to me that would lead me to believe she was cheating I told him the board comment they had a discussion at home that night and she said she wanted to go on a break wanted to call off the engagement and didn't want to acknowledge or celebrate their anniversary but she wasn't cheating so she said anyway now she's mad at me and told me that I need to stop talking crap need to keep her name out of my mouth and need to stop running my mouth about her all because I told her fiance the board comment and she's acting like I'm the reason their engagement is over added story the next night we were all going to the movies and Greg wanted to come but Sara had him stay home with her instead even after all of that happened halfway through the movie she ditched him to go hang out with unspecific friends she told him she'd be home around 10:30 11:00 p.m. and didn't show up home until 1:00 a.m. so she made him skip the movie only to ditch him most likely for Aaron but I'm still the villain that made all of this happened to her wife and I have been married for four years together for 12 last month my entire life was upended by my brother older and my wife my brother was my hero he was there for me when my parents abandoned us he was there for me when I struggled with depression he's like a father figure to me so my brother called me and asked me if he could come over and meet me at my office he told me that it was really important we met up for a lunch that day and he told me that he did something terrible and he was really sorry he told me that my wife had slept with him before we got married because she claimed that she was really stressed at that time and he was drunk apparently my wife contacted him recently and told him that our daughter could be his and he also started suspecting it I was really shocked by this revelation because my wife never told me about this and I never imagined she would cheat on me but when I confronted my wife she started crying and told me that she was used by my brother before our wedding and she ended up getting pregnant with his child she didn't realize it at that time and she didn't want to hurt my relationship with my brother so she decided to hide it but my brother claims it was consensual we ended up getting a paternity test and it was revealed that my daughter is not mine I just want to end myself my brother told me that he would pay child support and take responsibility for the child wife claims that she was used and she doesn't want my brother in our lives so I've been with my wife thirty-four years old I'm 35 for 17 years high school sweethearts and got married seven months before he was born as soon as we knew she was pregnant we have always had done it and enjoyed it ever since we started with very few breaks I can say we had so far a very happy life together and no reason whatsoever to think the opposite then yesterday my world collapsed the boy's health recently started to worry us and we took him to a doctor who tested him positive for a genetic disease that had to be present in both parents we both got tested but only she tested positive I didn't and that's when she said that the boy's father was not me right now I don't know what to do I can't process that we went through college together with very few issues we had or so I thought a happy life together we have similar work schedules and I have never once suspected something was happening on my back and yet this is not my son this is one of her co-workers from another job son as she now told me she told me she had fallen for this guy for about a month they had done it a couple of times and then they stopped because she loved me oh so much and through this month I suspected absolutely nothing and happily lived my life I can't trust her now I can barely look her in the eyes I thought we had everything that we wanted and we were already making plans of having a kid when he appears we were happy I was genuinely happy and now I can't help it but feel that I lived a nine-year-old lie I remember proposing humorously that we get a parenting test at the time because I was still using protection and she just told me don't be silly and an expectable reply she could have freaked out or got defensive but acting normal was all she had to do to make it go away I was actually kidding and now more than ever I regret that she knew I was kidding she was a witch it gets worse I can't look at the boy the same way it's not his fault and I have loved that little pest ever since he was born but I can't feel that now I feel he's someone I raised but he's not my son I was taken that connection away with him with her with everything and he's got a life-threatening disease that may require a liver transplant and will probably need me more than ever we have a big house good cars a nice life without any financial worries but I lost what mattered the most I'm a 35 years old guy and I was lucky enough to marry my crush 27 years old female two years ago we met at work where she was a receptionist for the big building my company is in anyways she has two daughters when I married my wife I was a bit iffy at the idea of being a dad so fast and so suddenly - two kids that aren't mine but I love my wife so much I am willing to sacrifice my man time and a portion of my salary to take care of the kids to be honest I've had my ups and downs with them you know kids and sometimes I think I'd be happier going back to my lone-wolf life but I fully know that this is my life now and I try my best to suck it up and do what I signed up for back to the story I know the kids dad had died only from my wife's words and I've never had reason to doubt that it has been 2 or 3 months since she started convincing me that I should adopt them as a birthday gift for both of them their birthday happens in two consecutive days coincidence I'd be fine with that it's just a paper for what I would do anyways I agreed to that and she said she'd get on with the documents well fantastic I thought I like not having to do anything what really got me suspicious is how she changed her behavior with her phone and laptop she started putting the phone facedown and she created a totally different user for her laptop she switches to when she's with me I thought she was cheating so I did what every idiot like me would do I spied on her long story short I came to know by a very reliable source that her ex-husband isn't paying alimony anymore as he is in jail with no money to his account the world crushed on me first I thought the guy was dead now I discover he is alive paying alimony to my wife's bank account while I was financially providing - I confronted my wife and she didn't deny any of it she started crying and she was adamant that she did that only for her kids well-being she was putting the alimony money her ex was giving her into an account for when the kids will be 18 years old I have no proof of that she also said that it was awhile since she felt I should adopt them as they love me and they look up to me she was firm about stating that nothing happened with her ex-husband while she was with me she said that her ex is dead for her by all means she admitted that she lied but for good purposes as she was scared that a guy like me would be scared by her reckless past that's not who she is anymore as she is focused on family and done us [Music] you [Music]
Channel: ASK GURL
Views: 53,004
Rating: 4.9036975 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, reddit, reddit women, reddit girls, reddit marriage, reddit wife, reddit drama, reddit family secrets, reddit secrets, reddit lie, reddit family
Id: szk1r2xIoxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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