Cave Camp in a Winter Thunderstorm

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good morning let's go to a particularly windy and wait tea today with two yale away there warnings in for us we make season look likes living in travel disruption as we see here that's persistently moving in from the west strong to severe heel force for the waist miles an ordinary and the way school and as you afternoon progressive this fan of even if you can hear that it's absolutely passing it though just as forecast and they it's quite late in the morning who is probably about ten o'clock I woke up at 7:00 I just been reading there's no rush today don't think what usually says if I leave it long enough the weather may change but I really don't think that it's going to happen today unfortunately I slept that slept in this position last night when you saw me go to bed last night probably had my head up there but then I remembered we took three of your doing car camping if you have told me over 660 - it's much easier to sleep with me because I can put my feet between the headrests of the chair and this allows me to stretch out and a slight player well actually I must have sort of got to sleep past 10 I love it as I said I didn't wake up till about 7:00 so yeah Trey goose enemies so the plan is that it really is wild it there I've been listening to the radio today and there's a lot of weather warnings or the bridges are closed or the ferry crossings I've cancelled so I'm staying off the high tops and I've got a little level bacon and I'm hoping to spend an eighth sheltered with us wild weather but whatever adventure didn't so I'm gonna stay here for a bit longer enjoy the heat I think a character listen to that rain so up there I'll have to toss the runner and you can see then there and a soundly towards evolved with a law of water in the river today you know unsurprisingly but the river disappears Bolivar not it just appears here under the big food big food a big spring over there can see a bubble and a off and the main of water and it's really impressive it must run in under the ground to this point I'll end up sweet sufferin resources due to the geology in place of a right see if I can find somewhere shelf up the camp whoa this bikes heavy don't want it to be so let's talk but I'll be dressed it's still absolutely they know absolutely personal name but I've not got far to go of a spin round you'll see the cliffs not beyond that it's just beyond there to get some sure are we last here before I get this pack onto my shoulders again huh fill it to the earth day oh great the rain was incessant but at least on this side of the hill it was sheltered from that GILF woman and I was soon approaching my location for spending the night an ice cave which should provide shelter and hopefully some warmth for the night ahead [Applause] [Applause] I eventually got the tent up and said to give and I've got to admit it was quite a hard place to pitch the tent there was a lot of hard ground and rock so getting the guylines and proved the birth bit of bother there were a few rocks and a bit of adaptation and I got the tent up and all set for the evening ahead [Applause] [Applause] a little bit can hear that absolutely holding you there is ticking therefore listen think you hear the wind whistling ruined I was quite lucky one of the reasons I chose up here is its north facing and the the gills coming from the southwest right today so it's given me a better shelter but know that I'm a wee bit higher up we can hear it hear that whistling every day I'm glad I've got this Keith I'm not sure if it usually choose to camp you have a and the way they've been there a problem with the court going for that those fancied that over cuz it's a bit yeah it's not complete it's quite a difficult place to put it that way I would recommend it but yeah it's giving me some shell from a storm which is blown by at the moment so I might puddle the I've loved it two hours of daily life so when it got coffee or the snow I think and they get a beat heat main settled in for the night and hopefully this mild wild wouldn't be where the party's over for the world [Music] [Applause] I had my coffee and I sat and watched the storm blowing by oh say to Keith there is nice I felt that warmer now as well so I spent a few more diverse lingering before deciding to go and do a little bit of exploding out there I've got coffee warm do not believe that we never do about exploding there's a few more key of C over a nice assume were staying here in the back of this case we've been here this is back the back of the cave by far a good I shall not be back yet it's really well they kid they're cheeky remain there's a lot I stood above my head and that's looking back age so what's going and check out some of the little cubes on your the rule of the river and the winds of us a little of a talk yeah I'll keep up here let's good see you see what this sounds like when you're ready Cletus piglets I like you Dave only have a lick that was quite fun yeah they were a lot of space for kids they'd probably speed a woman was I can't see how far light goes that much very good at least some gimmick 10 meters well now we've I'm betting the bike you could probably squeeze a a thin person through the other fancy trying it right we'll go over here and see this sake there's another two piers ya know a waterfall coming down you know that sure don't think of it confident yeah it's a but waiter it's got sure we say see there's any nooks and crannies look at this yeah no way out there probably squeezin I'm not gonna investing it new [Music] oh there's another better buyer there I've come to get salt again wait - but don't forget to leave a like a Warfel but other way over there Lisa shell with your let's go back to the cave and there that was a tool of the neighbor who took me enjoyed it Wow I'm cold man there's wild absolutely wild all right day it's not it's not warm it's no I just dawn dusk there's a bit of light out there no but the sun's gone do not know that you don't noticed its rained rained all day from the moment I woke up in the car don't know and it's said it wasn't it wasn't - a cold air little entity little water in but was quite mild but I tell you what I can feel the temperature dropping though cool called me I'm just gonna be I thought I've not really done much I went as you saw I went and explored some of the other caves and I don't think there was any chance of me camper knew I was gonna camp out donates to one of the springs but it was just so exposed and wet this is the only place where I can get this let's kind of show anyway of can yeah that's just kind of me sitting and watching almost listening to no one skip the roar of the river and depending on which way the wooden poles room this age of the hole I just think it's really just I can hear it now and I think it's a river roaring below me back in here you can tas it and I've also noticed a couple of Ravens if taken a keen interest I've been sitting watching them or they've actually been watching me it's a bit more precise so I'm gonna set for a bit longer I've got a bit of whiskey well they've got to do some tomaten my name I'm gonna get some tea and just there yeah and just enjoy this experience I think oh it's gonna be a cool run over [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] it was really cold selected something I don't usually do and weld comes and what a fire I had a fire burning walk with me and also we would burn out to keep it off the ground and it helped me warm up it was lovely I also pure both tin foil down later on to catch any of the charcoal the teeth black out with me in the morning a while this was a great way to warm up when I called wild evening [Applause] ah I feel a bit warmer though I was getting really little chilly oh you al ago probably the last time I spoke to you and I brought a we it will usually have fires when I go camping but I bought a we fire log and I've also bought a we screw up fire that keeps a fire door for going and I'm failing to be rock over there it's lovely thanks al a warm milk one mouth love way so nice to have that I think I'm gonna have some tea no and believe it or not the rain I stopped I can see that there must be admin a few middle our big moon somewhere because the I can see the clouds scudding by no and few stars in the sky it's lovely it's about atmospheric actually and it's really crucial to you I can still hear that wouldn't roaring away and as I said that the clothes are moving past really quickly so wanna get some tea no and then maybe maybe we play about a camera I can usually do see if I get any sort of made short sort of pain and then if any stars come on ugliness as well so lovely something different isn't it well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] but hopefully can give us smooth then I went off the hand up this it's a bit 7:30 and there's just children in the paint and as I saw this flash what the hell is that and then the biggest crack at Thunderman and I've just been hanging a boom seat to see if there's any more others there's lots of flashes over to the way so a little bit all this but the key a key place to begin a thunderstorm so I am I would I think I've enough to sleep now that's about machine and I'm just gonna head back down in the dark the car and spending the car again it's there it's not worth the risk then let's get this thing over school [Applause] it seemed to I think I'm about stroke cop so quickly now you think sure the wrong way to end a timid officer so much they come I said I said Rupert I had no water in it and would only stay filling up she's always dreams for her mind always go flooded for the babe oh my I'm safely down I tell you I don't think I've struck camp so quickly it's been a while since I've had the fear from the elements and the in the mountains bank it was a big thing to do on the way though in the Messiah it was lots of more flashes it wasn't too bad I mean there wasn't any terrain childreen it was raining a wee bit but I could just see the sky lighting up all around me every I don't know every five minutes social so I'd say I cave isn't the safest place to be and a funder floor above lightning strikes bother or anywhere neither it can China well to sit through quite well and my tan was really the entrance possibly the worst place to be so I didn't find says nay just waiting to be fried so yeah I've come back to the carbonyl on me or they only threw up again and they'll see what tomorrow brings but windy is windy then he knows Mason shell and all that the reason I went up to the cave because I knew you'd be sheltered and I certainly got this shelter from the rain and and the wind but yeah and the weed and I was getting blown abou every bit in that River as well the river which disappears underground and you saw when I went up there a few hours ago that about riverbed was Drive and I got to there was it wasn't a raging torrent but there was water flowing doughnuts oh she was much means for anyways safely behind the car and I think I'm pretty well once it leads from elite in streak in a car I'm gonna do that uh burn the wheels I should have stuck in at school bit more but enemy I bet disappointed I was really looking forward to that but he who better to be safe from Saudi was a bit daunting coming back don't watch my step doing that rocky path because it was a there was a lot of war I wouldn't I wasn't it was a bits where the the path was really quite close to the to the river which was raging away and it was qui steeped in sloppily in places so to Timothy so anyway lay back at the car I'll see you tomorrow only to see what my adventures going to be because tomorrow was going to be any welcome back dude from the cave and dead the base lead plans it's been about my disaster isn't it elements to modern hill yeah great thanks for watching Steve seafood here I'll see you seats model whatever this video [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Scotland's Mountains
Views: 309,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cave camping, cave camping in the winter, camping in a thunderstorm, cave camping gone wrong, winter camping in a cave, camping in thunderstorm uk, camping in thunder and lightening, camping and lightening, winter storm camp Scotland, how to camp in a cave, wild camping in cave, winter wild camp scotland, UK camping, scotland camping NC 500, sCOTLAND WINTER CAMP, How to winter wild camp, wild camping in severe rain, wild camping in the rain
Id: x6EZrLEeltQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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