Hot Tent Overnighter With Rain

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[Music] [Music] oh wow [Applause] uh so so so [Applause] wow so hey what's going on guys welcome back to lone wolf 902. in today's video i'm out on another solo hot tent trip as you can see everything is set up and it is raining so i do have a lake which is about a hundred yards that way i can see the water through the trees and it is raining quite heavy out there right now here in the trees it's not so bad we are a little protected but not very protected so the tent's gonna be used a lot during this trip so i'm actually very happy it's raining i've been looking forward to this for a little while now the plan that i have is i want to do an outdoor fire pit somewhere in this area because i am going to be cooking some food outdoors and it is directly underneath of a large spruce tree so hopefully that will act as a natural umbrella of some sort other than that everything is inside so i've got my wood stove in there i've got all my cooking utensils everything i do have my wax canvas down on the ground right now but i'm not going to open up my sleeping pad or my sleeping bag until later on because i'm going to be in and out of the tent and i don't want anything getting wet because it is supposed to be a wet day and a wet night so i'm going to leave all that stuff bundled up inside of my backpack until later on tonight and then i'll set it up but right now i do need to get some firewood ready so i'm going to grab my saw and i'm going to go gather i can see a tree over here that's already fallen and a couple other pieces of wood off in the distance i do need some wood for an outdoor fire because i am going to be cooking outdoors and then i'll get some rocks from around here there's all kinds of rocks i'll build a little fire pit and basically i'm going to be putting my wok over the fire and cooking but right now like i said i need firewood and i want a coffee really bad so firewood coffee and then we'll get doing more of the fire outdoors and then get cooking lunch [Music] so so so uh [Laughter] so [Music] so all right guys so we got the fire going and uh it's doing really well right now i've got it stacked full of hardwood and soft wood i made kind of like a little roof over top so the rain's not affecting it i chose to use flint and steel for this fire so i do have my fire steel with me inside of the tent but i wanted to use flint and steel for the outdoor fire because i find with flint and steel it's often kind of pushed aside because we all bring a fire steel but i find flint and steel it's just if you have a day that's wet and rainy try it try it and you'll you'll realize how frustrating it can be if you don't do it often now i do it very very often so flintsteal for me personally i don't have an issue with it it did fight me a little bit today because i actually had a couple raindrops land on my chart cloth so i had to keep strike in and get an ember landing now once the number lands on that char cloth and you blow on it it gets so hot that it evaporates the water out of the char cloth very quickly and then you get it inside of a piece of birch bark now the piece of birch bark i used was wet so the trick with that is don't don't introduce a lot of oxygen and a long breath you want to kind of shorten it because you want it to bake the the birch bark before it combusts because if it tries to combust too early it's still wet it'll go out and then you're constantly introducing oxygen to it and you're just going to burn out your char cloth and then you're going to be back at square one again so the trick with that is make your little burrito like i did your little cup burrito type shape with your char cloth inside of it and uh and then i just kind of blow on it and let it do its thing you'll hear it snap and crackle kind of let it bake you want it to dry out and then really come on to it and and it should take off in a flame so preparation is key i had all my wood cut split and that stuff was bone dry inside even on a wet day like this dry wood is everywhere you just need to know how to find it and what to look for so i'm happy with this now i'm not going to do a ring of rocks i've decided against that because it is wet and i'm worried if i get the rocks in there with the heat they're going to explode so i do have one rock on the back side that i used just to kind of prop up the wood and get the bark underneath i'm going to keep a close eye on that one but i'm not gonna add any more rocks so right now i do have a couple long pieces over here that i stopped cutting i got one in front of the camera and i think i have another one on the other side of the tent just long pieces just sitting there plus the entire tent is stocked full of wood for both this fire and the wood stove for later on so i'm not worried about wood but i am worried about coffee because i need a coffee really bad so i'm going to take my walk i want to go down to the lake get some water come back up here get it on the fire and make up a nice hot coffee [Music] uh so uh all right guys my coffee's all made and it is extremely good right now on a cool wet day you can't beat a fresh cup of coffee over the campfire oh yeah so let's talk about my curry soup it is not a homemade curry it's actually store-bought curry my girlfriend picked me up two of these and this one is caroline coconut curry now it comes with the the whole curry sauce and the spice all in one which is really cool and then i also brought a little baggie with butter and i'm gonna put a little bit of butter in my wok to cook up the shrimp which is also in a baggie now i brought these shrimp i believe there's four or five shrimp in here they were frozen when i came out but it is floating at about plus one degrees right now it is supposed to go down to freezing tonight so all this rain might freeze the ice who knows but uh but that's what my lunch is gonna be right now so it's gonna be the shrimp in the wok i wanna fry those up with a bit of butter and then i'm gonna add some water into the wok with the curry mix and have a nice curry soup sit right here i might even go down to the lake and sit down there and enjoy it or i might sit right here in front of the campfire who knows but i do know it's going to be delicious so get into this guy and uh well we don't need the instructions do we it's just food right it can't be that hard so i'm gonna take that's really on there so i'm gonna take my spice kit set that off to the side set the curry off i'm gonna transport my coffee into my uh my titanium pot that i have in my tent i'm gonna transfer that in there so i'll have a bit to sip on a little later on and then clean out the wok get some more water and get it back on or sorry i'm gonna cook the shrimp first and then i'm gonna go down to the lake get some water get it in there and then get the curry and bring it into a soup [Music] [Music] so okay oh yeah all right guys the curry's ready and it is amazing that coconut is really strong super good oh yeah give one of those shrimps ago oh yeah i'm definitely gonna have to do this again this is really good really good so i'm gonna hang out here i was gonna go sit down by the lake but the rain is actually picked up again i'm underneath this big pine tree so i'm i'm covered but everything else is getting rained on i put more wood on the fire to protect it so hopefully that'll kick back up into flames in a few minutes but for now i'm just gonna enjoy my curry all right so it's been quite a while since the last time i checked in i had my curry that was awesome really really enjoyed that but now i got the fire going quite a bit because it is starting to rain again so that outside fire i'm gonna try and sit next to it as it is underneath of that tree but right now i'm just going through a little bit of this hard wood and splitting it down into small pieces so when it's time to get the stove going which might even be very very shortly i'll have it ready to go so i do have some rounds that i basically saved for inside like i was saying earlier some of these real chunky pieces of hardwood that's basically going to be my nighttime wood i do have this excellent y piece so if you guys can find pieces like this that got that y in them and they're nice and chunky hard solid wood these things burn for such a long time and even this guy here with this big knot that's in it you guys can find pieces of wood that are really dense i have knots or y's in them save them for your nighttime pieces of wood because they will burn nice and long and they'll put up some heat once you get your stove damp down and under control so basically i uh i'm ready for nightfall right now now my supper i'm gonna do a little later on because that curry did fill me up and i'm not really hungry right now so i'm gonna save my supper for later on i'll probably do that it's just mr noodles with some mushrooms and onions that i brought so i could do it right here in my pot or i could put the wok if the wok won't fit on this dough but i can put it on the fire and do it that way if i really want to or i could do it in two parts i could do my mushrooms and onions in here saute them and then transfer them into my cup and then do the noodles and then add everything back in so loads of options but right now i'm just like i said i'm getting this ready and then i think i'm going to reheat my coffee and i'm going to take a walk down the lake after i get my anorak back on and get the tent buttoned up a little bit and get ready for nightfall all right guys it has been quite a while since i went down to the lake and had my coffee really nice got a nice view down there absolutely beautiful beautiful misty kind of dark and gloomy and a little bit rainy so as you can hear the rain is coming down off and on hitting the tent i've got everything set up other than my sleeping bag which is what i'm doing right now my wool sweater is completely dry which is excellent my anorak on the other hand is not however the smoky hut has a hook up top so i'm going to hang that up top and make sure it's away from the stove safely so that'll dry out within an hour or two and i'm just gonna use that as a pillow as well as my wool sweater so my sleeping pad is inflated good distance in here i'm gonna get my backpack put up at my head and once i close the door that will be an additional pillow and uh i gotta say it's it's getting warm in here really quickly i've got the fire damp down right now i'm actually tossing a log while i'm waiting so having the wood stove inside of the tent is gonna do two things it's gonna be warm and it's gonna cut all of the dampness all the moisture it's gonna dry everything out really nicely and it'll all go up out the top vents so this is basically me for the rest of the night i do have my noodles in here so i'm gonna be cooking later on and i have some water in my pot as well so this is basically it i'm pretty comfortable right now i do have one movie that i want to watch on my phone i have saved so i'm gonna watch that and i'm gonna enjoy my evening so i'm gonna say good night to you guys and i'll catch you guys early in the morning good night guys [Applause] [Music] okay good morning guys it is a very early morning right now i got a i got a friend a little visitor as you can see you're coming in a little closer i have a pack of candy and in that pack of candy are some non-salted almonds we'll place two of them right there yeah let's do let's do four do four little pieces right here i've got enough food i don't need all this so we'll share some with our little friend here he's a little red squirrel so he's been bouncing around here and i've seen him yesterday and uh he seemed quite friendly he didn't be he wasn't really bothered by me that that i was here so he was actually inside of the tent last night uh it was pouring with rain so he came inside and i let him stay inside here he comes right now look at this little guy look at them oh oh i hear competition all right so i have a friend so i got my oatmeal and my coffee and i'm just going to enjoy this for a little bit i did refill my mocha pot again so i might as well get that on there and get another coffee going um my little friend here decided to stick his face in my cup so i'm not too keen on drinking the rest of the coffee uh i i took a sip out of it and then i remembered that oh his face was in it so i kind of stopped but anyways we are going to enjoy our breakfast and it is getting quite warm inside of this tent right now that stove is pumping out heat it like i said last night it poured with rain and i i had that damp down and i almost i almost cracked the door open because it was really hot in here but it was dry dry enough for this little rascal to come in your food's right here bud no man look what are you doing hey anyways he's gonna poke around here for a little bit last night he actually ran across my face twice so i had to pull my hat down on my face so he didn't scratch me or anything but uh oh he seems like a pretty pretty curious friendly guy hi i don't like when he makes eye contact with me though it makes him feel like he's gonna jump for my face no look that way it's right here right there all right guys so breakfast time with my little friend here and coffee and then it's gonna be basically time to start packing some things up and uh here he comes crawling on my leg don't go near that stove he just ran right underneath the stove and i'm pretty sure his tail got singed a little bit all right so like i said it did pour with rain last night it was nice and dry in here he stayed the night in here i stayed the night in here it's oatmeal time oh yeah um so no no oatmeal for you no pushing it so i don't care how much you cry you are not having any oatmeal no come get your pretzels and your almonds he wants oatmeal i'm not giving them any oatmeal that's where i draw the line the line no oatmeal you backtalk me all you want you're not getting any oatmeal no see what i have to deal with good little guy what you're not having any oatmeal and you are not having any coffee you can have non-salted almonds which are good for you don't pop my sleeping pad i'll be very angry he just pooped on my sleeping bag rusty you're a bad boy [Music] all right here is round two fresh mocha fresh coffee right out of the mocha pot if you guys don't have a mocha pot this little guy i bought off of amazon and the brand is imusa i am usa i think it was only like seven or like maybe ten dollars i can't remember but i purchased this and i love this thing so much it makes one cup i'm going to buy a two or possibly a three cup i haven't settled on which one i'm leaning more towards a three cup for uh for me for like mornings like this where i want a little bit more stronger coffee i can have more and you can get the flavored coffee as well so if you get hazelnut coffee sometimes i do one spoonful of hazelnut and then the rest with regular coffee and it comes out amazing so my little friend is still here uh i named him rusty what do you guys think of that let me know in the comment section if you guys would have given him a name and what the name would have been i named him rusty because he's rusty orange and you're not getting my oatmeal no i already said look at this i i don't even know what to say right now i'm being harassed by a squirrel hey hey get out of that no no leave the lid on i'm being harassed by a squirrel named rusty look at him look at this he's been in my food he's been in my tent the whole night now he's trying to get in my oatmeal where's my spoon okay good i got my spoon in my pocket so i can't rummage through that so he is a hungry little guy i might have a few more snacks for you rusty come here come here look i got some more that's it man you're cut off after this so i thought last night was going to be a nice quiet evening by my lonesome self in my tent and apparently squirrels like shacking up with lone wolves not something that i was really expecting but it was nice to have the company it poured with rain guys it was so i'm i'm soaked right now like my knees are soaked from filming and rolling around here and whatnot uh it was it was awesome though last night the sound of the rain i had one drop of rain hit the top of the stove one the entire night that stove jack the way i have the flap rolled up it just redirects the rain but i had one hit the the stove and just and it was gone so pretty cool there was a little bit of light rumble of thunder and uh it it it was light it was light it was the strangest thing it was the tent is white so automatically it's going to be bright inside at night time and i've been in here with the full moon and it'd be like daylight like literally daylight so but it was cloudy and it was raining so there was no moon out but it just seemed like there was a moon out and it was just it was bright in here and that's how i could see little rusty wherever he is running around bouncing all over the place and uh yeah it was a pretty good night though so i've got the stove going again with a little bit more wood i'm going to finish my coffee i'm hopefully now that he's gone i might be able to take the lid off my oatmeal and sneak a few bites before he comes back but that's the plan i'm just going to snack away and uh finish up my oatmeal and then i'm going to clean up i'm going to get the stove out of here quickly i'm going to get it emptied out and then the tent i'm just going to roll up wet i'm just going to invert it inside out cram it down in the stuff sack fill the pack and then it's going to be get out of here so oatmeal time now that i have a minute to do that uh okay do so okay guys i've got basically everything packed away inside of my backpack that was a task and a half this time not because of the gear but because of rusty he kept going inside of my sleeping bag i don't know where he is right now hopefully not inside of here he kept going inside of my sleeping bag and i had to keep getting him out as i was packing things up and i was trying to record back and forth and finally he was in the bottom of my sleeping bag so i literally had to reach in to my sleeping bag with my leather glove and grab him and pull him out now he didn't scratch me he didn't bite i don't know what's up with this guy i don't know people must feed him a lot because this guy did not care that i had my hand on him and pulled him out of my sleeping bag gently and put him onto the ground and then he tried to go back in so i stopped recording and i had to just get everything packed away before he ended up inside of here and uh if he is in here i will let you guys know the next episode when i open this up when i get home so that was pretty awesome i i did enjoy that it was nice having the little the little guy running around here there's a tent peg oh good thing i saw that so it was really interesting having a little squirrel bouncing around hanging out inside of the tent overnight and it was a rainy night last night so like i was saying i let him stay in there it was pretty wet pretty windy and it's just a squirrel he's not going to hurt anybody so all in all i had a really really great time i have got to get on the trail though because it is going to start pouring down with rain eventually it's already sprinkling i could feel it out on the lake i could see through the trees it is nothing but a sheet like a sheet of rain it looks like just white drizzle so i i think i've got everything looking around just making sure i've got my wool sweater and my anorak packed inside of the bag i'm not going to be wearing that today yesterday when i came out it was cold today it's not so cold it feels like the beginning of fall when really it's coming into you know almost christmas time so i don't know what's going on with the weather i come out and it's cold i pack extra warm bring extra clothing and then it turns out being warm and i know the one time i packed to be warm it's going to be like minus 20 the entire trip and i'm going to freeze so i'm going to continue packing warm just to stay safe but that's basically it i'm pretty sure i've got everything here i probably will return to this spot again just because rusty was pretty cool i don't know where he is right now i can't i can't find them but uh anyways that was pretty awesome i've got to get this pack on my back i do have a fair hike to to basically get back to the the main logging road where i parked my truck i think it was about five kilometers four four point five to five kilometers from where i am now but i've got to make it around the back of the lake and then head out on uh basically bushwhack until i get to an atv trail and then out to the main road so i've got everything the fire's out pack is loaded time to go so thank you guys very much for watching i appreciate it and if you have any questions or comments drop it down in the comment section and i'll catch you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: Lonewolf 902
Views: 97,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hot tent camping, camping in rain, rain camping, solo overnighter, outdoor cooking, camping in storm, wood stove in tent
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 7sec (3307 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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