HUNTING famous Minecrafters in Among Us... (custom mod)

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[Music] all right oh people need to die all right cycle time to die tina all right wait carl i'm in now salad gang it's all mine i don't know i'm in there you get call carl is doing his task okay and carl walks in so i see two carls and tina kills carl as carl i'm sheriff i shoot tina boom oh wow i'm really apparently it shoots people can shoot yeah you can shoot the you're trying to shoot the imposters as the sheriff but you shoot the wrong one you die yeah but i knew that she was imposter because i saw her kill yeah and you're still alive that means 100 yeah yeah i feel like you're telling the truth brooke i feel like i am too i believe it i believe is there a limit on how many sheriffs there are just one no there's only one one and no one else is claiming to be sure nope right but it's possible she killed the sheriff true true it's a possibility wow that'd be fun just pulled in front of everyone she did also that's what carl did to tina last round so she probably wanted vengeance yeah vengeance yeah this guy's toast all right psychonaut unfortunately you have to go as per usual you will solve the case too fast please don't be upset it is a sign of respect yeah i saw it on security cams um really yeah there's one on security i think it was bad but i reported saikuno so they're both in cafeteria and [Music] wait which part of cafeteria right side like from weapons uh yes yeah that's weird when i walked through that because i came from the right actually did not see a report button well there was a well bad's body is on the cams in that hallway oh wait i thought you're talking about the cafeteria body yeah they're both like right on the right what on campus where did you come from i was with corpse in admin orbs is this true um i am an admin sapnap was on admin when i was yeah whoever was on campus i was dancing in front of the cameras yeah yeah he was dancing he was what are you dancing for now you just killed us someone was just watching me on the camera so i thought you're happy that you got a kill oh true maybe he's trying to look innocent by dancing brook which brook which way did you go to cameras you went through cafeteria through cafeteria toast was on the left side of cafeteria body i got the report button on the right side of cafeteria after cameras after cameras but it wasn't the body i saw on cam so they were both george because he was on cams before you went to camps yes i believe george was a round cafeteria but i saw him leave from security so you're reporting a cafeteria body but there's another body on the right hallway in navigation oh okay where you said you came from yeah i came from weapons i didn't go down there i think it's george no no he was in security with me though i don't really want to be able to well we like pass yeah yeah um oh it's not george wait where was corpse of course in the one last one second where were you he was an admin don't talk for him all right folks gonna shoot me so i have to shoot her but ray also needs to die what's happening top left reactor um you just yeah i'm in admin with brooke right now true where's george george um i'm i'm on weapons it sounds i don't know i feel like you're lying did you see the admin table at all no i went in there to check on see if the corpse left the body in admin and then you were alive in there from last round no i saw you walking down like you were heading towards like a reactor i just wanted to check it out toast where are you you said weapons i'm filling up gas bottom left uh george's weapons oh george is oh he actually is oh do you mean just off of what he said or did you see him there uh off what he says didn't you go right at the beginning of the game um you mean this round no no like the very first round uh yeah one would think you would do weapons on your way to the right uh i think i must have just i think i've ran down and then did my other task i really don't think it's george because he was on cams when that body was on the right side toast you were the one who was on the right side yeah i'm telling you i didn't go down there i was on weapons what about the body on the right side of cafeteria that one is the one i told you i didn't get the report off which is why i'm confused because that's actually the last round something up did we do we clear you um i don't think it was a hard clear but i was with corpse and admin tina tina [Music] all right i need to kill brooke because she's definitely gonna kill me she's trying to kill me bro it's not gonna work i'm gonna out-click you you have to kill me in front of people oh i can make her freak out i call lights oh no brook's dead oh who died oh brook brook wait where is everyone george where are you um i just ran past you you just ran past me yeah when you didn't see me nope right outside is that impostor vision i didn't know i just saw you i did i didn't see you george oh i don't know george um i don't know you must just be blind so it's not me guys it's not me yeah it's not me it's not then who is uh where did you come from when i came outside alliance uh admin uh i want to see who was fixing lights um george for you and adam and before that before when the lights when the lights went off where were you uh i don't know where i was exactly oh uh i can tell you there was one med bay one on cams and then one in lights corpse was the one light so someone should have been on cam someone should have been on med bay uh are you in med base i'm not um i did go to med i wasn't in med bay right then but i did go to med bay yeah that's probably when uh i checked admin i guess i wasn't in a room when you checked i don't know what it is i think toast is the imposter though okay it seemed like he wanted an alibi when i came out of electrical but i don't have any but uh if i was on if i was on if i wasn't on admin i wouldn't have that info i don't know i really think it's toes but i'm not sure enough to like it's because you don't got proof corp you just got the vibe i just have the vibe that's you i i i'm pretty sure it's you but i don't know if i can convince everybody here that it is all right here's what i'm doing i'm going to kill corpse and that's going to be the end of it and i'm going to report it jordan just gonna walk away from this body wait of what his body what what just happened you are walking away from the body and camera and cameras yeah sound map did you see that i i yeah what did you see did you see did you see the body drop because i didn't see it i saw okay this is what happened if disguise if toast report the body that means all three of you guys were in that room one of you killed another and then george was walking out killed and then george was walking out as i was walking in and then the body was reported yeah me george this is a lot of brain power and um i'm just going to believe what corpse said i think oh get you got to give me some time to convince you man okay convince me okay so it's me george and corpse on the camera right but george doesn't know i'm there because i'm stacked perfectly on corpse so he thought he could kill corpse and walk away so that's why he killed corpse and i was so surprised because he just killed him in front of me and he just tried walking away and that's when i reported it so i know it's not because it's either toast oh wait wait george is it not you no i think it's i think it could be south now i think so how could it how could it be because i think you'll start from that one round i think oh you're good could it possibly be me george you saw me walking in right as the body was reported no i i ran past you no no a couple seconds later there's no idea on top of me i could sleep oh no it might be sad that georgia oh my god you're an idiot george [Music] oh no oh good button good button uh-huh so what who who george listen to me all right vote for toast no it's happening it's george i'm voting him every single time here it's not i don't think it's george the three of us were on cameras it can't be you because you walked in yeah yeah it's gotta be george yeah that's not what you're saying like 10 seconds ago oh what's this sorry i don't remember yeah what did i say you're switching up you're like well maybe it could be sapna but now you're like oh wait no it's impossible it could be yeah i was wrong i i i do apologize for that yeah yeah george what are you thinking i don't even know i'm lost now okay i'm voting george george george he's pretending what's up nope vote toast don't be a silly goose vote toast what i already i think i know i think i know what's going on here oh what's going on i think it's impossible for me to win this i i think george i think you have an ulterior motive i think i think i lose here i'll vote toast but i already know what's gonna happen no no you no you gotta vote george he's that foster all right well [Laughter] oh my god all right time to put the game away all right all right among us i'm just a regular old imposter huh oh i can't kill pokey i might let pokey win this round and by letter when i mean i don't kill her um because pokey do like to throw suss on me just because she actually i'm sure it's because she respects my abilities and doesn't want to risk a big brain and also i like to put things on youtube and if i'm putting it on youtube that means she's not putting it on youtube but uh i'm gonna try my best not to do anything sus but uh sorry leslie might be spy leslie i know you're you might be spy but my head disappear to instantly appear next to you if you were spy you would know no no no this is right on the far left room and it's right by the vent but like what was she doing standing by the vent wait hang on pokey leslie you love her no i was just playing oh so um wait who'd you say less huh did you say what's standing there no no it's her leslie's body oh she could have been engineered hopping out of a vent and getting sliced right as she hopped out or the imposter reached in and pulled her out which i think they can actually do wait really to the engineers yeah they can do that oh god interesting that's what they do no well i got nothing um i got nothing there life goes on it's june i saw eve at the the gym um underneath your name does it say crewmate and white letters for anybody else yeah yeah it does yeah why wait me too me too that's so weird i just remember remember the people say that for people how many roles do we have oh executioner miners how many regular crewmates are there oh i don't know let's do the math here one two three four five i guess five all right well i think uh i think young and toast are clear then why because they answered immediately that's not how that was it what about me i answered [Music] ah [Music] honestly i don't feel like winning this round i'm okay if i get sucked out by the leo pokey i had to kill leslie though because she's spy that means she knows i'm venting so if i claim engineers then the other engineer will know it's me so i didn't want to have to do it to him but i had to do it to him [Music] what up g so did we say that leslie could be the engineer i don't know she could have been she was standing on an event according to ryan okay the fact that ryan's not saying anything and i saw him hop into a vent and he's oh i didn't want to give it away i didn't want to give it away i am the engineer but why would you do that mia oh it's coming towards the table it has to be ryan oh god no wait he could be engineers still i am digital yeah yeah he could be she's not he's not talking in his usual voices i'm the engineer why didn't you say anything because i was going to have fun with it later oh i got it twice in a row she's having a good time you guys he's having a good time oh okay he's just vibing okay so you're ruining his vibes you guys say so okay let's go um is there anything interesting to do now you really want to kill people i mean i already killed leslie who can i kill who can i kill did my mom reply to my screwdriver oh my mom's awake oh no she replied in chinese mom i don't read chinese later christopher god imagine if a crew member saw that body and came to check this spot which is what cycuno did once which was crazy and he caught me [Music] no god oh that that's a lot of people it's at the right of the emergency room place did you do a waiting room we're on the right side of it yeah on the right side next to a vent was it you can there's a world that can make vents right yeah is there usually a vent in there where was it no the right of the meeting room but there's a vent it's probably a minor yeah right of the meeting room yeah i saw june had that role last game so maybe it's him what are the chances i get it again i don't know but i've seen you do it before well that's all the info i have anyone else that's the info that you have which one's the meeting room is that the top yeah i don't think there's a vent there you got any info oh uh no i saw you on cams with bee nans well like i was the one on cams oh and i saw lily in cargo i think across once at fault huh camera cam's closed the bottom of the map like it's interesting that you started in the cargo and you're all the way in the cockpit the way she said i'm in the cockpit right now that's a long ways away isn't it a long way to do that yes you can vent in which case it's a shorter ways away short way oh god um oh wait who voted for me it was you what the hell i think pokey's executioner i wouldn't mind killing poke i wouldn't mind killing lily to let pokey win i don't know why do i want what what's wrong with my brain but that means killing lily but that means getting her voted out with my words which is just as fun as killing her um so i think i kill and report on six and then call a meeting and then push lily out and see if pokey wins because if pokey doesn't what the heck why is june still running this homemade man june if you're making vents you're not killing people [Music] i did it oh my goodness okay i was going in the vents and i saw a shoon by event at the top right in that fake vent and i saw toast going in and out of it listen listen for sure listen i think it's slowly i think it's the least ryan which vent did you use i was just going into the force i don't know the one that i really wanted i just kept moving around and i ended up in that top one oh yeah did you not see me in the vents or can you not see me when i'm venting oh i know wait right did you oh so you were venting around huh yeah and that's i think that's kind of cheap that you can't tell that i'm neck with you um i wonder how you vented to there i don't know normally normally there is an event that allows you to go there i also thought it was toast early on and that's why i voted him last round because he sounded really excited to talk for once how did the event appear [Laughter] you voted for toast how did that vent appear there take a guess i did it i voted for toast yeah [Music] i wonder why where did that event come from my plan was so good until a vent popped up next to the body did did you make a vent next to the body so that ryan the crew member who can vent vented in there oh no he didn't use the june vent he used the regular vent what oh we should have counter body wait i don't know there was an event there there was a body there and then there was already a vent there so i was just gonna put like three vents right there but then i didn't realize i didn't know you i didn't realize you can go into my events that i make oh no june all i can do is remember ryan's words from the first round when he said my young just let it go i'm gonna do something cool later and it was this one it was nothing right here i know that was you harry park i know june you you made a very next to the body you made event [Music] you gave ryan a one-way ticket to our crime scene [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 1,646,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, among us mods, georgenotfound among us, corpse toast, sapnap among us, karl jacobs, badboyhalo among us
Id: TOrFjGjvjLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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