Casting deadly curses with the NEW Witch Impostor... (custom mod)

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there's now two impossibles there's the witch the witch puts a spell on someone and that person will die at the end of the next meeting so it nerfs the imposter no that's not a nerf that sounds right yeah because you can't catch the witch in the app wait that's impossible meet anyone like have fun okay toasted corpse oh [ __ ] [Music] as well that's right narrow down who has it this shirt cycle wait you think it's me what's this i saw you you didn't see it did you i i am so sorry i didn't listen it was a missed click it was just a misclick okay he's just okay okay so he knows yesterday he's just forget about it who was still above me oh man that was it's toast and i but it looks like you killed wendy i'm confused no i watched his body fall over and then i it i don't think they cool down we've been like fastest for anyone to actually kill besides the the warlock potentially cursing people into killing it like that one's like right there's a warlock okay oh the record it's like it was either jess or swapper 100 i don't think toast put in warlock you would have this we're like none of the game no i think it was a witch and evil guesser yeah which is the curse i think i think that was fast enough that the kyoko that was that was like 30. so who was at the drop no at the beginning it's not 30 seconds and wendy and i are card clear for this it's someone that left the drop ship i'm going to skip i left drop shipping left by the end and he went to hide in the reactor button oh my god you saw everything how did you see that much okay i have a very high vision oh man okay it's super fresh it's like literally yeah it's like in the middle so it's like someone chopped and then immediately ran away but i didn't catch the person inside i'm so sorry buddha okay then that clears me like we know that i'm clear yeah yeah yeah damn yeah i did the killing that's crazy yeah all i know everyone is innocent and if i was a swapper i'd swap right now that's crazy wendy said that the body's super fresh who is that i told you i told you look yeah he did it he did it second swapper i called it that was me guys that's oh my god no the evil guest is gonna start murdering the swapper i'm dead i'm so dead i'm so dead i'm so dead there's no play here guys what wait what if buddha was sheriff i feel like buddha was sheriff is janet innocent i'm confused don't touch me don't do not touch me is ray my lawyer oh man killing your own lawyer is like the worst feeling ever they just feel guilty you know stop get away stop get away what's toast doing i'm dead she's for sure acting like my lawyer oh god oh god man i'm so dead there's no way i live i mean i'm fixing i mean i don't know what to do stood over me for like half a second well i spelled someone and i hope to god it wasn't janet we're gonna get death noted next round like very likely we get death noted next week everyone's still alive why is janet following me everywhere kinda sus that means janet is for sure the other imposter which means listen are you out of breath or not i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead how do you okay so so evacuate wasn't it doctor isn't talking a marathon you have the wildest vision ever in the wildest accusations sir true i'm not at the button either i just passed someone between um i'm at the doors before the button was pushed but who did i just pass at weapons that wasn't me well i came out of office and i passed by x and vote he was ahead of me right or was he behind me he looked ahead of you okay so you you didn't you ran i was running abe is cursed by the way i don't know i actually have zero clue who could have stood by me abby have you been in contact with vacuum or not no no i saw toast janet wendy yo i didn't see you bro what are you talking about swapper second of swapper x jester natsumi lawyer um [Music] that that leaves like toast right janet from from my perspective that's what i think is happening oh of course this braid is so big yeah wait are there any guessers yes there's any guessers any guessers yes yes on seven right yo rey vented there's only like three rolls yeah thank you shout out to a little sus right take a shot uh i promise you that if you vote for me you're still dying i didn't know where is you i did not curse you is dying we're not on seven oh yeah are we trying to save here yes he's not an imposter we got him guys stop voting stop voting he's guessing voted for me killed jenny kill janet what the hell but why [Music] oh corpse is definitely not my teammate it was toast oh it's toaster oh yeah then nice call he did the thing and she's dead [Music] oh it's toast i hope i hope i didn't just kill my teammate so she's the witch that would be really bad if i just avoided my teammate i would feel extremely terrible that would be the opposite of a big brain play by old toasty boy okay whoever has the killer instinct here is going to win it's just going to come down to ray versus toast whoever clicks the button wins yo where is everyone toast looks like he's ready to kill though if anybody comes near he's killing oh this is ray in total it's a 1v1 pro it's just rain toast oh gosh oh my god raking tv ray right right you got it oh my god ray did you know him he knew what you know yeah i'm like wow i was like wait toast is getting real still i had four seconds till i could kill you oh my god i was smoking yes that was insane oh you were killing people you only swapped once yeah for sure oh my god man excuse he's gonna play without oh does he does he know what this oh my god oh my god does he is he if he's the spy oh this is such an interesting trio but one of them's working for the enemy team on your high chat uh one weird thing about playing imposter now is that um you have to hide chat because you can't find out who the spy is i didn't get the cursor i mean i haven't seen him kill anyone yet and wouldn't xcc be killing people by now i'm just worried about the jackal the most i need to spell someone for sure dude that's dead damn i didn't spell anyone wait how are you reporting this who could have killed him listen wait how are you reporting this blou where are you because i'm right there where right there yeah but i don't see you always buddha always obsessed with me because he'd rather throw the game as crew than lose to me as imposter i was thinking this to myself then i saw buddha water will thought he looked crew-like then i went to vitals he was dead i came back he was dead and janet's there wait hold on squad oh my god listen this is what happened i'm doing a jug or wires i forget what i'm doing in the office i see blau sydney and you forget if you're doing jugs or wires yes i did because i was too busy remembering who was in office and then i finally finished and i came outside because i have water wheels and then i see buddha's body i don't even see blau by the way and he already reported this i'm right behind you i believe janet i think janet's gone by the way but i'd like to say that i i think toast and abby are both uh crew i could have died they're easy like ten times [Music] by us janet who else was there it's either corpse or x that's my teammate and the other one is a liar guys i was on cameras rey can vouch but i don't know who i definitely don't want to randomly kill either of them i may have why are you saying that you were literally there with me on cameras i saw sydney leave a long time ago like she hasn't been there in ages so if if what you're saying is true like uh buddha died recently it couldn't have been sydney yep not me so where's the body again can you give us a hint water wheel below your wheels bottom left like the left wheels okay fine like five seconds and then boom i think that means that uh i'm pretty sure corpse and toast and abby couldn't have been any of them if that's true x is hardcore killer with janet or sydney for that one i think it's more likely sydney because janet sounds like it can't be sydney there's no oh the swapper do we know the letters next to people's names i mean yeah um yeah [Music] there's a person who talks to the dead and they tell you darker light sometimes is x you see the spy he's the spy isn't it that's why he's protecting me and corpse but does he know that's how it works this early on ah okay ray's been spelled i wonder if she's gonna remember she might remember i could also just regularly kill someone that's probably the play do a regular kill on top of a spell kill can i spell multiple people that'd be sick toast or was that great i just saw the color okay that is definitely oh she's definitely gonna know it was me baby holding thingy i'm so dead i might have to kill her i might have to kill her she's gonna know i was alone in a room with her for two seconds is she the lawyer oh why hey it's totally trying to tell me oh my god there's a potential double kill there but i don't know who to trust why what it's happening nobody no one's dead do you guys see exactly okay that is exactly why i called the button by the way i was i i i checked i checked i checked the vitals multiple times i thought no one was dead so i was worried that the whistle was just cursing everyone wait ray are you uh we touched you ready no this is easy we do a cross examination of people who touch janet and people who touch rey and we vote out the common person i know who is it right who is it one of them because i'm psycho's lawyer so he i knew you were my lawyer but i well i wasn't sure you uh well janet janet you can clear me right we barely saw each other i barely saw it as i could know yet yeah yeah but you're right around there are you gonna say anything by the way i saw you i oh yes i saw x and he's standing last noise vented how are you running the same spot though you saw a blouse oh that's what happens when you yeah okay but this is the thing some good guys can vent with this mod pack so it's like not enough i don't think why are you at the moment there's anything yeah there's none at the moment okay okay x corpse rey [Applause] did you vote i'm infected what do you think did you infect me what are you guys also i don't know if this is important but i saw check vitals at the beginning of the rest who does that yeah no i'm pretty sure it was just corpse if we kill corpse i think we'll survive yet yeah if there's a yes sir you guys don't think something is weird he's the witch switch okay you're wrong okay that might change okay then we vote wow right what do you mean you're gonna have to oh oh sydney no what you didn't see me oh wait too bad i'm the swapper you can swap all your votes with another player's votes so basically i can't believe it that's so [Music] is going to kill me please don't kill me because i got to hit the button we got to hit the button before we die wait i think x was my teammate [Music] guys we all know we have to do right okay so you guys know i'm crew right are we are you guys you killed mr x we got to avenge him everyone everyone vote for him he killed him said he saw him vent and now he's dead they're trying to frame blau by swapping he's for sure the imposter vote them now right wait i swapped the first round too just as a joke you have to avenge x he literally joined and just got killed in that game like that that's rigged we can't we can't let this happen wow we got to avenge x that was his first game joining us and you just do them like that vote them guys vote them okay vote off blau we can't let him kill him this is his first time talk to me what do i do he's telling us i don't want to die man it's weird counting on is that we all vote for you but because he's leading the charge you would swap with him [Music] so i think we all skip here wait guys i think we can skip wait why wait why i think because actually you saw me vent it which like there's just that's just a lie you're getting so mad it's like right now i think you should swap them he could have just watched the back of you he should have just lost track of you you're i'm telling you you have to vote for wait there can still be two imposters right [ __ ] here's the thing here's the thing we don't know who it is right if we vote blau and he's not the swapper he's dead if he is the swapper he's going to choose someone who is very likely the imposter whoever he thinks is the imposter right i don't know who the imposter is yeah no swap with me swap with me if you want to win abe corpse wendy any of those three names wait why didn't you say what is the swap oh you know his swap how do you kill x and then you miss click on yourself what what is happening what okay so kudos definitely the jester i'm still worried that there might be like a jackal there could still be a jackal right unless i spelled the jackal fortunately but ray guys toast is following me like a hawk i'm scared i don't pass you once don't flatter yourself no you pass me multiple times i wait okay hold on i'm confused did we actually like vote anyone off uh so there's very likely that wasn't voted out he was killed firsthand right no we just went there's the last discussion oh last night but he was probably not the imposter because he said he swapped with x and nobody else claimed it but so can we assume that x was an imposter then i don't know because otherwise we would have lost already right no because if gekko is alive the game will actually not end yeah but if there's two impossibles alive they're going to they're still going to try to win no double kill yeah so it's possible there's just one left um but it's also possible there's two left because the only people we voted off were a clearly innocent crowd and a random league well i think it's safe to vote someone else here well i think that we vote everyone besides psychiatrists yeah well i also think corpse is probably innocent because he called the meeting and that's the safest play you can do with your crewmate yeah so i'm leaning towards either uh you know you guys down to vote ave i don't know why but i just wanna me no abe seems the most innocent that was toaster windy for me uh i'm the sheriff corpse played the same wait if when these this i just haven't shot anyone because i'm too scared to shoot oh okay i think that's just still the jackal right oh i think [Music] is i think we kill toast i think we killed them i think you're on to it everyone vote for for for me wendy [Applause] [ __ ] i got caught off nothing damn my two kills were spell kills that were not tied to me is there a jackal though yeah it's a jackal he was being super jackal-like exo's my partner right yeah because he was defending me and corpse and he wouldn't have singled us out i should have killed corpse earlier i should have known that x was my partner at the beginning but people kept calling meetings so the last two rounds i couldn't kill because people called meeting instantly oh god hang on i spilled coffee all over my electronics and my pc blows up uh that's what happened uh okay where's that i [Music] hello hey guys anybody here so you saw him do it i pretty sure i just saw abe kill someone yeah which makes me think abe is the jackal why would he wait until you had vision on them killing oh gosh i can't i can't i don't know hey what's up um hello hey well you got like something is he muted is he still in the discord called says hey i think it's time uh hello hey hey i think it's time that we all right uh where was the body what you i i'm pretty sure i saw you killing can you oh [ __ ] let me drink [Music] oh [ __ ] oh god it just dawned on me hold on what has happened [Music] what dawned on you what is abe doing i'm pretty sure i saw him killed didn't i i need you to dude i need you to vote for yourself i need you to vote for yourself and then we take the win okay all right i'm voting for myself what are you talking about if you votes like who know we're gonna lose wait a minute he's gonna put up his gesture wait but how did you get the kill you have to vote yourself it's the only way no it's not yeah i saw you needs to vote skip you vote a vote skip here every single time not this abe abe does not need to vote himself listen corps is trying to get eve killed this isn't you what hey vote for corpse vote for aims oh god what what is happening hey what role are you what um what [Music] what is i won i won hey are you are you getting paid no okay okay wait okay listen listen listen listen let me tell you okay let me explain my like there's no thought process where that play makes sense let me explain what i was thinking okay yeah i got it was telling me to vote myself that didn't make any sense to me yeah because he wants to kill you but no if he knows that i'm the jackal yeah yeah so in my head i was like maybe corpse is a jester and he's trying to get me to vote myself so that i vote him instead because in my head i was like okay if i vote for corpse and tie it up then i win right wait so how would voting for yourself have been the better move because i thought corpse was just was a jester so he wanted me to vote for him but if you voted yourself you would have just died too you still would have lost right like you could just choose the only way i win in this situation is if i tie the vote up 1-1-1 or you could just not vote no you could i forgot i forgot that was an option wow that was so cool [Music]
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 1,986,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, Toast Twitch, Disguised Toast Twitch, toast among us mods, toast witch among us
Id: hLy6poXB_uQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2022
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