Among Us but with 3 NEW 11,700 IQ MAFIA ROLES... (custom mod)

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[Music] everyone today we are playing a very special mod of among us instead of a regular imposters we instead have the mafia which introduces three new imposter roles number one you have the godfather who's just a regular imposter they can kill they can bend very normal stuff the second one is the mafioso who can do nothing yeah no killing i don't think he can even sabotage he's just aligned with the imposters and if the godfather gets voted out he takes over the role of godfather and then he gains the ability to kill so his role is more to deceive and trick the town member and the third row is the janitor the janitor can clean up any dead bodies he comes across this way if there's nobody there's no way for them to call a meeting and vote someone out now before we jump into today's video i gotta do a quick public service announcement if you're not subscribed to the channel and don't have notifications turned on that means you're missing the best amongst content on youtube and you know what kind of person would i be if i didn't remind all of you to you know just go ahead and hit the subscribe to hit that bell button if it's not pressed already so that you guys can get the latest videos as soon as it releases all right enjoy today's video this guy's toast all right godfather again this time i'm not going to screw it up wait i can't forget it i'm the only one who can kill five off the mafioso [Music] oh man oh my god there's two things that i'm worried about here the first body was dead for a while but it wasn't swept the second thing is sleepy and fun you're holding hand in hand oh don't worry about that we just have the same task that's all yeah appreciate your hands on a date and what not but you know what's up here yeah i appreciate your concern oh yeah you did i actually was gonna call her out next meeting because she was messing with the lightsaber [Music] quick question about the mods so if three impossibles are alive they just need to get it down to six people right yes why are you saying that only one can kill only one can kill you yeah only yeah so i'm trying to like think about them but they'll all vote together so i think we should vote so well i can measure this beyond belief because i think the only people that wouldn't sweep is nogla and maybe sleepy because this was fundy be honest with you did you ever feel in danger in my arms i felt incredibly [Music] [Laughter] this is absolutely disgraceful kill funding oh my god you're an imposter please kill fundy oh man me and five have voted for the different different people i encourage you to vote for one at all okay so i need to count back up so if there's a turn this i need to count to 20 one two 17 18 19 20. okay so there's a clean up crew available right oh gosh follow me that was so cute you gave us you gave dwayne a little snowman no one died and i gave him cat ears as well he was a cat rock okay okay so um toast and quirky why are you guys chasing me like to get a hand in hand i'm looking for a body is that light no i'm looking for a body i went on admin i dumb all my tasks and double backed out of uh bottom left i thought you killed someone there oh no there's nobody there there's nobody there no worries i mean it was kind of sus that half was dead but i mean why would i kill without my janitor previous round like i saw her like 10 seconds before she died the janitor thing is uh 40 seconds after the first kill like oh yeah no he's at 30. so i mean kill just happened so i think um because there's no click on the first two kills i don't think the killer and the gender are moving together so it can't be funny and sleepy right so it's one of them but not both yeah it's funny kill him why do you think it's one of them for sure because um either couldn't it yeah it could be nine two don't even like three people left right now what are you saying i get what he's saying it's more of like they're not the changes not moving together which means the janitor is doing something i literally only have one task left and it was upload the the second part but no glitch called the button right before finishing so that's the last task which one of you yeah i met i saw him on the match you can both vote for me for matt's game all right so then you can vouch for me yeah i can yeah i can vouch but i can't i saw funny go over there but i didn't like check the skin because i already used it earlier i can vouch your puns for scanning yeah i'm actually full clear because he waited for me to finish like he i'm full cleared i'm skipping we don't have no i think i'm gonna vote up here [Music] dude i almost got the kill off on him [Music] [Music] we win right we win when one of these doors open and they come check sweep so i don't actually have an ability i can only be crew member and throw them off i can like move with someone all right [Music] i should just like be a good crew member and do me sabotages okay the person so listen up so they got killed then the like the little outline becomes yeah and oh my god just died right yeah yeah so that so they got killed the outline became great it means they got killed by the godfather then the body got cleaned okay so sleep we literally just passed like two people that like yeah uh i don't remember who it was but it was training and i think courage no you're i know sleepy cannot be the uh godfather and gender he could still be mafioso okay yeah i can say the same for five up i can say the same exact thing so the last place i saw hafu was um she was fixing lights and i think the people there were trained sleepy puns left side and toe stand toes no yeah but me and five up left and there's no way we could have killed that's right unless we got like the best kill of our lives good job yeah good job that was really well done so isn't this just train and courage uh i'm sure courage also did deny that he was at lights when i said he was at lights he was at lights yeah and you're backing me up on that so my question is why is five minutes of repairing toast is uh believing that well we're not pairing we're saying we can't be godfather or neither one of us could be god but do you understand what the the janitor like you guys that's not reliable i mean they were paired but like i'm he could still be mafioso for all i know i don't know and i could be my fiesta for him right which is not godfather or janitor because it happened right because that was a kill clean instantly so yeah so the pairs are sleepy five up and then sleepy five of them that's a random ass pairing i mean i mean kurtz is with me at um fighters but he yeah he came later than me of course yeah he was at lights yeah it's whoever was always because hoffa was at lights with us so the body was cleaned up so i can blame courage and train i'll say train cleaned it up and courage was the killer all right let's talk back here i don't know where courage went i'm running i'm running i'm running [Music] wait what happened oh train train good [ __ ] guys good [ __ ] no oh true where was that that was above storage we had a moment in the chat saying how we died first i know i felt so bad oh i'm the janitor that means i clean up kills okay so i can uh remove dead bodies as janitor so if i am with my buddy godfather puns and he makes a kill i can clean it up finding it found it oh who went in there who went in there first okay let's go let's go let's go all right what are you doing last round and one thing i wanted to do was just to follow one person around the whole time to frame them for being god's father while i'm janitor bachman were you following bundy around for that strat it is i was following him sure but i mean your movement i i like standing over there as well and toast one and he didn't follow and i felt okay he literally only followed me also tested really slow one two three no that was on simon says why would you come up with it i take that long and once you're getting away okay what is going on fundy if you tell me to vote i'll vote me to vote you try your lobby you have my sword scan we can test whether that's the case okay who are we even killing as well oh so the janitor resets at the beginning huh so i need to pay attention to puns so i might just end up reporting a body to show that i'm not the janitor and you do node all right fines where are you going 10 pound event 10b met and then he went to it and just like wait go ahead but i don't like trading scans all right go ahead well tell us the whole thing and i think i post vented because i don't think we have wires i just passed puns right and i was walking to check cams and i was about to check cams and i scrolled through and then i come off and then toast is coming from the top you weren't on cams you're telling me that i vented because i can see you in the camera as impossible no no no i was in cam and then she's randomly accusing me of venting i've passed puns oh we can't we can't kill half [Music] you didn't even do it yourself okay okay adorable cams were on i walk into uh o2 i do my trash thing i do my o2 i go up i pass puns right i get the cams and toast is in the top left corner and i just checked with breaking up wires so here's no business let me think after you're done let me talk so the thing that is 100 hafu that you have to trust is that i caught her in a lie she said she came out of camps to find me standing from the vent that is untrue because she changed her story now she's saying she passed by puns walking from the hallway up to camps so she changed her story because it didn't add up because puns was there and he can vouch i did pass hafu like if you're saying you were in kim that wouldn't that's a lie that's a straight up lie either you're throwing or you're just reaching i'm voting half of it unless she vented from o2 to either you everyone think it's me and punch you in the hallway how could i invent it he was coming out of the vents halfway you said you caught me coming out of bed because you were on camps the whole time and that i thought everyone please remember please remember what she first said her first story was that she came out of camps and caught me on the vent this was a really good story for me no i didn't i i didn't know that's why i passed puns no that's why i even said do we have i asked you specifically this is like i asked you the two main characters it matters labeouf and one of you guys change her story please remember she changed her story you guys both sound so bad [Music] she's straight up lied no it's close i can't believe i talked my way out of that i don't have sabotage i can't do anything that was awesome um i want to get toast out of here yeah i mean two things what's the fault i would have listened to i would have voted out earlier i just didn't have my button so the main thing here is my belief is that when it comes to 50 50 you make a choice and live with it it's boring to vote i made it like that no no it's fine you believe hafu but everyone else made the decision and that's fully here's why i agree i love 50 50s but why don't you make it 100 hundred and just football no i'm skipping you guys who totally got caught in a lie there okay guys guys guys look this is this is this will make it simple i'm innocent the three other people were you know mafiosos bought and it'll be a thai and then be fine we won't know who we are okay just kind of i'm skipping puns can confirm that it was a lie just remember in my opinion there are three mafia alive right now and people are arguing against stuff yeah that's all votes i'm innocent i agree with toast that actually you should skip and live with your mistakes good okay so there we go all right we have we have three of our mafia right there let's go light blue red and white we just know why aren't you killing god i have to talk my way out of this we can't who the three mafia and why why because fundy no glen i all don't have buttons now and if you kill the last running person in sweep we literally can't do anything about it exactly i love the gameplay but we are assuming all of them are first right and you're smart yeah let's go toast all right i don't want no no no i'm still skipping i'm gonna wait for something to happen because i have no idea about sleepy we know it's white red and light blue yeah yeah i'm skipping i'm gonna clear it and i'm watching and i was innocent i'm skipping because half of the card is [Music] one person that can kill no glass i'm gonna let you know that you understand where i'm coming from right you voted sleepy fun devoted toast backpack voted skip puns toast and backpack all voted to skip the box is good don't know where you voted and sleepy voted [Applause] we need to kill uh not fundy who didn't you kill we need to kill bachbach we need to kill what's the bach like cleans that red car touch call sabotage i can't call sabotage i can't call sabotage you guys you guys please i don't have the sabotage button what if you call the sabotage what if you call the sabotage please you just need one kill you just need one kill just kill just kill just kill puns just kill just kill please puns please do the math parts do the math parts do math do math please do a kill punch puss [ __ ] kill some puns please please punch oh god a mafioso again okay so as this row i can't do anything besides um [Music] besides my task [Music] hmm so yeah i don't know who godfather is but um it was me puns train what are you doing if that's what you're saying that was me i was there also no okay sorry i'm [ __ ] tired at five up sleepy me and puns that's on the right me too me too me too sure i don't like that i don't like that put him out he's alive i can see i can see i can see uh there's a map on the table there's a drink a red drink there's like some paper stuff prove it or backwards uh wait it's at the top of the table oh t-s-o-p-m-i oh this guy's good keep him in that was pretty good actually actually i think it's clear him for that honestly i think he's hard cleared the whole game full cleared him full cleared okay yeah yeah he's cool i think the godfather didn't know that the cooldown was higher for the janitor it's gonna probably make someone mad here though but i feel like as a crew member i speak on all of the crew when i say this is our best time to vote and overpower the three votes but we have no way who wasn't on the right what [Music] [Laughter] what so as mafioso it is in my best interest to separate from the godfather to be an enemy team so that when i inherit it later i can like be cleared for it oh god i messed it up oh as muffy also you can also mess with lights a little bit sweep [Music] lab no it's outside a lab like the left door can't be puns yeah multiplied with it was just about like near um uh cams it was train again train uh and halfway think too it ain't true me toast and halfway near each other because yeah yeah yeah yeah where were you funding janitor is just like are you even working like what are you doing like leave it on the job what's going on two bodies found here what if this whole time you're the janitor nogla honestly that would be wild that would be well and i did say the vault off backpack last round you make a lot of like self-insulting jokes it depends how much i hate myself on the particular day so okay you hate yourself right now no i'm chilling you guys know how i have a big brain right and five up has a big brain when i was scanned the last round i had this idea if i report bodies people will never suss me as janitor because i would always i would always clean it up janitor i think sleepy is the killer editor we actually already just lost because you guys are funny sleepy and puns yeah this candid i think if you go here's you guys need to press the button go with the ignition where are these guys [Music] i can't call sabotage though i don't have a sabotage i don't have a sabotage [Music] baby good work all right so i got what do you mean you got right one halfway i got the right one oh my thing was on youtube yeah no no was definitely funny but was she there with you yeah she tried to steal my thunder i don't like it okay so i don't like me sleepy left half ooh no glove right train hit the button oh my god that's a little very believable move here by train i mean we should let train choose who we vote for since he did the most innocent thing okay i don't think so i think we like isn't toast like a hundred percent clearly right chain good toast good that's all i have yeah let's train wait why is train good train has been pre-attacking lights unless these mafias and big breathing well that could be yeah that could be mafioso is so hard to be quick r-o-t-s-o-p-m-i i was hardcore for the first one we're talking about that three-time champion train he could easily outplay us with this button like you know let train talk what's up there's there's two people here that are the most pissed that i'm uh cleared because toast and half who are clearing each other right they're pissed i'm cleared which means huh it's them too i'm not pissed you're clear i'm not mad you could i would just wait about why you were cleared because i didn't hear about that i thought i thought halfway said you were clear yeah i said you're clear and post a scan dude yeah i know and sleepy and puns are pissed about that no i'm not i literally just didn't know why you were you just said halfway tells the night's sleep also there's literally no chance i can be killer i was cleared first round is not okay i could do muffins using names and we have twenty-one confusing names and we have 20 seconds we have to go sleepy puns are fun all right i'll do i don't know i'll do puns i'll do puns we lost why do i have the strangest feeling it's not punched i want you to know you were right what if it's like trained right and hafu is it trying to toast [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 3,159,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay pc, among us impostor gameplay, mafia among us, godfather among us, janitor among us, among us mod, modded among us, toast mafia among us
Id: dLrquQpc1Zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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