Hunter !!! - Full PvP Guide - Season of Discovery - WoW Classic

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yo yo Gamers nature here today we're going to cover some tips tricks strategy pets and builds for hunters in warsong Gulch for w season of Discovery as always make sure you give a like And subscribe it really helps fair warning warsong Gulch has more micro tips and tricks than any other Battleground you could literally do a 10-hour video just on flag carrier jumps alone I'm not exaggerating so we're going to focus on the most effective tips and tricks to increase your win rate as a hunter we want to make sure we get all the way up to exalted now is the best time to do that since there's no other big rep grinds if we wait till later phases you'll want other reps making it harder to get we currently get the Ashen Veil Mount trit ring neck amongst other rep rewards in the new level 25 stat weighted bow and dagger in later phases we get an epic pair of bracers and one of the best legs in the entire game at 60 this this is all assuming they don't add more and better rep items for wsg as of right now we still get a lot of rep with warsong gch with the Ashen Vil event you get 400 rep per mini boss that you're part of killing plus rep for winning and being in the Zone plus extra rep for weekly drums Turnin now currently the only rep you get past revered would be for the weekly drums Turnin let's cover gear for heads slot we'll want Twilight Slayer cow for the big Stam at a and set bonuses on neck we'll pick up Scouts medallion for horde or Sentinels medallion for Alliance you get this by obtaining honored reputation with Warson Gulch shoulders we will get Sentinels pauldrons for the huge AGI and Stam combination in the back slot Cape of the Brotherhood obtained from killing van CLE and deadmines is best in slot for PVP for chest Twilight Slayer tunic will be our best in slot as a quick side note clam weave tunic has the most Stam and even though it's cloth it has more armor than our other options this is not a bad pickup if it's on rot and you don't have Twilight tunic yet for bracers we'll pick up mad wolf bracers it's a Boe so you can buy it on the auction house or Farm it off the nightbane vile fangs in southeast section of duskwood it has a 2% drop rate gloves we will get We Touch leather gloves of course are only epic armor piece at this tier and best in slot for both PVE and PVP in the belt slot deviate scale belt which is made by leather workers in purchasable on the auction house or cord of aquanus both are great for Alliance on horde we'll pick up dekin leather belt this is obtained first by grabbing the quest from Splinter tree post to kill befouled w water Elementals while down in that area there's a named NPC called tiddis you'll kill tiddis and then they drop a water globe that will turn in for the belt for legs if we're Super Lucky or if we have the means we can get trolls Bane leggings it's a Boe it can be purchased on the auction house however for most players we're going to want to pick up leggings of the Fang this is great for PVP you can get this in Wailing Caverns by killing Lord cabron you could also solo this the best spec to do that is a beast Mastery spec in build for boots we'll grab Twilight Slayers foot pads in the ring slot you can pick up band of the Iron Fist by completing allegiance to the old gods in BFD and snagging ring of precision in BFD that is a Boe drop so you could also purchase it on the auction house a couple other great options options are protector's ban for Alliance or legioner ban for horde this is from Gaining honored reputation with war song Gulch for Alliance we also have seal of Ren by completing an audience with the King Quest and Stormwind this is a great pickup because of all the pure stats on tricket will want Avengers void Pearl from killing aame and BFD in the second slot will either use minor recombobulator for the engineers that provides a minor heal in Mana consume while also being able to dispel polymorph if we're not engineer we can grab Rune of Duty from attaining friendly with warsong Gulch for our weapons we'll want a Shari arbalist this is the best for sure and we'll want to grab it when available on our melee slot we'll want to pick up a two-hander doesn't matter how good of a player you are people will enter your dead zone and you'll want a heavy hitter to punish them we have Guardians Trident this is my favorite for high Stam and Agy combo or we could pick up deadly strike of the Hydra this is going to be a hard to grab item from melee but Fight Club currently discovered as of this second one-handers are still B for warriors so it might be a little bit easier to grab deadly strike of the Hydra hits like a truck and the proc can reduce armor this could be useful against enemy flag carriers or someone jumping into your dead zone lastly we have fathom blade this also looks great but I haven't tested the proc yet I've been told it's just an AOE damage and does not do any type of knockback or slow this would reduce the value but it's still a great pickup as well 1% hit is equal to about eight agility however out of the three my favorite is still Guardian Trident because your pet scales off the range attack power and it still has 10 stamina to boot for PVP now that our gear is set up let's look at our talents and spec when it comes to your spec you truly can't go wrong here I don't think there's a best way it's more of a preferred way depending on what you're doing your play style and your gear with that being said here's a couple of suggestions option one we have Beast Mastery spec this is great for staying in the back and letting your pet pump a lot of damage for PVP we'll grab one point into Beal swiftness here this is great for open world or Midfield during war song Gulch and because of some pet multipliers for pet scaling we'll also go ahead and finish five out of five into to unleash Fury for more damage for our pet now most players ignore your pet and this could be a very high damage output in PvP scenarios option two we have Marksman spec this is also great for pumping damage Midfield and providing a lot of burst on enemies this build scales better with your gear and slower attack speed ranged weapons but this is also Mana intensive option three for survival spec this is my personal favorite it provides higher crit chance on your Raptor strikes if someone gets into your dead zone some CC abilities with improved Wing clip and more survivability with deflection deterence and surefooted when it comes to improved Wing clip or entrapment at this level we're picking improved Wing clip since in trapment we only have emulation trap available for the proc and it only procs on the first tick of emulation unlike with frost trp where it can proc multiple times throughout the duration now again play what you want here don't confine yourself into any of these box trees that I've picked however these are just suggestions you can use and build off your own play style next will cover runes this will have the same theme as talents where you can't go wrong here everything will fluctuate based on your gear play Style and what you're doing on chest Rune we will pick up either heart of the lion or Master Marksman in general for PVP I pick up heart of the lion since I want to have as much stats as possible and I don't want to rely on another hunter or P to provide lion or Kings for legs kill command no longer works on Magic pet abilities and is somewhat soft in Beast Mastery on bite and Claw for sniper training unfortunately we are typically moving around a lot in PvP so I'm almost always going to go with flanking strike here to punish people coming into my dead zone flanking strike is really strong with a good two-hander in PvP and can deal a lot of simultanous damage I'll go over it more in detail in the macro section however you can do flanking strike then immediately flapped to strike for a ton of damage using the correct macros I'm pretty geared but it's not uncommon I'll just straight up beat a rogue or warrior in melee just with me and my pet using this ability hands Rune is much more of a tossup you have curve it isn't horrid if you're facing three or more melee that are grouped up but let's be real that typically meant you made a bad positional era error and you're probably dead anyway because of this I'm typically going to use Beast Mastery Rune if I'm Beast Mastery spec or wanting to give my pet abilities a boost like with the wind serpent chimira shot is great for raw damage and attempting to disarm melee explosive shot also isn't bad for shooting into large groups of players especially in the ashil PVP event all these runes are typically viable I'm most conf commonly using Chimera shot just for the damage or the Beast Mastery Rune as well but you could really do whatever you want with the hand slau also with runes again pick what you want there's a lot of Niche scenarios where any of these and some of the ones I didn't menion mention could be viable lastly for our builds let's touch base on our pets first we have the wind serpent or wyvern in season of Discovery wyverns are the same as wind serpent so this is a great great pet for initial burst damage in PvP I like this pet for 1 V ones or for burst damage on a flag carrier in war song Gulch this pet you would want to spec into Beast Mastery Tree in order to amplify its main ability which is lightning breath rank three we can get lightning breath rank three by taming a cloud serpent in Thousand needles or washy Pony in the Barons for movement speed in CC we have the boar this is going to do the least amount of damage however in a skilled Hunter's hands you can use this to get people out of your dead zone or engage quickly with charge ability this could pair great with a marksman spec to help keep someone in your aim shot range on an opener lastly on pets my favorite is cats this is the most versatile pet and can be used with any spec it does the most sustainable damage and I recommend a 1.2 attack speed to cause more interrupts on casters and healers in the backfield this is much more important than doing a little bit more damage with flanking strike for 1.2 attack speed cats we have the level seven ruk where you get flanking strike from in the beginning Zone The Rake a level 10 rare in mulgore or starving mountain lion a level 23 to 24 lion found in hillsbrad Foothills first thing you want to do as a hunter and War song is make sure you have a couple very useful macros and settings now the first thing you want to do is make sure you go into your settings under options keybinds targeting interact with mouse over and add either Mouse wheel up or Mouse wheel down or both this will allow you to return or pick up a flag by spamming your mouse scroll wheel when it drops allowing you to return or pick up as quickly as possible next we'll want the set up a cheetah macro and Eagle Eye macro the Eagle Eye macro can be used to spam Eagle Eye over and over again allowing you to explore the whole map quickly instead of using it then cancel casting to reapply cheetah macro will allow you to cast cheetah then instantly cancel cheetah if needed normally you would have to wait an entire Global cool down to cancel cheetah this would be useful while carrying the flag or to to increase dead space in between you and the Enemy by allowing you to cancel cheetah right away instead of waiting the global now the next thing you'll want to do is set up a flanking strike and Raptor strike macro effectively what this does for you is it allows you to First flanking strike without using your auto attack then you could follow that up with an immediate Raptor strike on top of that so this is going to be the most amount of damage you can do now I recommend doing the two macros separate here and just pushing them one at a time you could macro these together in fact some of those are up here I'll put them on my hunter guide that doesn't work for me 100% of the time in fact it usually works like 70 50% of the time so I would highly recommend doing them separate but if you'd like to and the macro works for you that's great put them together lastly make sure you have all the stings on a mouseover macro and pet attack on a mouseover macro including if if you're using Chimera shot you'll want that there as well now I know at level 25 we don't have access to Viper sing yet however this allows you to mouseover sting healers or DPS with what you need you can use this mouseover scorpid sting on a melee and attempt to disarm them with Chimera shot or in later phases apply Viper sting to burn healer's mana and best of all you can sick your pet on healers or casters to cause some chaos or interrupt their cast the reason you want these things on a mouse over is so you don't have to stop doing damage on your Target in order to apply these things to that Target again I touched base on this in the beginning there's so much more I could possibly touch base and cover however Link in the comments if you have some more useful macros but we're covering the basics here there will be additional resources consumables gear listed in the PVP tab of the hunter guide in the description all right let's talk strategy here as a hunter you truly are one of the most important classes in Warson Gulch and playing a solid strategy can certainly increase your average win rate or reduce your game times the best thing about Hunter you can be effective on offense Midfield and defense I found that I gained the highest win percentage by focusing on both Midfield and defense I'd recommend of course to bring any consumables or equipment that give you a movement speed movement impairing effect removal or dead zone Advantage when it comes to consumes however play at your level if you don't have a ton of gold to spend that's great don't worry Have Fun For Those looking to do a little bit more again the in the description is the full Hunter guide click the PVP tab for more information on consumes and items you can use let's dive into some gameplay the way this works is you start off the game by by going out the tunnel entrance it's best if you get the boots here and position yourself Midfield behind one of the Rocks so you can't be seen by the enemy team I use an add-on called rat BG that tells me all the players of the enemy team if there is a drw I try to get a Hunter's Mark up on them if there's no drw I'll go for a rogue the whole idea here is to protect from the entrance of the tunnel to your ramp and prevent enemy play from getting by that line if there are players who sneak by and go up the ramp you can use your tunnels quick quick access here to fall back and protect the flag room if there are players trying to push into your tunnel you can make a stand with your team and either prevent or delay them from getting through the tunnel assuming if someone makes it through the line and we're protecting our flag room the idea here is to delay and or kill the enemy flag carrier if they grab the flag you can be there to attack and continuously wi clip while telling your team where the flag carrier is I like to go down swinging here and get slows off before I die typically I'll res and meet them again before they can get get past our Midfield your main job as a hunter is simply to keep this area blocked and shut down from enemy flag carriers by doing this you either shut down their ability to score or you're going to require them to put additional resources into capping the flag giving your team an advantage with all that being said if no one is breaking by or if someone else is covering defense Hunters are great Midfield and your goal here is to just pick up kills and have some fun I'd recommend focusing healers then clothies or Rogues and kitty droods however hitting the Target that your warriors are on is also great too don't forget before you engage Midfield always drop a trap lastly Hunters are not the worst flag carriers their strength is that they have a decent Health Dodge and armor pole while also being able to toggle on cheetah for movement speed the best time to make a transition from defense to offense is when your team is getting a flag capture however most of the enemy team is pushed up trying to to kill your flag carrier so when all the enemy team and your team are kind of grouped up into your base you can actually make a transition when you know your team's going to cap the flag you can sneak onto offense real quick get in position to recap the flag while everybody else is out of position all right that's all I had to cover hopefully this helps you guys in your games in winning some War song Gulch as always make sure you like And subscribe I cannot tell you how much that helps and I appreciate it so much other than that peace
Channel: Naturetvz
Views: 22,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lj8iceP6uBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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