Melee Hunter Phase 3 Full Guide - BiS - Gear - Rotation - Runes - Consume - Talents - Spec - Pet

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yo yo Gamers nature here today we're doing the full melee Hunter guide for phase three in WoW season of Discovery we'll go over bis gear enchants profession spec runes rotation pets and consumables of course I'll throw the time stamp in the description below for those looking to pop ahead but first things first I'm working on a range full Hunter guide so make sure you mash the like And subscribe button it'll really help let's jump right into it first we'll go over professions this phase are best professions for single Target DPS are as follows number one is actually Alchemy we have flask of everlasting nightmares as a static 45 attack power buff along with a mildly irradiated Rejuvenation potion that provides some health Mana in additional 40 attack power for 20 seconds that that's a mouthful to say uh fair warning this Rejuvenation potion comes with some negative side effects that could make it not worth like reducing your movement speed however we're obviously assuming opt optimal conditions when we say that it's biss number two is enchanting this provides a static 50 attack power buff with Enchanted Sigil of living dreams number three is leather working this isn't that far behind the other two and you can craft the phase 2 Helm along with the new shoulders for the phase making this a really close third option number one for overall damage or for like speeduns is engineering however number four and just static single Target DPS is engineering so it depends what you're doing but it is number one for overall damage and for speedruns because of the combination of sapper charges dynamites and obviously utility like rocket boots Etc the chicken we could go on on all day with utility now once you pick your professions you'll either want to take one of two pass as a quick note before we dive into gear and season of Discovery bosses are only two levels above us unlike wild classic where they're three levels above us so the hit capat for classes in season of Discovery is 6% and if you have the plus five weapon skill like an orc using an axe it's 5.5% even going into more detail as a Melly Hunter you'll still get soft value over the hit cap since your offhand white hits require much more hit and have glancing blow damage that can be reduced with weapon skill as well so let's go over your bis gear for phase three keeping the hit in mind we have two paths we can basically take the first path goes over if we chose the professions like like enchanting and Alchemy maybe we don't have any professions or or basically just professions that don't have the crafting gear in this path we'll go rank seven Helm in shoulders those are fairly easy to get um so we'll want to push for those there's a couple items out of BF U out of sunken Temple and then we go back with with the shoulders we have the the N shoulders as well that are really good if you can't get rank seven but on neck we can get the new blood stain charm of the sunken Temple or use nomon peace officer Torque from Phase 2 cloak we want Panther fur cloak from St or blackfield Cape from BRD chest legs and boots are pretty easy we want the full three-piece set out of sunken Temple cuz this is going to be huge with the set bonuses I mean 2% crit 20 AP and then our rapid is going to give it 10% meley haste during the rapid fire duration of 15 seconds that's huge wrist optimally will want to use warong exalted bracers if this is too much for you we can get experimental aim stabilizers from neron those are a close second followed by Stone princess bracers out of moradon as a close third gloves of the Pathfinder are an easy grab from winterfall activity quest in Winter uh winterfall dark vision girdle is the best in SP in this build because we're lacking hit in um that department while girdle the Beast swiftness this is an honorable mention you guys it's about 5 to 8 DPS behind if you um don't need the hit but then assuming you're already at the 6% hit it does become your best option here Rings we want Blackstone ring band of the Wilds or drakeclaw ring all three of those have the exact same DPS stats with trinkets Dark Moon Decay and sor STM had the highest static DPS output as a side note on a quicker encounter under 60 seconds devil swur eye is better and don't forget you can Fain death to get out of combat and trinket swap so devil swur ey is a great option it should be part of your B lineup as well keep in mind too on multi-target pulls or encounters uh Sandstorm as well does an AOE so that is great and you'll want to factor that in now if you're not in the market to farm the Dark Moon C a couple of honorable mentions here are breath of the Beast and Rune of the Guard Captain even after the Nerfs to the Dark Moon cards these do lag behind them about 40 DPS on single Target and that's if you need the hit if you don't need the hit they actually lag behind more about 55 DPS so you'll want to get the Dark Moon cards if you have the means and are are looking to get those purple parses the next build uh path is very similar however if you picked up either leather working or engineering we'll just sub those items in as needed if you're leather working we'll pick up the glowing neural link cow this is actually a pretty big upgrade on the head slot is about 18 DPS over the second best in slot on the shoulders you can grab either shrieking spals um this would be for someone who wants to do both ranged and melee since the proc on this actually works for both or we can grab paranoia mantle I wouldn't really recommend this but this does do about one or two more DPS but the proc is limited to melee only so you're not going to get the range value here out of this one if you're engineering grab hyperconductive gold wraps if you need the hit or gir girdle of the beastial fury if you do not so you'll still go the girdle if you don't need hit but the hyper conductive gold wraps are upgrade if you do in void powered Slayer van bracers I know there're only one agility upgrade over here um so it may not not be worth the investment but don't forget about the proc um you can actually the on use will um block fear for 15 seconds that's actually huge um on some encounters or some trash as well so on weapons we want gurubashi pit fighters bow from the STV event um this does the 75 strength proc um we'll obviously want to have this in our best lineup but as a side note it's definitely worth grabbing the bloodthirst crossbow out of STV event as well or you can grab the dread stalker honey bow at of sunken Temple in case you switch to rain at any point so um for for range we'll want those three options but for uh melee DPS in our weapon we'll want to go one-handers of course our preus is really really strong we'll want to grab thrash blade from completed seeds of corruption and moradon and um we'll want to grab the warong revered sword this preus is so good we really don't upgrade um anything in between from preus to to Abyss we just go straight for Abyss from here so there's not a lot of steps or options in fact most of the other items that you could grab or pick up are straight just downgrades from these two we'll want to go from these items straight to COBRA Frank claw in our main hand and dragon's cry off hand now axe of the adelay Executioner is a close second um in the main hand however for Orcs um since they have the axe skill it actually switches over and becomes B for Orcs so adelay executioner is a great pickup for us as well on enchants for Helm and legs we want librum of verocity for the plus eight agility this can be pretty expensive but you basically get the lever room which you can buy on the auction house which right now is about 400 gold where where I'm at then take it plus the required items to the NPC and burning steps to turn it in shoulder enchant we have the new plus 15 attack power enchant you can get this by grabbing the blue fast flask of nightmares Mojo again you can actually purchase this on the auction house then you turn it in on zg island the rest are pretty basic um and we should be used to these in classic if you played before but three agility to cloak three stats to chest braces we can either grab plus 7 or plus 9 strength plus seven agility to gloves this is a very expensive of enchant it you can get plus five super super cheap so it's basically like 80 gold verse two gold and then we then we can also get plus seven agility on boots same exact thing applies so that's a pretty expensive so you can also get plus five as the cheap option for weapons we'll want sniper scope for range weapon even though we don't use our bow a lot it's worth picking up since it's cheap and for the weapons we'll want to grab plus 15 agility on each of our one-handers however that could be pretty expensive so if you're in the budget Market again we can pick up fiery enchant it's about 6 to 10 DPS behind but it's roughly about like 1/4 1/5 of the cost so it's a lot cheaper um now that we got like the gear en chance professions we got that stuff out of the way let's go over the spec and first um I I'll address the elephant in the room here TR shot Aura is like really really strong right now basically it provides 80 to 150 DPS on average to every single melee player in your group and remember hunters get double benefit from TR sha Ora um that the other meley don't so if you're in a melee group and you do not I repeat you do not have TR shot Aura so there's no other hunter in your group we'll want to actually go Marksman melee Hunter this is about 60 to 80 80 DPS loss for us on our our own personal DPS um but remember it's 80 to 150 D DPS gain for every other melee in our party so it'll obviously be a net positive now before I go over this it's almost all range Talent centered around us doing melee DPS output so almost none of these uh talents matter at all and it it don't matter what you pick here basically you just need true Shad Ora then you go over to the to the survival tree you get three out of three monster slay three out of three humanoid Slane and two out of two into Savage strikes everything else here you guys is completely optional and you can pick what you want based off your play style in your raid whatever you want to do doesn't really affect your damage at all here's two choices I chose and I'll explain why basically the side idea here in the Marksman tree is I don't need like aim shot as a melee Hunter obviously I don't need to reduce my coold down on archain shot um and you know I basically everything in Gray here I I'm not going to need so I avoided all of those talents now if you want any of these this build go right right ahead there's nothing wrong with it and um these are all uh very viable in certain scenarios and very viable in certain play styles with all that being said this build when it comes to AOE like trash damage uh my my idea here and what I was doing is switching to range I can flip my runes throw on explosive shop trap launcher Lock and Load and just absolutely blast AOE on pools especially on those pools with like the ghosts where you can get one shot um it when you have World Buffs switching this on and and throwing that up is is a big Plus in my eyes in fact I just did a speedrun with my guild where we got number eight world and and I did this exact build the VOD in the is in the description below for anyone that's interested in watching if you really want to Min Maxis you can even do a full 180 on your runes here at sniper training TNT Expos weakness even like Master Marksman if somebody else is running Kings or lion um so again this build has options you basically only need true shot Aura and the eight points into survival tree that's literally it everything else you can do do whatever you want um and and I'd say everything's viable based off your skill and play level as a side note if you do not plan on weaving in range DPS with this build pick up the new STV event bow and this red soccer honey bow um that I talked about along with mythal gyos shot ammo which can be converted into the arrows via the new Emerald reputation vendor um which you just need level friendly to do now that we got kind of that elephant out of the way uh will'll go over the best build for meley hunters which is Beast Mastery spec of course this is about 60 to 80 DPS over the previous Marksman build we went over however if another Hunter is providing true shot Aura this jumps up another 150 DPS so this is making that about 210 to 230 DPS over the Marksman build that we just went over so in reality if you want to parse like purple if you want to perform at your highest level go find another Hunter bunny that's either range DPS Marksman or melee DPS Marksman put them in the raid so you can get the true shot Aura um let's go over it though we'll start off with five out of five into improved aspect of the hawk or five out of five into endurance trainer um either or is fine here you guys however in season of Discovery our pets do have avoidance so basically your pet should never die unless if you make like a dramatic error or somebody in your raid like your tank makes a dramatic error and your pet is taking full direct damage cuz remember like the side damage the AOE damage that's not going to kill or really affect your pet almost at all so it needs to take direct damage to really die or have endurance training be useful at all if this is common like if your raid's bad if you're maybe less experienced maybe you leave the taunt on your pet sometimes well grab the endurance training with that being said though improved as of the hawk it it is a range stability but there is times on like the Dual Drakes dream Scythe that you'll want to weave in ranged abilities so technically improved aspect of the hawk is the B option here then we'll go and proove revive pet or thick hides kind of same rule of thumb as endurance training here none of these points really matter to your overall DPS so put them where you want to 5 out of five unleash Fury 5 out of five cacity intimidation uh two out of two Beal discipline at this point you'll have two extra points that you can go and put wherever you want for example beasal swiftness is great for PVP but really any pickup is fine here based off your play style myself personally I do speedr running so I went pathf finding um to minmax in that category five out of five frenzy and then we'll finish it off with beastial wrath we then hop over to the survival tree will go three out of three monster slain and three out of three humanoid slain since sunken Temple has both types of mobs with the last two points going into Savage strikes again you'll now have an extra two points um there is no wrong answer here you can put those two points that you have extra wherever you want now that we went over like the builds let's pit touch base on runes they're the exact same regardless of what build that you choose on head slot we can go cat-like reflexes this should be your go-to for most single Target encounters however assuming you have three piece of the the phase three tier gear this makes it so rapid fire also increases melee haste slightly so on a longer encounter over 3 minutes this could be a win assuming you have good RNG on your flanking strike and it's resetting constantly meaning your your catlike reflexes Rune would it be necessary to be honest I'm going to stick with the catlike reflexes rune uh but it is worth notating that in some scenarios rapid killing could be a little bit better on chest aspect of the lion is still going to be king for our Beast Mastery build however in the Marksman meley build if we have Kings from another source you can actually go Lone Wolf and it'll add about 10 DPS overall or even go Master Marksman netting about 10 DPS um as well so you can go off of the Lion as long as you have another Hunter or Paladin um in the raid providing the lines or Kings buff as a side note in the run I brought up earlier our Guild got number eight world speedrun I went Lone Wolf because I was switching to range and that would give my explosive shot a massive AOE increase as well since that would beef that up so that's an option too if that's your play style wrist we grab the new Raptor Fury which is absolutely a must for melee Hunters this new Rune it adds a stacking debuff every time that we Raptor strike doing 15% increased damage stacking up to five times or 75% damage over a 15sec duration which is huge hands will usually stick to Beast Mastery for single Target however on the Marksman Melly build that we went over um carve is actually better on two or more Targets in your rotation while in the Beast Mastery build it's better on three or more targets and then as a quick side note if we win on the chest Rune let's say we went Lone Wolf well Beast Mastery Rune wouldn't really apply here so we would just use carve in that scenario on waste um legs and feet will'll simply just go the the normal path here for melee we get melee specialist flanking strike and dual wield specialization as far as our rotation we'll use a priority based system this means we don't have a specific order that we repeat rather we just use what's best first and prioritize that if that's um basically down then we'll use whatever's next so on and so forth so the order here is Raptor strike is number one pryo we'll always use that first if it's up even though flanking strike benefits your Raptor strike it's just not that good enough to prioritize it over the Raptor strike so again Raptor strike first pryo if that's down we'll use flanking strike if that's down then we'll use Wing clip and we're BAS basically using wind clap uh wind clip to try to get like the wind Fury wild strike procs as well now we'll insert carve um where it's viable basic basically if you're on multi-target pulls of two or more will put carve right above the wing clip if we have three plus mobs we'll put that actually above flanking strike and five or more mobs will actually put carve above the Raptor strike uh in that scenario as well we'll want to use Fain death if necessary for in combat but we Fain death explosive trap with pets it's hard to say exactly what's better when we look at SIMS wind serpent edges out Cat by about 6 to 10 DPS however this is based on standard uptime in armor values and Buffs Etc the more I played around with the two Pets the more I realize it doesn't matter as much the two pets are kind of a wash for melee Hunter on our quicker fight one that's maybe ranged heavy like dreamyth or has higher armor values wind serpent uh comes out on top on the flip side on a longer fight um or with like lower armor values a cat actually comes out on typ top so however with the cat make sure you grab 2.0 attack speed to minmax your flanking strike there's a level 50 cat on jaguero island in SCV that can be grabbed if you need a quick upgrade and for the wind serpent the best thing to do is to grab um any of the the level 50 Elite wind serpents running around sunken tble in the dungeon just make sure your raid doesn't kill it like they did with mine the first like three times that I tried to do it overall I'd say wind serpent does Edge out the cat so per Sims on average it is coming out on top most of the time um and it's usually it's usually ahead again about 6 to 10 DPS so if you put a gun to my head I would pick wind Serpent and it also plays to some of those fights that kind of are like ranged uh friendly like dream site um now uh basically we'll fast forward here all right now for everybody's favorite topic let's go over consumables in Whirl Buffs we'll pick up Dark Moon fair if it's up of course along with the new fervor of the temple Explorer this is grabbed when someone turns in the Epic Quest item off the last boss in sunken Temple very similar to the previous two phases also don't forget about songflower this is an insanely good buff for hunters as a side tip grab Nova World Buffs it's an add-on this will display when each songflower timer is up for each layer when it respawns and as long as the person who originally picked it also has Nova whirl Buffs it'll display it perfectly on the timer for you so you can easily grab it and you won't need to like cure the plant like you normally would um if you just click it as soon as it respawns cuz it will already be in the cured ver version so for consumables we have a lot I mean Fair warning I'm not going to go over every consume for every scenario um I'll put down a basic list for DPS consumes for people wanting to like purple parts right we will pick up Mongoose Firewater Elixir a giant oil of ulation dragon breath chili fortitude defense and troll blood are something that I use that just gives you additional stats sapper for engineering or dense Dynamite or even like high yield rad radiation um box of chocolates these actually do work from the Valentine's Day event and provide you a 2% hit if you stocked up on them last phase um you can actually find people that that have these and purchase them um they they are expensive they're about 50 gold right now on my server the new adelay Mojo of War you can get this by completing the new potent Portables on zg island just bring a flask of a Otay Mojo Enchanted Sigil of living dreams for enchanting if Alchemy the mildly irradiated Ru potion and flask of everlasting nightmares dense sharpening stones or Shadow oils greater Arcane Elixir grilled squid Black Label rum for some stamina boggling root does about 3 DPS nothing huge but um you also have elixir of colest free action potions um these are there to avoid CC so these will be necessary on some fights um like jamala John every other week to Mid Max your damage for pets we'll want the 13 strength scroll and 13 agility scroll and finally for Mana if you do have any Mana issues I know horde doesn't um because of the the shaman right now but you'll want to pick up major Mana potions in demonic runes as well now I'm sure I forgot a couple like utility consumables there's obviously a lot you can bring in certain scenarios like swiftness potions in speed runs or even like trinkets um and other items that are viable like Nifty stopwatch but this this isn't that list it's just a basic DPS consumable list so that's all I wanted to go over hopefully this helps y'all pump in Phase 3 as meley Hunters I'll be releasing a range full guide here soon so make sure you mash the like And subscribe and if you're really feeling like a Croc join the Croc Nation other than that you guys poo [Music]
Channel: Naturetvz
Views: 10,537
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Id: 4uvKFP3TIUk
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Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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