Finding Vintage Pokémon Cards at Local Auction (opening sealed packs)

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what's happening pokey fam so the other day i had this idea if i can't find any cards in the stores maybe i can find some at some garage sales so i went online to look for some garage sale listings and i stumbled onto this auction website now this was like a online kind of estate sale that was from a town pretty close by to me now i blocked out the names of the auction company and stuff because this isn't a promoted video or anything by them but they ended up having some pokemon cards as one of their listings the cards looked like they were in good shape it was really cheap i bid on some of them i ended up winning a few so now i'm gonna drive over there pick up the cards we'll take them back to the house open them up take a look at them and then we'll open some random sealed stuff i've got in my collection let's go all right got the cards here from the auction house let's go home open them up to take a look at them and open some other stuff okay guys just picked up the cards from the auction house i was about to drive home and then i noticed this big like open-air market across the street where people have a bunch of like booths set up let's go take a walk through there and see if we can find some pokemon [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] all right pokey fam what a day that was definitely a first for me finding some cards in places that i never thought of looking for cards and it all started because i wanted to find a garage sale so let's go through everything that we found today and then open it all up first stuff that we picked up were these auctions we'll go through these in a minute i bid on more i've been on like five or six things only won three of them but i'm really excited for those then seeing that flea market sign at the corner and having no idea that it was so big walked around the whole place and found a ton of goodies got this old forbidden light little portfolio a little binder portfolio hold 60 cards wouldn't recommend keeping your cards in there but one pack of forbidden light very cool we also found this sable tin and if you notice we've got k19 on the bottom that means there's gonna be evolutions inside also snagged out of their booster box two darkness ablaze grim snarl packs always have some good luck with the grim snarl packs and they were from a booster box so better chance than just a regular blister at pulling something good then we got into oops hit my camera there then found some really random stuff now this stack of cards here i'll explain when i get to it and why i bought it we also found these little pikachus these were 50 cents each i'm pretty sure they're knockoffs just because of how poorly made they look but i mean 50 cents why not i'll grab them and then when you saw the beginning these very extremely obvious fake packs but they also were two for a dollar so i had to grab them to show you guys what fake cards look like so i don't want you to get scammed if you're out there at flea markets or anything like that too so we're gonna open those up and i'll show you the ways to tell that they're fake cards and then honestly not even loki like what i'm the most excited to open today is this terminator 2 judgment day official movie cards this pack has definitely seen better days and you can pick up a pristine one for about a dollar online a dollar is what i paid for this i can't even guess what the chase card would be it's got to be something with arnold on it so we're going to open this one up last and see what we can pull let's do it all right first up is the auction house cards that we won so i bid on a bunch of them i only won three of the bids but they were all super cheap i want to say everything was under like five like ten or five dollars so okay this is the shadowless lot that i got this was like closed at like eight or nine dollars we got ratata we got eradicate tangela diglett ponyta all shadowless and i think for the price pretty decent find here jinx and a gastly now when we picked him up the guy that was running it said that they're gonna have another auction soon for pokemon so i'm gonna keep an eye on there and see if i can find anything but some of the bids when i looked really closely at the cards weren't really worth it with the price that i got up to so i didn't go all out on all the bids but this clarion here was another one that closed for five dollars that's non-hollow i'm very happy with that for five bucks i mean it's definitely cheaper for sure play damage and stuff but for the condition it's in it's definitely cheaper than what i'm seeing at local card shops around here happy to add this one to my jungle binder and i am recreating what else i want to say it was another jungle card that's right a clefable again it's not hollow but this one i think was like three or four bucks better than what i'm finding them for in local stores let me know what your local comic shops are like for singles again there's some play to it but really just a fun experience to find cards that way when we're going through such this crazy drought right now and just going through any kind of unconventional meme to find cards in itself is just really fun so let's go through the stuff we found at that flea market it was so crazy i walked out of the auction place and right across the street there's this huge open-air flea market and i thought you know maybe somebody's got some cards i really thought if anything i would just be finding like toys or plushies and stuff like that so some of the uh some of the footage you saw when i was going through the binder they had these cards but they didn't really want me to film too much of it so i turned it off for that but i did get each of these bags for a dollar nothing too crazy but just some fun stuff to pick up and like i said for a buck it's like you can't go wrong all my hands got the shake the cubone here and let's see what else did we get in here oh yeah this was this was a cool find kyogre we've got bulbasaur we've got original bulbasaur we've got kogus coughing we've got base set two bulbasaur had to snag that we've got seal the dark charmeleon it's got some play damage to it but like i keep like i'm gonna say a whole bunch of times in this video for the price it's like you can't go wrong and then this japanese jungle cubone it's got some play damage to it but pretty cool find either way i'm definitely gonna go check some more flea markets after that let's get this out of the way and okay you know i want to go through the fake cards before i open the real ones just because like i think it's just so crazy how people are able to counterfeit them like this so this i saw sitting in a little box and the lady wanted a dollar for it and i noticed pretty quickly that these were mostly fake cards but the tops here were real so two real tops cards we got paris and nidoran oops bam bam but this whole stat oops hit my camera there what would a pokey pouch video be without a camera hit okay there we go uh whole stack is fake and one of the ways i'm going to show you look at this shaymin x be cool if it was real but let's look at like this electric so from the obvious just way that it's printed the weird font and stuff like that you can see the weird back one of the ways that you can tell is the rip test so there should be a black ink line going through the center of this so yeah there's nothing there at all now another way that you can tell is if you have a light and you hold it up to it you can see through the card now a real card we've got a recycle energy from unified mines you cannot see through that ink oh well this this iphone's pretty bright but that ink layer is gonna really really dull the light on those cards now we're gonna sacrifice this one see that ink layer through the center there and on the back that's what you're going to be looking for when it's a real card obviously you're not going to rip your real cards but this whole fact this whole stack is fake trying to say fake and stack at the same time these are going in the garbage for sure but i was so so curious what these fake packs would look like so if you ever see these obviously don't buy them you can tell immediately by the way the cut is on the top the kind of weird oversized artwork and just the coloration being like the contrast is just way too turned up on it missing a lot of info on the back right it's got this weird oh wow look it when you try to pull it back it starts opening let's see what these look like it also it's hard to tell in the video but this feels like maybe three or four cards i mean five cards so you know immediately just from feeling it look at this they have this weird weird texture to them okay so it was more than five cards but they're so light it just feels so weird hannah what did they give us yeah a rayquaza ex a fake one so you can tell from the back you can tell from the front you can tell when you tear them no ink no ink at all through the center this weird kind of plastic but i'll be honest i think it's just so funny the way they always like load these up with fake stuff and i had to see like their take on like a fake ex or gx so it's a fake team up you know give us give us a fake rainbow finger mimic you oh oh what do we got dawn wings necrozma oh backwards so wild who is out there printing all of these fake ones you know fake moltres and again i'll show you how fake these are oh look look at that this one's an actual like sticker avoid these at all costs if you're going flea market shopping after seeing this video i had to show you pokey fam what to avoid and what to look out for now we're gonna get into some real packs but just real quick watch the watch the way it's sealed at the top look at the weird artwork look at all the things missing from the start doesn't tell you how many cards are in it you know what real cards look like from this point let's get all of this fake garbage out of the way and let's open up some of the sealed stuff that i could not believe we found so two darkness ablaze packs this really cool forbidden lights little portfolio now interesting fact as of like a week ago when i checked these were in stock still in the now if you search every other forbidden light product it's all out of stock but these little portfolios i think people forget comes with a pack of cards so try and snag one if you want it and then we also got this sableton and as you notice k-19 so there's evolutions inside so we'll save this guy for the end and yeah we're gonna open up some some t2 packs at the end i really can't wait for that let's start with this forbidden light i'm really uh kind of have like a nice little collection of these portfolios i almost want all of them what am i doing there we go but it's hard to find um they go pretty quick so look at this little booklet so awesome 60 cards if you had a little brother a little sister somebody that you know you wanted to give some cards to this is a really great way to do it and you get one pack of forbidden light this is a tightly packed pack let's see what they got for us oh just opened like butter oh so here you go real pack there's a code card for you forbidden light for to the front fighting energy oh our little stan important card stand i still can't decide what i want to call this thing my little card stand holder fighting energy all right importer we got dublade halucha gumi skitto fur fro honnage bergamites our reverse is a vlog and we've got zycard gx full art from one pack of forbidden life from the flea market putting this up on the wheel right now let's take a closer look how cool is that centering isn't horrible but it's also not the best all from taking a trip to a place i never would have thought to look for cars let's sleeve this up bam that is an awesome looking card i really love that orange halloween is my favorite holiday and that has got the halloween vibes for sure all right um let's do darkest blaze move these cards out of the way here i really couldn't believe it like walking around we were seeing like a lot of uh just a lot of knock-off products a lot of really weird toys these weird little dog things that were colored like pikachu and would like jump around and shake i don't know someone's maybe making a fortune off of uh fake packs the flea market rose vanellish poltergeist passimian bundle b vanilla we got gothida nikkit oh giving me the champion's path ptsd reverse is a marine and non-hollow vanilla x let's see now i'm almost thinking i should have bought the whole booster box there that he had he only had a few packs left but there were some little kids in the booth and kind of stand in the line behind me and i said you know got to let everybody get some cards i don't want to be the guy that cleans off the whole shelf all right one two three four to the front can we pull a flea market charizard even a v i would lose my mind vanellish clang gotharita we've got a rowlet got squovet spinner rack [Music] no luck on the flea market darkness of blaze packs at least they were real though we've got this tin left and then we gotta see if we can pull some schwarzenegger cards that is too crazy to me i'm only one year older than those packs of cards all right sableton what am i doing here is this just like the worst way to open a tin with a a pin this is like the only way i get real that's a horrible sound use out of my pin collections here all right now the last uh intelion tin that i opened saddle on the front did not have any luck at all inside of it let's see if that tin's little brother can uh make up for it all right we've got a nice little oh nice little guard chomp coin sword and shield base and we got a raichu evolutions plus our little saddle card very cool all right still after a rainbow lapras v-max still after a rainbow snorlax v-max would prefer to pull the snorlax first that was always one of my favorites what do we have all right upside down code card for you one two three four to the front oh fighting energy again thwacky pokemon catcher that's us drazzle gallerian meowth sizzlippi wulu gruki sable what the scoreboard would have been nice okay roton bike for our reverse and holo obstagoon oh no oh no they they usually give you at least like one hit hopefully that's not our only hit for this little tin but for our flea market pokemon packs raichu evolutions give us some last pack magic i'm still just so happy that i found all of those and the experience of like walking around and checking out all the booths and hunting down the cars is it's really that's really the main thing for me you know even if i don't pull anything else today i'm really happy with the zygarde but just going on that journey to find the cards that's uh that's just what it's all about three to the front for evolutions professor oak's hint metapod switch i'm going to play some switch after this machot voltorb never gets old looking at these cards diglett caterpie i still see some of them and will recall these memories of being 10 years old and opening these cards for the first time reverses of pokedex and flea market savilton what do you got for us non-holo eradicate okay you know what that means we got one more pack to open sorry i definitely cannot afford to license that little sound bite hopefully you got that reference let's rip these terminator packs open no idea what this is gonna be but like i said you can pick up a pristine pack of these for a dollar online so i'm cool with opening these for wow okay what are they they want you to fill out something to get some more merch get some buttons okay cool now i don't even know what the card trick would be for this if there is one which way that they go so we got arnold taking the taking the skin off of his arm okay come with me if you want to live wow so it's just got quotes from it on the battlefield oh airborne kawasaki is a car linda hamilton has sarah connor classic we pulled the linda hamilton card i'm rich now pokey fam oh seriously if you uh if you collect terminator 2 cards hit me up tell me what the rare ones are the t1000 closes in on john okay i got to go watch terminator 2 now after this and this is not by any means sponsored have you seen this boy why am i opening these oh wow and okay so it looks like no hollow rares or whatever we wanted look just the zygarde gx from the flea market pulls today but as always pokey fam if you enjoyed this video hit that like button hit that subscribe button i post a new video every wednesday and saturday but until then have fun be safe keep collecting and i'll see you in these next videos
Channel: PokePulch
Views: 47,987
Rating: 4.9201918 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, vividvoltage, astonishingvolttackle, shockingvolttackle, championspath, pokemontcg, swordandshield, crimsoninvasion, cosmiceclipse, xyevolutions, 90s, cardpull, burningshadows, holopokemon, shinypokemon, pokemongo, nintendo, pokemoncommunity, gamefreak, pokemontrainer, anime, pikachu, pokemonswordandshield, charizard, pokemoncollection, pokeball, gaming, gottacatchthemall, pokemonsunandmoon, pokemoncard, reverseholo, fullartpokemon, darknessablaze
Id: 6Z1tIecUmJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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