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whoa are you serious [Music] 7 15 am august 7th you know what that means world's longest yard sale yes ladies and gentlemen today is not the first day but the second day of the world's longest yard sale the highway 127 sale that spans like seven states or something crazy like that and my in-laws actually live right next to it so i'm there right now and i'm about to hop on 127 and just go south and see what the heck i can find hopefully get some solid deals make some solid profits and i'm going to bring you guys along i've got the gopro here and i bought three extra batteries so you know we're not going to be running out of steam today by the way check out this sweet mickey vintage disney world shirt and also this hat i got them both from my grandma's attic so i'm feeling fresh today and you know that means we're about to find some scores so let's do it [Music] found our first one of the day let's go [Music] well folks that was crazy very first sale of the day and i got a video game score absolutely wild it was a little bit before they intended to open up and my glasses are still very foggy but i picked up two games they were a dollar a piece first one is mafia on the ps2 a little bit of a slow seller but i should be able to get over ten dollars for that i paid a buck a piece for him and then def jam fight for new york on the gamecube uh actually pretty nice copy a lot of the stuff out there was kind of like wet and not in great condition but this one is complete hey folks present day caleb here just wanted to let you know my camera did cut out at that point i'm still trying to work out the kinks of the gopro footage and everything but that game is worth in complete condition over 150 on amazon so that was a massive score to start out the morning and i'll also talk a little bit more about it at the recap at the end so sorry for that cut out back to the original day [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] whoa are you serious oh my gosh [Music] that's a shame oh hold up okay that's a decent one not bad shape okay wow yes [Music] all right that's a buy [Music] so [Music] so [Music] these guys uh are the star wars ones a dollar as well you got a lot of them i'd take a look are they all the same design or different ones you don't have any others of those power rangers do you no i i had a bunch this morning they didn't go oh yeah well you weren't kidding you have a good good amount of these these are going to be a problem yeah so um would you would you work me a deal if i could do all the star wars ones can't do it yeah that's low as i go a dollar piece off yeah there it's not it's not a bad price i can at least take i can at least take a decent number how many are there i had no clue brother five six seven i had i think four maybe over there that get me to 42 and how many do you have over nine packs forty-two yeah and then you got what that three dollar feet 354. 54. i think i can do that there's a five all right i can just throw another one of these on here that's fine make it easy on you well i appreciate it i'm not making very much oh i better watch it there you're going to hit me with hammers i'll tell you what they're collecting them dogs i think i can do that it beats nine dollars and something don't it no it's a bargain yeah there's some cool knives yeah there's a bunch is this uh do you collect them is that i don't buy i just bind sale okay it's pretty cool that going down there you go thank you very much sir you want some i actually have one so thank you 25 for poo that's too cheap all right folks so it is 9 30 in the morning and so far i've already found a hundred plus dollar video game vintage pokemon cards and now 50 plus hats at a dollar each i saw these guys i saw at least one comp on ebay go for uh 15 bucks shipped so i figured maybe i'll put like 13 on these sit on them for a while it'll be one listing and i'll only have to sell like five of these before i make my money back also picked up some miscellaneous ones this guy's just gonna be for me i thought that'd be an incredible fourth of july hat and yeah really happy with how the morning is going so far let's find some more thank you thank you goes all the way back to the very very first mario wow that's crazy yeah y'all never ended up finding those uh wii games did you he was telling me about mark you never did look for the wii games yeah they're in a container i gotcha and did you say you had five on these yeah all right i can do that on that guy there's a man right there in the blue alrighty thank you very much sir who are you asking on these games he said 350 for the whole box now that's not mine i don't know if you'll separate you'll need a heart i see uh i might be interested in some of the games at least is there a controller with this guy i have no idea um it looks like there's some down here these aren't your games are they uh yes oh it came out of the playstation yeah what were you asking on these um i was trying to sell it all as one unit uh oh i got you probably do five bucks a piece on the games okay yeah just to make sure you did grab those out of this box over here yeah yeah all right thank you thank you he well i appreciate that thank you thank you you too not too bad on that oh hello all right so since getting the hats we've had a couple of small hits nothing too huge just a few games that you guys saw they're all like five to ten dollars profit really nothing huge there but i just pulled up to this like group tent sale kind of an area so i'm optimistic about this last year there was actually a pokemon booth here so i really hope that they came back this year and maybe i can scoop up some cards or merchandise or something like that but yeah let's get out there and see what we can find [Music] oh [Music] self-employed [Music] that's quite the collection you got here well that's that's probably not a tenth of what i got young man i sold the i've killed 97 heads of one person and another guy bought 24 and that's all i got left wow that's pretty impressive yes and i had several shirts and they went out one or two or three at a time but that's all i got those left but i can't get rid of my nascar my collectibles my diecast yeah i can't hardly give them away sir wow well i've got looks like four of them here okay did you do four for ten yeah let's go alrighty you guys go you want a bag for those i actually have one right here oh you're on top of those sure you come prepared thank you thank you so much tell a friend and come back i will do so i've got to say probably my biggest yard sale pet peeve is when i roll up to a sale and i buy something or i ask for something and they proceed to tell me about all the stuff similar stuff that they used to have that now they don't have because they already sold it that just happened to me with these four nascar hats that i bought apparently the guy had 97 hats that he sold to one person who you know was doing the exact same thing i am and don't you just hate that like sinking like fomo feeling that you get when you know you missed out on a massive deal oh that is the worst now this ladies and gents this is what it's all about nice home-cooked hot dog and hamburger on the side of the highway with a nice side of kettle corn just does not get any better this one eight yeah just got it i sure am yeah i'm uh out here hunting for video games and oh well recording the journey the biggest uh the biggest deals right over there and those guys are already kind of secured it because we offered 500. oh really [Music] i didn't see anything over there did did someone buy it already alabama oh really it's what kind of game stuff you're looking for really just miscellaneous uh any repairs not really you have some broken systems oh yeah all kind of stuff back there but a lot of some of it needs repairs we got one that we picked up a couple days ago a week there's a weed up in there black black beans compatibility okay well i mean i'd take a look if you're looking to sell some of it as well okay i appreciate it well cool so a lot of this like needs repair and stuff some of them just well you get some cable issues and like these are just like i'm pretty sure the boards are just nasty man i gotcha why do i used to take a part and clean molds on yeah so you've been like inside of them and everything yeah i don't know we having that i met with this yeah i bought my guy okay so i don't know wii sports isn't here though okay tested that already yes we just playing with esports okay what would you be looking for on that guy were you looking to sell it 40 40. um and that one is tested and working should be uh so he said he said he had his house playing it so okay 20 game now sure yeah it's definitely gone up you think you can get me to 35 on the i wii there's a 20 game right there too though you know what i mean sure i'm just a little bit nervous of it just with the physical condition yeah um yeah might as well okay i mean i don't want to squeeze you or anything but okay is this stuff for sale you said that stuff sold but the rest is for sale okay i appreciate it is it is this what they call the spf the sp you don't know if it works or not i'm sure you don't know but there's no all right well got some decent scores at this little stop here on an ask i got this guy to pull a wii out of his car that he had apparently gotten earlier this week from a guy looks like it needs dusting but not terrible physical shape and also most importantly it comes with the wii sports game gear who knows maybe there's another one in it i wouldn't be surprised if there isn't it does have an original black controller it's just missing the cap which i have extra caps got that for 35 should be able to bring i'd say probably over a hundred on amazon still since it is bundled with wii sports and then i also picked up this head coach 09 i dug through that guy's bins on the tip from the other guy he was selling stuff i think he said that um they got all of their stuff from like pawn shop closeouts or something like that so the inventory was pretty much what would what you would expect um unsurprising to find an undervalued sports game there he was he was charging five bucks a piece for them and uh you can see right here gamestop was charging 1.99 that was a little bit ambitious of him i think but nonetheless this game is going for like around 40 on amazon it is complete so i will take that for five dollars anyway all right folks well i am now back at the homestead to do a little recap for you guys it actually ended up being a little bit of a better day out at the sales than i originally thought it felt a little bit slow just because the hits were kind of few and far between and also i didn't realize just how good some of these were which i will talk about so first things first i bought over 60 hats today these were most of them were a dollar a piece but some of them i did pay up to like three bucks a piece on i think all in all i should get north of 300 in profit once all of those sell and some of them are some really good multi-quantity listings like the star wars one more of a long tail item i don't know how often i'll be selling these but especially like when new movies are coming out and stuff like that i don't think i should have any trouble moving those and especially a dollar a piece i'm stoked about that some miscellaneous items that i got in here where i don't know if i showed this power rangers thing for 10 bucks that i should be able to get 23 or so for we got this serious radio pretty similar situation this guy for a dollar we got those bionicles for five we've got the wii down here with wii sports as well as the head coach 09 one of the big winners of the day although not the biggest winner i thought it was going to be but def jam fight for new york i would say at least 160 in profit on that after fees and everything and it may even be higher i may shoot for over 200 just because this is in very good condition and it will be through fba so pretty crazy profit on that definitely a bolo for you guys and then the biggest surprise of the day was these pokemon cards not most of them most of them are just about what i expected um this is a shadowless base set mewtwo here so that one actually will be decent even in played condition got some slight warping and a little bit of wear on the edges but i think it should still bring like 20 to 30 dollars so that's pretty solid the rest of these are just like a couple bucks a pop nothing too special especially because you know some of these are in this thing has literally been folded in half multiple times so that's not what you want to see entei actually is worth pennies basically ursa rings not a lot but the big winner of the day guys this holographic charizard which when i first looked at it i didn't even realize is actually shadowless when i say that what i mean is with older pokemon cards i think maybe only base set you can see here right next to the frame actually i'll get this there's a little shadow right there but on this charizard you can see there actually isn't a shadow next to the frame that means it's shadowless and it's actually more rare than even normal base set cards and given that it's holographic and shadowless and its base set makes it significantly more valuable than i originally thought and folks i think i'm checking comps correctly on ebay but this card right now is going for between three and like eight hundred dollars even in played or lightly played condition which is absolutely crazy i honestly never thought that i would find a base at charizard let alone a shadowless base at charizard out in the wild and especially not in a freaking five dollar pokemon card bag absolutely insane so i'm super stoked about that find i ended up spending what did i spend maybe like a couple hundred bucks out at the sales today and i expected the profit to be in the neighborhood of seven hundred dollars if this uh charizard goes for a little bit more than i'm estimating i'm estimating kind of on the low end about 300 if it goes for more than that then it'll be a little bit more but all in all definitely cannot complain about today thank you guys so much for coming along and i will catch you all i'm not going to flip this guy he's he's too precious [Applause] on the flip you
Channel: Phoenix Resale
Views: 451,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yard sale pokemon cards, vintage pokemon cards, base set charizard, charizard, shadowless, shadowless charizard, shadowless charizard found, pokemon card hunting, charizard found, first edition charizard, pokemon haul, pokemon card haul
Id: v-kGgoH9Vho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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