Full Day of YARD SALES! Hitting the town wide in search of antiques, jewels & tools!

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me and the kids are gonna have breakfast but today is yardsale day in town I think I see something that could actually they're just starting to set up do you know how much the painting is yeah I think it might be a print but I'm not sure it's definitely a painting just done really well yeah yep whiskey oh oh yeah a mixer so I got my buddy dar when he found the little Rollie pollie insect but we're gonna stop at this first sale hadar there's some binders there might be some cards in it you say it she's got chopped hair but the one year found a lot of them American Girl dolls here how much is the dahle 75 oh that's fine she's got some issues I appreciate it thank you all right good I'll be fine good morning good morning honestly I whatever catches my eye my goal is to spend all the money I have but I don't know if I'll be able to do it to spend all the money I have but I don't know if I'll be able to do it for all the money really that's it honestly I see something I like though what are these do you know hey how are you oh you found the nerf gun where was it it [Music] what do you want for these and you know what they're for my we used to miss display and stuff just me dollar each alright they look like they're for clay or something like no I'm not sure they're cool thank you we've spent some of the money our competition today is to see you can find the most jewelry pins and so far neither of us have yes brooches what I told you not this year next year you could get the pogo stick hadar she's got pokey months I don't know if she's selling them but does she have any she is selling them there yeah oh wow I mean yeah but she has Holograms that's pretty cool you could always trade her to do you want it sure all right did you go see the new did you go see the new Pikachu movie no you don't need less food right now well actually you could get that one how much is or how much is blasted and say to her thank you thank you very much I hope you have a good day no I told you you'd find it if we came I'm impressed how many Legos he got what that does 100 damage good honor Hadar what of that oh yeah look you see the water guns kid your dad so now I have all four holes what kind of as the mostly country some country in the back there's only 100 free except the cool you guys have the most beautiful day for having a yard sale thank you so first free box we've got some silver plate the other other nice thing is they throw out everything at the end of this sale so you can really do well get some beer cozies but grabs my first silver plate definitely definitely a winner alright Kate come on people are still setting up look at the size of this lizard cage Darwin that's huge yeah they are what do you get on them just wrapp ninjas strapping this I'm fine well some first pile of jewelry see anything no I truly come live without the one earring back is fortune on that so it's three dollars though Italian nine-to-five it says that's pretty cool I think that's it hitter oh you want a unicycle there's a lot of pins over there is the jewelry up the front years to work all right I picked that okay we have a pin contest today me versus the my daughter yep definitely you definitely have the she's gonna show us yeah I'm gonna get that whole pile right there probably you can have this you can have the turtle here here's the turtle here here here here it's all yours and the starfish is a good pin honestly I I have plenty starfish is very let's let's count how many we have real fast I want to see I picked a couple five dollars I just want to make sure I want to make sure you want the $5 oh that one I definitely want it once three bucks I'll get that definitely and you said you want this one yep that one's good that one's good he's fine I don't know if big pins are definitely they're gonna yell at me because I'm spending too much because I gave them a smaller budget yeah I think the kitty cats in the and I think yes but she just charged her less for on one of yours okay I'm gonna get this computer one and then yeah so add me up and loss make sure I'm kosher with the price yeah really it's a great out could you do 40 on everything yes all right that sounds good why was that like 45 right yeah so thank you for my 10% discount the only thing I was thinking about was that and I can't justify it it's cool though it's very pretty all right let me get you Mukesh yeah I'm just gonna finish finish shopping start did they have your Pokemon what oh yeah it is even better I want to get that for two bucks is it mostly Legos or are these Legos or did he see them you have the nicest creepy doll collection no you don't need a razor all the aplastic cars are five bucks all right what do you get on the the big plates are on the Indian would you throw that in for the 10 bucks $11 I understand the one plate is faded so I'm just going to get the two so all right all right all right I'll trust you I understand all right I'll try it so I'm at 11 bucks with you I'm gonna go get my wallet where are we gonna go what are we gonna find this time did you check the box to see if there was any Thomas down there there's a big box of next to that Thomas thing over there what do you get on your paintings two bucks do that this is an old Napper all right I'm gonna get that one I'm just gonna see if there's anything else yeah how much is the pin two bucks all right so I owe you for what do you get on the watering can the watering camp okay sorry I'd solid Arwen please get out of that that's not funny Darwin out all right oh four dollars I know no my son really likes Garfield I was gonna buy it for him as a surprise there's other Garfield's but I think he has most of the small ones I don't think he has any of the big ones I got one two three looks like four dollars worth all right thank you he's checking to see if was there any Thomas in there okay Darwin come here look what I bought you you have to take this this big pile I just got for you because I'm taking the painting nighttime stories for you then I pick right gosh you don't have any of those right let's go all right cool all right here you go I'm just gonna take one cup for $1 that sound fair all right thank you you happy dar thank you we got he's just setting up break now dark he's got a rototiller hello what do you get on the road - teller seems like a really good deal [Music] like the reverse yep no any the troy-bilt Saar really any uh any collections or anything any other tools I still early in the day so I have to see what else I find but yep yeah it's very good deal thank you definitely a $100 bill at the farm sale alright good morning what are you getting on devices so what are wooden ones for a leather right do you think the wooden ones for leather what do you get on the forge does it run for me it doesn't mean you can see the fan over here the point is to kind of get this going like this you know yeah a nice thing hard you know it's a nice one you have any other tools like what do you get on the riding boots they're very nice 11 I don't know if I'd ever wear them though is almost look like Hogarth earlier okay definitely different yeah they told some sort of a fable yeah and I can and Devlin oh yes 1604 around 16 64 64 16 64 and what's it it's their Sun W whole art he's Wednesday's loss hola and he lived in England he wasn't originally from England in England and he's probably not probably he's the most prominent 17th century English print maker you know he's a contemporary remember he's not remember right what do you get on these 230 bucks for both of them that's a good price you know more decorative than anything else I have have one that's all the celestial bodies oh yeah from that eight celestial map yep it's really really cool yeah they would do them in the round like that that was cool too but these are these are kind of cool I think because there's a story that's told button yep and you can you know maybe you could figure out what the story is but you could you could almost imagine what the story is story some sort of a fable I don't think I'd hang them though they're cool thank you okay hey kid oh yeah we could go to the playground today wow that is a ton of nerf what do you get on the Legos by the way there's there the micro sets put that in there to put the yellow one in there - all right we'll do that that's thank you so much put them in there do you have any Pokemon that's what he collects Oh dark he's throwing him fireworks yeah it's your lucky day I like your dear rug that's hilarious that's need to go like Pokemon huh oh I know which one you took how much just a little thin okay for Christmas I actually got two of them mm-hm one with the battery that one doesn't have a battery it's kind of cool there's a 20 volt what is it 18 18 volt maybe yeah I don't know if I'll ever order the battery though it's like 20 bucks all right we don't have any Pokemon sorry kid you got you got a bunch of Legos though yeah no you do not need the drone cuz you have to I know thank you very much that's best inside a house we've discovered that's stuff it states it so this is just an old sign bracket but for ten bucks I'll buy that okay well good bends in it you know somebody took the time put quality uh yeah I didn't even know I was looking at there you go okay thank you very much where was that there okay that was one of the ones you just got all right well let's get let's go to the next sale good morning [Music] come on Cole huzzle a little bit of helium left in that good morning [Music] you don't need the spreader kid they found a planner now that's another spreader all right let's see what's what are you guys getting on the yarn shredders or whatever they're called the combs that's it it I want to say there because they they like shredded it apart but but do you just get on those two for the whole bag I'll get that you'd have any other small parts besides the wheel and what are you getting on the wheel it's a nice wheel all right thank you it'd be interesting how we do here I found some of my best stuff here last year at the church sale good morning how much is this cool lizard I'll give you five if you want to sell thank you very much yeah no it's it's it's a very nice pin I was gonna see what she has I'll give you the money well thank you how much is this one that was the same know if I've ever seen that one that's pretty cool I know that is can you do 15 on the Perim try to clean it clean it off probably do good that's pretty cool yeah where'd you get them at somebody gave them to me if I do well on this next year I'll bring you a bunch it's it's either gonna be good or it's just junk definitely looks decent I'm right here well I'll let you know next year I have to take it out and clean it but it it looks like it might it might be a lithograph instead of a poster well thank you have a good day it's got bad condition issues but if it is right it would be really good because see what Darwin's doing he's hanging out in the car lots of Barbies 1990 it's an almost so the nice thing is it's bulk pick up after this yard sale in this town so I'm gonna just grab this steel because I know I'm gonna be doing a lot of scrapping this this Sunday definitely one of the better scrap days here so we'll see how we do bigger one what stuff whose sale what do you get on the license plates you know what you want it on the boxer okay that's Atari it's a fun boiler it's homemade keeping the garage warm 40 bucks on the kids playing those seesaw it's cute just bought the plates for 15 and this out wrong one when I did that tire wrench thing hmm I don't know where I put it all right but so some more freebies really like the horse but that's pretty cool and see if it has any compression that's that's pretty awesome all right for free I gotta take it I just picked up this pig when I was buying the license plates I got the pig for two bucks I got the license plates for 15 so let's see how else what else we get they're pretty cool dar for a reptile thanks now we can easily buy it and step for 100 buck how much are these well you can get the light because that's the one thing you do need if they'll sell you the light okay not a problem like they're really nice tanks what kind of what kind of reptiles did she have he's got a car what do you have a leopard gecko is what he's got you two can have it if I had any talent how much is it I get that and what do you get on the little angelfish oh dear I think someone bought the big dear oh dear no dear alright I owe you two bucks son sure thank you man that house is pretty we're still yard saleing he hasn't given up he just bought another bag of Legos with two people in it for $1 there's a sale down there or there's a sale over here you want to go to the sale over here first all right come hold my hand we're across I don't know we're about halfway done yard sailing or just figured show you the view that we got today definitely having some look see if there's anything else nice paint-by-number [Music] how much is the silver plate mm-hmm I'll give you two bucks thank you well but that for two bucks oh you found a bouncer works pretty good you think you can do that for an hour yeah you're gonna throw these in the truck buncha stuff that's a lot of shot glasses so definitely a lot I wonder if it shows your speed dar if you go really fast hey look he's got a Spinjitzu ninja thing I like this one ask how much that is you might want that [Music] well still going definitely don't know how many more sales we're going to see but there is way more than I thought there was all the shopkins like Don Quixote I just bought two pieces of silver for three dollars but Don Quixote is pretty cool all right see what else we get five dollars each on the wood beams pretty cool five bucks on the set I'm gonna get some lemonade okay I need what do you get on the Pens looks like you got the rear 50 cents all right I get those three for 50 cents apiece I'm just gonna check this backside [Music] there's a mess anales gutter holders I'm pretty sure that's what that is that's a little pieces of hardware same spikes all your cans a dollar a canner yeah yeah dollar are these magnetic do you know get some washers not too many that can actually work with again I can weld the ones that aren't synced pretty good I got a do you know if these are copper nails are they steel [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a good can too all right I think that's all I'm gonna get I'm gonna get the two cans and I oh I have four dollars all together and that covers a glass of lemonade thank you thank you I appreciate it ones that aren't labeled three dollars I need three altogether he needs three so here's one wow you did a great job with that thank you there was three there's the last one thank you thank you hey you guys have a good day so still hello everything's free everything's free I'm scrapping right the second all right we're gonna go across the street see if there's anything good every place has a sale it seems though today I swear in fact I don't know if I'm gonna be not so vinaigrette can't wait to get that home and take it out I'm trying to beat the girls and find him pins but I'm not finding that many pins except for the first stop so we'll see what we do what is their remote control all right kid you ready well you see his drill press you're not selling your drill press are you very cool three more definitely that's a cute house good morning outside Oh actually there's almost missed it there's always a bunch of bunch of little sales in these neighborhoods to today hey buddy check this good morning very good bunch of Christmas how much is the frame there actually it's silver it's gotta be polished I did get the deco sterling frame for five bucks but of course there's one two three four sales in this little spot so we'll see what we can find there's a bunch of free stuff here I have two went and going with the filled up my trucks and I have to go back and get my truck so I can take some of this scrap what do you guys get on the Legos the Star Wars and then this is actually pretty cool I have but Darwin the x-wing was a nice said it was completed and I just found a box hello pretty good hey buddy well you don't like me what do you get on the truck this thing I'll get that too I got two bucks the hell three bucks what do you get on four bucks all right I think that's it yeah this blue pot it's really nice it's gonna it's very very nice I I don't think I'll ever fix the crack though but the propane free I don't know it feels like there is feels feels pretty full yep thank you I was a good free thing full can of propane how much on the turtle I always like these folk are Turtles I'll take it for the dollar thank you there you go I got it right here got it yep thank you got it thank you for the turtle good morning I'm going left the turtle I think he's carved out of maple good morning see it's like definitely one of the better town wide sales that I get to Oh some keys but they weren't antique when I was walking over for was this little section I always seemed to have something here hello very good hello crisis in negotiable okay it's getting nice and bright right now thank you so much yeah and I get that for my javi tried getting me to get the other one could you do anything on the Pens all right I'll do that and I'm gonna get this too so for $6 thank you um now let us walk back to the car ah yes I do thank you sorry about that thank you for good deal on the pen I was gonna see what else you have before you give me back all my change that's pretty would you do five on this we have 12 all right so I get 10 10 back thank you I'll get that hello hello very good yeah it's it's a travel scissor right yeah very nice thank you candlestick sir fairly nice that bowl was really nice you got to find out how much everything is I really like this bowl stuff being tossed and if sometimes the skates are good especially the hot it's huge let's just look at it it's got one little broken chip I think I can fix that definitely one of the biggest pieces of art pottery I've seen I'm gonna take it all right next to that is a little lawnmower I don't know if I need that though right now I'll not go and do all the scrap and next she's kind of cool it's the end of the day people are leaving everything out for free I never what kind of book Caesar maybe Gaby will read that I'll try it we're saying is she thinks they're dumb that's got some memory it's pretty cool slot car I just get good money for these the slot card when I scrap them same with memory and see what kind of gigs these are not very much but look at this vintage keyboard I'm gonna try that one definitely looks good everything here is free so grab Darwin the Pokemon book there's a queue for Curious George book to get that for my nephew alright I think that's it I had to grab this piece of steel it was just heavy and kind of cool all right I don't know I have to pick this pile real fast I know this is what I'm gonna do all day tomorrow but it just seems like there's a lot of free stuff here it says I like how they stacked all their little rocks but stuff in the yard is free so looks like it's been pretty well picked but still might find something the heaters cool a bunch of old garage things items nope just paper chainsaw in here I think can we take that heater though I think I can sell that let's get some wheat so can't ask for a much prettier day than today we're pickin got some vintage clothes look kinda nice these pants are I think I can sell those bell-bottoms and then be awesome if there was some great t-shirts or something I guess this is the whole suit my 70 suit yeah the rest is old but it's a lot of poly I can always sell cotton better there you go it's a old cotton down here some oddball 7067 t-shirt early t-shirt probably not another 60s and that'd be cool more vintage tees [Music] I should be able to sell all those never been able to sell collared shirts well though this meal yeah I'm sure you sure you guys want to get rid of it I am sure it's been sitting in my garage it's definitely cool a while ago I'm telling you I found one that's missing the wheel so since this is busted I think I might be able to that's great I just put this else yeah it was a good idea um I just have to we'll just put it I was gonna say ready yep thank you very much I'm gonna so I'm starting to get a nice load I really one of my favorite things that I did get was that a mixing bowl I don't know who made it but it sure is pretty no no brakes and the candlesticks hold holders they had that out for free so it was by far one of the coolest things I found today one more sale hopefully find a couple more pieces of costume jewelry but I don't know I have to get back and unload my truck to go pick up all the scrap metal that's going to be put out all right something tells me that Gabi and my girl beat me on the pin thing just because everything seems to be gone you do have one of the prettiest Gardens by the way well I can see all your flowers you planted got a lot of zenia's and hey look it definitely takes that a lot of time to keep the weeds down like that how long have you had this guy come back was it really a volunteer yeah that's really pretty I've tried I can't remember the Latin name for it yeah that's it butterfly weed is the common name very very pretty and I think this is a weed though this is golden hat yep it's better than eating the flowers well thank you for letting me look at your garden yes very very that fish tank is pretty cool it's not that big I'm gonna take that it's free and they have over behind the truck after we stop and get the ACS this time of year chances are they have central air yes they do you can see it in the back so I would think this AC works but look at this set now I grabbed that other set I believe I have the brush so I have a shovel and I have a prong so just missing the brush but it's super cool all right I'm gonna figure out how to put this along without busting anything really that big big pot is pretty darn amazing too so I did end up getting this guy for $50 I thought it was a decent price it is an oil there's the name but I can't wait to take apart this Picasso and see what it looks like definitely looks like a litho of some sort alright yeah they're throwing out some steel I have to have to grab that there's some good wire too so definitely gonna have a full truck and go all fit right there all right and how much are they $9 for strawberry rhubarb pie I think you just talked me into it is anything what is these how much I alright I'll try that too that looks like 11 bucks then gluten-free like coconut cookies now if I was told by one of my good friends that I had to get a pie here so is the same lady make all the pies are they all different you made that one yeah oh good it looks like it was a great crust alright well thank you thank you so made it back and Gabi I got these books I don't know if you read any of them this one you would read this now with this one alright so but so I didn't do bad though you would read it if you had the book number one all right see I kind of know what you're now we're gonna see who won the pin challenge I don't know I think how are we gonna do it personally the team that got the most and then the team that got the best what do you think Wow your first one's a shell cameo [Music] here I got an Indian chief that's sterling silver funny look at the size of this rose alright we'll just lay him out why don't we lay them out take a million years get back to you in a second see what they put out one I put up though this is from here over is mine and from here over is Gabby and Lindsey's let's see we'll start with Gabby's and Lindsay's first see what they got really like this enamel that's missing a little bit enamel there we might have to try to figure out how to fix that we have a teddy bear I really like this deco a dog what's your favorite pin out of your little salt spoon I don't know who found this one this one's really nice you found the two really good rhinestones and look at the how thick that one is that one's really good too well looks like I don't know these look like they are gold so I don't know if I have any golden but I don't know you're doing pretty good so I'm gonna say that yes these are gold and nice pearls and there are nice large pearls I'm big there so you guys did find gold I really like your little cat and butterfly I think I think these four are your best pins oh this one's gold gold filled five best pins right here alright so that's that's your five best let's see what my five best are now yeah I did luck out I found one big one big sale it is I thought this was really cool and it's a basket of kittens it's not signed but it was really really well done this butterfly Nolan Miller I don't know if a Nolan Miller is just here's another I think I got like three or four Nolan Millers I got five actually because this one these two are [Music] [Music] yeah but I didn't find gold I did find some silver I found two sterling pins I got this huge rabbit and hummingbird so I don't know let us know this was sterling - it's just a little filigree my favorite is the basket of kittens let's see oh you got a sterling bracelet that's really nice looks like GST is the maker I don't know who that is but it's really nice that looks like Kuro but yeah this seat worked right there Kuro know it's a nice bar pet about this playing with jewelry and drinking that baby beer baby beer I did do very well though also finding a bunch of scrap and if you can leave us a message on who you think found the best best jewelry it was our little competition I think we're gonna take that millstone to the market tomorrow just because I do not have the one that I have is not big enough for that it's huge and my camera kicked out but I did get this box of stencils and there was a bunch of old metal brass stencils in there so that made me pretty happy all right I'm gonna unload the truck and start another video of scrapping today hopefully you guys thought this was a very interesting video definitely had a lot of fun shopping got the ugly pig I have to go through all those Legos with Darwin let's see what what guys we got alright thank you very much see everybody later next video gab see everybody later peace
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 228,916
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Keywords: Blue Bus Dave, Town Wide Yard Sale, Yard Sale, Life of a picker
Id: PrTEkwT9pP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 52sec (4732 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2019
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