Huge Family Mansion | The Sims 4 Speed Build

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hi guys welcome back to my YouTube channel and welcome back to Summer Sims 4 speed running video or welcome to the channel if you are new here sit in today's video I'm going to be building in the world of Brunton Bay which is the world that we got from the expansion pack The Sims 4 cats and dogs and I'm going to be building a huge and I mean huge it ends up being absolutely colossal firmly home so I feel like and I definitely have said this before in some of my longer form videos but if I was you I would highly recommend grabbing yourself a cup of tea a cup of coffee hot chocolate water soft whatever your drink preference is maybe I'm very self snack I've personally got myself a cup of tea and a few biscuits because this one is a big one so this week the video is at 57 minutes with the screenshots added in I think the actual pure speed will produce the actual video file itself stands at around about 52 minutes so it's a very big build but this week I just wanted to build something absolutely massive I wanted to be able to say for my save file and I also want you to build something really wholesome and I know I've 24 but this is now my new favorite house that I think I've ever done I'm just so happy and so proud of this build it's literally taken me like the past six days to build it I started filming it on Monday I only finished it today it's Saturday morning and I've only just finished this build but I'm just so happy and so proud of it and I'm really excited that I finally now can share it and just talk about it and just yeah I'm really happy with it so I really hope you guys like it but anyway getting on actually talking about the build itself so the house has six bedrooms and five bathrooms and it's built on a 40 by 40 lot if you were curious where I built it by the way you can see in the top left corner it's called oh I can't even say that word I don't know I was gonna try and pronounce that I probably can't say the name but I'll probably scuff it up so you can see in the top left corner if you want to know where I built it because I always keep the the original lot name in the corner of my videos just in case you want to download it plump it into your game the same place that I built it but it's built in a 40 by 40 lot and I am genuinely surprised with the amount of stuff that I managed to fit inside this house because there is just so much going on I think in terms of activities and just general things to do in a house this might be one of the biggest ones I've done because it's got the six bedrooms and five bathrooms but it's also got all for starters one of the bedrooms has got a walking wardrobe the way that I built the house on the upstairs level you kind of go up the stairs which by the way I got to you you know like when you have like a fancy staircase and it kind of you have you can either go up the left hand side of the stairs at the right hand side and it kind of like joins the top I've got a fancy staircase in this house which I'm really happy about because sometimes they're quite difficult to fit in but this house has got a fancy staircase but you got the fancy staircase and if you go right you've kind of got like the parents quarter of the house because I decorated the bedrooms by the way to be a one for a set of pair parents one for a teen one for a child one for a toddler then there is a spare guest bedroom and then there is also like a grandparents bedroom as well but for like the parents section of the house you walk up the stairs you chuck her right and all this Archway will you go for the archway on the left hand side you've got their bedroom in the middle you've got their own bathroom and then the right hand side that's where the walking wardrobe is and I'm so happy and also really proud of the way it turned out because I tried to make it really accustomed to the house because something that I find whenever I try and make like walking wardrobes or like walk-in closets I find that I can only really go towards two different kind of styles because we've got some like wardrobe closet pieces from two different perks we've got one from dream home decorator and then we've got one from get famous they get famous one is more so kind of like clunks of like shoes put together and clunks of clothes and they're kind of like one or two tile pieces and you can kind of make a wardrobe as big or as small as you want but the thing is that I have fine with them ones they're that kind of like fancy style and it's a lot of the furniture from get famous is like not my cup of tea I don't know how to explain it but it's just not like I would say and so I don't ever really go towards them kind of like walking wardrobe features from that expansion pack but then we've also got the dream home decorator ones which is a little bit more custom and you can play about with them a little bit more because they're kind of like shelf in units and the individual clothes that kind of clipped the units itself basically I use a ton of the tool mod in this build for both the walking wardrobe and just throughout the whole entire build itself but basically it took all these different clothes where I merged them into doing some like different shelves that we got from the cats and dogs expansion pack and just try to make it custom and also try and make it fit in with this house because on the inside I wanted it to be a mansion I wanted it to show that this family they've got a bit of money but I didn't want it to be that kind of like fats he did I wanted it to be very wholesome very I want to say Countryside Cottage fill but I mean me and you both know this is not a college by any means but you know that kind of like wholesome warm cozy kind of feel uh what if this helps even though it is absolutely massive to feel very cozy on the inside so there's lots of like soft Furnishings the the wooden floor itself is quite dark wood but there are so many different fluffy frogs in his house there's so many different like comfy looking sofas and loads of different like piles of blankets and pillows and just loads of different like soft pieces that make it feel really cozy and really really welcoming as well but yeah there is a walking wardrobe in this house which are kind of like custom made there is also two lounge spaces one of them is a little bit more of like a relaxed kind of like family time kind of lounge space in there that's where the TV is there is also a TV in both the kids room as well as the teenager's room but in terms of like family time Family TV only one of the lounge bases has a TV and then the other one has like a wall of bookcases and then of all of like trophies and cabinets on the other side and there's also like a grand piano just off that room it's a little bit more formal but then there is also a play room in this house because this house does have a child a toddler and then a teen even though we're actually saying that I imagine the teen probably couldn't give two that there is a playroom because I mean all the stuff in there is is stuff dedicated towards kids in the game and toddlers so you know like those houses are a place down you know the puppet thing oh what's it called do you know what I'm talking about the thing that we got from the kids room stuff that is in there and you know what I feel like I never use that because it is so big and it's so hard to place in kids rooms and toddler rooms but in this house where there's a playroom and it was a big enough space that ends up being the little puppet show thing so kids can like play puppets and give shows to the parents which is so adorable I never really get to play with that in my own personal go and play either because again it's just so hard to place down but when I came into this house I was protesting it I got my sim like The Sims kid to give a puppet show to their parent and it was just it was really adorable but in the playroom there is like the puppet show there was like a drawing table there's loads of different like toys on the floor and just stuffed animals and stuff but then in this house there is also a home office and a home gym there is a garage space which realistically if I'm being honest is quite pointless because in The Sims 4 your Sims can't actually drive cars so whenever I create them in builds I always make the inside into a bit of a a bits and Bob's room a little bit of a miscellaneous room basically a perfect place to put all of them weird things that you want to have in your Sims houses that normally struggle to find like a good home so like a good example for this is like the candle making station or the juice fizzing machine or you know them weird I say weird they're actually really fun in terms of gameplay but you know them objects that will just look weird sitting in his in his front room like you can't have a juice making station in your Sims Lounge I mean you could but it might look a bit off so a garage is a perfect space for all of them bits and Bob kind of things but in the garage in this house there ends up being like a woodworking table there is a card table your Sims can invite their mates round maybe on like a Friday or Saturday night play a round of cards there is also a few different beverage fridges in there if you get my drift there is also a lot of different storage so I put the you know the decoration box that we've got from Seasons so when it comes to like different times of the year different holidays your Sims can go in there rummage through the decorations and put decorations up there is also loads of different like storage boxes camping equipment I'm pretty sure I chucked a few different bikes in the corner as well because I mean realistically if you've got bikes where you're going to keep them you might possible to keep them together to forgot that's very a normal thing that people do but then there's also it's an attic as well in the Loft which is actually something that I never do but when we spin the camera background because I'm currently doing the back Garden which permit sorry can we just give it a second for the back Garden I'm actually obsessed with it I think it's my favorite but it's my favorite house I've ever done saying that I was about to say it's my favorite Back Garden but it's just all around my favorite house because I've tried to do a little bit of like a swim up pull that kind of like goes in a very slight L shape if you see what I mean I'm just I'm so happy that I went to our house but there is an attic at the front of the house above the garage and I basically just wanted it to be like a realistic garage so in there there is a ton of different storage boxes which your Sims can actually interact with because you know when you like we know in gameplay if you get your Sims to go and get a free frogs or they go fishing or they go and harvest a few things your Sims Pockets very quickly can fill up something that I use a lot in my own personal gameplay honestly is an absolute Lifesaver there's these storage boxes that we got from the Eco glass so expansion pack and basically you can open them up and just plonk all your stuff in there and it's so handy and also you can keep it really organized that way but I place a bunch of them in the Loft I also place a few different suitcases because I mean in my own personal loft or attic it's basically the same thing in it but in my own personal Loft I just have hangers storage boxes probably like family photos and stuff and then suitcases when you go on holiday and so I've chucked a few different suitcases up there some of the ones that I use are from the werewolves game perk and then I was also thinking as well if you wanted to 100 you can make that into a club hangout because there is a ladder that goes in the Attic So it's in the garage itself and it's kind of like a little ladder in the corner it can climb up there and you just go upstairs like I said it's just storage boxes and suitcases but if you wanted to I reckon that would be such a nice little hangout for either the kid or the teenager in this house but then as well as that there is also because there is more not much more but there's also a pool house which you would have seen in the back Garden so I use the you know the bifold and doors that we got from the latest kit the desert Lux kit are using by folding doors into the pool house because I feel like that's a perfect place to use them because if you've got a pool house more so than not you're going to have your bifold and doors open if you have got them type of doors because then people can just kind of like go in and out grab myself a drink and grab myself maybe like a pool floaty or whatever because in the actual pool house itself I made it so it was part part like functional things your Sims can go out to the Palm make himself a drink there is also a darts ball in there but then there's also like a little door which goes off into like a storage unit you know them like lounges that your Sims can go in in the pool I basically got a load of them I moved objects some of them and I've placed like one on the wall to look like it's just been like plopped in the corner like your Sims been using it they don't need it anymore they don't want to use it in the swimming pool and that is where they're stored and then I think in terms of everything in this house that is pretty much it I say that's pretty much it like that's not a lot it's also obviously like the kitchen the dining room the kitchen by the way again in my favorite kitchen that I've ever done I'm just so extremely happy and so extremely proud of this build I quite literally hand and heart love every single centimeter of this build like I said I started building this on Monday and I finished it this morning I I literally had I think it's my longest build that I've done but I had 16 hours and I think it was 20 minutes worth of recorded footage for this house so that is why it is such a long video but like I said it's a vegan but I'm just yeah I was just so happy and just so proud of it and I've just been so excited to share it because I'm just I really hope you guys like it as well but yeah I think that is pretty much it in terms of what is on the inside of this house there's also two laundry rooms which actually to think about is not that interesting to point out but just in case you're like me and you're someone that loves to get your Sims to doing laundry in the game and hoovering it as well because there's a few different Hoovers or vacuums whatever you want to call it there is two laundry rooms in this house which I don't think I've ever built a room or a little room I've definitely put a room before I don't think I've ever built a house that's got two laundry rooms in because I was about to say there is no actual point but thinking about it there is a point because maybe it's just me but my Sims and in real life as well me in real life accumulate so much laundry because the annoying thing about laundry in both the game and in real life it's never done you put a load on you just put a fresh load of washing in the washing machine and turn it on you go upstairs you have a shower you do whatever you change your clothes and you've accumulated more and so realistically it's actually a really good idea to have two washing machines in The Sims because my Sims they're washing baskets they're never empty but yeah there is two in this house there is one which is located kind of like by the kitchen area and then there's one which are located by the pool house because my thought process was when your Sims go swimming when they have like swimming trunks bikinis whatever they have like their swimsuits they're going to get really damp and wet and just not very nice a bit Ming him and so I was thinking maybe like all the different pool towels like the beach towels and stuff go into it that laundry room that's by the pool house and then the average kind of like everyday kind of clothes go into the other laundry room again it's a bit it's a bit over the top but to be honest there was room for it in this house I thought why not but yeah anyway getting on and actually talking about the bill because I've literally just spent the past 12 minutes just talking about what's on the inside but I told you it's a big house but as you can see I've built the whole structure of the build I've already come in under the floor plan all the windows or the doors all the structural pieces for the house itself are pretty much all done I'm just going around now I'm just doing a bit of landscaping now I do want to mention because I always like to mention it whenever I do that I was looking at a picture that I found on Pinterest when I was building this I actually found the picture lid to a different website but I'll find the picture and I'll pop it up on the screen now so you can have a little look at what I was looking at when I was building it now if you just look at the picture you can see that it's quite symmetrical and I wanted to I was really inspired because it's an absolutely beautiful house if this is in real life I'm very jealous of the people that live there but I was so inspired by the house but I didn't want it to be very symmetrical in the game because I feel like sometimes in The Sims if you're trying to build a house and it's completely symmetrical and you've got like a middle piece it can look a bit off and so I basically run with one side of the house and then on the right hand side I basically decided just to do things that I felt looked nice and would go with the house and not copy what was in the original image because like I said it was pretty much the same as the other side one thing that I did in this house which I hadn't done before curved I news him since his house and they are a pain I know what everyone's talking about now because people were saying and expressing how annoying and how glitchy Turf rules are and I went into it I was like yeah I'll be all right it went all right it was actually a proper pain to do it I mean it ended up being all right in the end but when I was actually doing the floor plan so you wouldn't notice normally whenever I show my floor plans I always like to show like you know when I delete the inside walls then rebuild the walls I always like to keep that in because maybe it's just me but I find that really satisfying to watch but I didn't want to make this video any longer than what it needed to be so I decided to cut that out and also when I was doing that I had a lot of trouble on the inside with like deleted the interior curved wall pieces because of the way that you build a curved wall you can't just like build it and drag it out it's kind of like pre-made rooms and then you can kind of go in and then in the interior walls within the curve that makes sense you can then alter them for some reason when I was doing it it was really glitchy it was just a proper pain I mean it worked out in the end but yeah I know what everyone's talking about now when everyone was saying curved rules or massive pain I I now know that they are a pain but I made it paid off because the curved like Tower in this house I feel like really makes it and it also really fits in for this type of style of house which I'm not too familiar under how you actually say the name of this style I'll pop it up on the screen I would pronounce it for you but if you've been here for a while you know that I'm absolutely Dreadful pronunciations and if there's words that I have not seen or are not in my normal vocabulary I'm not very good at them so I'll pop the name on the screen now if the type of house that this is or at least what I tried to make it but I feel like these are often a feature you see in this style of house but anyway getting back to talking about what I'm doing right now so as you can see I'm just going around and doing the back Garden I am so obsessed it's about going on first of all there is an outdoor like little fireplace area which is the fireplace that we got from the free desert locks kit I say free the promotion ends in a couple of days so if you're watching this video when I post it I'm really sorry if you're watching this in the future but if you're watching this video when I post it or the next couple days afterwards and for some reason you haven't got your hands in the free kit yet please go and get it because I'm going to serve as your last reminder I've already reminded you I think like two times now this will be my third time but there is currently a free promotional offer on this free Desert Lights kit you don't have to spend a single penny you literally just download it and it's just free stuff you might as well do what I mean but yeah I use the fireplace which is from the new kit these sofas over here as well from the new kit and there is also like a swing set in the garden a ton of different Planters they're kind of like swim up pool kind of you know what I'm really surprised the game let me do that because I don't know if you would have noticed but the way that I built it I built it into a foundation and the foundation is in a different height the foundation of the house but then for some reason and I don't know why and I'm happy that I did but for some reason it let me connect two different foundations of two different heights together which normally is not the case in the game for some reason though in this build it it works it it works completely there's no glitches it just works as it should without any like problems which really surprised me because normally that's the thing you can't really do in the game but true honest I'm really happy that let me do it because I'm really happy with kind of like that swimming up whole area but as long as that in the background as you would have seen they also ended up being at some sun lounges he assumes can go out there and sandbathe they also was like a chess table and then like a barbecue area and I'm pretty sure that is it in terms of what you can do in the background I think I also placed down at some of them footballs and soccer balls and just you know them kind of like activities that you Sims can do I really wish that we had like a football goal because it would have been perfect for that back Garden but hopefully one day if we ever get a more like Generations focused game pack or expansion pack or something we've actually got a really big stream happening on I think it's Tuesday so if you if you haven't heard of it I'm pretty sure you have heard of it by now if you're someone that's very active on either Instagram or Sims Twitter but there is this really big stream coming out the Sims Summit I believe it's called and I'm really hoping they're going to announce something quite big because they've been hyping it up for the past few days and they've been really hyping it I'm actually starting to get a little anxious I'm not gonna lie but either way moving on as you can see I've now moved on into the inside of this house and I'll start off by doing entrance hallway I am so obsessed with this entrance hallway because it is just so Grand so fancy but then it's also so cozy and also so walk Walkman welcoming and warm and just I absolutely love it I don't think you'd be able to catch it in the footage of the actual Hawaii itself but when I was doing the upstairs hallway I placed down at Sean's lid because basically the way the hallway works you would have seen it when I did the floor plan but the upstairs portion of the stairs is completely empty so you kind of walk into the front door and you kind of got like a a really really tall ceiling and you've got this really long Chandelier and it is so beautiful but when I say chandelier it's not like a fancy chandelier it is one that we got from the Curts and dogs expansion pack so it's in that kind of style and I just sized it up and it kind of like drops down from the ceiling off the roof all the way down to like the the bottom floor your Sims won't hit their red it's fine I did it so it's an appropriate height but there is a really big chandelier in there there is also two kind of like closet systems so basically Azure Sims are walking through the front door on the right hand side it's kind of like a door which I actually did a trick where basically I made it look like the door we'd actually been opened and it's kind of just been left open on its like latch is that the right way you say it anyway you know what I mean but I'm basically in that room I place down to get together wardrobes now I was thinking them wardrobes probably store your really fluffy coats you're really just maybe like the snow boots and just stuff that you don't wear on it every day average kind of like outside attire kind of stuff so that's where all of their stuff like they're proper fluffy jackets are kept but then on the other side the front door I placed down and like another shelving unit the one that I use is either from cats and dogs or seasons and I was thinking that's more so for like the everyday coat the everyday handbag hat glove scarf all that kind of stuff like things that your Sims will use more so than not every single day will be placed onto that clothes rack whereas the stuff that is maybe a little bit more seasonal maybe they only bring it out a certain times a year are kept in the closet but now as you can see I've now moved on into the kitchen now I feel like this is probably a really good time to mention I have kind of mentioned it already but as always this house has been play tested it everything works absolutely fine I don't know what I run into one problem when I was protesting this and it was on the upstairs level I placed a plant too close to my Simmons birth so my sim couldn't get in on the left hand side of the bed and that was literally it and then that when they could still get into the bed they just couldn't get in from the left-hand side and I mean I've mentioned this before but whenever I protest my houses I am very thorough like I am I will get my sim to sit on every single seat I will get my sim to look into every single mirror test every single toilet I'll get my sim to test things that aren't even near anything so I know that they work but just for the the piece of my mind I want it to be completely true when I say to you everything in this house works fine I know I tested it everything worked but in the teenager's room my sim just couldn't get in on one side of the bed they could get to the bed and they can get in on the right hand side but then if they wanted to get into the left-hand side they'd go on to the right and then they'd like to scoot over if you know the animation I'm talking about I literally just budged it over a bit and it was fun but surprisingly the double oven in the kitchen didn't have a problem with that and I was really surprised by that because I was thinking that I was probably going to run into some problems there but yeah the the double oven in the kitchen it works the top one doesn't work the bottom one it works completely fine the top one you can basically use it as decoration because it's not something that your Sims can interact with I'm pretty sure if you just I say I'm pretty sure if you just put that into your Sims inventory and then just popped it elsewhere the oven will still work but because the the oven itself is placed quite higher the animations don't work for like the tall oven so your Sims will still use the oven but they just won't use the top one it will just be the bottom one but I don't think I've ever done that in a Sims build before I know that I've done it in custom content houses because there is a few different custom content pieces that I've got where it's kind of like a decorational piece instead of having to use the two ovens but I just thought it was a really nice touch the kitchen I'm just so happy to wear that kitchen turned out it was quite big and originally that wasn't going to be the kitchen initially when I was coming in and I was doing the floor plan I was planning that to be kind of like a lounge space I'm really happy I made that into the kitchen because the screenshots the screenshots are so good for the kitchen I'm just because they look straight onto the outside and it's so bright and you've got all these from like white flowers from all the different bushes and some of like the pink roses from the bushes start creeping in it's just it's so picturesque the whole entire house I mean the screenshots for this house I'm just I'm so happy with I spent so much time taking the screenshots and I had so much fun doing it but anyway moving on from that as you can see I've now moved on into the next room which is the dining room so in here I basically tried to make this like kind of like custom Cabinet piece as you can see so I've actually placed down these two cabinets which are from cats and dogs but originally when you place them down into your game they're made to be fitted to a medium Wall height so then basically what I did is I sized them down to fit the shortest wallpaper because that's what I'm building with I never really ever seem to build with the medium wool hire and if I ever do it's more so a medium wool White House and it's got loads of platforms then it doesn't actually feel like a medium Wall height if you get what I mean but I always normally tend to build in the shortest more height so whenever I wanted to size down objects that are like bookcases or cabinets a good trick is to have the tool mod install you don't need to you can just size it down normally but I find that when I just use the size down case which is the the left bracket key if you just use that sometimes objects can then go either really small or they just doesn't size down correctly I basically use a tool mod and then size it down so it was the perfect height that way the plates and the top of the cabinet weren't poking through into the ceiling and I just basically sliced them down to a good size and then put them against the wall and then there was kind of like a little Gap in between them and I didn't want to add like another cabinet added in because it would look really strange and it just then there would be too many pieces overlapping and there was glass in the cabinets and sometimes when you try and overlap objects in the game that have glass in them it can get very glitchy very quickly and so what I decided to do is I just got a little side table which is from cats and dogs which the cabinets like I said are from cats and dogs so they're in the same kind of like furniture style I then just merged in this little side table and it basically just looks like a little built-in unit and then I'll place down a little painting in the middle it's just very very common in that room and it's also got these really big windows and I've actually failed to mention the window situation I say the window situation I'm making it out to be more dramatic than what it is but I tried to make some custom really big windows in this house because it's such a big house I wanted there to be lots of natural light coming in I didn't want it to only be like a couple Windows dotted about here and there I wanted it to be very bright and I mean as you can see as I'm going around I'm doing the building the building hasn't grown around in the Furnishing the lighting in this house is just absolute chef's kiss it is so beautiful and I'm so happy about it because I use so many different windows but I really wanted there to be like a big kind of like centerpiece window at both the front of the build and in the back of the build and originally I was going to use these windows that we got from the mosquito pack I know that's not how you say the name but I can never pronounce the name properly so I call it mosquito but I wasn't originally going to use these windows from the mosquito pact but the it's kind of got like these grids within the window like within the glass panels itself it's kind of like little square panels but the squares it's a weird thing to point out the squares were too big for my liking and so I decided to use these windows that we got from Snowy escape and I used a mixture of like two different sizes and I basically just moved them together and they are basically the same as the mosquito windows but they're just much smaller grid sizes if you get my main I mean it's a very small detail but yeah I made a few different like custom windows in this house and then that way as well when I was actually placing down the windows where I'd already made like a custom window at the front of the build when I was doing like the wall space at the back of the build when I was placing down the windows it wasn't one of them situations where I was like oh I want to place a window there but this doesn't really look right because there's not really enough space or there's too much space or something with the custom windows you can just make it as big or as small as you want to it's pretty handy but yeah there's a few different custom windows in this house but anyway as you can see I finished off the dining room and then I moved on into surprisingly that last room that you saw it was just a hallway originally like I mentioned with the kitchen the kitchen was going to be a lounge space like I've already mentioned but originally that hallway space that you just saw me decorate with them two-seater sofas was gonna be kind of like a dining room but then I realized the window placement you know them custom windows I'm just talking about worked out perfectly for a dining room space at the back of the build because there was just something so ground about having a massive window just seeing out onto like the outside landscape and especially in this build as well especially almost a lot because where I've built it it's just got the most beautiful views like in the distance there's kind of like this Lighthouse it's surrounded by a big body of water there is a beach quite local this this lot as well so it's got very pretty views and so originally that little hallway space you just saw me do was going to be the dining room but then when I actually did the dining room I realized that I didn't really have like an appropriate room to make that because I felt like a lounge room of that size in this house wouldn't have been like correct it would have been appropriate and so I thought you know let's just make it into a hallway and so it's just a nice little seating area it's got some two-seater Sofas in it it's also got this really big coffee table that we've got from cats and dogs this is what I mean by when I say of it's got lots of like soft Furnishings because in that room I use like cream sofas and then lots of like fluffy rugs but then I also use this really big table that we got from cats and dogs which is a little bit more rustic but I really like the combination of like the fluffy rug like The Rustic side table I just I just really like that but anyway as you can see I've now moved on into the actual family room which you just saw me do so that is the more kind of like informal more like family time kind of lounge space so in there as you want to notice I have a really big fireplace we also have two three-seater sofas I also use the tool mod to get some of these debug pillows that we've got from the high school Year's debug menu and I basically raised them up rotated them and make them look like pillows that belong on the sofa and some of them are twisted a bit so they look a little bit more like realistic because realistically in a family room that's as comfortable as I wanted that one to feel I feel like not every single pillow is perfectly closed there's going to be some pillows that might have been chucked on the floor or there might be a few skew if pillows if you get a main I feel like that's very realistic so with some of the pillows I've rotated them more a little bit slightly some of them I made it look like they've fallen down on the sofa but then as you can see I've now moved on into the playroom so first of all I do want to mention it you see the fireplace I ended up changing out the fireplace you don't see me do it but I really wasn't I just want you to use this fireplace because I thought it was really pretty and I thought it would really fit in with this room but then as I actually finished this room and I looked at it I was thinking this actually does not fit with the the very Countryside kind of like Coastal comfy home that I wanted to it feels a bit more of the like get famous kind of Rich kind of family because of the gold accents and so I actually end up deleting that fireplace and I end up placing down the Parenthood one just in like a plain white Swatch I mean like I said you don't see me do it but the placement of all the different objects on top of the fireplace Remains the exact same it was just the fireplace itself I just it just felt too fancy for my liking I mean you've already seen how I've decorated some of the house I felt like the fireplace just wasn't it didn't gel with the rest of the house and so I decided to change it but you can see the way that you actually get into the playroom is through the family room which I thought was so fit in because it just feels a little bit more homemade a little bit more comfying I can just imagine your Sims families like maybe the parents are sitting on the sofa watching a show together and then you've got kid in the toddler which is behind you you kind of like within your eyesight so you can still kind of like monitor them and it's just I just really like the idea I feel like whenever I do play rooms I'm also always have them coming off the lounge space rather than having like a separate door area just because as I just prefer it that way but anyway as you can see I've now moved on into the home office so in this office it ends up having some really nice views at the back Garden it's got one of the sliding doors now a bridge name you would have seen at the start of the clip I was gonna make this into one room and that was how I originally floor planned it but then when I actually came in I'm not joking I must have spent about an hour and a half trying to figure out what do I do with this phone because it was such a weird shape and it was in such a weird placement as well and I was thinking I can make it into a library but then it's weird to have a library and then have a slide indoors that go on to the outside I feel like if you're going to have a library it's also going to be nestled into a house rather than being somewhere where it's going to get a lot of traffic from people coming inside and outside the house and so I was like I can't do a library I was thinking I could do a music room but then it's a bit of a weird shape for your music room and so in in the end I thought you know what I'm just going to cut it up I'm going to make it into two separate rooms we've got the little home office over here and then on the other side it just ends up being a hallway but in this room you can see that I've done a very similar thing to the dining room in terms of I try to make like a built-in unit which now looking back on the footage I've now realized that I've done this quite a few times in this house I just tried to make it very custom this house and make all the furniture pieces just fit the rooms perfectly and try and make it just feel like it was a very built-in house it had built-in features like built-in wardrobes and built-in you know like bookcases and built-in like cabinets into the walls and stuff like that I did a very similar thing in this room to what I did in the dining room but the only difference is I just use two bookcases instead of cabinets and just merge them in I think the ones I use like the bookcases are from cats and dogs and then I just use the same side table as what I used before in the dining room again it was just in a different Swatch but then also in that room as well it ended up being like a computer desk with a computer on it and then I think I might have placed a globe of memory but I think actually now I think I'm confusing that with a different room but it ends up being like a plant in the corner but this just pretty much a home office home office use are quiet they're quite tricky to do because realistically it's just a computer a computer has so many different gameplay opportunities your Sims can do so much on a computer and so realistically in a home office you don't really need much more but outside of that little hallway space going into the home office that ended up being a cat tree because I felt like it was necessary to have a category somewhere in this house so there was a catchery and then that also ended up being the fish tank which I think you might have seen But now as you can see I've now moved on into the next space so this is the more kind of like formal Lounge seating area so in here I use these sofas which are from the cottage living I suppose I say debug menu they're not it's because I've just pulled out some candles from the teapot menu but I use these sofas which are from quadrative living that expansion pack and then you can see that now I'm actually placing down some candles which these are from the debug menu it's because I was looking at the debug menu as I said that but basically I try to create some like custom candlesticks I've done this a ton of times but I don't think I've really mentioned it that much but basically we don't really have any individual candles in candlesticks that the game and so a good thing to do is if you've got the vampires game bag and then you've also got the Eco lifestyle expansion pack we have these candles from a toy lifestyle in the debug menu your Sims can make them but then we also have these really big kind of like platform things from vampires basically use the tool mod size them down really small size them down basically to the size of the candle and then you can just merge them into tables into fireplaces onto any kind of surface that you want and then it kind of looks like a Candlestick in all furnace they're actually pretty customizable as well because you can change the color of the candle as well as the color of actual like the stand itself because the stand there's three different versions and like three different kind of like decorations how it's like carved out I just use one which I don't even know how to scrub how it's carved up but there's three different styles of the platform that you can use from vampires and then there is also a ton of different candle options in terms of colors shapes and sizes but I just use like the blank standard white ones because I just feel like they look best for like candle decorations which I actually feel like we are really lacking in candlesticks in the game which is an odd thing to point out but I'm only pointing it out because I feel like having candles as this kind of like purely decoration is something that is very in in terms of interior design I think anyway from what I've seen and so I'm surprised that the Sims haven't added more like candlesticks and just stuff like that I mean I've got a ton of it in custom content but I'm surprised that we don't have any in the actual game itself but either way in this room as you can see I just placed down the fireplace I merged in a painting on top of the fireplace it's also a big coffee table in the middle I placed down a tea set which I think in total there might be like three or four different tea sets within the house and the one that I placed Down is from the wedding stories game packs it's the one that you can actually interact with and they can actually Brew themselves from which is really cute I actually get myself to do that quite often in my own personal gameplay but also in this room as you can see on the left hand side I use these bookcases which are from I think discover University of memory I'm pretty sure they did from Discovery University or possibly even strange bill again I'm pretty sure them ones I've made from The Medium Wall height so again I just sized them down and then merge them in together and then on the opposite side I wanted there to be a bit of like a trophy cabinet a bit of a fancy like kind of show everyone all your achievement kind of cabinets even though the family that I designed or as I designed I'm actually building this and I haven't really mentioned it because I spent so long at the start of this video talking about what's on the inside of the house I didn't really speak too much about the individual family members which I'm planning on talking about when I actually get into the rooms because I have built this for my save file and I've actually built it for a pre-existing family but I was imagining that one of the family members is really into sports and does like fairly well or maybe one of the parents did quite well when they were in school or something so they've got a lot of different trophies a lot of different achievement and they wanted to Showcase it somewhere so I basically tried to build yet another kind of like built-in cabinet unit system and what I did is I got these cabinets that we got from base game and I've got the really tall ones and then also the shorter ones I placed the taller ones either side and then had this kind of like Gap in the Middle where I placed down the smaller ones hopefully you've gone along with me but basically I placed him down and then it was kind of like this empty space below it I then found this object that we got from the high school years expansion pack and it's basically like a trophy cabinet I'm pretty sure you're meant to place it in like the principal's office in a high school or maybe just in like high school like hallways or something but basically I've got the object and I sized it up a little bit and I've got two of them I merged them together and then I moved them into the floor and then it kind of looks like a trophy unit kind of thing I don't know I quite liked it but I just basically didn't want to have another bookcase wall because to me with the bookcases I use where they're so big and they kind of take like the majority of the wall space if I feel like if I would have had them on both sides of all it would have one looked a little bit too repetitive and two it just would have felt a little bit too closed in and squished together and I didn't want it to feel like that so I just decided do you know what I'm just gonna build like a little cabinet trophy unit like I said maybe one of the parents of this household maybe they were into sports once upon a time or maybe it's the teenager like I said I have kind of got like individual stories not too much but I have got a little bit of a backstory for The Sims that I'm going to be living in this house in my cell phone but I just didn't want to speak about it once I finished talking about what was on the inside the house at the start of the video because I always like to try and talk about what's on the screens you can kind of like follow along with me but when I move on to the upstairs and I start doing the bedrooms then I'll tell you a little bit more about the Sims and the individual personalities but anyway as you can see currently I'm just going around and just doing the pool house I am really surprised I left this as late in the video as what I did I think I was just too excited to get in and start Furnishing like the kitchen the dining room the lounge space that I just kind of like push this to the side but this is a little pool house in the back Garden so yeah Sims can walk in through them by folding doors there is a bar in here there is a mini fridge there is an ice cream machine there is also the dance board in the corner as well and then over here it's kind of like a little I want to say storage room for the pool so basically I wanted there to be somewhere where your Sims can basically keep all the different like pool lounges all the different pool equipments and maybe they've got some beach balls maybe they've got like Ping Pong things that they play with in the pool and stuff I just basically wanted to have a little room dedicated to like the pool that wasn't the bar area and so in that room I basically started off by placing down the shelving unit that we got from I believe the island of an expansion pack but the shelving unit itself has got loads of different goggles on it it's got a few different wetsuits I'm pretty sure there is an oxygen tank which I don't think this household is going to be using but either way it's attached to the unit so I can't remove it but I basically started off by placing that down into the room and then I had the idea to place down at some of them little like pool floaties as well so basically what I did is I found two of them and I kind of like merged one onto the other to make it look like they're kind of stacked and then I found the pizza slice one which I don't think I've ever used the pizza slice slightly in both my builds in my own personal gameplay I just I never use it but I thought it was quite fun so I placed it down into that room as well but with that one I basically elevated it and then rotated it and made it look like it was like leaning up against the wall the idea that I had in my mind when I was doing it was maybe this was the most recent used like pool floaty and your Sims instead of just putting it on top of the other one they've kind of like left it in angles then all the water can kind of like drip off it that's not it was just what I was thinking when I was decorating that room but anyway as you can see I've now moved on to the upstairs of the house and I've started off by Furnishing at one of the bathrooms now I do want to mention I did decide to cut out the home gym as well as the garage which I really didn't want to do but with them left in it put it this way just the garage footage itself so just that one room ended up being at five minutes worth of footage and that was sped up and the home gym as well I just felt like wasn't too interested and I just I want you to try and keep and it's ironic because it is a 57 minute video but I want you to try and keep the the footage and all the stuff in that was most relevant as possible so I decided to cut it out so I hope you don't mind but as always there'll be screenshots of absolutely everything at the end of the video so I've taken I think three different screen shows of every single corner of both the the gym and then also a ton of different screenshots of also the garage as well just because I didn't want to make the video I might say too long but it is like an hour long video in it but I didn't want to make it unnecessary long if it was things that aren't particularly interesting and I feel like with a garage space and also with a home gym space there's only so much that you can do I still try to make the the home gym feel a little bit more you know like Countryside a little bit more less modern because I feel like a lot of different gym equipment that we have in the game is multiple like the modern style I tried to make it feel like I fit in the rest of the house but like I said I'll have screenshots at the end of the video of both the garage space and then also the home gym but anyway as you can see I just finished off the bathroom which I am so happy with the way I did the bathroom I basically did it so the bathtub is sitting on a platform but then behind the bathtub itself is a higher platform to make it look like a shelf if you get what I mean I mean you would have just seen what I did and hopefully I explained it well enough but I mean you would have just seen it but I'm just so happy the way the bathroom comes give it because I tried to make it again if you're a little bit more built in I try to just do little custom pieces as well as like I try to make the cabinets or like the counterpieces feel a little bit more built in for the sink area so I placed down two walls either side to make it feel like the sink arrow is kind of like nestled into the wall and I'm just I'm really happy with the way that all the bathrooms in this house came together there is two bathrooms which are more so my favorite ones out of all of them but I'm only pointing it out because you know on the outside of the build we have that kind of like Tower piece that the circular walls I was talking about which were a bit of a mirror but on the inside upstairs level I decided to make that room into a bathroom but I did it so like the bathtub kind of like curves around with the wall and then there's kind of just all the light that comes in it's just very pretty it's just very peaceful in there but anyway moving on and actually getting on and actually talking about what I'm doing right now so as you can see I've now started Furnishings in the bedrooms so this is the toddler's room now this is probably a good time to start introducing the actual family that I'm building this house for like I said I just didn't want to talk over when I was actually Furnishing completely different rooms that weren't kind of event the storyline all the Sims themselves so this house this whole entire house I decided to build my save file and I decided to build it for the Delgado Family so the household originally consists of four Sims we have a mum a dad a little boy and then a little girl and then they also have a dog and a cat now they have a little bit of a household bio when you're originally going to a brand new save file and it's kind of like a direction that you could take the family if you want to play with them I basically took their original bio which I can't remember but it was off top of my head but basically it stated that the mum whose name I believe is pronounced Superior I'm really sorry if I've mispronounced that but basically it is her dream to one day open up a vet clinic believe the direction The Sims team wanted to kind of give off well she's always wanting to open up this like this Vet Clinic she's kind of like her dream is something that she's always wanted to do but she's always kind of been like a stay-at-home parent whereas her husband whose name is Justin has kind of been like the The Breadwinner bit of the the money maker of the household and they were a bit anxious about basically her going and opening this book cleaning and a bit anxious about her then husband you know having to kind of like control the kids because I think his parenting skills aren't all that great or something or at least that was what I was implying in the original bio and so I basically took that idea and decided to run with it and so in my same fault this family will be the owners of Brunson Bay's Vet Clinic which I'm yet to build So eventually I'll be building that but yeah they're gonna own a little vet clinic in town and then you might notice because I've mentioned that originally the household has four members I've now added an extra two household members into their family tree one reason I just feel like this they're kind of like a family to have a really big family both in their household and they're both outside of like their current household so in my same thought I'm going to go around I'm gonna make it so they've got like brothers and sisters and cousins and I just imagine them to be really big family people and so that's why I decided to give them a teenager and then also there is a grandmother which I imagine it is supriya's mother I imagine when they probably took the lake for her to go and open up her vet clinic and you know Justin her husband decided know what I'm gonna settle down I'm gonna maybe just take some time off work I was thinking that they could possibly be a bit of a freelancer but I don't really know what kind of freelance a job would suit them because there's different types of freelancing careers that you've got there's like a Candle Maker there is a right side there is a graphic designer but I don't really see any that fit their skills because Justin's skills I was looking at all the different like skills and basically their personalities when I was building this house but Justin's skills have I think a couple in Charisma one or two in logic and I think a couple in comedy and so I was imagining them to be a little bit of a jokester I imagine that maybe they go to comedy clubs quite often I was thinking that maybe they could do something related to Comedy maybe they're a writer and they write jokes for a living or something I don't know either way I imagine the dad to be a stay-at-home parent and basically the grandmother has kind of like moved in and kind of helps with just the general upkeep of the house in terms of making sure the kids go to school one time making sure like dinner is in the table and just kind of like overall a bit of a homemaker is it's kind of like a shared a shared thing that both the grandmother and the dad of his household do but as you can see I'm currently going around and just Furnishing it Pierce's room now Pierce is this son the little boy now the little boy originally I think when you open a brand new safe oh he's got this self-assured tray and he's also I was looking at his grade he has a great B in school and he's also got the social butterfly aspiration so over all around he's just a good kid I imagine that he probably gets quite good grades maybe he's on like the the football team or the soccer team whatever you want to call it and then maybe goes and has like a group of friends that he sees every so often just all round I imagine his family to be really wholesome I didn't really imagine there'd be any like dark twists because sometimes when I do say false storylines and I kind of have ideas for Sims that are going to live in my same phone I've got all these different backstores sometimes there is a little bit of like some dark not dark but sometimes they raise a little bit of like hidden things within the family tree don't imagine that to be the case this family they're very wholesome they're just all around a really nice family maybe I'm only thinking this because whenever I'll probably go myself I always get my sim to be friends with Justin I don't know what it is I always see him walking their dog because they've got a dog which I think the top of my head is called blown they've got a dog which is called blue and then a cat which I can't remember the name of the cat but the cat's name is something absolutely ridiculous it's really funny but I always see it in my own personal gameplay whenever I play in the world of Brinson Bay I always see Justin out walking the dog and so I always get my Sims to eventually become friends with this family maybe that's the reason why I want their backstory to be a little bit wholesome and nothing like no dark twist to it or whatnot but yeah I imagine the little boy had to be quite a social kid you know he's got a little games console area in his bedroom so maybe he often has his friends around like I said there is an attic space within like the top of the garage so if you wanted to you could get it so pierced has like a little bit of a club hangout even though his bedroom is really big and to be honest I don't think you actually need it because everything that we put into a club hangout for kids is either in his bedroom we're in the playroom but I mean the idea is there but now as you can see I've now moved on into the next bedroom which is a teenager's bedroom you've already seen me do the toddler's bedroom which is Eva okay AV originally has the angel Droid like she's she's a really good kid basically and from The Impressions I got from both pierces grades in school his traits his social aspiration and then also Evie's kind of like trait as well I just imagine them to be really well raised kids like they're just really they're just wholesome family and so I basically imagine a very similar situation for this teenager now this teenager obviously doesn't exist because or it doesn't exist yet but I basically added them onto the family just because I felt like the family needed another member I haven't got a name for them feel free to give me some suggestions I mean they've got a brother called peers and they've got a little sister called Evie so I'm open to any name suggestions so let me know what you think I should name them but just like his little brother and his little sister I was imagining that this kid is just all round of really good teenager I imagine they probably get really good grades in school I imagine that they're probably on a few different like extra curriculum activities so maybe they play sports maybe that's where all the trophies come from in the downstairs like you know they're more info I might say informal the more formal space maybe that's what all the trophies come from maybe they're just really good in school and they're just consistently competing in like basketball tournaments or football tournaments or something maybe they're not so much like the best athlete and sense of they're not the captain but maybe they're just a really active member of all the different extracurricular activities and so whenever they do like Awards or whenever they they win stuff maybe just every single member gets one because I don't imagine them to be like the best the best if you get what I mean I just imagine them to be like an average Joe you know in every single like TV show or every single film that you watch there's always that one character that's just kind of like an average Joe Sim they're really nice they've got a bunch of friends there's no like drama around them I just imagine that for a teenager and I feel like for my so you fall there's going to be so many teenagers that are just friends with them because I imagine just like his little brother he's probably a really big social butterfly but then there is also another member of the family what I decided to add on which is the grandmother which I've already told you about oh well I mean I say that I've told you about their presence and I've told you that I've decided to give this family an extra household member as well as the teenager and I've told you as well that I imagine them to be a bit of a stay-at-home grandmother also kind of helps look after the kids with Justin who is her son-in-law I just imagine her to be just a wholesome a wholesome little nun or grandmother what you want to call it I call my grandmother Nan or nanny so you know just a wholesome household member basically I imagine them to do a lot of knitting a lot of baking I imagine to be quite active in sense of they often go out and do like camping trips with the family they maybe do a lot of fishing with the kids as well just all around a really wholesome grandmother and then you've got the parents which like I said I imagine that the mum owns the Brunton Bay Vet Clinic which I'm still yet to build so I will eventually be building that and then there is also the dad who is just like a stay-at-home parent but that was pretty much the storyline that I've got for The Sims that can be living in this house it's not as in-depth as some of my other ones but like I said I didn't want there to be any dark twists or any like drama how could he meet his family just because I really like them in my own personal gameplay my Sims are always mates of him just because they're just a really nice family to interact with and there's no like mean traits there's no like bad traits in any of them and they're just all round just wholesome people but are wholesome Sims but I want to call it but anyway getting back to talking about what I'm actually doing right now so as you would have seen I did just do the grandmother's bedroom and now I'm moving on into the walking wardrobe I am just absolutely obsessed with this room I'm so happy how it turned out this is what I mean by how I was talking about I was trying to make it custom and trying to make all the walking wardrobe pieces kind of fit in with the rest of the house because you would have seen the actual item that you know like the the clothes hangers their objects that we got from dream home decorator the thing that that Clips to that's a really bad word opening but hopefully it's fun along with me but basically the original thing that that's meant to snap to originally when you pull it out it's very modern it's very just not the rest of the house I mean you've seen her I've decorated the rest of the house it's not modern in that sense it's not like out a day it's not outdated but but it's just not that kind of modern style home it's a little bit more like warm a little bit more comfy a little bit more just wholesome overall and so basically what I did is I got the the thing that clothes with SNAP to I sized it down really small and I just merged it into these shelves that we've got from cats and dogs that way it fits with the rest of the house but then it's also still a walking wardrobe and again like I've already mentioned I have placed the house it all works it literally works completely fine didn't even run into a problem with it I did kind of half expect to run into a problem with this dressing room just because sometimes the way that the clothes can be hanging sometimes your Sims can't click on them and then they like wave their ass up in the air and they're like I can't train for clothes it wasn't the case whatsoever in the room because it just it all happened to work completely fine and I even sized down with semi closes and if you noticed but when I was trying to merge in some of the clothes Realms together to make the clothes look a little bit more like full I size some of them down because I didn't want the hangers to be clipping into other hangers so you might notice I size down similar clothes even the size down ones work it's just the whole entire room the whole entire house is completely usable so if you do want to download this out you will not run into any problems which is absolutely lovely but anyway moving on as you can see I've now moved on into the last room which is the parents bedroom so in here I didn't really know what to place in here because they've already got their ensuite next door which I mean I say that you wouldn't really place a toilet or a bathtub into this bedroom might be a bit strange a bathtub not so much but a toilet would be a bit strange but there was already like a separate room where they keep all their clothes and realistically in parents bedrooms what do you place and so I was really struggling with the room so I ended up placing down a dressing table which the one that I use is from the Vintage glamor stuff pack now the one I use I used it in this color gray Swatch I found the most perfect chair to fit it the one that I've used is from the high school years expansion pack but it's just I don't think I've ever used that chair for a dressing table chair and I think going forward I might because it just fitted the room so perfectly and I'm just so happy the way it turned out but as you can see I'm just going around the room now finishing it off I added some more of them feathers that your Sims can actually find in the world of Branson Bay on the wall also place them down around like skirted around the inside of the house in like hallways in different areas but I'm just going to go around now finish up by doing the exterior balcony which is kind of like the the parents private balcony and that is pretty much it so anyway guys I'm gonna go ahead and end this voiceover right here as always you can download this build by the gallery my gallery ID is Jessica prior YT or if you search for the hashtag Jessica priority or just the hashtag Jessica Pie as always thank you guys so much for watching this video thank you so much especially if you made it all the way to the end and as always if you do a lot more content then please do subscribe and hopefully I will see you in my next Sims 4 speedboarding video bye guys foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jessicapie
Views: 73,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 mansion, sims 4 house, sims 4 family home, sims 4 family house, sims 4 save file, sims 4 generations, sims 4, jessicapie, jessicapieyt, save file, sims 4 huge family home, the sims, sims 4 generations house, sims 4 big mansion, sims 4 huge mansion, sims 4 generations home, sims 4 mansion build, huge family mansion, sims 4 brindleton bay build, sims 4 brindleton bay house, sims 4 hamptons house, sims 4 brindleton bay mansion
Id: eo3tutSckYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 46sec (3466 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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