London Townhouses with Bridal Boutique | The Sims 4 Speed Build

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hi guys welcome back to my YouTube channel and welcome back to Summer Sims 4 speed winning video or welcome to the channel if you are new here is it in today's video I'm going to be building in the world of bright Chester which is the world that we got from the expansion part of Sims 4 Discovery University and I'm going to be building a set of London townhouses with a bridal store using custom content so I know I say this at the start of the majority of my longer form videos but please make sure you've got yourself a cup of tea or a cup of coffee or just something to snack on or maybe even possibly multiple snacks because you might have noticed from the timestamp of this video this video is is a vegan this I'm pretty sure I say pretty sure this is going to end up being my longest video that I've uploaded onto the channel so far this video is an hour and six minutes including the screenshots because this build I'm not joking took me 17 hours and 20 minutes to film but I was really inspired and really wanted to sit down and build a set of London townhouses and I'm really surprised how I haven't done that already because I was looking at my channel the other day and I've noticed I've got a good handful of different location-based builds and what I mean by that is I've built like a little mini Tokyo City before in the past I've built like a New York block I feel like Parisian Apartments I've got a good handful of like location-based Builds on my channel and somehow I haven't done a London based one and that's kind of the closest thing to me if you get what I mean is though this week I thought I'd sit down and do exactly that and so yeah I hope you guys like it but getting on and actually talking a little bit more about the build so this lot ends up having three townhouses as well as a bridal store or shop I don't know what to turn it as when it comes around titling I mean you would have known by now because I've already done the title by the time that you're seeing this but currently where I'm sitting I have no clue where Russia title at bridal store or shop is there a difference is it just like one of them things like tomato tomato like I don't know what to term it as but there is also like a little a wedding dress shop if you want to put it that way on this lot as well now I wanted to sit down for the longest time I'm not joking and build a wedding dress shop but if you're familiar with the Sims 4 and all the different bugs you might be aware that for the longest time there was a mannequin bug now this particular bug was extremely annoying if you're someone that doesn't save every five minutes put it that way because basically whenever you load into a lot that contained a mannequin in the game whether it be something that you've built yourself or it be something that you've downloaded from the gallery if it contained a mannequin with in the lot whether it be residential Community lot for some reason you'd load it in you'd travel to the lot and boom your game crashes and I'm not joking when I tell you this in mannequin glitch bug was happening for literal years and I don't know why it took them so long to fix it like the amount of times I've wanting to place down a mannequin into either like a teenager's bedroom or maybe into someone's office if they're like hey a fashion designer or even the amount of times I've wanted to sit down and build a literal Bridal Shop which is what I'm I'm doing right now also by the way I say spoiler alert but the mannequin bug is now fixed by the way that's why I'm building a bridal shop now but basically it took them so long to actually sort out this bug and I understand that everyone experiences bugs and glitches in the game different like you might have a certain like terrain glitch and your friend that also plays The Sims doesn't have that same glitch I understand that but through going through all the different forums and experiencing this bug myself so many different times from my understanding a good handful amount of people had this mannequin glitch in their games and it just they took their time fixing it basically long story short they finally fixed it and so now you can finally build retail Lots or residential lots that contain a mannequin and you should be safe to not have your game crash on you on a whim but moving on from I don't want to say that disclaimer I did want to explain that because if you've been watching me for a while you might remember when I built them Parisian apartments with producer Room Cafe when I was building and in the process of building that whole entire lot original I was planning there to be a bridal store there and I spoke a little bit about this bug glitch thing that was going on in the game in that video around about like 10 months ago or something and so if you've watched that one and then you're also watching this one I just wanted to give you an update they finally fixed it but moving on from that and actually talking about the build as well and what I'm doing right now so as you can see I've basically built the main the main structure for all the different townhouses so if you just look at the build straight on on the right hand side them two townhouses are two three leveled Apartments now in the terms of Furnishing these and doing the Interiors for them I wanted there to be a bit of a a vast different I wanted to show quite a lot of different personality in this building so the one on the very far right hand side in the inside ends up being very like neutral very like beige just very a bit modern because that one does also end up having like a modern extension on the back Garden I imagine that maybe they came into a little bit of money decided I'm gonna have an extension on my kitchen and so that was a little bit more like modern but also neutral if you get what I mean but in that one there is three bedrooms and then a home office I decorated the rooms to be one for a set of parents one for a teenager and then also one for a child there is also three bathrooms in both of the Middletown house and also the Intown house because when you like walk into the downstairs area there is a living room there is a utility room laundry room which also doubles up to be a bathroom and then on each of the floors it's also like an extra bathroom as well but then in terms of the Middletown house completely different story completely different at personality and also interior design choices between the neighbors because the middle one is a bit of like a dark Academia so lots of dark wooden floors and lots of like dark wallpaper for example like in the kitchen there's like an exposed brick wall I try to make it feel like a bit of like a I don't want to say Brownstone because I know I'm trying to build London townhouses but you know that interior style of like a brown stone New York like apartment that is very much the middle one but that one has it two bedrooms I was more personal thinking that the Middletown house belonged to a couple of Sims like a literal couple like two Sims and they don't have any children they're young adult and one of them is an artist and so one of the rooms upstairs ends up being the most beautiful art like Studio Gallery area I located it at the front of the build and so you'll see when I'm building the way that the light shines through on the windows and then it kind of like goes onto the floor and goes onto all these different canvases and just so much fun that room is probably one of my favorite rooms and favorite areas in the whole entire build but then there is also a home office partly kind of music room as well because I was imagining the other SIM in the couple was going to be like a a music artist a recording artist and then there is also of course the the wedding shop bridal dress shop where everyone across it has on the very end now when you're walking through the front door of that one you're greeted with quite a big reception room area so it seems to walk in there's like a little waiting area there is also it's kind of like mini section filled with loads of different gowns and like Brides my age dresses all these different basically dresses on show and there's kind of like a little seating area in front of it which I imagine when Sims would want to go and like have a wedding dress appointment they would sit on the sofas and then maybe the person in question that's getting married would kind of like pick out all these different gowns and stuff and then on the upstairs level of a town horse or like the second level it ends up being kind of like a little a little changing room as well as a waiting room now I've never been into a wedding dress shop and actively you know like been with someone to try on wedding dresses but I've seen it say yes the dress a few times I've never actively watched it it's always been one of them things which when I'm flicking through the TV channels it might come on and I might watch it for like five minutes or something but I've seen it so so yes the dress a few times and there seems to be a bit of like a waiting area and there seems to be like a little platform where someone will go and like stand in front of the dress and then everyone would get a bit emotional because they look really beautiful and stuff I basically try to do that but then in like this this little wedding dress shop the interior style for the whole entire brow shop is very kind of like antique looking very elegant quite quite formal so when you walk in the wallpaper is all of this really like detailed French looking paneling on all the walls and then all the furniture is white I did use it quite a lot of the paracet by Felix Andrei in this build and if you're familiar with that set you'll you'll know how beautiful some of the furniture pieces are and so I I took a full advantage basically of that custom content set within this build and I used it for the majority of the like the wedding dress portion but then on the upstairs level of the wedding dress shop I tried to make it into like kind of like a final apartment I was more so thinking that the owner of the bridal shop would maybe possibly stay there every once in a while because you could just have like a normal Sim live on the third level of the wedding dress shop but the only thing is the way that you get into that apartment is going through the shop itself and I feel like if you're just an average person average drone you have absolutely nothing to do with the wedding dresses and the downstairs level it might be bit weird your Sims to walk through the literal retail shop to get upstairs but yeah that was kind of like the overall of the apartment oh also I feel like I should mention there is also multiple different like storage rooms in the wedding dress or bridal store because I'm thinking if you're someone that that designs wedding dresses for a living you're going to have quite a few within your stock and so there is multiple different like rooms just filled with all these different gowns and dresses and all these different like high heels and loads of different like storage boxes and what I imagine to be like their their gift wrapping or like their bags you know you know when you go and buy something quite fancy or I say that I don't but you know when people go and buy something quite fancy they get them quite fancy looking bags there is at rooms are filled with them that I imagine are kind of like rooms that you're you know all of their their bags and their packaging would basically be in but then there is also that little viewing room which if you look at the build straight on on the left-hand side you see that little bump out and it's got these quite big like flawed ceiling windows in there I basically made it into a mannequin room if you want to put it that way so I think in total I added nine mannequins in there I added eight of like a like a normal Sim and then there is also one child Sim in there which I say one child Sim one child Sim mannequin I was more so thinking it's gonna be wedding dresses but then if you want the option to maybe possibly shop for your flower person dress in there there is also one in there as well I did also dress the mannequins which I feel like is quite important to mention but all of the mannequins that you're going to see within the build they're all pre-dressed they're all wearing all these different custom content gowns now luckily enough I didn't have to go on a bit of a search for wedding dresses for when I was doing this build because I surprisingly have quite a an extensive collection of wooden dresses that I seem to use in my own personal gameplay but I basically dressed all the different mannequins in all these different like gowns there is Oneness so I tried to have a range in terms of I know when you go wedding dress shopping or you're looking at dresses some people might want like a strapless dress some people might want to long sleeve some people might want like a ball gown I tried to make it so each the mannequins all the different dresses are kind of like unique to one another if that makes sense but yeah there is also dressed mannequins and if you're curious in the Google Doc link where I'm going to be linking all the different CC for this build I've also included all the different custom content like cast stuffs all the different suits and dresses they're also going to be linked in the Google Doc link like always if you've been watching my custom content builds because I don't do custom content builds that often I like to kind of like space them out but whenever I do do CC build I always like to have a Google doc link or just somewhere where you can go and download all the stuff because what about if you want to download it and I didn't link it to YouTube so there is also going to be a Google doc Link in the description box so if you do want to download this build and have it in the game and you want it to look the exact same as what it does on the screen it will all be linked in this Google doc link as well as some mods as well I've included I think four mods that you could download and kind of use to run alongside this build because so if you want you to download this build and you're wanting to get yourself to live in it full time like this is their house it's their residential lot but then you also want them to own the wedding dress like Boutique area there is a mod which I've linked which is Little Miss Sam's living business I've put that in the Google Doc link as well as I think a better retail System Mod and then also a staircase mod because you might have noticed I did kind of skip over the floor plan for this one which I normally really don't like cutting out floor plans for my videos I like to show you pretty much the whole entire process from start to finish of all of my builds but going back to what I said I had 17 hours and 20 minutes worth of recorded footage and so I couldn't include every single nook and cranny of this whole entire build because I don't even want to think how long this video would have ended up being and so because of that I did decide to cut out the floor plan but the thing is as well and you might know this if you watch me regularly at the end of every single one of my videos that I do I always have overhead floor plans of whatever I'm building so I always have overhead floor plans of kind of like the first floor the second floor sometimes the roofing if there's other floors if like it applies I'll have overhead screen screenshots of everything so if you do want to see how I laid it out in terms of floor plan I will have overhead screenshots at the end of the video but yeah I did use a spiral staircase when I did the floor plan I used it in the little wedding Boutique area because I felt like that was quite quite fitting I used a wooden one it's very like antique he just it matches the whole entire Vibe of the the little wedding dress shop completely but you know I do also include a spiral staircase mod within the Google Doc link as well as like I mentioned them other mods and then also some clothes they say so if you want to go like close CC shopping I've got some links in that Google doc for you as well but anyway moving on from that and actually getting back and talking about what I'm doing right now so like I'll really mentioned I have now moved on into the inside and I started off by Furnishing the apartment or like the townhouse which is in the far right hand side so this is the one that I try to make feel a little bit more modern but also neutral if you get what I mean so you can see that I'm currently going around and just doing the first kitchen now for all the different townhouses so so this one at the middle one and then also the kind of like apartment townhouse on the final one I do show all the furniture in it for all the different kitchens but for this one I really wanted to use this new set which is by Piero Sim and I think it's pronounced the domain set really sorry if that's not how you pronounce it I'm not that good with pronunciation if you've been watching me for a while you probably know that by this point I can't even say my name correctly all the time but it's the domain set by Piero Sim now this set is known to my game this is the first time I am coming in and actually using it within a build I am so excited I'm just so so happy with the way this whole entire set looks so the set includes all of these kitchen counters that you can see that I've used in this first kitchen as well as some bedroom items some like Lounge living items there is also I think a few different bathroom items it is such a huge set like I think there's something crazy like 130 plus items or something it's a massive set and it's my first time using it and so I decided for this first kitchen I would try and take a full advantage of all the different counterpieces and use them within it so you can see these creamy challenges that are placed down if you look really closely you can see in quite like the corner cabinets they seem to be like little tiny cupboards which I imagine like bottles of wine would sit in or something which now looking back on it I've noticed that the Sims that have this kitchen they do look like really big wine lovers because we've got these cabinets that have got a little wine drawer if you want to put it that way but then I also use these kind of like wine fruit which is again new to my game it's by Todds I'll use that and like place it into the counter there's also a little like Corkscrew decoration so you know when you open up a bottle of wine if it's got a cork you kind of have like the cork Emoji will just Chuck it into the bin there's this decoration that Todd's created and it's kind of like a little box and it looks like he's got like a little slit in the top So then whenever you have a bottle of wine you can like pop the cork in there I also place that into this kitchen as well as a literal wine rack so maybe the Sims that live in this kitchen they love a bottle of wine I think I also end up placing down a bottle of literal wine on either one of the counters or maybe be I end up placing down like a bit of a china cabinet behind the dining room table I think I also placed down a bottle of wine and then two glasses on that as well so maybe maybe these Sims maybe they like a glass on like a Friday or Saturday night or something but you can see also in this kitchen I decided to make it double up to be the dining room now this is the townhouse by the way which when I was saying about one of the Sims they probably run into a little bit of money and they had a bit of an extension onto their kitchen this is this extension so this is the biggest kitchen out of all of them the next Kitchen in the kind of like polar opposite townhouse they're like dark Academia one is literally half the size of this one and the one that's in the like the the top of the bridal store it is so small it's more like a studio that apartment but in this kitchen where I was thinking it was like a modern extension I wanted there to be some really nice big open doors so your Sims could just like walk out into the garden I did also by the way decide to cut out the garden again going back to what I just said about cutting out the floor plan I only really wanted to keep in parts of the video which I felt like were the most interesting where most kind of like vital to the build and maybe it's just me but whenever I think of a London townhouse I really don't think of them to have much of a garden and I don't even think I've mentioned this by the way but when I was building this I wasn't looking at any particular picture I was more so just trying to build something that I feel like you'd be able to find in like the the South Kensington Chelsea kind of area and I wasn't looking at any particular picture if anything to be honest with you I spend quite a lot of time this past week on Google Maps in street view I was in South Kensington just basically trying to look at all the different townhouses and merge them in together and something about London is they will try and squeeze out any kind of living quarters of any kind of space and so from what I saw on Google Street View doesn't seem to have that much of a garden space these kind of Townhouses maybe I'm wrong but I'm just going off the the kind of ones that I looked at but yeah I did decide to cut out the gardens which again I'm really sorry I really don't like cutting out too much of my videos I feel really bad it sounds weird but I do feel really bad when I cut on some of my videos because I want to show you absolutely everything but sometimes just it just it can't work so you'll see at the end of the video in some screenshots anyway but moving on from that and getting back and talking about what I'm doing right now so you can see that I just finished up that little bit of a modern kitchen extension and now I've moved over into the lounge room or like the living room now something about London townhouses which I find it's just it's just it's just London in general small spaces like you've really got to make it work because a lot of London's like architecture it's old like England we've got a lot of old buildings like just surrounding us and so in terms of space on the inside some some townhouses they can be quite quite snug if you want to put it that way something that I have become more quiet aware of not so much from this video but just from where I was in right move if I'm being familiar on TV because sometimes I just like to go on right move and just have a little browse just just see what's available even though very much out of my price range but I feel like we all do it sometimes but sometimes I do come into London and go into like the South Kensington Chelsea area and just have a browse at these different townhouses that are ridiculously priced and something that I've noticed is a lot of them they'll have like the kitchen and the living room on the upper level rather being on like the the same level that the front door is on and I think it is just due to the fact of less space and so when it came around to me doing the floor plans for this I went to a build I was initially thinking that the downstairs rooms like this one and also the one in the the next neighboring townhouse could potentially be offices and then one of the bedrooms on the upstairs level I could then potentially make into lounge space I was thinking about doing it that way because these little Lounge rooms they are very snugged out they are very tight but then I was thinking about all the different Sims that I wanted to live in the townhouses and you know their different stories and their personalities and I thought you know what I'm just gonna make it so they've just got very cozy very snug little Lounge rooms and I feel like it works there is still two offices or studies whatever you want to call them there is one in each townhouse so this one has one and then the neighboring one also has one they do end up being bigger than the literal living room areas but I mean I was more so thinking that maybe both of the Sims the families that live here maybe they host like meeting conferences or something and they have people come around because their offices have like armchairs in them I think one of them has like a lounger in the corner it's just they're very big spaces and so initially it did make more sense for this to be the home office but then I just decided against it and just I'm quite happy that I started against it because they do end up being very snug like especially this one it's just very closed in but in that room I end up placing down the sofa set which is by again that domain then what that domain the domain set which is Barbara Sim so that is it the two-seater sofa three-seater sofa and then also the armchair you might have noticed as well in that room I placed down this fireplace and it is something that I've never really seen any custom content like this before basically the fireplace doesn't have a fire which is actually quite common and there's a lot of old buildings like literally as I'm sitting here doing this voiceover I've got a fireplace on the left-hand side of me don't work because it's old like my house is very old like I said London buildings or not I don't even live but buildings in England they're old and so sometimes we just have empty fireplaces that don't work and they've been blocked out for years and you just you just don't remove them I've literally got one sitting next to me always actually not sitting it's just it's laying it's placed in the wall next to me but I want you to do something similar in that room and so I basically placed on this fireplace which is from the domain set but it hasn't got a fire in it and instead of that it comes with like this collection of books that you can kind of like slot into the fireplace so it makes it look like okay The Sims maybe they moved in maybe the fireplace was there but they decided you know what I don't really like it I'm gonna remove it and then they took the fireplace out the mantle if that's what it's called of the fireplace Still Remains but then they decided to like clutter it up with books there is also a full fireplace version of that fireplace as well in this set they kind of like period Sim kind of gave us both options whatever you wanted to go for but yeah I placed that fireplace down into that room as well and then also I'm kind of like the back wall I placed down at basically like a wall of bookcases the bookcases that I use if you're curious from the octave set by Harry and I just basically went in and crossed them up with loads of different plants and photo frames and statues and basically just loads of little just bits and Bobs to put it that way but now as you can see I've now moved on to the upstairs level and I started Furnishing one of the bedrooms this bedroom right this wallpaper is Nick money favorite I must admit I am a big fan of this new wallpaper again from the domain set I tried to use it to its full potential within this build basically this new CC set but it is so beautiful and it comes in so many beautiful swatches as well right you see how it's got this white pant when I say white pen it's more like an off-white paneling on the bottom level and then it's also got this like floral wallpaper for the majority of the wallpaper space well if you go into the build environment you can actually change depending on what kind of sports that you want you can change the wallpaper pattern it's the actual pattern on the walls but then you can also change the panel in you can literally get as customizable as what you want within this wallpaper set it comes with like the floral wallpaper and then there is also a plain version which I use in both the home office and then also so one of the bedrooms as well but it is probably my new favorite wallpaper of custom content that I have and I'm probably going to be using this going forward for the foreseeable future but as you would have seen in that bedroom I decided to place down this four poster bed which is by Felix Andre it's in the groove set I've wanted to use this bed for so long but I've never really done a cc build where I felt like it would make sense it would kind of like match the kind of Furnishings of the rest of the build it is so beautiful it's got these kind of like little tassels hanging off this bed frame there is a version that's got a cross on and then there's also a version with outer cross I decided to use the version that doesn't have a cross and then I also place down like a little mattress in it that's got like a blanket thrown over it and then also in that room as well a place down I think like a chest of drawers and again I just went in and just went went to town with a crutch run of loads of different photo frames and flowers and like vases and just loads of just stuff basically but now as you can see I've moved on into the home office so this is what I meant when I said to you the obviously is are quite literally bigger than the lounge Living Spaces downstairs with like the basically this is bigger than the family room of the house but I feel like I managed to Kit it out enough and try to fill it out enough so it didn't feel such like a big room if you get what I mean so in here I placed down this really big side table on kind of like the back wall and then did a bit of a photo gallery wall with loads of different prints I did a very similar thing also in the lounge room downstairs I use a mixture of prints from the lighthouse collection by Charlie pancakes and then also again the domain set of popular Sim I use basically a collection of them and I tried to make it look like a bit of a collage wool but then there is also a desk as well in this room of course it's the home office it's got a computer on it the desk itself once again is by the domains there I'm not joking when I say to you I literally tried to use as much content from this new set within this build somewhere because it's just so good and it's you know when you get like a new shiny sparkly item and you just want to use it and just look at it all the time that was basically the process that I was going through in this field with this set and so yeah the desk is from the domain set and then it also uses little chair which I think the chair itself might either be from Felix Andre or hey Harry off memory like the little desk swivel chair and there is also two armchairs kind of like located and positioned opposite the desk I was more so thinking that maybe one of the Sims that lives in this house they work from home they have like clients come to them and so they often have meetings in their little home office and so a place down these two armchairs and then in the middle I placed on a side table and I placed down these little individual like tea cups and like sauces they are by Pierre Sim but they are from the cold brew so if you are curious I also use them I think downstairs in the kitchen in an area or I think I use them in the kitchen anyway or like the lounge space but I use them little like teacups quite a lot in this build they also come with like a Little Teapot and like a little sugar decoration it's just it's honestly so sweet but yeah in the home office as well I just finished it off by placing down loads of different like statues and plants onto all the different like Services also place down a printer because it's an office a lot of people have printers saying that I don't actually have a printer and it's actually been something that I've been needing to get but some people if they work from home they probably have a printer and so I place it down to that room as well but now as you can see I've now moved on into another room which is the bathroom now in total I think there is seven bathrooms in this whole entire lot so there is three bathrooms in the first town house three bathrooms in the second townhouse and then as you know there's eight because there's there's another bathroom in the like the wedding dress shop I did like a kind of like a guest bathroom so say if your sim is trying on wedding dresses they need to have a way they can pop to the bathroom but then in the apartment there is also another bathroom as well there's a lot toilets put it upright in this build and so if your Sims do need to go to the toilet or they need to use like a shower or something there is multiple of choices depending on your furniture style as well you can go for like a bit of a more a dark Academia one you could go for a bit of a more modern one or if you wanted to you can go for like a French antique kind of bathroom because I try to decorate all the bathrooms and kind of like correspond with the Interiors of the building that they were in if that makes sense but because of the footage being so long like always I only decided to try the Furnishing it for one bathroom and I decided to show the furniture in it for this townhouse bathroom I use these new counters which are from the Paris I say no they're new to me anyway they're from the Paris set you would have seen in the bathroom and they're these really beautiful kind of like marble looking front piece and then the top piece is kind of like this really beautiful dark wood now when I was pricing it down I was thinking realistically in a bathroom it's probably not the best idea to have a wooden surface somewhere that a lot of water is going to get on because I feel like after a while it might go like a bit monkey if you get what I mean like sometimes if you have if you have like wood and then water is consistently splashing it it can go a bit a bit iffy but it's the Sims and so that doesn't happen and so I decided to use him in the bathroom also placed down a bathtub in there as well as like a toilet now there was no shower in that bathroom I believe but there would have been a shower in the other bathroom in this townhouse so each townhouse will either have a shower in it or a bathtub in it and then some bathrooms have both if you get what I mean you've got choices you simply got choices but anyway moving on from out as you can see I've now moved on into another bedroom so this is the bedroom that I decorated to be it kind of like for a teenager so in here I use a lot of the Florence set which is by Felix Andre and that is the bed which is kind of like this fabric upholstered bed it's really beautiful it comes in so many different wooden swatches as well and then also at this tall wardrobe in the corner now this wallpaper I think this particular one is from the oak house by Perry Sim or it might be the cold brew set by Piero Sim either way it's absolutely beautiful and so I decided to use it into this room I also placed down and I'm I use it all the time I place down at the desk which is by Charlie pancakes now if you watch any of my previous CC builds you've probably seen this disc about a million times because I just can't help myself it is my favorite CC desk that I have I know I have so many and I do have quite a lot of options but I always just go to that one which because it's just my favorite one to use and so I place that down into that room as well also in the corner of the bedroom you might notice I placed down this really beautiful kind of like French antique looking armchair I actually use the matching sets of that in the like bridal shop at the end of the video you'll see but I place it down into the corner and then I merged in this little teddy bear which I believe the teddy bears by Felix Andre and hay Harry in their tiny Travelers set and I merged into the armchair and it looks like the little teddy bear is sitting on the chair it just looks so adorable and so cute but then also in that townhouse there was an extra one bedroom but again for the footage of this video I did decide to cut it out because it looks quite similar to some of my previous CC kids rooms because it was a room that I decorated to be for a kid but if you've seen any of my CC bills before in the past when I've decorated bedrooms for children it does end up being quite similar to that one I haven't really got too much new kids CC and so I did decide to cut out the video but again there'll be screenshots of it at the end so if you do want to see what it looks like you'll you can see at the end of the video but now as you can see I've now moved on into the next townhouse so this is the Middletown house and you might notice it's a little bit of a a darker color scheme in comparison to the other one so I decided to change up the furniture styles for a few different reasons within the townhouses one reason being I've noticed whenever I do it CC build I'm also tend to go towards this more kind of like modern kind of neutral very beige kind of interior style which personally That's my kind of thing that's my cup of tea like that is that is my preference but I also really like this kind of like dark Academia kind of like Moody style as well and so I wanted to kind of experiment with all the different CCO that I've got in this style and try and make something of it I also wanted there to be a bit of a difference in the wallpaper in the Forum so then when you're playing in this if you do decide to download it if you're in a say townhouse a which is the first one that we did safer in that one and then you have other Sims may be living in this one you can kind of see which rooms are in which townhouse from the different wallpaper and the flooring because it's such a dark comparison if you get what I mean it was also a lot of fun just to decorate in this kind of like Moody style because yeah I don't really ever seem to do any CC builds like this and funny enough the the current health I currently play with off camera this is basically their apartment put into a townhouse and some I don't know why it's taken me so long to actually build something in this kind of like darker style now naturally whenever I do any of my builds or I automatically try and think of assuming that I could picture living in the build and try and build depending on like their personality their interests what their career is and you know like their likes and dislikes and I always try and picture a Sim beforehand when I go into building for the other townhouse it wasn't so much a case though I was more so just thinking of you know a small family of four living there they've got teenager they've got a child one of the Sims works from home maybe they're quite an important Sim that's why they've got such a big fancy office maybe the other similar Works in like a like a business somewhere or maybe like the CEO or something I didn't really think too much about the individual Sims himself but when it came around to Furnishing this townhouse I couldn't help but going along with the storyline of Sims that live here like a young couple maybe they've just recently come into a bunch of money and so that's maybe how they was able to afford this this townhouse but one of the Sims is an artist and then one of the Sims is a musician and I had so much fun trying to decorate this apartment in kind of like this darker theme up towards them careers because it's not something that I I've really ever seemed to do now this is the one I was talking about earlier that has the art studio on the upstairs level which is such a beautiful room I actually can't wait to move on to that room because it is just one of my favorite spaces throughout the whole entire build but for the for like the downstairs area I wanted there to be a lot of plants so you might notice I've already done like the entrance hall waiting for the build and now I've moved on into the kitchen in the kitchen itself I wanted there to be an exposed brick wall because that's quite a moody kind of thing and I wanted it to feel quite moody in here I also wanted it to feel like this is somewhere that an artist could possibly live and so I feel like to have a exposed brick wall makes sense for an artist maybe it's just me but I just like the idea for like interior design I can always picture artists living in like an industrial loft or maybe somewhere that's got a lot of exposed beams or pipes in the walls and just that is the kind of like picture in my head that I think of whenever I think of artists but I didn't really want there to be like like poles coming out the ceiling and stuff like that and so for the kitchen I decided I was going to do like an exposed brick wall instead of like a tiled wall added so many plants into here so many like terracotted little plants both like hanging off the ceiling then also onto like the actual counters itself also onto like the table surfaces you would have seen like by the by the door that goes into the kitchen you might be able to see it as I spin around where I was thinking one of the Sims that could potentially live here could be a musician I tried to make it feel like that through different decorations So I placed down this bookcase which I believe is from the organic set by hey Harry and Felix Andre and I basically made it a little bit smaller to make it like a nice little snug fit but then above it I placed down this poster I'm not too sure of the memory where the post is from but there's a collection of them and they're like these retro looking posters they was they were so cool and they were just so suited to this field so place it down above the bookcase and then underneath on kind of like the bookcase surface I placed on a little record player also like a ton of Records to make it feel like the musician that lives here you know they like to listen to music and so they're going to have loads of different records displayed on loads of different like vinyls and stuff but over here in the kitchen I decided to use the London counters which are by Felix Andre I felt like I would be rude if I didn't use a London counter set when I'm literally building a London townhouse and so I decided to use them I've normally used these in kind of like a cream white Swatch because I've used these counters so many different times previously in previous CC builds but going back to whenever I previously do CC build I'm also focused on like a neutral beige kind of interior style and so I don't really ever explore the darker color swatches but the color swatch of like this black black cabinet with this really orangey wood counterpiece it is just so beautiful especially against like the brick wall and all these different like terracotta plants it just it just looks so pretty like I don't know how I was to explain it apart from it just looks pretty nice but then also in the kitchen it also doubles up to be like the dining room space pretty similar to how the previous townhouse was where you had that a bit of a kitchen extension that kitchen ends up being much bigger obviously because they had an extension or at least picture that seems to live there too have come into a little bit money and they paid for an extension but in the other kitchen it was quite a big dining room space whereas the kitchen in this townhouse is quiet it's quite cozy it's quite sweet a place down at the chairs which are from again at the London set by Felix Andre and then also the table which I think is from Phoenix Andre of memory but now as you can see I've now moved on it was the Next Room room which is the lounge space so in here this one's an even tighter switch like it might be so smooth in this room even more smushed than the last previous Lounge room because if you remember with the other one I use like a three seater sofa a two-seater sofa and then an armchair but for this one I really wanted to use these sofas which are from Charlie pancakes I can't remember the name of the set but I know these sofas are like this kind of like configurable sofa it's by Charlie Pine cakes I really wanted to use it in this build the thing is it's so big and so it takes up pretty much like 95 of the space but it's worth it and it looks again very cozy very snug into this room I then placed down at loads of different pillows and cushions on top of it the pillows I used are from Felix Andro I just use like a different collection of them some I think are from like the groove set some are from like other previous sets and then I basically just tried to mix and match the colors so it looks like there's a little bit more depth to the sofa because I feel like if I would have decorated all of the pillows to be like black or cream it just wouldn't look that interesting and so I tried to kind of change up some of the swatches I think I also used one of the pillows which is from the organic set by Felix Andre and hey Harry and it's that little kind of like skinny like slim pillow but it's really short it's like a rectangle if you if you're following me but that is by the organic set by Felix Andre and hey harry but over here I also wanted there to be like a little music station for the musician in this field and so I place down at this still a little piano I was about to say grand piano but it's not exactly Grand is it it's kind of like a a more normal sized piano because in the in The Sims 4 so far we've only got the keyboard and then the grand piano and sometimes you want a middle ground this is basically the middle ground in between the two because it looks like it looks quite Grand it looks quite fancy but then it's not massive and it's just perfect and so I use this quite often in quite a lot of my builds but again I never use it in the darkest watches but I basically just cluttered it up with loads of different like cleaning canvases loads of different like bowls and photo frames like individual little portraits you might have noticed throughout this build I do use quite a lot of these little individual photo frames that seem to be of individual Sims like individual Sims families now I use these all the time but I don't think in any of my previous videos I've mentioned where they are from their particular portraits they're going to be linked in the Google Doc but just in case you're curious and you're looking for that one individual object It Is by Little Cakes and they're beautiful they come in summer swatches there are so many different Sims faces in these portraits and I love placing them down into builds because you can really make a house or an apartment just feel a little bit more homey and feel like Sims actually live there because it's not just a photo frame of an apple or a pair because for some reason in the game we only have I think four photo frames or like four little leaning portraits that you can place down onto surfaces we have a pair we have an apple we have I think like four butterflies in like one picture and there is also kind of like a football team one but there's no like individual portraits of Sims and so yeah I always use the ones that buy Little Cakes if you're curious because I've previously got comments in some previous videos where they are from and so yeah if you are curious that's where you can find them also don't get them confused with these other ones that I've just placed down into this next room because you can see that I've now moved on into the first bedroom in this townhouse I did decide to get out the other bedroom just because it wasn't really decorated to be towards any kind of sim it was more so a guest bedroom that I imagine this couple have when their friends maybe come around and stay for the night or something and so it was kind of like a spare guest bedroom I did decide to cut it out but again there's going to be screenshots of it at the end so if you are curious of what that looks like but in this bedroom I also do place down some more little individual photo frames but they're not the same ones that I use from Little Cakes the ones I've placed down into this bedroom are from I think pink pixels off memory but yeah don't get them confused with the little portrait ones the difference is the little cake ones are the ones that have got like pictures of Sims so like actual Sims faces or bodies or like if Sims are sitting down or something whereas the pink pixel ones are more so photo frames of just really beautiful things like really pretty things like flowers or like animals and just scenery and stuff so yeah don't get them confused but in the bedroom you might notice I use a four poster bed the four poster bed I'm not sure which collection it's from but I know it's by Phillips Andre and then I also use like a a dark mattress cover on top of it I also place down some pillows now whenever I like come around to doing CC builds and I'll come around to decorate in bed I always feel the need to place down a ton of different cushions and pillows on top of it to make it feel like really Lush and comfortable but the consistent dilemma that I've run into whenever I want to do this is okay well it will look great but then realistically is it going to annoy you when you're when your Sims go to sleep overnight time that their their heads are just going to merge into cushions because whenever you see cushions placed under like a sofa or an armchair or even a bed your Sims they won't like weigh their rounds up in the other they can still interact with the object and they can still use it as normal but the only difference is like if I was to place down a ton of different cushions onto a bed your Sims face will just be have merged in these different pillows and I always want to clutter up beds and try and make them feel like really comfortable and really cozy and add like blankets and all these different like decorational like pieces but then I always think well are you just gonna delete them and so I decided not to I decided to add some some pillows that will kind of sit kind of like on the headboard so your Sims they they don't like interact with your Sims head like your Sims will still look as normal as what they should do like they won't go into their face like it won't merge into your Sim's body the worry that I've placed them down it looks like it's just part of the bed if you want to put it that way but I always run into this consistent issue of just this need I shouldn't even say issue it's also a need of just wanting to place down all these different cushions to try and make it look really plush and comfortable but then I think is it really good for gameplay and so I always decide not to but yeah in that room as well I end up placing down a wardrobe which was one of the open wardrobes is by Charlie pancakes I think it's a lavish set that the Wardrobe set is called but it's basically loads of different individual like clothes hanging down loads of different shoes and I basically tried to make it feel like someone's wardrobe just without any doors if you wanted to and it was definitely something that I did consider at one point but the second bedroom in this townhouse you could potentially make into a walk-in wardrobe and basically use the exact same things that I've used in the bedroom and just basically make loads loads of versions of them to make it look like one massive big wardrobe and I was thinking about doing that but then I was thinking I do also like the idea of there being a second bedroom in this house because a three-story townhouse to only have one bedroom doesn't make too much sense plus if the Sims that live in this townhouse maybe they've got their friends coming around I want there to be somewhere that other people could stay or maybe like relatives or something but yeah also in that room I just chucked like an armed around the corner a plant in the corner and now as you can see I've now moved on into possibly one of my favorite rooms in the whole entire build this is the art studio Gallery area so this room I had so much fun decorating it so I use a few different art easels I think I used one from Peacemaker which is the one that is a little bit it's a bit taller it's a little bit more triangular if that makes sense and then they'll also use it 2 which a little bit more square and then once I buy Moschino Sun now maschino Sun actually has a set which is called the art room and it basically consists of like a little cart that you can place down into like an artist Art Gallery loads of different like individual paint tubes and like paint pots and like paint brushes it's just it is such an amazing set and I use the majority of the set in this room I also use this neon light on the other wall like where I'm doing right now this is still the same room but it's just the opposite side I wanted there to be a bit of a a chill relaxing area in this room as well also to kind of fill out the space because where it was such a big room I didn't really know how to fill it out and so I thought well I'll have like little art section in one corner also got a wardrobe which I imagine probably doesn't contain clothes but it probably contains like spare canvases or maybe like spare equipment or like things that maybe an artist would use when they come around to doing painting and stuff but there is a wardrobe and then there is also like these different art easels but then on the opposite wall it's kind of like a little bit of a chill relaxing room all always like a bit of a second lounge space but without the TV I also placed down a bar cut into that room as well because I liked the idea of maybe your Sims or maybe they're staying up late and maybe this the Sim that's an artist is maybe staying up late maybe like on a Friday or Saturday night and they're doing some painting maybe they want to have like a glass of red wine or something to like compliment what they're doing and so a place down this little wooden barcode in the corner now the one that I've used is by ravishing I've had this in my game pretty much ever since I started playing it with modern CC it is so vital to me now because the thing is with the Sims 4 in general The Sims seem enough to give us big things like they love to give us like the telescope you wouldn't believe how big that telescope is and now we've only fairly recently just got a smaller version of the telescope we've got a cupcake machine it's absolutely massive it's probably the size of one of the bathrooms in this build this The Sims The Sim team love to give us like oversized content and the same thing kind of happens with bars we don't really have any small single tile bars we have like this little Globe which we got from the Vintage glamor stop at but your Sims can't make all the different drinks and that is kind of like there's four different options but there is this bar cut which is by ravishing I've used it in so many of my previous CC builds before in the fast because it's just it's the same exact interruptions it's the same exact options as what you would have with a normal bar car or like a normal bar but it's just in such a smaller format and it's just so much easier just like slot into like a corner of a room or something I like to put it in like studies or home offices or in this instance I decided to put it in the art room but also in that room I think I ended up placing down also an electric guitar which if you're curious where that electric guitar is from It Is by meshino Sun and it's absolutely beautiful I use it all the time in my own personal builds but anyway moving from that as you can see I've now moved on into the last section of the townhouses which is the wedding shop bridal store whatever one of class it has now can we just take a moment to appreciate the wallpaper in this room it is absolutely it's just I actually can't fit into words how detailed this wallpaper is it's just beautiful it's by Felix Andre it's my first time ever using it I think this is my first time ever actually placing it down into a build because I've never really built like a an antique kind of Boutique like this before and so I feel like to have this wallpaper in some of my residential lots it just I've never placed it down basically I'll place it down to this build I think I actually gasped when I posted on because it is just so detailed like if you actually really zoom in and you look at all the different like Corners all the different like individually like painted out like it's just absolutely stunning this wallpaper and so I had to use it in this room so this is kind of like the the entrance room into the bridal store so you walk in you've got like a little Pampers grass decoration you've also got like a little umbrella rug as well the one that I've used by the way I don't think it's an interactive object I think it's just purely decoration that umbrella rack but if you are curious It's by Felix Andre and also I feel like I should mention it because I'm pretty sure I also placed down that same umbrella rack in the other townhouses but just in different swatches but but then basically once your sins are walking through the front door they're just instantly met with a little seating area and also a ton of different wedding dresses which are hanging on all these different individual hangers now the way that I did this is I've got some CC but I believe the way you say it is resin Lotus I'm really sorry if I've said that incorrectly I'll put the name on the screen as well but basically I've got this set from them and it's called The Bridal closet and it's all of these individual just like clothes hanging down that you could place into kind of like walking wardrobes and they have wedding gowns I honestly don't think I would have been able to do this build if I didn't have this custom content set because I feel like I can get quite creative here and there but I feel like if to be able to build a wedding dress shop and not have any wedding dresses in it would be quite a creative way of doing it I don't even know how I'll do it but basically this set by the CC crota it's just absolutely vital into this building so I use basically these base game conversions so they're actual dresses that your Sims can try on in Croatia Sim but they've just made them into like decorations absolutely brilliant idea I basically merged them into this kind of like modular wardrobe system which this is the same wardrobe that I used in the previous townhouse in that bedroom kind of like the walking wardrobe it's the same one I just use it in a white spot but I basically merged in all of these different like gowns and high-heeled shoes and loads of different like shoe boxes and then also place down loads of different other pieces of clothes that kind of look like dresses kind of not so I have some of the lavish stuff which is by Charlie pancakes because when she created this wardrobe set she created the Wardrobe like Furniture pieces but then she also created individual clothes are placed down into it there is some like long dresses that you can use and like white swatches which I try to make look like either like a possible like a bride's dress or maybe like a bridesmaid's dress or something but I basically merged all of these different clothing decoration items into the Wardrobe I then also placed down like some jewelry here and there some like nice flowers some shoe boxes also these bags which the bags I've used in this build I'll buy Charlie pancakes again they're in the same lavish set but I was thinking that maybe if your Sims were to actively come here and they were actively to go and buy their wedding dress you know your Sims are getting married they want to go and buy their wedding gown this is maybe somewhere where they could possibly come and go maybe when they actually buy their wedding dress they get these little bags the bags I'm talking about by the way are these little black and white bags it's kind of got like a branding on it and I think The Branding looks quite similar to The Branding of the Sun that I also use in kind of like the front reception room of this little bridal store because where you kind of like come in you've got a little seating area you've got this closet filled with loads of different uprise dresses all these different gowns and shoes and stuff but then there is also a counter on the counter I place down this little cash register which unfortunately I didn't realize this when I was building this but the cash register that I placed down it's very like antique looking it's very it's very beautiful unfortunately it is just a decorational object I couldn't make it work when I was playing this in this building so unfortunately when you download this build I will have to change it out be like a normal cash register if you do want to play in this build as an actual retail store but yeah buy the cash register or like the antique looking one that I placed down up behind it it's kind of like a sign I imagine it said the name or the bridal store whether it be like a particular name or maybe it's like the name of the designer of who designs all of these like wedding gowns or something I basically placed down this sign and then the bags I use from Charlie pancakes they look quite similar like the the little logo that's on the bugs looks quite similar to that size so I was thinking that maybe when your Sims come here and they want to buy their wedding dress maybe that's the bag that they come in saying that the bags themselves in question are very small like it doesn't look like it can fit a wedding gown in it whatsoever so maybe they buy like their wedding shoes here or maybe like a hat or two or just something I don't know I just really like them little bags I just felt like they looked very beautiful they're very like Boutique wires and just I had to use them in this build but yeah as you would have quickly just seen I also just did the back room behind like the front entrance hallway I basically decided to make that room into an egg extra storage room so I don't think when you're when your Sims are coming here and they want to go and buy their gown I don't necessarily think they're going to go into that back room I was more so thinking maybe it was like last season's dresses that have now not been installed they're out of season and so they're kind of like being placed into the back room it's kind of like a storage unit if you want to put it that way didn't really know what to do with that room and to be honest when it came around to Furnishing the inside of the bridal store I did I did struggle a little bit because realistically what is there that I can place down without being too repetitive so there ends up being a few different storage rooms I was debating having like a staff room in that back area but then I thought well I don't really want to have a star from like a fully fleshed out kitchen and then I felt like if I was to do like a staff room in the back of this Boutique it wouldn't feel as as fancy if you get what I mean and so I basically just try to make it into a second version of the front room but just try and make it feel a little bit less formal if you get what I mean but over here as you can see I've now moved on into I'm gonna cross it as the window display room so basically this is the room which on the outside say if your Sims are walking in the pavement they're walking past a little wedding dress shop this is somewhere that your Sims can stop they can look in the windows and basically do a bit of window shopping if you want to put it that way so in this room it's basically just filled with loads of different mannequins loads of different like decorations to try and make it feel a little bit more elegant a little bit more fancy I did struggle a little bit I'm not gonna lie to you I did struggle with this room or like that room I've now moved on but I did struggle with that room because I don't know how to dress windows and it's basically a room dedicated to how it's going to look from the street view if you were just like a power supply just walking past you know you wanted to have a look in the window to see what kind of things that the the shop has to offer I don't know how to dress windows and so I had a little bit of a little bit of a struggle when it came around to doing kind of like the windows display I try to make it feel like it was basically a reflection of the Interior style So I placed down the same armchair that I use in the waiting room I place down at so many different branches I found these branches in like the the plant section and it's those of these really beautiful green leaves with these little tiny white flowers and I thought they'll be perfect to kind of be on the pedestal alongside with the mannequins and so I placed them down to four I also placed down at some individual plants some candles I think it also placed down a few of the different bags that I that I imagine that this shop would like give to a customer I'll place down some of them into the window and then I think also it's not shoes and just bits and Bobs like that I really do struggle because I have no idea how you decorate a window and so I did the best that I could I do really like the way that it turned out but I'm not gonna lie to you that that room did take me some time to figure out but now as you can see we've now moved on to the upstairs level and I'll start decorating the the viewing room I'd watch you even classes that I don't know basically I was thinking back to the amount of times that I've just been watching daytime TV and say yes the dress comes up because that always comes on in like midday for some reason but the amount of times I've just been scrolling through TV channels and I've just popped on so yesterday as a bit of background noise while I'm doing something else I always think back to okay well in that show they seem to have quite an elegant sofa where like friends and family of like the same as getting married in question can come and see it and then they'll be kind of like a little bit of a viewing platform where the the person that's getting married will kind of like go and get changed and then the family will close their eyes and then the person would walk out and then they open their eyes does that make any sense I just basically wanted that room to be exactly that and so I placed down these sofas which the sofas that I've used in that room were from the Paris cell I believe off memory or possibly the Florence set the bifolics Andre regardless but basically I place them down also plays down like a little side table with like loads of different like teacups I imagine like the friends and family probably have like a cup of tea or something while they're waiting for you'll seem to get changed and there is also some like mirrors there is also loads of different Pampers grass in there and just loads of different bits in books basically trying to fill it out but then over here you can see that I've now moved on into another room now this room is kind of like the the changing room so again in say yes the dress this is really my only reference by the way of like a wedding Boutique and I don't even know if say yes the dress is the same Boutique consistently or if they go to different wedding shops I don't actually know like I said I only put it on as a bit of background noise but sometimes I do glance up at the TV but oftentimes there'll be like quite a big changing room where the scene that's getting married in question can go and try on all these different gowns you know see what they like see if it's what they envisioned their wedding dress to be and so I basically try to make like a little separate room separate to the viewing room but just kind of like across the hall so it wouldn't be like a far walk of yours seems to go and like change into a different dress I did also place down like some armchairs on the other side of that room it's kind of like a divider in the middle which I don't know if you notice but basically I wanted this divider which again is by the domain set by Piero Sim again I use it so much within this build but I placed down this divider in the middle and then on the opposite side we have some armchairs and then on the other side we have a mirror I don't know if you notice but I basically try to make it look like there were some wedding gowns like hanging up on this divider and so I got the same wedding gowns that I use downstairs in kind of like the modular wallpaper wallpaper watch Level wardrobe system I use the same gowns in there and I basically found this little pole which I'm not sure where the poll is from it's basically just something that I wanted to make it look like a hook and I basically sized it down as small as what it would go rotate it and then merge it into the divider so it looks like the gowns are hanging off the divider hanging office look like hook that I tried to place down into it I hope that makes sense but basically I really wanted there to be some other wedding gowns that I imagine your sim was in the process of trying on in the changing room but it felt a little bit weird just to have them hanging off the divider if there was like no hooks in it and so I basically try to get creative and try to create like a little hook to hang all of these like clothes hangers on and all these different like wedding dresses off if they're making sense but yeah there is some armchairs also in the dressing room I was more so thinking they were going to be armchairs for maybe Sims that work in the wedding Boutique maybe they like help the same Sims get into their dresses maybe like they help do the dress up or they help pin it in a certain way to be their size and you know I was thinking that maybe when teams are getting dressed there's going to be people on standby basically to help them get into the dress but yeah anyway as you can see I've now moved on to the upstairs level and now I've started Furnishing at the last and final apartment I was gonna say townhouse but it's not really a townhouse it's kind of like an apartment at this this last final one so in here I use the same wallpaper that I use in the downstairs level I had to use it again it was just so beautiful I tried to basically use it throughout the whole entire wedding Boutique because it's just so detailed like I said if you actually really zoom in and you really look at how like how accurate and like how well painted this wallpaper is it's actually so amazing I actually can't believe someone's actually made this but in this apartment I basically try to make it feel like a little bit of a studio now originally when I was in the floor plan I was thinking that I could potentially make this into like another storage room you know like how I had that back room behind the reception room as you walk in for like the front doors or this little wedding Boutique I was going to make this into another version of that and by the way there is another one of them storage rooms but it's just on the downstairs level I just decided to cut it out because I felt like it was a little bit repetitive because it's the same gowns it's the same like wardrobe systems and so I did decide to cut it out again there'll be screenshots of it but I was gonna make this also into kind of like a a storage apartment but then I was thinking about and I was thinking well it's gonna basically be the exact same objects again and at this point if there was going to be so many different wedding gowns in this whole entire lot and so I thought you know what I'm just gonna make it into a bit of a mini apartment so maybe the Sim that owns the wedding Boutique maybe sometimes they're staying up late designing all these wedding dresses and they haven't really got time to catch the tube home or you know go home for the evening so maybe they stay here overnight time and so I decorated it to be a little one bedroom one bar from Portland so as you first walk in through the front door you're basically instantly grated with the dining room table and then just around the corner from that you've got the lounge space there is no TV I didn't feel like it was really necessary for this build but then there is also the kitchen as well there is also a really nice balcony in this like this top apartment which I actually started decorating and like I started doing at the very as I started I completed it I actually did that at the very start of the video but there is quite a nice balcony space but now as you can see I've moved on into the last and final room in this whole entire build and it is the bedroom for this little apartment so I decided to use the Florence bed which is the same bed that I used in the first townhouse in the teenager's bedroom just because it was really beautiful and I wanted to use it again but I'm just going to go around and finish this room off by placing like a plant in the corner a wardrobe and that is pretty much it so anyway guys I'm gonna end this voiceover right here as always you can download this build via the gallery my gallery ID is Jessica pie YT which is search for the hashtag Jessica priority or just the hashtag Jessica Pie as always thank you guys so much for watching this video and as always if you do like my content then please do subscribe and hopefully I will see you in my next Sims 4 speed building video bye guys [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jessicapie
Views: 74,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 house, sims 4 family home, sims 4 family house, sims 4 save file, sims 4, sims 4 house building, jessicapie, jessicapieyt, sims 4 big family house, the sims, sims 4 bridal, sims 4 retail shop, sims 4 apartments, sims 4 apartment building, sims 4 london townhouse, sims 4 london house, sims 4 townhouse, sims 4 bridal shop, sims 4 bridal store, sims 4 wedding dress cc, sims 4 bridal boutique, sims 4 wedding dress shop, sims 4 london
Id: 2GhFw6Q32AY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 44sec (4004 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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