Japanese Farmhouse | The Sims 4 Speed Build

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hi guys welcome back to my youtube channel and welcome back to another sims 4 speed wedding video or welcome to the channel if you are new here so in today's video i'm going to be building in the world of mount corona ruby which is the world that we got from the expansion pack the sims 4 snowy escape and i'm going to be building a huge japanese family farm so you're probably going to think that i'm putting your leg when i say this but this week i came into my game with the intention to build something small i want you to build something on maybe like a 30 by 20 like you know something that isn't too big just because last week i built some prison apartments the video was almost an hour long so i was thinking no let's keep it small this week that didn't happen i mean you can already see that that didn't happen i came into my game and in all fairness i did start off on building like a 30 by 20. i originally started to try and build this house on a 30 by 20. i don't know what was going on in my mind that was never going to happen i just moved it over onto a 50 by 50 and my intention to build something small just happened to plan into this i had so much fun building it though i just kept on adding so many things to it and i found that with this lot there isn't really empty space you know when sometimes you're building on like a 50 by 50 or like a 64 by 64 the really big lots within the game you might have like a lot of open space for just maybe like some trees a bit of grass and whatnot there is not really any empty space in this build anywhere there is so much going on it's got so many things to do and i had so much fun building it it took me a really long time i think i had like 11 hours worth of food or something like that but it was 100 worth it and i hope you guys like it so to start off with the explanation of this build and what's going on inside of it and what your sims can do because well an easy way for me to say it would be think of anything that we can do in the sims 4 related to farming and it's in this build somewhere but i do want to explain other parts of the build so we have a four bedrooms and four bathrooms if you want to there is space for more bedrooms there is a double garage which i decided to make into a part storage bit because i do want to mention as well this house is going to be for my safe file and so like always i have got a story mind for the family are going to be living here in my save and they're actually an existing family within the sims 4 they are one of the townies that come with their world of mount carribeau and they originally live on this lot now i am dreadful with pronunciations if you've been here for a while you know that i'm just it's just not my forte sometimes i even say my own name wrong so i'm not going to try and pronounce their name because i will just butcher it but i'll pop a picture of the family on the screen they originally live in this lot they've got a whole storyline going on as you go into a brand new sofa and they've also got a little bit of lore to them which we all love a little bit of laura in the sims for and so i wanted to take that and expand it and just kind of develop it a little bit but i'll talk about their storyline in a little while i want to talk about what is on the rest of the inside so yeah in the garage i wanted it to be a bit of like a storage space for like some skis and some snowboarding equipment but then it also turned into half gym as well and then also on the inside we have the normal stuff we have like the kitchen the lounge room all all the other boring bits and bobs but then it's where the outside that's where like that's where the main stuff kind of happens so to start us off we have a custom built cowl shed well a llama shirt as well there is alarm in there as well but if you're familiar with the expansion pack that seems to of course you live in you might be familiar with the cowshed or like the animal shed that basically to have farm animals you plop it down wherever you want into your sims garden or wherever and you can buy a cow or you can buy a llama but it's kind of like an object that they're stuck to they can't you have to get them and they have to live in it which is great if you're building in the world of henry bagley or brenson bay if you want to build something that's not in that kind of style maybe you want to build in the world of mount carme or maybe you want to build in i don't know oasis springs that cowl shed is just going to stick out like a sore thumb and so i decided to make my own one and i'm so happy and so proud of the way it turned out honestly i've just been bouncing up and down just i can't wait to talk about it and i can't wait to just show the screenshots as well i the screenshots i had so much fun at taking screenshots for this build i don't know how long they're going to be i haven't added them yet into my like my editing software but i think i have like 104 screenshots i won't include them all i know that is a bit excessive but i honestly so much fun it is the perfect photo opportunity in this build and also it's like the birds if my screenshots were paid actors i don't know what it is but this spot it was attracting loads and little birds and they're in my screenshots and it's just it's just really pretty but yeah we have a custom-built animal shared it there is a cow there is also a llama and then next to it we had a little chicken coop and it's it's fully functional it fully works you can go and do all the normal interactions that you normally would with them animals within this custom i'll explain it and i'll talk about it when we move on into it but as well as that in this build we have an absolutely massive pond in the back garden i'm not sure the actual dimensions of it but i'm pretty sure it's bigger than 30 by 20 lot it's huge but then on top of the pond what kind of one kind of on top of the pond i don't know how you say it but basically i built a functioning bridge that goes over the water your sims can walk across it absolutely no problems i've done this before but i haven't done it in a really long time and it's just so fun playing around with different live edit menu items and you know making things that shouldn't really be functional functional in the game it's just i have so much fun doing it and i get a lot of a lot of joy of doing it but the the pond also has a ton of different ducks loads of different koi fish you can also fish in the pond and then as well as that on the left hand side we have a massive crop field i feel like it's probably a bit of a given that you know a farm has a crop field but the crop field is separated into two different sections and my mindset when i was building it is when you have seasons installed into your game you can grow all these different fruits and vegetable fruits from fruits and vegetables but when they're out of season they just it doesn't really look like a farm and so my mindset was why don't i use two different sections so we've got one section that uses live edit lettuce so it looks exactly like the overgrown lettuce that you can grow within the game but it's just live edit so it's not going to go off or it'll be there all times a year you can delete it if you want to and you can replace it with some other you know like the implanted things that we've got from the kosher steven expansion pack replace them if you want to but i was thinking you know you say you say it's snowing and all your crops are dead at least you've got some lettuce growing in the background to still make it seem like a farm but then we also have got some of them overgrown plots where your sims can actually grow some stuff so it's not just all like fake lettuce there is six different plots for your sims to grow like crops and pumpkins and watermelons of course you can grow whatever you want there i only included six because in my personal experience well this is maybe just me but whenever i go into my game and i i'm like right okay i'm gonna have this massive farm i'm gonna have my sims grown all these different fruits and vegetables and then they die after a few days maybe my sims are just really bad at gardening but i can never seem to keep up with like 12 20 different oversized crops and so i thought six is a manageable amount of course you can add some more you can delete some you can do whatever you want with this build once you download it off the gallery and then as well as that there's also a secret garden it's not really that secret it's at the front of the house but it was actually a bit of an accident so basically i wanted both sides of the background to be able to kind of like loop around to the front of the house and i wanted it to be like terrain painted also whilst on the subject of train paint look how satisfying this footage is when i was editing it i was just mesmerized it honestly i could watch this all day i love i love just drawing out terrain and then filling it in i don't know i just thought i'd mention it because when i was editing it i just thought that looked pretty good but yeah i basically wanted there to be a path either side of the house wrapping around the front and at the side that the animal shed ends up being i kind of started to draw a bit of a path and then i came back to a later date and basically i was just going to connect it from like the animal shed gate basically wrapping around to the front to the front entrance but i don't even know how it happened my hand just kind of like slipped a bit and then it kind of like glided and then i kind of ended up making a circle and as there wasn't anything originally meant to be there that i didn't plan for anything it was just going to be kind of like a nothingless space you know bit of trees some odd bushes a bit of grass and whatnot i thought all right let's see what happens with this let's see if i can make it into anything and that little circle that was a bit of a mistake end up becoming a garden with a fountain in the middle it's also got some gravestones i use some live edit ones that you can find in the world of mount karabe you know when you get your sim to go on a bit of a hike or like a walk around like the neighborhood you'll see them when you use sims go for a walk i place it two of them down into this build if you want to you can download it you can replace them with maybe some of your sims gravestones that sounds really morbid didn't it but you can replace them if you want to you can get rid of them i think for my safe bowl i might replace them with previous generations of this family because i've said it before and i'll say again but with my same fold with like the family trees i want them to be very very just long i want you to be able to just spend ages just going through all the different family trees looking at great great grandmothers and you know who's nanny's nan and who's nanny's none who's nan zeus you know what i mean i want there to be a lot going on and so maybe i'll just replace them with some previous household members but yeah end up being at this nice little garden area and i'm just i'm so happy with the way it turned out and i think it was i think it was bob ross and i might be wrong here but i feel like it was bob ross that said there's no such thing as a mistake just only happy little accidents which i love that and so yeah that's exactly what went on in this build but yeah so that is pretty much well that's not pretty much there's a lot more going on but that's kind of like a brief overview we've got a massive pond you can see the bridge we've got this crop field over here you can see the letters that i'm talking about and then i'll put them little planters down as well and then i don't think i've started on the cowshed yet but the cow shed as well in the corner and then i do the secret garden you know that little happy mistake or a happy accident i do that kind of like at the end of when i'm doing the landscaping now because this build just took me so long as you can imagine i had so much footage i did decide to cut out quite a bit of landscaping but it was very samey i don't know i mean if you're familiar with my channel you know this i don't normally like to cut out too much footage of anything it may i i'll occasionally cut like the odd bathroom or whatnot because if i'm doing five five bathrooms and they all look the same what's the point but in terms of rooms and landscaping i like to keep it all in but there was just so much there was just so much going on and so i thought you know what you're gonna see it anyway it's just the same it's the same plants it's the same trees just in a different format but anyway getting on this is the animal shed i'm so excited about it okay so first and foremost i do want to mention that this was not my original idea whatsoever i would have never thought without this in a million years this is the idea of safety sim on youtube she has a tutorial i watched the tutorial and i basically tried to follow along with it but tried to like you know build my own shed but you know follow her to real quite closely but she is this most amazing builder and honestly she's an absolute wizard with the tool mod i follow her on twitter as well as youtube and some of the stuff that she tweets every single day like she builds a lot of medievally bits and bobs and like honestly phenomenal but this was her original idea and yeah i'll have a link in the description box down below but basically what you do a short description of it is that you basically build a basement and then you build a room on top of it usually a few of the walls and then you get an animal shed you size it down really small and then you buy either a cow llama whatever your preference is and then once you've got that you kind of like move them into the space that you want to be their new house or like their new home and then you hired at the barn into an item in the video she used a bucket i've also used a bucket i also purposely used an animal shed swatch that will stick out within the bucket that i placed it in so originally when you put it into the bucket it's kind of meant to disguise it but you put it in something where you can still access it because say if you're wanting to call your alarm or over or whatever sometimes you have to click on the animal shed or say if you want to you know like put your cowl in your pocket which sounds like a really weird sentence isn't it but you know if you go to like the the village finchwick fair whatever and you need to pick up your cow and put them in you put them in your bag no but if whenever you want to do that you have to click on the animal shed it so that's why it's been hid in the bucket but i changed the animal shed to colour so when you're trying to look for it it's easily detectable honestly absolutely amazing idea and like i said i'll have them linked in the description box down below they're just they're so amazing what they come up with but the full thing is completely functional there was no problems whatsoever the only one i don't want to say issue but just thing that i experienced when it came around to play testing it and it wasn't anything to do with the animal shed it was purely just a me problem is i placed down and know them like wait i suppose you know like the outside bin i placed two down right next to the cow and it was probably a bit of a silly move because when the cow came out cow was left in the time of their life but they were in the bin so i just moved the bin but i don't think you even see the footage of me placing down the bin because i did it when i was doing a bit of the front garden landscaping honestly i can't remember but yeah apart from that it's it's all completely used useful usable it all works but i'm just so happy with it it's got a little chicken coop over there as well i also want to mention feel free to eat the chicken delete the cows leave the llama and whatnot before i've uploaded builds the gallery which actually i've got a bone to spit with the gutter i don't know it's actually laughing at me at this point i don't know what it is but my last including this build and my other two previous builds i feel like the gallery's mugging me off so two weeks ago i built in the world of sulani and i built a luxury maldives villa the gallery picture horrendous right okay nick last week i built some parisian apartments one of the gallery pictures was literally just zoomed in onto a chimney right this way you can write it this whole entire build guess what the guttery thumbnail is it's literally of a tree i don't know what it is with the gallery but they just need to sew it out there honestly they're mugging me off at this point and so what i think i might do is when i upload it to the gallery i might just move it onto like a 50 by 50 elsewhere because i've done this massive field spend so many hours doing it and the gallery is like how about how about showing some leaves instead and so yeah i'm probably i'm gonna have to upload it on another lot elsewhere i'm gonna have to try and find and track down another 50 by 50. i'm pretty sure there's a few other 550s dotting about somewhere but yeah i just thought i'd mention that but yeah when i upload it to gallery i'll probably still have the cow the llama and the chickens in the build you can delete them people have said to me before when i've uploaded like farms previously that they feel guilty when they have to delete the chickens and the and whatnot please do honestly you can i didn't name them as well so just in case you want to keep them they they haven't got a name yet so you can either keep them and name them or you can delete them have maybe like two cows two llamas or if you want to you don't even have to include them you can just scrap that whole entire idea and the whole entire farming aspect if you don't even want to have this as a farm you could probably just make it into like a nice little outhouse maybe make it into like an onsen or something but i mean i'm quite happy with it i'm quite happy with this building so i'm gonna keep it how it is but yeah you can do whatever you want with it as you can see it now i'm just doing now i'm just doing it now i've just started doing a bit of the landscaping as you would have seen i did just have to cut a bit of this out because landscaping around that whole entire pond it was it was very time consuming and so i kind of just like faded it into another clip so you still see what the landscaping looks like but it just saves like five minutes of me just putting the same grass and plants and whatnot and just trying to make it blend into one it is very landscaped and you can see that there's loads of different lily pads just dotted about all over all over the pond i use a pond swatch as well which i believe is base game and we got it when we got i think it was when we got the pond update because if you weren't aware we have ponds are kind of like a new thing within the game we didn't have ponds and we also didn't have terrain manipulation to be honest we didn't have a lot of things when the sims 4 just came out in 2014 when it just came out there wasn't even pulse like it is actually a bit of a joke and i i don't know if i'm remembering this correctly but i don't think ghosts were originally in the base game at launch we have come very far i'll tell you that one but yeah with the pond i used a custom pond swatch so the water it looks very realistic it's got loads of different leaves and sticks and bits and bobs floating about you can see it as well by the bridge i tried to do some like different sculptures and like different like landmarks and whatnot over here right you see that little house i was pleasantly surprised that works when i came around to play testing it i was expecting my sim to kind of you know like wave their rounds up in the end so i can't get in there my sim could go and sit in there and i was i was pleasantly surprised it can be maybe like a little region area i don't even know what it is i'm pretty sure when your sims go on a hike they can sit in this bench somewhere but i just thought it would look nice i just found it in the live edit menu and i thought yeah let's just use this somewhere but i love the way that our landscape this whole entire build and especially this little pathway when i came around to play testing it as well which i feel like i've already said this but it's been protested it all works but when i came around to playtesting it the sunset lighting on this slot i don't think i'm gonna include it well actually i might do i don't know i'll see how long the screenshots end up being once i had them in but i took one screenshot of like the sunset lighting where it's kind of like orangey red so picturesque it is so pretty like it's just it's absolutely phenomenal and i i'm just so happy and just so giddy about this whole entire build but now you can see i've moved it back to the front of the build the front of the build honestly when i was building it so i kind of built it from the back garden and then went from that i didn't have a clue what i was going to do but the way it turned out i i actually really liked the way it turned out i thought it was going to be a bit weird it's a bit it is maybe it is a bit weird actually it is built a little bit on a diagonal but it it works it just it works in the way that the past connect it all makes sense and i just i feel like it all goes together but you see that little thing that i originally did with the pile like connecting it building a circle that was that was not intentional but then i kind of you would have seen i did it and now i'm coming over to this bit landscaping and i thought i'll battle that in a second to see if i can do anything with it and it ends up being a little secret garden well not really that secret because at the front of the house but it it kind of secluded garden and yeah also i'm just really happy with the way this front entrance park came out i really wanted to include a garage because the law for the sims that live here they're quiet they're quite rich they're quite fancy sims well i think anyway if you have get famous installed when you get snowy escape the mum of the household i believe is a rising star might be wrong but she's got some fame points she's got some kind of celebrity level and the husband i believe has the first celebrity level but getting on and talking about the sims that are going to be living here in my save file so again to remind you i'm going to pop a picture of them on the screen like i said i'm just dreadful with pronunciations and i just i just really don't want to push their name but the household originally consists of four sims that there is a mum a dad a teenage boy and then a child who is a little girl now i wanted to still keep their original law but then expanding it and kind of make it my own make it a little bit more interesting and also just kind of make it fit in with this farm so i think for my safe role i'm going to make it so the mum of the household this was her childhood home you know this is where she grew up and her mother so the grandmother of the household also still lives here now the storyline their original bio says something along the lines of they're both really good skiers like the whole family really good with skin that's why i wanted the garage to be a little bit like a storage space for all their like skiing equipment but they're really good at skiing and they've got some fame points in it because they're so good but basically the mum had a bit of a fling with another telney when i believe that they were like a teenager or something and i think that person she had a fling with moved away but then has since moved back to the world of mount carmel and i thought that was so interesting and a little bit of kind of like just tea i don't know how else to put it but a little bit of tea so i wanted to kind of make it a little bit more juicy so kind of getting from that household kind of like bio of the family and expanding on it the idea i've got is that the mama grew up this childhood sweetheart and i imagine that they went to like nursery together primary school secondary school like some sort of sixth form or whatever they just kind of grew up basically in each other's pockets and everyone around them just assumed that they would be together for the rest of their lives they just loved each other a lot but then i imagine that the boyfriend's family had to move away and it also just kind of it links really nicely because the the family that i'm talking about they're in the world of mountain ruby and their household states that they were from the city i imagine it that the previous boyfriend maybe their parents got a job in the city i'm thinking maybe like san marcino to be honest we haven't really got another city so it's gonna have to be san martino but imagine that they had to move away for their parents jobs and obviously because of that they couldn't really be in such a long-distance relationship because to me in my head san marcino ain't exactly down the road from mount conrad it might be in your head but it's not in my head and so unfortunately they had to break up i imagine it was quite a sour thing and they still loved each other when they when they broke up but they kind of had to let you travel go now moving on and you know she's now moved on and found herself a now husband i imagine that they probably met each other maybe like a skiing or snowboarding event they're both really into it and so that would kind of make sense but years later they've got two children they live in this big house the husband of the household i believe it's in the business career and that's why there is an office upstairs or something like kind of like business of worlds although i think for my safe file i might make it so they're in the salary person career because i imagine them to be so devoted to their job and to have someone be really devoted their job and in the business career i just think the salary person just it just kind of fits in better with it and so i imagine that that they were all happy you know all good and then the the previous boyfriend and their family moved back to mount carmi this is where it gets a bit spicy because obviously they they had to move away from each other and there was a lot of feelings that were kind of left kind of open they didn't really close the box because it was kind of like something that they didn't want to do but it just unfortunately their parents were moving away and so they had to move with them but now they've moved back to this world and they both got their own families but they both still kind of have a little bit of like love for each other they still both have feelings one another now what probably don't help the situation you know i said that the mum grew up on this farm you know this was their family home and the grandmother still lives in this house i'm going to make the the mum's mum put it that way i'm going to include them in my safe world they're going to be a sim your sims can you know not chat to them maybe date them if they if they want to but it's going to be a sim i imagine that the grandmother really really still loves the previous boyfriend i imagine where they grew up together and they were like childhood sweethearts they were probably helping over the farm and like helping my bits and bobs always always here at the weekends and so when they had to move away it probably also hurt the grandmother of the household and so i imagine that now that the family's like moved back the grandmother was like right do you want to go grab a coffee or something and he's kind of like actively seeing them and i imagine this is where it gets a bit spicy because obviously the husband of the household isn't they aren't fond of this idea they're not fond of you know their mother-in-law going and getting coffee with the previous boyfriend in some cases it's a right but in this case because they're because the feelings are still kind of there they just they're very on edge about it and i feel like it's got some issues and some like it's causing some problems in their relationship and i just think this is such a good storyline to go and play and i think when my save file comes out i'll probably play with this family like in my own personal gameplay and i think i might make it so then the mum might end up with the ex-boyfriend just because i love the fact that they were childhood sweethearts you know they kind of got to rekindle it maybe maybe actually when they go and do like snowing and skateboarding events as like a family like the original family maybe they bump into the ex-boyfriend's family and like the x flames family because i can't remember again i don't know their names i can't actually remember by heart but i know the ex-boyfriend is a rock climber or he's got a rock climbing skill and so maybe when this family goes and does their skiing and they're snowballing you know they bump into them and so i imagine as well the ex-boyfriend's current wife i imagine is also really not happy about this situation and i just thought it was really spicy and a little bit of tea and then there is also the teenager of this household now i just imagine that they really like snowboarding or skiing i kind of chose snowboarding in their room i think i placed down two snowballed in like posters or it might be one snowboard and once again but either way i imagine that they're gonna be really into snowboarding and the kid the kids are kleptomaniac when you open up brand new sofa i love that i just feel like it must say they're just gonna obey the class clown probably naughty little kid and the one thing as well that i was thinking of the household that i'm talking about so it's it's really confusing i know but the the boyfriend the ex-boyfriend the x-flame whatever their family consists of husband wife and then a little boy and a little girl who i imagine around about the same age as the child in this household i thought be really funny if you could have the child sim in this household be like best mates with the kids of the ex-boyfriend's kids so many sense i imagine that it's probably really awkward you know oh can i go around blah blah's house after school and then you have to go and pick them up and then you have to go stand in the kitchen with your ex-boyfriend and his now current wife i just thought that would be really funny and so i think i'm going to make it so maybe even possibly their best friends maybe the children of this household and the ex-boyfriend's household they're probably going to be best mates and that was kind of like the idea that i had for the family and i really like it with the grandmother again i just feel like she's really into the ex-boyfriend probably doesn't like the the wife's or like the the mum in the household probably isn't really too fond of the dad of this household because i don't know i feel like where her her daughter was growing up with this ex-boyfriend and he was always around and he was probably always helping out over the farm you know always helping the grandmother with the crops or maybe helping attendance the cows or whatever she just loves him so much and she even if they like her daughter and him don't end up together i imagine that she still wants him to be in her life just because she kind of watched him grow up like she watched her daughter grow up but yeah that was the idea i had i really liked this idea and yeah but anyway moving on as you can see we finally moved on into the inside of this house and i started off by furnishing the hallway originally when i came in i was going to go for like a little bit of a lighter wood theme for the rest of this house but i mean you can see already that that went out the window quite quickly it ended up being kind of like a mix of light wood and dark wood but i think it works so nicely and i end up changing a few other items well not a few of the items i just end up changing like the side table in the hallway to a darker color swatch just to kind of flow with the rest of the house and also when i mention it the inside of the house is a bit i wouldn't class it as modern but i also wouldn't class it and i am not really well educated in it but i wouldn't class it as traditional japanese it might be where i'm thinking like farmhouse i'm thinking quite you know like cottage living kind of situation the inside quite countrysidey but it didn't end up being like that on the inside because again with the household the husband is something in like modern development and although i think my safer i'm gonna make it so it's going to be in the salary person career rather than business career i still wanted to have a little bit of that original concept in there somewhere and so i decided to kind of make it a bit of a hybrid i'm going to put it that way but as you would have seen i did the hallway i just did the kitchen as well the kitchen ended up being quite industrial but i imagine that with the dad where they're kind of like in this modern development they probably want to just change the house up and maybe maybe the kitchen is something that they haven't gotten around to i still think it fits in but it could definitely be a little bit more modern we have got some counters that came with the snowy escape expansion pack i just decided not to use them because they've got loads of shelves underneath them which is great but when you're trying to clutter up a kitchen there's only so much clutter oh i say that actually i can't to be honest i can find a lot of clutter for a kitchen but i didn't want to clutter it up too much so i decided to go with these industrial industrial looking ones and then also you would have seen the lounge room and now you can see i'm just doing that like dining room space now there's technically two places where your sims can sit down and eat dinner as a family there is a little area and and i don't know the like correct name the correct terminology but it's the little seats that your sims can sit down on the floor have a little hot pot it's honestly it's so cute i love them items there is i think a six seater one and then a four seater one but for this household as it is quite big well i say quite big it's got five sims i decided to use the big one and it was kind of like this really big hallway i didn't know what to do with it and so i thought i'll just put a dining room table in there but now you can see i've moved on to it the next hallway completely forgot because i've just been so excited about talking about this build and the family and everything we've got a new kit this week the sims 4 decor to the max i think is the correct name that's the new sofa that came in the kit surprisingly i like it now i say surprisingly because originally when we got the announcement that the sims 4 was going to be getting a new kit which at this point feels like that happens every single week but when we was getting the announcement that was going to be getting a new kit and it was going to be quite vibrant i just didn't think i would like it because i'm more someone that likes my neutral colors i like browns and creams and beiges and you know i like to keep it quite simple i do love a bit of color here and there and in in small spurts i don't love you know like really vibrant leopard print sofas and you know like fluffy tiger rugs not my cup of tea it might be your cup of tea it's just not my cup i would say and so i didn't think i was going to like it but you know what some of the stuff is actually all right we've got some really nice new wallpapers i use one of the wallpapers twice in this house because i loved it so much it's the one with the tiger honestly probably my new favorite wallpaper but i don't know how i'm going to make it fit in to some builds and like willow creek that's how i'm going to make that one work but either way love the new wallpapers we also got a really nice rug i did try and put it out and put it into that little space but it just the colors of the rug just weren't really messing with the rest of the room and so i decided to leave it we've got a like a peacock statue i love that i placed it into the garden again forgot to mention it because i was just so carried away talking about the build but we've got a really good peacock statue we've got a really nice side table i say really nice i like two of the swatches there is a black swatch of it and a white swatch now i did decide to cut it out because it was a bit of a hickledy pickledy room and i didn't really know what i was doing but i do have another hallway which leads into the grandmother's bedroom and i use the side table in there but you'll see it in the screenshots anyway and then i think that might be it and then the sofa as well before the kit it's actually all right the sofa only really comes in one usable swatch and i think it's a swatch that i used but for this house surprisingly it worked out really well but yeah anyway as you can see oh by the way that ended up being like a little tea space i forgot to mention that because i just started talking about the kit so them sofas i've got like a traditional tea set and then with snowy escape we've got some furniture items that are meant to be like storing japanese tea or something and so i placed a bunch of them into that room and kind of made it into the tea room maybe the grandmother and the boyfriend's now current wife can go in there together anyway moving on as you can see i just did one of the bedrooms the bedroom that i just did was for the teenager of this household i imagine the teenager of this household to be a little bit of a heartbreaker i imagine that they're really popular in school you know they're really good at ski boarding skateboarding that's not even a word skiing and snowballing i'm not sure which one maybe probably snowboarding but i imagine that they're going to be a little bit of a heartbreaker and so their bedroom ends up being quite plain i feel like the bedrooms apart from their grandmother's bedroom which i've now moved on to which can we talk about the wallpaper absolutely amazing but apart from the grandmother's bedroom and the parent's bedroom the other two bedrooms in this house aren't really too overly colorful but in this bedroom do you know what it's probably a bit of a clash and some people are probably going to hate it i love the contrast between the brug that i've put on the floor and this tiger wallpaper i just think it looks so nice and this rug is one of my favorite rugs to use in the golden entire game i think it came from a sims 4 famous expansion pack but i love it because i mean if you if you've been around it for a while you know this i love realism and if you've got a rug that's a little bit worn a little bit tall you know it's been used they've probably been passed down through generations and whatnot i love that give me loads of them and the rug that i use has all these different like tools and it just looks like it's been in his family it's been popping about for a while like i said it's probably a bit of a clash and it's probably a bit of a contrast and some of you might not like it but honestly i just thought it really worked but now you can see i'm just finishing up this little balcony area for the grandma's like kind of space if you want to put it that way i put some rocking chairs on it and then also completely forgot to mention when i was talking about the outside there is a little water mill which is it works your seams can't interact with it but it moves it so it will like kind of spin when you're in game play and it looks really good but now as you can see i've moved on to the upstairs level of this house and i've started off by furnishing the bathroom so i'm this is the thing and please if someone knows can you please educate me because i was trying to find out online and i couldn't find them but in japanese bathrooms it's quite common to have the bath separate from the toilet and the sink or so i've heard anyway and so i've read up on but i can't find any information what comes first not like the chicken or the egg like what comes first is does it go into the toilet and then the sink and then you have a door which goes into the bathroom or do you have it the other way around because the way that i've done it you enter the bathroom and the baths the first room and then you walk through into the toilet in the sink area it kind of worked out best for the floor plan but if anyone knows what way around it's meant to go please honestly educate me i was trying to find out online and i couldn't find anything but yeah as you would have seen it that was the bathroom i'm now moving on into the office so the husband of this household he's in the salary person career he needs somewhere do you know work have a little work space this ends up being quite a standard office by by means i feel like whenever i do offices i do them quite similar i always put this little pie chart area thing down i always put like degrees or like a walls on the wall i always put these filing cabinets that we got from get to work and i always put one taller one and then one little one and i always change the color swatches it's just this is a very typical office from me but you know what it does what you need to do you know you're simply coming here watch the tv because the other monitor is in fact a tv i tried to make it look like it was part of the pc setup but your sims can watch tv in there they can also play games they can i don't know write some emails obviously i built this for the father's career in mind and so i imagine that they do a lot of work meetings in here but yeah it's just a very typical office from me if you wanted to you could 100 make this into another bedroom the only reason why i didn't is because downstairs you see where i did the teenager's bedroom that was actually kind of like by the front door well that could have been the office or this could have been the office and i felt like for the amount of stuff that was going to be in the office it didn't need to be as big as what the teenager's bedroom is and so i decided to just kind of like switch them over plus i feel like with the teenager they're quite popular i imagine that they're always going out to like milkshake shops and you know going out on a friday and saturday night with their mates they probably get home and like stupid o'clock in the morning so it's probably more ideal if they have their bedroom downstairs just so they don't break the rest of the house up but anyway as you can see i've now moved on into the next bedroom so this is a child's bedroom in here i end up putting the science table because i was debating putting the drawing table but then i was thinking this is quite a naughty kid you know they're probably like the class clown and so i imagined that they would have the science table i end up putting it in there but i imagine that they have this science table and they just kind of like make all these like different stink bombs and all these different bits and bobs that they can probably like let off in school maybe pour down the toilets and i'm gonna make it so they probably got some kind of like mischievous skill or something i'm not sure if kids can actually have a mischievous skill i'm assuming that they can but either way because when you have like two child best mates they can like pull class pranks and i can't even remember some of the options that they've got if you've got like a really close relationship with someone and your kid goes to school or even possibly a teenager as well i think they can like become partners in crime and then they can do all these different pranks at school like toilet paper stuff and whatnot maybe actually maybe their best mate which is remember the wife's ex-boyfriend their kid maybe them two and this child maybe they're like partners in crime maybe they pull back together that could also be an idea but anyway yeah just going around this room and just finishing it up it ends up being quite a basic kids room you know it's got a doll's house it's got a toy box the science table it's also got the get-together wardrobe but the way that i did the wardrobe is i had to put it in a platform and then using the tool mod to kind of move it because when you place down the get together wardrobes you cut you know like how things in the game you can kind of like move it freely which reminds me actually i've been getting some comments about this quite recently the way that i'm able to move things without sticking to like the different camera angles because with the sims 4 camera you have i think it's like six different options that you can rotate something but with the sims 3 camera that's how i'm able to freely rotate stuff 360. so what you do is sims 3 camera bb dot move objects on and then press alt and then you can move everything freely but with the get together wardrobes you can't move them freely you can't like place them however you want they kind of like snap to the grid but if you use a tool mod you can get them to kind of be in the exact placement that you want it to be and then i also did the same thing in the office i kind of like moved it into a platform and then moved it into a certain space that's not like assigned to the grid like it would without the torn wood which actually another thing you don't need the tool mod to download this build i've also been getting some comments about it recently but i use mods in my game to help me build but you don't need them and they're not required to download it so if you're a console player and you obviously can't have any mods unfortunately really wish that wasn't a thing but you can still download this build you're not going to have any problems but yeah anyway as you would have seen i just quickly did the parents bedroom and now as you can see i'm moving on to the last space in this house which is the garage so over here ends up being kind of like a typical garage we've got some storage boxes i put down the decorations box that we got from seasons in a minute i'm going to replace that wheel that i've put up right against the wall and put some like skis and snowboards because you know this family are quite into that i did try off camera before i came in and started fully furnishing it i did try and rotate some of the skis and the snowballs in the game but maybe it's just me i couldn't get it to work they would rotate but some some items in the sims 4 when you try to rotate them using the tool mod they just don't work so it's just i think it's the way that some of the items are just made they're just you can't rotate them maybe it was just me i was having a right old time trying to do it so i just ended up placing it then kind of like decorational pieces and then over here ends up being a gym and that is basically it so anyway guys i'm going to end this voiceover right here as always you can download this build via the gallery my original id is jessica yt or you can search for the hashtag jessicapioit or just the hashtag jessicapi as always thank you guys so much for watching this video and as always if you do like my content then please do subscribe and hopefully i will see you in my next sims 4 speedboarding video bye guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jessicapie
Views: 192,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 mansion, sims 4 house, sims 4 family home, sims 4 large family home, sims 4 family house, sims 4 save file, sims 4 generations, sims 4, jessicapie, jessicapieyt, sims 4 big family house, the sims, sims 4 mt komorebi, sims 4 mt komorebi build, sims 4 japanese house, sims 4 japanese build, sims 4 japanese farm, sims 4 japanese farmhouse, sims 4 huge family farm, sims 4 traditional japanese house, farmhouse, sims 4 farm, sims 4 farmhouse
Id: XY_a6oB4rKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 49sec (2749 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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