Windmill Family Home | The Sims 4 Speed Build

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hi guys welcome back to my YouTube channel and welcome back to the Sims 4 speed building video or welcome to the channel if you're new here so in today's video I'm going to be building in the world of Brunton Bay which is the world that we got from the expansion practice Sims for cats and dogs and I'm going to be building a Hampton Style windmill family home so this house ends up having three bedrooms and three bathrooms and it's built on a 30 by Third slot now I'm building a little separate Island in Brunton Bay which I've never built here before and I'm not sure if everyone's aware but there is like a little separate Island that you can visit in this world it's located at the bottom right hand side of the map I think it's called off memory dead grass oil I'm only saying that because I know this house or like the lot that I'm building on it's called dead grass something kind of what it is but yeah I'm building on this little separate island in the world of Brunton Bay but I am so excited to share this video because this house has a look natural windmill which I built without using any custom content it's all things within the game I'm just so excited to share it so I really hope you guys like it but getting on actually talking a little bit more about the house itself so the whole idea and the whole concept of building a house that's got a windmill I'm not gonna lie to you the idea that to actually do this whole entire thing I have been holding on to for for a few months now but the thing is it was such a daunting to ask me that's why I'm so happy and so excited that I've finally done it and I can finally share it and you can finally hopefully enjoy it if you want to download this build but yeah the actual idea to build a windmill Hampton Style family home has been something that I've been meaning to do for a little while but it was just something that I was a little bit scared to to build if I'm being completely honest with you now the idea of bringing you started like at the start of the year I was out on a walk and when I was on this walk I run into an old windmill which I didn't actually know the windmill where I was was in this location I think I didn't as you know there was a windmill in the area that I was doing a walk around but I ran into this Windmill and I found myself instantly looking at and thinking all right well if I was trying to build this in The Sims 4 how would I do it and how many titles would it be and this little bump out over there how many tiles why would I make that I started trying to like Analyze This windmill that I saw on this walk which I want to mention it was absolutely nothing like the one on the screen the one that I ran into was very much just an Old English windmill it looked like it was about to fall down but it's got charm to it either way I I thought about building the windmill back then but yeah they start the task to actually build a windmill was just so daunting to me because I didn't have a Scooby how where do we even begin with this kind of thing and so I kind of put it on a bit of a back burner but that was up until fairly recently because I saw this article somewhere I can't even remember where I saw this article but it was something like the 10 most photographed houses in America I think it was called something like that and I ran into this article for tell you what I'm gonna give that a ride I started scrolling through it and there's a Hamptons style woundmill house in this article also which I then since discovered you know Robert Downey Jr it's his house he built it he lives there with his wife and kids I think but yeah there's his Hampton's house in the US somewhere which is an old windmill and they've converted it into a house and Robert Downey Jr now lives there I'm not a massive Robert Downey Jr if I mean it's all right but I'm not building this because I'm like the biggest fan or something I just admired this Hampton Style windmill house I just thought it was the most beautiful thing and yeah I just basically wanted to try and build something like it in the game but he's just taking me a little bit of courage if I'm being completely honest to actually try and figure out okay if I was to build this how is it going to look how am I going to be able to do the roofline how am I going to do the different bump outs and how am I still going to be able to make it on the inside so it's going to be able to be easy for like gameplay it's got a nice floor plan it was going to be a little bit of a tricky one but I mean you can see that I I figured it out the actual the main body of the house like without the windmill I feel like it's a very I don't want to say generic because I still absolutely love it I just think it's so pretty but you know I like the world of Brinton Bay I have this one kind of style that I always like to build in and it's this kind of gabled roof kind of style I just think it's so so pretty and when you actually go into a brand new sofa if you've got the cats and dogs expansion packs a lot of the houses in the world are kind of like fill in this style and yeah the actual main the main structure of the house it's pretty like easy like the actual building part of it the part that just makes it feel just so so special really is just windmill but you can see that I've done the whole exterior figured that out figure out okay what rooms are going to be wearing and you know like what different like bump outs and stuff I used curved walls as well in this build which I'm not one to to often use curved walls in The Sims 4 because the curved walls in this game they can be a little bit funny sometimes and so whenever you're trying to do floor plans and you've got curved walls involved it can be a bit of a nightmare but there is curved walls at the front portion of the build I end up placing down the greenhouse Haven kit windows in that little like front curve section which I've realized I've been using a lot recently in all fairness they are really good windows but if you if you didn't catch it we got a greenhouse Haven kit like a month or so ago no I don't even know how long it's been but we've got a building wire kit which basically focuses on greenhouses and loads of different like Greenhouse clutter loads of random bits and Bobs but we also got some really good Windows within the kit and I feel like ever since we've got that kit I've just been trying to build stuff that uses these windows I mean like last week I built a Thrifty and boba shop if if you didn't catch it but I I built that and I also use them windows in that build as well I just feel like they're very versatile but yeah I use them windows and the front of the building kind of like the curve section it brings in so much natural light and on the actual inside of that room it ends up being a part lounge space but then also a bit of a mini Library the only reason I'm saying a bit of a mini library is because I use some modular bookcases and I did them so they're floor to ceiling and they take up the whole entire wall massive wall of bookcases basically but then I found this little leather and then I attached the ladder to the bookcases then it looks like if your Sims want to get a book they have to actually climb up ladder because the bookcase is so big and so tall that your Sims won't be able to reach it there also does end up being like a little home office study almost like Book Nook space as well on top of the like miniature library in this house but that ends up being in on the third floor in the actual windmill itself because when it came around to building this I didn't just want to make the windmill look really cool from the outside and then just have it be empty on the inside and so when it came around to doing the floor plan I decided to make the floor plan on the third level in the windmill into yeah kind of like a little a home office right in Book Nook space it is so cute and cozy in the room and there are so many different Windows going all around all the different walls and it's just it's really cozy in there but I will speak about that more when I actually move on and start doing it because I do want to speak about what is currently on the screen so currently you can see that I have started coming in and basically making the windmill that is going to then be plopped on to the house at this moment in time on the screen you might notice that there is no house that the house is completely disappeared don't worry basically what happened was when it came in to start doing this windmill I was thinking all right well do I build the windmill first and then once I'm happy with that then build the house or should I build build the house first and then get the dimensions for that and then build a windmill I opted for the second one so I I came in I built the exterior of the house did the floor plan and got that to a stage where I was happy with and I knew that I wouldn't be changing any like Dimensions or any bump outs here and there and then at once I was completely content with that I basically saved the house to my library honestly about 20 times I was so worried that if I was to bulldoze it I'd lose it I saved the house to my library so many different times so I had backups of backups and then even then backups had backups a lot I then bulldozed a lot and then I started coming in and building the windmill which you can see that I'm doing right now so the actual windmill itself only consists would you believe it of three different items from some perks but I just used a load of the same items so if you have the outdoor Retreat game pack and you have the snowy Escape expansion pack that is all you need to create the windmill blade I do also use a table from the captain dog expansion pack it's kind of like the middle circular post which I imagine the the blade kind of like go around but you'll see that in a second to actually make the blade itself on the windmill yeah you actually only need three items but it's just three of these items just repeated so I use this sign which is from the outdoor Retreat game pack and it's the one which it's kind of like more towards the center and like the the middle portion of of the blades and it's this sign that's got these little tiny like almost like bolts coming out of the wooden detail really pretty I use that from outdoor tray I then use these posts which are meant to be Lamppost but again from outdoor tree and I basically just rotated them and then angled them in certain ways and just got them so it could make some sort of like a blade shape and then the the last thing I used is a wall decoration which is from the snowy Escape expansion pack and I basically sized it up rotated it so you could just see the back of it and then I use that as kind of like this filling if you want to put it that way for like the actual the color of the windmill the way that I actually built the blades Because by the way you only need to build one if you're building a windmill if you want to do something like this in your own game it's really handy because you only need to build one and then you can just duplicate it because you can see that it's literally what I did but the way that I started off is I got that sign from outdoor tree you know that the one that has kind of like that bolt detail and I basically scaled that up ever so slightly and then I rotated it so then it was laying flat on the floor and then once that was laying flat I then got them posts which were from outdoor tree they're the ones that I've used as pretty much the whole the whole structure of the windmill because I use them on both the like the exterior if you want to call them like the walls of the fan if that makes any sense but then I also use them on the inside of the fan as well it's just kind of a little bit of detail but I went in and I laid them flat down on the floor and then I rotated some in one way and then I've rotated them the same angle but in the different directions they they were kind of like finding out from one another I then basically repeated that kind of like symmetry throughout the rest of the windmill and basically got it to a size that I was happy with and then once I had placed down all them different individual lamp posts that's when I came in and started using this wall decoration which is from Snowy escape and yeah I basically just sized up and then flipped it so then you could only see the back of it because the back of it is like really nice wooden detail and then yeah just repeated it and then once I was happy with the the first fan I then duplicated the rooms then it was like a a two-sided fan and then I just duplicated the room again so then it became a four-sided fan and then the windmill itself has four blade when I did duplicate I noticed there was like one or two different signs that were kind of like poking out a little tiny bit through like one of the back ends you would have seen I just quickly just adjusted them but yeah basically once I got the fan to have the four different like propellers is that what it called I don't know I'm gonna call it that but once I once I cooked the fan to a point that I was completely happy with I didn't want to change anything about it you then would have seen I decided to make a copy of the room so what I basically did is I made the fan got it to a stage that I was happy with I plopped it down on one corner of the lot I then duplicated the room so then I had a second fan but the reason I did this is because I wanted the windmill to be double-sided so what I did is once I copied this second room I basically went around highlighted the second fans like the copy if you want to call it that and then I basically flipped it so then it was like 180 degrees upside down and then I moved it on to the other fan basically this way no matter what angle you're looking at this house from the windmill looks realistic like it looks dimensional I didn't just want it to look really good from the front and then look a little bit iffy from from like the back or something so I basically just duplicate the fan but then flipped it because then it looks like a windmill from no matter what side looking at this house from the last thing I then did to the windmill was I propped it up so then the fan was kind of like standing up right I rotated it I think 45 degrees to make it look like the propellers have like stopped in some sort of motion I then rotated it one last time but I rotated it in an angle so instead of rotating it so it looks like it's been turning I rotated it so it looked like the windmill itself was like a little bit tilted I didn't want it just to be completely upright standing completely parallel with the ground I wanted it to look like it was a little bit more tilted and a little bit more attached to the roof so yeah I just last time I rotated it I just tilted it I think like 10 degrees or something and then that way you can plonk it onto the roof and it looks like it's coming out of the roof at some sort of angle like it would in real life then basically once I had completed the windmill fan propellers whatever you want to class them as I'm calling them a fan right now because as I'm speaking to right next to my microphone there is a fan because right now England's going for a heat wave so I keep on looking at the fan and then calling the windmill I found but it's kind of like a fan in it a windmill which is basically a huge fan that is just it was using the olden days is to make stuff but I basically once I had completed the whole entire windmill I then saved it as a room to my library and then I placed back down the house which I had about a million 10 backups of but I placed down the house I originally built I then placed down the room which had the windmill in it and then it used in the tool mod I then highlighted the fan and then was able to move objects it onto the house and onto the third floor where the windmill was I really hope that was easy enough to follow along with it's quite tricky sometimes trying to explain what you're doing in such detail when you're watching footage that has been sped up by so much like real time it's not so bad but when you're trying to explain something in kind of like a tutorial kind of way when the footage is sped up by so much it's so hard to pinpoint everything that you're doing exactly when it's on the screen so if you've got any questions please feel free to ask me and I will try and explain it better hopefully in the comments if I haven't already explained it well enough but yeah that is pretty much how you you make a windmill in The Sims 4. now I do want to give a very honorable mention to the Creator under the name Fanta Sims here on YouTube because before I came in and I started building this windmill I basically taught myself how to make the windmill from a tutorial that they had previously posted I will be linking the tutorial that I watch in the description box down below but basically fantasy Sims has this video it's around about 15 minutes long and they show you how to make so many different versions of so many different styles of windmills I only used one I mean you probably have a house that has multiple different windmills but they they show you the process of making the windmill that I just showed you but then they also have different variants of it as well depending on what kind of build style that you want to go for if you want to go for like a little bit more of like a an older more rustic kind of style if you want to go for like a little bit more of like a a Tudor style even kind of like an Asian kind of style they have a tutorial which I watched before I came in and I started filming this video and it basically taught me how to make a windmill and I did just want to mention it just in case you you just want to go and check it out for yourself I highly recommend it because if I'm being completely honest I don't think this build would have been half as good if I didn't watch this tutorial beforehand and they didn't teach me basically how how to make a windmill but yeah I did just want to mention that I'll be linking their Channel and their video in the description box down below and yeah I highly recommend that you go and you watch the video it's very in-depth it's very detailed and it's very easy as well like the way that they explain things is just so it's just so easy to understand but anyway finally moving on from that and getting back and talking about what I'm doing right now and what is currently on the screen so you can see that I finished up the windmill placement kind of got all of that sorted got into a place where I was happy with I then did also add in kind of like a little I'm not sure what they're called but you know them little bump outs that you can put into a roof sometime to make it look like there's more there's more rooms and there's more roof details than what they're actually using do you know the ones I'm talking about I can't think well they're cold but I placed one of them down basically at the back of the windmill because when I place the windmill onto the roof itself the pole that I use is kind of like the center point for the windmill was kind of poking through the back end of it and so I found this little kind of like roof decoration and I plopped it on the back side of the windmill and I was thinking maybe when this windmill used to be in use because I imagine it used to be like an active windmill like in the world of Brinton Bay but since then someone has bought it and they've renovated it and they've made it into their family home but when it was like an inactive work and windmill maybe that little bumper that placed down on kind of like the back of the windmill was where like the clocks and stuff would be because windmills used to move well I mean they still might move but windmills obviously when they when they move I'm assuming there must be some like clocks and some sort of like mechanical stuff going on I ain't got a clue I've never been inside of a windmill but I imagine that that is where it will break the clocks for the windmill would be it was just something that I placed down to kind of like cover up that back post but yeah I end up thinking about the idea when I place it down you can see that I've also come in and done the majority of the landscaping for this build as well as the terrain painting I also placed down at loads of different like individual like bird houses and bird baths I was thinking where I built this house on quite literally a separate Island like there is no neighbors if your Sims live here they literally live in their own life they're out in the sticks what I say aren't they're out in the water because there is literally nothing around it the the little island that I'm building on in Brunton Bay it's meant to have a museum here so when you go into a brand new safe Bowl this lot that I'm building on is originally a museum but I just thought it would be the perfect place to have a little family home that has a windmill because it just they sound really wholesome and cozy about that to me but I I placed down loads of different like nature looking decorations so I imagine the Sims are going to live here in my safe at all because I mentioned this very late but by the way I'm building this house with my same fault I normally mention this quite like close to the start of the video but there was just so much to talk about and there's so much that we needed to catch up on in terms of like the attribution process of house that it's just taking its time but yeah I am building this house my safe while this house is going to be my save I would feel so wrong if I was to build this house and not include it just because I love it so so much and like I said this is probably the most exciting thing I I have ever potentially built in the game but I imagine that the Sims that live here in my safe they really love like birds and nature I imagine that I I don't know if you know what I'm talking about but there's these different like cameras that you can get I'm only I'm speaking from a perspective of having parents that absolutely love birds by the way like my mum and dad they love birds like bless them so sweet but you know you can get them cameras that you can put into Birds house and you can kind of like watch Birds I imagine if that was a thing in The Sims this family would have them they just love nature they love looking at the wildlife out of their windows and so in terms of like the exterior decorations and just kind of little bits and Bobs here and there are placed down at multiple different bird houses a few different bird baths just things that I imagined that they would have played down onto the lot to kind of benefit the the nature if that makes any sense but as well in the back Garden there ends up being a few different Planters it also ends up being like a tiny little table and chairs and then honestly not much else there is a swing set at kind of like the front portion of the build on the left hand side of where the front door is but in terms of actual exterior decorations I just didn't want to clutter it up too much I mean it goes without saying but if you want to download This House of the gallery and you want to maybe add I don't know some monkey bars or you want to add some sun loungers or whatever feel free to do so I did at one point place down some sun lounges onto like the front garden area by the Planters but then I just didn't like the look of them and so I ended up deleting them you wouldn't have seen that though because I did decide to cut that portion out but you can see that I've now moved over and I've started coming in and Furnishing the inside of this house so I started off by the little front entrance hallway kind of sorted out the hallway got it to a place that I was happy with and now I've moved over and I've started Furnishing it one the three bathrooms now normally when it comes around to do my speed builds I feel like you'll know this if you've watched me quite regularly but normally I only ever showed the Furnishing for one bathroom because bathrooms are very repetitive I find them not to be the most exciting thing to watch when you're watching a speed build you're not watching someone plays down the toilet and be like yeah that's great idea I don't mean like when it comes around to Furnishing bathrooms they're not exactly the most interesting rooms to watch Being furnished so whenever it comes around to me doing my speed builds I never show the Furnishing of one bathroom in the house I'm doing but for this house I wanted to show the first bathroom because it's kind of in the windmill section and it was such an awkward shape and just the the layout of like that room itself is very awkward and it was just very difficult and I want you to keep it in to show you how I furnished it just in case you have like a diagonal bathroom or something and you want to get ideas for I don't know I just thought it'd be interesting if I kept in how I furnished this really equality pickledy-shaped bathroom but yeah it was just kind of like a little little entrance bathroom maybe like a guest bathroom maybe your Sims their mates have come over from Brenton Bay and they've come over on a little boat or something they've come around to I don't know have tea or something and they wanted to use a low there is a bathroom right by the front door or if your Sims are just about to pop out the house they're about to like go around the world of Burlington Bay they can just go into the bathroom use the loot and then the front door is pretty much exactly there but then on the other side of the bathroom is where we have kind of like the little laundry room utility room space which is the room I'm currently going around and Furnishing so in here I placed down a washing machine and a tumble dryer on this wall which you can see that I'm just coming in and just cluttering up kind of like the tops of them are placed down what I imagine to be like extra laundry and just like extra random bits and Bobs on the other side I try to make it look like there was almost like a pop out ironing board so you can see the way that I did it I placed down a side table which I think the one I've used is from the laundry day stuff pack and then I got this quite skinny like side toe was quite high but it happens to be the same kind of height as the little side table that I've used and I basically merged that into the other side table I then got the ironing board which is normally just meant to be a wall decoration in the game and I basically rotated it and then plopped it down onto the side table and it kind of looks like an ironing board I have done this before in the past and I just I've been so happy with it before in the past because it just gives utility rooms and laundry room spaces which normally in the game aren't the most fun thing to furnish because there's only a handful amount of items that you can really place down into like a utility room what else can you place other than a washing machine a tumble dryer and then like the Hoover or the vacuum whatever you want to call it as but when it comes around to doing utility rooms yeah I've done this thing before where I've basically tried to make it look like there is a pull down little iron and board I then found this kind of it looks like an iron it definitely doesn't but it kind of looks like the shape of an iron it's this kind of like little tin can and I think it's called a picture we got it from the laundry day at stuff pack but it's in the debug menu and you know when you get your Sims it to wash their clothes by their hand and it washed up outside or they'll basically use that to like replace the water in the tile I basically thought it kind of looked like an iron So I placed it down onto the side table and then on the other side table the one that was from the laundry day stuff pack I then got this little like washing ironing basket thing and then I plopped it down and I was thinking maybe they're all the freshy island clothes and they've just been plopped down into the ironing basket and I just thought it was a really cute idea but yeah that was a little like front section of the window itself now you can see I've moved over and I've started Furnishing the quite big hallway in the actual house so when you walk in for the front door you kind of have them two initial doors one goes into the bathroom one goes into the utility room space then there is a little bit of like open hallway space in the actual initial entrance I placed down I get to give a wardrobe in that space Also place down like an armchair fluffy frog plant in the corner but then you go down some steps and then you get into like this middle section which it is just really a really big hallway but I just tried to make it seem a little bit more interesting than just like a box standard hallway with like a plant putting it so this little mid section is kind of where I start incorporating a few different platforms into the build because the thing is when I was building it on the exterior I don't know if you would have remembered but there was kind of like this little platform step thing on kind of like the front right hand side of the build I used I don't remember but I use this kind of like awning thing that we got from the get together expansion pack it had some sort of like Ivy growing up here and I placed it in front of a door the door that I placed it onto was only on the second platform Target but when it actually came around to doing the front Port of the build where the front door is I put the front door section on like I think three platforms higher so there was kind of like a little bit of Dimension already so when it came around to me doing the floor plan I thought why don't I split it up because then it kind of just makes this hallway seem a little bit more interesting rather than just being like a a standard one level hallway and so yeah I start incorporating a few different split levels and a few different levels of stairs in this section I placed down a few different like side tables I rotate a mirror on top of one of the side tables the mirror that I rotated it's from the growing together expansion pack and I just rotate it using the tool mod and then I plopped down two little like wall pendants either side of it there is also a few different like photos in the wall I placed down the shelving unit that we got from the book Nook kit and it's meant to be you know they're like little hidden shelves that you can get that look like books it's meant to be one of them place that down also place down like a massive rug in the middle the rug that I've used is from the book Nook kit I am pretty certain ever since we got that book Nook kit I've used that new fluffy rug in pretty much every single one of my builds it's just one of my new favorite frogs to use it's just so so versatile you can use it in so many different styles and it's plain and it comes in some really nice place neutral swatches but I use that to kind of like fill out the empty wooden floor space in that room but you can see that I've now moved over and I've started working on the half kind of library then half kind of living room section of this build so this is where I was talking about when I was at the start of the video about there was kind of like a miniature library on the inside the house this is the miniature Library I'm calling it a miniature library because how often can you walk into someone's house and they will have floor to ceiling bookcases going wall to wall that are so high that you need a ladder I'm classing this as like a miniature Library it's not a full-blown library but I mean there's a few bookcases people Sims to choose from but in here I use the new modular bookcases that we got from that book Nook kit and I basically use a ton of them and put them on top of one another I then found this ladder which the ladder that I've used is from the cats and dogs expansion pack but it's in the live edit menu I basically found it pulled it up and then currently it looks like it's kind of like sitting flush with a bookcase cases like there's no angle to it I tried to rotate it originally and it went a bit funny like it just wasn't happening and I remember that I have rotated this one particular letter before in the past and so I thought instead of trying to play them out of it now I'm gonna place the ladder so it's kind of sitting flush with the bookcase I'm going to come in clutter up these bookcases you can see that I've just placed down loads of different individual sculptures and loads of different plants and books and just even like little random storage boxes and just basically loads of stuff and once I got that to the point where I was happy they put it I didn't want to change anything about it I then Revisited the ladder and then you can see over here I then rotated it again and I noticed if you want to do this in your own personal gameplay and you want to use this ladder as kind of like a bookcase ladder the first time you rotate it it doesn't seem to move but it's not until you click off the object that it seems to move I mean you would have maybe catched what I was doing but when I finished cluttering up them bookcases and I went back to the ladder I've rotated it again and it went in a completely different direction so what I wanted to do so then I did it again and then eventually I got it to a point where I was happy with the rotation and then I just plonked it onto the bookcase and then yeah it looks like there's like a miniature Library wall it just looks so cool I'm so happy with this section of the build but the rest of the room ends up being yeah like a lounge space a little bit like a music room a little bit of like a a family room which you can do a lot of different things in basically so I started off by placing down at some sofas at first I was trying to debate with sofa to go for because I really wanted to use this new sofa that we got from the booknet kit it's the one that's kind of got like the blankets and the pillows on it but the thing is about these these sofas that we're getting recently don't get me wrong I love the fact that they've got these little pillow details and the blanket details it just makes it so more wholesome and cozy and just I prefer using these kind of things when it comes around to Furnishing bills because it makes it look a little bit more realistic but the thing is and I'm gonna kind of say the opposite to what I just said it also makes it really difficult when you're coming around and you're trying to furnish a room that uses multiple the same so far so I really wish in future DLCs whether it be kits or expansion packs whatever it will be if if we were going to get sofas that have all these different soft Furnishings like pillows like blankets like all these different little like soft Comfort things if we could one get this sofa so it's got them connected to it but then two get a plain version of the sofa as well and then maybe even push the boat out and then give us a separate version of the pillows and the blanket I feel like that second one is a bit of a stretch but how amazing would that be if we actually just got individual pillows and blankets are placed down onto sofas and just different like oranges and stuff because then you could really just customize everything and just try and make it as customizable as you want it to be but in the end I ended up setting them for one of the sofas that we got from the book Nook kit it's the one that's got the two pillows in the blanket and then also a Chesterfield looking sofa which we got from the Quattro hunting pack but then over here on the second portion of the build in kind of like the curved section that I was talking about within windows from the greenhouse Haven kit I placed down a grand piano a nice little fluffy rug also placed down like an armchair on the other wall placed down like a little cell bow wheel decoration I tried to decorate this house to be a bit Coastal by the way in terms of like the interior decorations and Furnishings I tried to make it feel a little bit Coastal whether I got that idea across I'm not I don't know but that was my intention when I came in and I started doing the interior is yeah to make it a little bit Coastal a little bit seaside-like but I'd Blaze Down this little like boat wheel decoration onto the ball and then I also placed down some individual feathers back by the wall that had the three seats over from the book Nook kit I placed down some individual feathers onto the wall as kind of like wall decorations going back to the Sims are going to be living in this house in my save Bowl I imagine that the parents of this household they just love nature they love going out the window and just looking at all the different birds and maybe in the night time they get the little binoculars and they try and look out for all the different Wildlife it's on the on the island itself I don't know if you would have called it but when I was cluttering up like the coffee table in the lounge room I placed down these binoculars they are from the growing together debug menu not actually sure what where your symbol will use them because through gameplay I have not discovered them myself but they are in a debug menu and I was thinking back to all the different decorations in this house and how I can kind of make it tie in to the Sims that live here and so I thought well if you are someone that likes Birds maybe you can have some binoculars to look at the birds out like I said I'm coming from my parents absolutely love birds like they've just they've always loved birds and I actually know too much about birds and normal 25 year old probably should but my dad has some little binoculars and sometimes he likes to sit out the window and yeah just watch the birds it's just so sweet I placed on some little binoculars onto the little coffee table but yeah as you can see I've now moved over and I've I started Furnishing the next section which is the kitchen area but then it also kind of goes into the dining room space but then it's still open to the hallway space I'm just really happy with the overall floor plan of this house so in here I decided to use the kitchen counters which are from the quarter shipping expansion pack they're these white ones that kind of have like a white washed wooden top detail to them and then I use this oven which is from the growing together EP and then the fruit which is from the cottage living expansion pack one thing that I placed down to this kitchen which was just so absolutely perfect you couldn't even write it you see by the microwave I've got these two little tin cans next to it one of them has got a windmill on top of it which when it came around to decorate in this kitchen I completely forgot that that was even a Swatch on these little like tin counter items we basically got them from the Country Kitchen kit and I use them in the majority of my kitchens anyway because when I place them down I'm always thinking or maybe one's tea and maybe one's coffee or or maybe one's tea and sugar you know you're not even like different variations of all the different pots and stuff that you have in the kitchen I always place them down into my Sims kitchens and it wasn't until I place it down and I was kind of like flickering through all the different swatches of them to see what would match well with this kitchen that I discovered that there is a little windmill SWOT which I'm pretty sure I've used before in the past but up until Furnishing the kitchen completely forgot that that wasn't even a thing and so yeah I placed it down to this kitchen because it was just absolutely perfect it also ends up being like a little microwave area a little like spice rack thing and just like a little bread bin and stuff there is also kind of like a little kitchen island in the middle I moved objects and chairs to make it look like Sims have been maybe sitting there eating their breakfast or something it's also like a little like a little casserole dish placed down onto this kitchen like Island portion and then I moved objects a little note and then a little pen and then also like a little ingredient I was thinking that maybe one of the parents of this household made something to eat maybe they made their kids some dinner and they're now popping out or something and so maybe they've like written out free heating instructions or something on this little like bit of paper and then maybe the casserole has some like spices next to it to like use it up or something or something it's kind of like this little herb placed down next to it I just thought it was a really nice sweet little detail but then on the other side of the kitchen we have the back door which goes back to the exterior of the build but we have like a little china cabinet we also have like some dog leads and then like a shoe rack and stuff and then over here I'm just going in and just decorating the small and sweet little dining room so I use the cats and dogs both table and chairs and then also a rug you can kind of like the center and then I went around placed down some curtains under the windows and it also was kind of like a little bit of empty space that originate I was just gonna put like a little ottoman or something on but then I thought well why not place down like a chess table because for The Sims that I imagine to live in this house I imagine them to be very very smart Sims and so I thought you probably need to have a chess table somewhere in the house and so I place it down into that room but now as you can see I've now moved over and I've started Furnishing at the first bedroom which is the parents room so in terms of the storyline for The Sims that are going to be living in this house myself I have got quite a in-depth ish storyline for more so the parents rather than the children of this household because if you're curious I decorated the rooms to be this one for a set of parents and then there is two other bedrooms upstairs both are decorated to be for children but then one could potentially be a teenager there's just like a few different like toys and like kid decorations in there but the household consists of four Sims and I was personally thinking that these Sims massive nature people as I've already told you like they love bird watching they probably love going on like really big hikes they go go to the beach with like their dogs and stuff just absolute massive animal lovers nature lovers like that is their kind of thing that is their cup of tea now this is is where I kind of like started the build off but then as I kind of like progressed through the interior Furnishing in terms of like doing the lounge room doing like the home office section even doing like the individual bedrooms the idea for The Sims are going to live here kind of like progressed and I'm really happy with their little short and sweet storyline it's not it's not too in detail but it's still quite detailed so basically I was thinking okay well how have these Sims managed to buy a house that is literally on its own complete Island there is no neighbors they're completely by themselves it's probably gonna cost a lot of money first of all to actually be able to buy your house on your own little separate Island how have these Sims managed to do it and what is their day job and I was thinking of all the different ideas and then it wasn't until I started doing that kind of like little walk-in Library situation the lounge room but I came with the idea of what about if one of the parents of this household may be potentially used to be a really good author and still gets books for all tears up to this day now if you've never played with be like the writing book system in The Sims 4. honestly your Sims can make a pretty penny like basically your Sims will get money every single day and it will be a different amount every single day but basically when they sell their book to a publisher or if they self-publish it they'll get daily royalties I was thinking that maybe one of the parents of this household or maybe even potentially both but more in particular one of the household members one of the parents I was thinking used to be a really good author and maybe had quite an extensive book series that they was able to write I was thinking it could be like a bit of a fantasy series or something and basically over time and over the years they basically accumulated so much money that they was able to buy this house now I was thinking that when they were maybe in like their 20s their 30s maybe even like early 40s they were so focused on their career that they didn't really have any time to settle down and start a family until they met their partner who just so happens to have the same similar interest trash know loves the outdoors loves nature loves like dogs and cats and birds and all their all the different animals but I imagine that they finally found someone that was kind of like their cup of tea had all the same similar interests and stuff and so quite later on in life they decided to settle down and start a family and that is basically where they're at now at one point and it was more so when I was focusing on Furnishing in the little home office in like the third floor part of the windmill I was thinking about part of the storyline that could be not a little bit well I don't know how to explain it basically I was thinking about the storyline of what about if both of the parents just so happened to be authors but then there's one that's got this fantasy book series done really well for himself got like proper hardcore fans but then I was thinking or maybe there could be the other parent that is also an author maybe not in the same genre but they are a writer of some sort but maybe they haven't done as well for themselves and maybe there's kind of like a little bit of Envy there but then I don't I don't know about that because I just really want this this whole story and to be wholesome and I feel like that's not as wholesome but that was something that I was debating when I was doing the the third four little home office but yeah that was just kind of like the idea that I had this couple who just love writing books and they love reading they just love just being in their own mind and just putting it to paper and they just love nature and they just live on this little solo house out in the water on this little Private Island probably got so much money in the bank but they probably don't spend it because nine times out of ten you can just find them sitting in either like their kitchen or the lounge room just with a book and with a cup of tea or a cup of coffee or maybe like upstairs in the home office I just thought that that was so wholesome I also imagined if it was a thing that their their children would probably be homeschooled which unfortunately is not a thing in The Sims 4 unless you play with like mods or like some sort of thing that kind of like changes the the schooling system you can't get your kids to be homes I mean you could always just not send them to school but then that's kind of bad but yeah I might that if we did have the homeschooling ability in The Sims 4 that the kids of this household they would definitely definitely be homeschooled also as well I feel like it will be such a mission trying to get to school as well so I really hope for their sake that we one day be able to get homeschooling because imagine these poor kids they've got to literally get on a boat every single day to be able to get to the Brunton Bay Mainland and then go to school from there whereas if we just had homeschooling where your Sims could go to school from the computer it would just be I just think it's so much better for them but yeah unfortunately it's not a thing it's not an option in the game but if it was an option I would definitely allow these kids to be homeschooled but anyway moving from flat and actually finally getting back and talking about what I'm doing right now so you can see that I've finished up the parents room downstairs I then moved up to the upstairs and I furnished one of the other bathrooms the bathroom that I furnished I said if you saw the size of it it's absolutely massive I had such a mission trying to figure out how I was going to fill it out I mean it caught there in the end but initially when I came in I started Furnishing the bathroom I pulled out a bathtub then realized how massive I had made the room in the floor plan but in terms of like the exterior walls I normally like my interior floor plans to kind of like follow along them exterior walls quite nicely because to me it makes sense and it's like more realistic because you know sometimes you'll have structural walls in in like a house or a flat that you live in which you can't bulldoze because they're kind of like main structure points to their house I basically whenever I come around to do my floor plans I try and follow exterior walls because it just looks a little bit more realistic and it kind of makes more sense that way but yeah when I came around and I did the bathroom I pulled out a bathtub realized I've got a big dog in my handle because this bathroom is absolutely massive but I mean I think I managed to make it work in the bathroom that ends up being kind of like a washing section where your Sims would wash themselves and then there's kind of like the toilet and the sink section so they'd kind of like walk in through the bathroom door and then on the right hand side we have a bit of a half wall and I tried to close in at the shower hour into the half wall and then we also have like a little bathtub area place down some like little side tables that looks like they've got drawers maybe there's like bath salts and bubble bath and stuff in it and then on the other section there's where I place down at the toilet and then the sink and then I think also like another side table and then potentially a plant but there is a balcony from the bathroom so your Sims can literally jump out the bathtub put their robe on or put like a dressing gown or towel or whatever their preference is put something over them and then they can go and sit out on the balcony and yeah there's a few rocking chairs out there there is also a few different Planters also placed down a little box because when it came around to doing like the laundry room downstairs and then also one of the downstairs bathrooms there wasn't enough space for me to be able to squeeze in a little box and so if the cat needs a week the cat has to go upstairs but yeah I thought it was a bit weird not gonna lie that there is a balcony outside the bathroom but these people they've got money they're like I said like the The Sims that live in this house their roofers they've got so much money in the bank they probably don't even use like even a fraction of it because they're just Sims that like to keep themselves to themselves and the way that they entertain themselves is one of like the most Bank friendly ways because they just don't spend any money they just read and drink tea and just go from nature walks and so maybe they just added a balcony just because why not I mean they've got no neighbors might as well but yeah that was the bathroom in the upstairs portion but you can see that I've moved over and I've started Furnishing it two of the bedrooms so the first bedroom you would have seen me do I was more so thinking if you wanted it to be you could definitely make that into a teenager's room and then maybe just delete a few of the toys I was personally thinking that one of the kids in this household like the child age was maybe just about to age up into a teenager and so they've got a nice combo of both kid related items but then also more like grown-up more like sophisticated items if that makes any sense in their bedroom but you can see that I'm just going around and just finishing up the last bedroom in this house so this bedroom only has a single bed I use the one that was from the seasons expansion pack it's got little curtains honestly one of my favorite single beds in the game and to be honest never really use it anymore tell you what actually there was one thought that I had when I was doing this build when it came around to doing the bedrooms I really wish at some point in the near future we're gonna get a new organized menu for The Sims 4 in terms of the bed options because there is so many different single beds double beds and bunk beds now when you're trying to find a bed in the catalog I maybe just me I struggle now because we've got so many different options so I really hope that one day even if we just get like a single bed catalog and then a double bed catalog I would really appreciate it you know like how we've got Sofas in the game and we've got a separate section for like two seat sofas and three seater sofas something like that I feel like we need in The Sims 4 but either way moving on as you can see I've now moved over the last room in this house which is on the third floor and this ends up being the little book Nook home office area I just absolutely adore the way this room turned out because it's just so cozy and I feel like if you're an author this would be like a almost like a dream office because you're completely on your own there's no one else around you you walk up some stairs which the way that you actually get up is from like obviously the second the second level but downstairs I placed down some like French looking doors kind of like in the entrance into this little hallway and then you walk up some stairs you've got this little like home desk area situation and then a place down some like filing cabinets a few different bookcases also placed down like another Armature in the other corner I just tried to clutter it up especially with lots of different books and just book related items I tried to place down like scrap Bits of Paper onto the floor which I'm not sure if I've done it yet or if I'm just about to do it but by the desk area just kind of like underneath where your sim would sit I placed down a bit of scrap paper and I was personally thinking maybe this was an idea that they had maybe it was kind of like a an overall idea for like a new book that they wanted to write or something and they've written it down in a bit of paper didn't like the idea try to throw it in the bin which I don't think I have actually done this bit yet because yeah I'm just about to do it but they try to throw this bit of paper and then and it's missed the bin it was such a small little detail but I just really liked it and I just tried to give this room so much personality and just try and clutter it up with so much stuff I'm also book related stuff than just also just bits and Bobs and just a clock and loads of different lamps and loads of different like odd pins and just loads of different things that kind of make sense for like an author's little writing room but anyway I'm gonna go around the room basically just finish it off and that is pretty much it so anyway guys I'm gonna end this voiceover right here as always you can download this build by the gallery my gallery ID is Jessica pie YT or if you search for the hashtag Jessica priority or just the hashtag Jessica Pie as always thank you guys so much for watching this video and as always if you do like my content then please do subscribe and hopefully I will see you in my next Sims 4 speedball and video bye guys [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] 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Channel: Jessicapie
Views: 20,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 house, sims 4 family home, sims 4 family house, sims 4 generations, sims 4, sims 4 house building, jessicapie, jessicapieyt, the sims, large family home, sims 4 growing together, the sims 4 growing together, sims 4 save file, save file, sims 4 gardeners home, sims 4 gardeners house, dream home, sims 4 windmill house, sims 4 windmill family home, sims 4 windmill, sims 4 hamptons, sims 4 windmill farm, how to build a windmill sims
Id: v4_SFdS0ScI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 5sec (3125 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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