Large Tudor Family Home | The Sims 4 Speed Build

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hi guys welcome back to my YouTube channel and welcome back to the Sims 4 speedwinning video or welcome to the channel if you are new here so in today's video I'm going to be building in the world of windenburg which is the world that we got from the expansion part it seems we'll get together and I'm going to be building a large Tudor inspired family home sorry this house ends up having like five bedrooms and five bathrooms and it's built on a 40 by Third slot now it's built on one of the 40 by 30s that are bigger going left to right than what they are fronted back and if I'm being honest with you I have kind of been putting this house off for my safer because I don't know if it's just a main thing but I really struggle with building houses on lot sizes that are bigger width ways and they are lymph ways just because sometimes I feel like the house looks a bit skew if when you do it like that and then the garden looks really small and cramped and I have been putting this one off but this week I just really fancied at building something Tudor inspired and also I've refaxed building the world of windenburg because it's somehow been a while since I've actually built anything in this world and I normally try and rotate the worlds that are building so I try and build in all the worlds equally as one another does that make sense hopefully that makes sense I just basically don't want to leave any world out and I always try and build in different worlds every single week and somehow and I don't even know how it's managed to happen but I haven't built a Tudor house and I also really haven't built in winterberg half as much recently as what I'd like to and so this week I thought you know what I'm just gonna tackle this lot I'm going to try and make it work and so I'm really happy and really proud of the way this house turned out and so I really hope you guys like it but anyway getting on and actually to get a little bit more about the build so like I already mentioned the house ends up having like five bedrooms now I decorated the rooms to be at one for a set of parents or kind of in this House's case parent and step parent which by the way I've kind of already kind of gone over it but this house is gonna be for my safer and so like always I have got a storyline in mind for The Sims are going to be living here myself and I'm really excited about the backstory for two reasons one reason being it's a backstory that I don't think I've done before and I don't think I've got anything like it in my save file so far and second of all it's for a pre-existing family within the World opening book so if you just got the expansion pack loaded into a brand new world the family are already bopping about I'm just going to be giving them makeovers kind of extending on their personalities and their backstory a little bit give them a little bit of lore and so I'm really excited about that but you know there is a bedroom for a parent and a step parent there is also a young adult's bedroom a teenager's bedroom a child's bedroom and then there is also a spare guest bedroom downstairs as well now if I'm being completely honest with you I had no idea what to do with the room that ends up being the spare guest bedroom pretty much until I came around actually started decorating itself so one actually came in and I started doing the floor plan which you can see I'm actually doing right now I was pretty much trying to figure out what room is going to be what on the downstairs level so I was trying to think okay over here is going to be the kitchen over there is going to be a dining space they actually end up being do dining spaces in this house it ends up being a little bit more of like a formal one and then there's a kind of like a breakfast room which the breakfast room is probably one of my favorite rooms that I've done in this house but I was just trying to figure it out and just trying to figure out what kind of things I can have in this house to make it so it's really fun for gameplay and also just filled with loads of different activities and I was thinking at one point I could possibly make it into like a library or I can make it into a music room but there ends up being a garage space in this house which the garage space I am absolutely just so proud of because I basically try to make it look like the teenage Sim in this household is in a band which I know we can't technically do in The Sims 4 but with the Sims 4 get together expansion pack you can form clubs and you can make different activities and I think some of the different activities that you can do within the clubs is to play musical instruments and so that's kind of the only version that we've got with bands so far in the game I'm Still Holding Out for maybe one day getting like a game pack related around bands because I would just love my Sims being able to be in a band and then go and play at the local bar or play at the Local Lounge in kind of practice and have like these little I just want to drum kit that is one of the main things that I want within the game but I was trying to think of all these different things to make this room into but where there was already like the the bands by in the garage I thought would be a bit weird to have another separate music room and so I thought you know what I'm gonna make it into another bedroom that way if you want to download this house and maybe you've got like grandparents or maybe like another Sim that you need to cater for there is already kind of like a dedicated bedroom space for them or you can make it into a Butler's room actually thinking about it I mean when I was building this house and for the family I'm building for which by the way I will get on and talk about the storyline in just a second but for the family that I imagine to live here I didn't imagine that they would be the card for Sims to have a butler I mean you could do but it was just an option it's basically just a free room that you can do anything with you can keep it as a bedroom you can change it order it I say this quite often but when you download my houses you don't have to stick to all the different rooms I've allocated if you wanted to change some rooms around make it so there's going to be different rooms in different bedrooms and you wanting to just play about with the house and make it a little bit more like your own feel free to I'm not gonna be offended if you don't know my furniture style or you don't like the way I did the house you can change it you can use it as a base you can honestly do whatever you want with this house if you do decide download it off the gallery but anyway getting back and actually talking a little bit more about the build so as you can see I've already done the main like structural pace of the field I've already done the roofing I've already done the wallpaper in the wallpapering I was actually quite proud of myself right because there is this one certain Swatch of this tutor wallpaper that I've always avoided when it comes around to building so you see kind of like the front portion of the build I've kind of got a bit of a pop out where the wall kind of goes over the wall below it I feel like that's something you find quite often into the houses I didn't do that by mistake by the way that was intentional if you're thinking that the the bottom floor doesn't line up to the top floor it was intentional even if it doesn't look like it but on that little pop out there ends up being this Tudor style wallpaper and I always avoid that swatch I don't know what it is but I'm a little bit I've always just been a bit devious of that swatch because normally when you pull it out it's quite dark and it's quite hard to find different wallpapers to match it but I'm really happy with the wallpaper in it for this house I end up using a mixture of different ones from get together I also end up using this room of magic brick on the majority of the house then also used a one from discover University on the second bump out just behind the Tudor one and then also one that we got from cottage living but the one that we got from cottage living you haven't actually seen me place down yet because basically I started decorating this decorating I started Landscaping how did I started ivying up is that that's not even English but I started placing down Ivy onto this Tower which first of all I'm using curved walls again in this build which this is my second build using curve tools and I thought it'd be easier than the first time and it wasn't it was so difficult because the way that the Sims 4 has has been made and it has been going on for so many years we've only now just got the introduction of curved walls there is little to no objects actually suit curved walls and so when you're trying to place down ivy normally I use the one that we got from the Discover University live edit menu but where is a live edit menu it doesn't normally clip to anything so it's really easy sometimes when you're trying to landscape like the the back of a house or the front of the house whatever it's normally quite easy to work with it doesn't snap but on the same token where it doesn't snap and you're trying to work with curved walls there was very much an obvious okay this doesn't actually curve around the ball it's just pretty much poking out and so I end up placing down some Ivy that we got from both of vampires game pack and then I think some bits of Ivy from get together as well these ones you can actually find within the Sims 4 normal build and buy because often people ask me where the IV that I normally use is from Ivy don't normally use I did actually place down in certain areas on this house I mean you can see it just kind of like on the edge of the garage and on the edge of another bumper that ends up being some bits of the normal idea that I use but normally people ask me where that is from and it is from the live edit menu or the debug menu on the two I'm not sure which one but it's from one of them and it's from Discovery University but the one that I've actually used you can find in the normal building wire and the one thing that I really liked about it which was a little bit different is the Ivy's got some different color swatches so you'll notice that I placed down a bit of a bit like a yellowy kind of green then there is also some red in there as well and I tried to tie in the road into the Landscaping because I feel like for a Tudor build it makes sense to have some red flowers or at least some red Landscaping because like a Tudor Rose I don't it just goes well in my head and so I was really happy when I was like kind of cluttering up that little Ivy Tower but on the inside as well I forgot to mention I ended up making it into a little bit of a miniature art studio in the inside of the towel which I rarely ever do at actual art studios in my builds because quite frequently I don't really have a SIM that needs an art studio but it kind of goes hand in hand the storyline and originally when I was doing the floor plan I was thinking that that could be an extra bathroom because it doesn't hurt to have an extra toilet here and there but then when I was actually thinking about it and I was getting more into the building developing the storyline in my head I was realizing that one of the teams kind of needs a dedicated workspace or a bit of a dedicated art area and so I thought it would be a perfect fit to have a little miniature art studio in that Tower and it is just so pretty the screenshots of that room and also one thing that I did is I placed down the art easel directly in between the space of the window those so I know that I've kind of like moved the camera around now but if you were to look at the build like head on in between at the tower there's kind of like this little Gap in between the windows I place down the art easel in there and then that way when your Sims are standing there and they're painting they can paint from reference and then they can just kind of look out onto the landscape around them look out the window and then maybe pain as like the driveway or the mountains in the distance or something like that that's not it just ends up being a really cute space and I don't often build our related rooms or like art studios I've done a few in the past but they're not really they're not a room that I often tend to go for but yeah anyway moving on from that and actually getting on and actually talking about the Sims that are going to be living in this house for my save file so the household originally when you open a brand new so far they are called the Munch family I say originally I'm not going to change their name it's just they call the Munch family and it consists of four Sims we have Mila Gunther Wolfgang and Lucas and they are a mum and then her four Sons now originally when I opened up brown because I'm going to completely change it because it's always annoyed me but originally when you go into their family tree you'll notice that there is absolutely no mention of a previous parent there is there is no like second pair on it to these little boys it's just Moolah and then the three sons which is something that just really annoys me like even if the Sim isn't around anymore I just still want there to be a little picture in the family tree just because for my gameplay experience it just makes it so much better and so there is going to be a extra pairing in the family tree there's still gonna be alive but they're not going to live in this house because I was trying to think of the backstory that they were originally given by a Sims team and I want you to kind of not completely change their backstory I don't want to completely change themselves as their Sims and I didn't want to change their personality if anything I kind of want you to take it and expands in it and also kind of like make it backfire on one of the Sims in particular because the way the the different Sims are aged we have one that's a young adult one that's a teen and then one that's a kid but the young adult is pretty much refusing to move out and that's pretty much the whole entire storyline and the whole entire house of Bio kind of rolls around the fact that the eldest son will not move out of the house they won't go and find their own place I just kind of want to be living at home and getting their laundry done and getting you know freshly meals cooked every single night which also I want to mention Moolah is a chef so probably doesn't help her case that her son doesn't want to move out because she probably Cooks up an absolute storm in the kitchen and her son why would he want to move out you know I'm into Romaine so I always try to think of something that could backfire on her son and kind of make it a little bit more interesting and also kind of make it so the backstory has got a little bit of a Twist but starting out with Mila and the previous pair of two little boys so I was thinking that mailer had previously been married to I was thinking her ex-husband for maybe like 20 30 years or whatever where she's got one of her sons to be a young adult I was thinking that they'd probably be married for quite a few decades you know her her eldest son he's at the age where he can now make her like a grandmother or something and so she's probably been previously married for quite a long duration of time and I was also thinking it was a fact of she probably met her ex-partner when she was fairly young and they probably got married fairly quickly and then they started a family now Mila originally when you go into a brand new sofa like I said it is in the culinary career she's a chef and so I'm going to be keeping that for my save and also mentions in the household bio that she works really long hours and so I was thinking that her and both her ex-husband both just had really long tiring jobs I was thinking that her ex-husband can either be in the business career or the salary person career but then as I was developing it more I was thinking the salary person career is probably better because I've been playing with the salary person creating my own personal gameplay and something that I've noticed I'm not sure if it's mod so it might be a mod but and let me know if this has happened to anyone else because I don't know if it's actually one of the games things or if it's just a mod that I put in my game but one of my Sims is in the salary person career and often I give them the option to work extra hours than what they needed to be just because sometimes it's just easier to have less Sims in the house my own personal experience anyway way and so I like there to be different things for different Sims to do you know they can go out and they can go at their mates or if Sims can work extra long hours it kind of works out sometimes because sometimes when you're playing with a huge generation family and you've got like six Sims in the household it's a bit tiring and so often I get my sim to work extra hours but I find that sometimes my Sims come home with presents for the other household members I don't know if that's a mod that I've got or if that's actually just something in the game but I thought it worked out quite nicely because it kind of fits in with the storyline that I had for them so for the dad I was thinking that they work the salary person career they often spend really long durations of times at work you know they probably go to work and are there for like 12 hours or something and so they often come home apologize you know give me to a present you know just try and keep her sweet friend keep her happy but I was thinking in all the time that they spend at work doing all of these extra off the clock hours they probably got really close to one of their co-workers now I feel like I can probably all see what route I'm going to go with this one but basically to cut a very long story short I imagine that during all this time her ex-husband was working extra hours off o'clock you know clocking in at stupid times in the morning and clocking out at stupid times at night he probably developed quite a close friendship and then eventually evolved into a bit of a office romance with one of the co-workers and eventually I imagine that he actually left Muller to go and be with this new fiancee new partner just kind of decided that this is what he wanted to do he didn't really he was maybe a little bit bored of his life because he was just consistently waking up going to work spending all of his time with these people and then coming home and didn't really have that much to talk about with his ex-wife because his whole entire life is pretty much devoted to being someone in the salary person career and so that was kind of like the dad storyline I think I'm not gonna make it so he lives in a natural house or an apartment he might just be a Sim that's gonna I don't want to say be in the bin but you know like the household what is there is a name for it I'm gonna call it the house I'll open where all the Sims that don't have a house or an apartment they just kind of they're there you can move them into places but I think I'm just going to make it so it's not going to be living in the actual World itself but it's still going to be a Sim that the kids can go and see you know the little boys can still go and see their dad they can still have a relationship with them probably have a relationship with their new partner or something but in terms of they're going to be like living somewhere I think it would just be the Sims bin which sounds really weird to say but that was pretty much the idea that I had for the dad now I was thinking that this probably left the mum of the household it really just obviously she's gonna have her art showed she's just found out that her husband has been having an affair and now she's still got the exact same life that she had she just doesn't have someone to share it with and so I imagine that for maybe a few years maybe like two or three years she went on this way of consistently just going to work working long hours coming home caring for a little work Karen partly for a teenager because I imagine the teenager to be quiet quite independent and doesn't really rely on any household members but she has got a little kid and so I imagine that she probably just spends a lot of her time with him she's probably got a really good relationship with him but at the end of the day she's actually quite a lonely Sim now this is kind of like the part of the backstory where it kind of it's a bit of a Twist and it also backfires on her eldest son because he should have moved up because if he didn't move out then this wouldn't have happened but I was looking at all the different individual Sims and all their different interests and traits and all the different clubs that they're already in within the world itself and I noticed the eldest son is in a book club now I've never personally been in a book club myself but I've seen it several different TV shows and films over the years where characters happen to be in a book club and I've got a little bit of an idea of how they worked so my interpretation is oftentimes if you are in a book club you kind of have a book you read it for a certain duration of time whether it be like a week two weeks a month however long it is and then at the end of reading a certain a certain amount of chapters or maybe the whole entire book you kind of rotate all the different houses that you go to so say you've got like five different book club members you kind of rotate in one week you might go to one member's house and next week you might go to the other member's house you kind of like rotate with whose house is kind of like hosting the book club of that week this is my interpretation anyway but I was thinking that in this book club the eldest son this one particular week just happened to be hosting and they were happen to be having the book club meeting maybe in this room actually which I'm I've actually now moved on to the inside which I'm pretty sure you probably realized but in this room this is kind of like the breakfast room maybe they were sitting here and they were discussing the book of the week or the book of the month or something with all the different book club members now I was thinking that maybe at one point the mum Mila just happened to walk past the room maybe just happen to pop in maybe wanting to offer anyone if they wanted a tea or a coffee or something and then eventually got talking to some of the members now mailer herself I imagine to be always quite this outgoing and good Sim she hasn't got the the outgoing trait she does have the good trait as well as the foodie and cheerful trait so she's all around she's kind of gone nice and to interact with but I've always seen her to be someone that's quite nice to spark up a conversation with you know she'll probably be a bit chatty where she's probably a bit lonely she'll probably spark up a conversation probably about next to anything because I imagine that she probably spends all of her time at work in a kitchen and then when she comes home she is either you know in the kitchen making a new recipe practicing a new recipe for something or maybe spending time with her little boy because the household bio states that she's got quite a good relationship with her youngest son and so she's either cooking or spending time with him and so she probably doesn't go out that much with her own personal friends she probably just sees them on a whim every once in a blue moon kind of thing so she probably doesn't have that much social interaction but I was thinking that this one particular day they were hosting the book club at this this family's house and Mina maybe just happened to spark up a little bit of a conversation with one of the book club members in particular and I was thinking that maybe if it did take place in the breakfast room it's kind of just off the kitchen so maybe they sparked up a conversation they go culture and maybe they like cracked a few jokes with each other and whatnot and then at one point they maybe walked through the kitchen again another conversation sparked up basically what I imagined was these Sims it just met kind of on a whim she met this person in her house which she just happens to be one of her son's really good friends and basically it's got a very long story short I imagined that they ended up filming quite a nice romantic relationship now I just thought that this was such a funny and interesting storyline because it's literally an example of your own actions this is kind of like the the repercussions it was a Thor out word to use I'm not even sure but it's kind of like these are the actions of your own actions do you refuse to move out and now your mum happens to be full moon quite a nice healthy romantic relationship with one of your maybe they're not good friends but one of your fellow book club members and it probably makes her eldest son feel so uncomfortable and it's probably got him ready to move out this stage you know he's a young adult he probably thinking right okay this is probably a bit too much now you were my friend you're now becoming my stepmother how is this this is a little bit uncomfortable for me so it's kind of like that is the actions of his own actions you know you should have moved out mate you should have gone and got yourself in your own apartment your own flat or something because now this is kind of like your reality and soon you're gonna have an extra step parent you're gonna have someone else in kind of your friend who was just your Mutual has now got a little bit of not Authority because I imagine that they're the same age they're both young adults or maybe actually maybe the mum's new fiance or maybe new wife I'm unsure whether to make him married or not but I was thinking that they're either going to be a adult or young adult just about to age up into an adult but more about the new the the new step parent of the household now this Sim who I don't at the minute have a name for so if you've got any name suggestions please feel free to leave them in the comment section down below but I always imagine that this new sim had kind of previously moved it to one of the surrounding neighborhoods of windenburg and science around in neighborhoods because it kind of ties in the story quite nicely if it's not in the actual world of windenburg itself but I imagine that they previously moved to somewhere like I don't know Willow Creek or new Chris even though I don't imagine them to be neighboring like neighborhoods between windenburg and new Chris I don't really seem like they mesh well together but when I figure out what would be a good Hometown for them I'll let you know but I was thinking that they've recently moved to one of the surrounded neighborhoods near windenburg and they were pretty much just looking to make some new friends they wasn't probably sitting out to have any romantic interests they didn't like move away from their previous Hometown because of Any dramatic backstory I imagine that they just kind of wanted a change of environment a change of scenery and so they decided to move into a little bit more of a a quieter town maybe like a quieter World maybe they're from like Sam ashuna or something about and maybe they wanted to have a little bit more of a choir to life and so they moved somewhere that is relatively close to the world of windenburg now I imagine in doing this they were probably looking into full new relationships four new friendships and one good play to start if you're ever looking to make new friends is to start like a book club or go to some type of club for some type of activity it's a great way to make mates and so this Sim probably they probably shouldn't have a massive interest in Reading himself they just I'm also wanted to have some friends around the environment that they're now living in but they decided that the best book club for them to join would probably be the one that Mueller's eldest son happened to be in because it may be the one in windenburg is like the most active one maybe there's some in the world that this Sim is originally from but they're maybe not as active maybe there's not as many people in these book clubs and so they decided to form into this book club become a member and you know every so often read a book and chat about it basically now I imagine that this Sim in particular is going to be someone that's got very similar traits to Muller who is the mum in the household just because I feel like that's probably how they got they got such a good friendship so so quickly I imagine that they probably was friends first and then after after a while then romantic interest started to creep in but imagine that this new sim is probably cheerful and good like made up but the only difference is instead of being a foodie they're going to be an art lover and that is the reason one upstairs level of his house I decided to make a little tiny art studio so I imagine that previously it was probably just like a a bit some Bob's room so where everyone puts their stuff where you don't want to deal with it right now just shove it in that room and deal with it later and no one ever came back to it I imagine that's how it previously used to be just a bit of a bits and Bob's room but then eventually this new sim decided to move into the household because maybe where they're not from windenburg Moodle probably couldn't go and see them as often as what they want to you know they work in long hours they haven't really got time of an evening to maybe drive down to one of the neighboring worlds and you know go see them for a few hours because who's going to look after her little boy I know she's got a teenager but her teenage is a bit of a rebel and half the time cannot be accounted for because he's probably in a swimming pool lot somewhere probably putting pranks on someone and so I imagine that quite quick quickly this cement decided to move into this house maybe they started out actually sleeping in the guest bedroom maybe that's how the guest bedroom can tie into this house I mean I've literally just thought of that idea right now but maybe they started sleeping over maybe they started sleeping on the sofa or in this spare guest bedroom and then eventually they just decided to give their relationship a proper little go and they decided that they would actually form some form of really just meaningful deep romantic interest and I imagine that it probably was so easy as well because I imagine that their friendship was already there and then it just so happened so naturally being able to kind of like evolve into being romantic Partners so that is pretty much where I'm up to in terms of the mum storyline and then the new are those gonna be the new wife or the new fiance so I'm still unsure where Russian making maradon or if I should make him so they're gonna be planning their event and then in gameplay if you wanted to you could actually get them to get married either way that's kind of like the storyline that I've got for the I want to say like the authority members like the parent and step parent household members even though they're not married yet I still very much say there's no seem to be very much of a second mother figure to you know the youngest son Lucas I imagine that they probably got a really good friendship I imagine that they probably have some similar interests Lucas himself their little boy is really into gardening he's in a garden gnomes club which is one of the Primo clubs that comes with the get together expansion pack and he's also got the loves outdoors straight so maybe the the new stepmom maybe she also has a similar interest in gardening also by the way I do want to mention on the back Garden I do actually come back at the very end of the video and actually change it so there's kind of like a little farming patch because I was really stuck on the back Garden like I said at the start of the video when I whenever I do houses and build on a lot it's like bigger whip phrase and they are lymph ways I always really struggle with the back garden and so I was really stuck and I kept on redoing it and I was having such a such a mayor basically when I was doing it part of the back Garden but you'll see at the very end of the video I actually come back I make it a little bit less wide and basically make one little area which originally are placed down some planters in a flower arranging table I make it into a bit of a a bit of a vegetable patch put it that way because I was thinking maybe in that way the kid in this household also has something else that they can do there is also other Planters in and around the house and on the lot itself but I just thought it'd be a nice little thing and I was really stuck on that area originally and I just really wanted to get in and start Furnishing the house and so I just decided that I'd come back to it at the end but moving on I'm talking about the teenager of this household who is Wolfgang now if you've got the get together expansion pack I can almost guarantee at some point in time you would have either interacted with this teenager or you would have at least seen them because maybe it's just my save files but whenever I go to any Community lot in the world of windenburg this teenager is there somewhere pulling pranks making it so when your sim uses the toilet it's gonna flood or maybe like alter in the Plumbing Systems basically this teenager is part of the really Infamous club which I can never remember the name of and I can also never really pronounce it properly so I'm also trying to avoid that as well but is basically part of this really naughty club that is just kind of like notorious for pulling pranks on people being horrible to people and just all round not really being a nice Sim to spend your time with now this in himself he's got two traits he is gloomy and he is mean and he's dressed quite quite Gothic he's quite a bit of a rebel a little bit of a goth and I just thought this was so fun and so interesting for his storyline I don't really have too many Sims like this in my so far so far I'm definitely gonna make some more but so far I haven't really done any any bedrooms decorated towards this kind of style his bedroom was so much fun to decorate because it's very rebellious it's very Gothic like it was just it was a kind of teenage room that I don't very often do you can now see that I've actually moved on into the garage and this garage space ends up being kind of like his band practice room and you can see that I've already placed down loads of different posts in the walls some of them have some skulls on I also have a few different Club Flags which have the skull on which is kind of like the clubs icon so that just speaks a thousand words within itself now in terms of his storyline if I'm being honest I didn't really want to change anything about it because the storyline that the Sims team kind of I don't want to say created for him because it doesn't actually have an individual storyline herself but the kind of the idea that the Sims team gave us was he's a gloomy teenager he's pretty antisocial if he ever does go out in public he always just ends up just messing with things and putting pranks and just being a bit horrible to the general like neighborhood and all the Sims in the neighborhood and so I didn't really want to change that because I just thought that was so so fun for gameplay and so the only thing that I think I'm going to add to him for my save file is I'm gonna make it so he's got a skill in programming because when you go into a brand new safe he's got two skills one in logic and then one in Mischief I'm gonna make it to his score a skill in programming because if your Sims have a high enough I think it's high enough both mischief and programming they can actually hack into their school grades and change them on the system which is just so fun for storyline because I don't imagine him to go to so I imagine that he always says to his mum yeah right I'm going to school and he doesn't he probably just get heads off the Bluffs or something and he just he just completely skipped school he's a proper just never goes to school and the only reason he's got good grades which I don't even think he's got good grades when you're going to a brand new safe or I think he's got like a c which isn't like I mean don't get me wrong that's not bad but it's not exactly a plus and so I think the only reason why he's got these kind of like normal grades is just because he's hacking into the system so I think the only one change I'm gonna make to him is so he's got this higher programming skill if you've ever seen it Drake and Josh you know Megan a bit like that but teenage version so I thought that was quite interesting I was also thinking that he might have a potential crush on one of his fellow club members which is Morgan another Sim that is going to be my save for what she's already a pre-existing Tony in the world of lindenberg but I was thinking he's such a shy individual he probably he's probably too scared to make a move and so maybe that could be something and kind of like his individual storyline for gameplay maybe you're gonna make it so he can eventually have a relationship with her I don't know but yeah I didn't really have too much in terms of changing his storyline because I thought the one that we kind of originally got for him was pretty much perfect to sue his character he also wants to one day grow up and become a Public Enemy which it just speaks for itself like it's just not you don't exactly want to chitchat with him on the road if you're passing because he would probably insult you if you go past him but I just thought it was really fun and really interesting and so I'm going to keep him exactly how he is and then there is a little boy as well like I've briefly kind of skipped over which is Lucas he's a little kid of the household completely different to his teenage brother now originally in the household bio for the Munch family it's kind of stated that the mum maida has a really good relationship with this little boy she'll come home from a long day of work and she'll spend time with her son and so he's just an all-round good little kid he likes the outdoors he's got some skills in creativity and motor and he maybe wants to one day grab and become like a gardener or something like that originally I'm pretty sure he has a pair of little yellow Wellies or what they call some people call them different things like rubber boots I don't know how I was the same but I know different places called Wellies different things but I call them what is but he's wearing some little little yellow Wellies originally when you're going to a brand new save file and I think I might keep that because I feel like it just suits him as a simile it kind of suits his character but yeah that was pretty much the storyline that I've got for this family that's gonna be living in this house myself I'm so happy with the stroller because it is so different to anything that I've done before and I also think it's just so funny the fact that the storyline that we originally got was this young adult was kind of refusing to move out of his family home and his mum wasn't exactly too happy about it and then because of his own actions he just happened to form a book club within his house and then eventually Lots happened and then he's now previous fellow Mutual or previous photo book club member is now just becoming his step parent I just thought that was really funny and just really interested in gameplay but anyway moving on from that and actually getting on and getting back to talking about the build and what I'm doing right now so you might notice that I've pretty much done the majority of the downstairs Furnishing which I'm never a massive fan of when I talk over like the inside Furnishing because I normally like to talk about the building process and what what items or from what pack and whatnot but I just I've been thinking about this storyline pretty much all week and I've just been really excited to share it so hopefully you don't mind that I spoke over the majority of the downstairs Furnishing but you would have seen I did like quite a big kitchen the breakfast room which I briefly mentioned that ends up being a little bit more of a formal-ish dining room a downstairs area it was a really weird shape it was really ickledy-pickledy and I really struggled with that room but I think I managed to make it work but then also downstairs you would have seen at one of the bedrooms the home office which is for the eldest son because he is in the writer's career and so I wanted to have a little little office space for him and then also at the garage room as well I really tried my absolute hardest to try and make the garage space feel like as much of a band practice room as I could possible so you might notice in there I placed down the DJ mixing station or like the DJ mixing thing the object I honestly hardly ever use that because it's a bit of a a bit of a weird shape in terms of you have to have certain space viewers seems to actually be able to get around and actually get into interacting with the object itself but it's also quite difficult just to place into ordinary houses but that was pretty much in the garage Space Room the make do drum kit because like I said I really want a drum kit in the game I just not even just a drum kit I'd love if we get so many different more musical instruments like a flu a saxophone I would absolutely love it if my Sims can play a saxophone or like the harp which I feel like the harp probably should have come with the my wedding stories game pack but I just want there to be more musical instruments in the game rather than just the guitar the violin and the piano because after how many years of the Sims 4 it's just a little bit repetitive sometimes and so I'm holding out still one day that we're gonna be able to get a band game pack or kit or something and if that is the case then I'll come back to this house and I'll alternate so so alternate I'll change it so then there is actually like a drum kit in there because I really imagine the teenager in this household to be someone that plays the drums I just feel like that kind of suits his character but now as you can see I've now moved on to the upstairs level of the house I've already done at one of the bathrooms now like always if you've been here for a while you you know the gist I only ever showed the Furnishing of one bathroom just because they're too boring they're too repetitive there's only so many times I can show you placing down a toilet and a sink for it to be interesting in one video and so I only ever really show the Furnishing of one the one that I did show you though I am so happy with it just there's nothing too special about it I mean I did place down a little shelving unit onto the bathtub which by the way if you are curious 100 Works your Sims pretty much act like it's not even there but I'm just really happy the way the bathroom turned out it feels very built-in and very accustomed to the house and it feels a little bit it's a bit of a darker bathroom normally whenever it comes to me Furnishing and decorating bathrooms on houses I normally try and make them quite light but because the health is quite cheatery and the rest of the house is decorated not not dark and jewelry but it's quite dark on the inside I wanted it to kind of reflect that into the bathrooms but now as you can see I've now moved on into one of the bedrooms and this just happens to be the bedroom for the little boy which is Locus now in here I'm not gonna lie to you I really did struggle in terms of what bed to use what wallpaper to use as always I do all the wallpapering off camera on the floor and it just takes me so long you wouldn't actually believe how long wallpaper and flooring takes me because I normally just end up going for a similar handful of four papers and flooring but normally I there is such a choosing process when it comes around to me picking for all the individual rooms and I'm with the kids room especially I wanted it to be playful and I wanted it to be a fun room because it is a kid but then I didn't want it to be to like stand out I didn't want it to stick out like I saw from from the overhead of the house where the rest of the house is decorated quite dark and it's got lots of different like dark Browns and lots of deep wood colors and so I try to do the best tudory kids room that I could possible I actually really like the way it turned out you might notice I'm I've got this one pillow that we got from the Little Campers kit and I basically rotated it and I merged it into the bed the bed that I use by the way if you're curious is from the cats and dog expansion packs hardly ever use that bed I don't know what it is but I'm not I'm not the biggest fan of all the different swatches that it comes in but there is this one particular Swatch that I use and I thought it went quite nice for the rest of the house and also the bed frame itself was a similar wood pattern to the rest of the house or like the rest of the wood within the house if that makes sense but anyway as you can see I just quickly did one of the other rooms which happens to be the little art studio so that is the art studio for the it's the stepmother of this household or kind of like the step parent it just ended up turning out so lovely in there I used quite a quite a leery wallpaper I always refer to their wallpaper in my head anyway as the Marmite wallpaper because the wallpaper that I use in that room I feel like you either love it or you absolutely hate it bit like Marmite and I use that wallpaper in a few different rooms within the house I think I used it in the breakfast room and then also the spare guest bedroom downstairs and then the art room itself in they'll end up placing down I think two different art easels a few different carts that look like they've got loads of different like bits and Bobs to do with painting and different oh paint brushes and stuff and just loads of different stuff that I feel like if you're an artist you're gonna have somewhere within your house that loads of different crafting tools and loads of different equipment to help you paint but that room the screenshots of it are just so pretty and also I feel like it's just such a good room if you are an artist and you're looking for kind of like a really a really open space that you can just go in and you can completely clear your mind and you can stand there and you can paint it's got these windows that kind of like curve around and it looks out into the scenery like I said your Sims can paint the driveway if they want to or they can maybe just paint like a normal picture teacher they can paint from reference but it probably would just be like the window and the driveway but the idea in my head was you know the notebook the film The Notebook I was imagining you know when I can't think of the character's name but she always wanted a room out looking something so she can paint that was what I was thinking of when I was doing that room but anyway now as you can see I've now moved on into the next bedroom which is the teenager's bedroom so in here I basically purposely placed his bedroom at the very end of the house because pretty much this room area or like this little space within the Builder itself it only ended up having one window and originally I was thinking that I could make it into the little boy Lucas's room because the room that actually ends up being his bedroom is slightly bigger than this one but because of Wolfgang's personality because of him as a character his quiet keeps himself to himself doesn't really like that much social interaction to have a bedroom that is completely separate to the rest of the house it's not like miles away but it's at the very end of a dark hallway it just suits in perfectly and so I decided to make this room into his and then you might have seen that I actually brought in the outside brick onto the inside of this room I was originally going to use this like black painted wallpaper or like maybe it was just paint as the inside like wallpaper color but then I was thinking about it and it was a little bit I wouldn't need to have a little bit more texture so I basically use the same brick that's on the outside on one wall and then I just changed the color swatch of it to be a bit of a darker one and then use it on the other wall that way it feels a little bit more rebellious a little bit more Gothic and then I'm really happy the way this room turned out as you can see in the corner I end up placing down the bed that we've got from the high school years expunging pack not gonna lie I was a little bit disappointed in the fact of when it came around to try and find a bed that suits his quiet Gothic quite rebellious personality there wasn't that many I found anyway so maybe that's something that we need more in the game I've never because I don't really normally build bedrooms and decorate bedrooms to a rebellious goth I don't really I I've done a few probably but I don't really do that many so I've never really noticed it before but I was finding that trying to pick out a bed you wouldn't have seen it because I cut it out but I was I was searching for a while I was debating using the one that we got from Eco lifestyle but I didn't like the fact that it had some wood that didn't really match the rest of the room but in here besides the point you can see that I ended up placing down a little computer desk and on the desk itself it actually looks like an old door now I was debating where I should use this particular desk or not because my thought process is we got it with a werewolf going pack and the whole idea I think originally off this desk is werewolves have probably just used loads of different like scraps from all the different areas of the world of moon World Mill which is the world that we've got from the GamePad and they've probably just made furniture out of scraps of previous furniture and I was thinking it doesn't really suit a I don't want to say a wealthy teenager but I mean let's be honest this house is quite big it's quite a big family home and it's quite not fancy but it's decorated quiet they've got a bit of money to put build but a little worse they put a little bit of money in so I was thinking does it really suit because it's quite a it doesn't really suit with the rest of the house it doesn't really make much sense but then I was thinking about what about the situation of maybe Wolfgang is so independent that he wants to make all of his own money he probably makes some money from all the different computer hack programming stuff that he does and so maybe he maybe he made the desk himself maybe he built it from previous scraps and maybe he doesn't really rely on his mum and his step parent to kind of provide for him maybe he's very independent in that way he is quite independent in silver he's quite a shy character so I feel like that does kind of make sense for his storyline either way I am absolutely in love for the way that I decorated his room it was so much fun because it was so refreshing to do a bit of a Gothic rebellious theme for his bedroom I don't know I use loads of different debug menu items and live edit menu items I found loads of different like air horns which I imagine that he uses all the time when he pulls pranks there's loads of different like werewolf statues I have a little werewolves themselves on there I also use the cow plant skull in his room which again if you fits in perfectly with his whole entire his whole entire Vibe I mean his Club Gathering their icon is a literal skull and so it kind of fits in but every single time I see that cow plant skull I just remember the absolute embarrassment that I had because originally when we got the werewolf game pack I said in my first video which bear in mind I built a werewolf family home the same night that the werewolf game pack came out and so I wasn't really running on that much sleep I thought at first glance that that cow plant skull wasn't a cow plant skull and at first and I said it in the voiceover I thought it was a werewolf skull and so at first I was referring to it as a werewolf skull and it wasn't until people started to tell me no just that's actually cow plant skull but either way I placed it down into that room but anyway as you can see I've now moved on in the last bedroom of this house so this is the parents and step parents room so this is Mila's room I really had no idea how big I made this room when I was originally doing the floor plan until I came in and I actually placed the bed into the middle and then I realized the room is absolutely massive and so I had to find a way to fill it out a little bit I did use some platforms to kind of block off one of the walls and then it also placed down at one of the wardrobes that we got from the get together expansion pack to kind of like fill out some of that space quite nicely I also placed down like a nice bookcase in the corner it's also this really big like Tudor window in this bedroom which I felt like was very appropriate to put in this build somewhere as I am building a Tudor in styled build and then you can see that I'm just going to go around now kind of like finish their room off I end up placing down I think like an armchair I think a little vanity table as well in the corner because I was really stuck when I turned the camera in terms of what do I place over here because everything I would have placed I've already placed onto the other side of the room because it's so big and I just didn't know what to fill it out with but it ended up placing down a little vanity table I'm pretty sure I'll place down some like makeup eyeshadow palettes on there and just some like General stuff that I feel like you would have on a makeup vanity table but apart from that I'm gonna go out to the outside of the build I'm gonna readjust that little garden patch in the back Garden like I was talking about I just had a problem there with it originally when I was trying to figure it out and like I said I just wanted to get in and start Furnishing because I was so excited to actually start Furnishing inside of this house but apart from that I'm gonna finish it off and that is pretty much it so anyway guys I'm gonna end this voiceover right here as always you can download this build via the gallery my gallery ID is Jessica prior YT or you can search the hashtag Jessica or just the hashtag Jessica Pie as always thank you guys so much for watching this video and as always if you do like my content then please do subscribe and hopefully I'll see you in my next Sims 4 speedboarding video bye guys [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jessicapie
Views: 47,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 mansion, sims 4 house, sims 4 family home, sims 4 family house, sims 4 save file, sims 4 generations, sims 4, jessicapie, jessicapieyt, save file, sims 4 huge family home, the sims, sims 4 generations house, sims 4 big mansion, sims 4 mansion build, sims 4 large family home, sims 4 house building, sims 4 big family house, large family home, sims 4 tudor house, sims 4 tudor mansion, sims 4 tudor build, sims 4 tudor cottage, munch
Id: 7xiHCAZ2ToM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 14sec (2894 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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