HUGE CRAFT STORE Found Inside An Abandon Storage Unit! #42

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you guys ready hey man whoa we hit the jackpot guys waiting with weights ventures and you're watching The Ventures YouTube channel a family channel we scour the state of Oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share with our YouTube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of Oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this what's up guys you see me crouched over we are trying a different angle today on the GoPro to see if this is better it's lower but hopefully we can see in the boxes so welcome in guys hit the thumbs up button another video for you today and I think it's gonna be a decent one but again we haven't looked in these boxes yet these are these are storage treasures guys and if you're new to the channel and you're wondering what the heck's going on every video is labeled so this is gonna be number in the 30s so if you want to go back to the first right and we're in the storage unit you can see all the stuff being pulled out of it and then watch you know two three four all the way up to this to get caught up but let's get into this we have grandma venture so we're here getting ready to open this box this is a lower late or lower angle here so hopefully it goes good cut my head off no I got a lead room for your head so I have room for my head over here alright let's go you open yours up first and I will crawl over here oh wait what is your safe it says fragile breakable fragile breakable okay let's see what mine says here mine says dreamsicles yeah and let's just say she had every Dreamsicle that was ever made Oh obviously not there's a box full in the history dreamsicles no not you the lady oh yeah oh I thought you were gonna throw it again I class I don't know pickin it up by now that's never happening here I'm gonna get all these out real quick oh my god I gotta be careful because it's fragile and I don't know what it is but it's oh it's big it's weird sort of pipe somebody's over here it's a mini Janet I think okay I knew that we're gonna go somewhere where this is oh it's got a cool faucet oh this is a I think I'm gonna like this oh it's not a watering can this is if I mean you plug it in and probably the tube goes here oh wow it's one of those things where it goes you plug it in here you know and then the water goes up and over and in here it looks like it's pouring basically have you seen one those before no I haven't do you know we demonstrate it yes water at the end of this video will demonstrate it and yes I have water but where's this pork you I think it sucks it up oh I know what it does so you put water in here it sucks up the water here and then it pours it out so it looks like it's don't look right way just trust me trust me I know what that is yeah I don't think the water in Canada that water being poured on this boat no it looked like it's pouring out of the spout okay let's kick what will continue and will demonstrate it she's not getting it no I'm not are you guys alright so that was pretty cool the only problem is is there a pump in there yeah I'm thinking in there I'm thinking the water thing go somewhere else other than inside it no it's trust me where's the paper I have right there let me see the picture well there is no picture here this is just the things oh okay well so we spent two minutes on that we will go back to it I'm still thinking about it and show people what it looks like everything's wrapped up in Oh oh I love this one look at us they even wrapped it inside of it oh I didn't get like they're way to show them man and a cat I'm not yeah I like six inches guys they paid 28 bucks back in the 90s and that's what that looks like yeah here's another rabbit Dreamsicle and this one is a really heavy rabbit about six inches and they signed it back in the day are we out of routine today this is how we routinely do it okay fly by the seat of my pants you know try new things yes well we're getting a lot of this stuff nowadays I need a lot of shipping they live up in heaven and then either got their star chores good I like yours I think that's got the cutest base on it doesn't it yes that is a pretty cute faith so there's that and he's an angel he or she it's signed let me see if he's he or she could be a he or she may be I don't know I'm thinking he all right on to the next Dreamsicle if you guys want dreamsicles they'll be on grandma Poshmark she'll have about a thousand of them someday right now but I am gonna start on him you guys want any of this dreamsicles the type which one you want so we can list up first okay we got to be careful not putting anything on top of this this is a pretty big one oh that's kind of like a face like this one yeah don't put anything on top of this one I couldn't get it to lay flat alright grab that one okay we ready to show this one yeah oh yeah we did oh this is the golden halo collection bigger bed wraps then we have another bag but we're gonna leave you like this I'm running across the same situation here look at this I love the elephants this is a circus Dreamsicle yeah this one has a golden halo and he's got a little gold on his Oh beans - oh it's cool I love this one I couldn't tell if it was a game it's got a gold sticker and it's numbered oh that's fourteen fourteen out of 2692 that Wow great I think that's the lowest number we found it's the lowest one I've seen they just sitting there being cool you know got a little hand on his knee it's relaxing all right showing off for somebody I'm not sure I don't know 14 Wow look at that 14 that is a low number he's heavy too he is very heavy what all of the guy sold vanina's meat potatoes all right let's move on well we got the next box we have oh you must have that plan could you're grinning you know what this is no I'm just opening it yours ready oh nevermind it's not what I thought it was it was I don't see any designer but they're cool my god those are two they said there's small prints that make sense now oh now they're getting colorful there's another one and that one's cool everything's got to be a moose somewhere in every box out there moose moose moose machine lighthouses I like that one I like birch trees like that yeah and they're a really good condition guys really good some geese Oh I actually like these pictures there is a moose I'm learning to love losses oh wow that's missing the toe is it in there I don't see it that looks like some of their artwork doesn't it yeah like their personal artwork their sword kissing look at that guy's I think there was two of them that were oh wait maybe it doesn't oh no does look like something but I'm not sure pretty cool do be sold on the shadow box doing yep we sold it it in one of our first warehouse sales now what do we have heard this made me personal yep this is personal this is a plaque for it looks like it's a recognition consistent service whacker we're gonna put that we're gonna put that right there that way that way we keep their stuff personal all right what do we got finish but not smell it finished per frame or whatever they were gonna do it doesn't smell bad so they were finishing this what is it looks like a piano with a rose sitting on it that's what I see what do you see if we can all take art anyway with wine see whatever oh look at that okay here's scrap material they were making Santa hats or something cuz of all of them in there oh yeah all right Santa hat extra material yeah shush on my first cos mine's more it's more exciting yeah this is looks like a crafting kit got eyes in the back of it we have oh look it's not socks inside with lace on the door it is sucks I saw the lace oh wow is that Little Orphan Annie socks yep Annie Oh as her fuel that's that's neat and then look at this Oh little dress yep I have this but there's nothing the pattern of a bear I'd yeah all right what do you got I got some scraps of material therapy it's pink and white and the more material we sold a lot of cloth at the last auction guys yeah seems like it's some kind of linen it looks like something you'd make a blazer out of up close and there's a lot of it this looks like the pants to the Blazer we're gonna have to do another cloth on another cloth and that's what this is we got little odds and ends of cloth there and then we got the box you think these are 60s and 70s maybe they sure look at this that's Maya that's my guess zoo birds so my soup what is it - sewing by su yeah then I can't remember the full name it's a long yeah oh it says Christmas decorations stamp stamp rugs rag oh snap rags sorry guys I just take their word okay there's rags stamp rags so this says today well it's not made together give her a coca-cola maybe I've been out lately I'm trying not to drink it these are old those are old Christmas you string them on the Christmas tree I mean these these are like the fury of popcorn okay nobody in all the big lights the old lights their lights have gotten a lot of brand-new lights to Christmas lights yeah it's weird that's what storage units I've learned are for even my sister said she had to get a storage unit Christmas holiday nobody wants to store at the house Noah's Ark book that is cool Wow this was back in 90 they did right in it yeah it's personalized this is personalized but it's really cool it's a great idea they I know she probably made it on her sewing machine this is definitely I think handmade right I do yeah handmade in today's world is you make it on your own sewing machine yeah it's not handsome back in grandma's day it was handsome look at this this is an 1891 is it plastic it feels like hurt whoa we'll see if it breaks it's a clock yeah this is made in Japan but you know to someone that's uh works on trains they'd love that 1991 or a train lover yeah that's kind of cool I like it oh my gosh what is in here whoa look at these no listen oh wow it's sealed though this is cool okay we're gonna make this blouse with this ribby oh that is pretty cool I actually like it for a little girl somebody's gonna be spendy I used to buy a lot of patterns I used to sew along Jane sold a bunch for a couple hundred bucks so you found they are they can get spendy bold patterns like that here's this they don't have any artist signature on these guys that I can tell what is that it's for a new bra born it has a little feet you can cover up or uncover and the hoodie and the hands you can make it into mittens hmm are you interested I can tell you aren't it is cool this is almost axle sighs oh no you don't think so oh no where's the hands go you can you cover the hands up or uncover them but believe me you wouldn't get axle in there it's so tall down me personal what is that personal pictures okay family picture all right those I don't know normally some other people show personal but we do not we like to keep their identity a secret if we can what their photos kind of cool I'll read it out loud no there are not separate gloves there is only one love from which we all partake Wow that's thick I bet this was a hot tub it oh never mind never mind you hang it you know I thought it's a hot before you put a pan on it why would we want to cover that beautiful scene what's this oh it's a rug kit that hasn't been opened it's brand new and I like it it's Ivy it's sealed yep they can get kind of spending it's a wonder art rug kit has all the aren't you yeah yep it's no it's a kind new punch I'm not sure don't it's sealed latch hook it's flat Chuck yeah it's right here yep that's what it is may their name should we put this in the auction or maybe we should put that all put it in your crap okay so it is a bunch of my favorites that'd be good for the boy children that's thick that's color the children's Bible illustrated yep here's another one these are religious books yeah we could do it and somebody that would go well on your auction because oh I think his name is Brian who would like these yeah they're right shout to Ryan yeah this and some of these can be quite expensive so getting them in a big lot like that let's save your money he loves Christian me I think I think he'd like these that's cool oh you mind giving us a little book reading oh you want me to read yeah go ahead just some lit up a couple of couple pages and I read a couple this star shines high in the skies over where the baby lies there's some pictures okay next page I should start a little group like this ten sheep bleep bleep for the baby born this night bleak for the star now shine okay one more page she's making fun of me is why he said oh no no no that's all just to make fun of me oh the star sings with the angel band a child is born tell all the land sheep whisper sheep giggle sheep wiggle okay next can i and they don't want to hear the whole well we're almost done with the book now ten sheep wiggle we go for the baby born this night we go for the star up shining bright you're trying to make fun of me no I'm going along with you Anna meaning okay cuz I know you're trying to do that side first the star hums was Mary song Joseph rocks the baby in the Sheep rock along see I'm I'm just acting silly because that's what you want me to do you you're trying to make fun of Mike I think she's poor the baby born this night sleep for the stars shining bright okay that's enough that's enough that's enough but this is a really cool now let's see you do it I mean it I actually may keep that for Axl and kid I would like that okay children's Bible we've got a bunch of them in here it's hard to read out loud and make it sound good I think you did it cuz you were making fun of me you did a great job do are you guys sleeping yet alright there's those there's those those all right so we have some other flight books some ones I used yeah we do have nope there's nothing in there some people love buying worn in wallets but that's gonna be a tough sell Dericks I think it's got issues okay we need a good box for you now Oh we'll get a good box oh my gosh this is your box oh by wholesale by il 1998 Wow we know they're out of business now cuz everything even up-to-date ones are out let's just say that books not selling all right I did get a good box for you wonderful ear in here there's something in here Tigger thanks okay well first let's show them this we got some used candles and then but look at this guy's it is and it looks frequently walk I don't 1998 so he's 30-something years old his feet look like he might walk but I don't know how to turn him on well you need a battery it takes a battery or somewhere I got a look it looks like he has walking legs I think he walks it's a Disney Disney night dear everybody knows Tigger 1998 and he's clean as can be he it looks like they didn't even I'm gonna wonder what these are then I don't know I hope it figures friends look stickers France isn't that Winnie the Pooh or something oh we need Ashley on that idea we have chills but it would be Matthew there's a lot of them here I would say this is like six pounds with suckers who is some of these go for good money they'll the Sony Walkmans 20 25 bucks sold and quite a few of them 20 25 bucks all day long oh look I needed these before I went and planted in my plants do you think you're still good yeah yeah yeah some beans yeah this should be good people don't know but I think there's somewhere I don't know where it's exactly located but there's a big bunker the United States House fold every seat you can think of just in case something happens oh wow I dunno so it's like a whole facility that they keep every seat that they have so that way if something happens they they have all this shows how much we don't know that goes on in the countries yeah okay so there's some Oh Tom what those are oh yes what do you guys think the brand this is a time off is this your first live show she had her coffee I excused the timex what is this oh this says lifelong I've never heard of that brand this is my mix oh no be fixed okay so we have to time X and we will do a watch lot cuz people were asking for that I was not expecting that it can go in your sewing little nicer Pig that's a bunch of sewing stuff glue sticks yep her crappy flying odds and ends random odds and ends and a hearts o tracer for patterns when you sew these are old zippers all right what do you have I have a cat that has been-- beats at the bottom so to stand up Wow it it's one of those patterns you know we saw the fabric where you so the cats together fabric traditions yeah this is one sewn together and that's what they look like when they're sewn together it's got bean bags this is some a big one like 15 inches yeah I'll put what you're stuffing with but you put in the bottom blood this too a lot to stop I told this on our auction but I made a pillow back in junior high ribbon oh we have a ton of ribbon stuff next auction well you guys probably already seen this video buy them but oh and here is more cat things that careful they're pinned and they're ready to be sewn together smaller ones to go with the bigger one yeah oh there's a lot of pins oh yeah they're all they use a lot of pins that could be dangerous if you stuck your hand in that huh and here's a pillow that needs stuffing no it's a pillow I can tell by this embellish your sweatshirt oh I think they say Denise on them too yes I'm pretty sure they say no see you don't know we do a lot of stamps and the auctions Thursdays from Fordyce 48 but grandma has a lot of stamps on her Poshmark I do smaller bundles than he does for cuz not everybody so if you want the smaller bundles the leak will be below and you can you got over a hundred bundles on there right still yeah I got over 100 right now and these are all brand new stamps guys I like a lot of these from the 90s these are like Christmas fireplace stamps and so Christmas night and stuff like that and some of the older stamps do well especially the Christmas ones cuz they are out of print but they're all brand new all brand-new yep that has your name on it look at these old it's not from I'm wondering if it would have had my name on it if we found them off camera no this is I that guy looks familiar Alice in Wonderland oh yes the Mad Hatter yeah that's a man that could be wrong I think it is it's freshly might want that one 1998 yeah she might want that when she she likes those kind oh yeah aren't those cute they are like they had every stamp you can imagine his fairy Stan stamps grow on you and when you look at as many as we do all right what do we got fabric fabric I remember this this must be cheese because my mom had some sheets just like this when I was younger oh yeah those are sheets they don't smell like we're all sheets this is a fabric okay so this is all sheets Oh and pillowcases hmm you sure you've seen new that one's cool look at that somebody needs to go to bed earlier tonight yes that's what they call owning your own business yeah ooh look at this though this is a old Budweiser what happened to it oh is it not open it all the way yep it's an old Budweiser pillow case for a man cave Wow this thing could sew when he's money he's not sleeping normal in the normal place he can have his Budweiser pillowcase in his man cave do you have a man cave Shelly this is my man cave you need a bed is there another one in here these are all just like the others oh is this no these are all old pattern sheets that I remember some of them from back when my mother madam what does this one say oh oh this is um is it oh yeah yeah peanuts peanuts and over name I know her name I just can't think of her name it's not Jane what it's oh this one ashley may want look at that Terry and the Pirates who's that oh I thought it was a Marvel thing oh look on the other side is it Archie Oh Little Orphan Annie's on that side so it's a I don't know who Terry in the pirate so I thought it would be like a Marvel one before I headed all the way open but oh this is somebody copyright Chicago tribute I don't know we might want to look that one up I'd have to okay what do we have here we have a box for you they like frogs and things like that this is gonna be I was very gentle okay oh look at this this is just an amazing I don't know who these people are wait there's a man and a girl my boy could be from a show I think they are but I don't know which one somebody would know when they I mean there's some beautiful stamps here look at this guy's this looks like some cartoon I've seen they have a lot of kid stamps in here like from when they're young like old print stuff yeah like look at this gotta make sure we don't this is all vintage pictures of vintage things these are retired and they're from the 90s oh my gosh actually a kid's theme about children doing all different things I think there's about 80 of them here and there's another one there's another one okay what's your favorite you have any favorites in here there's some Oh ballerinas are always good ah umbrellas they wanted 11 bucks just for that guy back in the day all right we have a lot of money here yeah oh look at that that is cool I like that one I like that one that is cool I like a lot of them so I can't have a favorite yep she definitely collected it and then put it in different theme different themes probably years and years of collection that one alright guys that was today's video and there's a massive pile over here and if anybody wants extra seeds they know who to go to right so hook you up but that being said what do you think of this today's video some good stuff it's a lot of different stuff it's all different we got to figure out how that watering can works oh yes we will and I mean you guys got some stamps seeds that you aren't even open a book story cats I was forced into the book story alright guys next clip you'll see is with me in the water you can and I'll see all right guys hang tight alright so this is the watering can and there's no hole there's no water coming up so trying to get this working but we don't know if the pump no you don't turn the knob because there's no water coming out there's no there's no water coming up it's gotta come up the tube it might suck it up okay thank goodness grandma ventures what do they call those people not a plumber yeah anyways guys I'll have to work on this but it is really cool if I can get it working I think the pump is broken because it's been in there for years and years and years so alright today's it so it is complete and any last words no no no else words no I never have any last words I always have something to say this is the pump this is the pile so I'm gonna get this cleaned up and then talk to you guys soon see ya what's up guys and girls thank you so much for watching today's video if you want to see and support the ventures family a lot of people ask where can you do that so this is grandma ventures Poshmark guys she's got over about 1300 items that you find in storage units I'll put her link below if you want to shop her Poshmark you can find everything that we get in storage units and shop her Poshmark also this is my Poshmark over a thousand items you can go here and shop wayde's ventures Poshmark if you find anything that you like these are all from storage units so if you see something in a video you like you can go to these to posh marks also eBay we have quite a few items on this replica count 500 items everything that you finds in these storage units you can go to ebay and shop and all this stuff here will be available to you and then if you want to learn how to buy storage units thirty four dollars it comes up to twenty five cents per video and I teach you everything you need to know about buying storage units so if you're at home and you want to buy storage units the link will be below it's a complete course you pay for the store the course for thirty four bucks and then right away you can start watching one hundred and thirty six videos and I teach you how to buy storage units and then lastly if you go to youtube and you go to weight YouTube's right below or excuse me right beside the subscribe button you'll notice a join button if you click that joint button guys you can get extra footage footage that has never been released on YouTube between me grandma ventures and the family you can click that and get extra footage so there's so many ways you can connect with us thank you so much for the support and I shall talk to you on the other side hopefully you enjoy tomorrow's video thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from Wade's ventures click the videos on the left you
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 12,143
Rating: 4.9247313 out of 5
Keywords: HUGE CRAFT STORE Found Inside An Abandon Storage Unit, CRAFT STORE, Found Inside An Abandon Storage Unit, Abandon Storage Unit, STORE, retail store, I bought a retail store, retail stores closing, retail, store, small business, retail store closing 2020, store closing, stores closing, breaking news, craft retail stores, storage units, storage unit, storage wars, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage unit auctions, unboxing, storage locker, self storage, storage
Id: kLViMbog4wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 13sec (2473 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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