HoYoVerse, how could you?... [Genshin Impact Catalysts Only]

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i know that this question has been on your mind since the last video of spells only i'm sure none of you could even sleep because of how much you were wondering will we get yon faye on this account and the answer is most likely not you know what maybe we need to try a new approach i complain about this game all the time so perhaps what we need to do is actually complement the game for starters this is one of my favorite spots in the entire game for some reason i don't know why it just looks really nice and i feel like if you're gonna take a photo this is a nice spot especially if it's at night time and the city is lit up it's just it's just nice i don't know i just like it i like how the elevation of this city goes up the whole way so as you're coming through you can just barely see the cathedral at the top and you have all these buildings surrounding you and it gives it a much larger sense of scale and of course character designs always look fantastic let's just look at our team here i mean lisa great design ning wang great design barbara very nice design as well you know i think we're just missing a character with i don't know maybe like an orangish color hair who wields let's just say an element kind of like fire or something that would be kind of cool i mean if the game had that our team would just be amazing it'd be the best game game of the year 100 percent just look at how amazing this game is everything you see on this map you can go to top of that mountain you can go there we might not be able to go there right now but you can go there that peak over there you can go there that tree on top of a mountain is this spot right here a lot of games have landscape that you can see but can't actually visit this one you can actually visit it and even the wishing system has got to be my favorite thing in the whole game because they have fantastic rates on characters it's okay this was a test i know this was a test on hoyo versus part i love this weapon it's fantastic i use it on every pole arm character on any account now excuse me a moment while i go raid some chests for primo gems oh again see glitches like this little bugs like this you can only get this in gentian good luck trying to find bugs of this quality and other popular games okay more primo gems have been acquired so as i was saying this is just pretty much the best game that you are ever going to play no i'm i'm staying strong i know it's a terrible bow that's fine it's just part of the gotcha system who doesn't love that let's get our last acquaint fate from the shop for this rotation and sticking with the theme of amazing pulls off of these banners we're gonna go ahead get ourself a purple this is actually going to be sucrose which we can can i even ascend her i cannot which means no free wish yet i've been slowly farming up more primos we're at a whopping 100 but then i just remembered that places like this exist get me inside this domain now [Music] oh i actually did that first try wow i am i'm so smart i'm not smart you know what it is it's gentian impact's fantastic domain design i can't take any credit for that so we beat that domain i think yep that one's another one that we could do and to be honest i'm sure there's at least one more hidden somewhere in here and now allow me to tell you about the best part regarding the wishing system in this game the pity system we have ourselves a guaranteed four star so as you can see here we're gonna get exactly what we i take back everything that i have said this game is terrible well guess we gotta work our way back up to 160 primos in the meantime though i did go ahead between last episode and this episode and i got up to a r30 as you can see right right there right there you can see it right there and that will let us go and descend all of our characters which is another thing i did off camera i farmed all their ascension material oh that's right this is the ascension where we get an extra acquaint fate thank you very much lisa thank you ninghuang and thank you barbara oh so you remember remember this domain that looks like it gives us nice free primo gems and a key for another 40 primo gems yeah um a little issue we need pyro for it would have been nice if ar 30 actually gave us primos but yeah no it doesn't i was informed in the comments that we can actually buy these here gonna take all five of those and i think we can get dandelion seed somewhere it's either the girl that wanders out in the wilderness over here or it's someone in monstat okay where is this floral idiot is it you are you hey get back where you going sell me you know what i'll take these just for the heck of it that actually reminds me i also need to farm these that's so expensive i'll still take them though unfortunately i just looked up if you can buy dandelion seeds anywhere you can but it's in inazuma so what we can't go ahead and finish up any quests that do need the dandelion seeds at least we can finish up d luke's little quest here so that we could do other quests that needed this one to be done first um what is going on with this abyss mage do you oh oh it just activated uh oh i retract my statement from the last episode i am actually going to be using this waypoint now so it does serve one use another quest done and another achievement claimed hoyverse noel or barbara only or or blues i love blues too any blues yes definitely thank you definitely not trying to do reverse psychology or anything i farmed some of the mages and we can go ahead and craft up two more of these masks and that should be everything that we need to once again ascend this weapon do you all know what today is today is lisa's birthday so i'm just thinking here the best present to get lisa on her birthdays obviously another character she's a social woman she likes friends and we have enough primos for one wish on the right up bit i was lagging so much i really thought it was gonna be purple well here is the deal as of the time of recording this i put a poll out in the community tab on youtube i asked all of you if you would be okay with me spending a little money to try and get yanfey on this account 20 000 people responded in 97 percent of them said yeah go ahead in all honesty i was hoping that that one wish would give us a yam face so i didn't actually have to spend because while i may be able to afford it i still don't like doing it but of course me just going ahead and putting in some money doing wishes and repeating until we get a yanfei is kind of a boring process so once again i think i'm gonna reach out to the community so we're gonna see who's wishing rituals actually work and potentially crack the code of how to get the characters you want while wishing let's hope that these are the only genesis crystals we're going to be needing i've put out the post and we're beginning to get responses so i'm going to pick a random one then we're going to perform said wishing ritual and do one pull after yes only one pull per wishing ritual our first one tells us to go to any talent domain and clear it for two minutes apparently that's important and then use an elemental skill on the spot where you would collect the rewards it sounds like we don't actually need to collect the rewards so we're just gonna go ahead and clear this domain but with it taking two minutes i guess how do i know when two minutes have passed i wasn't paying attention to how much time we're given i've been trying to take my time i think we should be over two minutes by now all right domain is finished and it took us three minutes so we did it for at least those two minutes and now we're going to put down an elemental skill here go to the wishing tab and try to get a yam faye so will we get lucky off the first one no we won't i'm sorry to say your wishing ritual did not work well the next one's pretty easy we just have to climb the statue and sit on its hands survey says this is not the lucky ritual for us on to the next one we have to head over to this table right here sit down and enjoy our desired character's signature dish quick question how do we get yamphe's signature dish without having yam fae don't you need the character to craft their dish okay you know what we're gonna do instead we may not be able to make her signature dish but we can at least get the recipe somewhere for the dish that she turns into her signature dish and it's definitely not here okay yeah yes this one this is what we want now in order to get the ingredients for it we have to go back to monstat because i'm not going to wait 20 minutes for it to process we just need one of these and then we can go ahead and make the dish that yanfei wants perfect now we can come back have a seat underneath this tree go ahead and consume the dish that we just made on i guess oh we can only use it on a falling character huh apologies ning wang but i need to bring yam fae home alright for the last time we'll have a seat at the table we'll go ahead and use up this dish right here to bring ning wang back from the dead and then we do one wish and we should see not yam faye all right that's another ritual busted this next one basically just says go stand by madame ping and uh well she's not here yet and i don't feel like doing the whole teapot quest so this is where she normally stands i think that's good enough will that be enough for yanfei though that's the real question and the answer is resoundingly no while we're still in the city we have to walk all the way up to where madame ping is from the docks without climbing any walls this seems like an enormous waste of my time [Music] this better work and also madame ping is here apparently she was just not here before because it was night time is that enough to get a yanfei of course not the next wishing ritual tells us to climb to this little floating thing just some right there that thing and now that we are here we have to say objection three times so objection objection objection surely this one has to work right but no it doesn't we have to be getting close to four star pity right now we're off to star snatch cliff i was told to go to the middle of star snatch cliff and then go to the left of star snatch cliff so i guess the left of the middle but we're not allowed to collect any of the flowers in the area i'm looking for a log are you the log that i'm looking for i think you might be now we have to set the time exactly to midnight and once that's done we wish the question is will this actually give us the yanfei we want no it's giving us a lag is what it's giving us it is purple i'm pretty sure that's four star pity but let's see how lucky this spot is might say that's decently lucky so shout out to slot for the wishing ritual thing is we now have 2 900 genesis crystals left i guess i'm gonna hold on to them in case we end up really struggling to get clee when she does have a rerun that or i might just go ahead and buy an outfit with them now i know that's a terrible use for them but i don't just want to pour tons of money into the account we just wanted the one yan fe and yes i could go for a constellation but again the point of this isn't to just get all of the stuff we need by spending money so you know what this means a ton of new content just opened itself up to us oh you know we could do we could also give her the not that the the where is it this the pyro damage cup all right it might not be the best build and by that i mean it is not anywhere close to even remotely being a good build but look we we have cr attack and her stats are somehow higher than lisa's already i could have sent her again i just need a few more drops from korea university rock dragon so once our resin hits 40 we'll go and do that in the meantime though i believe there's a certain frying pan that we need to fire up well it took a little longer to actually get to the point where we could do this quest than i would have liked but now that we are here look how easy it is we just spam some normal attacks and we're good to go it's crazy how easy this game can be when you have the correct element that the game wants you to have who would have thought now as a reward for doing that we get to go ahead and complete tons upon tons of fetching quests my absolute favorite and now we have a search warrant for madame ping's teapot we have to come in here and find whatever it was we came in here to find you guys know what i can't wait for i am so excited to get to the part that i was originally trying to speed run my way to just to find out that it's patched out again i don't know whether it is or isn't we're gonna find out once we get there but at this point it wouldn't surprise me if it was i'll be honest with you for a second disregarding the genesis crystals that we still have remaining i probably would have kept spending any primo gems we got from this point onwards on the current rate of banner because two catalyst characters on the same banner is so good for this account however the last thing that i want on this account is to accidentally get a five star that we can't use especially if we get yael on right now then we don't even have the guaranteed 50 50. well i would love some extra barbara or yanfei constellations i do think it's smarter for us to just hold and hope for that cleary run oh no oh no no no no no no i remember this part of the game all too well this is when they spawn in a ton of waves of enemies they all keep falling off of this little hill and you have to keep going down to deal with them climb all the way back up and then the next wave falls off you go back down and you just keep doing that same process over and over maybe we'll get lucky and none of them will actually fall off though oh there goes the first one please get away from the edge please no you were why why do you back up right against the edge it is so easy for me to knock you off of this stop it no no come oh no all right you know what that actually wasn't that bad on swords only that was so much more painful [Music] wait wait wait a second where's the last one what are you doing down there aren't you gonna be a catalyst user i mean we don't know for sure yet but you look like you're gonna be a catalyst user and you're dendro so my team would love to have you when sumaru comes out chapter two one chap chapter one act two that's what i meant to say is now complete for this quest oh okay well now it automatically starts to act i can't talk okay act three for chapter whatever the heck we're on and lucky for us because yanfei took so long to come home we don't even have to grind a single ar so our next mission is of course to try to get to the jade chamber and that requires us to get out to that little floating island now luckily for us they do implement a way for us to get there but unfortunately for us we need animo to actually activate it so we're gonna go in and start pulling for sucrose on the standard banner try to get her because uh well it looks like we're gonna be stuck here for a while is what i would say but honestly i didn't even know i had an acquaintance there i was just doing it as a joke i do potentially have a solution for this and this is where the glitch comes in no matter what you do over here you can climb this tree all the way up and try to glide over you won't make it so shall we go find out if it's been patched all right you're ready for this it might take us a couple tries because back when i first tested this it wasn't really a 100 activation also i'm probably picking the worst one to try this with since there's enemies here but we go on this little bounce pad right okay easy jump and land and jump in the land and then jump open up the map what's that doing for you you might ask well really not much but now we're gonna disconnect ourselves from the internet so give me a moment while i yank out the ethernet cord there we go it's now realized that it cannot connect to the internet we just sit here and wait until it logs us out usually this is a terrible message to see but it's exactly what we want oh what is this no was there an update right now of all the times for them to put out an update they put it out right now oh yovers i'm trying to make a video what are you doing to me well how's your day going you have anything good for breakfast or something do people actually have good things for breakfast anymore i feel like you'll literally just eat whatever's in the house okay we finally finished the update imagine if that was actually the update that patched out what i'm trying to do okay so essentially it didn't work this time so let's do it again jump and land jump and land one more time and then we're just going to jump freeze the game and disconnect the internet okay no it's not working it's not oh geez let's try again shall we up down up i'm gonna die up again all right good good yep no that's perfect one two three four and five goodbye internet i really hope this does still work okay and it's not looking so good but it did take me a lot of attempts when i first did it so we're gonna keep trying time for the internet to disappear again survey says this does not look good something tells me that they patched this come on it's gotta work this time i don't see how it could possibly not work unless you know the whole universe patched out of the game but they wouldn't do that to me right they wouldn't be so cruel and boop let's try again but this time make it work [Music] if it doesn't work this time i'm going to start expecting the worst and it's not working all right let me go do some research to see if maybe someone in the community has said that this was indeed patched i hate this game right now when it comes to glitches like this you really can't find much online but i saw a handful of people saying it was patched so i went searching through the notes and i think this is it fix is an issue under certain circumstances whereby characters enhance jumping ability would linger abnormally so while i can't really show you what it did basically it would do this you see this jump pad you see the jump you get here where it boosts you that high into the air essentially you would bounce on that a few times log out at the climax of the jump and then once you log back in if it works anywhere you go if you jump you would have that super jump applied to you if you swapped characters or entered a cutscene it would reset it so you'd have to restart the glitch all over again but i did go ahead and test it on a different account and from the top branch of that tree up there if you jumped and glided over to wherever the platform is that we have to get to right there you just barely made it on that was my way around not needing an animal character and now that it's been patched which is exactly what i feared would happen we might need an animal character obviously we do not have an animo character so off i go to try and find another way to get through this alright so you might be wondering what the heck is going on right here i'm not going to attempt to move my camera because it'll probably mess it up if i do essentially uh hoyoverse if you're listening stop listening just exited the video right now okay are you gone yes okay good to everybody else if you find a raft like this in the game you jump off the edge plunging a tech in the water swim under it it does try to force you back out but some of them you're able to get stuck under like this one it's really just a matter of trial and error because when you go underwater the water tries to force you back up kind of like physics normally would but because the raft is right above our head we're not able to be pushed up so that momentum just keeps building so what we're gonna do is wait here for about 15ish minutes and hopefully that's long enough to shoot us straight into the stratosphere and glide down to where we need to be oh no no why they shoot me out i mean proof of concept it kind of worked but i was gonna stay under there for much longer than that oh boys now i have to contest with that as well okay let's try it again i guess this is why i was not trying to rely on this glitch and i just wanted to rely on the other one but that one's been patched there's really no skill when it comes to this it is just all rng leaving things up to rng over skill is never a good idea so if you prefer skill over rng then you're in luck because this video is sponsored by skillshare skillshare is an online library of classes where you can learn just about anything plus they're all taught by people with not just knowledge but also experience on the subject all of the courses are structured to teach you what you want to learn no matter how much experience you do or don't have best of all it's easy search what you want to learn pick a class and start learning that new skill i decided to take a class called anime drawing for beginners by pluvius i've wanted to improve my drawing skills for a long time now but whenever i try to learn something new my brain shuts down so i was hoping that a clear structured class would help with the fundamentals there's some video ideas that i have which require me to be able to draw more than a conglomerate of stick people so learning this new skill would mean more content for the channel and i wouldn't feel as inept when trying to draw characters since skillshare is sponsoring this video the first 1000 people to use the link in the description will get a one month free trial of skillshare it's literally free you're missing out if you don't use it thanks again to skillshare for sponsoring this video i don't know if there's a secret technique to this because literally every time i come under i just get forced out from underneath it occasionally i'll get stuck like right here and then three seconds later just shoots me right back out but this is my life now i have no other option according to my recording software i spent another 20 minutes just trying to get myself to stay under the raft and if you look closely you can see that we are still drifting but it's the slowest i've gotten it so far we will eventually run out of stamina if i keep trying to reset my position but i'm going to try to get this one to work i'll be honest my plan was to set this up and then go watch an episode of anime come back and have it all done but because i keep drifting i can't take my eyes off of this so for the next 15 to 20 minutes i'll be sitting here staring at the screen we've now been under here for 20 minutes so what we have to do is very slowly make our way out of here i really don't want to use more stamina though yeah let's just slowly slowly keyword is slowly i'm gonna run out of stamina if i do this okay i'm just gonna let it push me out because i really fear that if i touch anything right now i will use the rest of this stamina and drown all right how high are we gonna go from this please please send us to the moon oh boy oh boy oh the suspense the suspense and we 20 minutes huh 20 minutes right okay kind of really hurts that i was there for 20 minutes and it didn't do a single thing not to mention i've spent over an hour now just trying to get a character to stay underneath one of these rafts i've identified another problem you see there are two of this type of raft over by the city let's say for a moment that we did shoot ourselves up super high we're only able to glide about the distance from where our quest marker is there to the docks over here like that's our maximum with our stamina i do have some food to replenish a little so we could go a little bit further than that but now look at this if we go in the water and go underneath this raft we just stop moving this is what i expected to happen with the same exact rafts that are in the city but those ones just push you out from underneath this one doesn't the issue with that is that i could stay under this one for as long as i want and get super high up into the sky but i won't have the stamina to actually glide back to where we need to go so just as a proof of concept i'm going to leave this here for like 20 25 minutes or something and then i'll show you what it's supposed to look like well it's been a little over an hour now so if we just slowly make our way out if anything even happens here you'll see what's supposed to happen but we're obviously quite a ways away from where we're supposed to be so we've made it into the sky right that's cool too bad it's completely useless and in all honesty that didn't even put me as high as i thought there must be a vertical limit to how high you're actually able to get in this game but yeah as you could see this would have worked perfectly if we were able to do it from within the city but even if we do go ahead and we use one of these restore stamina foods which you can only use once every five minutes we're not gonna be anywhere near close enough and honestly even if we did get over there this mountaintop here would already be higher than the height we're going to be at so with all of that stamina we were able to get from right about where that waypoint is all the way to here so this also does not seem like it's going to be an option for us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i had to go and see if getting this gadget would be enough to get us up there and of course it isn't so that was a waste of killing that boss over and over i would like to get past this obstacle within this episode but it's already getting pretty long so we're gonna wrap this one up here and hopefully get past this next time maybe i have a very bad feeling we're going to need animo and i do not want to cheat on this challenge i apologize for the lack of progress in this video and also for the fact that the glitch i was hyping up was in fact patched out but in all honesty i think i am much more disappointed than you are if you did enjoy this video though pressing that like button and making sure you're subscribed if you want to be would be greatly appreciated and with that being said i will see you all next time
Channel: JavaTheCup
Views: 503,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact gameplay, genshin catalysts only, genshin impact catalysts only, genshin spells only, genshin impact spells only, genshin only catalysts, genshin impact only catalysts, genshin only spells, genshin swords only, genshin impact only spells, genshin catalyst impact, genshin java, genshin impact swords only, genshin impact catalysts, genshin catalysts, genshin catalyst, genshin catalyst only, genshin impact catalyst only, catalyst genshin
Id: vH6A6sKktGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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