Every. Primo. For. Scaramouche [Genshin Impact Catalysts Only]

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I don't know if any of you are aware but apparently there's a new character in the game and I felt that this would be the most appropriate place to come I mean he was created by the writing Shogun after all and in case you're wondering how many wishes we have it's that many and you're probably also curious of our pity right now it's a whole one two three four five six okay good so we just have to get a little just slightly lucky but before we pull for him I want to see what he actually does the only thing I was spoiled on is that his Elemental skill puts him up into the air other than that I don't know anything about him so let's just see oh oh I like that that looks so cool well what about charge attack oh oh I like that too so just from normal attack and charge attack I love how they look also I did read what this Catalyst does and I would love to have it but there's no chance of me pulling on the weapon Banner on here not unless we get insanely lucky on this Banner but about your Elemental skill I know you go up in the air oh oh you could just you could just fly around in the air of course you can can you change the height I don't think you can change okay no e just put you back down all right you know what I need to see this so if we go up we could just attack from the air so enemies that usually melee you can't touch you uh okay now what does your burst do a giant black coal looking thing of course I really should pull for him on my main because I have thousands of hand guards on that account but now that we know what he does let's just do a temple let's see what our luck is looking like it's looking like purple I'm not that surprised can we get some young phase I would happily take some yamfei constellations we get one of her now I know some of you might be jealous about that because you want her at C6 ideally and there's a lot of people I saw that could not get her constellations I oh oh yes yes I was gonna say something else so when this popped up my brain just died for a second but I saw a post of someone on the CN server who got C6 Scaramouche and I think C3 Ito and they only had C4 of this girl my youngfe would definitely love some more constellations well now that we know this boy likes to be super high up in the sky let's try going up a bit in altitude also if we do get Scaramouche that means this account will finally have some form of Mobility oh and apparently I never got the electroculus here Scaramouche if you come home right now I won't take that electroculus ever it is entirely up to you but it looks like I'm gonna be taking it no stop I don't want you I swear if I get a C6 of her on this account I will be very sad and she was the only Forest ever got there well guess I'm just gonna be taking that maybe we're not high enough perhaps we need to go even higher you know I think imiko likes Dragon spine because since I teleported here she is not shut up the reason I very rarely come back up here for anything is because it takes so long to get back but we are almost there and surely climbing all the way up here will bring home Scaramouche I'm fairly certain this is still the highest point on the entire map yeah because that's the tree over in sumeru over there is the grand narukami Shrine and other than that I be it looks like way off in the distance over there maybe there's something that's about this high but I don't think that we can access that yet oh oh bad bad yeah Amigo so let's see is the solution just getting higher up in altitude no it's actually not who would have thought thank okay good good good good more of that less of that so Scaramouche is Animo and he boosts himself in the air Hazel is also Animo and doesn't boost himself in the air so what if while we're in the air we do a wish we wish for the flying animal boy with an animal boy while flying well it was worth a shot and another Goro so far we've gotten two of her two of him and only one of her but that's gonna change right here because we're gonna sacrifice Hazel and then we can go ahead we can get ourselves another young fake constellation and bring home The Wanderer you know optimism just feels kind of useless and speaking of useless things the stringless so I believe that puts us at 56 pity and the best part is I can't even do another 10 pull let's just go ahead start doing single pulls and I'll only show it to you guys if it's a purple or better okay we are getting a purple it's going to be our second yamfei just joking it's the third Goro and there goes our last wish that we can do right now blue yes perfect I don't know exactly where pity is but it's at least 60. I wish I could say that I'm disappointed or surprised that we haven't gotten a five-star yet but I usually have to go to pity very seldom do I ever get what I want before pity and let's not forget now we still have to win the 50 50. even if we do get there oh no no no no no I'm trying to go get my daily commissions stop it Tomatoes I don't care I know who sucrose is question for you guys do you want to see content revolving around the TCG stuff I don't know if that would necessarily be TCG in its own videos or if I would do it on the sword spells that counts and somehow we try to use all these swords and spells I don't know if that would be interesting to you guys or not but feel free to let me know down in the comments with the daily commissions done we have enough Primos for one more pull and we know it's going to be glue is what I was going going to say the whole time so how does one go about getting lots of Primo gems I have a feeling we're about to get two more Blues but I'm gonna level up both of our new characters here I send them one whole time and then maybe we can get a purple I don't know what her pity is on standard Banner oh five six seven so this is eight and nine interesting interesting any purples any Catalyst related things no you're gonna force me to go to hard pity yet again well now comes the hard part we're at 24 Primos we probably need about 20 more wishes to bring him home or at least to get to the five star pity but there's no Primo gem event right now and I feel like spending money would be very anti-climactic so I don't really want to do that yet I think we did the exact same thing for nahida that I'm considering doing now where there is a catalyst character in the shop that I could get if I bring home another four star or we could get six more wishes which might get us the five star I'm going gonna go ahead and do that and then we are going to take a little field trip over to sumeru perhaps The Wanderer does not like inezuma because he has bad memories of that place and he did come to sumero so perhaps he likes it here more let's do a wish right in front of this door and it is blue completely expected but now let's try a different spot here you see Scaramouche he's got some intellect in him so it would make sense that he might go into the library perhaps this is where Scaramouche wants to be summoned from I mean this is one of my favorite spots in all of sumero so I wouldn't blame him if this is where he wanted to be pulled for but it doesn't seem like that's the case oh actually he feels like he was deserted by the red and Shogun right so perhaps the desert is the best place to pull right here we can see I was wrong but we got a magic guide which means the magic will guide us where is a very magical place with ingenshin I would have to say Mona's house I mean look at this even the door has a magical seal Crest thing on it so maybe he wants to be summoned for right in front of Mona's house I really thought that was going to be gold for a second there oh but now we get the emerald orb so Emerald magic now I would go to the J chamber because it's usually held up with flying green glowing rocks but haha I haven't done the Jade chamber Rises Quest green magic I think I know a spot well I was gonna come here but that's more blue than it is green so maybe this isn't the best place what about this though when you first come to Sumer you come into this cave which is filled with Greenery and then you're shown your munzel so I would definitely say there is some green magic going on here survey says incorrect now we get the blood tainted great sword so while blood tainted Greatsword and green magic okay okay I think I have an idea nahida is the dental archon and uses a catalyst therefore she is the green magic the blood tainted great sword is obviously bloody so if we come over here somewhere I believe there are some of those wolf enemies that proc bleed okay good they are here so if we inflict nahida with bleed then we have the bloody green magic and with our last wish it's still blue I am running out of ideas I come bearing some somewhat good news a day has passed since I last recorded so we got another 200 Primo gems from holyiverse and also there appears to be an event out now that can give us some Primo gems from doing all of that I think we'll get about two pulls so let's just go ahead do pull number one I don't know what our pity is at this point I can go check that in a second but I can tell you that it was not guaranteed pity okay so we are actually guaranteed a four star on our next pull and we just hit 70 pity we're getting close to soft bitty at this point so let's go check out this event I like the fact that there's no dialogue and it doesn't seem like I even have to go anywhere I just go and we just go but I mean this is catalysts only so are they gonna let me use catalysts only yes they are you must activate all the ancient runes within the time limit to unlock the elevator and gain access to the final challenge okay too much reading let's let's go let's do it I'm ready press U to see trial details oh okay nope I don't need to see that we have a half hour to do whatever we have to do in here do I do anything with this it does not seem like it and we only have one character so this might be a little difficult but I could just fly in the air and then they can't hit me right easy that's actually so funny that the ones with melee cannot touch you when you're in the air well if nothing else I get to you Scarab booster at least even if I don't get him on the account at least we get to use them oh and there are little healing orbs so we should be fine we get no reactions also that burst animation is so cool oh my gosh they literally just run underneath you that is so funny all right so we did that and we can heal up I don't know where I'm meant to go but there's something here so let's do it what's funny is it seems like if you get shot out of the air let's see if they can do it we get hit we just boost right back up it would also appear that Scaramouche is a little frail in here oh an attack boost mine oh good elements we can actually swirl things perfect apparently there's also some swirl reaction number you're supposed to hit which is a good thing that we have Scaramouche then let's hope we can swirl some more here oh beautiful is there any downside to being in the air and also is there any upside besides obviously not being able to be hit you know I could just read the talent description and find out but I don't need to do that could definitely use some healing but unfortunately I don't think we're gonna be getting that healing because we're off to the final challenge okay little balladeer I need you to dodge every attack I love that you can move around while using charge attacks up here oh wait I just realized when you're in the air you can just Spam charged attacks oh okay that's nice I very much enjoy that wait I oh my gosh how did I not see that before you can go up and if you hit space you just keep going higher I feel stupid for not recognizing that before when I wanted to okay that changes things also I'm about to die I did die oops wait do I have to do the entire thing oh I do oh that's fun but now I know I can fly up even higher to get away from attacks I'm going around and exploring more this time because I feel like we can gain more Buffs if we do that could be wrong but I'm hoping that I'm right also now that I know that Scaramouche can actually change the altitude when he's in the air that is so good for just traveling in general and this time we're gonna make sure that we collect more of the little healing orbs before we go on wait wait what the heck was that what what did I just do I did something in a bunch of things just flew out we are full HP I took out more of the random challenges so we should be better off this time also maybe I should finally look into oh my gosh that is so much text I tried to read the talents there's quite a lot of stuff there that I don't really understand so I'm gonna just keep mashing buttons I feel like I'd have to read it 10 more times to fully understand what it all means but I now know that you can hold Sprint in the air to just continually move faster that's pretty cool there's a part of me that really wants to read what his constellations do but I know I shouldn't because that's what I did with nilu and then I see sixture on my main because if there's a constellation that gives him more of this Sky stamina as I'll call it I would kind of love to have that oh no we're gonna lose again no please it takes so long to get back here and I don't oh no I was gonna say I don't know this thing's attack pattern at all and then it just summoned another enemy I'm so dead yep all right nice look I got 20 Primos I just can't actually beat it what about the next one do we have more Catalyst here we have one ah that's great well it looks like it's me and you soon to be just me because you are going to die oh it's just going to take absolutely ages run nahida run where's your stamina bar can I just go somewhere that they can't get to and then attack them from there because that's the plan right now like if I stand right here I don't think that they can hit me okay maybe they can oh what about now surely you can't oh no don't respawn on me oh do they actually know the way up oh they know how to get up here oh no they're smart but how about here what do you what are you guys doing surely you can't get to me up here okay it looks like they kind of can I think we're just gonna focus on the scaramu side we won't even be able to get the secondary effect because we can only use nahida and there's no Electro enemies so here we go again I'm doing so well right now I took out a couple rooms and I have not taken any damage yet I can't wait for that to change right now just joking we're still not gonna take any damage okay this is gonna be the last attempt with the solo Scaramouche surely I could do this I'm debating whether or not I should try and fly somewhere else I don't know if that would help me at all so for instance we just run over here and uh do that and then oh there's an invisible wall okay that is not going to work they saw through my plan before I even tried it oh no the main boss is here stop it I think first off we need to clear out the little guys so there's less stuff to dodge there we go now it's just me and you how could I oh oh oh let me go what I was gonna say was how could I possibly lose here comes the Falcon right oh boy that is not a falcon whatever the heck that thing is no stop it kill it kill the bird kill the bird bird Dead die oh that stuns her oh I did not know that could to know they're easy that was so simple exactly eight minutes who needs a whole team when you have a Scaramouche if I could clear the other floor we'd be able to do one more wish but unfortunately I don't think we can with only Catalyst characters we do have daily commissions though which I forgot about foreign s taken care of we get one wish which brings us to 71 pity and it's a guaranteed purple as we said before let's hope for the yamfei and we get another Goro since we need a couple Primo gems quickly I think we might try this spiral Abyss now I know for a fact we cannot go very far in here but maybe we can get one or two wishes maybe it looks like on the second half we are going to want our cryo cattle oh that's right still doesn't exist I don't see how this could possibly go wrong I mean we got level 60s we have unbuilt characters it's gonna be great I'm sure this can only go well in theory floor 9 shouldn't be that bad for us floor 10 I'm assuming we're gonna struggle quite a bit and then past that I don't think is possible I mean this rotation swords only and I believe my main two were only able to get to floor 12 they didn't actually Beat It And since this account is way weaker I'm not even expecting that perhaps I'll be proven wrong in all honesty the second side is going better than I thought it would I did have to swap around a couple weapons so that the characters I brought actually had weapons equipped so I gave the mapper to yaimiko because she used to have the woodsith which I took off of Klee but we needed CLE as a DPS for the other side I am quite surprised with how well these two teams are doing right now granted it is only floor 9 but even here I was expecting to struggle a lot more than we are and these two idiots is why I put nahida on this side look at that that was actually easy hopefully the trend continues floor number nine chamber three second half only three enemies granted they hit a lot harder and there we go how many Primo gems is that why did I spawn on the back side of the portal that's 150 okay maybe we can clear floor 10 as well and I can't wait until the moment where everything starts to fall apart because I know it's coming soon I think this could be where everything falls apart very easily actually because I'm just getting hit by absolutely everything I think we need to focus more on evasion rather than just being aggro on them and we need to kind of farm up Mona's burst quite a bit that way we can get our prototype Amber prox we still have about a minute so that that's fine I think we are gonna be good with about 25 seconds remaining oh that was only chamber one I thought that was chamber two oh boy oh that hurt that hurt a lot and now what do we have to face on this side oh big boy big boy that I'd rather not have to fight come on kill it kill it thank you oh no was that a hydro boy take out a hydro boy before anything else no no no no no no stop that I don't want heels we don't want heels heels are bad well no no I want heels I don't want them to have heels heels for me are good I think we're okay maybe possibly oh no no we are not okay we are absolutely not okay yaimiku just ran away how are some of you not even hit yet I mean I succeeded in taking out Hydro boy first but uh can I move apparently no one else took any damage which is pretty nice oh my gosh I need more stamina so badly oh reverse when when do we get more stamina don't kill okay or do that's fine I have no damage now I know I could restart this chamber but we don't need the characters after this one because this is chamber number three after all I have a bad feeling this site is going to kill us this site has been struggling quite a bit already so I see nothing but pain and suffering in my future oh wait is swirled Hydro charge attack clear oh nope you're dead we have no DPS anymore oh yes no go into your Electro bubble I was hoping you would do exactly that so I could die quicker oh both of you yes even better looks like we will be restarting oh this one went way better I must have gotten pretty unlucky I mean not that I'm surprised if that's the case but they pretty much all went down at the same time we saved around a minute if not more now we return to our regular impending doom sucrose stop attacking the Flies all right so gross you're gonna be the first one to die then I will sacrifice you never mind yum face gonna be the first because she has nowhere to fix I must say this is not going well please die please die no not me oh Mona died CLE you got this right yeah uh we're not winning we are not winning also I forgot I have to go back in to claim my Primos still kind of amazes me that they haven't made an easier way to do this so I was about to pull on the wrong Banner completely oh that would have been rough because then I actually would have gotten the five star so I believe this is what 71 or 72 or 70 71 I don't know something like that doesn't matter it's still blue not having two dedicated healers really kills Us in there because we have Barber for one side but then I have to run Mona prototype Amber on the other if only I had a little Coke of me I forgot that we could go ahead and do ethos trial as well but uh I can really only use Barbara so this is gonna take a while and you probably think I'm just gonna cut to when this is done and then she off camera right well no I'll be here the whole time suffering there's no timer and Barbara can keep healing herself so it's just done matter of patience which granted I might not have the most of but eventually we'll get there this genuinely takes forever if you use Ito you can clear this in like 20 seconds with only Barber it's gonna be more like 20 minutes too bad they didn't put the ocean you'd clamp set on her because then at least I could do some more damage okay we finally did it our attack I think what you meant was Barbara trial what about this tree do I have enough to level this up no and even if I did I can't get any more Primo gems from it what about this I would need two more and then I still don't get more Primos I'm gonna collect a couple so that we can upgrade it to the first level which I think then shows us what the rewards are and once we can see that we can determine if it's worth going around trying to collect some of these since I pretty much never got any there's a bunch of them that are very easy to collect until something like that happens then it becomes a lot harder I swear the game just like seeing me suffer oh oh I just got myself stuck here oh sick that's so cool can I swap characters no speaking of the game wanting me to just suffer this how about this how about have we spam this how about I can't do anything first nope that doesn't help so now we enhance this and I don't have any of these and I don't remember how you get these oh I could have also just clicked here to see the rewards I guess so we would have to go all the way to here to get any interdine fate okay not worth it also I just can't do that because I'd have to progress through the entire Quest couple more ideas first off on a more electraculous would I need seven more for 60 Primos we could probably do that but also do I have any Keys No have I done all of the domains that give keys yes but we do have this one available in sumero that is assuming it's not underground and buried behind a bunch of side quests like most of their stuff here there we go oh it is level 86 could be a little difficult oh yeah miku's also still dead probably should have healed her up before coming in we actually did it okay 40 more Primo gems added to the bank so can we see a gold not yet please let this domain be up on the surface and not underground although I don't see it and I'm very close which is concerning it looks like it's underground I have no idea where the entrance to that place is correct me if I'm wrong this is the place where it's a really how did I just get moved backwards I made it on Shore and then it teleported me back into the water but this is the place with the really long puzzle and then you get like a common chest for it right this time what you why you can stand okay fine we'll do it the boring way restore stamina and then just swim it perhaps I don't have to do the whole puzzle to unlock the domain though it looks like we're good oh no wait there's still water down there why is there still water down there how does one further drain it yeah okay nope that makes sense too her feet clipped through the staircase as she drowned now we can go get our 40 Primos sorry to bother all of you you were just looking out at the scenery but you see I need Primo gems and you are apparently going to give them to me thank you very much oh boy we still need about 70 more silly silly lead me to a chest I am so desperate for Primos right now doing this should get us more Primo gems though right I would think at least five all we have to do is keep killing these guys and then I think we're fine this had better give me at least five we get I think that's five five yeah 60 more Primos are needed so we kill all of these and they give us a chest over here which had a five in it I don't know why I was surprised by that of course it has five in it and then this chest which has ten ten yes okay good then we can also do this whole place there we go and then we do that and we get big chest I will happily accept all of this I suppose while we're here we will go around and light all of these torches because that's another big chest and then another chest here are we at 160 no we are at 150. and we are dead I guess at this point I'm simply going to run around and open up any chest I find like this one which should give me five more Primos we've woken up this thing and all I ask is for you to give me five Primos just five I don't think that's being too greedy let's see five give me five yes okay good that is five scary Moosh please stupid game that wish brought us to 74 pity so we are now in soft pity territory but to save my sanity I think we'll wrap this one up here I'll have to continue doing this event on this account and obviously daily commissions and whatnot and then in the next episode we should be able to get a 5 Star I really wanted to get him today but that's not exactly how things panned out so I hope you guys did enjoy watching me suffer as per usual on this account and as always I will see you guys next time foreign [Music]
Channel: JavaTheCup
Views: 531,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact gameplay, genshin catalysts only, genshin impact catalysts only, genshin spells only, genshin impact spells only, genshin only catalysts, genshin impact only catalysts, genshin only spells, genshin impact only spells, genshin catalyst only, genshin impact catalyst only, catalyst genshin, genshin 3.2, genshin wishing, genshin wanderer, genshin impact scaramouche, genshin impact wanderer, genshin scaramouche, genshin balladeer, scaramouche
Id: uD1mEfc27k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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