I solo-ed the Spiral Abyss with Kazuha

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so can cause was solo the spiral abyss the answer is yes question is how many times do i have to do it well let's see i probably shouldn't even be showing the first eight floors above this just because they're this easy but sometimes i just want to go back the memory lane look at this i feel so powerful i don't even have to do anything it's so funny looking at them stuff inside the death zone thanks akilah oh come on well mages are so stupid ah yes floor three the original advertisement you guys remember when we were at low ars and trying to unlock but we had a hard time because these treasure hoarders just didn't want to die yeah good come times i'm just going to use causal on the first half because i couldn't be bothered to do both sides let's get inside i'll take that too really okay get over here both of you is okay who's healing oh great another mob for cause floor seven aka the floor of one shots i am slightly worried because if i don't kill the fatsuits quickly their shields will become a pain to break right nice come on i think i should have saved my alt this domain actually looks pretty i think we should have more domain designs like this and we're back to depression ew what are these buffs also i have a tip for you guys if you want to finish the battle pass boss thingy you can just beat this dude over and over again it counts that way you don't have to wait around three minutes for it to respawn that took way too long once again floor nine we're finally at the harder parts so i have to be careful here because sheer cold exists and gaza can't heal himself okay chill down buddy gather round oh okay wait wait wait wait wait all right safe buddy you're not doing that this floor really loves their flowers don't they get over here i have no idea what's going on are they dead they're not dead stop that oh it's big boy zamasu are so cute but so stupid i'm surprised that this heatbad thingy is surviving this thing's attacks floor 10 this is like the cryo hypostasis stage right i don't know how to deal with that nice landing kazuha okay sure cold need to find the sealy where's the sealy over there all right oh no not the flowers let me out there's one more oh all right time to fight dallas let's go yes let's do that again i'm gonna pick resistance this time for safety measures wait i can stay inside and not get hit today either surprise mother why that hit me okay so next objective not die you're kidding me all right dallas play time's over so for floor 11 onwards i will try to be more serious because these floors do become harder to solo so what you're hearing right now is a voiceover of me narrating on how i got through each chamber besides i was focused the whole time anyway so there wasn't much talking during these clips for floor 11 you guys know about the swirl buffs that the abyss gives to no surprise kazua tears through most of the chambers and this forms the first chamber was your typical defense monolith that is filled with mobs it was nothing too hard for kosovo to handle although the faraway archers were annoying because cosmos aoe doesn't really reach that far i managed to keep the monolith at eighty-five percent off which i'd say it's decent the second chamber despite not having an element that i can swirl off kazowa was still able to beat most of the fatoubis before they were able to cast their shields thanks to kosovo's good skating and his abilities the electro fatsui was pretty annoying to deal with because i ran out of stamina when he was attacking but even then i still managed to beat him with the shield now for the fun part kosova vs a ruined guard and a ruin hunter this was the chamber i was talking about earlier it was significantly harder because of multiple reasons first off there was no element that coswell can swirl off which drastically reduces his own damage output and essentially makes the abyss buff useless second these two peeps are highly resistant to physical damage so when i'm not using my animal skills i basically do baby numbers and third and the worst part i cannot even use kosovo's skills ruin hunters are probably the one enemy that counter kazawa the most because they fly up in the air whenever koswei uses elemental skill which then makes them invulnerable to all of his attacks my initial strategy for this chamber was to bust down the ruin hunter as quickly as possible with physical attacks then take out the ring card afterwards but this strap doesn't work for two reasons number one i deal no damage to them while they do a lot to me eventually i get taken out first because i was carelessly hit or i ran out of stamina dodge and second these hunters fly above anyway when i take too long to beat them it kinda defeats the point because the purpose of this strategy was to kill them before they even fly up in the air but in one run i noticed that their hunter's missile attacks are actually not as hard to dodge as i thought they would be and while they were in mid-air i was nearly able to say goddess ruin guard buddy had it not for careless dodges so what i eventually did was at the start of the fight i used my skill so the hunter will fly up and have his attacks become predictable and then i take out the reward first and as much as possible i try to use my ultimate while getting attacked so i can get i-frames and achilles then from then on it's a slow battle between me and their win hunter with a lot of close calls if you're interested in physical cosworth gameplay well here it is so for floor 12 this was where i used kosovo for both halves to give myself more of a challenge and let me just start off by saying this screw these geo bishops they made my life way harder than it should be than their stupid attacks stupid hit bosses and stupid stagger mechanics anyways the first two geo bishops were not that bad because cryo and electro are not the most threatening combination in the world and the strategy was pretty simple just go on the offensive and try to get as much crystallized shields as possible though it did take me quite some tries i eventually learned some of their attack patterns and also was able to be smart on deciding when to use kosovo's skill to dodge their attacks second chamber since this one is filled with treasure hoarders you'd think that kosovo has an easy time right but for the most part you're correct i did reset a few times trying to get myself to swirl pyro because those cocktails apparently do a lot of damage but once i was able to swirl pyro and clump them together it's pretty much done deal for the first wave for the second i focus on this piece of because i don't want it getting its annoying shield off i got some unfortunate pieces every now and then but i still managed to get through this chamber with these now last chamber this one took me only one try although it's not really much of a surprise because this abyss was tailor made for kozua especially when i have a c1 where he can spam so much swirls in such a short amount of time it makes him really effective in breaking elemental shields also kazo is also nice here because he doesn't fire his alt at the middle of nowhere unlike a certain someone once i broke the piss mages shields and took them down together it's an easy one-on-one against the abyss lecter which by the way i want this fight at this point it's just a matter of breaking their shield with animal while also avoiding getting hit at the same time [Music] cheers [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we're done with the first half you think the second half would be easier nope the amount of resets and deaths that i had to go through was actually insane and the worst part about all this is that i have to read you the first half every single time i mess up on the side you can imagine how long this took me anyways now these two geo bishops are much much worse than the first half because they feature our favorite combination of cryo and hydro so my strategy here was different from the first half i had to go on the defensive and stay away from them as much as possible being too close with them applies myself with a cryo status which just opens up so many problems like slow movement or freeze also attacking them too close means that i have to dodge a lot of their melee attacks as well which surprise drains a lot of stamina so what i ended up doing was i only attack them once i have the stamina and i only use my animal attacks from a safe distance along with wonky way of avoiding attacks to his skill is also allowed for smooth escapes while being able to develop damage at the end of the day is just basically praying that i don't run out of stamina and don't get frozen by these two but that crystallized shield saved me a lot there second chamber you would think that it's the hatchlings that gave me a hard time and i thought about that too but it actually isn't them in fact when i'm not chasing to clear time these hatchlings aren't really that irritating they have predictable move sets and they even give away crystallized shields which allows for comfortable movement it's actually this big boy over here that cost me the most trouble throughout this whole abyss run normally law shows aren't really a problem since they also have predictable attacks but what made this fight so difficult was the geo aura that it had those shock waves do a lot of damage i think about 3 000 per tick so basically i have to be on the lookout for both the shock waves and the lava chose attacks this is also where kosovo's skills sort of come as a liability because i can't always control where he lands his plunges so sometimes he lands directly on the shock wave or one of the hulk smashes even his alt becomes kind of a hindrance because it does obscure my vision which is important because i have to pay attention to both the indicators of the shock waves and this big voice attacks and even until the end this fight caused a lot of trouble because i did a desperate move of using my ultimate when we were both close to dying which then led to a lot of problems in this chamber so without my ultimate i can't quickly get rid of the abyss major shields what happened was me being constantly vaporized frozen or melted so after a few tries i managed to avoid getting brutally murdered and i'll leave the rest for you guys to watch [Music] foreign [Music] oh myself i will never do this challenge again [Music] you
Channel: Mondserrat
Views: 237,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1BsIfLLFgDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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