Hoya Collection Tour 🌱

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okay everyone today's the day where i do a tour of my hoya plants and i think this is gonna be probably faster than i would like because i'm doing this video in the time that it takes my husband to take the kids out for lunch so just keep that in mind if you're wondering why i'm skipping over names or details it's because we are short on time so usually all of the plants are along this window i have moved some of the tables back because i really wanted to sort all of the hoyas by where i got them and there are three main places that i have gotten the bulk of my hoyas and that's gardeno nursery right here and then this middle table is um secret garden rare plants or cowboy flowermen on ebay and then down here is rick and swiffers hoyas from facebook at the end of the table i have some miscellaneous and then also some more miscellaneous plants along here so we'll just get into it let me start over here um this is the table of imported plants from thailand i imported plants two times and it went well the first time and poorly the second time and i think that's generally how it goes um this one looks good this one reminds me of um clada but it is called i don't i don't think this label is completely accurate but hoya spa ice isensus maybe it gets really nice dark edges on the leaves i can move over here and you can see it but they're very thick and it's growing now so that's a good sign and then here um this one is labeled latfolia but i've been looking online and it seems like there's a version of latifulia that has like a rounder end this is very pointed so i don't know if there's a variation or if it's labeled wrong but here we've got let's talk about the lighting got some new leaves coming in there so that's exciting um and this is all all of these plants were in my first import that went well and then this one is a variegated pakiclata it started growing in completely green leaves so i chopped those off and hopefully it will put out a new growth point with some variegation um this plant is doing pretty well i have a little baby plant here that hopefully i can use to trade in the spring it's getting a little cold here to trade so i will hold off until spring probably for shipping plants now um the next one is i think this is gps i'm not even going to take a stab at it i'll just put it on the screen when i look it up later but anyway this was a very full plant when i got it um i would say probably three of the stems died when i was trying to get it to recover but it's doing well now now that it's re-rooted in lecca it is growing well and it's definitely one of my favorite hoyas now just because of the speckling see if we can get close on that and the way it grows it's just very perky looking and then over here this side is my second attempt at importing from thailand it took 18 days for the second box and two of the four plants completely died um this is hoya tomsonii with some splashiness to the leaves so that one came in looking like perfect and it's growing now so that's exciting this one is caught data sumatra i ordered this one because the plant was huge and i thought well this will be great if this successfully imports then i'll have some extra plant to trade with well most of it died this is a very small portion of what um i got in the mail the rest of it i put in a big plastic bin of moss because i thought that's how people do it when they're trying to reroute or recover or rehab they're hoyas sorry my brain has left the building and anyway all of all of the vines that i stuck in the moss in the bin they all died so this was just how you see it here i immediately stuck them into the lucca and put a glass dome over the top for humidity it grew some mold as you can see down there but all of these stems lived that way so that's exciting and i just repotted some of the stems here for a possible trade in spring so there's that on importing because that seems to be a hot topic these days as hoyas are becoming very popular and expensive people are looking to find new sources i'm still not going to say that you should spend a lot of money importing because it's so risky but we'll move on this plant is propagated from my grandmother's hoya compacta so that one's doing well if you scroll back in my ig tv videos you'll see a video where i propagated this hoya lanieris it's growing now i think maybe there was one little stem that died and i pulled that out but other than that everything looks pretty good in there so someday it will look like this plant which i just recently repotted from soil to la choose a pond so it's looking okay it definitely looked perkier before i messed with it but i think it will be okay and then over here i have these are all plants that i've gotten through trades so let's check these out this is hoya serpens it's growing like a weed look at that i even cut some off in the front to propagate and this is rooted in like a cactus bonsai mix it doesn't have any soil in it it's basically just little chunks and that rooted just fine so it's looking good and this has already got new shoots where i cut it off so don't be afraid to chop your plants if they are growing well like this one is look at all this new growth don't be afraid to chop some off and propagate it because it will grow back really quick so this one does have some peduncles i'm excited about that if it will blue for me it might wait till next summer and then over here i have several plants from lighthouse hoya nursery these are all doing pretty well this one looks like it has some mineral buildup i need to rinse out of there but yeah these are all baby plants that i got recently that need some time to grow this one is noteworthy [Music] i'm sorry the leaves are really fuzzy just one that you have to feel to appreciate and then these are going to need to get bigger before you can really appreciate their growth habit hoya diptera um i'll put the name on for this one because i can't pronounce it but i really like the leaves on that one i think it had a new growth point there but i was so excited to to pick it up and see if it had a new growth point that i accidentally bumped it and i think i killed it so there's that i've done that so many times when you get excited about ahoya and you want to mess with it because you just want to look at it or see it and then you break off a leaf or a growth tip so here's some more plants hoya deikiii i don't know how to pronounce that it's struggling a little bit it has a growth point there it dropped two new leaves when i was moving it around my hoyas definitely seem to drop new growth if i try to move their positions so be careful of that leave them in one place if you can so here's the polyneura looking pretty good i really hope not making you seasick and this one is oops i got this from my library because they had a carnosa that was really big and beautiful and the leaves are just a little different than what i have from costa farms they're really dark green with some light speckling and yeah just i just couldn't pass up asking if they were okay with me cutting it because i could tell that the cut had been the plant had been caught several times i was like hey can we share so maybe i'll take them and plant some okay here's the table for gardeno nursery when you're seeing all of these plants if you're new to collecting hoyas keep in mind that i've started collecting these um like two years ago so a lot of the plants that i have were purchased back when hoya prices were much lower and toya's were much easier to get like garandino nursery used to have plants in stock all the time and you could just take your time leisurely browsing the site and then you buy what you want for a pretty decent price and that's not not a knock against them now because it is what it is they're just in demand so when you see this it's not that i have been spending a ton of money recently i just have a lot of plants that were collected before the hoya boom so let's get to it um i've got two plants over here that are not doing super well i mean this one might be doing okay but you just had a leaf turn yellow and then over here hoya colina this one is struggling a little bit for me most of my plants are doing really well but those are two that are not doing super well um here let's see this one it's this is really pretty um the blooms are interesting it doesn't it's not in bloom right now but it's working on a little bud there and the foliage has these light speckles which is pretty it reminds me of multiflora but the blooms are very different so that one's nice i got that one over the summer so it's still pretty new to me and then croniana black leaves i'm not super in love with this one it's cool but yeah just not my favorite this one i really love just the way that it cascades down and points its leaves in a nice way so and it seems to be a fast grower so that's nice definitely has some speckling in there and then over here this is still a pretty new plant to me hoya annulata it took a really long time to adjust after i repotted it the leaves were thin and flimsy for a very long time but i think it does now have a new growth point so it's the leaves are firm now and it's growing so that's a relief then this one is also pretty new to the collection let me come over here okay this one i don't have the name tag it didn't come with the name tag so i need to go back in my my invoices and see what this plant is because it is already budding up i think that's gonna continue if i put these back fast enough so here this plant has grown pretty well i got this in the beginning of the year i think it's got really light leaves they're not lime but they're definitely a light green with a lot of speckling so it's nice i chopped some of it off to propagate and before i didn't look before i cut and i cut off a peduncle oops but it looks like it's gonna try over there too so that's fine and then here's one if you go back in my youtube videos you'll see uh my very first video is trying to rehab this plant because i got it from gardenos and then i left it in its soil for a while i can't remember maybe a couple months and then i noticed that i started dropping leaves and two of the three stems in the pot died and this one just barely made it so it's finally growing it's taken a long time but this last leaf that i put out is really huge so that's pretty i should show you what the name is [Applause] here's a really pretty one grab the name tag it has lots of splash and then let's see down here i think this is um there we go this one's been growing steadily not super fast but doing okay it only had one leaf when it came to me see down there it has four leaves now over here this one has been a pretty steady grower um it grew a lot faster in the last couple months when i increased the amount of nutrients that i was giving all of my hoyas i can't find the tag at the moment but i think it's lucar dena siana i might have just butchered that but doing okay the yellow leaves i think happened because i waited too long to give this plant nutrients in lecka so just be careful of that because the new leaves down here are nice and green who's next here's another one i'm starting to warm up to this one i didn't love it when i got it but as it grows i think i like it more i'm just doing pretty well oh i forgot when i first got this it had some mealy bugs on it so instead of trying to mess with cleaning off the roots and the base of the plant i just chopped it off at the base i think there were three three stems that i re-rooted in laca it's doing pretty good now i think it's got some peduncles forming here is a cousin of hoya um diskidia i can't remember ovada has really taken off in in lakka i think i probably would have taken off in whatever you put it in soil or like a lucha pond it'd do fine and then one that i'm really excited about is hoya mana purensis it's growing actively and seems to have some flowers or buds that are forming so hopefully those will pull through here's another favorite of mine from gardena's because the leaves are just so pretty i think this might have been re renamed to parasitica possibly but that's really nice one it's growing quickly in laca um we can peek in there and see hoya matild i have a whole bunch of it now the original base of the plant that i got from gardenos has it died a long time ago so sometimes it's good to propagate your plants just in case you make a mistake and accidentally kill it in soil or in laca like make sure you take duplicates if you're not completely comfortable with what you're doing if you're experimenting definitely don't experiment with your entire plant um here's some these two are very new to me so they're just they look exactly the way they looked when i got them here's another favorite of mine let me grab the tag but the leaves get this really dark color in highlight and there's a video of repotting this on youtube if you want to check that one out and you can see how much it's grown since then this one is really pretty it's got a lot of speckling and it also gets some dark edges over here i can't remember the name of this but it looks really nice when it's hanging over the side of something so this plant i really enjoy this one because of the variegate or not variegation but there is variation in the color of the green so it gets light green but it also can get some sun stressing so that's really pretty i'm not sure what's going on with these stems over here they've always been like that since i got the plant and put it in laca so i might just pull those out and get rid of them but at the time i only had a couple stems and didn't feel like throwing out most of the plant but it's grown a lot since then here is um a pot that i propagated a while ago and the new leaf has been under some led lights so it's really turning a nice red color and then here's hoya nervosa i don't like this plant i'm not sure why i should just get rid of it trade it with somebody or something here's one that i got recently it's been a pretty fast grower for me haven't seen the flowers but the foliage is nice and here you'll see hoya imperialis i am not doing well with it i've had it for two and a half years and i've restarted it in laca last year because it just keeps yellowing and losing leaves but right now it looks pretty much okay i mean those newest leaves hmm they're kind of iffy i don't know what it wants i tried it in soil and i i killed the part that was in soil so i don't know i think it's just not meant for my environment and then next to that is hoya for bessie i think so it came with leaves that are about this size and then one of the recent leaves is really big i was surprised by that but it's kind of fuzzy underneath the leaves so that one's interesting this is the first toya that i ever purchased and ordered online latoya obavada and it's such a rewarding plant to grow it's a steady grower and i have chopped it many times to share with other people so it's a large plant i think based on how i received it because it just had probably four leaves when i got it and now i have recently set it up to i don't know maybe seven stems are in there and only three of them are really hanging down so i bet by next summer it's going to be huge and for some reason with my water i think plants that i get gain a lot of splash and speckling because when i got it it didn't have any speckling so there's that i really love that plant and i ordered it in the middle of february when it was below freezing here and i didn't realize you shouldn't do that i didn't even have a heat pack with it and it did just fine so not telling you that you should do that but maybe it's just helpful for those who worry about their hoyas coming in cold weather and then i left this one over here because it's kind of attached itself so this is hoya rotunda flora one of my favorites i got it from rick and swiffers hoyas back when he was selling on ebay last summer so this is the base of the plant that i got with a vine heading up this pole here and then i have chopped it off and propagated it and you'll see the rest of the plant is here so it pays to chop and prop your plants your hoyas if you want to have more hoya i think in my opinion i get more plant when i propagate them some people might worry that if you chop them then you're going to slow down their growth but the like over here this plant after i chopped it it threw out this vine really fast and it's got i don't know 14 leaves already so definitely worth it to chop them but if you follow me on instagram you already know i like to chop up my plants this is another one this is hoya it's labeled ds70 if you buy it in a big box store but i think it's um i'll just put the name on the screen but there's a propagated basket and then if we look up here there is the mother plant that i got from a big box store it blooms all the time and then over here is just a regular hoya carnosa crimson princess which kind it's kind of remarkable that it's getting ready to bloom on a vine that is red so i've never had it bloom from a variegated vine so i wonder if that will continue and they'll open up but here's the hoya that started it all because it was my grandmother's hoya compacta that used to be big and lush it probably had 15 long vines hanging down the one on the left is from the original plant you can see how it's yellowed because i simply didn't water it enough and didn't fertilize it for a whole year so this is um a vine that grew out in the matter of i don't know less than a year most of it was six months and it used to be longer i've chopped it to propagate so that's taken extra time on that one because it's the starter of my collection i love this plant because my grandma loved it so next uh noteworthy one this is the hoya that i've had in lecca the longest i can grab that so you can see it it's just been growing in this jar it's doing okay i mean i don't see any issues with the roots or any rotting or anything so i think it's fine for the first year i didn't fertilize it at all and i would often go way too long between watering so it had a growth in its paws for a long time but now it is growing so i'm trying to treat my plants better now and they do seem to respond well to that but so yeah there's that one i'm keeping it like that for as long as i can just as like a control plant here's what happens if you leave a plant in lecka for forever so there's some non-holya plants i'm excited about that orchid because it just re-bloomed here is hoya linearis it's growing in a really gross net pot and jar set up because it's growing a ton of algae down there but also i'm using that as a as an experiment to see how long this can continue and have the plant still be in good shape because it's loving life right now in this gross setup i never flush it i do replace the water probably once a month but yeah it's gross in there and the the roots look great so i don't know if it's just linearis or what but neglect seems to work for some hoyas and then over here is hoya lachinosa it's flowering so we should take a peek at that all those are starting to fade already so if you get a chance to have lachinosa you should grab it because it's like in bloom all year for me and it smells really good it's a fast grower and give it enough light and it should do fine for you in a well draining mix this one was propagated i don't know maybe eight months ago i took one vine and chopped it up into two node cuttings and so that's the amount of growth that i've had since then it's really an instant gratification oh yeah so yeah and then there's hoya pubic helix pink silver i think i haven't seen it flower here's another big basket from a big box store i have left all of my costa farms baskets in the original soil that they're that they came in i didn't repot them and it seems to work out fine i also go a long time in between waterings probably once a month or once every two or three weeks in the summer so if you're having trouble with the soil either repot it or go longer between waterings okay over here these are some non-hoyas some begonias and then oh this one belongs with super garden rare plants that's well maybe it doesn't this one is from from rick and swiffers hoyas this is hoya sweet scent i think it's growing pretty well i haven't seen it flower yet here is lachinosa with lots of splash and speckling and then the new leaves come in really dark so that one's nice when i got this one i did unpot it and completely wash off all the roots and then i made probably seven pots of it in lucca and each pot has filled out really nicely so i've got them throughout the house here this is just a plant under the dome because my daughter is my daughter's plant and she wanted to put it under the dome so it's getting special treatment right now okay down there another begonia i don't have many non-holy plants anymore because i just keep killing them the orchids seem to do okay with the treatment that the hoyas get all right over here is hoya bella i got this just to experiment with whether it could be grown in lecca oops let me just take off those buds for you so hopefully those will open up seems to be doing okay and then hoya shapuria this one is from this was a bonus cutting from rick and swiffers hoyas it's doing great it's croniana just regular green crowniana and it grows really fast because i think i got this at the same time that i got this plant right here macrophylla pot of gold so i got the macrophylla and then the croniana was the bonus plant so you can see how much that has grown in comparison it was tiny it was just three little cuttings in there and it grows really fast so that one's nice lots of bonus cuttings when you order from rick and swiffers hoyas there's um usually it's listed that you'll get an extra surprise cutting or plant and i love that because it's just an easy way to expand your collection if you're starting out and i still order that way and rarely get duplicates i think maybe one time i've gotten a duplicate here is hoya swiffer's tail so that one is similar to compacta but the leaves are bigger and it's pretty cool and i really like this one i think it's another kadada variation it was a surprise bonus it's super pretty then let me move over here i need to be careful about how i water because these water spots from the nutrients aren't super appealing but this plant grows really fast um i love this one um get it if you can but the leaves are really pretty it reminds me of elliptica but i paid a lot less for it actually i didn't pay anything for it i can't remember if this was a bonus cutting or if i actually bought this but i think it was a bonus cutting and i really like it so that's my pseudo elliptica because elliptica is always so expensive when i see it available and then this one it has grown really well it was an extra bonus cutting i don't remember what the name was because i lost the tag it happens frequently around here here's another one that i'm excited about it is one of rick's hybrids so i think it's named after the fact that the hearts are elongated waiting for it to start growing it's still pretty new to me and then here's hoyas germany super veiny leaves really pretty and then what else is noteworthy here this one is really interesting to me the leaves are long and veiny it seems to be a fast grower because i've gotten this really recently and it's already out here so here's my miscellaneous pile i think i got this from my urban my little urban jungle i'll figure out the right name for that hoya sunrise and then here's holy bella that i put in the choose a pond just to compare but i got that on etsy i can't quite remember the cellar at the moment here's another hoya i think i've got a couple of them in different shapes the leaves are all different then this one is pretty because of the red leaves and highlight i really like this one the leaves are kind of getting um i don't know deformed because i i let it go too long without water and then when the leaves grow in they just look kind of wavy and shriveled so be aware of that okay i'm over on the secret garden rare plants table this is hoya noel this is apparently really popular right now because i've looked at the price of it selling and it's way up there and i originally got mine for nine dollars i think maybe maybe a little more than that it's so pretty down here i had some issues i think with some spider mites so some of the leaves are deformed down there but now it's growing normal leaves and it looks really pretty and there's some some other hoyas here i can't remember the name of this one i think it might be cinemafolia or something like that but the leaves are really pretty and then that one is kentiana lori lynn i think this one is a cuta or parasitica did nothing for a whole year and a half and then i put it in lika and it started growing so some some plants i think they just need to wake up just repotting them or doing something to them wakes them up here's hoya siri ga gowensis sorry go insist it's got these huge leaves they get bigger as the plant matures and it grows really fast and it branches off on its own i love this plant and so here is um a part that has been propagated and is growing i think it has two growth points in there this has several stems in here i don't remember how many but eventually my goal is that the heavy pot will keep it from tipping over and then it can just grow in whatever habit pattern it wants to here's just a pubic calyx it's royal hawaiian purple and it's super splashy and then the new leaves come in with some red in the summer it looks really nice because the leaves are pretty much burgundy oh i think you can see it down here there's hoya australis lisa that was one of the first plants that i bought and i thought i paid a lot of money for that i probably shouldn't spend that much in a plant and now that price is like not even that bad i think it was like 39 and at the time it had just three little leaves so yeah how things change here's hoya obscura i really like this one because of the red on the leaves my hoyas sit in a northwest window and that seems to be enough in the middle of summer to really get some nice red on leaves that will sun stress so it's growing pretty quickly now see if we can look under there so that's what the pots look like for me when the roots grow down to the bottom i don't worry about that they i just keep an eye on it like if you let that sit in water for too long the tips of those roots will start to turn mushy and that's just a hint that um it shouldn't be sitting in a ton of water for a long time but once it dries out again and you let it dry out regularly enough then the roots stop dying and then over here hoya fungi i think it's recently put out a long tendril with some new leaves coming out and there's peduncle on it somewhere you can catch it down there it's like where's waldo right now [Music] this one almost died a couple times um i almost killed it in soil because i went way too long without watering it and then watered it and then it started the bottom leaves started rotting and falling off but now it's doing well growing in lakka and i think it grows these plants are doing well in lakka just because it works for my habits like i kill pretty much all regular house plants because i underwater them so for some reason my brain just it does fine with lucca so you have to figure out what works for you that might be soil might might be something else but this one was supposed to be over on the gardeno nursery table it's struggling a little bit i think i haven't been paying enough attention to it because i just switched it to lecca and it's dehydrated but yeah here's hoya fitchy eye doing nicely growing new leaves and yeah i killed one in soil before that so i'm gonna be more careful this time i love this one hoya fusco marginata it gets really dark red in highlight and then who else is noteworthy this one's pretty morally eye i think here's a favorite some type of finlay sony eye it has flowered and it was really pretty but the flowers basically lasted a day or two i can't remember it was super quick and then hoya rigida this one is getting pretty big this is the plant that prompted me to switch all my hoyas to lecca because i found it one day i looked at it and pretty much all the leaves had tons of little red spider mites on them the whole plant was covered in it and i couldn't figure out one where it had come from and why it was just this plant but i basically cut at the base there were two stems in the pot i cut them off throughout the base of the plant because i just can't handle bugs and um re-rooted a whole bunch of stems in here so now it's a big full pot and i've been chopping it to swap plants and it's doing well now sounds like the baby just woke up so i will be taking a pause i pulled this one out so that we could see it better this one is hoya aldruchiye but i really like the leaves on this it just grows in a way that's really pretty and it grows pretty fast so that's a nice plant to get if you want a fast growing hoya and then to finish up this table we've got hoya macrophylla doing okay i think it's actively growing and then hoya hoyapaki clotta i think it's gonna re-bloom it seems to be a pretty easy grower and bloomer here's another acuta variety super splashy leaves and this one gets red on the edges which is really cool i had it right up next to the window and it used to be a little more red than this but also a fast grower that one's nice then a favorite for sure it's hoya vittilinoids the leaves get really big when the plant matures way bigger than this so oh yeah you can see this one is pretty big it's also a fast grower if it's got a good amount of light seems to do fine in soil and lucca hi friends hello i don't know what this one wants i think it's doing okay now the leaves look good on the new growth but when i originally put it in lucca i think i waited way too long to give it nutrients and it's got this yellowing and it just looks kind of gross but oh yeah i think the new growth is going to be fine there's a chopped up hoya multiflora got some sunburns under the led lights because i took it out of the prop box sorry stuck it under the lights and then it got some burning there so yeah i think that is most of the tour and since the baby is now awake we will leave it at that now it's time to put all these plants back next to the window i don't know why that was such a fun idea like let me separate all the plants out and that'll be fun just to get a visual for where they all came from but anyway i hope that this was somewhat enjoyable and that i didn't ramble too much and have a great day
Channel: Corky’s Flora
Views: 47,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hoya plant, Hoya collection, Houseplant collection, Houseplant tour, Hoya collection tour, Hoya plants, Hoya Mathilde, Hoya Serpens, Hoya, Hoya carnosa, Houseplants, Houseplants in leca, Hoyas in leca, How to grow hoyas, Hoya care tips, How to water houseplants, Plant tour, Plant collection
Id: uopusOa0yQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 11sec (2711 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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